#ifndef FILE_GEOMSEARCH #define FILE_GEOMSEARCH /**************************************************************************/ /* File: geomsearch.hh */ /* Author: Johannes Gerstmayr */ /* Date: 19. Nov. 97 */ /**************************************************************************/ class FrontPoint3; class FrontFace; class MiniElement2d; /// class for quick access of 3D-elements; class cannot delete elements, but only append class GeomSearch3d { public: /// GeomSearch3d(); /// virtual ~GeomSearch3d(); /// void Init (NgArray <FrontPoint3,PointIndex::BASE, PointIndex> *pointsi, NgArray <FrontFace> *facesi); ///get elements max extension void ElemMaxExt(Point3d& minp, Point3d& maxp, const MiniElement2d& elem); ///get minimum coordinates of two points ->p2 void MinCoords(const Point3d& p1, Point3d& p2); ///get minimum coordinates of two points ->p2 void MaxCoords(const Point3d& p1, Point3d& p2); ///create a hashtable from an existing array of triangles ///sizei = number of pieces in one direction void Create(); ///add new element to Hashtable void AddElem(const MiniElement2d& elem, INDEX elemnum); ///GetLocal faces in sphere with radius xh and middlepoint p void GetLocals(NgArray<MiniElement2d> & locfaces, NgArray<INDEX> & findex, INDEX fstind, const Point3d& p0, double xh); private: NgArray <FrontFace> *faces; // Pointers to Arrays in Adfront NgArray <FrontPoint3,PointIndex::BASE, PointIndex> *points; NgArray <NgArray <int>*> hashtable; Point3d minext; //extension of Hashdomain Point3d maxext; Point3d maxextreal; Vec3d elemsize; //size of one Hash-Element threeint size; // size of Hashtable in each direction int reset; int hashcount; }; #endif