#include <mystdlib.h> #include "meshing.hpp" namespace netgen { static double CalcElementBadness (const NgArray<Point<2>> & points, const Element2d & elem) { // badness = sqrt(3) /36 * circumference^2 / area - 1 + // h / li + li / h - 2 Vec<2> v12, v13, v23; double l12, l13, l23, cir, area; static const double c = sqrt(3.0) / 36; v12 = points.Get(elem.PNum(2)) - points.Get(elem.PNum(1)); v13 = points.Get(elem.PNum(3)) - points.Get(elem.PNum(1)); v23 = points.Get(elem.PNum(3)) - points.Get(elem.PNum(2)); l12 = v12.Length(); l13 = v13.Length(); l23 = v23.Length(); cir = l12 + l13 + l23; area = 0.5 * (v12[0] * v13[1] - v12[1] * v13[0]); if (area < 1e-6) { return 1e8; } if (testmode) { (*testout) << "l = " << l12 << " + " << l13 << " + " << l23 << " = " << cir << ", area = " << area << endl; (*testout) << "shapeerr = " << 10 * (c * cir * cir / area - 1) << endl << "sizeerr = " << 1/l12 + l12 + 1/l13 + l13 + 1/l23 + l23 - 6 << endl; } return 10 * (c * cir * cir / area - 1) + 1/l12 + l12 + 1/l13 + l13 + 1/l23 + l23 - 6; } int Meshing2 ::ApplyRules (NgArray<Point<2>> & lpoints, NgArray<int> & legalpoints, int maxlegalpoint, NgArray<INDEX_2> & llines1, int maxlegalline, NgArray<Element2d> & elements, NgArray<INDEX> & dellines, int tolerance, const MeshingParameters & mp) { // static Timer timer ("meshing2::ApplyRules"); RegionTimer reg (timer); double maxerr = 0.5 + 0.3 * tolerance; double minelerr = 2 + 0.5 * tolerance * tolerance; int noldlp = lpoints.Size(); int noldll = llines1.Size(); NgArrayMem<int,100> pused(maxlegalpoint), lused(maxlegalline); NgArrayMem<int,100> pnearness(noldlp), lnearness(llines1.Size()); NgArrayMem<int, 20> pmap, pfixed, lmap; NgArrayMem<Point<2>,100> tempnewpoints; NgArrayMem<INDEX_2,100> tempnewlines; NgArrayMem<int,100> tempdellines; NgArrayMem<Element2d,100> tempelements; // a least 2 * maximal number of old points in rules, // what is actually 4 now double oldumem[20]; elements.SetSize (0); dellines.SetSize (0); testmode = debugparam.debugoutput; #ifdef LOCDEBUG int loctestmode = testmode; if (loctestmode) { (*testout) << endl << endl << "Check new environment" << endl; (*testout) << "tolerance = " << tolerance << endl; for (int i = 1; i <= lpoints.Size(); i++) (*testout) << "P" << i << " = " << lpoints.Get(i) << endl; (*testout) << endl; for (int i = 1; i <= llines1.Size(); i++) (*testout) << "(" << llines1.Get(i).I1() << "-" << llines1.Get(i).I2() << ")" << endl; } #endif // check every rule int found = 0; // rule number pnearness = 1000; for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) pnearness.Set(llines1[0][j], 0); enum { MAX_NEARNESS = 3 }; for (int cnt = 0; cnt < MAX_NEARNESS; cnt++) { bool ok = true; for (int i = 0; i < maxlegalline; i++) { const INDEX_2 & hline = llines1[i]; int minn = min2 (pnearness.Get(hline[0]), pnearness.Get(hline[1])); for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) if (pnearness.Get(hline[j]) > minn+1) { ok = false; pnearness.Set(hline[j], minn+1); } } if (!ok) break; } for (int i = 0; i < maxlegalline; i++) lnearness[i] = pnearness.Get(llines1[i][0]) + pnearness.Get(llines1[i][1]); // resort lines after lnearness NgArray<INDEX_2> llines(llines1.Size()); NgArray<int> sortlines(llines1.Size()); int lnearness_class[MAX_NEARNESS]; for (int j = 0; j < MAX_NEARNESS; j++) lnearness_class[j] = 0; for (int i = 0; i < maxlegalline; i++) if (lnearness[i] < MAX_NEARNESS) lnearness_class[lnearness[i]]++; int cumm = 0; for (int j = 0; j < MAX_NEARNESS; j++) { int hcnt = lnearness_class[j]; lnearness_class[j] = cumm; cumm += hcnt; } for (int i = 0; i < maxlegalline; i++) if (lnearness[i] < MAX_NEARNESS) { llines[lnearness_class[lnearness[i]]] = llines1[i]; sortlines[lnearness_class[lnearness[i]]] = i+1; lnearness_class[lnearness[i]]++; } else { llines[cumm] = llines1[i]; sortlines[cumm] = i+1; cumm++; } for (int i = maxlegalline; i < llines1.Size(); i++) { llines[cumm] = llines1[i]; sortlines[cumm] = i+1; cumm++; } for (int i = 0; i < maxlegalline; i++) lnearness[i] = pnearness.Get(llines[i][0]) + pnearness.Get(llines[i][1]); static bool firsttime = true; // static int timers[100]; // static int timers2[100]; // static int timers3[100]; if (firsttime) { /* for (int ri = 0; ri < rules.Size(); ri++) timers[ri] = NgProfiler::CreateTimer (string("netrule ")+rules[ri]->Name()); for (int ri = 0; ri < rules.Size(); ri++) timers2[ri] = NgProfiler::CreateTimer (string("netrule,mapped ")+rules[ri]->Name()); for (int ri = 0; ri < rules.Size(); ri++) timers3[ri] = NgProfiler::CreateTimer (string("netrule,lines mapped ")+rules[ri]->Name()); */ firsttime = false; } lused = 0; pused = 0; static int timer1 = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("meshing2::ApplyRules 1"); NgProfiler::RegionTimer reg1 (timer1); for (int ri = 1; ri <= rules.Size(); ri++) { // NgProfiler::RegionTimer reg(timers[ri-1]); netrule * rule = rules[ri-1].get(); #ifdef LOCDEBUG if (loctestmode) (*testout) << "Rule " << rule->Name() << endl; #endif if (rule->GetQuality() > tolerance) continue; pmap.SetSize (rule->GetNP()); lmap.SetSize (rule->GetNL()); pmap = 0; lmap = 0; lused[0] = 1; lmap[0] = 1; for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { pmap.Elem(rule->GetLine(1)[j]) = llines[0][j]; pused.Elem(llines[0][j])++; } int nlok = 2; bool ok = false; while (nlok >= 2) { if (nlok <= rule->GetNOldL()) { ok = 0; int maxline = (rule->GetLNearness(nlok) < MAX_NEARNESS) ? lnearness_class[rule->GetLNearness(nlok)] : maxlegalline; // int maxline = maxlegalline; while (!ok && lmap.Get(nlok) < maxline) { lmap.Elem(nlok)++; int locli = lmap.Get(nlok); if (lnearness.Get(locli) > rule->GetLNearness (nlok) ) continue; if (lused.Get(locli)) continue; ok = 1; INDEX_2 loclin = llines.Get(locli); auto linevec = lpoints.Get(loclin.I2()) - lpoints.Get(loclin.I1()); if (rule->CalcLineError (nlok, linevec) > maxerr) { ok = 0; #ifdef LOCDEBUG if(loctestmode) (*testout) << "not ok pos1" << endl; #endif continue; } for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { int refpi = rule->GetLine(nlok)[j]; if (pmap.Get(refpi) != 0) { if (pmap.Get(refpi) != loclin[j]) { ok = 0; #ifdef LOCDEBUG if(loctestmode) (*testout) << "not ok pos2" << endl; #endif break; } } else { if (rule->CalcPointDist (refpi, lpoints.Get(loclin[j])) > maxerr || !legalpoints.Get(loclin[j]) || pused.Get(loclin[j])) { ok = 0; #ifdef LOCDEBUG if(loctestmode) { (*testout) << "nok pos3" << endl; //if(rule->CalcPointDist (refpi, lpoints.Get(loclin[j])) > maxerr) //(*testout) << "r1" << endl; //if(!legalpoints.Get(loclin[j])) //(*testout) << "r2 legalpoints " << legalpoints << " loclin " << loclin << " j " << j << endl; //if(pused.Get(loclin[j])) //(*testout) << "r3" << endl; } #endif break; } } } } if (ok) { int locli = lmap.Get(nlok); INDEX_2 loclin = llines.Get(locli); lused.Elem (locli) = 1; for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { pmap.Set(rule->GetLine (nlok)[j], loclin[j]); pused.Elem(loclin[j])++; } nlok++; } else { lmap.Elem(nlok) = 0; nlok--; lused.Elem (lmap.Get(nlok)) = 0; for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { pused.Elem(llines.Get(lmap.Get(nlok))[j]) --; if (! pused.Get (llines.Get (lmap.Get (nlok))[j])) pmap.Set (rule->GetLine (nlok)[j], 0); } } } else { // NgProfiler::RegionTimer reg(timers3[ri-1]); // all lines are mapped !! // map also all points: int npok = 1; int incnpok = 1; pfixed.SetSize (pmap.Size()); for (int i = 0; i < pmap.Size(); i++) pfixed[i] = (pmap[i] >= 1); while (npok >= 1) { if (npok <= rule->GetNOldP()) { if (pfixed.Get(npok)) { if (incnpok) npok++; else npok--; } else { ok = 0; if (pmap.Get(npok)) pused.Elem(pmap.Get(npok))--; while (!ok && pmap.Get(npok) < maxlegalpoint) { ok = 1; pmap.Elem(npok)++; if (pused.Get(pmap.Get(npok))) { ok = 0; } else { if (rule->CalcPointDist (npok, lpoints.Get(pmap.Get(npok))) > maxerr || !legalpoints.Get(pmap.Get(npok))) ok = 0; } } if (ok) { pused.Elem(pmap.Get(npok))++; npok++; incnpok = 1; } else { pmap.Elem(npok) = 0; npok--; incnpok = 0; } } } else { // NgProfiler::RegionTimer reg(timers2[ri-1]); npok = rule->GetNOldP(); incnpok = 0; if (ok) foundmap.Elem(ri)++; #ifdef LOCDEBUG if (loctestmode) (*testout) << "lines and points mapped" << endl; #endif ok = 1; // check orientations for (int i = 1; i <= rule->GetNOrientations(); i++) { if (CW (lpoints.Get(pmap.Get(rule->GetOrientation(i).i1)), lpoints.Get(pmap.Get(rule->GetOrientation(i).i2)), lpoints.Get(pmap.Get(rule->GetOrientation(i).i3))) ) { ok = 0; #ifdef LOCDEBUG if (loctestmode) (*testout) << "Orientation " << i << " not ok" << endl; #endif break; } } if (!ok) continue; // Vector oldu (2 * rule->GetNOldP()); Vector oldu (2 * rule->GetNOldP(), &oldumem[0]); for (int i = 1; i <= rule->GetNOldP(); i++) { Vec2d ui(rule->GetPoint(i), lpoints.Get(pmap.Get(i))); oldu (2*i-2) = ui.X(); oldu (2*i-1) = ui.Y(); } rule -> SetFreeZoneTransformation (oldu, tolerance); if (!ok) continue; if (!rule->ConvexFreeZone()) { ok = 0; #ifdef LOCDEBUG if (loctestmode) (*testout) << "freezone not convex" << endl; #endif /* static int cnt = 0; cnt++; if (cnt % 100 == 0) { cout << "freezone not convex, cnt = " << cnt << "; rule = " << rule->Name() << endl; (*testout) << "freezone not convex, cnt = " << cnt << "; rule = " << rule->Name() << endl; (*testout) << "tol = " << tolerance << endl; (*testout) << "maxerr = " << maxerr << "; minerr = " << minelerr << endl; (*testout) << "freezone = " << rule->GetTransFreeZone() << endl; } */ } // check freezone: if (!ok) continue; for (int i = 1; i <= maxlegalpoint && ok; i++) { if ( !pused.Get(i) && rule->IsInFreeZone (lpoints.Get(i)) ) { ok = 0; #ifdef LOCDEBUG if (loctestmode) (*testout) << "Point " << i << " in freezone" << endl; #endif break; } } if (!ok) continue; for (int i = maxlegalpoint+1; i <= lpoints.Size(); i++) { if ( rule->IsInFreeZone (lpoints.Get(i)) ) { ok = 0; #ifdef LOCDEBUG if (loctestmode) (*testout) << "Point " << i << " in freezone" << endl; #endif break; } } if (!ok) continue; for (int i = 1; i <= maxlegalline; i++) { if (!lused.Get(i) && rule->IsLineInFreeZone (lpoints.Get(llines.Get(i).I1()), lpoints.Get(llines.Get(i).I2()))) { ok = 0; #ifdef LOCDEBUG if (loctestmode) (*testout) << "line " << llines.Get(i).I1() << "-" << llines.Get(i).I2() << " in freezone" << endl; #endif break; } } if (!ok) continue; for (int i = maxlegalline+1; i <= llines.Size(); i++) { if (rule->IsLineInFreeZone (lpoints.Get(llines.Get(i).I1()), lpoints.Get(llines.Get(i).I2()))) { ok = 0; #ifdef LOCDEBUG if (loctestmode) (*testout) << "line " << llines.Get(i).I1() << "-" << llines.Get(i).I2() << " in freezone" << endl; #endif break; } } /* // check orientations for (i = 1; i <= rule->GetNOrientations() && ok; i++) { if (CW (lpoints.Get(pmap.Get(rule->GetOrientation(i).i1)), lpoints.Get(pmap.Get(rule->GetOrientation(i).i2)), lpoints.Get(pmap.Get(rule->GetOrientation(i).i3))) ) { ok = 0; if (loctestmode) (*testout) << "Orientation " << i << " not ok" << endl; } } */ if (!ok) continue; #ifdef LOCDEBUG if (loctestmode) (*testout) << "rule ok" << endl; #endif // Setze neue Punkte: if (rule->GetNOldP() < rule->GetNP()) { Vector newu(rule->GetOldUToNewU().Height()); rule->GetOldUToNewU().Mult (oldu, newu); int oldnp = rule->GetNOldP(); for (int i = oldnp + 1; i <= rule->GetNP(); i++) { auto np = rule->GetPoint(i); np[0] += newu (2 * (i-oldnp) - 2); np[1] += newu (2 * (i-oldnp) - 1); lpoints.Append (np); pmap.Elem(i) = lpoints.Size(); } } // Setze neue Linien: for (int i = rule->GetNOldL() + 1; i <= rule->GetNL(); i++) { llines.Append (INDEX_2 (pmap.Get(rule->GetLine (i)[0]), pmap.Get(rule->GetLine (i)[1]))); } // delete old lines: for (int i = 1; i <= rule->GetNDelL(); i++) dellines.Append (sortlines.Elem (lmap.Get(rule->GetDelLine(i)))); // dellines.Append (lmap.Get(rule->GetDelLine(i)))); // dellines.Append (lmap.Elem(rule->GetDelLines())); // lmap[rule->GetDelLines()]; // insert new elements: for (int i = 1; i <= rule->GetNE(); i++) { elements.Append (rule->GetElement(i)); for (int j = 1; j <= elements.Get(i).GetNP(); j++) elements.Elem(i).PNum(j) = pmap.Get(elements.Get(i).PNum(j)); } double elerr = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= elements.Size(); i++) { double hf; if (!mp.quad) hf = CalcElementBadness (lpoints, elements.Get(i)); else hf = elements.Get(i).CalcJacobianBadness (lpoints) * 5; #ifdef LOCDEBUG if (loctestmode) (*testout) << "r " << rule->Name() << "bad = " << hf << endl; #endif if (hf > elerr) elerr = hf; } #ifdef LOCDEBUG if (loctestmode) (*testout) << "error = " << elerr; #endif canuse.Elem(ri) ++; if (elerr < 0.99*minelerr) { #ifdef LOCDEBUG if (loctestmode) { (*testout) << "rule = " << rule->Name() << endl; (*testout) << "class = " << tolerance << endl; (*testout) << "lpoints: " << endl; for (int i = 1; i <= lpoints.Size(); i++) (*testout) << lpoints.Get(i) << endl; (*testout) << "llines: " << endl; for (int i = 1; i <= llines.Size(); i++) (*testout) << llines.Get(i).I1() << " " << llines.Get(i).I2() << endl; (*testout) << "Freezone: "; for (int i = 1; i <= rule -> GetTransFreeZone().Size(); i++) (*testout) << rule->GetTransFreeZone().Get(i) << endl; } #endif minelerr = elerr; found = ri; tempnewpoints = lpoints.Range (noldlp, lpoints.Size()); tempnewlines = llines.Range (noldll, llines.Size()); tempdellines = dellines; tempelements = elements; } lpoints.SetSize (noldlp); llines.SetSize (noldll); dellines.SetSize (0); elements.SetSize (0); ok = 0; } } nlok = rule->GetNOldL(); lused.Set (lmap.Get(nlok), 0); for (int j = 1; j <= 2; j++) { int refpi = rule->GetPointNr (nlok, j); pused.Elem(pmap.Get(refpi))--; if (pused.Get(pmap.Get(refpi)) == 0) pmap.Set(refpi, 0); } } } } if (found) { lpoints.Append (tempnewpoints); llines1.Append (tempnewlines); dellines.Append (tempdellines); elements.Append (tempelements); } return found; } }