#include #include #include "meshing.hpp" #include namespace netgen { struct PointTree { BoxTree<3> tree; PointTree( Box<3> bb ) : tree(bb) {} void Insert(Point<3> p, PointIndex n) { tree.Insert(p, p, n); } PointIndex Find(Point<3> p) const { ArrayMem points; tree.GetIntersecting(p, p, points); if(points.Size()==0) throw Exception("cannot find mapped point"); return points[0]; } double GetTolerance() { return tree.GetTolerance(); } }; DLL_HEADER GeometryRegisterArray geometryregister; //DLL_HEADER NgArray geometryregister; GeometryRegister :: ~GeometryRegister() { ; } bool GeometryShape :: IsMappedShape( const GeometryShape & other_, const Transformation<3> & trafo, double tol ) const { throw Exception("GeometryShape::IsMappedShape not implemented for class " + Demangle(typeid(this).name())); } bool GeometryVertex :: IsMappedShape( const GeometryShape & other_, const Transformation<3> & trafo, double tol ) const { const auto other_ptr = dynamic_cast(&other_); if(!other_ptr) return false; return Dist(trafo(GetPoint()), other_ptr->GetPoint()) < tol; } bool GeometryEdge :: IsMappedShape( const GeometryShape & other_, const Transformation<3> & trafo, double tol ) const { const auto other_ptr = dynamic_cast(&other_); if(!other_ptr) return false; auto & e = *other_ptr; if (IsDegenerated(tol) || e.IsDegenerated(tol)) return false; if(tol < Dist(trafo(GetCenter()), e.GetCenter())) return false; auto v0 = trafo(GetStartVertex().GetPoint()); auto v1 = trafo(GetEndVertex().GetPoint()); auto w0 = e.GetStartVertex().GetPoint(); auto w1 = e.GetEndVertex().GetPoint(); // have two closed edges, use midpoints to compare if(Dist(v0,v1) < tol && Dist(w0,w1) < tol) { v1 = trafo(GetPoint(0.5)); w1 = other_ptr->GetPoint(0.5); } return( (Dist(v0, w0) < tol && Dist(v1, w1) < tol) || (Dist(v0, w1) < tol && Dist(v1, w0) < tol) ); } bool GeometryFace :: IsMappedShape( const GeometryShape & other_, const Transformation<3> & trafo, double tol ) const { const auto other_ptr = dynamic_cast(&other_); if(!other_ptr) return false; auto & f = *other_ptr; if(tol < Dist(GetCenter(), f.GetCenter())) return false; // simple check: check if there is a bijective mapping of mapped edges auto & other_edges = f.edges; if(edges.Size() != other_edges.Size()) return false; auto nedges = edges.Size(); Array is_mapped(nedges); is_mapped = false; for(auto e : edges) { int found_mapping = 0; for(auto other_e : other_edges) if(e->IsMappedShape(*other_e, trafo, tol)) found_mapping++; if(found_mapping != 1) return false; } return true; } bool GeometryFace :: IsConnectingCloseSurfaces() const { std::map verts; for(const auto& edge : edges) { verts[&edge->GetStartVertex()] = false; verts[&edge->GetEndVertex()] = false; } for(const auto& [v, is_mapped] : verts) { if(is_mapped) continue; for(const auto& v_ident : v->identifications) { const auto& other = v_ident.to == v ? v_ident.from : v_ident.to; if(v_ident.type == Identifications::CLOSESURFACES && verts.count(other)) { verts[v] = true; verts[other] = true; } } } for(auto& [v, is_mapped] : verts) if(!is_mapped) return false; return true; } void GeometryFace :: RestrictHTrig(Mesh& mesh, const PointGeomInfo& gi0, const PointGeomInfo& gi1, const PointGeomInfo& gi2, const MeshingParameters& mparam, int depth, double h) const { auto p0 = GetPoint(gi0); auto p1 = GetPoint(gi1); auto p2 = GetPoint(gi2); auto longest = (p0-p1).Length(); int cutedge = 2; if(auto len = (p0-p2).Length(); len > longest) { longest = len; cutedge = 1; } if(auto len = (p1-p2).Length(); len > longest) { longest = len; cutedge = 0; } PointGeomInfo gi_mid; gi_mid.u = (gi0.u + gi1.u + gi2.u)/3; gi_mid.v = (gi0.v + gi1.v + gi2.v)/3; if(depth % 3 == 0) { double curvature = 0.; curvature = max({curvature, GetCurvature(gi_mid), GetCurvature(gi0), GetCurvature(gi1), GetCurvature(gi2)}); if(curvature < 1e-3) return; double kappa = curvature * mparam.curvaturesafety; h = mparam.maxh * kappa < 1 ? mparam.maxh : 1./kappa; if(h < 1e-4 * longest) return; } if(h < longest && depth < 10) { if(cutedge == 0) { PointGeomInfo gi_m; gi_m.u = 0.5 * (gi1.u + gi2.u); gi_m.v = 0.5 * (gi1.v + gi2.v); RestrictHTrig(mesh, gi_m, gi2, gi0, mparam, depth+1, h); RestrictHTrig(mesh, gi_m, gi0, gi1, mparam, depth+1, h); } else if(cutedge == 1) { PointGeomInfo gi_m; gi_m.u = 0.5 * (gi0.u + gi2.u); gi_m.v = 0.5 * (gi0.v + gi2.v); RestrictHTrig(mesh, gi_m, gi1, gi2, mparam, depth+1, h); RestrictHTrig(mesh, gi_m, gi0, gi1, mparam, depth+1, h); } else if(cutedge == 2) { PointGeomInfo gi_m; gi_m.u = 0.5 * (gi0.u + gi1.u); gi_m.v = 0.5 * (gi0.v + gi1.v); RestrictHTrig(mesh, gi_m, gi1, gi2, mparam, depth+1, h); RestrictHTrig(mesh, gi_m, gi2, gi0, mparam, depth+1, h); } } else { auto pmid = GetPoint(gi_mid); for(const auto& p : {p0, p1, p2, pmid}) mesh.RestrictLocalH(p, h); } } struct Line { Point<3> p0, p1; inline double Length() const { return (p1-p0).Length(); } inline double Dist(const Line& other) const { Vec<3> n = p1-p0; Vec<3> q = other.p1-other.p0; double nq = n*q; Point<3> p = p0 + 0.5*n; double lambda = (p-other.p0)*n / (nq + 1e-10); if (lambda >= 0 && lambda <= 1) return (p-other.p0-lambda*q).Length(); return 1e99; } }; void NetgenGeometry :: Clear() { vertices.SetSize0(); edges.SetSize0(); faces.SetSize0(); solids.SetSize0(); } void NetgenGeometry :: ProcessIdentifications() { for(auto i : Range(vertices)) vertices[i]->nr = i; for(auto i : Range(edges)) edges[i]->nr = i; for(auto i : Range(faces)) faces[i]->nr = i; for(auto i : Range(solids)) solids[i]->nr = i; auto mirror_identifications = [&] ( auto & shapes ) { for(auto i : Range(shapes)) { auto &s = shapes[i]; s->nr = i; for(auto & ident : s->identifications) if(s.get() == ident.from && s.get() != ident.to) ident.to->identifications.Append(ident); } }; auto tol = 1e-8 * bounding_box.Diam(); for(auto & f : faces) for(auto & ident: f->identifications) for(auto e : static_cast(ident.from)->edges) for(auto e_other : static_cast(ident.to)->edges) if(e->IsMappedShape(*e_other, ident.trafo, tol)) e->identifications.Append( {e, e_other, ident.trafo, ident.type, ident.name} ); for(auto & e : edges) for(auto & ident: e->identifications) { auto & from = static_cast(*ident.from); auto & to = static_cast(*ident.to); GeometryVertex * pfrom[] = { &from.GetStartVertex(), &from.GetEndVertex() }; GeometryVertex * pto[] = { &to.GetStartVertex(), &to.GetEndVertex() }; // swap points of other edge if necessary Point<3> p_from0 = ident.trafo(from.GetStartVertex().GetPoint()); Point<3> p_from1 = ident.trafo(from.GetEndVertex().GetPoint()); Point<3> p_to0 = to.GetStartVertex().GetPoint(); if(Dist(p_from1, p_to0) < Dist(p_from0, p_to0)) swap(pto[0], pto[1]); for(auto i : Range(2)) pfrom[i]->identifications.Append( {pfrom[i], pto[i], ident.trafo, ident.type, ident.name} ); } mirror_identifications(vertices); mirror_identifications(edges); mirror_identifications(faces); auto find_primary = [&] (auto & shapes) { for(auto &s : shapes) { s->primary = s.get(); s->primary_to_me = Transformation<3>{ Vec<3> {0,0,0} }; // init with identity } bool changed = true; while(changed) { changed = false; for(auto &s : shapes) { for(auto & ident : s->identifications) { bool need_inverse = ident.from == s.get(); auto other = need_inverse ? ident.to : ident.from; if(other->primary->nr < s->primary->nr) { auto trafo = ident.trafo; if(need_inverse) trafo = trafo.CalcInverse(); s->primary = other->primary; s->primary_to_me.Combine(trafo, other->primary_to_me); changed = true; } } } } }; find_primary(vertices); find_primary(edges); find_primary(faces); } void NetgenGeometry :: Analyse(Mesh& mesh, const MeshingParameters& mparam) const { static Timer t1("SetLocalMeshsize"); RegionTimer regt(t1); mesh.SetGlobalH(mparam.maxh); mesh.SetMinimalH(mparam.minh); mesh.SetLocalH(bounding_box.PMin(), bounding_box.PMax(), mparam.grading); // only set meshsize for edges longer than this double mincurvelength = 1e-3 * bounding_box.Diam(); if(mparam.uselocalh) { double eps = 1e-10 * bounding_box.Diam(); const char* savetask = multithread.task; multithread.task = "Analyse Edges"; // restrict meshsize on edges for(auto i : Range(edges)) { multithread.percent = 100. * i/edges.Size(); const auto & edge = edges[i]; auto length = edge->GetLength(); // skip very short edges if(length < mincurvelength) continue; static constexpr int npts = 20; // restrict mesh size based on edge length for(auto i : Range(npts+1)) mesh.RestrictLocalH(edge->GetPoint(double(i)/npts), length/mparam.segmentsperedge); // restrict mesh size based on edge curvature double t = 0.; auto p_old = edge->GetPoint(t); while(t < 1.-eps) { t += edge->CalcStep(t, 1./mparam.curvaturesafety); if(t < 1.) { auto p = edge->GetPoint(t); auto dist = (p-p_old).Length(); mesh.RestrictLocalH(p, dist); p_old = p; } } } multithread.task = "Analyse Faces"; // restrict meshsize on faces for(auto i : Range(faces)) { multithread.percent = 100. * i/faces.Size(); const auto& face = faces[i]; face->RestrictH(mesh, mparam); } if(mparam.closeedgefac.has_value()) { multithread.task = "Analyse close edges"; constexpr int sections = 100; Array lines; lines.SetAllocSize(sections*edges.Size()); BoxTree<3> searchtree(bounding_box.PMin(), bounding_box.PMax()); for(const auto& edge : edges) { if(edge->GetLength() < eps) continue; double t = 0.; auto p_old = edge->GetPoint(t); auto t_old = edge->GetTangent(t); t_old.Normalize(); for(auto i : IntRange(1, sections+1)) { t = double(i)/sections; auto p_new = edge->GetPoint(t); auto t_new = edge->GetTangent(t); t_new.Normalize(); auto cosalpha = fabs(t_old * t_new); if((i == sections) || (cosalpha < cos(10./180 * M_PI))) { auto index = lines.Append({p_old, p_new}); searchtree.Insert(p_old, p_new, index); p_old = p_new; t_old = t_new; } } } Array linenums; for(auto i : Range(lines)) { const auto& line = lines[i]; if(line.Length() < eps) continue; multithread.percent = 100.*i/lines.Size(); Box<3> box; box.Set(line.p0); box.Add(line.p1); // box.Increase(max2(mesh.GetH(line.p0), mesh.GetH(line.p1))); box.Increase(line.Length()); double mindist = 1e99; linenums.SetSize0(); searchtree.GetIntersecting(box.PMin(), box.PMax(), linenums); for(auto num : linenums) { if(i == num) continue; const auto & other = lines[num]; if((line.p0 - other.p0).Length2() < eps || (line.p0 - other.p1).Length2() < eps || (line.p1 - other.p0).Length2() < eps || (line.p1 - other.p1).Length2() < eps) continue; mindist = min2(mindist, line.Dist(other)); } if(mindist == 1e99) continue; mindist /= *mparam.closeedgefac + 1e-10; if(mindist < 1e-3 * bounding_box.Diam()) { (*testout) << "extremely small local h: " << mindist << " --> setting to " << 1e-3 * bounding_box.Diam() << endl; (*testout) << "somewhere near " << line.p0 << " - " << line.p1 << endl ; mindist = 1e-3 * bounding_box.Diam(); } mesh.RestrictLocalHLine(line.p0, line.p1, mindist); } } multithread.task = savetask; } for(const auto& mspnt : mparam.meshsize_points) mesh.RestrictLocalH(mspnt.pnt, mspnt.h); mesh.LoadLocalMeshSize(mparam.meshsizefilename); } void GeometryEdge :: Divide(const MeshingParameters & mparam, const Mesh & mesh, Array> & points, Array & params) { static Timer tdivedgesections("Divide edge sections"); static Timer tdivide("Divide Edges"); RegionTimer rt(tdivide); // -------------------- DivideEdge ----------------- tdivedgesections.Start(); auto layer = properties.layer; double safety = 0.5*(1.-mparam.grading); double lam = 0.0; Point<3> p = GetPoint(0.0); auto old_p = p; Array hvalue, fine_params; hvalue.Append(.0); while (lam<1. && hvalue.Size() < 20000) { fine_params.Append(lam); auto h = mesh.GetH(old_p, layer); auto step = safety * h/GetTangent(lam).Length(); lam += step; lam = min2(lam, 1.0); p = GetPoint(lam); hvalue.Append((hvalue.Size()==0 ? 0.0 : hvalue.Last()) + 1./h * (p-old_p).Length()); old_p = p; } fine_params.Append(1.0); if(hvalue.Size()==20000 && lam<1.0) cout << "Warning: Could not divide Edge" << endl; tdivedgesections.Stop(); // auto n = hvalue.Size()-1; int nsubedges = max2(1, int(floor(hvalue.Last()+0.5))); points.SetSize(nsubedges-1); params.SetSize(nsubedges+1); int i1 = 0; for(auto i : Range(1,nsubedges)) { auto h_target = i*hvalue.Last()/nsubedges; while(hvalue[i1] vert2meshpt; for(auto & vert : vertices) { auto pi = mesh.AddPoint(vert->GetPoint(), vert->properties.layer); tree.Insert(mesh[pi], pi); vert2meshpt[vert->GetHash()] = pi; mesh[pi].Singularity(vert->properties.hpref); mesh[pi].SetType(FIXEDPOINT); Element0d el(pi, pi); el.name = vert->properties.GetName(); mesh.SetCD3Name(pi, el.name); mesh.pointelements.Append (el); } for(auto & vert : vertices) for(auto & ident : vert->identifications) identifications.Add(vert2meshpt[ident.from->GetHash()], vert2meshpt[ident.to->GetHash()], ident.name, ident.type); // size_t segnr = 0; auto nedges = edges.Size(); Array> all_pnums(nedges); Array> all_params(nedges); for (auto edgenr : Range(edges)) { auto edge = edges[edgenr].get(); PointIndex startp, endp; // throws if points are not found startp = vert2meshpt.at(edge->GetStartVertex().GetHash()); endp = vert2meshpt.at(edge->GetEndVertex().GetHash()); // ignore collapsed edges if(startp == endp && edge->GetLength() < 1e-10 * bounding_box.Diam()) continue; // ----------- Add Points to mesh and create segments ----- auto & pnums = all_pnums[edgenr]; auto & params = all_params[edgenr]; Array> edge_points; Array edge_params; if(edge->primary == edge) { // check if start and end vertex are identified (if so, we only insert one segment and do z-refinement later) bool is_identified_edge = false; auto v0 = vertices[edge->GetStartVertex().nr].get(); auto v1 = vertices[edge->GetEndVertex().nr].get(); for(auto & ident : v0->identifications) { auto other = ident.from == v0 ? ident.to : ident.from; if(other->nr == v1->nr && ident.type == Identifications::CLOSESURFACES) { is_identified_edge = true; break; } } if(is_identified_edge) { params.SetSize(2); params[0] = 0.; params[1] = 1.; } else { edge->Divide(mparam, mesh, edge_points, params); } } else { auto nr_primary = edge->primary->nr; auto & pnums_primary = all_pnums[nr_primary]; // auto & params_primary = all_params[nr_primary]; auto trafo = edge->primary_to_me; auto np = pnums_primary.Size(); edge_points.SetSize(np-2); edge_params.SetSize(np-2); for(auto i : Range(np-2)) { edge_points[i] = trafo(mesh[pnums_primary[i+1]]); EdgePointGeomInfo gi; edge->ProjectPoint(edge_points[i], &gi); edge_params[i] = gi.dist; } params.SetSize(edge_params.Size()+2); for(auto i : Range(edge_params)) params[i+1] = edge_params[i]; if(edge_params.Size()>1) { // Just projecting (code below) does not work for closed edges (startp == endp) // In this case, there are at least 2 inner points which we use to check edge orientation bool reversed = edge_params[1] < edge_params[0]; if(reversed) { params[0] = 1.0; params.Last() = 0.0; } else { params.Last() = 1.0; params[0] = 0.0; } } else { for(size_t i : std::vector{0UL, pnums_primary.Size()-1}) { auto p_mapped = trafo(mesh[pnums_primary[i]]); EdgePointGeomInfo gi; edge->ProjectPoint(p_mapped, &gi); params[i] = gi.dist; } } } pnums.SetSize(edge_points.Size() + 2); bool is_reversed = params.Last() < params[0]; pnums[0] = is_reversed ? endp : startp; pnums.Last() = is_reversed ? startp : endp; for(auto i : Range(edge_points)) { auto pi = mesh.AddPoint(edge_points[i], edge->properties.layer); tree.Insert(mesh[pi], pi); pnums[i+1] = pi; } for(auto i : Range(pnums.Size()-1)) { // segnr++; Segment seg; seg[0] = pnums[i]; seg[1] = pnums[i+1]; seg.edgenr = edgenr+1; seg.si = edgenr+1; seg.epgeominfo[0].dist = params[i]; seg.epgeominfo[1].dist = params[i+1]; seg.epgeominfo[0].edgenr = edgenr; seg.epgeominfo[1].edgenr = edgenr; seg.singedge_left = edge->properties.hpref; seg.singedge_right = edge->properties.hpref; seg.domin = edge->domin+1; seg.domout = edge->domout+1; mesh.AddSegment(seg); } mesh.SetCD2Name(edgenr+1, edge->properties.GetName()); } for (auto & edge : edges) { // identify points on edge for(auto & ident : edge->identifications) if(ident.from == edge.get()) { auto & pnums = all_pnums[edge->nr]; // start and end vertex are already identified for(auto pi : pnums.Range(1, pnums.Size()-1)) { auto pi_other = tree.Find(ident.trafo(mesh[pi])); identifications.Add(pi, pi_other, ident.name, ident.type); } } } mesh.CalcSurfacesOfNode(); multithread.task = savetask; } bool NetgenGeometry :: MeshFace(Mesh& mesh, const MeshingParameters& mparam, int k, FlatArray glob2loc) const { multithread.percent = 100. * k/faces.Size(); const auto& face = *faces[k]; auto bb = face.GetBoundingBox(); bb.Increase(bb.Diam()/10); Meshing2 meshing(*this, mparam, bb); glob2loc = 0; int cntp = 0; auto segments = face.GetBoundary(mesh); for(auto& seg : segments) { for(auto j : Range(2)) { auto pi = seg[j]; if(glob2loc[pi] == 0) { meshing.AddPoint(mesh[pi], pi); cntp++; glob2loc[pi] = cntp; } } } for(const auto& vert : GetFaceVertices(face)) { PointIndex pi = vert->nr + 1; if(glob2loc[pi] == 0) { meshing.AddPoint(mesh[pi], pi); cntp++; glob2loc[pi] = cntp; } } for(auto & seg : segments) { PointGeomInfo gi0, gi1; gi0.trignum = gi1.trignum = k+1; gi0.u = seg.epgeominfo[0].u; gi0.v = seg.epgeominfo[0].v; gi1.u = seg.epgeominfo[1].u; gi1.v = seg.epgeominfo[1].v; meshing.AddBoundaryElement(glob2loc[seg[0]], glob2loc[seg[1]], gi0, gi1); } // TODO Set max area 2* area of face auto noldsurfels = mesh.GetNSE(); static Timer t("GenerateMesh"); RegionTimer reg(t); MESHING2_RESULT res = meshing.GenerateMesh(mesh, mparam, mparam.maxh, k+1, face.properties.layer); for(auto i : Range(noldsurfels, mesh.GetNSE())) { mesh.SurfaceElements()[i].SetIndex(k+1); } return res != MESHING2_OK; } void NetgenGeometry :: MeshSurface(Mesh& mesh, const MeshingParameters& mparam) const { static Timer t1("Surface Meshing"); RegionTimer regt(t1); const char* savetask = multithread.task; multithread.task = "Mesh Surface"; mesh.ClearFaceDescriptors(); size_t n_failed_faces = 0; Array glob2loc(mesh.GetNP()); for(auto k : Range(faces)) { auto & face = *faces[k]; FaceDescriptor fd(k+1, face.domin+1, face.domout+1, k+1); if(face.properties.col) fd.SetSurfColour(*face.properties.col); mesh.AddFaceDescriptor(fd); mesh.SetBCName(k, face.properties.GetName()); if(face.primary == &face) { // check if this face connects two identified closesurfaces // auto & idents = mesh.GetIdentifications(); std::set relevant_edges; auto segments = face.GetBoundary(mesh); for(const auto &s : segments) relevant_edges.insert(s.edgenr-1); Array is_point_in_tree(mesh.Points().Size()); is_point_in_tree = false; PointTree tree( bounding_box ); for(const auto &s : segments) for(auto pi : s.PNums()) if(!is_point_in_tree[pi]) { tree.Insert(mesh[pi], pi); is_point_in_tree[pi] = true; } Array mapped_edges(edges.Size()); constexpr int UNINITIALIZED = -2; constexpr int NOT_MAPPED = -1; mapped_edges = UNINITIALIZED; Transformation<3> trafo; if(face.IsConnectingCloseSurfaces()) { Array, PointIndex> p2seg(mesh.Points().Size()); for(int si : Range(segments)) { const auto & s = segments[si]; p2seg[s[0]].Append(si); p2seg[s[1]].Append(si); } for(const auto & s : segments) { auto edgenr = s.edgenr-1; auto & edge = *edges[edgenr]; // ShapeIdentification *edge_mapping; // have edgenr first time, search for closesurface identification if(mapped_edges[edgenr] == UNINITIALIZED) { mapped_edges[edgenr] = NOT_MAPPED; for(auto & edge_ident : edge.identifications) { if(edge_ident.type == Identifications::CLOSESURFACES && edge_ident.from->nr == edgenr && relevant_edges.count(edge_ident.to->nr) > 0 ) { trafo = edge_ident.trafo; mapped_edges[edgenr] = edge_ident.to->nr; break; } } } // this edge has a closesurface mapping to another -> make connecting quad if(mapped_edges[edgenr] != NOT_MAPPED) { Element2d sel(4); sel[0] = s[0]; sel[1] = s[1]; sel[2] = tree.Find(trafo(mesh[s[1]])); sel[3] = tree.Find(trafo(mesh[s[0]])); auto gis = sel.GeomInfo(); for(auto i : Range(2)) { gis[i].u = s.epgeominfo[i].u; gis[i].v = s.epgeominfo[i].v; } // find mapped segment to set PointGeomInfo correctly Segment s_other; for(auto si_other : p2seg[sel[2]]) { s_other = segments[si_other]; if(s_other[0] == sel[2] && s_other[1] == sel[3]) break; if(s_other[0] == sel[3] && s_other[1] == sel[2]) break; } for(auto i : Range(2)) { auto i_other = sel[i+2] == s_other[i] ? i : 1-i; gis[i+2].u = s_other.epgeominfo[i_other].u; gis[i+2].v = s_other.epgeominfo[i_other].v; } sel.SetIndex(face.nr+1); mesh.AddSurfaceElement(sel); } } } else if(MeshFace(mesh, mparam, k, glob2loc)) n_failed_faces++; } } if(n_failed_faces) { cout << "WARNING! NOT ALL FACES HAVE BEEN MESHED" << endl; cout << "SURFACE MESHING ERROR OCCURRED IN " << n_failed_faces << " FACES:" << endl; return; } if (mparam.perfstepsend >= MESHCONST_OPTSURFACE) { mesh.CalcSurfacesOfNode(); OptimizeSurface(mesh, mparam); } bool have_identifications = false; for(auto & face : faces) if(face->primary != face.get()) { have_identifications = true; MapSurfaceMesh(mesh, *face); } // identify points on faces if(have_identifications) { mesh.CalcSurfacesOfNode(); BitArray is_identified_face(faces.Size()); is_identified_face = false; for(auto & face : faces) for(auto & ident : face->identifications) { is_identified_face.SetBit(ident.from->nr); is_identified_face.SetBit(ident.to->nr); } PointTree tree( bounding_box ); Array pi_to_face(mesh.GetNP()); pi_to_face = -1; Array si_of_face; Array> pi_of_face(faces.Size()); for(auto & face : faces) if(is_identified_face[face->nr]) { mesh.GetSurfaceElementsOfFace(face->nr+1, si_of_face); for(auto si : si_of_face) for(auto pi : mesh[si].PNums()) { if(mesh[pi].Type() == SURFACEPOINT && pi_to_face[pi]==-1) { pi_to_face[pi] = face->nr; tree.Insert(mesh[pi], pi); pi_of_face[face->nr].Append(pi); } } } auto & mesh_ident = mesh.GetIdentifications(); for(auto & face : faces) for(auto & ident : face->identifications) { if(ident.from == face.get()) for(auto pi : pi_of_face[face->nr]) { auto pi_other = tree.Find(ident.trafo(mesh[pi])); mesh_ident.Add(pi, pi_other, ident.name, ident.type); } } } mesh.CalcSurfacesOfNode(); multithread.task = savetask; } void NetgenGeometry :: MapSurfaceMesh( Mesh & mesh, const GeometryFace & dst ) const { static Timer timer("MapSurfaceMesh"); RegionTimer rt(timer); const auto & src = dynamic_cast(*dst.primary); auto trafo = dst.primary_to_me; PrintMessage(2, "Map face ", src.nr+1, " -> ", dst.nr+1); // point map from src to dst auto np = mesh.Points().Size(); Array pmap(np); pmap = PointIndex::INVALID; BitArray is_double_edge_point(np); is_double_edge_point.Clear(); // first map points on edges (mapped points already in mesh, use search tree) Array is_point_in_tree(mesh.Points().Size()); is_point_in_tree = false; PointTree tree( bounding_box ); for (Segment & seg : src.GetBoundary(mesh)) for(auto i : Range(2)) { auto pi = seg[i]; if(!is_point_in_tree[pi]) { tree.Insert(trafo(mesh[pi]), pi); is_point_in_tree[pi] = true; } } Array, 2>, PointIndex> uv_values(np); for (Segment & seg : dst.GetBoundary(mesh)) { for(auto i : Range(2)) { auto pi = seg[i]; if(!pmap[pi].IsValid()) pmap[tree.Find(mesh[pi])] = pi; // store uv values (might be different values for same point in case of internal edges) double u = seg.epgeominfo[i].u; double v = seg.epgeominfo[i].v; auto & vals = uv_values[pi]; bool found = false; for(const auto & [u1,v1] : vals) if((u-u1)*(u-u1)+(v-v1)*(v-v1) < 1e-7) found = true; if(!found) vals.Append({u,v}); } } xbool do_invert = maybe; // now insert mapped surface elements for(auto sei : mesh.SurfaceElements().Range()) { auto sel = mesh[sei]; if(sel.GetIndex() != src.nr+1) continue; if(do_invert.IsMaybe()) { auto n_src = src.GetNormal(mesh[sel[0]]); auto n_dist = dst.GetNormal(trafo(mesh[sel[0]])); Mat<3> normal_matrix; CalcInverse(Trans(trafo.GetMatrix()), normal_matrix); do_invert = (normal_matrix * n_src) * n_dist < 0.0; } auto sel_new = sel; sel_new.SetIndex(dst.nr+1); for(auto i : Range(sel.PNums())) { auto pi = sel[i]; if(!pmap[pi].IsValid()) { pmap[pi] = mesh.AddPoint(trafo(mesh[pi]), 1, SURFACEPOINT); } sel_new[i] = pmap[pi]; } if(do_invert.IsTrue()) sel_new.Invert(); for(auto i : Range(sel.PNums())) { auto pi = sel_new[i]; if(uv_values.Range().Next() <= pi) { // new point (inner surface point) PointGeomInfo gi; dst.CalcPointGeomInfo(mesh[sel_new[i]], gi); sel_new.GeomInfo()[i] = gi; continue; } const auto & uvs = uv_values[pi]; if(uvs.Size() == 1) { // appears only once -> take uv values from edgepointgeominfo const auto & [u,v] = uvs[0]; PointGeomInfo gi; gi.u = u; gi.v = v; sel_new.GeomInfo()[i] = gi; } else if(uvs.Size() > 1) { // multiple uv pairs -> project to close point and select closest uv pair double eps = 1e-3; auto p = Point<3>((1.0-eps)*Vec<3>(mesh[sel_new.PNumMod(i+1)]) + eps/2*Vec<3>(mesh[sel_new.PNumMod(i+2)]) + eps/2*Vec<3>(mesh[sel_new.PNumMod(i+3)])); PointGeomInfo gi_p, gi; dst.CalcPointGeomInfo(p, gi_p); gi.trignum = gi_p.trignum; double min_dist = numeric_limits::max(); for(const auto & [u,v] : uvs) { double dist = (gi_p.u-u)*(gi_p.u-u) + (gi_p.v-v)*(gi_p.v-v); if(dist < min_dist) { min_dist = dist; gi.u = u; gi.v = v; } } sel_new.GeomInfo()[i] = gi; } else throw Exception(string(__FILE__) + ":"+ToString(__LINE__) + " shouldn't come here"); } mesh.AddSurfaceElement(sel_new); } } void NetgenGeometry :: OptimizeSurface(Mesh& mesh, const MeshingParameters& mparam) const { const auto savetask = multithread.task; multithread.task = "Optimizing surface"; static Timer timer_opt2d("Optimization 2D"); RegionTimer reg(timer_opt2d); auto meshopt = MeshOptimize2d(mesh); for(auto i : Range(mparam.optsteps2d)) for(auto k : Range(mesh.GetNFD())) { PrintMessage(3, "Optimization step ", i); meshopt.SetFaceIndex(k+1); int innerstep = 0; for(auto optstep : mparam.optimize2d) { multithread.percent = 100. * (double(innerstep++)/mparam.optimize2d.size() + i)/mparam.optsteps2d; switch(optstep) { case 's': meshopt.EdgeSwapping(0); break; case 'S': meshopt.EdgeSwapping(1); break; case 'm': meshopt.ImproveMesh(mparam); break; case 'c': meshopt.CombineImprove(); break; } } } mesh.CalcSurfacesOfNode(); mesh.Compress(); multithread.task = savetask; } void NetgenGeometry :: FinalizeMesh(Mesh& mesh) const { if(solids.Size()) for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNDomains(); i++) if (auto name = solids[i]->properties.name) mesh.SetMaterial (i+1, *name); mesh.OrderElements(); } shared_ptr GeometryRegisterArray :: LoadFromMeshFile (istream & ist) const { if (!ist.good()) return nullptr; string token; ist >> token; if(token == "TextOutArchive") { NetgenGeometry *geo = nullptr; size_t string_length; ist >> string_length; string buffer(string_length+1, '\0'); ist.read(&buffer[0], string_length); auto ss = make_shared(buffer); TextInArchive in(ss); in & geo; return shared_ptr(geo); } for (int i = 0; i < Size(); i++) { NetgenGeometry * hgeom = (*this)[i]->LoadFromMeshFile (ist, token); if (hgeom) return shared_ptr(hgeom); } return nullptr; } int NetgenGeometry :: GenerateMesh (shared_ptr & mesh, MeshingParameters & mp) { multithread.percent = 0; // copy so that we don't change them outside MeshingParameters mparam = mp; if(restricted_h.Size()) for(const auto& [pnt, maxh] : restricted_h) mparam.meshsize_points.Append({pnt, maxh}); if(mparam.perfstepsstart <= MESHCONST_ANALYSE) { if(!mesh) mesh = make_shared(); mesh->geomtype = GetGeomType(); Analyse(*mesh, mparam); } if(multithread.terminate || mparam.perfstepsend <= MESHCONST_ANALYSE) return 0; if(mparam.perfstepsstart <= MESHCONST_MESHEDGES) FindEdges(*mesh, mparam); if(multithread.terminate || mparam.perfstepsend <= MESHCONST_MESHEDGES) return 0; if (mparam.perfstepsstart <= MESHCONST_MESHSURFACE) { MeshSurface(*mesh, mparam); } if (multithread.terminate || mparam.perfstepsend <= MESHCONST_OPTSURFACE) return 0; if(dimension == 2) { FinalizeMesh(*mesh); mesh->SetDimension(2); return 0; } if(mparam.perfstepsstart <= MESHCONST_MESHVOLUME) { multithread.task = "Volume meshing"; MESHING3_RESULT res = MeshVolume (mparam, *mesh); if (res != MESHING3_OK) return 1; if (multithread.terminate) return 0; MeshQuality3d (*mesh); } if (multithread.terminate || mparam.perfstepsend <= MESHCONST_MESHVOLUME) return 0; if (mparam.perfstepsstart <= MESHCONST_OPTVOLUME) { multithread.task = "Volume optimization"; OptimizeVolume (mparam, *mesh); if (multithread.terminate) return 0; } FinalizeMesh(*mesh); return 0; } void NetgenGeometry :: Save (const filesystem::path & filename) const { throw NgException("Cannot save geometry - no geometry available"); } static RegisterClassForArchive regnggeo; }