#ifdef NG_PYTHON #include <../general/ngpython.hpp> #include <core/python_ngcore.hpp> #include "../meshing/python_mesh.hpp" #include <meshing.hpp> #include <geometry2d.hpp> #include <csg2d.hpp> using namespace netgen; using namespace pybind11::literals; namespace netgen { extern std::shared_ptr<NetgenGeometry> ng_geometry; } NGCORE_API_EXPORT void ExportGeom2d(py::module &m) { py::class_<SplineSegExt, shared_ptr<SplineSegExt>> (m, "Spline", "Spline of a SplineGeometry object") .def_property("leftdom", [] (SplineSegExt& self) { return self.leftdom; }, [](SplineSegExt& self, int dom) { self.leftdom = dom; }) .def_property("rightdom", [] (SplineSegExt& self) { return self.rightdom; }, [](SplineSegExt& self, int dom) { self.rightdom = dom; }) .def_property_readonly("bc", [] (SplineSegExt& self) { return self.bc; }) .def("GetNormal", [](SplineSegExt& self, double t) { auto tang = self.GetTangent(t).Normalize(); return Vec<2>(tang[1], -tang[0]); }) .def("StartPoint", [](SplineSegExt& self) { return Point<2>(self.StartPI()); }) .def("EndPoint", [](SplineSegExt& self) { return Point<2>(self.EndPI()); }) ; py::class_<SplineGeometry2d, NetgenGeometry, shared_ptr<SplineGeometry2d>> (m, "SplineGeometry", "a 2d boundary representation geometry model by lines and splines", py::multiple_inheritance()) .def(py::init<>()) .def(py::init([](const string& filename) { auto geo = make_shared<SplineGeometry2d>(); geo->Load(filename.c_str()); ng_geometry = geo; return geo; })) .def(NGSPickle<SplineGeometry2d>()) .def("Load",&SplineGeometry2d::Load) .def("SetDomainLayer", &SplineGeometry2d::SetDomainLayer) .def("AppendPoint", FunctionPointer ([](SplineGeometry2d &self, double px, double py, double maxh, double hpref, string name) { Point<2> p; p(0) = px; p(1) = py; GeomPoint<2> gp(p); gp.hmax = maxh; gp.hpref = hpref; gp.name = name; self.geompoints.Append(gp); return self.geompoints.Size()-1; }), py::arg("x"), py::arg("y"), py::arg("maxh") = 1e99, py::arg("hpref")=0, py::arg("name")="") .def("Append", FunctionPointer([](SplineGeometry2d &self, py::list segment, int leftdomain, int rightdomain, optional<variant<int, string>> bc, optional<int> copy, double maxh, double hpref, double hprefleft, double hprefright) { SplineSegExt * seg; if(py::isinstance<py::str>(segment[0])) { auto segtype = py::cast<std::string>(segment[0]); if (segtype == "line") { LineSeg<2> * l = new LineSeg<2>(self.GetPoint(py::cast<int>(segment[1])), self.GetPoint(py::cast<int>(segment[2]))); seg = new SplineSegExt(*l); } else if (segtype == "spline3") { SplineSeg3<2> * seg3 = new SplineSeg3<2>(self.GetPoint(py::cast<int>(segment[1])), self.GetPoint(py::cast<int>(segment[2])), self.GetPoint(py::cast<int>(segment[3]))); seg = new SplineSegExt(*seg3); } else throw Exception("Appended segment is not a line or a spline3"); } else { if(py::len(segment) == 2) { auto l = new LineSeg<2>(self.GetPoint(py::cast<int>(segment[0])), self.GetPoint(py::cast<int>(segment[1]))); seg = new SplineSegExt(*l); } else if(py::len(segment) == 3) { SplineSeg3<2> * seg3 = new SplineSeg3<2>(self.GetPoint(py::cast<int>(segment[0])), self.GetPoint(py::cast<int>(segment[1])), self.GetPoint(py::cast<int>(segment[2]))); seg = new SplineSegExt(*seg3); } else throw Exception("Appended segment must either have 2 or 3 points"); } seg->leftdom = leftdomain; seg->rightdom = rightdomain; seg->hmax = maxh; seg->hpref_left = max(hpref, hprefleft); seg->hpref_right = max(hpref,hprefright); seg->reffak = 1; seg->copyfrom = -1; if (copy.has_value()) seg->copyfrom = *copy+1; if (bc.has_value()) { if(auto intptr = get_if<int>(&*bc); intptr) seg->bc = *intptr; else { auto bcname = get_if<string>(&*bc); seg->bc = self.GetNSplines() + 1; self.SetBCName(seg->bc, *bcname); } } else seg->bc = self.GetNSplines()+1; self.AppendSegment(seg); return self.GetNSplines()-1; }), py::arg("point_indices"), py::arg("leftdomain") = 1, py::arg("rightdomain") = py::int_(0), py::arg("bc")=nullopt, py::arg("copy")=nullopt, py::arg("maxh")=1e99, py::arg("hpref")=0,py::arg("hprefleft")=0,py::arg("hprefright")=0) .def("AppendSegment", FunctionPointer([](SplineGeometry2d &self, py::list point_indices, int leftdomain, int rightdomain) { int npts = py::len(point_indices); SplineSegExt * seg; //int a = py::extract<int>(point_indices[0]); if (npts == 2) { LineSeg<2> * l = new LineSeg<2>(self.GetPoint(py::extract<int>(point_indices[0])()), self.GetPoint(py::extract<int>(point_indices[1])())); seg = new SplineSegExt(*l); } else if (npts == 3) { SplineSeg3<2> * seg3 = new SplineSeg3<2>(self.GetPoint(py::extract<int>(point_indices[0])()), self.GetPoint(py::extract<int>(point_indices[1])()), self.GetPoint(py::extract<int>(point_indices[2])())); seg = new SplineSegExt(*seg3); } else throw Exception("Can only append segments with 2 or 3 points!"); seg->leftdom = leftdomain; seg->rightdom = rightdomain; seg->hmax = 1e99; seg->reffak = 1; seg->copyfrom = -1; self.AppendSegment(seg); }), py::arg("point_indices"), py::arg("leftdomain") = 1, py::arg("rightdomain") = py::int_(0)) .def("AddCurve", [] (SplineGeometry2d & self, py::object func, int leftdomain, int rightdomain, py::object bc, double maxh) { int n = 1000; NgArray<Point<2>> points; for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) { double t = double(i)/n; py::tuple xy = func(t); double x = py::cast<double>(xy[0]); double y = py::cast<double>(xy[1]); points.Append (Point<2>(x,y)); } auto spline = new DiscretePointsSeg<2> (points); SplineSegExt * spex = new SplineSegExt (*spline); spex -> leftdom = leftdomain; spex -> rightdom = rightdomain; spex->hmax = maxh; spex->reffak = 1; spex->copyfrom = -1; if (py::extract<int>(bc).check()) spex->bc = py::extract<int>(bc)(); else if (py::extract<string>(bc).check()) { string bcname = py::extract<string>(bc)(); spex->bc = self.GetNSplines()+1; self.SetBCName(spex->bc, bcname); } else spex->bc = self.GetNSplines()+1; self.AppendSegment (spex); }, py::arg("func"), py::arg("leftdomain") = 1, py::arg("rightdomain") = py::int_(0), py::arg("bc")=NGDummyArgument(), py::arg("maxh")=1e99, "Curve is given as parametrization on the interval [0,1]") .def("SetMaterial", &SplineGeometry2d::SetMaterial) .def("SetDomainMaxH", &SplineGeometry2d::SetDomainMaxh) .def("GetBCName", [](SplineGeometry2d& self, size_t index) { return self.GetBCName(index); }) .def("GetNDomains", [](SplineGeometry2d& self) { return self.GetNDomains(); }) .def("GetNSplines", [](SplineGeometry2d& self) { return self.splines.Size(); }) .def("GetSpline", [](SplineGeometry2d& self, size_t index) { return shared_ptr<SplineSegExt>(&self.GetSpline(index), NOOP_Deleter); }, py::return_value_policy::reference_internal) .def("GetNPoints", [](SplineGeometry2d& self) { return self.GetNP(); }) .def("GetPoint", [](SplineGeometry2d& self, size_t index) { return Point<2>(self.GetPoint(index)); }) .def("PlotData", FunctionPointer([](SplineGeometry2d &self) { Box<2> box(self.GetBoundingBox()); double xdist = box.PMax()(0) - box.PMin()(0); double ydist = box.PMax()(1) - box.PMin()(1); py::tuple xlim = py::make_tuple(box.PMin()(0) - 0.1*xdist, box.PMax()(0) + 0.1*xdist); py::tuple ylim = py::make_tuple(box.PMin()(1) - 0.1*ydist, box.PMax()(1) + 0.1*ydist); py::list xpoints, ypoints; for (int i = 0; i < self.splines.Size(); i++) { py::list xp, yp; if (self.splines[i]->GetType().compare("line")==0) { GeomPoint<2> p1 = self.splines[i]->StartPI(); GeomPoint<2> p2 = self.splines[i]->EndPI(); xp.append(py::cast(p1(0))); xp.append(py::cast(p2(0))); yp.append(py::cast(p1(1))); yp.append(py::cast(p2(1))); } else if (self.splines[i]->GetType().compare("spline3")==0) { double len = self.splines[i]->Length(); int n = floor(len/(0.05*min(xdist,ydist))); for (int j = 0; j <= n; j++) { GeomPoint<2> point = self.splines[i]->GetPoint(j*1./n); xp.append(py::cast(point(0))); yp.append(py::cast(point(1))); } } else { cout << "spline is neither line nor spline3" << endl; } xpoints.append(xp); ypoints.append(yp); } return py::tuple(py::make_tuple(xlim, ylim, xpoints, ypoints)); })) .def("_visualizationData", [](SplineGeometry2d &self) { Box<2> box(self.GetBoundingBox()); double xdist = box.PMax()(0) - box.PMin()(0); double ydist = box.PMax()(1) - box.PMin()(1); py::dict data; py::dict segment_data; auto min_val = py::make_tuple(box.PMin()(0), box.PMin()(1),0); auto max_val = py::make_tuple(box.PMax()(1),box.PMax()(1),0); py::list vertices; py::list domains; py::list segment_points; py::list segment_normals; py::list leftdom; py::list rightdom; int max_bcnr = 0; for(int i = 0; i < self.splines.Size(); i++) { std::vector<netgen::GeomPoint<2>> lst; if (self.splines[i]->GetType().compare("line") == 0) lst = { self.splines[i]->StartPI(), self.splines[i]->EndPI() }; else if(self.splines[i]->GetType().compare("spline3") == 0) { double len = self.splines[i]->Length(); int n = floor(len/(0.05*min(xdist,ydist))); n = max(3, n); lst.push_back(self.splines[i]->StartPI()); for (int j = 1; j < n; j++){ lst.push_back(self.splines[i]->GetPoint(j*1./n)); lst.push_back(self.splines[i]->GetPoint(j*1./n)); } lst.push_back(self.splines[i]->EndPI()); } else { throw NgException("Spline is neither line nor spline3"); } for (auto point : lst) { for(auto val : {point(0), point(1), 0.}) vertices.append(val); int bcnr = self.GetSpline(i).bc; max_bcnr = max2(max_bcnr, bcnr); domains.append(bcnr); domains.append(self.GetSpline(i).leftdom); domains.append(self.GetSpline(i).rightdom); } // segment data auto pnt = self.splines[i]->GetPoint(0.5); segment_points.append(py::make_tuple(pnt(0),pnt(1))); auto normal = self.GetSpline(i).GetTangent(0.5); std::swap(normal(0),normal(1)); normal(1) *= -1; normal *= 1./sqrt(normal(0) * normal(0) + normal(1)*normal(1)); segment_normals.append(py::make_tuple(normal(0),normal(1))); leftdom.append(self.GetSpline(i).leftdom); rightdom.append(self.GetSpline(i).rightdom); } py::list bcnames; for (int i = 1; i<max_bcnr + 1; i++) bcnames.append(self.GetBCName(i)); segment_data["midpoints"] = segment_points; segment_data["normals"] = segment_normals; segment_data["leftdom"] = leftdom; segment_data["rightdom"] = rightdom; data["segment_data"] = segment_data; data["vertices"] = vertices; data["domains"] = domains; data["min"] = min_val; data["max"] = max_val; data["bcnames"] = bcnames; return data; }) .def("PointData", FunctionPointer([](SplineGeometry2d &self) { py::list xpoints, ypoints, pointindex; for (int i = 0; i < self.geompoints.Size(); i++) { pointindex.append(py::cast(i)); xpoints.append(py::cast(self.geompoints[i][0])); ypoints.append(py::cast(self.geompoints[i][1])); } return py::tuple(py::make_tuple(xpoints, ypoints, pointindex)); })) .def("SegmentData", FunctionPointer([](SplineGeometry2d &self) { py::list leftpoints, rightpoints, leftdom, rightdom; for (int i = 0; i < self.splines.Size(); i++) { GeomPoint<2> point = self.splines[i]->GetPoint(0.5); Vec<2> normal = self.GetSpline(i).GetTangent(0.5); double temp = normal(0); normal(0) = normal(1); normal(1) = -temp; leftdom.append(py::cast(self.GetSpline(i).leftdom)); rightdom.append(py::cast(self.GetSpline(i).rightdom)); rightpoints.append(py::make_tuple(point(0), point(1), normal(0)<0, normal(1)<0)); leftpoints.append(py::make_tuple(point(0), point(1), normal(0)<0, normal(1)<0)); } return py::tuple(py::make_tuple(leftpoints, rightpoints, leftdom, rightdom)); })) .def("Print", FunctionPointer([](SplineGeometry2d &self) { for (int i = 0; i < self.geompoints.Size(); i++) { cout << i << " : " << self.geompoints[i][0] << " , " << self.geompoints[i][1] << endl; } //Box<2> box(self.GetBoundingBox()); //cout << box.PMin() << endl; //cout << box.PMax() << endl; cout << self.splines.Size() << endl; for (int i = 0; i < self.splines.Size(); i++) { cout << self.splines[i]->GetType() << endl; //cout << i << " : " << self.splines[i]->GetPoint(0.1) << " , " << self.splines[i]->GetPoint(0.5) << endl; } })) .def("Draw", FunctionPointer ([] (shared_ptr<SplineGeometry2d> self) { ng_geometry = self; py::module::import("netgen").attr("Redraw")(); }) ) .def("GenerateMesh", [](shared_ptr<SplineGeometry2d> self, optional<MeshingParameters> pars, py::kwargs kwargs) { MeshingParameters mp; if(pars) mp = *pars; { py::gil_scoped_acquire aq; CreateMPfromKwargs(mp, kwargs); } auto mesh = make_shared<Mesh>(); mesh->SetGeometry(self); SetGlobalMesh (mesh); ng_geometry = self; auto result = self->GenerateMesh(mesh, mp); if(result != 0) throw Exception("Meshing failed!"); return mesh; }, py::arg("mp") = nullopt, py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>(), meshingparameter_description.c_str()) .def("_SetDomainTensorMeshing", &SplineGeometry2d::SetDomainTensorMeshing) ; py::class_<Solid2d>(m, "Solid2d") .def(py::init<>()) .def(py::init<Array<std::variant<Point<2>, EdgeInfo, PointInfo>>, std::string, std::string>(), py::arg("points"), py::arg("mat")=MAT_DEFAULT, py::arg("bc")=BC_DEFAULT) .def(py::self+py::self) .def(py::self-py::self) .def(py::self*py::self) .def(py::self+=py::self) .def(py::self-=py::self) .def(py::self*=py::self) .def("Mat", &Solid2d::Mat) .def("BC", &Solid2d::BC) .def("Maxh", &Solid2d::Maxh) .def("Layer", &Solid2d::Layer) .def("Copy", [](Solid2d & self) -> Solid2d { return self; }) .def("Move", &Solid2d::Move) .def("Scale", static_cast<Solid2d& (Solid2d::*)(double)>(&Solid2d::Scale)) .def("Scale", static_cast<Solid2d& (Solid2d::*)(Vec<2>)>(&Solid2d::Scale)) .def("Rotate", &Solid2d::RotateDeg, py::arg("angle"), py::arg("center")=Point<2>{0,0}) ; m.def("Rectangle", [](Point<2> p0, Point<2> p1, string mat, string bc, optional<string> bottom, optional<string> right, optional<string> top, optional<string> left) -> Solid2d { using P = Point<2>; return { { p0, EdgeInfo{bottom ? *bottom : bc}, P{p1[0],p0[1]}, EdgeInfo {right ? *right : bc}, p1, EdgeInfo {top ? *top : bc}, P{p0[0],p1[1]}, EdgeInfo {left ? *left : bc}, }, mat}; }, "pmin"_a, "pmax"_a, "mat"_a=MAT_DEFAULT, "bc"_a=BC_DEFAULT, "bottom"_a=nullopt, "right"_a=nullopt, "top"_a=nullopt, "left"_a=nullopt ); m.def("Circle", Circle, py::arg("center"), py::arg("radius"), py::arg("mat")=MAT_DEFAULT, py::arg("bc")=BC_DEFAULT); py::class_<CSG2d>(m, "CSG2d") .def(py::init<>()) .def("GenerateSplineGeometry", &CSG2d::GenerateSplineGeometry) .def("Add", &CSG2d::Add) .def("GenerateMesh", [](CSG2d & self, optional<MeshingParameters> pars, py::kwargs kwargs) { MeshingParameters mp; if(pars) mp = *pars; { py::gil_scoped_acquire aq; CreateMPfromKwargs(mp, kwargs); } auto mesh = make_shared<Mesh>(); auto geo = self.GenerateSplineGeometry(); mesh->SetGeometry(geo); SetGlobalMesh (mesh); ng_geometry = geo; auto result = geo->GenerateMesh(mesh, mp); if(result != 0) throw Exception("Meshing failed!"); return mesh; }, py::arg("mp") = nullopt, py::call_guard<py::gil_scoped_release>(), meshingparameter_description.c_str()) ; py::class_<EdgeInfo>(m, "EdgeInfo") .def(py::init<>()) .def(py::init<const Point<2>&>(), py::arg("control_point")) .def(py::init<double>(), py::arg("maxh")) .def(py::init<string>(), py::arg("bc")) .def(py::init<optional<Point<2>>, double, string>(), py::arg("control_point")=nullopt, py::arg("maxh")=MAXH_DEFAULT, py::arg("bc")=BC_DEFAULT) ; py::class_<PointInfo>(m, "PointInfo") .def(py::init<>()) .def(py::init<double>(), "maxh"_a) .def(py::init<string>(), "name"_a) .def(py::init<double, string>(), "maxh"_a, "name"_a) ; } PYBIND11_MODULE(libgeom2d, m) { ExportGeom2d(m); } #endif