#pragma clang diagnostic push #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations" #include <BRepGProp.hxx> #include <BRep_Tool.hxx> #include <GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnCurve.hxx> #pragma clang diagnostic pop #include "occ_edge.hpp" #include "occgeom.hpp" namespace netgen { OCCEdge::OCCEdge(TopoDS_Shape edge_, GeometryVertex & start_, GeometryVertex & end_) : GeometryEdge(start_, end_), edge(TopoDS::Edge(edge_)) { curve = BRep_Tool::Curve(edge, s0, s1); BRepGProp::LinearProperties(edge, props); auto verts = GetVertices(edge); if(verts.size() != 2) throw Exception("OCC edge does not have 2 vertices"); if(start != end) { // swap start/end if necessary double d00 = Dist(GetPoint(0), start->GetPoint()); double d01 = Dist(GetPoint(0), end->GetPoint()); if(d01 < d00) swap(start, end); } } double OCCEdge::GetLength() const { return props.Mass(); } Point<3> OCCEdge::GetCenter() const { return occ2ng( props.CentreOfMass() ); } Point<3> OCCEdge::GetPoint(double t) const { return occ2ng( curve->Value(s0+t*(s1-s0)) ); } double OCCEdge::CalcStep(double t, double sag) const { throw Exception(ToString("not implemented") + __FILE__ + ":" + ToString(__LINE__)); } void OCCEdge::ProjectPoint(Point<3>& p, EdgePointGeomInfo* gi) const { auto pnt = ng2occ(p); // extend the projection parameter range, else projection might fail // for an endpoint // see discussion here: https://forum.ngsolve.org/t/how-to-apply-occidentification-correctly/2555 // I do not see a better way using occ tolerances? double eps = 1e-7 * (s1-s0); GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnCurve proj(pnt, curve, s0-eps, s1+eps); pnt = proj.NearestPoint(); if(gi) gi->dist = (proj.LowerDistanceParameter() - s0)/(s1-s0); p = occ2ng(pnt); } Vec<3> OCCEdge::GetTangent(double t) const { t = s0 + t*(s1-s0); gp_Pnt p; gp_Vec v; curve->D1(t, p, v); return occ2ng(v) * (s1-s0); } }