/* Spline curve for Mesh generator */ #include <mystdlib.h> #include <linalg.hpp> #include <gprim.hpp> #include "spline.hpp" #include <core/register_archive.hpp> namespace netgen { // just for testing (JS) template <int D> void ProjectTrivial (const SplineSeg3<D> & seg, const Point<D> point, Point<D> & point_on_curve, double & t) { double mindist = -1; for (int i = 0; i <= 1000; i++) { double ht = double(i)/1000; Point<D> p = seg.GetPoint(ht); double dist = Dist2 (p, point); if (i == 0 || dist < mindist) { mindist = dist; t = ht; } } point_on_curve = seg.GetPoint(t); } template <> void CircleSeg<3> :: LineIntersections (const double a, const double b, const double c, NgArray < Point<3> > & points, const double eps) const { cerr << "CircleSeg<3>::LineIntersections not implemented" << endl; } template <> void CircleSeg<2> :: LineIntersections (const double a, const double b, const double c, NgArray < Point<2> > & points, const double eps) const { points.SetSize(0); double px=0,py=0; if(fabs(b) > 1e-20) py = -c/b; else px = -c/a; const double c1 = a*a + b*b; const double c2 = 2. * ( a*(py-pm(1)) - b*(px-pm(0))); const double c3 = pow(px-pm(0),2) + pow(py-pm(1),2) - pow(Radius(),2); const double discr = c2*c2 - 4*c1*c3; if(discr < 0) return; NgArray<double> t; if(fabs(discr) < 1e-20) t.Append(-0.5*c2/c1); else { t.Append((-c2+sqrt(discr))/(2.*c1)); t.Append((-c2-sqrt(discr))/(2.*c1)); } for(int i=0; i<t.Size(); i++) { Point<2> p (px-t[i]*b,py+t[i]*a); double angle = atan2(p(1),p(0))+M_PI; if(angle > StartAngle()-eps && angle < EndAngle()+eps) points.Append(p); } } template<int D> SplineSeg3<D> :: SplineSeg3 (const GeomPoint<D> & ap1, const GeomPoint<D> & ap2, const GeomPoint<D> & ap3, string bcname, double maxh) : SplineSeg<D>(maxh, bcname), p1(ap1), p2(ap2), p3(ap3) { weight = Dist (p1, p3) / sqrt (0.5 * (Dist2 (p1, p2) + Dist2 (p2, p3))); // weight = sqrt(2); // cout << "weight = " << weight << endl; proj_latest_t = 0.5; } template<int D> SplineSeg3<D> :: SplineSeg3 (const GeomPoint<D> & ap1, const GeomPoint<D> & ap2, const GeomPoint<D> & ap3, double aweight, string bcname, double maxh) : SplineSeg<D>(maxh, bcname), p1(ap1), p2(ap2), p3(ap3), weight(aweight) { proj_latest_t = 0.5; } template<int D> Point<D> SplineSeg3<D> :: GetPoint (double t) const { double b1, b2, b3; b1 = (1-t)*(1-t); b2 = weight * t * (1-t); b3 = t * t; Vec<D> hp = b1 * Vec<D>(p1) + b2 * Vec<D>(p2) + b3 * Vec<D>(p3); double w = b1+b2+b3; return Point<D> ((1.0/w)*hp); /* double x, y, w; x = p1(0) * b1 + p2(0) * b2 + p3(0) * b3; y = p1(1) * b1 + p2(1) * b2 + p3(1) * b3; w = b1 + b2 + b3; if(D==3) { double z = p1(2) * b1 + p2(2) * b2 + p3(2) * b3; return Point<D> (x/w, y/w, z/w); } else return Point<D> (x/w, y/w); */ } template<int D> Vec<D> SplineSeg3<D> :: GetTangent (const double t) const { const double b1 = (1.-t)*((weight-2.)*t-weight); const double b2 = weight*(1.-2.*t); const double b3 = t*((weight-2)*t+2.); Vec<D> retval; for(int i=0; i<D; i++) retval(i) = b1*p1(i) + b2*p2(i) + b3*p3(i); return retval; } template<int D> void SplineSeg3<D> :: GetCoeff (Vector & u) const { DenseMatrix a(6, 6); DenseMatrix ata(6, 6); Vector f(6); u.SetSize(6); // ata.SetSymmetric(1); double t = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++, t += 0.25) { Point<D> p = GetPoint (t); a(i, 0) = p(0) * p(0); a(i, 1) = p(1) * p(1); a(i, 2) = p(0) * p(1); a(i, 3) = p(0); a(i, 4) = p(1); a(i, 5) = 1; } a(5, 0) = 1; CalcAtA (a, ata); u = 0; u(5) = 1; a.MultTrans (u, f); ata.Solve (f, u); // the sign Point<D> p0 = GetPoint(0); Vec<D> ht = GetTangent(0); Vec<2> tang(ht(0), ht(1)); double gradx = 2.*u(0)*p0(0) + u(2)*p0(1) + u(3); double grady = 2.*u(1)*p0(1) + u(2)*p0(0) + u(4); Vec<2> gradn (grady, -gradx); if (tang * gradn < 0) u *= -1; } template<int D> void SplineSeg3<D> :: GetCoeff (Vector & u, Point<D> pref) const { DenseMatrix a(6, 6); DenseMatrix ata(6, 6); Vector f(6); u.SetSize(6); // ata.SetSymmetric(1); double t = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++, t += 0.25) { Vec<D> p = GetPoint (t)-pref; a(i, 0) = p(0) * p(0); a(i, 1) = p(1) * p(1); a(i, 2) = p(0) * p(1); a(i, 3) = p(0); a(i, 4) = p(1); a(i, 5) = 1; } a(5, 0) = 1; CalcAtA (a, ata); u = 0; u(5) = 1; a.MultTrans (u, f); ata.Solve (f, u); // the sign // Point<D> p0 = GetPoint(0); Vec<D> ht = GetTangent(0); Vec<2> tang(ht(0), ht(1)); double gradx = u(3); double grady = u(4); // double gradx = 2.*u(0)*p0(0) + u(2)*p0(1) + u(3); // double grady = 2.*u(1)*p0(1) + u(2)*p0(0) + u(4); Vec<2> gradn (grady, -gradx); if (tang * gradn < 0) u *= -1; } template<int D> void SplineSeg3<D> :: Project (const Point<D> point, Point<D> & point_on_curve, double & t) const { double t_old = -1; /* if(proj_latest_t > 0. && proj_latest_t < 1.) t = proj_latest_t; else t = 0.5; */ double tmin = 1; double dist_min2 = Dist2 (GetPoint(tmin), point); for (double ti = 0; ti < 0.99; ti += 0.25) { double di = Dist2(GetPoint(ti), point); if (di < dist_min2) { tmin = ti; dist_min2 = di; } } t = tmin; Point<D> phi; Vec<D> phip,phipp,phimp; int i=0; while(t > -0.5 && t < 1.5 && i<20 && fabs(t-t_old) > 1e-15 ) { GetDerivatives(t,phi,phip,phipp); t_old = t; phimp = phi-point; //t = min2(max2(t-(phip*phimp)/(phipp*phimp + phip*phip),0.),1.); t -= (phip*phimp)/(phipp*phimp + phip*phip); i++; } //if(i<10 && t > 0. && t < 1.) if(i<20 && t > -0.4 && t < 1.4) { if(t < 0) { t = 0.; } if(t > 1) { t = 1.; } point_on_curve = SplineSeg3<D>::GetPoint(t); double dist = Dist(point,point_on_curve); phi = SplineSeg3<D> ::GetPoint(0); double auxdist = Dist(phi,point); if(auxdist < dist) { t = 0.; point_on_curve = phi; dist = auxdist; } phi = SplineSeg3<D> ::GetPoint(1); auxdist = Dist(phi,point); if(auxdist < dist) { t = 1.; point_on_curve = phi; dist = auxdist; } } else { double t0 = 0; double t1 = 0.5; double t2 = 1.; double d0,d1,d2; //(*testout) << "newtonersatz" << endl; while(t2-t0 > 1e-8) { phi = SplineSeg3<D> ::GetPoint(t0); d0 = Dist(phi,point); phi = SplineSeg3<D> ::GetPoint(t1); d1 = Dist(phi,point); phi = SplineSeg3<D> ::GetPoint(t2); d2 = Dist(phi,point); double a = (2.*d0 - 4.*d1 +2.*d2)/pow(t2-t0,2); if(a <= 0) { if(d0 < d2) t2 -= 0.3*(t2-t0); else t0 += 0.3*(t2-t0); t1 = 0.5*(t2+t0); } else { double b = (d1-d0-a*(t1*t1-t0*t0))/(t1-t0); double auxt1 = -0.5*b/a; if(auxt1 < t0) { t2 -= 0.4*(t2-t0); t0 = max2(0.,t0-0.1*(t2-t0)); } else if (auxt1 > t2) { t0 += 0.4*(t2-t0); t2 = min2(1.,t2+0.1*(t2-t0)); } else { t1 = auxt1; auxt1 = 0.25*(t2-t0); t0 = max2(0.,t1-auxt1); t2 = min2(1.,t1+auxt1); } t1 = 0.5*(t2+t0); } } phi = SplineSeg3<D> ::GetPoint(t0); d0 = Dist(phi,point); phi = SplineSeg3<D> ::GetPoint(t1); d1 = Dist(phi,point); phi = SplineSeg3<D> ::GetPoint(t2); d2 = Dist(phi,point); double mind = d0; t = t0; if(d1 < mind) { t = t1; mind = d1; } if(d2 < mind) { t = t2; mind = d2; } point_on_curve = SplineSeg3<D> ::GetPoint(t); } //(*testout) << " latest_t " << proj_latest_t << " t " << t << endl; proj_latest_t = t; /* // test it by trivial sampling double ht; Point<D> hp; ProjectTrivial (*this, point, hp, ht); if (fabs (t-ht) > 1e-3) { // if (Dist2 (point, hp) < Dist2 (point, point_on_curve)) cout << "project is wrong" << endl; cout << "t = " << t << ", ht = " << ht << endl; cout << "dist org = " << Dist(point, point_on_curve) << endl; cout << "dist trivial = " << Dist(point, hp) << endl; } */ } template<int D> void SplineSeg3<D> :: GetDerivatives (const double t, Point<D> & point, Vec<D> & first, Vec<D> & second) const { Vec<D> v1(p1), v2(p2), v3(p3); double b1 = (1.-t)*(1.-t); double b2 = weight*t*(1.-t); double b3 = t*t; double w = b1+b2+b3; b1 *= 1./w; b2 *= 1./w; b3 *= 1./w; double b1p = 2.*(t-1.); double b2p = weight*(1.-2.*t); double b3p = 2.*t; const double wp = b1p+b2p+b3p; const double fac1 = wp/w; b1p *= 1./w; b2p *= 1./w; b3p *= 1./w; const double b1pp = 2.; const double b2pp = -2.*weight; const double b3pp = 2.; const double wpp = b1pp+b2pp+b3pp; const double fac2 = (wpp*w-2.*wp*wp)/(w*w); for(int i=0; i<D; i++) point(i) = b1*p1(i) + b2*p2(i) + b3*p3(i); first = (b1p - b1*fac1) * v1 + (b2p - b2*fac1) * v2 + (b3p - b3*fac1) * v3; second = (b1pp/w - 2*b1p*fac1 - b1*fac2) * v1 + (b2pp/w - 2*b2p*fac1 - b2*fac2) * v2 + (b3pp/w - 2*b3p*fac1 - b3*fac2) * v3; } template<> double SplineSeg3<2> :: MaxCurvature(void) const { Vec<2> v1 = p1-p2; Vec<2> v2 = p3-p2; double l1 = v1.Length(); double l2 = v2.Length(); double cosalpha = (v1*v2)/(l1*l2); return sqrt(cosalpha + 1.)/(min2(l1,l2)*(1.-cosalpha)); } template<> double SplineSeg3<3> :: MaxCurvature(void) const { Vec<3> v1 = p1-p2; Vec<3> v2 = p3-p2; double l1 = v1.Length(); double l2 = v2.Length(); double cosalpha = v1*v2/(l1*l2); return sqrt(cosalpha + 1.)/(min2(l1,l2)*(1.-cosalpha)); } template<int D> void SplineSeg3<D> :: LineIntersections (const double a, const double b, const double c, NgArray < Point<D> > & points, const double eps) const { points.SetSize(0); double t; const double c1 = a*p1(0) - weight*a*p2(0) + a*p3(0) + b*p1(1) - weight*b*p2(1) + b*p3(1) + (2.-weight)*c; const double c2 = -2.*a*p1(0) + weight*a*p2(0) -2.*b*p1(1) + weight*b*p2(1) + (weight-2.)*c; const double c3 = a*p1(0) + b*p1(1) + c; if(fabs(c1) < 1e-20) { if(fabs(c2) < 1e-20) return; t = -c3/c2; if((t > -eps) && (t < 1.+eps)) points.Append(GetPoint(t)); return; } const double discr = c2*c2-4.*c1*c3; if(discr < 0) return; if(fabs(discr/(c1*c1)) < 1e-14) { t = -0.5*c2/c1; if((t > -eps) && (t < 1.+eps)) points.Append(GetPoint(t)); return; } t = (-c2 + sqrt(discr))/(2.*c1); if((t > -eps) && (t < 1.+eps)) points.Append(GetPoint(t)); t = (-c2 - sqrt(discr))/(2.*c1); if((t > -eps) && (t < 1.+eps)) points.Append(GetPoint(t)); } template < int D > void SplineSeg3<D> :: GetRawData (NgArray<double> & data) const { data.Append(3); for(int i=0; i<D; i++) data.Append(p1[i]); for(int i=0; i<D; i++) data.Append(p2[i]); for(int i=0; i<D; i++) data.Append(p3[i]); } template class SplineSeg3<2>; template class SplineSeg3<3>; RegisterClassForArchive<SplineSeg<2>> regss2; RegisterClassForArchive<SplineSeg<3>> regss3; RegisterClassForArchive<LineSeg<2>, SplineSeg<2>> regls2; RegisterClassForArchive<LineSeg<3>, SplineSeg<3>> regls3; RegisterClassForArchive<SplineSeg3<2>, SplineSeg<2>> regsss2; RegisterClassForArchive<SplineSeg3<3>, SplineSeg<3>> regsss3; }