#ifndef FILE_TABLE
#define FILE_TABLE

/* File:   table.hpp                                                      */
/* Author: Joachim Schoeberl                                              */
/* Date:   01. Jun. 95                                                    */

namespace netgen

/// Base class to generic class TABLE.
  class linestruct
    int size;
    int maxsize;
    void * col;
  NgArray<linestruct> data;
  char * oneblock;

    : data(move(table2.data)), oneblock(table2.oneblock)
    table2.oneblock = nullptr;

  BASE_TABLE (int size);
  BASE_TABLE (const NgFlatArray<int> & entrysizes, int elemsize);

  BASE_TABLE & operator= (BASE_TABLE && table2)
    data = move(table2.data);
    Swap (oneblock, table2.oneblock);
    return *this;
  void SetSize (int size);
  void ChangeSize (int size);

  /// increment size of entry i by one, i is 0-based
  void IncSize (int i, int elsize)
    if (data[i].size < data[i].maxsize)
      IncSize2 (i, elsize);

  void SetEntrySize (int i, int newsize, int elsize)
    if (newsize < data[i].maxsize)
      data[i].size = newsize;
      SetEntrySize2 (i, newsize, elsize);

  void IncSize2 (int i, int elsize);
  void SetEntrySize2 (int i, int newsize, int elsize);

  //  void DecSize (int i);

  void AllocateElementsOneBlock (int elemsize);
  size_t AllocatedElements () const;
  size_t UsedElements () const;

  void SetElementSizesToMaxSizes ();

  void DoArchive (Archive & ar, int elemsize);

   Abstract data type TABLE.
   To an integer i in the range from 1 to size a set of elements of the
   generic type T is associated. 
template <class T, int BASE = 0>
class TABLE : public BASE_TABLE
  /// Creates table.
  inline TABLE () : BASE_TABLE(0) { ; }
  /// Creates table of size size
  inline TABLE (int size) : BASE_TABLE (size) { ; }

  /// Creates fixed maximal element size table
  inline TABLE (const NgFlatArray<int,BASE> & entrysizes)
    : BASE_TABLE (NgFlatArray<int> (entrysizes.Size(), const_cast<int*>(&entrysizes[BASE])), 
  { ; }
  /// Changes Size of table to size, deletes data
  inline void SetSize (int size)
    BASE_TABLE::SetSize (size);

  /// Changes Size of table to size, keep data
  inline void ChangeSize (int size)
    BASE_TABLE::ChangeSize (size);

  /// Inserts element acont into row i, BASE-based. Does not test if already used.
  inline void Add (int i, const T & acont)
    IncSize (i-BASE, sizeof (T));
    ((T*)data[i-BASE].col)[data[i-BASE].size-1] = acont;

  /// Inserts element acont into row i, 1-based. Does not test if already used.
  inline void Add1 (int i, const T & acont)
    IncSize (i-1, sizeof (T));
    ((T*)data.Elem(i).col)[data.Elem(i).size-1] = acont;
  void IncSizePrepare (int i)

  /// Inserts element acont into row i. BASE-based. Does not test if already used, assumes to have enough memory
  inline void AddSave (int i, const T & acont)
      ((T*)data[i-BASE].col)[data[i-BASE].size] = acont;

  inline void ParallelAdd (int i, const T & acont)
      auto oldval = AsAtomic (data[i-BASE].size)++;
      ((T*)data[i-BASE].col)[oldval] = acont;

  /// Inserts element acont into row i. 1-based. Does not test if already used, assumes to have mem
  inline void AddSave1 (int i, const T & acont)
      ((T*)data.Elem(i).col)[data.Elem(i).size] = acont;

  /// Inserts element acont into row i. Does not test if already used.
  inline void AddEmpty (int i)
    IncSize (i-BASE, sizeof (T));

  /** Set the nr-th element in the i-th row to acont.
    Does not check for overflow. */
  inline void Set (int i, int nr, const T & acont)
    { ((T*)data.Get(i).col)[nr-1] = acont; }
  /** Returns the nr-th element in the i-th row.
    Does not check for overflow. */
  inline const T & Get (int i, int nr) const
    { return ((T*)data.Get(i).col)[nr-1]; }

  /** Returns pointer to the first element in row i. */
  inline const T * GetLine (int i) const
    return ((const T*)data.Get(i).col);

  /// Returns size of the table.
  inline int Size () const
    return data.Size();

  /// Returns size of the i-th row.
  inline int EntrySize (int i) const
    { return data.Get(i).size; }

  inline void DecEntrySize (int i)
    { DecSize(i); }
  void AllocateElementsOneBlock ()
    { BASE_TABLE::AllocateElementsOneBlock (sizeof(T)); }

  inline void PrintMemInfo (ostream & ost) const
    int els = AllocatedElements(); 
    ost << "table: allocaed " << els 
	<< " a " << sizeof(T) << " Byts = " 
	<< els * sizeof(T) 
	<< " bytes in " << Size() << " bags."
	<< " used: " << UsedElements()
	<< endl;

  /// Access entry.
  NgFlatArray<T> operator[] (int i) const
#ifdef DEBUG
    if (i-BASE < 0 || i-BASE >= data.Size())
      cout << "table out of range, i = " << i << ", s = " << data.Size() << endl;

    return NgFlatArray<T> (data[i-BASE].size, (T*)data[i-BASE].col);

  void DoArchive (Archive & ar)
    BASE_TABLE::DoArchive(ar, sizeof(T));


template <class T, int BASE>
inline ostream & operator<< (ostream & ost, const TABLE<T,BASE> & table)
  for (int i = BASE; i < table.Size()+BASE; i++)
      ost << i << ": ";
      NgFlatArray<T> row = table[i];
      ost << "(" << row.Size() << ") ";
      for (int j = 0; j < row.Size(); j++)
	ost << row[j] << " ";
      ost << endl;
  return ost;

