#include <mystdlib.h> #include <linalg.hpp> #include <csg.hpp> namespace netgen { // int Solid :: cntnames = 0; Solid :: Solid (Primitive * aprim) { op = TERM; prim = aprim; s1 = s2 = NULL; maxh = 1e10; name = NULL; num_surfs = prim->GetNSurfaces(); } Solid :: Solid (optyp aop, Solid * as1, Solid * as2) { op = aop; s1 = as1; s2 = as2; prim = NULL; name = NULL; maxh = 1e10; num_surfs = 0; if (s1) num_surfs += s1->num_surfs; if (s2) num_surfs += s2->num_surfs; } Solid :: ~Solid () { // cout << "delete solid, op = " << int(op) << endl; delete [] name; switch (op) { case UNION: case SECTION: { if (s1->op != ROOT) delete s1; if (s2->op != ROOT) delete s2; break; } case SUB: // case ROOT: { if (s1->op != ROOT) delete s1; break; } case TERM: { // cout << "has term" << endl; delete prim; break; } default: break; } } void Solid :: SetName (const char * aname) { delete [] name; name = new char[strlen (aname)+1]; strcpy (name, aname); } Solid * Solid :: Copy (CSGeometry & geom) const { Solid * nsol(NULL); switch (op) { case TERM: case TERM_REF: { Primitive * nprim = prim->Copy(); geom.AddSurfaces (nprim); nsol = new Solid (nprim); break; } case SECTION: case UNION: { nsol = new Solid (op, s1->Copy(geom), s2->Copy(geom)); break; } case SUB: { nsol = new Solid (SUB, s1 -> Copy (geom)); break; } case ROOT: { nsol = s1->Copy(geom); break; } } return nsol; } void Solid :: Transform (Transformation<3> & trans) { switch (op) { case TERM: case TERM_REF: { prim -> Transform (trans); break; } case SECTION: case UNION: { s1 -> Transform (trans); s2 -> Transform (trans); break; } case SUB: case ROOT: { s1 -> Transform (trans); break; } } } void Solid :: IterateSolid (SolidIterator & it, bool only_once) { if (only_once) { if (visited) return; visited = 1; } it.Do (this); switch (op) { case SECTION: { s1->IterateSolid (it, only_once); s2->IterateSolid (it, only_once); break; } case UNION: { s1->IterateSolid (it, only_once); s2->IterateSolid (it, only_once); break; } case SUB: case ROOT: { s1->IterateSolid (it, only_once); break; } case TERM: case TERM_REF: break; // do nothing } } INSOLID_TYPE Solid :: PointInSolid (const Point<3> & p, double eps) const { switch (op) { case TERM: case TERM_REF: return prim->PointInSolid (p, eps); case SECTION: return Intersection (s1->PointInSolid (p, eps), s2->PointInSolid (p, eps)); case UNION: return Union (s1->PointInSolid (p, eps), s2->PointInSolid (p, eps)); case SUB: return Complement (s1->PointInSolid (p, eps)); case ROOT: return s1->PointInSolid (p, eps); } } INSOLID_TYPE Solid :: VecInSolid (const Point<3> & p, const Vec<3> & v, double eps) const { switch (op) { case TERM: case TERM_REF: return prim->VecInSolid (p, v, eps); case SECTION: return Intersection (s1->VecInSolid (p, v, eps), s2->VecInSolid (p, v, eps)); case UNION: return Union (s1->VecInSolid (p, v, eps), s2->VecInSolid (p, v, eps)); case SUB: return Complement (s1->VecInSolid (p, v, eps)); case ROOT: return s1->VecInSolid (p, v, eps); } } // checks if lim s->0 lim t->0 p + t(v1 + s v2) in solid INSOLID_TYPE Solid :: VecInSolid2 (const Point<3> & p, const Vec<3> & v1, const Vec<3> & v2, double eps) const { switch (op) { case TERM: case TERM_REF: return prim->VecInSolid2 (p, v1, v2, eps); case SECTION: return Intersection (s1->VecInSolid2 (p, v1, v2, eps), s2->VecInSolid2 (p, v1, v2, eps)); case UNION: return Union (s1->VecInSolid2 (p, v1, v2, eps), s2->VecInSolid2 (p, v1, v2, eps)); case SUB: return Complement (s1->VecInSolid2 (p, v1, v2, eps)); case ROOT: return s1->VecInSolid2 (p, v1, v2, eps); } } bool Solid :: IsIn (const Point<3> & p, double eps) const { return PointInSolid (p,eps) != IS_OUTSIDE; /* switch (op) { case TERM: case TERM_REF: { INSOLID_TYPE ist = prim->PointInSolid (p, eps); return ( (ist == IS_INSIDE) || (ist == DOES_INTERSECT) ) ? 1 : 0; } case SECTION: return s1->IsIn (p, eps) && s2->IsIn (p, eps); case UNION: return s1->IsIn (p, eps) || s2->IsIn (p, eps); case SUB: return !s1->IsStrictIn (p, eps); case ROOT: return s1->IsIn (p, eps); } return 0; */ } bool Solid :: IsStrictIn (const Point<3> & p, double eps) const { return PointInSolid (p,eps) == IS_INSIDE; /* switch (op) { case TERM: case TERM_REF: { INSOLID_TYPE ist = prim->PointInSolid (p, eps); return (ist == IS_INSIDE) ? 1 : 0; } case SECTION: return s1->IsStrictIn(p, eps) && s2->IsStrictIn(p, eps); case UNION: return s1->IsStrictIn(p, eps) || s2->IsStrictIn(p, eps); case SUB: return !s1->IsIn (p, eps); case ROOT: return s1->IsStrictIn (p, eps); } return 0; */ } bool Solid :: VectorIn (const Point<3> & p, const Vec<3> & v, double eps) const { return VecInSolid (p,v,eps) != IS_OUTSIDE; /* Vec<3> hv; switch (op) { case TERM: case TERM_REF: { INSOLID_TYPE ist = prim->VecInSolid (p, v, eps); return (ist == IS_INSIDE || ist == DOES_INTERSECT) ? 1 : 0; } case SECTION: return s1 -> VectorIn (p, v, eps) && s2 -> VectorIn (p, v, eps); case UNION: return s1 -> VectorIn (p, v, eps) || s2 -> VectorIn (p, v, eps); case SUB: return !s1->VectorStrictIn(p, v, eps); case ROOT: return s1->VectorIn(p, v, eps); } return 0; */ } bool Solid :: VectorStrictIn (const Point<3> & p, const Vec<3> & v, double eps) const { return VecInSolid (p,v,eps) == IS_INSIDE; /* Vec<3> hv; switch (op) { case TERM: case TERM_REF: { INSOLID_TYPE ist = prim->VecInSolid (p, v, eps); return (ist == IS_INSIDE) ? true : false; } case SECTION: return s1 -> VectorStrictIn (p, v, eps) && s2 -> VectorStrictIn (p, v, eps); case UNION: return s1 -> VectorStrictIn (p, v, eps) || s2 -> VectorStrictIn (p, v, eps); case SUB: return !s1->VectorIn(p, v, eps); case ROOT: return s1->VectorStrictIn(p, v, eps); } return 0; */ } /* bool Solid::VectorIn2 (const Point<3> & p, const Vec<3> & v1, const Vec<3> & v2, double eps) const { if (VectorStrictIn (p, v1, eps)) return 1; if (!VectorIn (p, v1, eps)) return 0; bool res = VectorIn2Rec (p, v1, v2, eps); return res; } bool Solid::VectorIn2Rec (const Point<3> & p, const Vec<3> & v1, const Vec<3> & v2, double eps) const { switch (op) { case TERM: case TERM_REF: return (prim->VecInSolid2 (p, v1, v2, eps) != IS_OUTSIDE); // Is this correct???? case SECTION: return s1->VectorIn2Rec (p, v1, v2, eps) && s2->VectorIn2Rec (p, v1, v2, eps); case UNION: return s1->VectorIn2Rec (p, v1, v2, eps) || s2->VectorIn2Rec (p, v1, v2, eps); case SUB: return !s1->VectorIn2Rec (p, v1, v2, eps); case ROOT: return s1->VectorIn2Rec (p, v1, v2, eps); } return 0; } */ bool Solid::VectorIn2 (const Point<3> & p, const Vec<3> & v1, const Vec<3> & v2, double eps) const { return VecInSolid2 (p,v1,v2,eps) != IS_OUTSIDE; /* switch (op) { case TERM: case TERM_REF: { auto res = prim->VecInSolid2 (p, v1, v2, eps); return res != IS_OUTSIDE; } case SECTION: return s1->VectorIn2 (p, v1, v2, eps) && s2->VectorIn2 (p, v1, v2, eps); case UNION: return s1->VectorIn2 (p, v1, v2, eps) || s2->VectorIn2 (p, v1, v2, eps); case SUB: return !s1->VectorStrictIn2 (p, v1, v2, eps); case ROOT: return s1->VectorIn2 (p, v1, v2, eps); } // return 0; */ } bool Solid :: VectorStrictIn2 (const Point<3> & p, const Vec<3> & v1, const Vec<3> & v2, double eps) const { return VecInSolid2 (p,v1,v2,eps) == IS_INSIDE; /* switch (op) { case TERM: case TERM_REF: { auto res = prim->VecInSolid2 (p, v1, v2, eps); return (res == IS_INSIDE); } case SECTION: return s1->VectorStrictIn2 (p, v1, v2, eps) && s2->VectorStrictIn2 (p, v1, v2, eps); case UNION: return s1->VectorStrictIn2 (p, v1, v2, eps) || s2->VectorStrictIn2 (p, v1, v2, eps); case SUB: return !s1->VectorIn2 (p, v1, v2, eps); case ROOT: return s1->VectorStrictIn2 (p, v1, v2, eps); } */ } void Solid :: Print (ostream & str) const { switch (op) { case TERM: case TERM_REF: { str << prim->GetSurfaceId(0); for (int i = 1; i < prim->GetNSurfaces(); i++) str << "," << prim->GetSurfaceId(i); break; } case SECTION: { str << "("; s1 -> Print (str); str << " AND "; s2 -> Print (str); str << ")"; break; } case UNION: { str << "("; s1 -> Print (str); str << " OR "; s2 -> Print (str); str << ")"; break; } case SUB: { str << " NOT "; s1 -> Print (str); break; } case ROOT: { str << " [" << name << "="; s1 -> Print (str); str << "] "; break; } } } void Solid :: GetSolidData (ostream & ost, int first) const { switch (op) { case SECTION: { ost << "("; s1 -> GetSolidData (ost, 0); ost << " AND "; s2 -> GetSolidData (ost, 0); ost << ")"; break; } case UNION: { ost << "("; s1 -> GetSolidData (ost, 0); ost << " OR "; s2 -> GetSolidData (ost, 0); ost << ")"; break; } case SUB: { ost << "NOT "; s1 -> GetSolidData (ost, 0); break; } case TERM: case TERM_REF: { if (name) ost << name; else ost << "(noname)"; break; } case ROOT: { if (first) s1 -> GetSolidData (ost, 0); else ost << name; break; } } } static Solid * CreateSolidExpr (istream & ist, const SymbolTable<Solid*> & solids); static Solid * CreateSolidTerm (istream & ist, const SymbolTable<Solid*> & solids); static Solid * CreateSolidPrim (istream & ist, const SymbolTable<Solid*> & solids); static void ReadString (istream & ist, char * str) { //char * hstr = str; char ch; while (1) { ist.get(ch); if (!ist.good()) break; if (!isspace (ch)) { ist.putback (ch); break; } } while (1) { ist.get(ch); if (!ist.good()) break; if (isalpha(ch) || isdigit(ch)) { *str = ch; str++; } else { ist.putback (ch); break; } } *str = 0; // cout << "Read string (" << hstr << ")" // << "put back: " << ch << endl; } Solid * CreateSolidExpr (istream & ist, const SymbolTable<Solid*> & solids) { // cout << "create expr" << endl; Solid *s1, *s2; char str[100]; s1 = CreateSolidTerm (ist, solids); ReadString (ist, str); if (strcmp (str, "OR") == 0) { // cout << " OR "; s2 = CreateSolidExpr (ist, solids); return new Solid (Solid::UNION, s1, s2); } // cout << "no OR found, put back string: " << str << endl; for (int i = int(strlen(str))-1; i >= 0; i--) ist.putback (str[i]); return s1; } Solid * CreateSolidTerm (istream & ist, const SymbolTable<Solid*> & solids) { // cout << "create term" << endl; Solid *s1, *s2; char str[100]; s1 = CreateSolidPrim (ist, solids); ReadString (ist, str); if (strcmp (str, "AND") == 0) { // cout << " AND "; s2 = CreateSolidTerm (ist, solids); return new Solid (Solid::SECTION, s1, s2); } // cout << "no AND found, put back string: " << str << endl; for (int i = int(strlen(str))-1; i >= 0; i--) ist.putback (str[i]); return s1; } Solid * CreateSolidPrim (istream & ist, const SymbolTable<Solid*> & solids) { Solid * s1; char ch; char str[100]; ist >> ch; if (ch == '(') { s1 = CreateSolidExpr (ist, solids); ist >> ch; // ')' // cout << "close back " << ch << endl; return s1; } ist.putback (ch); ReadString (ist, str); if (strcmp (str, "NOT") == 0) { // cout << " NOT "; s1 = CreateSolidPrim (ist, solids); return new Solid (Solid::SUB, s1); } (*testout) << "get terminal " << str << endl; s1 = solids[str]; if (s1) { // cout << "primitive: " << str << endl; return s1; } cerr << "syntax error" << endl; return NULL; } Solid * Solid :: CreateSolid (istream & ist, const SymbolTable<Solid*> & solids) { Solid * nsol = CreateSolidExpr (ist, solids); nsol = new Solid (ROOT, nsol); (*testout) << "Print new sol: "; nsol -> Print (*testout); (*testout) << endl; return nsol; } void Solid :: Boundaries (const Point<3> & p, NgArray<int> & bounds) const { int in, strin; bounds.SetSize (0); RecBoundaries (p, bounds, in, strin); } void Solid :: RecBoundaries (const Point<3> & p, NgArray<int> & bounds, int & in, int & strin) const { switch (op) { case TERM: case TERM_REF: { /* double val; val = surf->CalcFunctionValue (p); in = (val < 1e-6); strin = (val < -1e-6); if (in && !strin) bounds.Append (id); */ if (prim->PointInSolid (p, 1e-6) == DOES_INTERSECT) bounds.Append (prim->GetSurfaceId (1)); break; } case SECTION: { int i, in1, in2, strin1, strin2; NgArray<int> bounds1, bounds2; s1 -> RecBoundaries (p, bounds1, in1, strin1); s2 -> RecBoundaries (p, bounds2, in2, strin2); if (in1 && in2) { for (i = 1; i <= bounds1.Size(); i++) bounds.Append (bounds1.Get(i)); for (i = 1; i <= bounds2.Size(); i++) bounds.Append (bounds2.Get(i)); } in = (in1 && in2); strin = (strin1 && strin2); break; } case UNION: { int i, in1, in2, strin1, strin2; NgArray<int> bounds1, bounds2; s1 -> RecBoundaries (p, bounds1, in1, strin1); s2 -> RecBoundaries (p, bounds2, in2, strin2); if (!strin1 && !strin2) { for (i = 1; i <= bounds1.Size(); i++) bounds.Append (bounds1.Get(i)); for (i = 1; i <= bounds2.Size(); i++) bounds.Append (bounds2.Get(i)); } in = (in1 || in2); strin = (strin1 || strin2); break; } case SUB: { int hin, hstrin; s1 -> RecBoundaries (p, bounds, hin, hstrin); in = !hstrin; strin = !hin; break; } case ROOT: { s1 -> RecBoundaries (p, bounds, in, strin); break; } } } unique_ptr<Solid> Solid :: TangentialSolid (const Point<3> & p, NgArray<int> & surfids, double eps) const { bool in, strin; Solid * tansol = nullptr; RecTangentialSolid (p, tansol, surfids, in, strin, eps); surfids.SetSize (0); if (tansol) tansol -> GetTangentialSurfaceIndices (p, surfids, eps); return unique_ptr<Solid> (tansol); } void Solid :: RecTangentialSolid (const Point<3> & p, Solid *& tansol, NgArray<int> & surfids, bool & in, bool & strin, double eps) const { tansol = NULL; switch (op) { case TERM: case TERM_REF: { INSOLID_TYPE ist = prim->PointInSolid(p, eps); in = (ist == IS_INSIDE || ist == DOES_INTERSECT); strin = (ist == IS_INSIDE); if (ist == DOES_INTERSECT) { tansol = new Solid (prim); tansol -> op = TERM_REF; } break; } case SECTION: { bool in1, in2, strin1, strin2; Solid * tansol1, * tansol2; s1 -> RecTangentialSolid (p, tansol1, surfids, in1, strin1, eps); s2 -> RecTangentialSolid (p, tansol2, surfids, in2, strin2, eps); if (in1 && in2) { if (tansol1 && tansol2) tansol = new Solid (SECTION, tansol1, tansol2); else if (tansol1) tansol = tansol1; else if (tansol2) tansol = tansol2; } in = in1 && in2; strin = strin1 && strin2; break; } case UNION: { bool in1, in2, strin1, strin2; Solid * tansol1 = 0, * tansol2 = 0; s1 -> RecTangentialSolid (p, tansol1, surfids, in1, strin1, eps); s2 -> RecTangentialSolid (p, tansol2, surfids, in2, strin2, eps); if (!strin1 && !strin2) { if (tansol1 && tansol2) tansol = new Solid (UNION, tansol1, tansol2); else if (tansol1) tansol = tansol1; else if (tansol2) tansol = tansol2; } else { delete tansol1; delete tansol2; } in = in1 || in2; strin = strin1 || strin2; break; } case SUB: { bool hin, hstrin; Solid * tansol1; s1 -> RecTangentialSolid (p, tansol1, surfids, hin, hstrin, eps); if (tansol1) tansol = new Solid (SUB, tansol1); in = !hstrin; strin = !hin; break; } case ROOT: { s1 -> RecTangentialSolid (p, tansol, surfids, in, strin, eps); break; } } } unique_ptr<Solid> Solid :: TangentialSolid2 (const Point<3> & p, const Vec<3> & t, NgArray<int> & surfids, double eps) const { Solid * tansol = nullptr; bool in, strin; surfids.SetSize (0); RecTangentialSolid2 (p, t, tansol, surfids, in, strin, eps); if (tansol) tansol -> GetTangentialSurfaceIndices2 (p, t, surfids, eps); return unique_ptr<Solid> (tansol); } void Solid :: RecTangentialSolid2 (const Point<3> & p, const Vec<3> & t, Solid *& tansol, NgArray<int> & surfids, bool & in, bool & strin, double eps) const { tansol = nullptr; switch (op) { case TERM: case TERM_REF: { /* double val; val = surf->CalcFunctionValue (p); in = (val < 1e-6); strin = (val < -1e-6); if (in && !strin) tansol = new Solid (surf, id); */ INSOLID_TYPE ist = prim->PointInSolid(p, eps); if (ist == DOES_INTERSECT) ist = prim->VecInSolid (p, t, eps); in = (ist == IS_INSIDE) || (ist == DOES_INTERSECT); strin = ist == IS_INSIDE; if (ist == DOES_INTERSECT) { tansol = new Solid (prim); tansol -> op = TERM_REF; } break; } case SECTION: { bool in1, in2, strin1, strin2; Solid * tansol1, * tansol2; s1 -> RecTangentialSolid2 (p, t, tansol1, surfids, in1, strin1, eps); s2 -> RecTangentialSolid2 (p, t, tansol2, surfids, in2, strin2, eps); if (in1 && in2) { if (tansol1 && tansol2) tansol = new Solid (SECTION, tansol1, tansol2); else if (tansol1) tansol = tansol1; else if (tansol2) tansol = tansol2; } in = in1 && in2; strin = strin1 && strin2; break; } case UNION: { bool in1, in2, strin1, strin2; Solid * tansol1, * tansol2; s1 -> RecTangentialSolid2 (p, t, tansol1, surfids, in1, strin1, eps); s2 -> RecTangentialSolid2 (p, t, tansol2, surfids, in2, strin2, eps); if (!strin1 && !strin2) { if (tansol1 && tansol2) tansol = new Solid (UNION, tansol1, tansol2); else if (tansol1) tansol = tansol1; else if (tansol2) tansol = tansol2; } in = in1 || in2; strin = strin1 || strin2; break; } case SUB: { bool hin, hstrin; Solid * tansol1; s1 -> RecTangentialSolid2 (p, t, tansol1, surfids, hin, hstrin, eps); if (tansol1) tansol = new Solid (SUB, tansol1); in = !hstrin; strin = !hin; break; } case ROOT: { s1 -> RecTangentialSolid2 (p, t, tansol, surfids, in, strin, eps); break; } } } unique_ptr<Solid> Solid :: TangentialSolid3 (const Point<3> & p, const Vec<3> & t, const Vec<3> & t2, NgArray<int> & surfids, double eps) const { bool in, strin; Solid * tansol = nullptr; surfids.SetSize (0); RecTangentialSolid3 (p, t, t2, tansol, surfids, in, strin, eps); if (tansol) tansol -> GetTangentialSurfaceIndices3 (p, t, t2, surfids, eps); return unique_ptr<Solid>(tansol); } void Solid :: RecTangentialSolid3 (const Point<3> & p, const Vec<3> & t, const Vec<3> & t2, Solid *& tansol, NgArray<int> & surfids, bool & in, bool & strin, double eps) const { tansol = nullptr; switch (op) { case TERM: case TERM_REF: { INSOLID_TYPE ist = prim->PointInSolid(p, eps); if (ist == DOES_INTERSECT) ist = prim->VecInSolid3 (p, t, t2, eps); in = (ist == IS_INSIDE) || (ist == DOES_INTERSECT); strin = ist == IS_INSIDE; if (ist == DOES_INTERSECT) { tansol = new Solid (prim); tansol -> op = TERM_REF; } break; } case SECTION: { bool in1, in2, strin1, strin2; Solid * tansol1, * tansol2; s1 -> RecTangentialSolid3 (p, t, t2, tansol1, surfids, in1, strin1, eps); s2 -> RecTangentialSolid3 (p, t, t2, tansol2, surfids, in2, strin2, eps); if (in1 && in2) { if (tansol1 && tansol2) tansol = new Solid (SECTION, tansol1, tansol2); else if (tansol1) tansol = tansol1; else if (tansol2) tansol = tansol2; } in = in1 && in2; strin = strin1 && strin2; break; } case UNION: { bool in1, in2, strin1, strin2; Solid * tansol1, * tansol2; s1 -> RecTangentialSolid3 (p, t, t2, tansol1, surfids, in1, strin1, eps); s2 -> RecTangentialSolid3 (p, t, t2, tansol2, surfids, in2, strin2, eps); if (!strin1 && !strin2) { if (tansol1 && tansol2) tansol = new Solid (UNION, tansol1, tansol2); else if (tansol1) tansol = tansol1; else if (tansol2) tansol = tansol2; } in = in1 || in2; strin = strin1 || strin2; break; } case SUB: { bool hin, hstrin; Solid * tansol1; s1 -> RecTangentialSolid3 (p, t, t2, tansol1, surfids, hin, hstrin, eps); if (tansol1) tansol = new Solid (SUB, tansol1); in = !hstrin; strin = !hin; break; } case ROOT: { s1 -> RecTangentialSolid3 (p, t, t2, tansol, surfids, in, strin, eps); break; } } } unique_ptr<Solid> Solid :: TangentialEdgeSolid (const Point<3> & p, const Vec<3> & t, const Vec<3> & t2, const Vec<3> & m, NgArray<int> & surfids, double eps) const { Solid * tansol = nullptr; bool in, strin; surfids.SetSize (0); // *testout << "tangentialedgesolid,sol = " << (*this) << endl; RecTangentialEdgeSolid (p, t, t2, m, tansol, surfids, in, strin, eps); if (tansol) tansol -> RecGetTangentialEdgeSurfaceIndices (p, t, t2, m, surfids, eps); return unique_ptr<Solid> (tansol); } void Solid :: RecTangentialEdgeSolid (const Point<3> & p, const Vec<3> & t, const Vec<3> & t2, const Vec<3> & m, Solid *& tansol, NgArray<int> & surfids, bool & in, bool & strin, double eps) const { tansol = NULL; switch (op) { case TERM: case TERM_REF: { INSOLID_TYPE ist = prim->PointInSolid(p, eps); /* (*testout) << "tangedgesolid, p = " << p << ", t = " << t << " for prim " << typeid (*prim).name() << " with surf " << prim->GetSurface() << endl; (*testout) << "ist = " << ist << endl; */ if (ist == DOES_INTERSECT) ist = prim->VecInSolid4 (p, t, t2, m, eps); // (*testout) << "ist2 = " << ist << endl; in = (ist == IS_INSIDE) || (ist == DOES_INTERSECT); strin = ist == IS_INSIDE; if (ist == DOES_INTERSECT) { tansol = new Solid (prim); tansol -> op = TERM_REF; } break; } case SECTION: { bool in1, in2, strin1, strin2; Solid * tansol1, * tansol2; s1 -> RecTangentialEdgeSolid (p, t, t2, m, tansol1, surfids, in1, strin1, eps); s2 -> RecTangentialEdgeSolid (p, t, t2, m, tansol2, surfids, in2, strin2, eps); if (in1 && in2) { if (tansol1 && tansol2) tansol = new Solid (SECTION, tansol1, tansol2); else if (tansol1) tansol = tansol1; else if (tansol2) tansol = tansol2; } in = in1 && in2; strin = strin1 && strin2; break; } case UNION: { bool in1, in2, strin1, strin2; Solid * tansol1, * tansol2; s1 -> RecTangentialEdgeSolid (p, t, t2, m, tansol1, surfids, in1, strin1, eps); s2 -> RecTangentialEdgeSolid (p, t, t2, m, tansol2, surfids, in2, strin2, eps); if (!strin1 && !strin2) { if (tansol1 && tansol2) tansol = new Solid (UNION, tansol1, tansol2); else if (tansol1) tansol = tansol1; else if (tansol2) tansol = tansol2; } in = in1 || in2; strin = strin1 || strin2; break; } case SUB: { bool hin, hstrin; Solid * tansol1; s1 -> RecTangentialEdgeSolid (p, t, t2, m, tansol1, surfids, hin, hstrin, eps); if (tansol1) tansol = new Solid (SUB, tansol1); in = !hstrin; strin = !hin; break; } case ROOT: { s1 -> RecTangentialEdgeSolid (p, t, t2, m, tansol, surfids, in, strin, eps); break; } } } int Solid :: Edge (const Point<3> & p, const Vec<3> & v, double eps) const { bool in, strin; int faces; RecEdge (p, v, in, strin, faces, eps); return faces >= 2; } int Solid :: OnFace (const Point<3> & p, const Vec<3> & v, double eps) const { bool in, strin; int faces; RecEdge (p, v, in, strin, faces, eps); return faces >= 1; } void Solid :: RecEdge (const Point<3> & p, const Vec<3> & v, bool & in, bool & strin, int & faces, double eps) const { switch (op) { case TERM: case TERM_REF: { INSOLID_TYPE ist = prim->VecInSolid (p, v, eps); in = (ist == IS_INSIDE) || (ist == DOES_INTERSECT); strin = ist == IS_INSIDE; /* in = VectorIn (p, v); strin = VectorStrictIn (p, v); */ faces = 0; if (in && ! strin) { // faces = 1; int i; Vec<3> grad; for (i = 0; i < prim->GetNSurfaces(); i++) { double val = prim->GetSurface(i).CalcFunctionValue(p); prim->GetSurface(i).CalcGradient (p, grad); if (fabs (val) < eps && fabs (v * grad) < 1e-6) faces++; } } // else // faces = 0; break; } case SECTION: { bool in1, in2, strin1, strin2; int faces1, faces2; s1 -> RecEdge (p, v, in1, strin1, faces1, eps); s2 -> RecEdge (p, v, in2, strin2, faces2, eps); faces = 0; if (in1 && in2) faces = faces1 + faces2; in = in1 && in2; strin = strin1 && strin2; break; } case UNION: { bool in1, in2, strin1, strin2; int faces1, faces2; s1 -> RecEdge (p, v, in1, strin1, faces1, eps); s2 -> RecEdge (p, v, in2, strin2, faces2, eps); faces = 0; if (!strin1 && !strin2) faces = faces1 + faces2; in = in1 || in2; strin = strin1 || strin2; break; } case SUB: { bool in1, strin1; s1 -> RecEdge (p, v, in1, strin1, faces, eps); in = !strin1; strin = !in1; break; } case ROOT: { s1 -> RecEdge (p, v, in, strin, faces, eps); break; } } } void Solid :: CalcSurfaceInverse () { CalcSurfaceInverseRec (0); } void Solid :: CalcSurfaceInverseRec (int inv) { switch (op) { case TERM: case TERM_REF: { bool priminv; for (int i = 0; i < prim->GetNSurfaces(); i++) { priminv = (prim->SurfaceInverted(i) != 0); if (inv) priminv = !priminv; prim->GetSurface(i).SetInverse (priminv); } break; } case UNION: case SECTION: { s1 -> CalcSurfaceInverseRec (inv); s2 -> CalcSurfaceInverseRec (inv); break; } case SUB: { s1 -> CalcSurfaceInverseRec (1 - inv); break; } case ROOT: { s1 -> CalcSurfaceInverseRec (inv); break; } } } Solid * Solid :: GetReducedSolid (const BoxSphere<3> & box) const { INSOLID_TYPE in; return RecGetReducedSolid (box, in); } Solid * Solid :: RecGetReducedSolid (const BoxSphere<3> & box, INSOLID_TYPE & in) const { if (num_surfs <= 2) { // checking special case for degenerated plane - cylinder, Dec 2014 int cnt_plane = 0, cnt_cyl = 0; bool inv_plane, inv_cyl; Plane * plane; Cylinder * cyl; ForEachSurface ( [&] (Surface * surf, bool inv) { if (dynamic_cast<Plane*>(surf)) { cnt_plane++; plane = dynamic_cast<Plane*>(surf); inv_plane = inv; } if (dynamic_cast<Cylinder*>(surf)) { cnt_cyl++; cyl = dynamic_cast<Cylinder*>(surf); inv_cyl = inv; } }); if (cnt_plane == 1 && cnt_cyl == 1) { double scala = (cyl->A()-plane->P()) * plane->N(); double scalb = (cyl->B()-plane->P()) * plane->N(); double scal = plane->N() * plane->N(); if ( ( fabs (scala*scala - cyl->R()*cyl->R()*scal) < 1e-10*cyl->R()*cyl->R() ) && ( fabs (scalb*scalb - cyl->R()*cyl->R()*scal) < 1e-10*cyl->R()*cyl->R() ) ) { // intersection edge in box ? Point<3> p0 = cyl->A() - (scala/scal) * plane->N(); Vec<3> vedge = cyl->B() - cyl->A(); Vec<3> ve_center = box.Center()-p0; // dist(lam) = \| ve_center \|^2 - 2 lam (vedge, ve_center) + lam^2 \| vedge \|^2 double num = vedge*ve_center; double den = vedge*vedge; double dist_edge_center2 = ve_center*ve_center - num * num /den; bool edge_in_box = dist_edge_center2 < sqr (box.Diam()); if (!edge_in_box) { if (op == SECTION) { // cout << "solid = " << *this << endl; if (!inv_cyl && !inv_plane && scala < 0) { // cout << "fix for degenerated cyl-plane edge: just the cylinder" << endl; Solid * sol = new Solid (cyl); sol -> op = TERM_REF; return sol; } } if (op == UNION) { // cout << "solid = " << *this << ", inv_plane = " << inv_plane << " inv_cyl = " << inv_cyl << " scalb " << scalb << endl; if (!inv_plane && !inv_cyl && (scala < 0)) { // cout << "fix for degenerated cyl-plane edge: just the plane" << endl; // return new Solid (plane); Solid * sol = new Solid (plane); sol -> op = TERM_REF; return sol; } } ; // *testout << "have 1 plane and 1 cyl, degenerated" << endl; } } } } Solid * redsol = NULL; switch (op) { case TERM: case TERM_REF: { in = prim -> BoxInSolid (box); if (in == DOES_INTERSECT) { redsol = new Solid (prim); redsol -> op = TERM_REF; } break; } case SECTION: { INSOLID_TYPE in1, in2; Solid * redsol1, * redsol2; redsol1 = s1 -> RecGetReducedSolid (box, in1); redsol2 = s2 -> RecGetReducedSolid (box, in2); if (in1 == IS_OUTSIDE || in2 == IS_OUTSIDE) { if (in1 == DOES_INTERSECT) delete redsol1; if (in2 == DOES_INTERSECT) delete redsol2; in = IS_OUTSIDE; } else { if (in1 == DOES_INTERSECT || in2 == DOES_INTERSECT) in = DOES_INTERSECT; else in = IS_INSIDE; if (in1 == DOES_INTERSECT && in2 == DOES_INTERSECT) redsol = new Solid (SECTION, redsol1, redsol2); else if (in1 == DOES_INTERSECT) redsol = redsol1; else if (in2 == DOES_INTERSECT) redsol = redsol2; } break; } case UNION: { INSOLID_TYPE in1, in2; Solid * redsol1, * redsol2; redsol1 = s1 -> RecGetReducedSolid (box, in1); redsol2 = s2 -> RecGetReducedSolid (box, in2); if (in1 == IS_INSIDE || in2 == IS_INSIDE) { if (in1 == DOES_INTERSECT) delete redsol1; if (in2 == DOES_INTERSECT) delete redsol2; in = IS_INSIDE; } else { if (in1 == DOES_INTERSECT || in2 == DOES_INTERSECT) in = DOES_INTERSECT; else in = IS_OUTSIDE; if (in1 == DOES_INTERSECT && in2 == DOES_INTERSECT) redsol = new Solid (UNION, redsol1, redsol2); else if (in1 == DOES_INTERSECT) redsol = redsol1; else if (in2 == DOES_INTERSECT) redsol = redsol2; } break; } case SUB: { INSOLID_TYPE in1; Solid * redsol1 = s1 -> RecGetReducedSolid (box, in1); switch (in1) { case IS_OUTSIDE: in = IS_INSIDE; break; case IS_INSIDE: in = IS_OUTSIDE; break; case DOES_INTERSECT: in = DOES_INTERSECT; break; } if (redsol1) redsol = new Solid (SUB, redsol1); break; } case ROOT: { INSOLID_TYPE in1; redsol = s1 -> RecGetReducedSolid (box, in1); in = in1; break; } } /* if (redsol) (*testout) << "getrecsolid, redsol = " << endl << (*redsol) << endl; else (*testout) << "redsol is null" << endl; */ return redsol; } int Solid :: NumPrimitives () const { switch (op) { case TERM: case TERM_REF: { return 1; } case UNION: case SECTION: { return s1->NumPrimitives () + s2 -> NumPrimitives(); } case SUB: case ROOT: { return s1->NumPrimitives (); } } return 0; } void Solid :: GetSurfaceIndices (NgArray<int> & surfind) const { surfind.SetSize (0); RecGetSurfaceIndices (surfind); } void Solid :: RecGetSurfaceIndices (NgArray<int> & surfind) const { switch (op) { case TERM: case TERM_REF: { /* int i; for (i = 1; i <= surfind.Size(); i++) if (surfind.Get(i) == prim->GetSurfaceId()) return; surfind.Append (prim->GetSurfaceId()); break; */ for (int j = 0; j < prim->GetNSurfaces(); j++) if (prim->SurfaceActive (j)) { bool found = 0; int siprim = prim->GetSurfaceId(j); for (int i = 0; i < surfind.Size(); i++) if (surfind[i] == siprim) { found = 1; break; } if (!found) surfind.Append (siprim); } break; } case UNION: case SECTION: { s1 -> RecGetSurfaceIndices (surfind); s2 -> RecGetSurfaceIndices (surfind); break; } case SUB: case ROOT: { s1 -> RecGetSurfaceIndices (surfind); break; } } } void Solid :: ForEachSurface (const std::function<void(Surface*,bool)> & lambda, bool inv) const { switch (op) { case TERM: case TERM_REF: { for (int j = 0; j < prim->GetNSurfaces(); j++) if (prim->SurfaceActive (j)) lambda (&prim->GetSurface(j), inv); break; } case UNION: case SECTION: { s1 -> ForEachSurface (lambda, inv); s2 -> ForEachSurface (lambda, inv); break; } case SUB: { s1 -> ForEachSurface (lambda, !inv); break; } case ROOT: { s1 -> ForEachSurface (lambda, inv); break; } } } void Solid :: GetTangentialSurfaceIndices (const Point<3> & p, NgArray<int> & surfind, double eps) const { surfind.SetSize (0); RecGetTangentialSurfaceIndices (p, surfind, eps); } void Solid :: RecGetTangentialSurfaceIndices (const Point<3> & p, NgArray<int> & surfind, double eps) const { switch (op) { case TERM: case TERM_REF: { /* for (int j = 0; j < prim->GetNSurfaces(); j++) if (fabs (prim->GetSurface(j).CalcFunctionValue (p)) < eps) if (!surfind.Contains (prim->GetSurfaceId(j))) surfind.Append (prim->GetSurfaceId(j)); */ prim->GetTangentialSurfaceIndices (p, surfind, eps); break; } case UNION: case SECTION: { s1 -> RecGetTangentialSurfaceIndices (p, surfind, eps); s2 -> RecGetTangentialSurfaceIndices (p, surfind, eps); break; } case SUB: case ROOT: { s1 -> RecGetTangentialSurfaceIndices (p, surfind, eps); break; } } } void Solid :: GetTangentialSurfaceIndices2 (const Point<3> & p, const Vec<3> & v, NgArray<int> & surfind, double eps) const { surfind.SetSize (0); RecGetTangentialSurfaceIndices2 (p, v, surfind, eps); } void Solid :: RecGetTangentialSurfaceIndices2 (const Point<3> & p, const Vec<3> & v, NgArray<int> & surfind, double eps) const { switch (op) { case TERM: case TERM_REF: { for (int j = 0; j < prim->GetNSurfaces(); j++) { if (fabs (prim->GetSurface(j).CalcFunctionValue (p)) < eps) { Vec<3> grad; prim->GetSurface(j).CalcGradient (p, grad); if (sqr (grad * v) < 1e-6 * v.Length2() * grad.Length2()) { if (!surfind.Contains (prim->GetSurfaceId(j))) surfind.Append (prim->GetSurfaceId(j)); } } } break; } case UNION: case SECTION: { s1 -> RecGetTangentialSurfaceIndices2 (p, v, surfind, eps); s2 -> RecGetTangentialSurfaceIndices2 (p, v, surfind, eps); break; } case SUB: case ROOT: { s1 -> RecGetTangentialSurfaceIndices2 (p, v, surfind, eps); break; } } } void Solid :: GetTangentialSurfaceIndices3 (const Point<3> & p, const Vec<3> & v, const Vec<3> & v2, NgArray<int> & surfind, double eps) const { surfind.SetSize (0); RecGetTangentialSurfaceIndices3 (p, v, v2, surfind, eps); } void Solid :: RecGetTangentialSurfaceIndices3 (const Point<3> & p, const Vec<3> & v, const Vec<3> & v2, NgArray<int> & surfind, double eps) const { switch (op) { case TERM: case TERM_REF: { for (int j = 0; j < prim->GetNSurfaces(); j++) { if (fabs (prim->GetSurface(j).CalcFunctionValue (p)) < eps) { Vec<3> grad; prim->GetSurface(j).CalcGradient (p, grad); if (sqr (grad * v) < 1e-6 * v.Length2() * grad.Length2()) { Mat<3> hesse; prim->GetSurface(j).CalcHesse (p, hesse); double hv2 = v2 * grad + v * (hesse * v); if (fabs (hv2) < 1e-6) { if (!surfind.Contains (prim->GetSurfaceId(j))) surfind.Append (prim->GetSurfaceId(j)); } /* else { *testout << "QUAD NOT OK" << endl; *testout << "v = " << v << ", v2 = " << v2 << endl; *testout << "v * grad = " << v*grad << endl; *testout << "v2 * grad = " << v2*grad << endl; *testout << "v H v = " << v*(hesse*v) << endl; *testout << "grad = " << grad << endl; *testout << "hesse = " << hesse << endl; *testout << "hv2 = " << v2 * grad + v * (hesse * v) << endl; } */ } } } break; } case UNION: case SECTION: { s1 -> RecGetTangentialSurfaceIndices3 (p, v, v2, surfind, eps); s2 -> RecGetTangentialSurfaceIndices3 (p, v, v2, surfind, eps); break; } case SUB: case ROOT: { s1 -> RecGetTangentialSurfaceIndices3 (p, v, v2, surfind, eps); break; } } } void Solid :: RecGetTangentialEdgeSurfaceIndices (const Point<3> & p, const Vec<3> & v, const Vec<3> & v2, const Vec<3> & m, NgArray<int> & surfind, double eps) const { switch (op) { case TERM: case TERM_REF: { // *testout << "check vecinsolid4, p = " << p << ", v = " << v << "; m = " << m << endl; if (prim->VecInSolid4 (p, v, v2, m, eps) == DOES_INTERSECT) { prim->GetTangentialVecSurfaceIndices2 (p, v, m, surfind, eps); /* for (int j = 0; j < prim->GetNSurfaces(); j++) { if (fabs (prim->GetSurface(j).CalcFunctionValue (p)) < eps) { Vec<3> grad; prim->GetSurface(j).CalcGradient (p, grad); *testout << "grad = " << grad << endl; if (sqr (grad * v) < 1e-6 * v.Length2() * grad.Length2() && sqr (grad * m) < 1e-6 * m.Length2() * grad.Length2() ) // new, 18032006 JS { *testout << "add surf " << prim->GetSurfaceId(j) << endl; if (!surfind.Contains (prim->GetSurfaceId(j))) surfind.Append (prim->GetSurfaceId(j)); } } } */ } break; } case UNION: case SECTION: { s1 -> RecGetTangentialEdgeSurfaceIndices (p, v, v2, m, surfind, eps); s2 -> RecGetTangentialEdgeSurfaceIndices (p, v, v2, m, surfind, eps); break; } case SUB: case ROOT: { s1 -> RecGetTangentialEdgeSurfaceIndices (p, v, v2, m, surfind, eps); break; } } } void Solid :: GetSurfaceIndices (IndexSet & iset) const { iset.Clear(); RecGetSurfaceIndices (iset); } void Solid :: RecGetSurfaceIndices (IndexSet & iset) const { switch (op) { case TERM: case TERM_REF: { /* int i; for (i = 1; i <= surfind.Size(); i++) if (surfind.Get(i) == prim->GetSurfaceId()) return; surfind.Append (prim->GetSurfaceId()); break; */ for (int j = 0; j < prim->GetNSurfaces(); j++) if (prim->SurfaceActive (j)) { int siprim = prim->GetSurfaceId(j); iset.Add (siprim); } break; } case UNION: case SECTION: { s1 -> RecGetSurfaceIndices (iset); s2 -> RecGetSurfaceIndices (iset); break; } case SUB: case ROOT: { s1 -> RecGetSurfaceIndices (iset); break; } } } void Solid :: CalcOnePrimitiveSpecialPoints (const Box<3> & box, NgArray<Point<3> > & pts) const { double eps = 1e-8 * box.Diam (); pts.SetSize (0); this -> RecCalcOnePrimitiveSpecialPoints (pts); for (int i = pts.Size()-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!IsIn (pts[i],eps) || IsStrictIn (pts[i],eps)) pts.Delete (i); } } void Solid :: RecCalcOnePrimitiveSpecialPoints (NgArray<Point<3> > & pts) const { switch (op) { case TERM: case TERM_REF: { prim -> CalcSpecialPoints (pts); break; } case UNION: case SECTION: { s1 -> RecCalcOnePrimitiveSpecialPoints (pts); s2 -> RecCalcOnePrimitiveSpecialPoints (pts); break; } case SUB: case ROOT: { s1 -> RecCalcOnePrimitiveSpecialPoints (pts); break; } } } // BlockAllocator Solid :: ball(sizeof (Solid)); shared_ptr<BlockAllocator> Solid :: ball = make_shared<BlockAllocator>(sizeof (Solid)); }