/* File:   taskmanager.cpp                                          */
/* Author: M. Hochsterger, J. Schoeberl                             */
/* Date:   10. Mar. 2015                                            */

#include <thread>
#include <atomic>
#include <mutex>
#include <chrono>

#include "concurrentqueue.h"
#include "mpi_wrapper.hpp"
#include "paje_trace.hpp"
#include "profiler.hpp"
#include "taskmanager.hpp"

#ifdef USE_MKL
#include <mkl.h>

namespace ngcore
  using std::mutex;
  using std::lock_guard;
  using std::memory_order_release;
  using std::memory_order_relaxed;
  using std::make_tuple;

  TaskManager * task_manager = nullptr;
  bool TaskManager :: use_paje_trace = false;
  int TaskManager :: max_threads = getenv("NGS_NUM_THREADS") ? atoi(getenv("NGS_NUM_THREADS")) : std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
  int TaskManager :: num_threads = 1;

  thread_local int TaskManager :: thread_id = 0;
  const function<void(TaskInfo&)> * TaskManager::func;
  const function<void()> * TaskManager::startup_function = nullptr;
  const function<void()> * TaskManager::cleanup_function = nullptr;

  atomic<int> TaskManager::ntasks;
  Exception * TaskManager::ex;
  atomic<int> TaskManager::jobnr;
  atomic<int> TaskManager::complete[8];   // max nodes
  atomic<int> TaskManager::done;
  atomic<int> TaskManager::active_workers;
  atomic<int> TaskManager::workers_on_node[8];   // max nodes

  int TaskManager::sleep_usecs = 1000;
  bool TaskManager::sleep = false;

  TaskManager::NodeData *TaskManager::nodedata[8];
  int TaskManager::num_nodes;
  static mutex copyex_mutex;

  int EnterTaskManager ()
    if (task_manager)
        // no task manager started
        return 0;

    task_manager = new TaskManager();

    GetLogger("TaskManager")->info("task-based parallelization (C++11 threads) using {} threads", task_manager->GetNumThreads());

#ifdef USE_NUMA
    numa_run_on_node (0);

#if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(EMSCRIPTEN)
    // master has maximal priority !
    int policy;
    struct sched_param param;
    pthread_getschedparam(pthread_self(), &policy, &param);
    param.sched_priority = sched_get_priority_max(policy);
    pthread_setschedparam(pthread_self(), policy, &param);
#endif // !defined(WIN32) && !defined(EMSCRIPTEN)


    ParallelFor (Range(100), [&] (int i) { ; });    // startup
    return task_manager->GetNumThreads();

  void ExitTaskManager (int num_threads)
    if(num_threads > 0)
        delete task_manager;
        task_manager = nullptr;

  void RunWithTaskManager (function<void()> alg)
    int num_threads = EnterTaskManager();

  void TaskManager :: SetNumThreads(int amax_threads)
      if(task_manager && task_manager->active_workers>0)
          std::cerr << "Warning: can't change number of threads while TaskManager active!" << std::endl;
      max_threads = amax_threads;

  TaskManager :: TaskManager()
      num_threads = GetMaxThreads();
      // if (MyMPI_GetNTasks() > 1) num_threads = 1;

#ifdef USE_NUMA
      num_nodes = numa_max_node() + 1;
      if (num_nodes > num_threads) num_nodes = num_threads;

      for (int j = 0; j < num_nodes; j++)
          void * mem = numa_alloc_onnode (sizeof(NodeData), j);
          nodedata[j] = new (mem) NodeData;
	  complete[j] = -1;
          workers_on_node[j] = 0;          
      num_nodes = 1;
      nodedata[0] = new NodeData;
      complete[0] = -1;
      workers_on_node[0] = 0;

      jobnr = 0;
      done = 0;
      sleep = false;
      sleep_usecs = 1000;
      active_workers = 0;

      static int cnt = 0;
      if (use_paje_trace)
          trace = new PajeTrace(num_threads, "ng" + ToString(cnt++));

  TaskManager :: ~TaskManager ()
    if (use_paje_trace)
        delete trace;
        trace = nullptr;
    num_threads = 1;

#ifdef WIN32
  int TaskManager :: GetThreadId()
    return thread_id;
  void TaskManager :: StartWorkers()
    done = false;

    for (int i = 1; i < num_threads; i++)
        std::thread([this,i]() { this->Loop(i); }).detach();
    thread_id = 0;
    size_t alloc_size = num_threads*NgProfiler::SIZE;
    NgProfiler::thread_times = new size_t[alloc_size];
    for (size_t i = 0; i < alloc_size; i++)
      NgProfiler::thread_times[i] = 0;
    NgProfiler::thread_flops = new size_t[alloc_size];
    for (size_t i = 0; i < alloc_size; i++)
      NgProfiler::thread_flops[i] = 0;

    while (active_workers < num_threads-1)

  static size_t calibrate_init_tsc = GetTimeCounter();
  typedef std::chrono::system_clock TClock;
  static TClock::time_point calibrate_init_clock = TClock::now();
  void TaskManager :: StopWorkers()
    done = true;
    double delta_tsc = GetTimeCounter()-calibrate_init_tsc;
    double delta_sec = std::chrono::duration<double>(TClock::now()-calibrate_init_clock).count();
    double frequ = (delta_sec != 0) ? delta_tsc/delta_sec : 2.7e9;
    // cout << "cpu frequ = " << frequ << endl;
    // collect timings
    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_threads; i++)
      for (size_t j = NgProfiler::SIZE; j-- > 0; )
          if (!NgProfiler::timers[j].usedcounter) break;
          NgProfiler::timers[j].tottime += 1.0/frequ * NgProfiler::thread_times[i*NgProfiler::SIZE+j];
          NgProfiler::timers[j].flops += NgProfiler::thread_flops[i*NgProfiler::SIZE+j];
    delete [] NgProfiler::thread_times;
    NgProfiler::thread_times = NgProfiler::dummy_thread_times.data();
    delete [] NgProfiler::thread_flops;
    NgProfiler::thread_flops = NgProfiler::dummy_thread_flops.data();
    while (active_workers)

  /////////////////////// NEW: nested tasks using concurrent queue

  struct TNestedTask
    const function<void(TaskInfo&)> * func;
    int mynr;
    int total;
    int producing_thread;
    atomic<int> * endcnt;

    TNestedTask () { ; }
    TNestedTask (const function<void(TaskInfo&)> & _func,
                 int _mynr, int _total,
                 atomic<int> & _endcnt, int prod_tid)
      : func(&_func), mynr(_mynr), total(_total), producing_thread(prod_tid), endcnt(&_endcnt)

  typedef moodycamel::ConcurrentQueue<TNestedTask> TQueue; 
  typedef moodycamel::ProducerToken TPToken; 
  typedef moodycamel::ConsumerToken TCToken; 
  static TQueue taskqueue;

  void AddTask (const function<void(TaskInfo&)> & afunc,
                atomic<int> & endcnt)
    TPToken ptoken(taskqueue); 

    int num = endcnt;
    auto tid = TaskManager::GetThreadId();
    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
      taskqueue.enqueue (ptoken, { afunc, i, num, endcnt, tid });

  bool TaskManager :: ProcessTask()
    // static Timer t("process task");
    TNestedTask task;
    TCToken ctoken(taskqueue); 
    if (taskqueue.try_dequeue(ctoken, task))
        TaskInfo ti;
        ti.task_nr = task.mynr;
        ti.ntasks = task.total;
        ti.thread_nr = TaskManager::GetThreadId();
        ti.nthreads = TaskManager::GetNumThreads();
          lock_guard<mutex> guard(m);
          cout << "process nested, nr = " << ti.task_nr << "/" << ti.ntasks << endl;
        // if(trace && task.producing_thread != ti.thread_nr)
        // trace->StartTask (ti.thread_nr, t, PajeTrace::Task::ID_TIMER, task.producing_thread);


        // if(trace && task.producing_thread != ti.thread_nr)
        // trace->StopTask (ti.thread_nr, t);
        return true;
    return false;

  void TaskManager :: CreateJob (const function<void(TaskInfo&)> & afunc,
                                 int antasks)
    if (num_threads == 1 || !task_manager) //  || func)
        if (startup_function) (*startup_function)();
        TaskInfo ti;
        ti.ntasks = antasks;
        ti.thread_nr = 0; ti.nthreads = 1;
        // ti.node_nr = 0; ti.nnodes = 1;
        for (ti.task_nr = 0; ti.task_nr < antasks; ti.task_nr++)

        if (cleanup_function) (*cleanup_function)();        

    if (func)
      { // we are already parallel, use nested tasks
        // startup for inner function not supported ...
        // if (startup_function) (*startup_function)();

        if (antasks == 1)
            TaskInfo ti;
            ti.task_nr = 0;
            ti.ntasks = 1;
            ti.thread_nr = 0; ti.nthreads = 1;
        atomic<int> endcnt(antasks);
        AddTask (afunc, endcnt);
        while (endcnt > 0)
        // if (cleanup_function) (*cleanup_function)();
    if (antasks == 1)
        if (trace)
          trace->StartJob(jobnr, afunc.target_type());
        if (startup_function) (*startup_function)();
        TaskInfo ti;
        ti.task_nr = 0;
        ti.ntasks = 1;
        ti.thread_nr = 0; ti.nthreads = 1;
          RegionTracer t(ti.thread_nr, jobnr, RegionTracer::ID_JOB, ti.task_nr);
        if (cleanup_function) (*cleanup_function)();
        if (trace)
    if (trace)
        trace->StartJob(jobnr, afunc.target_type());

    func = &afunc;

    ntasks.store (antasks); // , memory_order_relaxed);
    ex = nullptr;

    nodedata[0]->start_cnt.store (0, memory_order_relaxed);

    for (int j = 0; j < num_nodes; j++)
      nodedata[j]->participate |= 1;

    if (startup_function) (*startup_function)();
    int thd = 0;
    int thds = GetNumThreads();
    int mynode = num_nodes * thd/thds;

    IntRange mytasks = Range(int(ntasks)).Split (mynode, num_nodes);
    NodeData & mynode_data = *(nodedata[mynode]);

    TaskInfo ti;
    ti.nthreads = thds;
    ti.thread_nr = thd;
    // ti.nnodes = num_nodes;
    // ti.node_nr = mynode;

        while (1)
            int mytask = mynode_data.start_cnt++;
            if (mytask >= mytasks.Size()) break;
            ti.task_nr = mytasks.First()+mytask;
            ti.ntasks = ntasks;

              RegionTracer t(ti.thread_nr, jobnr, RegionTracer::ID_JOB, ti.task_nr);

    catch (Exception & e)
          lock_guard<mutex> guard(copyex_mutex);
          delete ex;
          ex = new Exception (e);
          mynode_data.start_cnt = mytasks.Size();

    if (cleanup_function) (*cleanup_function)();
    for (int j = 0; j < num_nodes; j++)
      if (workers_on_node[j])
          while (complete[j] != jobnr)
#endif // NETGEN_ARCH_AMD64

    func = nullptr;
    if (ex)
      throw Exception (*ex);

    if (trace)
  void TaskManager :: Loop(int thd)
    static Timer tADD("add entry counter");
    static Timer tCASready1("spin-CAS ready tick1");
    static Timer tCASready2("spin-CAS ready tick2");
    static Timer tCASyield("spin-CAS yield");
    static Timer tCAS1("spin-CAS wait");
    static Timer texit("exit zone");
    static Timer tdec("decrement");
    thread_id = thd;

    int thds = GetNumThreads();

    int mynode = num_nodes * thd/thds;

    NodeData & mynode_data = *(nodedata[mynode]);

    TaskInfo ti;
    ti.nthreads = thds;
    ti.thread_nr = thd;
    // ti.nnodes = num_nodes;
    // ti.node_nr = mynode;

#ifdef USE_NUMA
    numa_run_on_node (mynode);
    int jobdone = 0;

#ifdef USE_MKL
    auto mkl_max = mkl_get_max_threads();

    size_t no_job_counter = 0;
    while (!done)
        if (complete[mynode] > jobdone)
          jobdone = complete[mynode];

        if (jobnr == jobdone)
            // RegionTracer t(ti.thread_nr, tCASyield, ti.task_nr);
            while (ProcessTask()) no_job_counter = 0; // do the nested tasks
            if(sleep || no_job_counter > 10000)
#ifdef WIN32
#else  // WIN32
#endif // WIN32

          // RegionTracer t(ti.thread_nr, tADD, ti.task_nr);

          // non-atomic fast check ...
          if ( (mynode_data.participate & 1) == 0) continue;

          int oldval = mynode_data.participate += 2;
          if ( (oldval & 1) == 0)
            { // job not active, going out again
              mynode_data.participate -= 2;

        if (startup_function) (*startup_function)();
        IntRange mytasks = Range(int(ntasks)).Split (mynode, num_nodes);
            while (1)
                if (mynode_data.start_cnt >= mytasks.Size()) break;
		int mytask = mynode_data.start_cnt.fetch_add(1, memory_order_relaxed);
                if (mytask >= mytasks.Size()) break;
                ti.task_nr = mytasks.First()+mytask;
                ti.ntasks = ntasks;
                no_job_counter = 0;
                  RegionTracer t(ti.thread_nr, jobnr, RegionTracer::ID_JOB, ti.task_nr);

        catch (Exception & e)
              // cout << "got exception in TM" << endl; 
              lock_guard<mutex> guard(copyex_mutex);
              delete ex;
              ex = new Exception (e);
              mynode_data.start_cnt = mytasks.Size();

#ifndef __MIC__
        atomic_thread_fence (memory_order_release);     
#endif // __MIC__

        if (cleanup_function) (*cleanup_function)();

        jobdone = jobnr;


	  int oldpart = 1;
	  if (mynode_data.participate.compare_exchange_strong (oldpart, 0))
              if (jobdone < jobnr.load())
                { // reopen gate
                  mynode_data.participate |= 1;                  
                  if (mynode != 0)
                    mynode_data.start_cnt = 0;
                  complete[mynode] = jobnr.load(); 

#ifdef USE_MKL


  std::list<std::tuple<std::string,double>> TaskManager :: Timing ()
    double time =
      ( [&] ()
          ParallelJob ( [] (TaskInfo ti) { ; } ,
                        TasksPerThread(1) );
    timings.push_back (make_tuple("parallel job with 1 task per thread", time*1e9));
    time =
      ( [&] ()
          ParallelJob ( [] (TaskInfo ti) { ; } ,
                        TasksPerThread(10) );
    timings.push_back (make_tuple("parallel job with 10 tasks per thread", time*1e9));

    time =
      ( [&] ()
          ParallelJob ( [] (TaskInfo ti) { ; } ,
                        TasksPerThread(100) );
    timings.push_back (make_tuple("parallel job with 100 tasks per thread", time*1e9));

    return timings;

    // this is the old function moved from the py-interface:
    double starttime, time;
    double maxtime = 0.5;
    size_t steps;
    starttime = WallTime();
    steps = 0;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
          ParallelJob ( [] (TaskInfo ti) { ; },
        steps += 1000;
        time = WallTime()-starttime;
    while (time < maxtime);
    timings.push_back(make_tuple("ParallelJob 1 task/thread", time/steps*1e9));

    starttime = WallTime();
    steps = 0;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
          ParallelJob ( [] (TaskInfo ti) { ; },
        steps += 1000;
        time = WallTime()-starttime;
    while (time < maxtime);
    timings.push_back(make_tuple("ParallelJob 100 task/thread", time/steps*1e9));

    starttime = WallTime();
    steps = 0;
        for (int k = 0; k < 10000; k++)
            SharedLoop2 sl(1000);
            steps += 1;
        time = WallTime()-starttime;
    while (time < maxtime);
    timings.push_back(make_tuple("SharedLoop init", time/steps*1e9));
    starttime = WallTime();
    steps = 0;
        for (int k = 0; k < 1000; k++)
            SharedLoop sl(5);
            ParallelJob ( [&sl] (TaskInfo ti)
                            for (auto i : sl)
                              (void)i;  // silence warning
                          } );
        steps += 1000;
        time = WallTime()-starttime;
    while (time < maxtime);
    timings.push_back(make_tuple("short SharedLoop", time/steps*1e9));

    starttime = WallTime();
    steps = 0;
        for (int k = 0; k < 1000; k++)
            SharedLoop sl1(5), sl2(5), sl3(5), sl4(5), sl5(5);
            ParallelJob ( [&sl1, &sl2, &sl3, &sl4, &sl5] (TaskInfo ti)
                            for (auto i : sl1)
                              (void)i;  // silence warning
                            for (auto i : sl2)
                              (void)i;  // silence warning
                            for (auto i : sl3)
                              (void)i;  // silence warning
                            for (auto i : sl4)
                              (void)i;  // silence warning
                            for (auto i : sl5)
                              (void)i;  // silence warning
                          } );
        steps += 1000;
        time = WallTime()-starttime;
    while (time < maxtime);
    timings.push_back(make_tuple("5 short SharedLoops", time/steps*1e9));

    starttime = WallTime();
    steps = 0;
    SharedLoop2 sl2(5);
        for (int k = 0; k < 1000; k++)
            ParallelJob ( [&sl2] (TaskInfo ti)
                            for (auto i : sl2)
                              (void)i;  // silence warning                              
                          } );
        steps += 1000;
        time = WallTime()-starttime;
    while (time < maxtime);
    timings.push_back(make_tuple("short SharedLoop2", time/steps*1e9));

    starttime = WallTime();
    steps = 0;
    SharedLoop2 sl1(5), sl2(5), sl3(5), sl4(5), sl5(5);
        for (int k = 0; k < 1000; k++)
            ParallelJob ( [&sl1,&sl2,&sl3,&sl4,&sl5] (TaskInfo ti)
                            for (auto i : sl1)
                              (void)i;  // silence warning                              
                            for (auto i : sl2)
                              (void)i;  // silence warning                              
                            for (auto i : sl3)
                              (void)i;  // silence warning                              
                            for (auto i : sl4)
                              (void)i;  // silence warning                              
                            for (auto i : sl5)
                              (void)i;  // silence warning                              
                          } );
        steps += 1000;
        time = WallTime()-starttime;
    while (time < maxtime);
    timings.push_back(make_tuple("5 short SharedLoop2", time/steps*1e9));

    starttime = WallTime();
    steps = 0;
    SharedLoop2 sl(1000);
        for (int k = 0; k < 1000; k++)
            ParallelJob ( [&sl] (TaskInfo ti)
                            for (auto i : sl)
                              (void)i;  // silence warning                               
                          } );
            steps += 1000;
        time = WallTime()-starttime;
    while (time < maxtime);
    timings.push_back(make_tuple("SharedLoop2 1000, time per iteration", time/steps*1e9));

    starttime = WallTime();
    steps = 0;
    SharedLoop2 sl(1000000);
        ParallelJob ( [&sl] (TaskInfo ti)
                        for (auto i : sl)
                          (void)i;  // silence warning
                      } );
        steps += 1000000;
        time = WallTime()-starttime;
    while (time < maxtime);
    timings.push_back(make_tuple("SharedLoop2 1000000, time per iteration", time/steps*1e9));
    return timings;