#include "debugging.hpp" #include #include #include "pybind11/gil.h" #ifdef NETGEN_DEBUGGING_GUI #include "websockets/App.h" #endif // NETGEN_DEBUGGING_GUI namespace netgen { unique_ptr GetOpenElements(const Mesh& m, int dom) { static Timer t("GetOpenElements"); RegionTimer rt(t); auto mesh = make_unique(); *mesh = m; Array interesting_points(mesh->GetNP()); interesting_points = false; mesh->FindOpenElements(dom); NgArray openelements; openelements = mesh->OpenElements(); for (auto& el : openelements) for (auto i : el.PNums()) interesting_points[i] = true; for (auto& el : mesh->VolumeElements()) { int num_interesting_points = 0; for (auto pi : el.PNums()) if (interesting_points[pi]) num_interesting_points++; if (num_interesting_points == 0) el.Delete(); el.SetIndex(num_interesting_points); } mesh->SetMaterial(1, "1_point"); mesh->SetMaterial(2, "2_points"); mesh->SetMaterial(3, "3_points"); mesh->SetMaterial(4, "4_points"); mesh->Compress(); mesh->ClearSurfaceElements(); for (auto& el : openelements) mesh->AddSurfaceElement(el); return mesh; } unique_ptr FilterMesh(const Mesh& m, FlatArray points, FlatArray sels, FlatArray els) { static Timer t("GetOpenElements"); RegionTimer rt(t); auto mesh_ptr = make_unique(); auto& mesh = *mesh_ptr; mesh = m; Array keep_point(mesh.GetNP()); Array keep_sel(mesh.GetNSE()); Array keep_el(mesh.GetNE()); mesh.LineSegments().DeleteAll(); keep_point = false; for (auto pi : points) keep_point[pi] = true; auto set_keep = [&](auto& input, auto& keep_array, auto& els) { keep_array = false; for (auto ind : input) keep_array[ind] = true; for (auto ind : Range(els)) { bool& keep = keep_array[ind]; if (keep) continue; for (auto pi : mesh[ind].PNums()) keep |= keep_point[pi]; if (!keep) mesh[ind].Delete(); } for (auto i = 0; i < els.Size(); i++) if (els[i].IsDeleted()) { els.DeleteElement(i); i--; } }; set_keep(sels, keep_sel, mesh.SurfaceElements()); set_keep(els, keep_el, mesh.VolumeElements()); // mesh.Compress(); return mesh_ptr; } #ifdef NETGEN_DEBUGGING_GUI DebuggingGUI::DebuggingGUI() { Start(); } DebuggingGUI::~DebuggingGUI() { Stop(); } struct PerSocketData {}; using WebSocket = uWS::WebSocket; void DebuggingGUI::Start() { gui_thread = thread([&]() { auto a = uWS::App(); loop = a.getLoop(); app = &a; auto read_file = [](const string& path) { std::ifstream in(path); std::stringstream buffer; buffer << in.rdbuf(); return buffer.str(); }; const string webgui_file = "/home/matthias/src/webgui/dist/webgui.js"; const string main_file = "/home/matthias/a.html"; a.get("/", [&](auto* res, auto* req) { res->end(read_file(main_file)); }) // .any("*", [&](auto* res, auto* req) { cout << "any " << endl; }) .get("/index.html", [&](auto* res, auto* req) { res->end(read_file(main_file)); }) .get("/webgui.js", [&](auto* res, auto* req) { res->end(read_file(webgui_file)); }) .connect("/*", [&](auto* res, auto* req) { cout << "connect " << req->getUrl() << endl; }) .listen(7871, [&](auto* token_) { token = token_; if (token) { cout << "Listening on port " << 7871 << endl; } }); a.ws( "/ws", {.compression = uWS::CompressOptions(uWS::DEDICATED_COMPRESSOR_4KB | uWS::DEDICATED_DECOMPRESSOR), .maxPayloadLength = 100 * 1024 * 1024, .idleTimeout = 16, .maxBackpressure = 100 * 1024 * 1024, .closeOnBackpressureLimit = false, .resetIdleTimeoutOnSend = false, .sendPingsAutomatically = true, .upgrade = nullptr, .open = [&](auto* ws) { /* Open event here, you may access ws->getUserData() which points * to a PerSocketData struct */ // cout << "open websocket " << endl; websockets.insert(ws); Send(data); }, .message = [](auto* ws, std::string_view message, uWS::OpCode opCode) { cout << "got message " << message << endl; ws->send(message, opCode, message.length() > 16 * 1024); }, .dropped = [](auto* /*ws*/, std::string_view /*message*/, uWS::OpCode /*opCode*/) { /* A message was dropped due to set maxBackpressure and * closeOnBackpressureLimit limit */ cout << "ws: dropped message" << endl; }, .drain = [](auto* /*ws*/) { /* Check ws->getBufferedAmount() here */ cout << "ws: drain" << endl; }, .close = [&](auto* ws, int /*code*/, std::string_view /*message*/) { /* You may access ws->getUserData() here */ // cout << "close" << endl; websockets.erase(ws); }}); a.run(); cout << "Exiting GUI thread" << endl; loop = nullptr; app = nullptr; }); } void DebuggingGUI::Stop() { cout << "close socket" << endl; for (auto* ws : websockets) ((WebSocket*)ws)->close(); us_listen_socket_close(0, (struct us_listen_socket_t*)token); cout << "join thread" << endl; gui_thread.join(); cout << "joined thread" << endl; } void DebuggingGUI::DrawMesh(const string& name, const Mesh& m) { py::gil_scoped_acquire acquire; const auto webgui = py::module::import("netgen.webgui"); const auto dumps = py::module::import("json").attr("dumps"); auto smesh = make_shared(); *smesh = m; const auto py_data = webgui.attr("Draw")(smesh, py::arg("show") = false).attr("GetData")(); const string d = py::cast(dumps(py_data)); data = json::parse(d); Send(d); } void DebuggingGUI::DrawPoints(const string& name, const Mesh& m, FlatArray points) {} void DebuggingGUI::DrawLines(const string& name, const Mesh& m, FlatArray lines) {} void DebuggingGUI::DrawTrigs(const string& name, const Mesh& m, FlatArray trigs) {} void DebuggingGUI::DrawTets(const string& name, const Mesh& m, FlatArray tets) {} void DebuggingGUI::AddComponent(const Mesh& m) {} void DebuggingGUI::Send(const string& message) { if (loop) { ((uWS::Loop*)loop)->defer([=]() { for (auto* ws : websockets) { ((WebSocket*)ws)->send(message, uWS::OpCode::TEXT); } }); } } DebuggingGUI debug_gui = DebuggingGUI(); #endif // NETGEN_DEBUGGING_GUI } // namespace netgen