#ifndef FILE_Array
#define FILE_Array

/* File:   array.hpp                                                      */
/* Author: Joachim Schoeberl                                              */
/* Date:   01. Jun. 95                                                    */

// template <class T, int B1, int B2> class IndirectArray;

   A simple array container.
   Array represented by size and data-pointer.
   No memory allocation and deallocation, must be provided by user.
   Helper functions for printing. 
   Optional range check by macro RANGE_CHECK

template <class T, int BASE = 0>
class FlatArray
  /// the size
  int size;
  /// the data
  T * data;

  /// provide size and memory
  FlatArray (int asize, T * adata) 
    : size(asize), data(adata) { ; }

  /// the size
  int Size() const { return size; }

  int Begin() const { return BASE; }
  int End() const { return size+BASE; }

  /// access array. 
  T & operator[] (int i) 
#ifdef DEBUG
    if (i-BASE < 0 || i-BASE >= size)
      cout << "array<" << typeid(T).name() << "> out of range, i = " << i << ", s = " << size << endl;

    return data[i-BASE]; 

  /// Access array. BASE-based
  T & operator[] (int i) const
#ifdef DEBUG
    if (i-BASE < 0 || i-BASE >= size)
      cout << "array<" << typeid(T).name() << "> out of range, i = " << i << ", s = " << size << endl;

    return data[i-BASE]; 

  template <int B2>
  IndirectArray<T, BASE, B2> operator[] (const FlatArray<int, B2> & ind) 
  { return IndirectArray<T, BASE, B2>  (*this, ind); }

  /// Access array, one-based  (old fashioned)
  T & Elem (int i)
#ifdef DEBUG
    if (i < 1 || i > size)
      cout << "Array<" << typeid(T).name() 
	   << ">::Elem out of range, i = " << i
	   << ", s = " << size << endl;

    return ((T*)data)[i-1]; 
  /// Access array, one-based  (old fashioned)
  const T & Get (int i) const 
#ifdef DEBUG
    if (i < 1 || i > size)
      cout << "Array<" << typeid(T).name() << ">::Get out of range, i = " << i
	   << ", s = " << size << endl;

    return ((const T*)data)[i-1]; 

  /// Access array, one-based  (old fashioned)
  void Set (int i, const T & el)
#ifdef DEBUG
    if (i < 1 || i > size)
      cout << "Array<" << typeid(T).name() << ">::Set out of range, i = " << i
	   << ", s = " << size << endl;

    ((T*)data)[i-1] = el; 

  /// access first element
  T & First () const
    return data[0];

  /// access last element. check by macro CHECK_RANGE
  T & Last () const
    return data[size-1];

  /// Fill array with value val
  FlatArray & operator= (const T & val)
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
      data[i] = val;
    return *this;

  /// takes range starting from position start of end-start elements
  const FlatArray<T> Range (int start, int end)
    return FlatArray<T> (end-start, data+start);

  /// first position of element elem, returns -1 if element not contained in array 
  int Pos(const T & elem) const
    int pos = -1;
    for(int i=0; pos==-1 && i < this->size; i++)
      if(elem == data[i]) pos = i;
    return pos;

  /// does the array contain element elem ?
  bool Contains(const T & elem) const
    return ( Pos(elem) >= 0 );

// print array
template <class T, int BASE>
inline ostream & operator<< (ostream & s, const FlatArray<T,BASE> & a)
  for (int i = a.Begin(); i < a.End(); i++)
    s << i << ": " << a[i] << endl;
  return s;

   Dynamic array container.
   Array<T> is an automatically increasing array container.
   The allocated memory doubles on overflow. 
   Either the container takes care of memory allocation and deallocation,
   or the user provides one block of data.
template <class T, int BASE = 0> 
class Array : public FlatArray<T, BASE>
  /// physical size of array
  int allocsize;
  /// memory is responsibility of container
  bool ownmem;


  /// Generate array of logical and physical size asize
  explicit Array(int asize = 0)
    : FlatArray<T, BASE> (asize, asize ? new T[asize] : 0)
    allocsize = asize; 
    ownmem = 1;

  /// Generate array in user data
  Array(int asize, T* adata)
    : FlatArray<T, BASE> (asize, adata)
    allocsize = asize; 
    ownmem = 0;

  /// array copy 
  explicit Array (const Array<T> & a2)
    : FlatArray<T, BASE> (a2.Size(), a2.Size() ? new T[a2.Size()] : 0)
    allocsize = this->size;
    ownmem = 1;
    for (int i = BASE; i < this->size+BASE; i++)
      (*this)[i] = a2[i];

  /// if responsible, deletes memory
    if (ownmem)
      delete [] this->data;

  /// Change logical size. If necessary, do reallocation. Keeps contents.
  void SetSize(int nsize)
    if (nsize > allocsize) 
      ReSize (nsize);
    this->size = nsize; 

  /// Change physical size. Keeps logical size. Keeps contents.
  void SetAllocSize (int nallocsize)
    if (nallocsize > allocsize)
      ReSize (nallocsize);

  /// Add element at end of array. reallocation if necessary.
  int Append (const T & el)
    if (this->size == allocsize) 
      ReSize (this->size+1);
    this->data[this->size] = el;
    return this->size;

  template <typename T2, int B2>
  void Append (FlatArray<T2, B2> a2)
    if (this->size+a2.Size() > allocsize)
      ReSize (this->size+a2.Size());
    for (int i = 0; i < a2.Size(); i++)
      this->data[this->size+i] = a2[i+B2];
    this->size += a2.Size();

  template <int B1, int B2>
  void Append (const IndirectArray<T,B1,B2> & a2)
    if (this->size+a2.Size() > allocsize)
      ReSize (this->size+a2.Size());
    for (int i = 0; i < a2.Size(); i++)
      this->data[this->size+i] = a2[i+B2];
    this->size += a2.Size();

  /// Delete element i (0-based). Move last element to position i.
  void Delete (int i)
#ifdef CHECK_Array_RANGE
    RangeCheck (i+1);

    this->data[i] = this->data[this->size-1];
    //    DeleteElement (i+1);

  /// Delete element i (1-based). Move last element to position i.
  void DeleteElement (int i)
#ifdef CHECK_Array_RANGE
    RangeCheck (i);

    this->data[i-1] = this->data[this->size-1];

  /// Delete last element. 
  void DeleteLast ()

  /// Deallocate memory
  void DeleteAll ()
    if (ownmem)
      delete [] this->data;
    this->data = 0;
    this->size = allocsize = 0;

  /// Fill array with val
  Array & operator= (const T & val)
    FlatArray<T, BASE>::operator= (val);
    return *this;

  /// array copy
  Array & operator= (const Array & a2)
    SetSize (a2.Size());
    for (int i = BASE; i < this->size+BASE; i++)
      (*this)[i] = a2[i];
    return *this;

  /// array copy
  Array & operator= (const FlatArray<T> & a2)
    SetSize (a2.Size());
    for (int i = BASE; i < this->size+BASE; i++)
      (*this)[i] = a2[i];
    return *this;


  /// resize array, at least to size minsize. copy contents
  void ReSize (int minsize)
    int nsize = 2 * allocsize;
    if (nsize < minsize) nsize = minsize;

    if (this->data)
	T * p = new T[nsize];
	int mins = (nsize < this->size) ? nsize : this->size; 
	memcpy (p, this->data, mins * sizeof(T));

	if (ownmem)
	  delete [] this->data;
	ownmem = 1;
	this->data = p;
	this->data = new T[nsize];
	ownmem = 1;
    allocsize = nsize;

template <class T, int S> 
class ArrayMem : public Array<T>
  // T mem[S];     // Intel C++ calls dummy constructor
  // char mem[S*sizeof(T)];
  double mem[(S*sizeof(T)+7) / 8];
  /// Generate array of logical and physical size asize
  explicit ArrayMem(int asize = 0)
    : Array<T> (S, static_cast<T*> (static_cast<void*>(&mem[0])))
    this->size = asize;
    if (asize > S)
        this->data = new T[asize];
        this->ownmem = 1;
    // this->SetSize (asize);

  ArrayMem & operator= (const T & val)  
    Array<T>::operator= (val);
    return *this;

template <class T, int B1, int B2>
class IndirectArray
  const FlatArray<T, B1> & array;
  const FlatArray<int, B2> & ia; 

  IndirectArray (const FlatArray<T,B1> & aa, const FlatArray<int, B2> & aia)
    : array(aa), ia(aia) { ; }
  int Size() const { return ia.Size(); }
  const T & operator[] (int i) const { return array[ia[i]]; }

template <class T, int BASE = 0> 
class MoveableArray 
  int size;
  int allocsize;
  MoveableMem<T> data;


    size = allocsize = 0; 
    data.SetName ("MoveableArray");

  MoveableArray(int asize)
    : size(asize), allocsize(asize), data(asize)
  { ; }
  ~MoveableArray () { ; }

  int Size() const { return size; }

  void SetSize(int nsize)
    if (nsize > allocsize) 
	data.ReAlloc (nsize);
	allocsize = nsize;
    size = nsize;

  void SetAllocSize (int nallocsize)
    data.ReAlloc (nallocsize);
    allocsize = nallocsize;

  T & operator[] (int i)
  { return ((T*)data)[i-BASE]; }

  const T & operator[] (int i) const
  { return ((const T*)data)[i-BASE]; }

  T & Elem (int i)
  { return ((T*)data)[i-1]; }
  const T & Get (int i) const 
  { return ((const T*)data)[i-1]; }

  void Set (int i, const T & el)
  { ((T*)data)[i-1] = el; }

  T & Last ()
  { return ((T*)data)[size-1]; }
  const T & Last () const
  { return ((const T*)data)[size-1]; }
  int Append (const T & el)
    if (size == allocsize) 
	SetAllocSize (2*allocsize+1);
    ((T*)data)[size] = el;
    return size;
  void Delete (int i)
    DeleteElement (i+1);

  void DeleteElement (int i)
    ((T*)data)[i-1] = ((T*)data)[size-1];
  void DeleteLast ()
  { size--; }

  void DeleteAll ()
    size = allocsize = 0;

  void PrintMemInfo (ostream & ost) const
    ost << Size() << " elements of size " << sizeof(T) << " = " 
	<< Size() * sizeof(T) << endl;

  MoveableArray & operator= (const T & el)
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
      ((T*)data)[i] = el;
    return *this;

  MoveableArray & Copy (const MoveableArray & a2)
    SetSize (a2.Size());
    for (int i = 0; i < this->size; i++)
      data[i] = a2.data[i];
    return *this;

  /// array copy
  MoveableArray & operator= (const MoveableArray & a2)
    return Copy(a2);

  void SetName (const char * aname)
  //MoveableArray & operator= (MoveableArray &); //???
  //MoveableArray (const MoveableArray &); //???

template <class T>
inline ostream & operator<< (ostream & ost, MoveableArray<T> & a)
  for (int i = 0; i < a.Size(); i++)
    ost << i << ": " << a[i] << endl;
  return ost;

/// bubble sort array
template <class T>
inline void BubbleSort (const FlatArray<T> & data)
  T hv;
  for (int i = 0; i < data.Size(); i++)
    for (int j = i+1; j < data.Size(); j++)
      if (data[i] > data[j])
	  hv = data[i];
	  data[i] = data[j];
	  data[j] = hv;
/// bubble sort array
template <class T, class S>
inline void BubbleSort (FlatArray<T> & data, FlatArray<S> & slave)
  T hv;
  S hvs;
  for (int i = 0; i < data.Size(); i++)
    for (int j = i+1; j < data.Size(); j++)
      if (data[i] > data[j])
	  hv = data[i];
	  data[i] = data[j];
	  data[j] = hv;

	  hvs = slave[i];
	  slave[i] = slave[j];
	  slave[j] = hvs;

template <class T> 
void Intersection (const FlatArray<T> & in1, const FlatArray<T> & in2, 
		   Array<T> & out)
  for(int i=0; i<in1.Size(); i++)
template <class T> 
void Intersection (const FlatArray<T> & in1, const FlatArray<T> & in2, const FlatArray<T> & in3,
		   Array<T> & out)
  for(int i=0; i<in1.Size(); i++)
    if(in2.Contains(in1[i]) && in3.Contains(in1[i]))
