//20.11.1999 second part of stlgeom.cc, mainly mesh functions #include <mystdlib.h> #include <myadt.hpp> #include <linalg.hpp> #include <gprim.hpp> #include <meshing.hpp> #include "stlgeom.hpp" namespace netgen { int EdgeUsed(int p1, int p2, NgArray<INDEX_2>& edges, INDEX_2_HASHTABLE<int>& hashtab) { if (p1 > p2) {swap (p1,p2);} if (hashtab.Used(INDEX_2(p1,p2))) {return hashtab.Get(INDEX_2(p1,p2));} return 0; } Point<3> STLGeometry :: PointBetween(const Point<3> & ap1, int t1, const Point<3> & ap2, int t2) { //funktioniert nicht in allen Fällen! PrintWarning("Point between"); ClearMarkedSegs(); InitMarkedTrigs(); SetMarkedTrig(t1,1); SetMarkedTrig(t2,1); TABLE<Point3d> edgepoints; TABLE<double> edgepointdists; TABLE<int> edgepointorigines; TABLE<int> edgepointoriginps; NgArray<int> edgetrigs; NgArray<INDEX_2> edgepointnums; NgArray<int> edgetriglocinds; int size = 3*GetNT(); INDEX_2_HASHTABLE<int> hashtab(size); int divisions = 10; edgepoints.SetSize(size); edgepointdists.SetSize(size); edgepointorigines.SetSize(size); edgepointoriginps.SetSize(size); edgetrigs.SetSize(size); edgepointnums.SetSize(size); edgetriglocinds.SetSize(size); NgArray<int> edgelist1; NgArray<int> edgelist2; edgelist1.SetSize(0); edgelist2.SetSize(0); int i, j, k, l, m; int edgecnt = 0; //first triangle: for (i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { int ptn1 = GetTriangle(t1).PNum(i); int ptn2 = GetTriangle(t1).PNumMod(i+1); if (ptn1 > ptn2) {swap(ptn1,ptn2);} Point3d pt1 = GetPoint(ptn1); Point3d pt2 = GetPoint(ptn2); edgecnt++; edgetrigs.Elem(edgecnt) = t1; edgepointnums.Elem(edgecnt) = INDEX_2(ptn1,ptn2); hashtab.Set(edgepointnums.Get(edgecnt),edgecnt); edgetriglocinds.Elem(edgecnt) = i; edgelist1.Append(edgecnt); for (j = 1; j <= divisions; j++) { double lfact = (double)j/(double)divisions; Point3d pbtw(lfact*pt1.X()+(1.-lfact)*pt2.X(), lfact*pt1.Y()+(1.-lfact)*pt2.Y(), lfact*pt1.Z()+(1.-lfact)*pt2.Z()); //AddMarkedSeg(ap1,pbtw); edgepoints.Add1(edgecnt,pbtw); edgepointdists.Add1(edgecnt,Dist(pbtw,ap1)); edgepointorigines.Add1(edgecnt,0); edgepointoriginps.Add1(edgecnt,0); } } int finished = 0; int endpointorigine = 0; int endpointoriginp = 0; double endpointmindist = 1E50; int maxsize = 0; while (!finished) { finished = 1; if (edgelist1.Size() > maxsize) {maxsize = edgelist1.Size();} for (i = 1; i <= edgelist1.Size(); i++) { int en = edgelist1.Get(i); int trig = edgetrigs.Get(en); int edgenum = edgetriglocinds.Get(en); int tn = NeighbourTrigSorted(trig,edgenum); if (tn != t2) { for (k = 1; k <= 3; k++) { int pnt1 = GetTriangle(tn).PNum(k); int pnt2 = GetTriangle(tn).PNumMod(k+1); if (pnt1 > pnt2) {swap(pnt1,pnt2);} Point3d pt1 = GetPoint(pnt1); Point3d pt2 = GetPoint(pnt2); //AddMarkedSeg(pt1,pt2); //if (!(pnt1 == ep1 && pnt2 == ep2)) // { int edgeused = 0; edgenum = EdgeUsed(pnt1, pnt2, edgepointnums, hashtab); if (edgenum != en) { if (edgenum != 0) {edgeused = 1;} else { edgecnt++; edgenum = edgecnt; edgetrigs.Elem(edgenum) = tn; edgepointnums.Elem(edgenum) = INDEX_2(pnt1,pnt2); hashtab.Set(edgepointnums.Get(edgenum),edgenum); edgetriglocinds.Elem(edgenum) = k; } if (edgenum > size || edgenum == 0) {PrintSysError("edgenum = ", edgenum);} double minofmindist = 1E50; int changed = 0; for (l = 1; l <= divisions; l++) { double lfact = (double)l/(double)divisions; Point3d pbtw(lfact*pt1.X()+(1.-lfact)*pt2.X(), lfact*pt1.Y()+(1.-lfact)*pt2.Y(), lfact*pt1.Z()+(1.-lfact)*pt2.Z()); double mindist = 1E50; int index=0; for (m = 1; m <= divisions; m++) { const Point3d& p = edgepoints.Get(en,m); if (Dist(pbtw,p) + edgepointdists.Get(en,m) < mindist) {mindist = Dist(pbtw,p) + edgepointdists.Get(en,m); index = m;} } //if (mindist < endpointmindist) {finished = 0;} if (mindist < minofmindist) {minofmindist = mindist;} if (!edgeused) { //AddMarkedSeg(pbtw,edgepoints.Get(en,index)); edgepoints.Add1(edgenum,pbtw); edgepointdists.Add1(edgenum,mindist); edgepointorigines.Add1(edgenum,en); edgepointoriginps.Add1(edgenum,index); changed = 1; } else { if (mindist < edgepointdists.Get(edgenum,l)) { edgepointdists.Set(edgenum,l,mindist); edgepointorigines.Set(edgenum,l,en); edgepointoriginps.Set(edgenum,l,index); changed = 1; } } } if (minofmindist < endpointmindist-1E-10 && changed) { finished = 0; edgelist2.Append(edgenum); } } } } else { double mindist = 1E50; int index(0); for (m = 1; m <= divisions; m++) { const Point3d& p = edgepoints.Get(en,m); if (Dist(ap2,p) + edgepointdists.Get(en,m) < mindist) {mindist = Dist(ap2,p) + edgepointdists.Get(en,m); index = m;} } if (mindist < endpointmindist) { endpointorigine = en; endpointoriginp = index; endpointmindist = mindist; } } } edgelist1.SetSize(0); for (i = 1; i <= edgelist2.Size(); i++) { edgelist1.Append(edgelist2.Get(i)); } } if (!endpointorigine) {PrintSysError("No connection found!");} NgArray<Point3d> plist; plist.Append(ap2); int laste = endpointorigine; int lastp = endpointoriginp; int lle, llp; while (laste) { plist.Append(edgepoints.Get(laste,lastp)); lle = laste; llp = lastp; laste = edgepointorigines.Get(lle,llp); lastp = edgepointoriginps.Get(lle,llp); } plist.Append(ap1); for (i = 1; i <= plist.Size()-1; i++) { AddMarkedSeg(plist.Get(i),plist.Get(i+1)); } PrintMessage(5,"PointBetween: complexity=", maxsize); Point3d pm; double dist = 0; int found = 0; for (i = 1; i <= plist.Size()-1; i++) { dist += Dist(plist.Get(i),plist.Get(i+1)); if (dist > endpointmindist*0.5) { double segl = Dist(plist.Get(i), plist.Get(i+1)); double d = dist - endpointmindist * 0.5; pm = Point3d(d/segl*plist.Get(i).X() + (1.-d/segl)*plist.Get(i+1).X(), d/segl*plist.Get(i).Y() + (1.-d/segl)*plist.Get(i+1).Y(), d/segl*plist.Get(i).Z() + (1.-d/segl)*plist.Get(i+1).Z()); found = 1; break; } } if (!found) {PrintWarning("Problem in PointBetween"); pm = Center(ap1,ap2);} AddMarkedSeg(pm, Point3d(0.,0.,0.)); return pm; } void STLGeometry :: PrepareSurfaceMeshing() { meshchart = -1; //clear no old chart meshcharttrigs.SetSize(GetNT()); meshcharttrigs = 0; } void STLGeometry::GetMeshChartBoundary (NgArray<Point<2>> & apoints, NgArray<Point<3>> & points3d, NgArray<INDEX_2> & alines, double h) { twoint seg, newseg; int zone; Point<2> p2; const STLChart& chart = GetChart(meshchart); for (int i = 1; i <= chart.GetNOLimit(); i++) { seg = chart.GetOLimit(i); INDEX_2 i2; for (int j = 1; j <= 2; j++) { int pi = (j == 1) ? seg.i1 : seg.i2; int lpi; if (ha_points.Get(pi) == 0) { const Point<3> & p3d = GetPoint (pi); Point<2> p2d; points3d.Append (p3d); ToPlane(p3d, 0, p2d, h, zone, 0); apoints.Append (p2d); lpi = apoints.Size(); ha_points.Elem(pi) = lpi; } else lpi = ha_points.Get(pi); i2.I(j) = lpi; } alines.Append (i2); /* seg = chart.GetOLimit(i); psize = points.Size(); newseg.i1 = psize+1; newseg.i2 = psize+2; ToPlane(GetPoint(seg.i1), 0, p2, h, zone, 0); points.Append(p2); points3d.Append (GetPoint(seg.i1)); ToPlane(GetPoint(seg.i2), 0, p2, h, zone, 0); points.Append(p2); points3d.Append (GetPoint(seg.i2)); lines.Append (INDEX_2 (points.Size()-1, points.Size())); */ } for (int i = 1; i <= chart.GetNOLimit(); i++) { seg = chart.GetOLimit(i); ha_points.Elem(seg.i1) = 0; ha_points.Elem(seg.i2) = 0; } } void STLGeometry :: DefineTangentialPlane (const Point<3> & ap1, const Point<3> & ap2, int trig) { p1 = ap1; //save for ToPlane, in data of STLGeometry class Point<3> p2 = ap2; //only locally used meshchart = GetChartNr(trig); if (usechartnormal) meshtrignv = GetChart(meshchart).GetNormal(); else meshtrignv = GetTriangle(trig).Normal(); //meshtrignv = GetTriangle(trig).Normal(points); meshtrignv /= meshtrignv.Length(); GetTriangle(trig).ProjectInPlain(points, meshtrignv, p2); ez = meshtrignv; ez /= ez.Length(); ex = p2 - p1; ex -= (ex * ez) * ez; ex /= ex.Length(); ey = Cross (ez, ex); } void STLGeometry :: SelectChartOfTriangle (int trignum) const { meshchart = GetChartNr(trignum); meshtrignv = GetTriangle(trignum).Normal(); } void STLGeometry :: SelectChartOfPoint (const Point<3> & p) { int i, ii; NgArray<int> trigsinbox; Box<3> box(p,p); box.Increase (1e-6); GetTrianglesInBox (box, trigsinbox); // for (i = 1; i <= GetNT(); i++) for (ii = 1; ii <= trigsinbox.Size(); ii++) { i = trigsinbox.Get(ii); Point<3> hp = p; if (GetTriangle(i).GetNearestPoint(points, hp) <= 1E-8) { SelectChartOfTriangle (i); break; } } return; } void STLGeometry :: ToPlane (const Point<3> & locpoint, int * trigs, Point<2> & plainpoint, double h, int& zone, int checkchart) { if (checkchart) { //check if locpoint lies on actual chart: zone = 0; // Point3d p; int i = 1; const STLChart& chart = GetChart(meshchart); int foundinchart = 0; const double range = 1e-6; //1e-4 old if (trigs) { int * htrigs = trigs; while (*htrigs) { if (TrigIsInOC (*htrigs, meshchart)) { foundinchart = 1; break; } htrigs++; } } else { NgArray<STLTrigId> trigsinbox; if (!geomsearchtreeon) { //alter chart-tree Box<3> box(locpoint, locpoint); box.Increase (range); chart.GetTrianglesInBox (box.PMin(), box.PMax(), trigsinbox); } else { NgArray<int> trigsinbox2; Box<3> box(locpoint, locpoint); box.Increase (range); GetTrianglesInBox (box, trigsinbox2); for (i = 1; i <= trigsinbox2.Size(); i++) { if (TrigIsInOC(trigsinbox2.Get(i),meshchart)) {trigsinbox.Append(trigsinbox2.Get(i));} } } for (i = 1; i <= trigsinbox.Size(); i++) { Point<3> p = locpoint; if (GetTriangle(trigsinbox.Get(i)).GetNearestPoint(points, p) <= 1E-8) { foundinchart = 1; break; } } } //do not use this point (but do correct projection (joachim) if (!foundinchart) { zone = -1; // plainpoint.X() = 11111; plainpoint.Y() = 11111; return; } } else { zone = 0; } //transform in plane Vec<3> p1p = locpoint - p1; plainpoint(0) = (p1p * ex) / h; plainpoint(1) = (p1p * ey) / h; } int STLGeometry :: FromPlane (const Point<2> & plainpoint, Point<3> & locpoint, double h) { Vec<3> p1p = h * plainpoint[0] * ex + h * plainpoint[1] * ey; locpoint = p1 + p1p; int rv = Project(locpoint); if (!rv) {return 1;} //project nicht gegangen return 0; } int lasttrig; int STLGeometry :: LastTrig() const {return lasttrig;}; //project normal to tangential plane int STLGeometry :: Project(Point<3> & p3d) const { Point<3> p, pf; int j; int fi = 0; int cnt = 0; int different = 0; const double lamtol = 1e-6; const STLChart& chart = GetChart(meshchart); STLTrigId trig = chart.ProjectNormal(p3d); return trig; // cout << "new, trig = " << trig << endl; // #define MOVEDTOCHART #ifdef MOVEDTOCHART int nt = chart.GetNT(); QuadraticFunction3d quadfun(p3d, meshtrignv); /* Vec3d hv = meshtrignv; hv /= hv.Length(); Vec3d t1, t2; hv.GetNormal (t1); Cross (hv, t1, t2); */ for (j = 1; j <= nt; j++) { STLTrigId i = chart.GetTrig1(j); const Point<3> & c = GetTriangle(i).center; /* double d1 = t1 * (c-p3d); double d2 = t2 * (c-p3d); */ /* if (d1 * d1 + d2 * d2 > sqr (GetTriangle(i).rad)) continue; */ if (quadfun.Eval(c) > sqr (GetTriangle(i).rad)) continue; p = p3d; Vec<3> lam; int err = GetTriangle(i).ProjectInPlain(points, meshtrignv, p, lam); int inside = (err == 0 && lam(0) > -lamtol && lam(1) > -lamtol && (1-lam(0)-lam(1)) > -lamtol); /* p = p3d; GetTriangle(i).ProjectInPlain(points, meshtrignv, p); if (GetTriangle(i).PointInside(points, p)) */ if (inside) { if (cnt != 0) { if (Dist2(p,pf)>=1E-16) { // (*testout) << "ERROR: found two points to project which are different" << endl; //(*testout) << "p=" << p << ", pf=" << pf << endl; different = 1; } } pf = p; fi = i; cnt++; } if (inside) break; } #endif // cout << "oldtrig = " << fi << endl; // if (cnt == 2) {(*testout) << "WARNING: found 2 triangles to project" << endl;} //if (cnt == 3) {(*testout) << "WARNING: found 3 triangles to project" << endl;} //if (cnt > 3) {(*testout) << "WARNING: found more than 3 triangles to project" << endl;} if (fi != 0) {lasttrig = fi;} if (fi != 0 && !different) {p3d = pf; return fi;} // (*testout) << "WARNING: Project failed" << endl; return 0; } //project normal to tangential plane int STLGeometry :: ProjectOnWholeSurface(Point<3> & p3d) const { Point<3> p, pf; int i; int fi = 0; int cnt = 0; int different = 0; const double lamtol = 1e-6; for (i = 1; i <= GetNT(); i++) { p = p3d; Vec<3> lam; int err = GetTriangle(i).ProjectInPlain(points, meshtrignv, p, lam); int inside = (err == 0 && lam(0) > -lamtol && lam(1) > -lamtol && (1-lam(0)-lam(1)) > -lamtol); /* p = p3d; GetTriangle(i).ProjectInPlain(points, meshtrignv, p); if (GetTriangle(i).PointInside(points, p)) */ if (inside) { if (cnt != 0) { if (Dist2(p,pf)>=1E-16) { // (*testout) << "ERROR: found two points to project which are different" << endl; // (*testout) << "p=" << p << ", pf=" << pf << endl; different = 1; } } pf = p; fi = i; cnt++; } } /* if (cnt == 2) {(*testout) << "WARNING: found 2 triangles to project" << endl;} if (cnt == 3) {(*testout) << "WARNING: found 3 triangles to project" << endl;} if (cnt > 3) {(*testout) << "WARNING: found more than 3 triangles to project" << endl;} */ if (fi != 0) {lasttrig = fi;} if (fi != 0 && !different) {p3d = pf; return fi;} // (*testout) << "WARNING: Project failed" << endl; return 0; } int STLGeometry :: ProjectNearest(Point<3> & p3d) const { Point<3> p, pf = 0.0; //set new chart const STLChart& chart = GetChart(meshchart); int i; double nearest = 1E50; double dist; int ft = 0; for (i = 1; i <= chart.GetNT(); i++) { p = p3d; dist = GetTriangle(chart.GetTrig1(i)).GetNearestPoint(points, p); if (dist < nearest) { pf = p; nearest = dist; ft = chart.GetTrig1(i); } } p3d = pf; //if (!ft) {(*testout) << "ERROR: ProjectNearest failed" << endl;} return ft; } //Restrict local h due to curvature for make atlas void STLGeometry :: RestrictLocalHCurv(class Mesh & mesh, double gh, const STLParameters& stlparam) { PushStatusF("Restrict H due to surface curvature"); //bei jedem Dreieck alle Nachbardreiecke vergleichen, und, fallskein Kante dazwischen, //die Meshsize auf ein bestimmtes Mass limitieren int i,j; STLPointId ap1,ap2,p3,p4; Point<3> p1p, p2p, p3p, p4p; Vec<3> n, ntn; double rzyl, localh; // double localhfact = 0.5; // double geometryignorelength = 1E-4; double minlocalh = stlparam.atlasminh; Box<3> bb = GetBoundingBox(); // mesh.SetLocalH(bb.PMin() - Vec3d(10, 10, 10),bb.PMax() + Vec3d(10, 10, 10), // mparam.grading); // mesh.SetGlobalH(gh); double mincalch = 1E10; double maxcalch = -1E10 ; double objectsize = bb.Diam(); double geometryignoreedgelength = objectsize * 1e-5; if (stlparam.resthatlasenable) { NgArray<double> minh; //minimales h pro punkt minh.SetSize(GetNP()); for (i = 1; i <= GetNP(); i++) { minh.Elem(i) = gh; } for (i = 1; i <= GetNT(); i++) { SetThreadPercent((double)i/(double)GetNT()*100.); if (multithread.terminate) {PopStatus(); return;} const STLTriangle& trig = GetTriangle(i); n = GetTriangle(i).Normal(); for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { const STLTriangle& nt = GetTriangle(NeighbourTrig(i,j)); trig.GetNeighbourPointsAndOpposite(nt,ap1,ap2,p3); //checken, ob ap1-ap2 eine Kante sind if (IsEdge(ap1,ap2)) continue; p4 = trig.PNum(1) + trig.PNum(2) + trig.PNum(3) - ap1 - ap2; p1p = GetPoint(ap1); p2p = GetPoint(ap2); p3p = GetPoint(p3); p4p = GetPoint(p4); double h1 = GetDistFromInfiniteLine(p1p,p2p, p4p); double h2 = GetDistFromInfiniteLine(p1p,p2p, p3p); double diaglen = Dist (p1p, p2p); if (diaglen < geometryignoreedgelength) continue; rzyl = ComputeCylinderRadius (n, GetTriangle(NeighbourTrig(i,j)).Normal(), h1, h2); if (h1 < 1e-3 * diaglen && h2 < 1e-3 * diaglen) continue; if (h1 < 1e-5 * objectsize && h2 < 1e-5 * objectsize) continue; // rzyl = mindist/(2*sinang); localh = 10.*rzyl / stlparam.resthatlasfac; if (localh < mincalch) {mincalch = localh;} if (localh > maxcalch) {maxcalch = localh;} if (localh < minlocalh) {localh = minlocalh;} if (localh < gh) { minh.Elem(ap1) = min2(minh.Elem(ap1),localh); minh.Elem(ap2) = min2(minh.Elem(ap2),localh); } mesh.RestrictLocalHLine(p1p, p2p, localh); } } } PrintMessage(5, "done\nATLAS H: nmin local h=", mincalch); PrintMessage(5, "ATLAS H: max local h=", maxcalch); PrintMessage(5, "Local h tree has ", mesh.LocalHFunction().GetNBoxes(), " boxes of size ", (int)sizeof(GradingBox)); PopStatus(); } //restrict local h due to near edges and due to outer chart distance void STLGeometry :: RestrictLocalH(class Mesh & mesh, double gh, const STLParameters& stlparam, const MeshingParameters& mparam) { //bei jedem Dreieck alle Nachbardreiecke vergleichen, und, fallskein Kante dazwischen, //die Meshsize auf ein bestimmtes Mass limitieren int i,j; STLPointId ap1,ap2,p3,p4; Point3d p1p, p2p, p3p, p4p; Vec3d n, ntn; double rzyl, localh; // double localhfact = 0.5; // double geometryignorelength = 1E-4; Box<3> bb = GetBoundingBox(); //mesh.SetLocalH(bb.PMin() - Vec3d(10, 10, 10),bb.PMax() + Vec3d(10, 10, 10), // mparam.grading); //mesh.SetGlobalH(gh); double mincalch = 1E10; double maxcalch = -1E10; double objectsize = bb.Diam(); double geometryignoreedgelength = objectsize * 1e-5; if (stlparam.resthsurfcurvenable) { PushStatusF("Restrict H due to surface curvature"); NgArray<double> minh; //minimales h pro punkt minh.SetSize(GetNP()); for (i = 1; i <= GetNP(); i++) { minh.Elem(i) = gh; } for (i = 1; i <= GetNT(); i++) { SetThreadPercent((double)i/(double)GetNT()*100.); if (i%20000==19999) {PrintMessage(7, (double)i/(double)GetNT()*100. , "%");} if (multithread.terminate) {PopStatus(); return;} const STLTriangle& trig = GetTriangle(i); n = GetTriangle(i).Normal(); for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { const STLTriangle& nt = GetTriangle(NeighbourTrig(i,j)); trig.GetNeighbourPointsAndOpposite(nt,ap1,ap2,p3); //checken, ob ap1-ap2 eine Kante sind if (IsEdge(ap1,ap2)) continue; p4 = trig.PNum(1) + trig.PNum(2) + trig.PNum(3) - ap1 - ap2; p1p = GetPoint(ap1); p2p = GetPoint(ap2); p3p = GetPoint(p3); p4p = GetPoint(p4); double h1 = GetDistFromInfiniteLine(p1p,p2p, p4p); double h2 = GetDistFromInfiniteLine(p1p,p2p, p3p); double diaglen = Dist (p1p, p2p); if (diaglen < geometryignoreedgelength) continue; rzyl = ComputeCylinderRadius (n, GetTriangle (NeighbourTrig(i,j)).Normal(), h1, h2); if (h1 < 1e-3 * diaglen && h2 < 1e-3 * diaglen) continue; if (h1 < 1e-5 * objectsize && h2 < 1e-5 * objectsize) continue; // rzyl = mindist/(2*sinang); localh = rzyl / stlparam.resthsurfcurvfac; if (localh < mincalch) {mincalch = localh;} if (localh > maxcalch) {maxcalch = localh;} if (localh < gh) { minh.Elem(ap1) = min2(minh.Elem(ap1),localh); minh.Elem(ap2) = min2(minh.Elem(ap2),localh); } //if (localh < 0.2) {localh = 0.2;} if(localh < objectsize) mesh.RestrictLocalHLine(p1p, p2p, localh); (*testout) << "restrict h along " << p1p << " - " << p2p << " to " << localh << endl; if (localh < 0.1) { localh = 0.1; } } } PrintMessage(7, "done\nmin local h=", mincalch, "\nmax local h=", maxcalch); PopStatus(); } if (mparam.closeedgefac.has_value()) { PushStatusF("Restrict H due to close edges"); //geht nicht für spiralen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! double disttohfact = sqr(10.0 / *mparam.closeedgefac); int k,l; double h1, h2, dist; int rc = 0; Point3d p3p1; double mindist = 1E50; PrintMessage(7,"build search tree..."); BoxTree<3> * lsearchtree = new BoxTree<3> (GetBoundingBox().PMin() - Vec3d(1,1,1), GetBoundingBox().PMax() + Vec3d(1,1,1)); NgArray<Point3d> pmins(GetNLines()); NgArray<Point3d> pmaxs(GetNLines()); double maxhline; for (i = 1; i <= GetNLines(); i++) { maxhline = 0; STLLine* l1 = GetLine(i); Point3d pmin(GetPoint(l1->StartP())), pmax(GetPoint(l1->StartP())), px; for (j = 2; j <= l1->NP(); j++) { px = GetPoint(l1->PNum(j)); maxhline = max2(maxhline,mesh.GetH(px)); pmin.SetToMin (px); pmax.SetToMax (px); } Box3d box(pmin,pmax); box.Increase(maxhline); lsearchtree->Insert (box.PMin(), box.PMax(), i); pmins.Elem(i) = box.PMin(); pmaxs.Elem(i) = box.PMax(); } NgArray<int> linenums; int k2; for (i = 1; i <= GetNLines(); i++) { SetThreadPercent((double)i/(double)GetNLines()*100.); if (multithread.terminate) {PopStatus(); return;} linenums.SetSize(0); lsearchtree->GetIntersecting(pmins.Get(i),pmaxs.Get(i),linenums); STLLine* l1 = GetLine(i); for (j = 1; j <= l1->NP(); j++) { p3p1 = GetPoint(l1->PNum(j)); h1 = sqr(mesh.GetH(p3p1)); for (k2 = 1; k2 <= linenums.Size(); k2++) { k = linenums.Get(k2); if (k <= i) {continue;} /* //old, without searchtrees for (k = i+1; k <= GetNLines(); k++) { */ STLLine* l2 = GetLine(k); for (l = 1; l <= l2->NP(); l++) { const Point3d& p3p2 = GetPoint(l2->PNum(l)); h2 = sqr(mesh.GetH(p3p2)); dist = Dist2(p3p1,p3p2)*disttohfact; if (dist > 1E-12) { if (dist < h1) { mesh.RestrictLocalH(p3p1,sqrt(dist)); rc++; mindist = min2(mindist,sqrt(dist)); } if (dist < h2) { mesh.RestrictLocalH(p3p2,sqrt(dist)); rc++; mindist = min2(mindist,sqrt(dist)); } } } } } } PrintMessage(5, "done\n Restricted h in ", rc, " points due to near edges!"); PopStatus(); } if (stlparam.resthedgeangleenable) { PushStatusF("Restrict h due to close edges"); int lp1, lp2; Vec3d v1,v2; mincalch = 1E50; maxcalch = -1E50; for (i = 1; i <= GetNP(); i++) { SetThreadPercent((double)i/(double)GetNP()*100.); if (multithread.terminate) {PopStatus(); return;} if (GetNEPP(i) == 2 && !IsLineEndPoint(i)) { if (GetEdge(GetEdgePP(i,1)).PNum(2) == GetEdge(GetEdgePP(i,2)).PNum(1) || GetEdge(GetEdgePP(i,1)).PNum(1) == GetEdge(GetEdgePP(i,2)).PNum(2)) { lp1 = 1; lp2 = 2; } else { lp1 = 2; lp2 = 1; } v1 = Vec3d(GetPoint(GetEdge(GetEdgePP(i,1)).PNum(1)), GetPoint(GetEdge(GetEdgePP(i,1)).PNum(2))); v2 = Vec3d(GetPoint(GetEdge(GetEdgePP(i,2)).PNum(lp1)), GetPoint(GetEdge(GetEdgePP(i,2)).PNum(lp2))); rzyl = ComputeCylinderRadius(v1, v2, v1.Length(), v2.Length()); localh = rzyl / stlparam.resthedgeanglefac; if (localh < mincalch) {mincalch = localh;} if (localh > maxcalch) {maxcalch = localh;} if (localh != 0) mesh.RestrictLocalH(GetPoint(i), localh); } } PrintMessage(7,"edge-angle min local h=", mincalch, "\nedge-angle max local h=", maxcalch); PopStatus(); } if (stlparam.resthchartdistenable) { PushStatusF("Restrict H due to outer chart distance"); // mesh.LocalHFunction().Delete(); //berechne minimale distanz von chart zu einem nicht-outerchart-punkt in jedem randpunkt einer chart NgArray<int> acttrigs(GetNT()); //outercharttrigs acttrigs = 0; for (i = 1; i <= GetNOCharts(); i++) { SetThreadPercent((double)i/(double)GetNOCharts()*100.); if (multithread.terminate) {PopStatus(); return;} RestrictHChartDistOneChart(i, acttrigs, mesh, gh, 1., 0., stlparam); } PopStatus(); // NgProfiler::Print(stdout); } if (stlparam.resthlinelengthenable) { //restrict h due to short lines PushStatusF("Restrict H due to line-length"); double minhl = 1E50; double linefact = 1./stlparam.resthlinelengthfac; double l; for (i = 1; i <= GetNLines(); i++) { SetThreadPercent((double)i/(double)GetNLines()*100.); if (multithread.terminate) {PopStatus(); return;} l = GetLine(i)->GetLength(points); const Point3d& pp1 = GetPoint(GetLine(i)->StartP()); const Point3d& pp2 = GetPoint(GetLine(i)->EndP()); if (l != 0) { minhl = min2(minhl,l*linefact); mesh.RestrictLocalH(pp1, l*linefact); mesh.RestrictLocalH(pp2, l*linefact); } } PopStatus(); PrintMessage(5, "minh due to line length=", minhl); } } void STLGeometry :: RestrictHChartDistOneChart(ChartId chartnum, NgArray<int>& acttrigs, class Mesh & mesh, double gh, double fact, double minh, const STLParameters& stlparam) { static int timer1 = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("restrictH OneChart 1"); static int timer2 = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("restrictH OneChart 2"); static int timer3 = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("restrictH OneChart 3"); static int timer3a = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("restrictH OneChart 3a"); static int timer3b = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("restrictH OneChart 3b"); NgProfiler::StartTimer (timer1); double limessafety = stlparam.resthchartdistfac*fact; // original: 2 double localh; // mincalch = 1E10; //maxcalch = -1E10; NgArray<int> limes1; NgArray<int> limes2; NgArray<Point3d> plimes1; NgArray<Point3d> plimes2; NgArray<int> plimes1trigs; //check from which trig the points come NgArray<int> plimes2trigs; NgArray<int> plimes1origin; //either the original pointnumber or zero, if new point int divisions = 10; STLPointId np1, np2; // Point3d p3p1, p3p2; STLTriangle tt; limes1.SetSize(0); limes2.SetSize(0); plimes1.SetSize(0); plimes2.SetSize(0); plimes1trigs.SetSize(0); plimes2trigs.SetSize(0); plimes1origin.SetSize(0); STLChart& chart = GetChart(chartnum); chart.ClearOLimit(); chart.ClearILimit(); for (int j = 1; j <= chart.GetNChartT(); j++) { int t = chart.GetChartTrig1(j); tt = GetTriangle(t); for (int k = 1; k <= 3; k++) { int nt = NeighbourTrig(t,k); if (GetChartNr(nt) != chartnum) { tt.GetNeighbourPoints(GetTriangle(nt),np1,np2); if (!IsEdge(np1,np2) && !GetSpiralPoint(np1) && !GetSpiralPoint(np2)) { Point3d p3p1 = GetPoint(np1); Point3d p3p2 = GetPoint(np2); // if (AddIfNotExists(limes1,np1)) if (!limes1.Contains(np1)) { limes1.Append(np1); plimes1.Append(p3p1); plimes1trigs.Append(t); plimes1origin.Append(np1); } // if (AddIfNotExists(limes1,np2)) if (!limes1.Contains(np2)) { limes1.Append(np2); plimes1.Append(p3p2); plimes1trigs.Append(t); plimes1origin.Append(np2); } chart.AddILimit(twoint(np1,np2)); for (int di = 1; di <= divisions; di++) { double f1 = (double)di/(double)(divisions+1.); double f2 = (divisions+1.-(double)di)/(double)(divisions+1.); plimes1.Append(Point3d(p3p1.X()*f1+p3p2.X()*f2, p3p1.Y()*f1+p3p2.Y()*f2, p3p1.Z()*f1+p3p2.Z()*f2)); plimes1trigs.Append(t); plimes1origin.Append(0); } } } } } NgProfiler::StopTimer (timer1); NgProfiler::StartTimer (timer2); for (int j = 1; j <= chart.GetNT(); j++) acttrigs.Elem(chart.GetTrig1(j)) = chartnum; for (int j = 1; j <= chart.GetNOuterT(); j++) { int t = chart.GetOuterTrig1(j); tt = GetTriangle(t); for (int k = 1; k <= 3; k++) { int nt = NeighbourTrig(t,k); if (acttrigs.Get(nt) != chartnum) { tt.GetNeighbourPoints(GetTriangle(nt),np1,np2); if (!IsEdge(np1,np2)) { Point3d p3p1 = GetPoint(np1); Point3d p3p2 = GetPoint(np2); // if (AddIfNotExists(limes2,np1)) {plimes2.Append(p3p1); plimes2trigs.Append(t);} // if (AddIfNotExists(limes2,np2)) {plimes2.Append(p3p2); plimes2trigs.Append(t);} if (!limes2.Contains(np1)) { limes2.Append(np1); plimes2.Append(p3p1); plimes2trigs.Append(t); } if (!limes2.Contains(np2)) { limes2.Append(np2); plimes2.Append(p3p2); plimes2trigs.Append(t); } chart.AddOLimit(twoint(np1,np2)); for (int di = 1; di <= divisions; di++) { double f1 = (double)di/(double)(divisions+1.); double f2 = (divisions+1.-(double)di)/(double)(divisions+1.); plimes2.Append(Point3d(p3p1.X()*f1+p3p2.X()*f2, p3p1.Y()*f1+p3p2.Y()*f2, p3p1.Z()*f1+p3p2.Z()*f2)); plimes2trigs.Append(t); } } } } } NgProfiler::StopTimer (timer2); NgProfiler::StartTimer (timer3); double chartmindist = 1E50; if (plimes2.Size()) { NgProfiler::StartTimer (timer3a); Box3d bbox; bbox.SetPoint (plimes2.Get(1)); for (int j = 2; j <= plimes2.Size(); j++) bbox.AddPoint (plimes2.Get(j)); Point3dTree stree(bbox.PMin(), bbox.PMax()); for (int j = 1; j <= plimes2.Size(); j++) stree.Insert (plimes2.Get(j), j); NgArray<int> foundpts; NgProfiler::StopTimer (timer3a); NgProfiler::StartTimer (timer3b); for (int j = 1; j <= plimes1.Size(); j++) { double mindist = 1E50; const Point3d & ap1 = plimes1.Get(j); double boxs = mesh.GetH (plimes1.Get(j)) * limessafety; Point3d pmin = ap1 - Vec3d (boxs, boxs, boxs); Point3d pmax = ap1 + Vec3d (boxs, boxs, boxs); stree.GetIntersecting (pmin, pmax, foundpts); for (int kk = 1; kk <= foundpts.Size(); kk++) { int k = foundpts.Get(kk); double dist = Dist2(plimes1.Get(j),plimes2.Get(k)); if (dist < mindist) mindist = dist; } /* const Point3d & ap1 = plimes1.Get(j); double his = mesh.GetH (plimes1.Get(j)); double xmin = ap1.X() - his * limessafety; double xmax = ap1.X() + his * limessafety; double ymin = ap1.Y() - his * limessafety; double ymax = ap1.Y() + his * limessafety; double zmin = ap1.Z() - his * limessafety; double zmax = ap1.Z() + his * limessafety; for (k = 1; k <= plimes2.Size(); k++) { const Point3d & ap2 = plimes2.Get(k); if (ap2.X() >= xmin && ap2.X() <= xmax && ap2.Y() >= ymin && ap2.Y() <= ymax && ap2.Z() >= zmin && ap2.Z() <= zmax) { dist = Dist2(plimes1.Get(j),plimes2.Get(k)); if (dist < mindist) { mindist = dist; } } } */ mindist = sqrt(mindist); localh = mindist/limessafety; if (localh < minh && localh != 0) {localh = minh;} //minh is generally 0! (except make atlas) if (localh < gh && localh > 0) { mesh.RestrictLocalH(plimes1.Get(j), localh); // if (mindist < mincalch) {mincalch = mindist;} // if (mindist > maxcalch) {maxcalch = mindist;} if (mindist < chartmindist) {chartmindist = mindist;} } } NgProfiler::StopTimer (timer3b); } NgProfiler::StopTimer (timer3); } int STLMeshingDummy (STLGeometry* stlgeometry, shared_ptr<Mesh> & mesh, const MeshingParameters & mparam, const STLParameters& stlparam) { if (mparam.perfstepsstart > mparam.perfstepsend) return 0; multithread.terminate = 0; int success = 1; //int trialcntouter = 0; if (mparam.perfstepsstart <= MESHCONST_MESHEDGES) { if (mesh) mesh -> DeleteMesh(); else mesh = make_shared<Mesh>(); mesh->geomtype = Mesh::GEOM_STL; mesh -> SetGlobalH (mparam.maxh); mesh -> SetLocalH (stlgeometry->GetBoundingBox().PMin() - Vec3d(10, 10, 10), stlgeometry->GetBoundingBox().PMax() + Vec3d(10, 10, 10), mparam.grading); mesh -> LoadLocalMeshSize (mparam.meshsizefilename); if (mparam.uselocalh) for (auto mspnt : mparam.meshsize_points) mesh->RestrictLocalH(mspnt.pnt, mspnt.h); success = 0; //mesh->DeleteMesh(); STLMeshing (*stlgeometry, *mesh, mparam, stlparam); stlgeometry->edgesfound = 1; stlgeometry->surfacemeshed = 0; stlgeometry->surfaceoptimized = 0; stlgeometry->volumemeshed = 0; } if (multithread.terminate) return 0; if (mparam.perfstepsstart <= MESHCONST_MESHSURFACE && mparam.perfstepsend >= MESHCONST_MESHSURFACE) { if (!stlgeometry->edgesfound) { PrintUserError("You have to do 'analyse geometry' first!!!"); return 0; } if (stlgeometry->surfacemeshed || stlgeometry->surfacemeshed) { PrintUserError("Already meshed. Please start again with 'Analyse Geometry'!!!"); return 0; } success = 0; int retval = STLSurfaceMeshing (*stlgeometry, *mesh, mparam, stlparam); if (retval == MESHING3_OK) { PrintMessage(3,"Success !!!!"); stlgeometry->surfacemeshed = 1; stlgeometry->surfaceoptimized = 0; stlgeometry->volumemeshed = 0; success = 1; } else if (retval == MESHING3_OUTERSTEPSEXCEEDED) { PrintError("Give up because of too many trials. Meshing aborted!"); } else if (retval == MESHING3_TERMINATE) { PrintWarning("Meshing Stopped by user!"); } else { PrintError("Surface meshing not successful. Meshing aborted!"); } #ifdef STAT_STREAM (*statout) << mesh->GetNSeg() << " & " << endl << mesh->GetNSE() << " & " << endl << GetTime() << " & "; #endif } if (multithread.terminate) return 0; if (success) { if (mparam.perfstepsstart <= MESHCONST_OPTSURFACE && mparam.perfstepsend >= MESHCONST_OPTSURFACE) { if (!stlgeometry->edgesfound) { PrintUserError("You have to do 'meshing->analyse geometry' first!!!"); return 0; } if (!stlgeometry->surfacemeshed) { PrintUserError("You have to do 'meshing->mesh surface' first!!!"); return 0; } if (stlgeometry->volumemeshed) { PrintWarning("Surface optimization with meshed volume is dangerous!!!"); } /* if (!optstring || strlen(optstring) == 0) { mparam.optimize2d = "smcm"; } else { mparam.optimize2d = optstring; } */ STLSurfaceOptimization (*stlgeometry, *mesh, mparam); if (stlparam.recalc_h_opt) { mesh -> SetLocalH (stlgeometry->GetBoundingBox().PMin() - Vec3d(10, 10, 10), stlgeometry->GetBoundingBox().PMax() + Vec3d(10, 10, 10), mparam.grading); mesh -> LoadLocalMeshSize (mparam.meshsizefilename); mesh -> CalcLocalHFromSurfaceCurvature (mparam.grading, stlparam.resthsurfmeshcurvfac); MeshingParameters mpar = mparam; mpar.optimize2d = "cmsmSm"; STLSurfaceOptimization (*stlgeometry, *mesh, mpar); #ifdef STAT_STREAM (*statout) << GetTime() << " & "; #endif mpar.Render(); } stlgeometry->surfaceoptimized = 1; } if (multithread.terminate) return 0; if (mparam.perfstepsstart <= MESHCONST_MESHVOLUME && mparam.perfstepsend >= MESHCONST_MESHVOLUME) { if (stlgeometry->volumemeshed) { PrintUserError("Volume already meshed!"); return 0; } if (!stlgeometry->edgesfound) { PrintUserError("You have to do 'meshing->analyse geometry' first!!!"); return 0; } if (!stlgeometry->surfacemeshed) { PrintUserError("You have to do 'meshing->mesh surface' first!!!"); return 0; } if (!stlgeometry->surfaceoptimized) { PrintWarning("You should do 'meshing->optimize surface' first!!!"); } PrintMessage(5,"Check Overlapping boundary: "); mesh->FindOpenElements(); mesh->CheckOverlappingBoundary(); PrintMessage(5,""); if (stlparam.recalc_h_opt) { mesh -> SetLocalH (stlgeometry->GetBoundingBox().PMin() - Vec3d(10, 10, 10), stlgeometry->GetBoundingBox().PMax() + Vec3d(10, 10, 10), mparam.grading); mesh -> LoadLocalMeshSize (mparam.meshsizefilename); mesh -> CalcLocalH (mparam.grading); } PrintMessage(5,"Volume meshing"); int retval = MeshVolume (mparam, *mesh); if (retval == MESHING3_OK) { RemoveIllegalElements(*mesh); stlgeometry->volumemeshed = 1; } else if (retval == MESHING3_OUTERSTEPSEXCEEDED) { PrintError("Give up because of too many trials. Meshing aborted!"); return 0; } else if (retval == MESHING3_TERMINATE) { PrintWarning("Meshing Stopped by user!"); } else { PrintError("Volume meshing not successful. Meshing aborted!"); return 0; } #ifdef STAT_STREAM (*statout) << GetTime() << " & " << endl; #endif MeshQuality3d (*mesh); } if (multithread.terminate) return 0; if (mparam.perfstepsstart <= MESHCONST_OPTVOLUME && mparam.perfstepsend >= MESHCONST_OPTVOLUME) { if (!stlgeometry->edgesfound) { PrintUserError("You have to do 'meshing->analyse geometry' first!!!"); return 0; } if (!stlgeometry->surfacemeshed) { PrintUserError("You have to do 'meshing->mesh surface' first!!!"); return 0; } if (!stlgeometry->volumemeshed) { PrintUserError("You have to do 'meshing->mesh volume' first!!!"); return 0; } /* if (!optstring || strlen(optstring) == 0) { mparam.optimize3d = "cmdmstm"; } else { mparam.optimize3d = optstring; } */ OptimizeVolume (mparam, *mesh); #ifdef STAT_STREAM (*statout) << GetTime() << " & " << endl; (*statout) << mesh->GetNE() << " & " << endl << mesh->GetNP() << " " << '\\' << '\\' << " \\" << "hline" << endl; #endif mparam.Render(); } } return 0; } }