/* File:   adfront3.hh                                                    */
/* Author: Joachim Schoeberl                                              */
/* Date:   01. Okt. 95                                                    */

  Advancing front class for volume meshing

/// Point in advancing front
class FrontPoint3
  /// coordinates
Point<3> p;           
  /// global node index
PointIndex globalindex;   
  /// number of faces connected to point 
int nfacetopoint;    
  /// distance to original boundary
int frontnr;
int cluster;
  FrontPoint3 ();
  FrontPoint3 (const Point<3> & ap, PointIndex agi);
  const Point<3> & P () const
  { return p; }
  PointIndex GlobalIndex () const
  { return globalindex; }
  void AddFace ()
  { nfacetopoint++; }

  void RemoveFace()
    if (nfacetopoint == 0) nfacetopoint = -1;
  int Valid () const
  { return nfacetopoint >= 0; }

  void DecFrontNr (int afrontnr)
    if (frontnr > afrontnr) frontnr = afrontnr;
  int FrontNr () const
  { return frontnr; }

  friend class AdFront3;

class MiniElement2d
  int np;
  PointIndex pnum[4];
  bool deleted;
  MiniElement2d ()
  { np = 3; deleted = 0; }
  MiniElement2d (int anp)
  { np = anp; deleted = 0; }

  int GetNP() const { return np; }
  PointIndex & operator[] (int i) { return pnum[i]; }
  const PointIndex operator[] (int i) const { return pnum[i]; }

  const PointIndex PNum (int i) const { return pnum[i-1]; }
  PointIndex & PNum (int i) { return pnum[i-1]; }
  const PointIndex PNumMod (int i) const { return pnum[(i-1)%np]; }

  void Delete () { deleted = 1; pnum[0] = pnum[1] = pnum[2] = pnum[3] = PointIndex::BASE-1; }
  bool IsDeleted () const { return deleted; }

inline ostream & operator<<(ostream  & s, const MiniElement2d & el)
  s << "np = " << el.GetNP();
  for (int j = 0; j < el.GetNP(); j++)
    s << " " << el[j];
  return s;

/// Face in advancing front
class FrontFace
  MiniElement2d f;
  int qualclass;
  char oldfront;
  int hashvalue;
  int cluster;

  FrontFace ();
  FrontFace (const MiniElement2d & af);
  const MiniElement2d & Face () const
  { return f; }
  int QualClass () const
  { return qualclass; }

  void IncrementQualClass ()
  { qualclass++; }

  void ResetQualClass ()
    if (qualclass > 1)
	qualclass = 1;
	oldfront = 0;
  bool Valid () const
  { return !f.IsDeleted(); }

  void Invalidate ();

  int HashValue() const 
  { return hashvalue; }

  void SetHashValue(int hv) 
  { hashvalue = hv; }

  friend class AdFront3;

  int Cluster () const { return cluster; }

/// Advancing front, 3D.
class AdFront3
  Array<FrontPoint3, PointIndex::BASE, PointIndex> points;
Array<FrontFace> faces;
Array<PointIndex> delpointl;

  /// which points are connected to pi ?
TABLE<int, PointIndex::BASE> * connectedpairs;
  /// number of total front faces;
int nff;
  /// number of quads in front
int nff4; 
double vol;

GeomSearch3d hashtable;

int hashon;

int hashcreated;

  /// counter for rebuilding internal tables
int rebuildcounter;
  /// last base element
int lasti;
  /// minimal selection-value of baseelements
int minval;
  Array<int, PointIndex::BASE, PointIndex> invpindex;
  Array<char> pingroup;
class Box3dTree * facetree;

  AdFront3 ();
  ~AdFront3 ();
  void GetPoints (Array<Point<3> > & apoints) const;
  int GetNP() const 
  { return points.Size(); }
  const Point<3> & GetPoint (PointIndex pi) const
  { return points[pi].P(); }
  int GetNF() const
  { return nff; }
  const MiniElement2d & GetFace (int i) const
  { return faces.Get(i).Face(); }
  void Print () const;
  bool Empty () const
  { return nff == 0; }
  bool Empty (int elnp) const
    if (elnp == 4)
      return (nff4 == 0);
    return (nff - nff4 == 0);
  int SelectBaseElement ();

  void CreateTrees ();

  void GetIntersectingFaces (const Point<3> & pmin, const Point<3> & pmax, 
			     Array<int> & ifaces) const;

  void GetFaceBoundingBox (int i, Box3d & box) const;

  int GetLocals (int baseelement,
		 Array<Point3d > & locpoints,
                 Array<MiniElement2d> & locfaces,   // local index
                 Array<PointIndex> & pindex,
                 Array<INDEX> & findex,
		 INDEX_2_HASHTABLE<int> & connectedpairs,
                 float xh,
		 float relh,
		 INDEX& facesplit);
  void GetGroup (int fi,
                 Array<MeshPoint> & grouppoints,
                 Array<MiniElement2d> & groupelements,
                 Array<PointIndex> & pindex,
                 Array<INDEX> & findex);

  void DeleteFace (INDEX fi);
  PointIndex AddPoint (const Point<3> & p, PointIndex globind);
  INDEX AddFace (const MiniElement2d & e);
  INDEX AddConnectedPair (const INDEX_2 & pair);
  void IncrementClass (INDEX fi)
  { faces.Elem(fi).IncrementQualClass(); }

  void ResetClass (INDEX fi)
  { faces.Elem(fi).ResetQualClass(); }

  void SetStartFront (int baseelnp = 0);

  /// is Point p inside Surface ?
  bool Inside (const Point<3> & p) const;
  /// both points on same side ?
  int SameSide (const Point<3> & lp1, const Point<3> & lp2, 
		const Array<int> * testfaces = NULL) const;

  PointIndex GetGlobalIndex (PointIndex pi) const
  { return points[pi].GlobalIndex(); }
  double Volume () const
  { return vol; }

  void RebuildInternalTables();
