#ifndef FILE_GEOM3D #define FILE_GEOM3D /* *************************************************************************/ /* File: geom3d.hh */ /* Author: Joachim Schoeberl */ /* Date: 5. Aug. 95 */ /* *************************************************************************/ namespace netgen { extern void MyError (const char * ch); class Point3d; class Vec3d; inline Vec3d operator- (const Point3d & p1, const Point3d & p2); inline Point3d operator- (const Point3d & p1, const Vec3d & v); inline Point3d operator+ (const Point3d & p1, const Vec3d & v); Point3d & Add (double d, const Vec3d & v); Point3d & Add2 (double d, const Vec3d & v, double d2, const Vec3d & v2); inline Point3d Center (const Point3d & p1, const Point3d & p2); inline Point3d Center (const Point3d & p1, const Point3d & p2, const Point3d & p3); inline Point3d Center (const Point3d & p1, const Point3d & p2, const Point3d & p3, const Point3d & p4); ostream & operator<<(ostream & s, const Point3d & p); inline Vec3d operator- (const Vec3d & p1, const Vec3d & v); inline Vec3d operator+ (const Vec3d & p1, const Vec3d & v); inline Vec3d operator* (double scal, const Vec3d & v); inline double operator* (const Vec3d & v1, const Vec3d & v2); inline Vec3d Cross (const Vec3d & v1, const Vec3d & v2); inline void Cross (const Vec3d & v1, const Vec3d & v2, Vec3d & prod); double Angle (const Vec3d & v); double FastAngle (const Vec3d & v); double Angle (const Vec3d & v1, const Vec3d & v2); double FastAngle (const Vec3d & v1, const Vec3d & v2); ostream & operator<<(ostream & s, const Vec3d & v); void Transpose (Vec3d & v1, Vec3d & v2, Vec3d & v3); int SolveLinearSystem (const Vec3d & col1, const Vec3d & col2, const Vec3d & col3, const Vec3d & rhs, Vec3d & sol); int SolveLinearSystemLS (const Vec3d & col1, const Vec3d & col2, const Vec2d & rhs, Vec3d & sol); int SolveLinearSystemLS2 (const Vec3d & col1, const Vec3d & col2, const Vec2d & rhs, Vec3d & sol, double & x, double & y); int PseudoInverse (const Vec3d & col1, const Vec3d & col2, Vec3d & inv1, Vec3d & inv2); double Determinant (const Vec3d & col1, const Vec3d & col2, const Vec3d & col3); inline double Dist2 (const Point3d & p1, const Point3d & p2); /// Point in R3 class Point3d { protected: /// double x[3]; public: /// Point3d () { x[0] = x[1] = x[2] = 0; } /// Point3d(double ax, double ay, double az) { x[0] = ax; x[1] = ay; x[2] = az; } /// Point3d(double ax[3]) { x[0] = ax[0]; x[1] = ax[1]; x[2] = ax[2]; } /// Point3d(const Point3d & p2) { x[0] = p2.x[0]; x[1] = p2.x[1]; x[2] = p2.x[2]; } Point3d (const Point<3> & p2) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) x[i] = p2(i); } /// Point3d & operator= (const Point3d & p2) { x[0] = p2.x[0]; x[1] = p2.x[1]; x[2] = p2.x[2]; return *this; } /// int operator== (const Point3d& p) const { return (x[0] == p.x[0] && x[1] == p.x[1] && x[2] == p.x[2]); } /// double & X() { return x[0]; } /// double & Y() { return x[1]; } /// double & Z() { return x[2]; } /// double X() const { return x[0]; } /// double Y() const { return x[1]; } /// double Z() const { return x[2]; } /// double & X(int i) { return x[i-1]; } /// double X(int i) const { return x[i-1]; } /// const Point3d & SetToMin (const Point3d & p2) { if (p2.x[0] < x[0]) x[0] = p2.x[0]; if (p2.x[1] < x[1]) x[1] = p2.x[1]; if (p2.x[2] < x[2]) x[2] = p2.x[2]; return *this; } /// const Point3d & SetToMax (const Point3d & p2) { if (p2.x[0] > x[0]) x[0] = p2.x[0]; if (p2.x[1] > x[1]) x[1] = p2.x[1]; if (p2.x[2] > x[2]) x[2] = p2.x[2]; return *this; } /// friend inline Vec3d operator- (const Point3d & p1, const Point3d & p2); /// friend inline Point3d operator- (const Point3d & p1, const Vec3d & v); /// friend inline Point3d operator+ (const Point3d & p1, const Vec3d & v); /// inline Point3d & operator+= (const Vec3d & v); inline Point3d & operator-= (const Vec3d & v); /// inline Point3d & Add (double d, const Vec3d & v); /// inline Point3d & Add2 (double d, const Vec3d & v, double d2, const Vec3d & v2); /// friend inline double Dist (const Point3d & p1, const Point3d & p2) { return sqrt ( (p1.x[0]-p2.x[0]) * (p1.x[0]-p2.x[0]) + (p1.x[1]-p2.x[1]) * (p1.x[1]-p2.x[1]) + (p1.x[2]-p2.x[2]) * (p1.x[2]-p2.x[2])); } /// inline friend double Dist2 (const Point3d & p1, const Point3d & p2) { return ( (p1.x[0]-p2.x[0]) * (p1.x[0]-p2.x[0]) + (p1.x[1]-p2.x[1]) * (p1.x[1]-p2.x[1]) + (p1.x[2]-p2.x[2]) * (p1.x[2]-p2.x[2])); } /// friend inline Point3d Center (const Point3d & p1, const Point3d & p2); /// friend inline Point3d Center (const Point3d & p1, const Point3d & p2, const Point3d & p3); /// friend inline Point3d Center (const Point3d & p1, const Point3d & p2, const Point3d & p3, const Point3d & p4); /// friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & s, const Point3d & p); /// friend class Vec3d; /// friend class Box3d; operator Point<3> () const { return Point<3> (x[0], x[1], x[2]); } }; /// class Vec3d { protected: /// double x[3]; public: /// inline Vec3d() { x[0] = x[1] = x[2] = 0; } /// inline Vec3d(double ax, double ay, double az) { x[0] = ax; x[1] = ay; x[2] = az; } /// Vec3d(double ax[3]) { x[0] = ax[0]; x[1] = ax[1]; x[2] = ax[2]; } /// inline Vec3d(const Vec3d & v2) { x[0] = v2.x[0]; x[1] = v2.x[1]; x[2] = v2.x[2]; } /// inline Vec3d(const Point3d & p1, const Point3d & p2) { x[0] = p2.x[0] - p1.x[0]; x[1] = p2.x[1] - p1.x[1]; x[2] = p2.x[2] - p1.x[2]; } /// inline Vec3d(const Point3d & p1) { x[0] = p1.x[0]; x[1] = p1.x[1]; x[2] = p1.x[2]; } Vec3d (const Vec<3> & v2) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) x[i] = v2(i); } operator Vec<3> () const { return Vec<3> (x[0], x[1], x[2]); } Vec3d & operator= (const Vec3d & v2) { x[0] = v2.x[0]; x[1] = v2.x[1]; x[2] = v2.x[2]; return *this; } /// Vec3d & operator= (double val) { x[0] = x[1] = x[2] = val; return *this; } /// double & X() { return x[0]; } /// double & Y() { return x[1]; } /// double & Z() { return x[2]; } /// double & X(int i) { return x[i-1]; } /// double X() const { return x[0]; } /// double Y() const { return x[1]; } /// double Z() const { return x[2]; } /// double X(int i) const { return x[i-1]; } /// double Length() const { return sqrt (x[0] * x[0] + x[1] * x[1] + x[2] * x[2]); } /// double Length2() const { return x[0] * x[0] + x[1] * x[1] + x[2] * x[2]; } /// inline friend double Dist (const Vec3d & v1, const Vec3d & v2) { return sqrt ( (v1.x[0]-v2.x[0]) * (v1.x[0]-v2.x[0]) + (v1.x[1]-v2.x[1]) * (v1.x[1]-v2.x[1]) + (v1.x[2]-v2.x[2]) * (v1.x[2]-v2.x[2])); } /// inline friend double Dist2 (const Vec3d & v1, const Vec3d & v2) { return ( (v1.x[0]-v2.x[0]) * (v1.x[0]-v2.x[0]) + (v1.x[1]-v2.x[1]) * (v1.x[1]-v2.x[1]) + (v1.x[2]-v2.x[2]) * (v1.x[2]-v2.x[2])); } /// Vec3d & operator+= (const Vec3d & v2); /// Vec3d & operator-= (const Vec3d & v2); /// Vec3d & operator*= (double s); /// Vec3d & operator/= (double s); /// inline Vec3d & Add (double d, const Vec3d & v); /// inline Vec3d & Add2 (double d, const Vec3d & v, double d2, const Vec3d & v2); /// friend inline Vec3d operator- (const Point3d & p1, const Point3d & p2); /// friend inline Point3d operator- (const Point3d & p1, const Vec3d & v); /// friend inline Point3d operator+ (const Point3d & p1, const Vec3d & v); /// friend inline Vec3d operator- (const Vec3d & p1, const Vec3d & v); /// friend inline Vec3d operator+ (const Vec3d & p1, const Vec3d & v); /// friend inline Vec3d operator* (double scal, const Vec3d & v); /// friend inline double operator* (const Vec3d & v1, const Vec3d & v2); /// friend inline Vec3d Cross (const Vec3d & v1, const Vec3d & v2); /// friend inline void Cross (const Vec3d & v1, const Vec3d & v2, Vec3d & prod); /// Returns one normal-vector to n void GetNormal (Vec3d & n) const; /// friend double Angle (const Vec3d & v); /// friend double FastAngle (const Vec3d & v); /// friend double Angle (const Vec3d & v1, const Vec3d & v2); /// friend double FastAngle (const Vec3d & v1, const Vec3d & v2); void Normalize() { double len = (x[0] * x[0] + x[1] * x[1] + x[2] * x[2]); if (len == 0) return; len = sqrt (len); x[0] /= len; x[1] /= len; x[2] /= len; } /// friend ostream & operator<<(ostream & s, const Vec3d & v); /// friend class Point3d; friend void Transpose (Vec3d & v1, Vec3d & v2, Vec3d & v3); friend int SolveLinearSystem (const Vec3d & col1, const Vec3d & col2, const Vec3d & col3, const Vec3d & rhs, Vec3d & sol); friend int SolveLinearSystemLS (const Vec3d & col1, const Vec3d & col2, const Vec2d & rhs, Vec3d & sol); friend int SolveLinearSystemLS2 (const Vec3d & col1, const Vec3d & col2, const Vec2d & rhs, Vec3d & sol, double & x, double & y); friend int PseudoInverse (const Vec3d & col1, const Vec3d & col2, Vec3d & inv1, Vec3d & inv2); friend double Determinant (const Vec3d & col1, const Vec3d & col2, const Vec3d & col3); }; class QuadraticFunction3d { double c0, cx, cy, cz; double cxx, cyy, czz, cxy, cxz, cyz; public: QuadraticFunction3d (const Point3d & p, const Vec3d & v); double Eval (const Point3d & p) { return c0 + p.X() * (cx + cxx * p.X() + cxy * p.Y() + cxz * p.Z()) + p.Y() * (cy + cyy * p.Y() + cyz * p.Z()) + p.Z() * (cz + czz * p.Z()); } }; inline Point3d Center (const Point3d & p1, const Point3d & p2) { return Point3d (0.5 * (p1.x[0] + p2.x[0]), 0.5 * (p1.x[1] + p2.x[1]), 0.5 * (p1.x[2] + p2.x[2])); } inline Point3d Center (const Point3d & p1, const Point3d & p2, const Point3d & p3) { return Point3d (1.0/3.0 * (p1.x[0] + p2.x[0] + p3.x[0]), 1.0/3.0 * (p1.x[1] + p2.x[1] + p3.x[1]), 1.0/3.0 * (p1.x[2] + p2.x[2] + p3.x[2])); } inline Point3d Center (const Point3d & p1, const Point3d & p2, const Point3d & p3, const Point3d & p4) { return Point3d (0.25 * (p1.x[0] + p2.x[0] + p3.x[0] + p4.x[0]), 0.25 * (p1.x[1] + p2.x[1] + p3.x[1] + p4.x[1]), 0.25 * (p1.x[2] + p2.x[2] + p3.x[2] + p4.x[2])); } inline Vec3d & Vec3d :: operator+= (const Vec3d & v2) { x[0] += v2.x[0]; x[1] += v2.x[1]; x[2] += v2.x[2]; return *this; } inline Vec3d & Vec3d :: operator-= (const Vec3d & v2) { x[0] -= v2.x[0]; x[1] -= v2.x[1]; x[2] -= v2.x[2]; return *this; } inline Vec3d & Vec3d :: operator*= (double s) { x[0] *= s; x[1] *= s; x[2] *= s; return *this; } inline Vec3d & Vec3d :: operator/= (double s) { if (s != 0) { x[0] /= s; x[1] /= s; x[2] /= s; } #ifdef DEBUG else { cerr << "Vec div by 0, v = " << (*this) << endl; // MyError ("Vec3d::operator /=: Divisioin by zero"); } #endif return *this; } inline Vec3d & Vec3d::Add (double d, const Vec3d & v) { x[0] += d * v.x[0]; x[1] += d * v.x[1]; x[2] += d * v.x[2]; return *this; } inline Vec3d & Vec3d::Add2 (double d, const Vec3d & v, double d2, const Vec3d & v2) { x[0] += d * v.x[0] + d2 * v2.x[0]; x[1] += d * v.x[1] + d2 * v2.x[1]; x[2] += d * v.x[2] + d2 * v2.x[2]; return *this; } inline Vec3d operator- (const Point3d & p1, const Point3d & p2) { return Vec3d (p1.x[0] - p2.x[0], p1.x[1] - p2.x[1],p1.x[2] - p2.x[2]); } inline Point3d operator- (const Point3d & p1, const Vec3d & v) { return Point3d (p1.x[0] - v.x[0], p1.x[1] - v.x[1],p1.x[2] - v.x[2]); } inline Point3d operator+ (const Point3d & p1, const Vec3d & v) { return Point3d (p1.x[0] + v.x[0], p1.x[1] + v.x[1],p1.x[2] + v.x[2]); } inline Point3d & Point3d::operator+= (const Vec3d & v) { x[0] += v.x[0]; x[1] += v.x[1]; x[2] += v.x[2]; return *this; } inline Point3d & Point3d::operator-= (const Vec3d & v) { x[0] -= v.x[0]; x[1] -= v.x[1]; x[2] -= v.x[2]; return *this; } inline Point3d & Point3d::Add (double d, const Vec3d & v) { x[0] += d * v.x[0]; x[1] += d * v.x[1]; x[2] += d * v.x[2]; return *this; } inline Point3d & Point3d::Add2 (double d, const Vec3d & v, double d2, const Vec3d & v2) { x[0] += d * v.x[0] + d2 * v2.x[0]; x[1] += d * v.x[1] + d2 * v2.x[1]; x[2] += d * v.x[2] + d2 * v2.x[2]; return *this; } inline Vec3d operator- (const Vec3d & v1, const Vec3d & v2) { return Vec3d (v1.x[0] - v2.x[0], v1.x[1] - v2.x[1],v1.x[2] - v2.x[2]); } inline Vec3d operator+ (const Vec3d & v1, const Vec3d & v2) { return Vec3d (v1.x[0] + v2.x[0], v1.x[1] + v2.x[1],v1.x[2] + v2.x[2]); } inline Vec3d operator* (double scal, const Vec3d & v) { return Vec3d (scal * v.x[0], scal * v.x[1], scal * v.x[2]); } inline double operator* (const Vec3d & v1, const Vec3d & v2) { return v1.x[0] * v2.x[0] + v1.x[1] * v2.x[1] + v1.x[2] * v2.x[2]; } inline Vec3d Cross (const Vec3d & v1, const Vec3d & v2) { return Vec3d ( v1.x[1] * v2.x[2] - v1.x[2] * v2.x[1], v1.x[2] * v2.x[0] - v1.x[0] * v2.x[2], v1.x[0] * v2.x[1] - v1.x[1] * v2.x[0]); } inline void Cross (const Vec3d & v1, const Vec3d & v2, Vec3d & prod) { prod.x[0] = v1.x[1] * v2.x[2] - v1.x[2] * v2.x[1]; prod.x[1] = v1.x[2] * v2.x[0] - v1.x[0] * v2.x[2]; prod.x[2] = v1.x[0] * v2.x[1] - v1.x[1] * v2.x[0]; } inline double Determinant (const Vec3d & col1, const Vec3d & col2, const Vec3d & col3) { return col1.x[0] * ( col2.x[1] * col3.x[2] - col2.x[2] * col3.x[1]) + col1.x[1] * ( col2.x[2] * col3.x[0] - col2.x[0] * col3.x[2]) + col1.x[2] * ( col2.x[0] * col3.x[1] - col2.x[1] * col3.x[0]); } /// class Box3d { protected: /// double minx[3], maxx[3]; public: /// Box3d () { }; /// Box3d ( double aminx, double amaxx, double aminy, double amaxy, double aminz, double amaxz ); /// Box3d ( const Box3d & b2 ); /// Box3d (const Point3d& p1, const Point3d& p2); /// Box3d (const Box<3> & b2); /// double MinX () const { return minx[0]; } /// double MaxX () const { return maxx[0]; } /// double MinY () const { return minx[1]; } /// double MaxY () const { return maxx[1]; } /// double MinZ () const { return minx[2]; } /// double MaxZ () const { return maxx[2]; } /// double Mini (int i) const { return minx[i-1]; } /// double Maxi (int i) const { return maxx[i-1]; } /// Point3d PMin () const { return Point3d(minx[0], minx[1], minx[2]); } /// Point3d PMax () const { return Point3d(maxx[0], maxx[1], maxx[2]); } /// void GetPointNr (int i, Point3d & point) const; /// increase Box at each side with dist void Increase (double dist); /// increase Box by factor rel void IncreaseRel (double rel); /// return 1 if closures are intersecting int Intersect (const Box3d & box2) const { if (minx[0] > box2.maxx[0] || maxx[0] < box2.minx[0] || minx[1] > box2.maxx[1] || maxx[1] < box2.minx[1] || minx[2] > box2.maxx[2] || maxx[2] < box2.minx[2]) return 0; return 1; } /// return 1 if point p in closure int IsIn (const Point3d & p) const { if (minx[0] <= p.x[0] && maxx[0] >= p.x[0] && minx[1] <= p.x[1] && maxx[1] >= p.x[1] && minx[2] <= p.x[2] && maxx[2] >= p.x[2]) return 1; return 0; } /// inline void SetPoint (const Point3d & p) { minx[0] = maxx[0] = p.X(); minx[1] = maxx[1] = p.Y(); minx[2] = maxx[2] = p.Z(); } /// inline void AddPoint (const Point3d & p) { if (p.x[0] < minx[0]) minx[0] = p.x[0]; if (p.x[0] > maxx[0]) maxx[0] = p.x[0]; if (p.x[1] < minx[1]) minx[1] = p.x[1]; if (p.x[1] > maxx[1]) maxx[1] = p.x[1]; if (p.x[2] < minx[2]) minx[2] = p.x[2]; if (p.x[2] > maxx[2]) maxx[2] = p.x[2]; } /// const Box3d& operator+=(const Box3d& b); /// Point3d MaxCoords() const; /// Point3d MinCoords() const; /// Make a negative sized box; // void CreateNegMinMaxBox(); /// Point3d CalcCenter () const { return Point3d(0.5*(minx[0] + maxx[0]), 0.5*(minx[1] + maxx[1]), 0.5*(minx[2] + maxx[2])); } /// double CalcDiam () const { return sqrt(sqr(maxx[0]-minx[0])+ sqr(maxx[1]-minx[1])+ sqr(maxx[2]-minx[2])); } /// void WriteData(ofstream& fout) const; /// void ReadData(ifstream& fin); }; class Box3dSphere : public Box3d { protected: /// double diam, inner; /// Point3d c; public: /// Box3dSphere () { }; /// Box3dSphere ( double aminx, double amaxx, double aminy, double amaxy, double aminz, double amaxz); /// const Point3d & Center () const { return c; } /// double Diam () const { return diam; } /// double Inner () const { return inner; } /// void GetSubBox (int i, Box3dSphere & sbox) const; // private: /// void CalcDiamCenter (); }; /// class referencetransform { /// Vec3d ex, ey, ez; /// Vec3d exh, eyh, ezh; /// Vec3d ex_h, ey_h, ez_h; /// Point3d rp; /// double h; public: /// void Set (const Point3d & p1, const Point3d & p2, const Point3d & p3, double ah); /// void ToPlain (const Point3d & p, Point3d & pp) const; /// void ToPlain (const Array & p, Array & pp) const; /// void FromPlain (const Point3d & pp, Point3d & p) const; }; } #endif