#ifndef FILE_GEOMTEST3D #define FILE_GEOMTEST3D /* *************************************************************************/ /* File: geomtest3d.hh */ /* Author: Joachim Schoeberl */ /* Date: 13. Feb. 98 */ /* *************************************************************************/ extern int IntersectTriangleLine (const Point<3> ** tri, const Point<3> ** line); /** Returns 0, iff closure (tet) cup closure (tri) is empty, one corner point of tet, one edge of tet or one face of tet */ extern int IntersectTetTriangle (const Point<3> ** tet, const Point<3> ** tri, const int * tetpi = NULL, const int * tripi = NULL); /** Same test as above, but tet int reference position (0, ex, ey, ez), tetpi = 1, 2, 4, 5 */ extern int IntersectTetTriangleRef (const Point3d ** tri, const int * tripi = NULL); // 1, iff not regular triangulation extern int IntersectTriangleTriangle (const Point<3> ** tri1, const Point<3> ** tri2); extern void LocalCoordinates (const Vec3d & e1, const Vec3d & e2, const Vec3d & v, double & lam1, double & lam2); /// return 1 = degenerated sphere extern int CalcSphereCenter (const Point<3> ** pts, Point<3> & c); /// return 1 = degenerated triangle extern int CalcTriangleCenter (const Point3d ** pts, Point3d & c); /* Compute radius of cylinder fitting 4 points. cylinder axis is in the direction of p1-p2 */ extern double ComputeCylinderRadius (const Point3d & p1, const Point3d & p2, const Point3d & p3, const Point3d & p4); /* Two triangles T1 and T2 have normals n1 and n2. The height over the common edge is h1, and h2. Radius of cylinder fitting both triangles */ extern double ComputeCylinderRadius (const Vec3d & n1, const Vec3d & n2, double h1, double h2); extern double MinDistLP2 (const Point2d & lp1, const Point2d & lp2, const Point2d & p); extern double MinDistLP2 (const Point3d & lp1, const Point3d & lp2, const Point3d & p); extern double MinDistTP2 (const Point3d & tp1, const Point3d & tp2, const Point3d & tp3, const Point3d & p); extern double MinDistLL2 (const Point3d & l1p1, const Point3d & l1p2, const Point3d & l2p1, const Point3d & l2p2); #endif