#include "exception.hpp" #include "utils.hpp" #ifdef EMSCRIPTEN #include <iostream> #endif // EMSCRIPTEN namespace ngcore { Exception :: Exception(const std::string& s) : m_what(s) { #ifdef EMSCRIPTEN std::cout << "THROW Exception " << s << std::endl; #endif } Exception :: Exception(const char* s) : m_what(s) { #ifdef EMSCRIPTEN std::cout << "THROW Exception " << s << std::endl; #endif } void ThrowException(const std::string & s) { throw Exception (s); } void ThrowException(const char * s) { throw Exception (s); } } // namespace ngcore // ********* STUFF FOR GETBACKTRACE *************************** #if defined __GNUC__ && !defined __EMSCRIPTEN__ #include <execinfo.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <iostream> #include <dlfcn.h> #include <array> #include <memory> #include <cxxabi.h> #include <signal.h> #include <vector> namespace ngcore { namespace detail { static int exec(std::string cmd, std::string & out) { std::array<char, 128> buffer; FILE *pipe = popen(cmd.c_str(), "r"); if (!pipe) throw std::runtime_error("popen() failed!"); out = ""; while (fgets(buffer.data(), buffer.size(), pipe) != nullptr) out += buffer.data(); int error_code = pclose(pipe); return error_code; } #ifdef __APPLE__ // Split output line from backtrace_symbols to recover function name and offset // then use `nm` command line tool to get the address of the function // then use `add42line` command line tool to map function address + offset to line in source code static std::string TranslateBacktrace( std::string s, std::string libname ) { // example line // 1 libngcore.dylib 0x000000010ddb298c _ZL21ngcore_signal_handleri + 316 constexpr char reset_shell[] = "\033[0m"; constexpr char green[] = "\033[32m"; [[maybe_unused]] constexpr char yellow[] = "\033[33m"; std::istringstream in(s); std::string libname1, funcname, addr, plus_sign; size_t i,offset; in >> i >> libname1 >> addr >> funcname >> plus_sign >> std::hex >> offset; std::stringstream out; if(!funcname.empty() && !libname.empty()) { std::string nm_command = "nm " + libname + " | grep \"" + funcname + "$\" | cut -f 1 -d ' '"; std::string output; auto exit_code = exec(nm_command, output); auto fptr = std::strtoul(output.c_str(), 0, 16); if(fptr == 0) return out.str()+'\n'; std::stringstream offset_s; offset_s << "0x" << std::hex << fptr+offset - 5; std::string addr2line_command = std::string("atos -o ") + libname + " --fullPath " + offset_s.str(); exit_code = exec(addr2line_command, output); if(exit_code==0) out << " at " << green << output << reset_shell; else out << '\n'; } else out << s << '\n'; return out.str(); } #else // __APPLE__ // Split output line from backtrace_symbols to recover function name and offset // then use `nm` command line tool to get the address of the function // then use `addr2line` command line tool to map function address + offset to line in source code static std::string TranslateBacktrace( std::string s, std::string /*dummy*/ ) { // example line: // /home/mhochsteger/install/ngs_clang/bin/../lib/libngcore.so(_ZN6ngcore11TaskManager4LoopEi+0x1e0) [0x7f2991fe1030] constexpr char reset_shell[] = "\033[0m"; constexpr char green[] = "\033[32m"; constexpr char yellow[] = "\033[33m"; auto brace_open_pos = s.find('('); auto brace_close_pos = s.find(')', brace_open_pos); auto plus_pos = s.find('+', brace_open_pos); auto bracket_open_pos = s.find('['); auto bracket_close_pos = s.find(']'); auto libname = s.substr(0, brace_open_pos); auto funcname = s.substr(brace_open_pos+1, plus_pos - brace_open_pos - 1); auto offset = std::strtoul(s.substr(plus_pos+1, brace_close_pos - plus_pos - 1).c_str(), 0, 16); // auto position = std::strtoul(s.substr(bracket_open_pos+1, bracket_close_pos - bracket_open_pos - 1).c_str(), 0, 16); std::stringstream out; if(!funcname.empty()) { std::vector<char> buffer(10240); int status; size_t size = buffer.size(); abi::__cxa_demangle(funcname.c_str(), &buffer[0], &size, &status); out << "in " << yellow << &buffer[0] << reset_shell << '\n'; std::string nm_command = "nm " + libname + " | grep " + funcname + " | cut -f 1 -d ' '"; std::string output; auto exit_code = exec(nm_command, output); auto fptr = std::strtoul(output.c_str(), 0, 16); std::stringstream offset_s; offset_s << "0x" << std::hex << fptr+offset - 5; std::string addr2line_command = std::string("addr2line -i -p -e ") + libname + " " + offset_s.str(); exit_code = exec(addr2line_command, output); if(exit_code==0) { std::stringstream soutput(output); std::string s; while(soutput) { if(getline(soutput, s)) out << "\t at " << green << s << reset_shell << '\n'; } } else out << '\n'; } else out << s << '\n'; return out.str(); } #endif // __APPLE__ } // namespace detail std::string GetBackTrace() { if(!getenv("NG_BACKTRACE")) return ""; std::cerr << "Collecting backtrace..." << std::endl; std::stringstream result; void *bt[100]; int bt_size; char **bt_syms; int i; bt_size = backtrace(bt, 100); bt_syms = backtrace_symbols(bt, bt_size); Dl_info info; for (i = 1; i < bt_size-1; i++) { dladdr(bt[i], &info); // size_t len = strlen(bt_syms[i]); result << '#'<< i << '\t' << detail::TranslateBacktrace( bt_syms[i], info.dli_fname ); } free(bt_syms); return result.str(); } } // namespace ngcore static void ngcore_signal_handler(int sig) { static bool first_call = true; if(!first_call) exit(1); // avoid endless recursions if signals are caused by this handler first_call = false; switch(sig) { case SIGABRT: std::cerr << "Caught SIGABRT: usually caused by abort() or assert()" << std::endl; break; case SIGILL: std::cerr << "Caught SIGILL: illegal instruction" << std::endl; break; case SIGSEGV: std::cerr << "Caught SIGSEGV: segmentation fault" << std::endl; break; } std::cerr << ngcore::GetBackTrace() << std::endl; exit(1); } // register signal handler when library is loaded static bool dummy = []() { if(getenv("NG_BACKTRACE")) { signal(SIGABRT, ngcore_signal_handler); signal(SIGILL, ngcore_signal_handler); signal(SIGSEGV, ngcore_signal_handler); } return true; }(); #else // __GNUC__ and not __EMSCRIPTEN__ namespace ngcore { std::string GetBackTrace() { return std::string(); } } // namespace ngcore #endif // __GNUC__