#ifndef FILE_GEOMETRY2D #define FILE_GEOMETRY2D /* *************************************************************************/ /* File: geometry2d.hpp */ /* Author: Joachim Schoeberl */ /* Date: 20. Jul. 02 */ /* *************************************************************************/ #include <myadt.hpp> #include <gprim.hpp> #include <meshing.hpp> // #include "../gprim/spline.hpp" // #include "../gprim/splinegeometry.hpp" namespace netgen { class SplineSegExt : public SplineSeg<2> { public: SplineSeg<2>* seg; /// left domain int leftdom; /// right domain int rightdom; /// refinement at line double reffak; /// maximal h; double hmax; /// boundary condition number int bc; /// copy spline mesh from other spline (-1.. do not copy) int copyfrom; /// perform anisotropic refinement (hp-refinement) to edge double hpref_left; /// perform anisotropic refinement (hp-refinement) to edge double hpref_right; /// int layer; SplineSegExt (SplineSeg<2> & hseg) : seg(&hseg) { layer = 1; } // default constructor for archive SplineSegExt() {} ~SplineSegExt () { delete seg; } virtual void DoArchive(Archive& ar) { ar & seg & leftdom & rightdom & reffak & hmax & bc & copyfrom & hpref_left & hpref_right & layer; } virtual const GeomPoint<2> & StartPI () const { return seg->StartPI(); } virtual const GeomPoint<2> & EndPI () const { return seg->EndPI(); } virtual Point<2> GetPoint (double t) const { return seg->GetPoint(t); } virtual Vec<2> GetTangent (const double t) const { return seg->GetTangent(t); } virtual void GetDerivatives (const double t, Point<2> & point, Vec<2> & first, Vec<2> & second) const { seg->GetDerivatives (t, point, first, second); } virtual void GetCoeff (Vector & coeffs) const { seg->GetCoeff (coeffs); } virtual void GetPoints (int n, NgArray<Point<2> > & points) const { seg->GetPoints (n, points); } virtual double MaxCurvature () const { return seg->MaxCurvature(); } virtual string GetType () const { return seg->GetType(); } virtual double CalcCurvature (double t) const { Point<2> point; Vec<2> first, second; GetDerivatives (t, point, first, second); double curv = fabs(first(0)*second(1)-first(1)*second(0)) / pow(first.Length(), 3); return curv; } virtual bool InConvexHull (Point<2> p, double eps) const { return seg->InConvexHull (p, eps); } }; class DLL_HEADER SplineGeometry2d : public SplineGeometry<2>, public NetgenGeometry { protected: NgArray<char*> materials; NgArray<double> maxh; NgArray<bool> quadmeshing; Array<bool> tensormeshing; NgArray<int> layer; NgArray<string*> bcnames; double elto0 = 1.0; public: virtual ~SplineGeometry2d(); void Load (const filesystem::path & filename); void LoadData( ifstream & infile ); void LoadDataNew ( ifstream & infile ); void LoadDataV2 ( ifstream & infile ); void TestComment ( ifstream & infile ) ; void DoArchive(Archive& ar) override { SplineGeometry<2>::DoArchive(ar); ar & materials & maxh & quadmeshing & tensormeshing & layer & bcnames & elto0; } bool ProjectPointGI (int surfind, Point<3> & p, PointGeomInfo & gi) const override { p(2) = 0.0; return true; } void PointBetween(const Point<3> & p1, const Point<3> & p2, double secpoint, int surfi, const PointGeomInfo & gi1, const PointGeomInfo & gi2, Point<3> & newp, PointGeomInfo & newgi) const override { newp = p1+secpoint*(p2-p1); newgi.trignum = 1; } void PointBetweenEdge(const Point<3> & p1, const Point<3> & p2, double secpoint, int surfi1, int surfi2, const EdgePointGeomInfo & ap1, const EdgePointGeomInfo & ap2, Point<3> & newp, EdgePointGeomInfo & newgi) const override; Vec<3> GetTangent (const Point<3> & p, int surfi1, int surfi2, const EdgePointGeomInfo & ap1) const override; Vec<3> GetNormal(int surfi1, const Point<3> & p, const PointGeomInfo* gi) const override; const SplineSegExt & GetSpline (const int i) const { return dynamic_cast<const SplineSegExt&> (*splines[i]); } SplineSegExt & GetSpline (const int i) { return dynamic_cast<SplineSegExt&> (*splines[i]); } int GenerateMesh (shared_ptr<Mesh> & mesh, MeshingParameters & mparam) override; void PartitionBoundary (MeshingParameters & mp, double h, Mesh & mesh2d); void CopyEdgeMesh (int from, int to, Mesh & mesh2d, Point3dTree & searchtree); size_t GetNDomains() const { return materials.Size(); } void GetMaterial (int domnr, char* & material ); void SetMaterial (int domnr, const string & material); double GetDomainMaxh ( const int domnr ); void SetDomainMaxh ( const int domnr, double maxh ); bool GetDomainQuadMeshing ( int domnr ) { if ( quadmeshing.Size() ) return quadmeshing[domnr-1]; else return false; } void SetDomainQuadMeshing ( int domnr, bool quad_meshing ) { auto oldsize = quadmeshing.Size(); if ( oldsize<domnr ) { quadmeshing.SetSize(domnr); for(auto dom : IntRange(oldsize, domnr-1)) quadmeshing[dom] = false; } quadmeshing[domnr-1] = quad_meshing; } bool GetDomainTensorMeshing ( int domnr ) { if ( tensormeshing.Size()>=domnr ) return tensormeshing[domnr-1]; else return false; } void SetDomainTensorMeshing ( int domnr, bool tm ) { if ( tensormeshing.Size()<domnr ) { auto oldsize = tensormeshing.Size(); tensormeshing.SetSize(domnr); for(auto i : IntRange(oldsize, domnr-1)) tensormeshing[i] = false; } tensormeshing[domnr-1] = tm; } int GetDomainLayer ( int domnr ) { if ( layer.Size() ) return layer[domnr-1]; else return 1; } void SetDomainLayer (int domnr, int layernr) { auto old_size = layer.Size(); if(domnr > old_size) { layer.SetSize(domnr); for(size_t i = old_size; i < domnr; i++) layer[i] = 1; } layer[domnr-1] = layernr; } string GetBCName (int bcnr) const; void SetBCName (int bcnr, string name); int GetBCNumber (string name) const; // 0 if not exists int AddBCName (string name); string * BCNamePtr ( const int bcnr ); }; } #endif