; ----------------------------------------------- /* Nullsoft Installer for Netgen 32-bit and 64-bit Filename: netgen_installer.nsi Author : Philippose Rajan Date : 11 March 2010 Description: This installer automates the process of installing Netgen / Nglib and the associated libraries on a Windows system ** Also gives the option of installing NgSolve and samples of the Plug-In architecture ** NOTE: This installer can create both, the 32-bit and the 64-bit versions of Netgen, depending on the variable "NETGEN_ARCH" NETGEN_ARCH */ ; ------------------------------------------------ ; ---------- Set the Compression Alg ---- SetCompressor /SOLID /FINAL lzma ; --------------------------------------- ; ---------- Include files -------------- ; Include for sending Windows Messages !include WinMessages.nsh ; Include the Modern UI subsystem !include MUI2.nsh ; Include the Logic Library !include LogicLib.nsh ; Miscellaneous string functions ;!include StrContains.nsh ; --------------------------------------- ; ---------- Variable declarations ------ Var foundTclTkTix Var foundTogl Var foundPThds Var foundOCC Var foundLapackBlas Var StartMenuFolder Var NetgenUserDir ; --------------------------------------- ; ---------- House-keeping -------------- ; Define the terms to be used for the various architectures ; supported by Netgen !define WIN32_ARCH "Win32" !define X64_ARCH "x64" ; ########## MODIFY AS REQUIRED ############### ; Tell NSIS which architecture to use to create ; the installer ; NOTE: Currently this variable is set at the ; Command line when called "makensis.exe" using ; /DNETGEN_ARCH= ;!define NETGEN_ARCH ${WIN32_ARCH} ;!define NETGEN_ARCH ${X64_ARCH} ; Change the version number of Netgen here ; NOTE: Currently this variable is set at the ; Command line when called "makensis.exe" using ; /DNETGEN_VER= ;!define NETGEN_VER "4.9.12" ; Check if the Architecture and the version of Netgen have been specified !ifndef NETGEN_ARCH !error "Error: NETGEN_ARCH not defined....Please define this on the command line.....Aborting!" !endif !ifndef NETGEN_VER !error "Error: NETGEN_VER not defined....Please define this on the command line.....Aborting!" !endif ; Display the currently selected Netgen Architecture !echo "Current Netgen Architecture: ${NETGEN_ARCH}" ; Display the current version of Netgen !echo "Current Netgen Version: ${NETGEN_VER}" ; ############################################# ; Part to be added to the "tcl" folders for 64-bit architecture !if ${NETGEN_ARCH} == ${WIN32_ARCH} !define TCL_ARCH_EXT "" !else if ${NETGEN_ARCH} == ${X64_ARCH} !define TCL_ARCH_EXT "-64" !else !error "Error: Netgen Architecture not specified.....Aborting!" !endif ; Part to be added to the "pthread" DLL for 32-bit or 64-bit architecture !if ${NETGEN_ARCH} == ${WIN32_ARCH} !define PTHDS_ARCH_DIR "-w32" !define PTHDS_ARCH_EXT "" !else if ${NETGEN_ARCH} == ${X64_ARCH} !define PTHDS_ARCH_DIR "-w64" !define PTHDS_ARCH_EXT "_64" !else !error "Error: Netgen Architecture not specified.....Aborting!" !endif ; Location of the OCC libraries for different architectures !if ${NETGEN_ARCH} == ${WIN32_ARCH} !define OCC_ARCH "win32" !else if ${NETGEN_ARCH} == ${X64_ARCH} !define OCC_ARCH "win64" !else !error "Error: Netgen Architecture not specified.....Aborting!" !endif ; ########## MODIFY AS REQUIRED ############### ; Set up paths for access to various files ; Note #1: Change this according to the setup on ; the machine where the installer is being compiled ; Note #2: These paths can be set from the command ; line when calling "makensis.exe" by using: ; /DNETGEN_ROOT= ; /DNGSOLVE_ROOT= ; /DOCC_ROOT= !ifndef NETGEN_ROOT !define NETGEN_ROOT "D:\netgenWin\05_Netgen_Main" !endif !ifndef NGSOLVE_ROOT !define NGSOLVE_ROOT "D:\netgenWin\07_NGSolve_Main" !endif !ifndef OCC_ROOT !define OCC_ROOT "D:\occ6.3.0" !endif ; Display the currently selected Root Paths !echo "Netgen Root: ${NETGEN_ROOT}" !echo "NGSolve Root: ${NGSOLVE_ROOT}" !echo "OpenCascade Root: ${OCC_ROOT}" ; Setup the directory structures that NSIS uses to access ; the various flavours of Netgen, Nglib and NgSolve ; Namely: ; ** With and Without OpenCascade Support ; ** 32-bit or 64-bit versions !define NETGEN_SRC "${NETGEN_ROOT}\netgen" !define NETGEN_BASIC "${NETGEN_ROOT}\netgen-instNoOCC_${NETGEN_ARCH}" !define NETGEN_OCC "${NETGEN_ROOT}\netgen-instOCC_${NETGEN_ARCH}" !define EXTLIBS_TCLTKTIX "${NETGEN_ROOT}\ext_libs\tcl${TCL_ARCH_EXT}" !define EXTLIBS_TOGL "${NETGEN_ROOT}\ext_libs\tcl${TCL_ARCH_EXT}" !define EXTLIBS_PTHDS "${NETGEN_ROOT}\ext_libs\pthread${PTHDS_ARCH_DIR}" !define NGLIB_SRC "${NETGEN_ROOT}\netgen\nglib" !define NGLIB_BIN_BASIC "${NETGEN_ROOT}\nglib-instNoOCC_${NETGEN_ARCH}" !define NGLIB_BIN_OCC "${NETGEN_ROOT}\nglib-instOCC_${NETGEN_ARCH}" !define DEMOAPP_SRC "${NETGEN_ROOT}\demoapp" !define DEMOAPP_BIN "${NETGEN_ROOT}\netgen-demoapp_${NETGEN_ARCH}" !define NGSOLVE_SRC "${NGSOLVE_ROOT}\ngsolve" !define NGSOLVE_BIN "${NGSOLVE_ROOT}\ngsolve-inst_${NETGEN_ARCH}" !define NGSOLVE_EXTLIBS "${NGSOLVE_ROOT}\ext_libs\lapack-blas" !define EXTLIBS_OCC "${OCC_ROOT}\ros\${OCC_ARCH}\bin" ; Folder which contains the LGPL License in various languages !define LGPL_LICENSE_SRC ".\LGPL_Licenses" ; Location of the installer binary created by the NSIS compiler !define OUTPUT_DIR ".\Binaries" ; ############################################# ; ########## USUALLY NOTHING NEEDS TO BE CHANGED BEYOND THIS POINT ########### ; Name of environment variable required by ; Netgen for finding the required scripts !define NETGENDIR "NETGENDIR" !define NETGEN_USER_DIR "NETGEN_USER_DIR" ; Paths within the Windows Registry which are ; required for environment variables !define HKLM_ENV 'HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"' !define HKCU_ENV 'HKCU "Environment"' !define SHELLFOLDERS "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" ; Name to be used within the installer to refer to ; the program Name "Netgen Mesher (${NETGEN_ARCH})" ; Set the location of the output directory where the installer will be generated !system 'md "${OUTPUT_DIR}"' ; Name of the generated installer OutFile "${OUTPUT_DIR}\Netgen-${NETGEN_VER}_${NETGEN_ARCH}.exe" ; Set the style XPStyle on ; Default installation folder InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\Netgen-${NETGEN_VER}_${NETGEN_ARCH}" ; Try to get the current installed folder (if any) InstallDirRegKey HKCU "Software\Netgen\${NETGEN_VER}_${NETGEN_ARCH}" "Install_Dir" ; Request application privileges for Windows Vista RequestExecutionLevel user ; --------------------------------------- ; ---------- Interface settings --------- ; Currently uses the Modern UI v2 User Interface ; Define the bitmap to use for the welcome and finish pages !define MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Wizard\orange.bmp" !define MUI_UNWELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Wizard\orange.bmp" ; Display a header bitmap image on top right of each page !define MUI_HEADERIMAGE !define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_RIGHT !define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_BITMAP "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Header\orange-r.bmp" !define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_UNBITMAP "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Header\orange-r.bmp" !define MUI_ABORTWARNING ; Select the Icon to use for the generated installer !define MUI_ICON "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Icons\orange-install-nsis.ico" !define MUI_UNICON "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Graphics\Icons\orange-uninstall-nsis.ico" ; --------------------------------------- ; ---------- Pages to display ----------- !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "$(license)" !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_COMPONENTS ; Select the Installation Directory !define MUI_DIRECTORYPAGE_VARIABLE $INSTDIR !define MUI_DIRECTORYPAGE_TEXT_DESTINATION $(STR_InstallFolder) !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY ; Select the Netgen user Directory !define MUI_PAGE_HEADER_TEXT $(STR_UserPageHeaderText) !define MUI_PAGE_HEADER_SUBTEXT $(STR_UserPageHeaderSubText) !define MUI_DIRECTORYPAGE_TEXT_TOP $(STR_UserPageText) !define MUI_DIRECTORYPAGE_TEXT_DESTINATION $(STR_UserFolder) !define MUI_DIRECTORYPAGE_VARIABLE $NetgenUserDir !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY ; Set up the Start Menu Page !define MUI_STARTMENUPAGE_REGISTRY_ROOT "HKCU" !define MUI_STARTMENUPAGE_REGISTRY_KEY "Software\Netgen\${NETGEN_VER}_${NETGEN_ARCH}" !define MUI_STARTMENUPAGE_REGISTRY_VALUENAME "Start_Menu_Folder" !define MUI_STARTMENUPAGE_DEFAULTFOLDER "Netgen" !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_STARTMENU NetgenStartMenu $StartMenuFolder !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN "$INSTDIR\bin\netgen.exe" !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN_TEXT $(STR_Finish_RunText) !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_WELCOME !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_CONFIRM !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_INSTFILES !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_FINISH ; --------------------------------------- ; ---------- Languages to use ----------- !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English" !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "German" !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "French" ; --------------------------------------- ; ---------- Reserve Files -------------- !insertmacro MUI_RESERVEFILE_LANGDLL ; --------------------------------------- ; ---------- License files -------------- LicenseLangString license ${LANG_ENGLISH} ${LGPL_LICENSE_SRC}\LGPL_English.txt LicenseLangString license ${LANG_GERMAN} ${LGPL_LICENSE_SRC}\LGPL_German.txt LicenseLangString license ${LANG_FRENCH} ${LGPL_LICENSE_SRC}\LGPL_French.txt LicenseData $(license) ; --------------------------------------- ; ---------- File Copy Macros ----------- ; Macro to copy basic Netgen files into the ; install location ; These files are common to the versions of ; netgen with and without OCC support !macro copyNetgenBasics reqDir ; Set the output path to the install ; folder path SetOutPath $INSTDIR ; Create the directory structure ; used for the installation CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\bin" CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\include" CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\lib" CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\doc" ; Create the user specific directory where netgen ; stores configuration information CreateDirectory "$NetgenUserDir" ; Copy the files into the right ; folders SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\bin" File ${reqDir}\bin\*.tcl File ${reqDir}\bin\*.exe File ${reqDir}\bin\*.ocf SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\include" File ${reqDir}\include\*.h File ${reqDir}\include\*.hpp SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\lib" File ${reqDir}\lib\*.lib SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\doc" File ${NETGEN_SRC}\doc\*.pdf SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\tutorials" File ${NETGEN_SRC}\tutorials\*.* !macroend ; --------------------------------------- ; Macro to copy the common auxiliary ; libraries ; The main libraries handled here are the ; Tcl, Tk, Tix, Togl and pthread-w32 libraries !macro copyAuxLibBasics ; Install the required Auxiliary Libraries ; (If not already available and accessible) ${If} $foundTclTkTix != "1" SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\bin" File ${EXTLIBS_TCLTKTIX}\bin\tcl85.dll File ${EXTLIBS_TCLTKTIX}\bin\tclpip85.dll File ${EXTLIBS_TCLTKTIX}\bin\tk85.dll File ${EXTLIBS_TCLTKTIX}\bin\tix84.dll ; Copy the basic Tcl headers and lib files to help ; with compilation of NgSolve SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\include" File ${EXTLIBS_TCLTKTIX}\include\tcl.h File ${EXTLIBS_TCLTKTIX}\include\tclDecls.h File ${EXTLIBS_TCLTKTIX}\include\tclPlatDecls.h SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\lib" File ${EXTLIBS_TCLTKTIX}\lib\tcl85.lib File /r /x *.lib /x demos /x tzdata ${EXTLIBS_TCLTKTIX}\lib\*.* ${EndIf} ${If} $foundTogl != "1" SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\bin" File ${EXTLIBS_TOGL}\bin\Togl17.dll ${EndIf} ${If} $foundPThds != "1" SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\bin" File ${EXTLIBS_PTHDS}\lib\pthreadVC2${PTHDS_ARCH_EXT}.dll ${EndIf} !macroend ; --------------------------------------- ; Macro to write the install folder and the ; NETGENDIR environment variable into the registry, ; and write the uninstaller.exe file !macro registerInstall ; Set the NETGENDIR environment variable to the current ; installation bin folder WriteRegExpandStr ${HKCU_ENV} "${NETGENDIR}" "$INSTDIR\bin" ; Set the NETGEN_USER_DIR environment variable to the user ; selected folder WriteRegExpandStr ${HKCU_ENV} "${NETGEN_USER_DIR}" $NetgenUserDir ; Broadcast the changes in the environment variables to the rest of the system SendMessage ${HWND_BROADCAST} ${WM_WININICHANGE} 0 "STR:Environment" /TIMEOUT=5000 ; Write the installation path into the registry WriteRegStr HKCU "Software\Netgen\${NETGEN_VER}_${NETGEN_ARCH}" "Install_Dir" "$INSTDIR" WriteRegStr HKCU "Software\Netgen\${NETGEN_VER}_${NETGEN_ARCH}" "User_Dir" "$NetgenUserDir" ; Write the un-installer WriteUninstaller "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe" SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\tutorials" ; Write the Start Menu items !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_WRITE_BEGIN NetgenStartMenu CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuFolder" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuFolder\Netgen ${NETGEN_VER}.lnk" "$INSTDIR\bin\netgen.exe" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuFolder\Netgen User Manual.lnk" "$INSTDIR\doc\ng4.pdf" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuFolder\Uninstall.lnk" "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe" !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_WRITE_END !macroend ; --------------------------------------- ; --------------------------------------- ; ---------- Main Section --------------- SectionGroup /e "Netgen Executable" Section "Netgen Basic" secNetgen LogSet on ; Copy the basic Netgen files into the ; install location !insertmacro copyNetgenBasics ${NETGEN_BASIC} ; Check if required libraries are present ; if not, mark them to be installed too Call checkTclTkTix Call checkTogl Call checkPThds ; Copy the basic auxiliary libraries ; (if required) to the install location !insertmacro copyAuxLibBasics ; register the install by adding registry ; keys, and write the uninstaller !insertmacro registerInstall SectionEnd Section /o "Netgen with OCC" secNetgenOCC LogSet on ; Copy the basic Netgen files into the ; install location !insertmacro copyNetgenBasics ${NETGEN_OCC} ; Check if required libraries are present ; if not, mark them to be installed too Call checkTclTkTix Call checkTogl Call checkPThds Call checkOCC ; Copy the basic auxiliary libraries ; (if required) to the install location !insertmacro copyAuxLibBasics StrCmp $foundOCC "1" OCCInstalled 0 SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\bin" File ${EXTLIBS_OCC}\*.dll OCCInstalled: ; register the install by adding registry ; keys, and write the uninstaller !insertmacro registerInstall SectionEnd SectionGroupEnd SectionGroup "Netgen API DLL (Nglib)" Section /o "Nglib" secNglib ; Copy the nglib Basic DLL to the bin folder ; in the install location SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\bin" File ${NGLIB_BIN_BASIC}\bin\nglib.dll ; Copy the nglib LIB file to the lib folder ; in the install location SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\lib" File ${NGLIB_BIN_BASIC}\lib\nglib.lib ; Copy the nglib include header file to the ; include folder in the install location SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\include" File ${NGLIB_SRC}\nglib.h SectionEnd Section /o "Nglib with OCC" secNglibOCC ; Copy the nglib DLL version with OCC support to the bin folder ; in the install location SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\bin" File ${NGLIB_BIN_OCC}\bin\nglib.dll ; Copy the nglib LIB file to the lib folder ; in the install location SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\lib" File ${NGLIB_BIN_OCC}\lib\nglib.lib ; Copy the nglib include header file to the ; include folder in the install location SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\include" File ${NGLIB_SRC}\nglib.h SectionEnd Section /o "Nglib examples" secNglibEx SectionEnd SectionGroupEnd SectionGroup "Add-On Applications" Section /o "NgSolve" secNgSolve ; Check if required libraries are present ; if not, mark them to be installed too Call checkLapackBlas ; Copy the DLL and Tcl files to the ; Netgen bin folder SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\bin" File ${NGSOLVE_BIN}\bin\*.dll File ${NGSOLVE_BIN}\bin\*.tcl ${If} ${NETGEN_ARCH} != ${X64_ARCH} ${If} $foundLapackBlas != "1" SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\bin" File ${NGSOLVE_EXTLIBS}\bin\*.dll ${EndIf} ${EndIf} ; Copy the NGSolve LIB file to the ; Netgen lib folder SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\lib" File ${NGSOLVE_BIN}\lib\*.lib ; Copy the NGSolve header file structure ; to the Netgen include folder SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\include\include" File ${NGSOLVE_SRC}\include\*.hpp SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\include\solve" File ${NGSOLVE_SRC}\solve\*.hpp SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\include\parallel" File ${NGSOLVE_SRC}\parallel\*.hpp SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\include\ngstd" File ${NGSOLVE_SRC}\ngstd\*.hpp SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\include\multigrid" File ${NGSOLVE_SRC}\multigrid\*.hpp SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\include\linalg" File ${NGSOLVE_SRC}\linalg\*.hpp SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\include\fem" File ${NGSOLVE_SRC}\fem\*.hpp SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\include\comp" File ${NGSOLVE_SRC}\comp\*.hpp SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\include\basiclinalg" File ${NGSOLVE_SRC}\basiclinalg\*.hpp ; Copy the NgSolve pde tutorials to the ; installation folder SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\pde_tutorials" File ${NGSOLVE_SRC}\pde_tutorial\*.* SectionEnd Section /o "demoapp" secDemoApp ; Copy the demoapp DLL and Tcl files ; to the Netgen bin folder SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\bin" File ${DEMOAPP_BIN}\bin\*.dll File ${DEMOAPP_BIN}\bin\*.tcl ; Copy the source files to the plugins folder ; under a subdirectory named "demoapp" SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\plugins\demoapp" File ${DEMOAPP_SRC}\*.cpp File ${DEMOAPP_SRC}\*.h File ${DEMOAPP_SRC}\*.tcl File ${DEMOAPP_SRC}\README SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\plugins\demoapp\windows" File ${DEMOAPP_SRC}\windows\*.sln File ${DEMOAPP_SRC}\windows\*.vcproj File ${DEMOAPP_SRC}\windows\*.bat SectionEnd SectionGroupEnd ; --------------------------------------- ; ---------- Un-Installer Section ------- Section Uninstall ; The first step is to always delete the ; uninstaller Delete "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe" ; Remove the folders one by one... ; Could be done in one shot, but prefer ; to be a little clearer here RMDir /r /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\bin" RMDir /r /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\lib" RMDir /r /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\include" RMDir /r /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\doc" RMDir /r /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\plugins" RMDir /r /REBOOTOK "$INSTDIR\tutorials" ; Finally remove the install folder RMDir /r /REBOOTOK $INSTDIR ; Remove the NETGENDIR registry key DeleteRegValue ${HKCU_ENV} "${NETGENDIR}" DeleteRegValue ${HKCU_ENV} "${NETGEN_USER_DIR}" !insertmacro MUI_STARTMENU_GETFOLDER NetgenStartMenu $StartMenuFolder RMDir /r /REBOOTOK "$SMPROGRAMS\$StartMenuFolder" ; Remove the Netgen entry from the SOFTWARE registry DeleteRegKey HKCU "SOFTWARE\Netgen\${NETGEN_VER}_${NETGEN_ARCH}" DeleteRegKey /ifempty HKCU "SOFTWARE\Netgen" SectionEnd ; ---------- Section Descriptions ------- LangString DESC_secNetgen ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Basic version of the Netgen Mesher" LangString DESC_secNetgen ${LANG_GERMAN} "Basis Version des Netgen Vernetzungstools" LangString DESC_secNetgen ${LANG_FRENCH} "Version de base de l'outil de maillage Netgen" LangString DESC_secNetgenOCC ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Netgen Mesher version with OpenCascade geometry support (STEP/IGES/BREP files)" LangString DESC_secNetgenOCC ${LANG_GERMAN} "Der Netgen Vernetzungstool mit eingebauter Unterstützung für OpenCascade Geometrie (STEP/IGES/BREP Dateien)" LangString DESC_secNetgenOCC ${LANG_FRENCH} "Netgen outil de maillage avec le soutien de la géométrie OpenCascade (STEP/IGES/BREP fichiers)" LangString DESC_secNglib ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Library (DLL) version of the Netgen Mesher containing the API for use in Third-party Software" LangString DESC_secNglib ${LANG_GERMAN} "Bibliotheksversion (DLL) des Netgen Vernetzungstools für Anwendung von innerhalb externen Software" LangString DESC_secNglib ${LANG_FRENCH} "Bibliothèque (DLL) version de l'outil de maillage Netgen contenant l'API pour une utilisation dans Logiciels tiers" LangString DESC_secNglibOCC ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Library (DLL) version of the Netgen Mesher with OpenCascade geometry support containing the API for use in Third-party Software" LangString DESC_secNglibOCC ${LANG_GERMAN} "Bibliotheksversion (DLL) des Netgen Vernetzungstools mit eingebauter Unterstützung für OpenCascade Geometrie für Anwendung von innerhalb externen Software" LangString DESC_secNglibOCC ${LANG_FRENCH} "Bibliothèque (DLL) version de l'outil de maillage Netgen contenant l'API pour une utilisation dans Logiciels tiers avec le soutien de la géométrie OpenCascade" !insertmacro MUI_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTION_BEGIN !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${secNetgen} $(DESC_secNetgen) !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${secNetgenOCC} $(DESC_secNetgenOCC) !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${secNglib} $(DESC_secNglib) !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${secNglibOCC} $(DESC_secNglibOCC) !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${secNgSolve} "Pre-compiled (DLL) version of the NgSolve module - The Netgen Solver Module" !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${secDemoApp} "Sample of a plugin application for customising and extending Netgen - Source files and pre-compiled DLL" !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${secNglibEx} "Sample applications for demonstrating the NgLib API DLL" !insertmacro MUI_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTION_END ; ---------- Miscellaneous Description Strings ------- LangString STR_InstallFolder ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Installation Directory" LangString STR_InstallFolder ${LANG_GERMAN} "Installationsordner" LangString STR_InstallFolder ${LANG_FRENCH} "Dossier d'installation" LangString STR_UserFolder ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Directory for User specific settings" LangString STR_UserFolder ${LANG_GERMAN} "Ordner für Benutzerspezifische Einstellungen" LangString STR_UserFolder ${LANG_FRENCH} "Dossier pour les paramètres spécifiques de l'utilisateur" LangString STR_UserPageText ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Netgen uses the directory specified here in order to save user-specific configuration information. Make sure that you have write access for the selected folder." LangString STR_UserPageText ${LANG_GERMAN} "Netgen verwendet das hier angegebene Verzeichnis um anwenderspezifische Konfigurationsdatein zu speichern. Vergewissern Sie sich dass Sie Schreibrechte in diesem Verzeichnis haben" LangString STR_UserPageText ${LANG_FRENCH} "Netgen utilise le dossier spécifié ici afin de sauver l'utilisateur des informations de configuration spécifiques. Assurez-vous que vous avez accès en écriture pour le dossier sélectionné." LangString STR_UserPageHeaderText ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Select Location for User Specific Settings" LangString STR_UserPageHeaderText ${LANG_GERMAN} "Zielverzeichnis für Benutzerspezifische Einstellungen" LangString STR_UserPageHeaderText ${LANG_FRENCH} "Sélectionnez le dossier contenant les paramètres spécifiques à l'utilisateur" LangString STR_UserPageHeaderSubText ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Select the folder which Netgen Mesher can use to save user specific data" LangString STR_UserPageHeaderSubText ${LANG_GERMAN} "Wählen Sie das Verzeichnis aus, in das Netgen Mesher die Benutzerspezifische Daten speichern soll" LangString STR_UserPageHeaderSubText ${LANG_FRENCH} "Sélectionnez le dossier dans lequel l'outil de maillage Netgen pouvez utiliser pour enregistrer des données utilisateur spécifiques" LangString STR_Finish_RunText ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Run Netgen-${NETGEN_VER} now" LangString STR_Finish_RunText ${LANG_GERMAN} "Netgen-${NETGEN_VER} jetzt starten" LangString STR_Finish_RunText ${LANG_FRENCH} "Exécutez le Netgen-${NETGEN_VER} maintenant" ; --------------------------------------- ; ----------- Language selection -------- Function .onInit ; Display the language select window !insertmacro MUI_LANGDLL_DISPLAY ; The base Netgen package (without OCC) is selected by default StrCpy $1 ${secNetgen} !insertmacro SetSectionFlag ${secNglibOCC} ${SF_RO} !insertmacro ClearSectionFlag ${secNglib} ${SF_RO} ; Extract the user application data folder ReadRegStr $3 HKCU "${SHELLFOLDERS}" AppData StrCmp $3 "" 0 +3 StrCpy $NetgenUserDir "$INSTDIR" Goto End StrCpy $NetgenUserDir "$3\Netgen-${NETGEN_VER}" End: FunctionEnd ; The init function for the uninstaller Function un.oninit ; Display the language select window !insertmacro MUI_LANGDLL_DISPLAY FunctionEnd ; --------------------------------------- ; ---------- Package Selection ---------- Function .onSelChange !insertmacro StartRadioButtons $1 !insertmacro RadioButton ${secNetgen} !insertmacro RadioButton ${secNetgenOCC} !insertmacro EndRadioButtons ; Select the right version of Nglib based on the current ; Netgen package version selection !insertmacro SectionFlagIsSet ${secNetgen} ${SF_SELECTED} "NglibBasicSel" "" !insertmacro SectionFlagIsSet ${secNetgenOCC} ${SF_SELECTED} "NglibOCCSel" "" Goto NglibSelEnd NglibBasicSel: !insertmacro UnselectSection ${secNglibOCC} !insertmacro SetSectionFlag ${secNglibOCC} ${SF_RO} !insertmacro ClearSectionFlag ${secNglib} ${SF_RO} Goto NglibSelEnd NglibOCCSel: !insertmacro UnselectSection ${secNglib} !insertmacro SetSectionFlag ${secNglib} ${SF_RO} !insertmacro ClearSectionFlag ${secNglibOCC} ${SF_RO} NglibSelEnd: FunctionEnd ; --------------------------------------- ; ------------- StrContains ------------- ; StrContains ; This function does a case sensitive searches for an occurrence of a substring in a string. ; It returns the substring if it is found. ; Otherwise it returns null(""). ; Written by kenglish_hi ; Adapted from StrReplace written by dandaman32 Var STR_HAYSTACK Var STR_NEEDLE Var STR_CONTAINS_VAR_1 Var STR_CONTAINS_VAR_2 Var STR_CONTAINS_VAR_3 Var STR_CONTAINS_VAR_4 Var STR_RETURN_VAR Function StrContains Exch $STR_NEEDLE Exch 1 Exch $STR_HAYSTACK ; Uncomment to debug ;MessageBox MB_OK 'STR_NEEDLE = $STR_NEEDLE STR_HAYSTACK = $STR_HAYSTACK ' StrCpy $STR_RETURN_VAR "" StrCpy $STR_CONTAINS_VAR_1 -1 StrLen $STR_CONTAINS_VAR_2 $STR_NEEDLE StrLen $STR_CONTAINS_VAR_4 $STR_HAYSTACK loop: IntOp $STR_CONTAINS_VAR_1 $STR_CONTAINS_VAR_1 + 1 StrCpy $STR_CONTAINS_VAR_3 $STR_HAYSTACK $STR_CONTAINS_VAR_2 $STR_CONTAINS_VAR_1 StrCmp $STR_CONTAINS_VAR_3 $STR_NEEDLE found StrCmp $STR_CONTAINS_VAR_1 $STR_CONTAINS_VAR_4 done Goto loop found: StrCpy $STR_RETURN_VAR $STR_NEEDLE Goto done done: Pop $STR_NEEDLE ;Prevent "invalid opcode" errors and keep the Exch $STR_RETURN_VAR FunctionEnd !macro _StrContainsConstructor OUT NEEDLE HAYSTACK Push "${HAYSTACK}" Push "${NEEDLE}" Call StrContains Pop "${OUT}" !macroend !define StrContains '!insertmacro "_StrContainsConstructor"' ; --------------------------------------- ; ---------- Check for TCL/Tk DLLs ------ Function checkTclTkTix ClearErrors ; Check if the Tix, Tk and Tcl DLLs are available in the PATH ; Note: Modify version numbers if required SearchPath $2 tix84.dll SearchPath $2 tk85.dll SearchPath $2 tcl85.dll IfErrors TclTkTixErrors Push $2 Call GetPathOnly Pop "$R0" ; Check if the required auxiliary Tcl files are present ; in the location expected by Tcl/Tk/Tix IfFileExists $R0\..\lib\tcl8.5\init.tcl 0 TclTkTixErrors IfFileExists $R0\..\lib\tk8.5\*.tcl 0 TclTkTixErrors IfFileExists $R0\..\lib\tix8.4.* 0 TclTkTixErrors ${StrContains} $2 "${TCL_ARCH_EXT}" $R0 ${If} $2 == "" ${AndIf} ${NETGEN_ARCH} == ${X64_ARCH} Goto TclTkTixErrors ${EndIf} ${If} $2 != "" ${AndIf} ${NETGEN_ARCH} == ${WIN32_ARCH} Goto TclTkTixErrors ${EndIf} StrCpy $foundTclTkTix "1" LogText "Tcl/Tk and Tix Packages already installed on system....skipping local installation" ClearErrors Return TclTkTixErrors: StrCpy $foundTclTkTix "0" LogText "Tcl/Tk and Tix Packages not found on system....installing locally" ClearErrors FunctionEnd ; --------------------------------------- ; ---------- Check for Togl DLLs -------- Function checkTogl ClearErrors SearchPath $2 Togl17.dll IfErrors ToglErrors Push $2 Call GetPathOnly Pop "$R0" ${StrContains} $2 "${TCL_ARCH_EXT}" $R0 ${If} $2 == "" ${AndIf} ${NETGEN_ARCH} == ${X64_ARCH} Goto ToglErrors ${EndIf} ${If} $2 != "" ${AndIf} ${NETGEN_ARCH} == ${WIN32_ARCH} Goto ToglErrors ${EndIf} StrCpy $foundTogl "1" LogText "Togl-1.7 already installed on system....skipping local installation" ClearErrors Return ToglErrors: StrCpy $foundTogl "0" LogText "Togl-1.7 not found on system....installing locally" ClearErrors FunctionEnd ; --------------------------------------- ; ---------- Check for pthreads DLLs ---- Function checkPThds ClearErrors ${If} ${NETGEN_ARCH} == ${X64_ARCH} SearchPath $2 pthreadVC2_64.dll ${Else} SearchPath $2 pthreadVC2.dll ${EndIf} IfErrors PThdsErrors StrCpy $foundPThds "1" LogText "pthread${PTHDS_ARCH_DIR} already installed on system....skipping local installation" ClearErrors Return PThdsErrors: StrCpy $foundPThds "0" LogText "pthread${PTHDS_ARCH_DIR} not found on system....installing locally" ClearErrors FunctionEnd ; --------------------------------------- ; ---------- Check for OCC DLLs --------- ; Note: Not all required OCC DLLs will be ; checked for... only a few representative ; ones. Function checkOCC ClearErrors SearchPath $2 TKernel.dll SearchPath $2 TKLCAF.dll SearchPath $2 TKSTEP.dll SearchPath $2 TKIGES.dll SearchPath $2 TKBRep.dll IfErrors OCCErrors Push $2 Call GetPathOnly Pop "$R0" ${StrContains} $2 ${OCC_ARCH} $R0 ${If} $2 == "" Goto OCCErrors ${EndIf} StrCpy $foundOCC "1" LogText "OpenCascade Libraries already installed on system....skipping local installation" ClearErrors Return OCCErrors: StrCpy $foundOCC "0" LogText "OpenCascade Libraries not found on system....installing locally" ClearErrors FunctionEnd ; --------------------------------------- ; ---------- Check for Lapack/BLAS DLLs - ; Checks if the Lapack/BLAS DLLs are available ; via the PATH environment variable Function checkLapackBlas ClearErrors SearchPath $2 lapack_win32.dll SearchPath $2 blas_win32.dll IfErrors LapackBlasErrors StrCpy $foundLapackBlas "1" LogText "Lapack / BLAS Libraries already installed on system....skipping local installation" ClearErrors Return LapackBlasErrors: StrCpy $foundLapackBlas "0" LogText "Lapack / BLAS Libraries not found on system....installing locally" ClearErrors FunctionEnd ; --------------------------------------- ; ---------- Func1 - Get Path Only ------ Function GetPathOnly Exch $R0 Push $R1 Push $R2 StrLen $R1 $R0 IntOp $R1 $R1 + 1 loop: IntOp $R1 $R1 - 1 StrCpy $R2 $R0 1 $R1 IntCmp $R1 1 exit2 StrCmp $R2 "\" exit1 ; Look for the first backslash from the end of string Goto loop exit1: StrCpy $R0 $R0 $R1 exit2: Pop $R2 Pop $R1 Exch $R0 FunctionEnd ; ---------------------------------------