#include <mystdlib.h> #include <myadt.hpp> #include <linalg.hpp> #include <csg.hpp> #include <meshing.hpp> namespace netgen { Identification :: Identification (int anr, const CSGeometry & ageom) : geom(ageom), identfaces(10) { nr = anr; } Identification :: ~Identification () { ; } ostream & operator<< (ostream & ost, Identification & ident) { ident.Print (ost); return ost; } /* void Identification :: IdentifySpecialPoints (NgArray<class SpecialPoint> & points) { ; } */ int Identification :: Identifiable (const SpecialPoint & sp1, const SpecialPoint & sp2, const TABLE<int> & specpoint2solid, const TABLE<int> & specpoint2surface) const { cout << "Identification::Identifiable called for base-class" << endl; return 0; } int Identification :: Identifiable (const Point<3> & p1, const Point<3> & sp2) const { cout << "Identification::Identifiable called for base-class" << endl; return 0; } int Identification :: IdentifiableCandidate (const SpecialPoint & sp1) const { return 1; } int Identification :: ShortEdge (const SpecialPoint & sp1, const SpecialPoint & sp2) const { return 0; } int Identification :: GetIdentifiedPoint (class Mesh & mesh, int pi) { cout << "Identification::GetIdentifiedPoint called for base-class" << endl; return -1; } void Identification :: IdentifyPoints (Mesh & mesh) { cout << "Identification::IdentifyPoints called for base-class" << endl; ; } void Identification :: IdentifyFaces (class Mesh & mesh) { cout << "Identification::IdentifyFaces called for base-class" << endl; ; } void Identification :: BuildSurfaceElements (NgArray<Segment> & segs, Mesh & mesh, const Surface * surf) { cout << "Identification::BuildSurfaceElements called for base-class" << endl; ; } void Identification :: BuildVolumeElements (NgArray<class Element2d> & surfels, class Mesh & mesh) { ; } void Identification :: GetIdentifiedFaces (NgArray<INDEX_2> & idfaces) const { idfaces.SetSize(0); for (int i = 1; i <= identfaces.GetNBags(); i++) for (int j = 1; j <= identfaces.GetBagSize(i); j++) { INDEX_2 i2; int val; identfaces.GetData (i, j, i2, val); idfaces.Append (i2); } } PeriodicIdentification :: PeriodicIdentification (int anr, const CSGeometry & ageom, const Surface * as1, const Surface * as2, Transformation<3> atrafo) : Identification(anr, ageom), trafo(atrafo) { inv_trafo = trafo.CalcInverse(); s1 = as1; s2 = as2; } PeriodicIdentification :: ~PeriodicIdentification () { ; } /* void PeriodicIdentification :: IdentifySpecialPoints (NgArray<class SpecialPoint> & points) { int i, j; int bestj; double bestval, val; for (i = 1; i <= points.Size(); i++) { Point<3> p1 = points.Get(i).p; Point<3> hp1 = p1; s1->Project (hp1); if (Dist (p1, hp1) > 1e-6) continue; Vec<3> n1; s1->GetNormalVector (p1, n1); n1 /= n1.Length(); if ( fabs(n1 * points.Get(i).v) > 1e-3) continue; bestval = 1e8; bestj = 1; for (j = 1; j <= points.Size(); j++) { Point<3> p2= points.Get(j).p; Point<3> hp2 = p2; s2->Project (hp2); if (Dist (p2, hp2) > 1e-6) continue; Vec<3> n2; s2->GetNormalVector (p2, n2); n2 /= n2.Length(); if ( fabs(n2 * points.Get(j).v) > 1e-3) continue; Vec<3> v(p1, p2); double vl = v.Length(); double cl = fabs (v*n1); val = 1 - cl*cl/(vl*vl); val += (points.Get(i).v - points.Get(j).v).Length(); if (val < bestval) { bestj = j; bestval = val; } } (*testout) << "Identify Periodic special points: pi = " << points.Get(i).p << ", vi = " << points.Get(i).v << " pj = " << points.Get(bestj).p << ", vj = " << points.Get(bestj).v << " bestval = " << bestval << endl; } } */ int PeriodicIdentification :: Identifiable (const SpecialPoint & sp1, const SpecialPoint & sp2, const TABLE<int> & specpoint2solid, const TABLE<int> & specpoint2surface) const { SpecialPoint hsp1 = sp1; SpecialPoint hsp2 = sp2; for (int i = 1; i <= 1; i++) { // Swap (hsp1, hsp2); if (!s1->PointOnSurface (hsp1.p)) continue; Vec<3> n1; n1 = s1->GetNormalVector (hsp1.p); n1 /= n1.Length(); if ( fabs(n1 * hsp1.v) > 1e-3) continue; if (!s2->PointOnSurface(hsp2.p)) continue; Vec<3> n2; n2 = s2->GetNormalVector (hsp2.p); n2 /= n2.Length(); if ( fabs(n2 * hsp2.v) > 1e-3) continue; if ((trafo(hsp1.v)-hsp2.v).Length2() > 1e-12) return false; double d2typ = Dist2(hsp1.p, hsp2.p); if (Dist2 (trafo(hsp1.p),hsp2.p) < 1e-18*d2typ) return true; if (Dist2 (hsp1.p, trafo(hsp1.p)) < 1e-18*d2typ) { // old style without trafo, but normal projection Vec<3> v = hsp2.p - hsp1.p; double vl = v.Length(); double cl = fabs (v*n1); double val1 = 1 - cl*cl/(vl*vl); double val2 = (hsp1.v - hsp2.v).Length(); if (val1 < 1e-10 && val2 < 1e-6) return true; } } return false; } int PeriodicIdentification :: Identifiable (const Point<3> & p1, const Point<3> & p2) const { return (s1->PointOnSurface (p1) && s2->PointOnSurface (p2)); } int PeriodicIdentification :: GetIdentifiedPoint (class Mesh & mesh, int pi) { const Surface *snew; const Point<3> & p = mesh.Point (pi); Point<3> hp = p; if (s1->PointOnSurface (p)) { snew = s2; hp = trafo(hp); } else { if (s2->PointOnSurface (p)) { snew = s1; hp = inv_trafo(hp); } else { throw NgException("GetIdenfifiedPoint: Not possible"); } } // project to other surface snew->Project (hp); int newpi = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNP(); i++) if (Dist2 (mesh.Point(i), hp) < 1e-12) { newpi = i; break; } if (!newpi) newpi = mesh.AddPoint (hp); if (snew == s2) mesh.GetIdentifications().Add (pi, newpi, nr); else mesh.GetIdentifications().Add (newpi, pi, nr); mesh.GetIdentifications().SetType(nr,Identifications::PERIODIC); /* (*testout) << "Identify points(periodic), nr = " << nr << ": " << mesh.Point(pi) << " and " << mesh.Point(newpi) << ((snew == s2) ? "" : " inverse") << endl; */ return newpi; } void PeriodicIdentification :: IdentifyPoints (class Mesh & mesh) { Point3d p1, p2; mesh.GetBox(p1, p2); auto eps = 1e-6 * (p2-p1).Length(); for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNP(); i++) { Point<3> p = mesh.Point(i); if (s1->PointOnSurface (p)) { Point<3> pp = p; pp = trafo(pp); s2->Project (pp); for (int j = 1; j <= mesh.GetNP(); j++) if (Dist2(mesh.Point(j), pp) < eps) { mesh.GetIdentifications().Add (i, j, nr); /* (*testout) << "Identify points(periodic:), nr = " << nr << ": " << mesh.Point(i) << " - " << mesh.Point(j) << endl; */ } } } mesh.GetIdentifications().SetType(nr,Identifications::PERIODIC); } void PeriodicIdentification :: IdentifyFaces (class Mesh & mesh) { int i, j, k, l; int fi1, fi2, side; for (i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNFD(); i++) for (j = 1; j <= mesh.GetNFD(); j++) { int surfi = mesh.GetFaceDescriptor(i).SurfNr(); int surfj = mesh.GetFaceDescriptor(j).SurfNr(); if (surfi == surfj) continue; if (geom.GetSurface (surfi) != s1 || geom.GetSurface (surfj) != s2) continue; int idok = 1; // (*testout) << "check faces " << i << " and " << j << endl; for (side = 1; side <= 2 && idok; side++) { if (side == 1) { fi1 = i; fi2 = j; } else { fi1 = j; fi2 = i; } for (k = 1; k <= mesh.GetNSeg(); k++) { const Segment & seg1 = mesh.LineSegment(k); if (seg1.si != fi1) continue; int foundother = 0; for (l = 1; l <= mesh.GetNSeg(); l++) { const Segment & seg2 = mesh.LineSegment(l); if (seg2.si != fi2) continue; // (*testout) << "seg1 = " << seg1[0] << "-" << seg1[1] << ", seg2 = " << seg2[0] << "-" << seg2[1]; if (side == 1) { if (mesh.GetIdentifications().Used (seg1[0], seg2[0]) && mesh.GetIdentifications().Used (seg1[1], seg2[1])) { foundother = 1; break; } if (mesh.GetIdentifications().Used (seg1[0], seg2[1]) && mesh.GetIdentifications().Used (seg1[1], seg2[0])) { foundother = 1; break; } } else { if (mesh.GetIdentifications().Used (seg2[0], seg1[0]) && mesh.GetIdentifications().Used (seg2[1], seg1[1])) { foundother = 1; break; } if (mesh.GetIdentifications().Used (seg2[0], seg1[1]) && mesh.GetIdentifications().Used (seg2[1], seg1[0])) { foundother = 1; break; } } } if (!foundother) { idok = 0; break; } } } if (idok) { // (*testout) << "Identify faces " << i << " and " << j << endl; INDEX_2 fpair(i,j); fpair.Sort(); identfaces.Set (fpair, 1); } } } void PeriodicIdentification :: BuildSurfaceElements (NgArray<Segment> & segs, Mesh & mesh, const Surface * surf) { int found = 0; int fother = -1; int facei = segs.Get(1).si; int surfnr = mesh.GetFaceDescriptor(facei).SurfNr(); if (geom.GetSurface(surfnr) == s1 || geom.GetSurface(surfnr) == s2) { NgArray<int> copy_points; for (SurfaceElementIndex sei = 0; sei < mesh.GetNSE(); sei++) { const Element2d & sel = mesh[sei]; INDEX_2 fpair (facei, sel.GetIndex()); fpair.Sort(); if (identfaces.Used (fpair)) { for (int k = 0; k < sel.GetNP(); k++) if (!copy_points.Contains (sel[k])) copy_points.Append (sel[k]); } } BubbleSort (copy_points); for (int k = 0; k < copy_points.Size(); k++) GetIdentifiedPoint (mesh, copy_points[k]); for (SurfaceElementIndex sei = 0; sei < mesh.GetNSE(); sei++) { const Element2d & sel = mesh[sei]; INDEX_2 fpair (facei, sel.GetIndex()); fpair.Sort(); if (identfaces.Used (fpair)) { found = 1; fother = sel.GetIndex(); // copy element Element2d newel(sel.GetType()); newel.SetIndex (facei); for (int k = 0; k < sel.GetNP(); k++) newel[k] = GetIdentifiedPoint (mesh, sel[k]); Vec<3> nt = Cross (Point<3> (mesh[newel[1]])- Point<3> (mesh[newel[0]]), Point<3> (mesh[newel[2]])- Point<3> (mesh[newel[0]])); Vec<3> nsurf = geom.GetSurface (surfnr)->GetNormalVector (mesh[newel[0]]); if (nsurf * nt < 0) Swap (newel[0], newel[2]); mesh.AddSurfaceElement (newel); } } } if (found) { // (*mycout) << " copy face " << facei << " from face " << fother; PrintMessage (4, " copy face ", facei, " from face ", fother); segs.SetSize(0); } } void PeriodicIdentification :: Print (ostream & ost) const { ost << "Periodic Identifiaction, surfaces: " << s1->Name() << " - " << s2->Name() << endl; s1->Print (ost); ost << " - "; s2->Print (ost); ost << endl; } void PeriodicIdentification :: GetData (ostream & ost) const { ost << "periodic " << s1->Name() << " " << s2->Name(); } CloseSurfaceIdentification :: CloseSurfaceIdentification (int anr, const CSGeometry & ageom, const Surface * as1, const Surface * as2, const TopLevelObject * adomain, const Flags & flags) : Identification(anr, ageom) { s1 = as1; s2 = as2; domain = adomain; ref_levels = int (flags.GetNumFlag ("reflevels", 2)); ref_levels_s1 = int (flags.GetNumFlag ("reflevels1", 0)); ref_levels_s2 = int (flags.GetNumFlag ("reflevels2", 0)); slices = flags.GetNumListFlag ("slices"); for(int i=0; i<slices.Size(); i++) if((i==0 && slices[i] <= 0) || (i>0 && slices[i] <= slices[i-1]) || (slices[i] >= 1)) throw NgException ("slices have to be in ascending order, between 0 and 1"); // eps_n = 1e-3; eps_n = 1e-6; dom_surf_valid = 0; if (domain) for (int i = 0; i < geom.GetNTopLevelObjects(); i++) if (domain == geom.GetTopLevelObject(i)) dom_nr = i; usedirection = flags.NumListFlagDefined("direction"); if(usedirection) { for(int i=0; i<3; i++) direction(i) = flags.GetNumListFlag("direction")[i]; direction.Normalize(); } } CloseSurfaceIdentification :: ~CloseSurfaceIdentification () { ; } void CloseSurfaceIdentification :: Print (ostream & ost) const { ost << "CloseSurface Identifiaction, surfaces: " << s1->Name() << " - " << s2->Name() << endl; s1->Print (ost); s2->Print (ost); ost << endl; } void CloseSurfaceIdentification :: GetData (ostream & ost) const { ost << "close surface " << s1->Name() << " " << s2->Name(); } /* void CloseSurfaceIdentification :: IdentifySpecialPoints (NgArray<class SpecialPoint> & points) { int i, j; int bestj; double bestval, val; for (i = 1; i <= points.Size(); i++) { Point<3> p1 = points.Get(i).p; Vec<3> n1; if (!s1->PointOnSurface (p1)) continue; s1->GetNormalVector (p1, n1); n1 /= n1.Length(); if ( fabs(n1 * points.Get(i).v) > 1e-3) continue; bestval = 1e8; bestj = 1; for (j = 1; j <= points.Size(); j++) { Point<3> p2= points.Get(j).p; if (!s2->PointOnSurface (p2)) continue; Vec<3> n2; s2->GetNormalVector (p2, n2); n2 /= n2.Length(); if ( fabs(n2 * points.Get(j).v) > 1e-3) continue; Vec<3> v(p1, p2); double vl = v.Length(); double cl = fabs (v*n1); val = 1 - cl*cl/(vl*vl); val += (points.Get(i).v - points.Get(j).v).Length(); if (val < bestval) { bestj = j; bestval = val; } } (*testout) << "Identify close surfaces special points: pi = " << points.Get(i).p << ", vi = " << points.Get(i).v << " pj = " << points.Get(bestj).p << ", vj = " << points.Get(bestj).v << " bestval = " << bestval << endl; } } */ int CloseSurfaceIdentification :: Identifiable (const SpecialPoint & sp1, const SpecialPoint & sp2, const TABLE<int> & specpoint2solid, const TABLE<int> & specpoint2surface) const { //(*testout) << "identcheck: " << sp1.p << "; " << sp2.p << endl; if (!dom_surf_valid) { const_cast<bool&> (dom_surf_valid) = 1; NgArray<int> & hsurf = const_cast<NgArray<int>&> (domain_surfaces); if (domain) { BoxSphere<3> hbox (geom.BoundingBox()); geom.GetIndependentSurfaceIndices (domain->GetSolid(), hbox, hsurf); //(*testout) << "surfs of identification " << nr << ": " << endl << hsurf << endl; } else { hsurf.SetSize (geom.GetNSurf()); for (int j = 0; j < hsurf.Size(); j++) hsurf[j] = j; } } if (domain) { bool has1 = 0, has2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < specpoint2solid[sp1.nr].Size(); i++) if (specpoint2solid[sp1.nr][i] == dom_nr) { has1 = 1; break; } for (int i = 0; i < specpoint2solid[sp2.nr].Size(); i++) if (specpoint2solid[sp2.nr][i] == dom_nr) { has2 = 1; break; } if (!has1 || !has2) { //(*testout) << "failed at pos1" << endl; return 0; } } if (!s1->PointOnSurface (sp1.p)) { //(*testout) << "failed at pos2" << endl; return 0; } // (*testout) << "sp1 " << sp1.p << " sp2 " << sp2.p << endl // << "specpoint2solid[sp1.nr] " << specpoint2solid[sp1.nr] << endl // << "specpoint2solid[sp2.nr] " << specpoint2solid[sp2.nr] << endl; Vec<3> n1 = s1->GetNormalVector (sp1.p); n1.Normalize(); if ( fabs(n1 * sp1.v) > eps_n) { //(*testout) << "failed at pos3" << endl; return 0; } if (!s2->PointOnSurface(sp2.p)) { //(*testout) << "failed at pos4" << endl; return 0; } Vec<3> n2 = s2->GetNormalVector (sp2.p); n2.Normalize(); if ( fabs(n2 * sp2.v) > eps_n) { //(*testout) << "failed at pos5" << endl; return 0; } // must have joint surface bool joint = 0; int j = 0, k = 0; while (1) { int snr1 = specpoint2surface[sp1.nr][j]; int snr2 = specpoint2surface[sp2.nr][k]; if (snr1 < snr2) { j++; if (j == specpoint2surface[sp1.nr].Size()) break; } else if (snr2 < snr1) { k++; if (k == specpoint2surface[sp2.nr].Size()) break; } else { bool dom_surf = 0; for (int l = 0; l < domain_surfaces.Size(); l++) if (domain_surfaces[l] == snr1) dom_surf = 1; if (dom_surf) { Vec<3> hn1 = geom.GetSurface(snr1)->GetNormalVector (sp1.p); Vec<3> hn2 = geom.GetSurface(snr1)->GetNormalVector (sp2.p); if (hn1 * hn2 > 0) { joint = 1; break; } } j++; if (j == specpoint2surface[sp1.nr].Size()) break; k++; if (k == specpoint2surface[sp2.nr].Size()) break; } } if (!joint) { //(*testout) << "failed at pos6" << endl; return 0; } Vec<3> v = sp2.p - sp1.p; double vl = v.Length(); double cl = (usedirection) ? fabs(v*direction) : fabs (v*n1); if(cl <= (1-eps_n*eps_n) * vl) { //(*testout) << "failed at pos7" << endl; return 0; } double dl; if(usedirection) { Vec<3> v1 = sp1.v - (sp1.v*direction)*direction; v1.Normalize(); Vec<3> v2 = sp2.v - (sp2.v*direction)*direction; v2.Normalize(); dl = (v1 - v2).Length(); } else dl = (sp1.v - sp2.v).Length(); if (dl < 0.1) return 1; //(*testout) << "failed at pos8" << endl; return 0; } int CloseSurfaceIdentification :: Identifiable (const Point<3> & p1, const Point<3> & p2) const { // if (domain) // if (!domain->GetSolid()->IsIn (p1) || !domain->GetSolid()->IsIn (p2)) // return 0; return (s1->PointOnSurface (p1) && s2->PointOnSurface (p2)); } int CloseSurfaceIdentification :: IdentifiableCandidate (const SpecialPoint & sp1) const { if (domain) if (!domain->GetSolid()->IsIn (sp1.p)) return 0; if (s1->PointOnSurface (sp1.p)) { Vec<3> n1; n1 = s1->GetNormalVector (sp1.p); n1.Normalize(); if ( fabs(n1 * sp1.v) > eps_n) return 0; return 1; } if (s2->PointOnSurface (sp1.p)) { Vec<3> n1; n1 = s2->GetNormalVector (sp1.p); n1.Normalize(); if ( fabs(n1 * sp1.v) > eps_n) return 0; return 1; } return 0; } int CloseSurfaceIdentification :: ShortEdge (const SpecialPoint & sp1, const SpecialPoint & sp2) const { if ( (s1->PointOnSurface (sp1.p) && s2->PointOnSurface (sp2.p)) || (s1->PointOnSurface (sp2.p) && s2->PointOnSurface (sp1.p)) ) { return 1; } return 0; } int CloseSurfaceIdentification :: GetIdentifiedPoint (class Mesh & mesh, int pi) { const Surface *snew; const Point<3> & p = mesh.Point (pi); NgArray<int,PointIndex::BASE> identmap(mesh.GetNP()); mesh.GetIdentifications().GetMap (nr, identmap); if (identmap.Get(pi)) return identmap.Get(pi); if (s1->PointOnSurface (p)) snew = s2; else if (s2->PointOnSurface (p)) snew = s1; else { (*testout) << "GetIdenfifiedPoint: Not possible" << endl; (*testout) << "p = " << p << endl; (*testout) << "surf1: " << (*s1) << endl << "surf2: " << (*s2) << endl; cerr << "GetIdenfifiedPoint: Not possible" << endl; throw NgException ("GetIdenfifiedPoint: Not possible"); } // project to other surface Point<3> hp = p; if(usedirection) snew->SkewProject(hp,direction); else snew->Project (hp); //(*testout) << "projecting " << p << " to " << hp << endl; int newpi = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNP(); i++) if (Dist2 (mesh.Point(i), hp) < 1e-12) // if (Dist2 (mesh.Point(i), hp) < 1 * Dist2 (hp, p)) { newpi = i; break; } if (!newpi) newpi = mesh.AddPoint (hp); if (snew == s2) { mesh.GetIdentifications().Add (pi, newpi, nr); //(*testout) << "add identification(1) " << pi << " - " << newpi << ", " << nr << endl; } else { mesh.GetIdentifications().Add (newpi, pi, nr); //(*testout) << "add identification(2) " << newpi << " - " << pi << ", " << nr << endl; } mesh.GetIdentifications().SetType(nr,Identifications::CLOSESURFACES); /* (*testout) << "Identify points(closesurface), nr = " << nr << ": " << mesh.Point(pi) << " and " << mesh.Point(newpi) << ((snew == s2) ? "" : " inverse") << endl; */ return newpi; } void CloseSurfaceIdentification :: IdentifyPoints (Mesh & mesh) { int np = mesh.GetNP(); NgArray<int> points_on_surf2; for (int i2 = 1; i2 <= np; i2++) if (s2->PointOnSurface (mesh.Point(i2))) points_on_surf2.Append (i2); NgArray<int> surfs_of_p1; for (int i1 = 1; i1 <= np; i1++) { Point<3> p1 = mesh.Point(i1); // (*testout) << "p1 = " << i1 << " = " << p1 << endl; if (domain && !domain->GetSolid()->IsIn (p1)) continue; //if(domain) (*testout) << "p1 is in " << domain->GetSolid()->Name() << endl; if (s1->PointOnSurface (p1)) { int candi2 = 0; double mindist = 1e10; Vec<3> n1; n1 = s1->GetNormalVector (p1); n1.Normalize(); surfs_of_p1.SetSize(0); for (int jj = 0; jj < domain_surfaces.Size(); jj++) { int j = domain_surfaces[jj]; if (geom.GetSurface(j) -> PointOnSurface(p1)) surfs_of_p1.Append (j); } //(*testout) << " surfs of p1 = " << endl << surfs_of_p1 << endl; for (int ii2 = 0; ii2 < points_on_surf2.Size(); ii2++) { int i2 = points_on_surf2[ii2]; if (i2 == i1) continue; const Point<3> p2 = mesh.Point(i2); Vec<3> n = p2 - p1; n.Normalize(); bool joint = 0; for (int jj = 0; jj < surfs_of_p1.Size(); jj++) { int j = surfs_of_p1[jj]; if (geom.GetSurface(j) -> PointOnSurface(p2)) { Vec<3> hn1 = geom.GetSurface(j)->GetNormalVector (p1); Vec<3> hn2 = geom.GetSurface(j)->GetNormalVector (p2); if (hn1 * hn2 > 0) { joint = 1; break; } } } if (!joint) continue; if(usedirection) { if (fabs (n*direction) > 0.9) { Vec<3> p1p2 = p2-p1; double ndist = p1p2.Length2() - pow(p1p2*direction,2); if(ndist < mindist) { candi2 = i2; mindist = ndist; } } } else { if (fabs (n * n1) > 0.9 && Dist (p1, p2) < mindist) { candi2 = i2; mindist = Dist (p1, p2); } } } if (candi2) { //(*testout) << "identify points " << p1 << " - " << mesh.Point(candi2) << endl; /* (*testout) << "Add Identification from CSI2, nr = " << nr << ", p1 = " << i1 << " = " << mesh[PointIndex(i1)] << ", p2 = " << candi2 << " = " << mesh[PointIndex(candi2)] << endl; */ mesh.GetIdentifications().Add (i1, candi2, nr); mesh.GetIdentifications().SetType(nr,Identifications::CLOSESURFACES); //(*testout) << "add identification " << i1 << " - " << candi2 << ", " << nr << endl; } } } } void CloseSurfaceIdentification :: IdentifyFaces (class Mesh & mesh) { int fi1, fi2, side; int s1rep = -1, s2rep = -1; for (int i = 0; i < geom.GetNSurf(); i++) { if (geom.GetSurface (i) == s1) s1rep = geom.GetSurfaceClassRepresentant(i); if (geom.GetSurface (i) == s2) s2rep = geom.GetSurfaceClassRepresentant(i); } NgArray<int> segs_on_face1, segs_on_face2; identfaces.DeleteData(); //(*testout) << "identify faces, nr = " << nr << endl; for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNFD(); i++) { auto & fdi = mesh.GetFaceDescriptor(i); int surfi = mesh.GetFaceDescriptor(i).SurfNr(); if (s1rep != surfi) continue; if (domain && domain != geom.GetTopLevelObject (mesh.GetFaceDescriptor(i).DomainIn()-1) && domain != geom.GetTopLevelObject (mesh.GetFaceDescriptor(i).DomainOut()-1)) continue; for (int j = 1; j <= mesh.GetNFD(); j++) { auto & fdj = mesh.GetFaceDescriptor(j); int surfj = mesh.GetFaceDescriptor(j).SurfNr(); if (surfi == surfj) continue; if (s2rep != surfj) continue; bool have_common = false; if (fdi.DomainIn() != 0) if (fdi.DomainIn() == fdj.DomainIn() || fdi.DomainIn() == fdj.DomainOut()) have_common = true; if (fdi.DomainOut() != 0) if (fdi.DomainOut() == fdj.DomainIn() || fdi.DomainOut() == fdj.DomainOut()) have_common = true; if (!have_common) continue; int idok = 1; for (side = 1; side <= 2 && idok; side++) { if (side == 1) { fi1 = i; fi2 = j; } else { fi1 = j; fi2 = i; } segs_on_face1.SetSize(0); segs_on_face2.SetSize(0); for (int k = 1; k <= mesh.GetNSeg(); k++) { if (mesh.LineSegment(k).si == fi1) segs_on_face1.Append (k); if (mesh.LineSegment(k).si == fi2) segs_on_face2.Append (k); } for (int k = 1; k <= mesh.GetNSeg(); k++) { const Segment & seg1 = mesh.LineSegment(k); if (seg1.si != fi1) continue; int foundother = 0; /* for (int l = 1; l <= mesh.GetNSeg(); l++) { const Segment & seg2 = mesh.LineSegment(l); if (seg2.si != fi2) continue; */ for (int ll = 0; ll < segs_on_face2.Size(); ll++) { int l = segs_on_face2[ll]; const Segment & seg2 = mesh.LineSegment(l); if (side == 1) { if (mesh.GetIdentifications().Used (seg1[0], seg2[0]) && mesh.GetIdentifications().Used (seg1[1], seg2[1])) { foundother = 1; break; } if (mesh.GetIdentifications().Used (seg1[0], seg2[1]) && mesh.GetIdentifications().Used (seg1[1], seg2[0])) { foundother = 1; break; } } else { if (mesh.GetIdentifications().Used (seg2[0], seg1[0]) && mesh.GetIdentifications().Used (seg2[1], seg1[1])) { foundother = 1; break; } if (mesh.GetIdentifications().Used (seg2[0], seg1[1]) && mesh.GetIdentifications().Used (seg2[1], seg1[0])) { foundother = 1; break; } } } if (!foundother) { idok = 0; break; } } } if (idok) { //(*testout) << "Identification " << nr << ", identify faces " << i << " and " << j << endl; INDEX_2 fpair(i,j); fpair.Sort(); identfaces.Set (fpair, 1); } } } } void CloseSurfaceIdentification :: BuildSurfaceElements (NgArray<Segment> & segs, Mesh & mesh, const Surface * surf) { bool found = 0; int cntquads = 0; NgArray<int,PointIndex::BASE> identmap; identmap = 0; mesh.GetIdentifications().GetMap (nr, identmap); for (int i = PointIndex::BASE; i < identmap.Size()+PointIndex::BASE; i++) if (identmap[i]) identmap[identmap[i]] = i; //(*testout) << "identification nr = " << nr << endl; //(*testout) << "surf = " << (*surf) << endl; //(*testout) << "domain = " << domain->GetSolid()->Name() << endl; //(*testout) << "segs = " << endl << segs << endl; //(*testout) << "identmap = " << endl << identmap << endl; //NgArray<bool> foundseg(segs.Size()); //foundseg = false; // insert quad layer: for (int i1 = 0; i1 < segs.Size(); i1++) { const Segment & s1 = segs[i1]; if (identmap[s1[0]] && identmap[s1[1]]) for (int i2 = 0; i2 < i1; i2++) { const Segment & s2 = segs[i2]; //(*testout) << "checking " << s1 << " and " << s2 << " for ident." << endl; if(domain && !((s1.domin == dom_nr || s1.domout == dom_nr) && (s2.domin == dom_nr || s2.domout == dom_nr))) continue; if ((mesh.GetIdentifications().Get (s1[0], s2[1], nr) && mesh.GetIdentifications().Get (s1[1], s2[0], nr)) || (mesh.GetIdentifications().Get (s2[0], s1[1], nr) && mesh.GetIdentifications().Get (s2[1], s1[0], nr))) { Vec<3> ns = surf->GetNormalVector (mesh[s1[0]]); Vec<3> t1 = mesh[s1[1]] - mesh[s1[0]]; // Vec<3> t2 = mesh[s2[1]] - mesh[s2[0]]; Vec<3> nst1 = Cross(t1, ns); // Vec<3> nst2 = Cross(t2, ns); Vec<3> dvec = Center(mesh[s1[0]], mesh[s1[1]])-Center(mesh[s2[0]], mesh[s2[1]]); if (nst1 * dvec < 0) continue; Element2d el(s1[0], s1[1], s2[0], s2[1]); el.SetIndex(s1.si); Vec<3> n = Cross (mesh[el[1]] - mesh[el[0]], mesh[el[3]] - mesh[el[0]]); if (n * ns < 0) { Swap (el.PNum(1), el.PNum(2)); Swap (el.PNum(3), el.PNum(4)); } mesh.AddSurfaceElement (el); // (*testout) << "(id nr "<< nr <<") add rect element: " // << mesh.Point (el.PNum(1)) << " - " // << mesh.Point (el.PNum(2)) << " - " // << mesh.Point (el.PNum(3)) << " - " // << mesh.Point (el.PNum(4)) << endl; found = true; //foundseg[i1]=foundseg[i2] = true; cntquads++; } } } if (found) { PrintMessage(3, "insert quad layer of ", cntquads, " elements at face ", segs.Get(1).si); //NgArray<Segment> aux; //for(int i=0; i<segs.Size();i++) // if(!foundseg[i]) // aux.Append(segs[i]); segs.SetSize(0); } else { BuildSurfaceElements2 (segs, mesh, surf); } } void CloseSurfaceIdentification :: BuildSurfaceElements2 (NgArray<Segment> & segs, Mesh & mesh, const Surface * surf) { // copy mesh // (*testout) << "copy trig face, identnr = " << nr << endl; // (*testout) << "identfaces = " << endl << identfaces << endl; if (!segs.Size()) return; bool found = 0; int fother = -1; int facei = segs[0].si; int surfnr = mesh.GetFaceDescriptor(facei).SurfNr(); bool foundid = 0; for (INDEX_2_HASHTABLE<int>::Iterator it = identfaces.Begin(); it != identfaces.End(); it++) { INDEX_2 i2; int data; identfaces.GetData (it, i2, data); if (i2.I1() == facei || i2.I2() == facei) foundid = 1; } /* for (int i = 1; i <= identfaces.GetNBags(); i++) for (int j = 1; j <= identfaces.GetBagSize(i); j++) { INDEX_2 i2; int data; identfaces.GetData (i, j, i2, data); if (i2.I1() == facei || i2.I2() == facei) foundid = 1; (*testout) << "identface = " << i2 << endl; (*testout) << "face " << i2.I1() << " = " << mesh.GetFaceDescriptor(i2.I1()) << endl; (*testout) << "face " << i2.I2() << " = " << mesh.GetFaceDescriptor(i2.I2()) << endl; } */ if (foundid) { // (*testout) << "surfaces found" << endl; // copy surface for (SurfaceElementIndex sei = 0; sei < mesh.GetNSE(); sei++) { const Element2d & sel = mesh[sei]; INDEX_2 fpair (facei, sel.GetIndex()); fpair.Sort(); if (identfaces.Used (fpair)) { found = 1; fother = sel.GetIndex(); // copy element Element2d newel(sel.GetType()); newel.SetIndex (facei); for (int k = 1; k <= sel.GetNP(); k++) newel.PNum(k) = GetIdentifiedPoint (mesh, sel.PNum(k)); Vec<3> nt = Cross (Point<3> (mesh.Point (newel.PNum(2)))- Point<3> (mesh.Point (newel.PNum(1))), Point<3> (mesh.Point (newel.PNum(3)))- Point<3> (mesh.Point (newel.PNum(1)))); Vec<3> nsurf; nsurf = geom.GetSurface (surfnr)->GetNormalVector (mesh.Point(newel.PNum(1))); if (nsurf * nt < 0) Swap (newel.PNum(2), newel.PNum(3)); mesh.AddSurfaceElement (newel); } } } if (found) { // (*mycout) << " copy face " << facei << " from face " << fother; PrintMessage (4, " copy face ", facei, " from face ", fother); segs.SetSize(0); } } void CloseSurfaceIdentification :: BuildVolumeElements (NgArray<class Element2d> & surfels, class Mesh & mesh) { ; } /* ***************** Close Edges Identification ********** */ CloseEdgesIdentification :: CloseEdgesIdentification (int anr, const CSGeometry & ageom, const Surface * afacet, const Surface * as1, const Surface * as2) : Identification(anr, ageom) { facet = afacet; s1 = as1; s2 = as2; } CloseEdgesIdentification :: ~CloseEdgesIdentification () { ; } void CloseEdgesIdentification :: Print (ostream & ost) const { ost << "CloseEdges Identifiaction, facet = " << facet->Name() << ", surfaces: " << s1->Name() << " - " << s2->Name() << endl; facet->Print (ost); s1->Print (ost); s2->Print (ost); ost << endl; } void CloseEdgesIdentification :: GetData (ostream & ost) const { ost << "closeedges " << facet->Name() << " " << s1->Name() << " " << s2->Name(); } /* void CloseEdgesIdentification :: IdentifySpecialPoints (NgArray<class SpecialPoint> & points) { int i, j; int bestj; double bestval, val; for (i = 1; i <= points.Size(); i++) { Point<3> p1 = points.Get(i).p; Vec<3> n1; if (!s1->PointOnSurface (p1)) continue; s1->GetNormalVector (p1, n1); n1 /= n1.Length(); if ( fabs(n1 * points.Get(i).v) > 1e-3) continue; bestval = 1e8; bestj = 1; for (j = 1; j <= points.Size(); j++) { Point<3> p2= points.Get(j).p; if (!s2->PointOnSurface (p2)) continue; Vec<3> n2; s2->GetNormalVector (p2, n2); n2 /= n2.Length(); if ( fabs(n2 * points.Get(j).v) > 1e-3) continue; Vec<3> v(p1, p2); double vl = v.Length(); double cl = fabs (v*n1); val = 1 - cl*cl/(vl*vl); val += (points.Get(i).v - points.Get(j).v).Length(); if (val < bestval) { bestj = j; bestval = val; } } (*testout) << "Identify close surfaces special points: pi = " << points.Get(i).p << ", vi = " << points.Get(i).v << " pj = " << points.Get(bestj).p << ", vj = " << points.Get(bestj).v << " bestval = " << bestval << endl; } } */ int CloseEdgesIdentification :: Identifiable (const SpecialPoint & sp1, const SpecialPoint & sp2, const TABLE<int> & specpoint2solid, const TABLE<int> & specpoint2surface) const { int i; double val; SpecialPoint hsp1 = sp1; SpecialPoint hsp2 = sp2; for (i = 1; i <= 1; i++) { if (!s1->PointOnSurface (hsp1.p)) continue; Vec<3> n1; n1 = s1->GetNormalVector (hsp1.p); n1 /= n1.Length(); if ( fabs(n1 * hsp1.v) > 1e-3) continue; if (!s2->PointOnSurface(hsp2.p)) continue; Vec<3> n2; n2 = s2->GetNormalVector (hsp2.p); n2 /= n2.Length(); if ( fabs(n2 * hsp2.v) > 1e-3) continue; Vec<3> v = hsp2.p - hsp1.p; double vl = v.Length(); double cl = fabs (v*n1); val = 1 - cl*cl/(vl*vl); val += (hsp1.v - hsp2.v).Length(); if (val < 1e-3) { return 1; } } return 0; } void CloseEdgesIdentification :: IdentifyPoints (Mesh & mesh) { int np = mesh.GetNP(); for (int i1 = 1; i1 <= np; i1++) for (int i2 = 1; i2 <= np; i2++) { if (i2 == i1) continue; const Point<3> p1 = mesh.Point(i1); const Point<3> p2 = mesh.Point(i2); Point<3> pp1 = p1; Point<3> pp2 = p2; s1->Project (pp1); facet->Project (pp1); s2->Project (pp2); facet->Project (pp2); if (Dist (p1, pp1) > 1e-6 || Dist (p2, pp2) > 1e-6) continue; Vec<3> n1, nf, t; Vec<3> n = p2 - p1; n.Normalize(); n1 = s1->GetNormalVector (p1); nf = facet->GetNormalVector (p1); t = Cross (n1, nf); t /= t.Length(); if (fabs (n * t) < 0.5) { (*testout) << "close edges identify points " << p1 << " - " << p2 << endl; mesh.GetIdentifications().Add (i1, i2, nr); mesh.GetIdentifications().SetType(nr,Identifications::CLOSEEDGES); } } } void CloseEdgesIdentification :: BuildSurfaceElements (NgArray<Segment> & segs, Mesh & mesh, const Surface * surf) { int found = 0; if (surf != facet) return; for (int i1 = 1; i1 <= segs.Size(); i1++) for (int i2 = 1; i2 < i1; i2++) { const Segment & s1 = segs.Get(i1); const Segment & s2 = segs.Get(i2); if (mesh.GetIdentifications().Used (s1[0], s2[1]) && mesh.GetIdentifications().Used (s1[1], s2[0])) { Element2d el(QUAD); el.PNum(1) = s1[0]; el.PNum(2) = s1[1]; el.PNum(3) = s2[1]; el.PNum(4) = s2[0]; Vec<3> n = Cross (Point<3> (mesh.Point(el.PNum(2)))- Point<3> (mesh.Point(el.PNum(1))), Point<3> (mesh.Point(el.PNum(3)))- Point<3> (mesh.Point(el.PNum(1)))); Vec<3> ns; ns = surf->GetNormalVector (mesh.Point(el.PNum(1))); //(*testout) << "n = " << n << " ns = " << ns << endl; if (n * ns < 0) { //(*testout) << "Swap the quad" << endl; Swap (el.PNum(1), el.PNum(2)); Swap (el.PNum(3), el.PNum(4)); } Swap (el.PNum(3), el.PNum(4)); mesh.AddSurfaceElement (el); // (*testout) << "add rect element: " // << mesh.Point (el.PNum(1)) << " - " // << mesh.Point (el.PNum(2)) << " - " // << mesh.Point (el.PNum(3)) << " - " // << mesh.Point (el.PNum(4)) << endl; found = 1; } } if (found) segs.SetSize(0); } }