#ifndef FILE_RULER3 #define FILE_RULER3 namespace netgen { /** 3D element generation rule. */ class vnetrule { private: /// rule is applicable for quality classes above this value int quality; /// name of rule char * name; /// point coordinates in reference position NgArray<Point3d> points; /// old and new faces in reference numbering NgArray<Element2d> faces; /// additional edges of rule NgArray<twoint> edges; /// points of freezone in reference coordinates NgArray<Point3d> freezone; /// points of freezone in reference coordinates if tolcalss to infty NgArray<Point3d> freezonelimit; /// point index, if point equal to mappoint, otherwise 0 NgArray<int> freezonepi; /// faces of each convex part of freezone NgArray<NgArray<threeint>*> freefaces; /// set of points of each convex part of freezone NgArray<NgArray<int>*> freesets; /// points of transformed freezone NgArray<Point3d> transfreezone; /// edges of each convex part of freezone NgArray<NgArray<twoint>*> freeedges; /// face numbers to be deleted NgArray<int> delfaces; /// elements to be generated NgArray<Element> elements; /// tolerances for points and faces (used ??) NgArray<double> tolerances, linetolerances; /// transformation matrix DenseMatrix oldutonewu; /// transformation matrix: deviation old point to dev. freezone DenseMatrix * oldutofreezone; /** transformation matrix: deviation old point to dev. freezone, quality class to infinity */ DenseMatrix * oldutofreezonelimit; // can be deleted: // BaseMatrix *outf, *outfl; /** a point is outside of convex part of freezone, iff mat * (point, 1) >= 0 for each component (correct ?) */ NgArray<DenseMatrix*> freefaceinequ; /// NgArray<fourint> orientations; /** flags specified in rule-description file: t .. test rule */ NgArray<char> flags; /** topological distance of face to base element non-connected: > 100 (??) */ NgArray<int> fnearness; NgArray<int> pnearness; int maxpnearness; /// number of old points in rule int noldp; /// number of new poitns in rule int noldf; /// box containing free-zone public: // double fzminx, fzmaxx, fzminy, fzmaxy, fzminz, fzmaxz; Box3d fzbox; public: /// vnetrule (); /// ~vnetrule (); /// int GetNP () const { return points.Size(); } /// int GetNF () const { return faces.Size(); } /// int GetNE () const { return elements.Size(); } /// int GetNO () const { return orientations.Size(); } /// int GetNEd () const { return edges.Size(); } /// int GetNOldP () const { return noldp; } /// int GetNOldF () const { return noldf; } /// int GetNDelF () const { return delfaces.Size(); } /// int GetQuality () const { return quality; } /// int GetFNearness (int fi) const { return fnearness.Get(fi); } /// int GetPNearness (int pi) const { return pnearness.Get(pi); } /// int GetMaxPNearness () const { return maxpnearness; } /// const Point3d & GetPoint (int i) const { return points.Get(i); } /// const Element2d & GetFace (int i) const { return faces.Get(i); } /// const Element & GetElement (int i) const { return elements.Get(i); } /// const twoint & GetEdge (int i) const { return edges.Get(i); } /// int GetDelFace (int i) const { return delfaces.Get(i); } /// int IsDelFace (int fn) const; /// float CalcPointDist (int pi, const Point3d & p) const; /// double PointDistFactor (int pi) const { return tolerances.Get(pi); } /// void SetFreeZoneTransformation (const Vector & allp, int tolclass); /// int IsInFreeZone (const Point3d & p) const; /** 0 not in free-zone 1 in free-zone -1 maybe */ int IsTriangleInFreeZone (const Point3d & p1, const Point3d & p2, const Point3d & p3, const NgArray<int> & pi, int newone); /// int IsQuadInFreeZone (const Point3d & p1, const Point3d & p2, const Point3d & p3, const Point3d & p4, const NgArray<int> & pi, int newone); /// int IsTriangleInFreeSet (const Point3d & p1, const Point3d & p2, const Point3d & p3, int fs, const NgArray<int> & pi, int newone); /// int IsQuadInFreeSet (const Point3d & p1, const Point3d & p2, const Point3d & p3, const Point3d & p4, int fs, const NgArray<int> & pi, int newone); /// int ConvexFreeZone () const; /// if t1 and t2 are neighbourtriangles, NTP returns the opposite Point of t1 in t2 int NeighbourTrianglePoint (const threeint & t1, const threeint & t2) const; /// const Point3d & GetTransFreeZone (int i) { return transfreezone.Get(i); } /// int GetNP (int fn) const { return faces.Get(fn).GetNP(); } /// int GetPointNr (int fn, int endp) const { return faces.Get(fn).PNum(endp); } /// int GetPointNrMod (int fn, int endp) const { return faces.Get(fn).PNumMod(endp); } /// const fourint & GetOrientation (int i) { return orientations.Get(i); } /// int TestFlag (char flag) const; /// const DenseMatrix & GetOldUToNewU () const { return oldutonewu; } // // const DenseMatrix & GetOldUToFreeZone () const { return oldutofreezone; } // // const DenseMatrix & GetOldUToFreeZoneLimit () const // { return oldutofreezonelimit; } /// const char * Name () const { return name; } /// void LoadRule (istream & ist); /// const NgArray<Point3d> & GetTransFreeZone () { return transfreezone; } /// int TestOk () const; /// friend void TestRules (); /// // friend void Plot3DRule (const ROT3D & r, char key); }; } // namespace netgen #endif