/* JS, Nov 2007 The 2D/3D template-base classes should go into the libsrc/gprim directory in geom2d only 2D - Geometry classes (with material properties etc.) */ #include "spline.hpp" #ifndef _FILE_SPLINEGEOMETRY #define _FILE_SPLINEGEOMETRY namespace netgen { template < int D > class DLL_HEADER SplineGeometry { // protected: public: NgArray < GeomPoint<D> > geompoints; NgArray < SplineSeg<D>* > splines; SplineGeometry() : geompoints{}, splines{} { ; } virtual ~SplineGeometry(); int Load (const NgArray<double> & raw_data, const int startpos = 0); virtual void DoArchive(Archive& ar) { ar & geompoints & splines; } void GetRawData (NgArray<double> & raw_data) const; const NgArray<SplineSeg<D>*> & GetSplines () const { return splines; } int GetNSplines (void) const { return splines.Size(); } string GetSplineType (const int i) const { return splines[i]->GetType(); } SplineSeg<D> & GetSpline (const int i) {return *splines[i];} const SplineSeg<D> & GetSpline (const int i) const {return *splines[i];} void GetBoundingBox (Box<D> & box) const; Box<D> GetBoundingBox () const { Box<D> box; GetBoundingBox (box); return box; } int GetNP () const { return geompoints.Size(); } const GeomPoint<D> & GetPoint(int i) const { return geompoints[i]; } // void SetGrading (const double grading); void AppendPoint (const Point<D> & p, const double reffac = 1., const bool hpref = false); void AppendSegment(SplineSeg<D> * spline) { splines.Append (spline); } }; } #endif // _FILE_SPLINEGEOMETRY