#ifndef NOTCL #ifdef OCCGEOMETRY #include <mystdlib.h> #include <myadt.hpp> #include <meshing.hpp> #include <occgeom.hpp> #include <BRepAdaptor_Surface.hxx> #include <BRepBndLib.hxx> #include <BRepLProp_SLProps.hxx> #include <BRep_Tool.hxx> #include <Bnd_Box.hxx> #include <Geom_Curve.hxx> #include <Poly_PolygonOnTriangulation.hxx> #include <Poly_Triangle.hxx> #include <Poly_Triangulation.hxx> #include <TopoDS.hxx> #include <TopoDS_Edge.hxx> #include <gp_Pnt.hxx> #include <visual.hpp> #include "vsocc.hpp" namespace netgen { // extern OCCGeometry * occgeometry; /* *********************** Draw OCC Geometry **************** */ VisualSceneOCCGeometry :: VisualSceneOCCGeometry () : VisualScene() { trilists.SetSize(0); linelists.SetSize(1); } VisualSceneOCCGeometry :: ~VisualSceneOCCGeometry () { ; } void VisualSceneOCCGeometry :: DrawScene () { if ( occgeometry->changed ) { BuildScene(); occgeometry -> changed = 0; } glClearColor(backcolor, backcolor, backcolor, 1.0); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); SetLight(); glPushMatrix(); glMultMatrixd (transformationmat); glShadeModel (GL_SMOOTH); glDisable (GL_COLOR_MATERIAL); glPolygonMode (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); glEnable (GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc (GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); // glEnable (GL_LIGHTING); double shine = vispar.shininess; // double transp = vispar.transp; glMaterialf (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SHININESS, shine); glLogicOp (GL_COPY); glEnable (GL_NORMALIZE); float mat_col[] = { 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.8f, 1.0f}; glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, mat_col); glPolygonOffset (1, 1); glEnable (GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); // Philippose - 30/01/2009 // Added clipping planes to Geometry view SetClippingPlane(); GLfloat matcoledge[] = { 0, 0, 0, 1}; GLfloat matcolhiedge[] = { 1, 0, 0, 1}; glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, matcoledge); glLineWidth (1.0f); if (vispar.occshowedges) glCallList (linelists.Get(1)); if (vispar.occshowsurfaces) glCallList (trilists.Get(1)); glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, matcolhiedge); glLineWidth (5.0f); if (vispar.occshowedges) glCallList (linelists.Get(2)); for (int i = 1; i <= occgeometry->vmap.Extent(); i++) if (occgeometry->vvispar[i-1].IsHighlighted()) { glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, matcolhiedge); glLineWidth (5.0f); glBegin (GL_LINES); gp_Pnt p = BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopoDS::Vertex(occgeometry->vmap(i))); double d = rad/100; glVertex3f (p.X()-d, p.Y(), p.Z()); glVertex3f (p.X()+d, p.Y(), p.Z()); glVertex3f (p.X(), p.Y()-d, p.Z()); glVertex3f (p.X(), p.Y()+d, p.Z()); glVertex3f (p.X(), p.Y(), p.Z()-d); glVertex3f (p.X(), p.Y(), p.Z()+d); glEnd(); } glDisable (GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); glPopMatrix(); // DrawCoordinateCross (); // DrawNetgenLogo (); glFinish(); glDisable (GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); } /* void VisualSceneOCCGeometry :: BuildScene (int zoomall) { int i = 0, j, k; TopExp_Explorer ex, ex_edge; if (vispar.occvisproblemfaces || (occgeometry -> changed != 2)) { Box<3> bb = occgeometry -> GetBoundingBox(); center = bb.Center(); rad = bb.Diam() / 2; if (vispar.occvisproblemfaces) { for (i = 1; i <= occgeometry->fmap.Extent(); i++) if (occgeometry->facemeshstatus[i-1] == -1) { GProp_GProps system; BRepGProp::LinearProperties(occgeometry->fmap(i), system); gp_Pnt pnt = system.CentreOfMass(); center = Point<3> (pnt.X(), pnt.Y(), pnt.Z()); cout << "Setting center to mid of face " << i << " = " << center << endl; } } CalcTransformationMatrices(); } for (i = 1; i <= linelists.Size(); i++) glDeleteLists (linelists.Elem(i), 1); linelists.SetSize(0); linelists.Append (glGenLists (1)); glNewList (linelists.Last(), GL_COMPILE); i = 0; for (ex_edge.Init(occgeometry -> shape, TopAbs_EDGE); ex_edge.More(); ex_edge.Next()) { if (BRep_Tool::Degenerated(TopoDS::Edge(ex_edge.Current()))) continue; i++; TopoDS_Edge edge = TopoDS::Edge(ex_edge.Current()); Handle(Poly_PolygonOnTriangulation) aEdgePoly; Handle(Poly_Triangulation) T; TopLoc_Location aEdgeLoc; BRep_Tool::PolygonOnTriangulation(edge, aEdgePoly, T, aEdgeLoc); if(aEdgePoly.IsNull()) { cout << "cannot visualize edge " << i << endl; continue; } glBegin (GL_LINE_STRIP); int nbnodes = aEdgePoly -> NbNodes(); for (j = 1; j <= nbnodes; j++) { gp_Pnt p = (T -> Nodes())(aEdgePoly->Nodes()(j)).Transformed(aEdgeLoc); glVertex3f (p.X(), p.Y(), p.Z()); } glEnd (); } glEndList (); for (i = 1; i <= trilists.Size(); i++) glDeleteLists (trilists.Elem(i), 1); trilists.SetSize(0); trilists.Append (glGenLists (1)); glNewList (trilists.Last(), GL_COMPILE); i = 0; TopExp_Explorer exp0, exp1, exp2, exp3; int shapenr = 0; for (exp0.Init(occgeometry -> shape, TopAbs_SOLID); exp0.More(); exp0.Next()) { shapenr++; if (vispar.occshowvolumenr != 0 && vispar.occshowvolumenr != shapenr) continue; float mat_col[4]; mat_col[3] = 1; switch (shapenr) { case 1: mat_col[0] = 0.2; mat_col[1] = 0.2; mat_col[2] = 0.8; break; case 2: mat_col[0] = 0.8; mat_col[1] = 0.2; mat_col[2] = 0.8; break; case 3: mat_col[0] = 0.2; mat_col[1] = 0.8; mat_col[2] = 0.8; break; case 4: mat_col[0] = 0.8; mat_col[1] = 0.2; mat_col[2] = 0.2; break; case 5: mat_col[0] = 0.8; mat_col[1] = 0.8; mat_col[2] = 0.8; break; case 6: mat_col[0] = 0.6; mat_col[1] = 0.6; mat_col[2] = 0.6; break; case 7: mat_col[0] = 0.2; mat_col[1] = 0.8; mat_col[2] = 0.2; break; case 8: mat_col[0] = 0.8; mat_col[1] = 0.8; mat_col[2] = 0.2; break; default: // mat_col[0] = 1-(1.0/double(shapenr)); // mat_col[1] = 0.5; mat_col[0] = 0.5+double((shapenr*shapenr*shapenr*shapenr) % 10)/20.0; mat_col[1] = 0.5+double(int(shapenr*shapenr*shapenr*shapenr*sin(double(shapenr))) % 10)/20.0; mat_col[2] = 0.5+double((shapenr*shapenr*shapenr) % 10)/20.0; } glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, mat_col); for (exp1.Init(exp0.Current(), TopAbs_SHELL); exp1.More(); exp1.Next()) for (exp2.Init(exp1.Current().Composed(exp0.Current().Orientation()), TopAbs_FACE); exp2.More(); exp2.Next()) { TopoDS_Face face = TopoDS::Face (exp2.Current().Composed(exp1.Current().Orientation())); i = occgeometry->fmap.FindIndex(face); TopLoc_Location loc; Handle(Geom_Surface) surf = BRep_Tool::Surface (face); BRepAdaptor_Surface sf(face, Standard_False); BRepLProp_SLProps prop(sf, 1, 1e-5); Handle(Poly_Triangulation) triangulation = BRep_Tool::Triangulation (face, loc); if (triangulation.IsNull()) { cout << "cannot visualize face " << i << endl; continue; } if (vispar.occvisproblemfaces) { switch (occgeometry->facemeshstatus[i-1]) { case 0: mat_col[0] = 0.2; mat_col[1] = 0.2; mat_col[2] = 0.8; break; case 1: mat_col[0] = 0.2; mat_col[1] = 0.8; mat_col[2] = 0.2; break; case -1: mat_col[0] = 0.8; mat_col[1] = 0.2; mat_col[2] = 0.2; break; } glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, mat_col); } glBegin (GL_TRIANGLES); int ntriangles = triangulation -> NbTriangles(); for (j = 1; j <= ntriangles; j++) { Poly_Triangle triangle = (triangulation -> Triangles())(j); for (k = 1; k <= 3; k++) { gp_Pnt2d uv = (triangulation -> UVNodes())(triangle(k)); gp_Pnt pnt; gp_Vec du, dv; prop.SetParameters (uv.X(), uv.Y()); surf->D0 (uv.X(), uv.Y(), pnt); gp_Vec n; if (prop.IsNormalDefined()) n = prop.Normal(); else n = gp_Vec (0,0,0); if (face.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED) n *= -1; glNormal3f (n.X(), n.Y(), n.Z()); glVertex3f (pnt.X(), pnt.Y(), pnt.Z()); } } glEnd (); } } glEndList (); } */ void VisualSceneOCCGeometry :: BuildScene (int zoomall) { if (occgeometry -> changed == OCCGEOMETRYVISUALIZATIONFULLCHANGE) { occgeometry -> BuildVisualizationMesh (vispar.occdeflection); center = occgeometry -> Center(); rad = occgeometry -> GetBoundingBox().Diam() / 2; if (vispar.occzoomtohighlightedentity) { bool hilite = false; bool hiliteonepoint = false; Bnd_Box bb; for (int i = 1; i <= occgeometry->fmap.Extent(); i++) if (occgeometry->fvispar[i-1].IsHighlighted()) { hilite = true; BRepBndLib::Add (occgeometry->fmap(i), bb); } for (int i = 1; i <= occgeometry->emap.Extent(); i++) if (occgeometry->evispar[i-1].IsHighlighted()) { hilite = true; BRepBndLib::Add (occgeometry->emap(i), bb); } for (int i = 1; i <= occgeometry->vmap.Extent(); i++) if (occgeometry->vvispar[i-1].IsHighlighted()) { hiliteonepoint = true; BRepBndLib::Add (occgeometry->vmap(i), bb); } if (hilite || hiliteonepoint) { double x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2; bb.Get (x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2); Point<3> p1 = Point<3> (x1,y1,z1); Point<3> p2 = Point<3> (x2,y2,z2); Box<3> boundingbox(p1,p2); center = boundingbox.Center(); if (hiliteonepoint) rad = occgeometry -> GetBoundingBox().Diam() / 100; else rad = boundingbox.Diam() / 2; } } CalcTransformationMatrices(); } // Clear lists for (int i = 1; i <= linelists.Size(); i++) glDeleteLists (linelists.Elem(i), 1); linelists.SetSize(0); for (int i = 1; i <= trilists.Size(); i++) glDeleteLists (trilists.Elem(i), 1); trilists.SetSize(0); // Total wireframe linelists.Append (glGenLists (1)); glNewList (linelists.Last(), GL_COMPILE); for (int i = 1; i <= occgeometry->emap.Extent(); i++) { TopoDS_Edge edge = TopoDS::Edge(occgeometry->emap(i)); if (BRep_Tool::Degenerated(edge)) continue; if (occgeometry->evispar[i-1].IsHighlighted()) continue; Handle(Poly_PolygonOnTriangulation) aEdgePoly; Handle(Poly_Triangulation) T; TopLoc_Location aEdgeLoc; BRep_Tool::PolygonOnTriangulation(edge, aEdgePoly, T, aEdgeLoc); if(aEdgePoly.IsNull()) { (*testout) << "visualizing edge " << occgeometry->emap.FindIndex (edge) << " without using the occ visualization triangulation" << endl; double s0, s1; Handle(Geom_Curve) c = BRep_Tool::Curve(edge, s0, s1); glBegin (GL_LINE_STRIP); for (int i = 0; i<=50; i++) { gp_Pnt p = c->Value (s0 + i*(s1-s0)/50.0); glVertex3f (p.X(),p.Y(),p.Z()); } glEnd (); continue; } int nbnodes = aEdgePoly -> NbNodes(); glBegin (GL_LINE_STRIP); for (int j = 1; j <= nbnodes; j++) { /* #if OCC_VERSION_MAJOR>=7 && OCC_VERSION_MINOR>=5 gp_Pnt p = T -> Node(aEdgePoly->Nodes()(j)).Transformed(aEdgeLoc); #else gp_Pnt p = T -> Nodes()(aEdgePoly->Nodes()(j)).Transformed(aEdgeLoc); #endif */ gp_Pnt p = T -> Node(aEdgePoly->Nodes()(j)).Transformed(aEdgeLoc); glVertex3f (p.X(), p.Y(), p.Z()); } glEnd (); } glEndList (); // Highlighted edge list linelists.Append (glGenLists (1)); glNewList (linelists.Last(), GL_COMPILE); for (int i = 1; i <= occgeometry->emap.Extent(); i++) if (occgeometry->evispar[i-1].IsHighlighted()) { TopoDS_Edge edge = TopoDS::Edge(occgeometry->emap(i)); if (BRep_Tool::Degenerated(edge)) continue; Handle(Poly_PolygonOnTriangulation) aEdgePoly; Handle(Poly_Triangulation) T; TopLoc_Location aEdgeLoc; BRep_Tool::PolygonOnTriangulation(edge, aEdgePoly, T, aEdgeLoc); if(aEdgePoly.IsNull()) { (*testout) << "visualizing edge " << occgeometry->emap.FindIndex (edge) << " without using the occ visualization triangulation" << endl; double s0, s1; Handle(Geom_Curve) c = BRep_Tool::Curve(edge, s0, s1); glBegin (GL_LINE_STRIP); for (int i = 0; i<=50; i++) { gp_Pnt p = c->Value (s0 + i*(s1-s0)/50.0); glVertex3f (p.X(),p.Y(),p.Z()); } glEnd (); continue; } int nbnodes = aEdgePoly -> NbNodes(); glBegin (GL_LINE_STRIP); for (int j = 1; j <= nbnodes; j++) { /* #if OCC_VERSION_MAJOR>=7 && OCC_VERSION_MINOR>=5 gp_Pnt p = T -> Node(aEdgePoly->Node(j)).Transformed(aEdgeLoc); #else gp_Pnt p = (T -> Nodes())(aEdgePoly->Nodes()(j)).Transformed(aEdgeLoc); #endif */ gp_Pnt p = T -> Node(aEdgePoly->Nodes()(j)).Transformed(aEdgeLoc); glVertex3f (p.X(), p.Y(), p.Z()); } glEnd (); } glEndList (); // display faces trilists.Append (glGenLists (1)); glNewList (trilists.Last(), GL_COMPILE); for (int i = 1; i <= occgeometry->fmap.Extent(); i++) { if (!occgeometry->fvispar[i-1].IsVisible()) continue; glLoadName (i); float mat_col[4]; mat_col[3] = 1; TopoDS_Face face = TopoDS::Face(occgeometry->fmap(i)); if (!occgeometry->fvispar[i-1].IsHighlighted()) { auto c = OCCGeometry::global_shape_properties[face.TShape()].col.value_or(Vec<4>(0,1,0,1) ); for(auto j : Range(4)) mat_col[j] = c[j]; } else { mat_col[0] = 0.8; mat_col[1] = 0.2; mat_col[2] = 0.2; } glMaterialfv (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, mat_col); TopLoc_Location loc; Handle(Geom_Surface) surf = BRep_Tool::Surface (face); BRepAdaptor_Surface sf(face, Standard_False); BRepLProp_SLProps prop(sf, 1, 1e-5); Handle(Poly_Triangulation) triangulation = BRep_Tool::Triangulation (face, loc); if (triangulation.IsNull()) { cout << "cannot visualize face " << i << endl; occgeometry->fvispar[i-1].SetNotDrawable(); continue; } gp_Pnt2d uv; gp_Pnt pnt; gp_Vec n; glBegin (GL_TRIANGLES); int ntriangles = triangulation -> NbTriangles(); for (int j = 1; j <= ntriangles; j++) { /* #if OCC_VERSION_MAJOR>=7 && OCC_VERSION_MINOR>=5 Poly_Triangle triangle = triangulation -> Triangle(j); #else Poly_Triangle triangle = triangulation -> Triangles()(j); #endif */ Poly_Triangle triangle = triangulation -> Triangle(j); gp_Pnt p[3]; for (int k = 1; k <= 3; k++) p[k-1] = (triangulation -> Node(triangle(k))).Transformed(loc); for (int k = 1; k <= 3; k++) { #if OCC_VERSION_MAJOR>=7 && OCC_VERSION_MINOR>=5 uv = triangulation -> UVNode(triangle(k)); #else uv = triangulation -> UVNodes()(triangle(k)); #endif prop.SetParameters (uv.X(), uv.Y()); // surf->D0 (uv.X(), uv.Y(), pnt); if (prop.IsNormalDefined()) n = prop.Normal(); else { (*testout) << "Visualization of face " << i << ": Normal vector not defined" << endl; // n = gp_Vec (0,0,0); gp_Vec a(p[0],p[1]); gp_Vec b(p[0],p[2]); n = b^a; } if (face.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED) n *= -1; glNormal3f (n.X(), n.Y(), n.Z()); glVertex3f (p[k-1].X(), p[k-1].Y(), p[k-1].Z()); } } glEnd (); } glEndList (); } void SelectFaceInOCCDialogTree (int facenr); void VisualSceneOCCGeometry :: MouseDblClick (int px, int py) { int hits; // select surface triangle by mouse click GLuint selbuf[10000]; glSelectBuffer (10000, selbuf); glRenderMode (GL_SELECT); GLint viewport[4]; glGetIntegerv (GL_VIEWPORT, viewport); glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION); glPushMatrix(); GLdouble projmat[16]; glGetDoublev (GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, projmat); glLoadIdentity(); gluPickMatrix (px, viewport[3] - py, 1, 1, viewport); glMultMatrixd (projmat); glClearColor(backcolor, backcolor, backcolor, 1.0); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix(); glMultMatrixd (transformationmat); glInitNames(); glPushName (1); glPolygonOffset (1, 1); glEnable (GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); glDisable(GL_CLIP_PLANE0); // Philippose - 30/01/2009 // Enable clipping planes for Selection mode in OCC Geometry if (vispar.clipping.enable) { Vec<3> n(clipplane[0], clipplane[1], clipplane[2]); double len = Abs(n); double mu = -clipplane[3] / (len*len); Point<3> p (mu * n); n /= len; Vec<3> t1 = n.GetNormal (); Vec<3> t2 = Cross (n, t1); double xi1mid = (center - p) * t1; double xi2mid = (center - p) * t2; glLoadName (0); glBegin (GL_QUADS); glVertex3dv (p + (xi1mid-rad) * t1 + (xi2mid-rad) * t2); glVertex3dv (p + (xi1mid+rad) * t1 + (xi2mid-rad) * t2); glVertex3dv (p + (xi1mid+rad) * t1 + (xi2mid+rad) * t2); glVertex3dv (p + (xi1mid-rad) * t1 + (xi2mid+rad) * t2); glEnd (); } glCallList (trilists.Get(1)); glDisable (GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL); glPopName(); glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION); glPopMatrix(); glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW); glPopMatrix(); glFlush(); hits = glRenderMode (GL_RENDER); int minname = 0; GLuint mindepth = 0; // find clippingplane GLuint clipdepth = 0; // GLuint(-1); for (int i = 0; i < hits; i++) { int curname = selbuf[4*i+3]; if (!curname) clipdepth = selbuf[4*i+1]; } for (int i = 0; i < hits; i++) { int curname = selbuf[4*i+3]; GLuint curdepth = selbuf[4*i+1]; if (curname && (curdepth> clipdepth) && (curdepth < mindepth || !minname)) { mindepth = curdepth; minname = curname; } } occgeometry->LowLightAll(); if (minname) { occgeometry->fvispar[minname-1].Highlight(); if (vispar.occzoomtohighlightedentity) occgeometry->changed = OCCGEOMETRYVISUALIZATIONFULLCHANGE; else occgeometry->changed = OCCGEOMETRYVISUALIZATIONHALFCHANGE; cout << "Selected face: " << minname << endl; } else { occgeometry->changed = OCCGEOMETRYVISUALIZATIONHALFCHANGE; } glDisable(GL_CLIP_PLANE0); SelectFaceInOCCDialogTree (minname); // Philippose - 30/01/2009 // Set the currently selected face in the array // for local face mesh size definition occgeometry->SetSelectedFace(minname); // selecttimestamp = NextTimeStamp(); } } #endif #endif // NOTCL