#ifndef NETGEN_MESHTOOL_HPP #define NETGEN_MESHTOOL_HPP // #include "../general/ngarray.hpp" // #include "../gprim/geom3d.hpp" // #include "../gprim/geomobjects.hpp" // #include "meshtype.hpp" // #include "meshclass.hpp" namespace netgen { /// extern void MeshQuality2d (const Mesh & mesh); /// extern void MeshQuality3d (const Mesh & mesh, NgArray<int> * inclass = NULL); /// extern void SaveEdges (const Mesh & mesh, const char * geomfile, double h, char * filename); /// extern void SaveSurfaceMesh (const Mesh & mesh, double h, char * filename); /* /// extern void Save2DMesh ( const Mesh & mesh2d, const NgArray<class SplineSegment*> * splines, ostream & outfile); */ class Surface; /// extern void SaveVolumeMesh ( const NgArray<Point3d> & points, const NgArray<Element> & elements, const NgArray<Element> & volelements, const NgArray<Surface*> & surfaces, char * filename); /// void SaveVolumeMesh (const Mesh & mesh, const class NetgenGeometry & geometry, char * filename); /// extern int CheckCode (); /// extern double CalcTetBadness (const Point3d & p1, const Point3d & p2, const Point3d & p3, const Point3d & p4, double h, const MeshingParameters & mp); /// extern double CalcTetBadnessGrad (const Point3d & p1, const Point3d & p2, const Point3d & p3, const Point3d & p4, double h, int pi, Vec<3> & grad, const MeshingParameters & mp); /** Calculates volume of an element. The volume of the tetrahedron el is computed */ // extern double CalcVolume (const NgArray<Point3d> & points, // const Element & el); /** The total volume of all elements is computed. This function calculates the volume of the mesh */ extern double CalcVolume (const NgArray<Point3d> & points, const NgArray<Element> & elements); /// extern int CheckSurfaceMesh (const Mesh & mesh); /// extern int CheckSurfaceMesh2 (const Mesh & mesh); /// extern int CheckMesh3D (const Mesh & mesh); /// extern void RemoveProblem (Mesh & mesh, int domainnr); } // namespace netgen #endif // NETGEN_MESHTOOL_HPP