// // Read user dependent output file // #include <mystdlib.h> #include <myadt.hpp> #include <linalg.hpp> #include <csg.hpp> #include <meshing.hpp> namespace netgen { #include "writeuser.hpp" void ReadFile (Mesh & mesh, const string & hfilename) { cout << "Read User File" << endl; const char * filename = hfilename.c_str(); int i, j; char reco[100]; int np, nbe; // ".surf" - mesh if ( (strlen (filename) > 5) && strcmp (&filename[strlen (filename)-5], ".surf") == 0 ) { cout << "Surface file" << endl; ifstream in (filename); in >> reco; in >> np; for (i = 1; i <= np; i++) { Point3d p; in >> p.X() >> p.Y() >> p.Z(); mesh.AddPoint (p); } mesh.ClearFaceDescriptors(); mesh.AddFaceDescriptor (FaceDescriptor(0,1,0,0)); in >> nbe; // int invert = globflags.GetDefineFlag ("invertsurfacemesh"); for (i = 1; i <= nbe; i++) { Element2d el; int hi; el.SetIndex(1); // in >> hi; for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { in >> el.PNum(j); // el.PNum(j)++; if (el.PNum(j) < PointIndex(1) || el.PNum(j) > PointIndex(np)) { cerr << "Point Number " << el.PNum(j) << " out of range 1..." << np << endl; return; } } /* if (invert) swap (el.PNum(2), el.PNum(3)); */ mesh.AddSurfaceElement (el); } cout << "points: " << np << " faces: " << nbe << endl; } // Universal mesh (AVL) if ( (strlen (filename) > 4) && strcmp (&filename[strlen (filename)-4], ".unv") == 0 ) { int i, j, k; double h; char reco[100]; int np, nbe; int invert; ifstream in(filename); invert = 0; // globflags.GetDefineFlag ("invertsurfacemesh"); double scale = 1; // globflags.GetNumFlag ("scale", 1); mesh.ClearFaceDescriptors(); mesh.AddFaceDescriptor (FaceDescriptor(0,1,0,0)); while (in.good()) { in >> reco; if (strcmp (reco, "NODES") == 0) { cout << "nodes found" << endl; for (j = 1; j <= 4; j++) in >> reco; // read dummy while (1) { int pi, hi; double x, y, z; Point3d p; in >> pi; if (pi == -1) break; in >> hi >> hi >> hi; in >> p.X() >> p.Y() >> p.Z(); p.X() *= scale; p.Y() *= scale; p.Z() *= scale; mesh.AddPoint (p); } } if (strcmp (reco, "ELEMENTS") == 0) { cout << "elements found" << endl; for (j = 1; j <= 4; j++) in >> reco; // read dummy while (1) { int hi; in >> hi; if (hi == -1) break; for (j = 1; j <= 7; j++) in >> hi; Element2d el; el.SetIndex(1); in >> el.PNum(1) >> el.PNum(2) >> el.PNum(3); if (invert) swap (el.PNum(2), el.PNum(3)); mesh.AddSurfaceElement (el); for (j = 1; j <= 5; j++) in >> hi; } } } Point3d pmin, pmax; mesh.GetBox (pmin, pmax); cout << "bounding-box = " << pmin << "-" << pmax << endl; } // fepp format2d: if ( (strlen (filename) > 7) && strcmp (&filename[strlen (filename)-7], ".mesh2d") == 0 ) { cout << "Reading FEPP2D Mesh" << endl; char buf[100]; int np, ne, nseg, i, j; ifstream in (filename); in >> buf; in >> nseg; for (i = 1; i <= nseg; i++) { int bound, p1, p2; in >> bound >> p1 >> p2; // forget them } in >> ne; for (i = 1; i <= ne; i++) { int mat, nelp; in >> mat >> nelp; Element2d el (nelp == 3 ? TRIG : QUAD); el.SetIndex (mat); for (j = 1; j <= nelp; j++) in >> el.PNum(j); mesh.AddSurfaceElement (el); } in >> np; for (i = 1; i <= np; i++) { Point3d p(0,0,0); in >> p.X() >> p.Y(); mesh.AddPoint (p); } } else if ( (strlen (filename) > 5) && strcmp (&filename[strlen (filename)-5], ".mesh") == 0 ) { cout << "Reading Neutral Format" << endl; int np, ne, nse, i, j; ifstream in (filename); in >> np; if (in.good()) { // file starts with an integer for (i = 1; i <= np; i++) { Point3d p(0,0,0); in >> p.X() >> p.Y() >> p.Z(); mesh.AddPoint (p); } in >> ne; for (i = 1; i <= ne; i++) { int mat; in >> mat; Element el (4); el.SetIndex (mat); for (j = 1; j <= 4; j++) in >> el.PNum(j); mesh.AddVolumeElement (el); } mesh.AddFaceDescriptor (FaceDescriptor (1, 1, 0, 0)); in >> nse; for (i = 1; i <= nse; i++) { int mat, nelp; in >> mat; Element2d el (TRIG); el.SetIndex (mat); for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++) in >> el.PNum(j); mesh.AddSurfaceElement (el); } } else { char buf[100]; in.clear(); do { in >> buf; cout << "buf = " << buf << endl; if (strcmp (buf, "points") == 0) { in >> np; cout << "np = " << np << endl; } } while (in.good()); } } if ( (strlen (filename) > 4) && strcmp (&filename[strlen (filename)-4], ".emt") == 0 ) { ifstream inemt (filename); string pktfile = filename; int len = strlen (filename); pktfile[len-3] = 'p'; pktfile[len-2] = 'k'; pktfile[len-1] = 't'; cout << "pktfile = " << pktfile << endl; int np, nse, i; int num, bcprop; ifstream inpkt (pktfile.c_str()); inpkt >> np; Array<double> values(np); for (i = 1; i <= np; i++) { Point3d p(0,0,0); inpkt >> p.X() >> p.Y() >> p.Z() >> bcprop >> values.Elem(i); mesh.AddPoint (p); } mesh.ClearFaceDescriptors(); mesh.AddFaceDescriptor (FaceDescriptor(0,1,0,0)); mesh.GetFaceDescriptor(1).SetBCProperty (1); mesh.AddFaceDescriptor (FaceDescriptor(0,1,0,0)); mesh.GetFaceDescriptor(2).SetBCProperty (2); mesh.AddFaceDescriptor (FaceDescriptor(0,1,0,0)); mesh.GetFaceDescriptor(3).SetBCProperty (3); mesh.AddFaceDescriptor (FaceDescriptor(0,1,0,0)); mesh.GetFaceDescriptor(4).SetBCProperty (4); mesh.AddFaceDescriptor (FaceDescriptor(0,1,0,0)); mesh.GetFaceDescriptor(5).SetBCProperty (5); int p1, p2, p3; double value; inemt >> nse; for (i = 1; i <= nse; i++) { inemt >> p1 >> p2 >> p3 >> bcprop >> value; if (bcprop < 1 || bcprop > 4) cerr << "bcprop out of range, bcprop = " << bcprop << endl; p1++; p2++; p3++; if (p1 < 1 || p1 > np || p2 < 1 || p2 > np || p3 < 1 || p3 > np) { cout << "p1 = " << p1 << " p2 = " << p2 << " p3 = " << p3 << endl; } if (i > 110354) Swap (p2, p3); if (mesh.Point(p1)(0) < 0.25) Swap (p2,p3); Element2d el(TRIG); if (bcprop == 1) { if (values.Get(p1) < -69999) el.SetIndex(1); else el.SetIndex(2); } else el.SetIndex(3); el.PNum(1) = p1; el.PNum(2) = p2; el.PNum(3) = p3; mesh.AddSurfaceElement (el); } ifstream incyl ("ngusers/guenter/cylinder.surf"); int npcyl, nsecyl; incyl >> npcyl; cout << "npcyl = " << npcyl << endl; for (i = 1; i <= npcyl; i++) { Point3d p(0,0,0); incyl >> p.X() >> p.Y() >> p.Z(); mesh.AddPoint (p); } incyl >> nsecyl; cout << "nsecyl = " << nsecyl << endl; for (i = 1; i <= nsecyl; i++) { incyl >> p1 >> p2 >> p3; p1 += np; p2 += np; p3 += np; Element2d el(TRIG); el.SetIndex(5); el.PNum(1) = p1; el.PNum(2) = p2; el.PNum(3) = p3; mesh.AddSurfaceElement (el); } } // .tet mesh if ( (strlen (filename) > 4) && strcmp (&filename[strlen (filename)-4], ".tet") == 0 ) { ReadTETFormat (mesh, filename); } // .fnf mesh (FNF - PE neutral format) if ( (strlen (filename) > 4) && strcmp (&filename[strlen (filename)-4], ".fnf") == 0 ) { ReadFNFFormat (mesh, filename); } } }