#ifdef NG_PYTHON #ifdef OCCGEOMETRY #include <../general/ngpython.hpp> #include #include using namespace netgen; namespace netgen { extern std::shared_ptr ng_geometry; } DLL_HEADER void ExportNgOCC(py::module &m) { py::class_, NetgenGeometry> (m, "OCCGeometry", R"raw_string(Use LoadOCCGeometry to load the geometry from a *.step file.)raw_string") .def(py::init<>()) .def("Heal",[](OCCGeometry & self, double tolerance, bool fixsmalledges, bool fixspotstripfaces, bool sewfaces, bool makesolids, bool splitpartitions) { self.tolerance = tolerance; self.fixsmalledges = fixsmalledges; self.fixspotstripfaces = fixspotstripfaces; self.sewfaces = sewfaces; self.makesolids = makesolids; self.splitpartitions = splitpartitions; self.HealGeometry(); self.BuildFMap(); },py::arg("tolerance")=1e-3, py::arg("fixsmalledges")=true, py::arg("fixspotstripfaces")=true, py::arg("sewfaces")=true, py::arg("makesolids")=true, py::arg("splitpartitions")=false,R"raw_string(Heal the OCCGeometry.)raw_string") ; m.def("LoadOCCGeometry",FunctionPointer([] (const string & filename) { cout << "load OCC geometry"; ifstream ist(filename); OCCGeometry * instance = new OCCGeometry(); instance = LoadOCC_STEP(filename.c_str()); return shared_ptr(instance, NOOP_Deleter); })); m.def("GenerateMesh", FunctionPointer([] (shared_ptr geo, MeshingParameters ¶m) { auto mesh = make_shared(); SetGlobalMesh(mesh); mesh->SetGeometry(geo); ng_geometry = geo; try { geo->GenerateMesh(mesh,param); } catch (NgException ex) { cout << "Caught NgException: " << ex.What() << endl; } return mesh; })) ; } PYBIND11_MODULE(libNgOCC, m) { ExportNgOCC(m); } #endif // OCCGEOMETRY #endif // NG_PYTHON