#ifdef NG_PYTHON #include #include #include <../general/ngpython.hpp> #include #include "meshing.hpp" using namespace netgen; namespace bp = boost::python; namespace netgen { extern shared_ptr ng_geometry; } template void ExportArray () { string name = string("Array_") + typeid(T).name(); bp::class_,boost::noncopyable>(name.c_str()) .def ("__len__", &Array::Size) .def ("__getitem__", FunctionPointer ([](Array & self, TIND i) -> T& { if (i < BASE || i >= BASE+self.Size()) bp::exec("raise IndexError()\n"); return self[i]; }), bp::return_value_policy()) .def ("__iter__", bp::range (FunctionPointer([](Array & self) { return &self[BASE]; }), FunctionPointer([](Array & self) { return &self[BASE+self.Size()]; }))) ; } DLL_HEADER void ExportNetgenMeshing() { ModuleScope module("meshing"); bp::class_("PointId", bp::init()) .def("__repr__", &ToString) .def("__str__", &ToString) .add_property("nr", &PointIndex::operator int) .def("__eq__" , FunctionPointer( [](PointIndex &self, PointIndex &other) { return static_cast(self)==static_cast(other); }) ) .def("__hash__" , FunctionPointer( [](PointIndex &self ) { return static_cast(self); }) ) ; bp::class_("ElementId3D", bp::init()) .def("__repr__", &ToString) .def("__str__", &ToString) .add_property("nr", &ElementIndex::operator int) .def("__eq__" , FunctionPointer( [](ElementIndex &self, ElementIndex &other) { return static_cast(self)==static_cast(other); }) ) .def("__hash__" , FunctionPointer( [](ElementIndex &self ) { return static_cast(self); }) ) ; bp::class_("ElementId2D", bp::init()) .def("__repr__", &ToString) .def("__str__", &ToString) .add_property("nr", &SurfaceElementIndex::operator int) .def("__eq__" , FunctionPointer( [](SurfaceElementIndex &self, SurfaceElementIndex &other) { return static_cast(self)==static_cast(other); }) ) .def("__hash__" , FunctionPointer( [](SurfaceElementIndex &self ) { return static_cast(self); }) ) ; bp::class_("ElementId1D", bp::init()) .def("__repr__", &ToString) .def("__str__", &ToString) .add_property("nr", &SegmentIndex::operator int) .def("__eq__" , FunctionPointer( [](SegmentIndex &self, SegmentIndex &other) { return static_cast(self)==static_cast(other); }) ) .def("__hash__" , FunctionPointer( [](SegmentIndex &self ) { return static_cast(self); }) ) ; /* bp::class_> ("Point") .def(bp::init()) ; */ bp::class_> */ >("MeshPoint") .def(bp::init>()) .def("__str__", &ToString) .def("__repr__", &ToString) .add_property("p", FunctionPointer([](const MeshPoint & self) { bp::list l; l.append ( self[0] ); l.append ( self[1] ); l.append ( self[2] ); return bp::tuple(l); })) ; bp::class_("Element3D") .def("__init__", bp::make_constructor (FunctionPointer ([](int index, bp::list vertices) { Element * tmp = new Element(TET); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) (*tmp)[i] = bp::extract(vertices[i]); tmp->SetIndex(index); return tmp; }), bp::default_call_policies(), // need it to use arguments (bp::arg("index")=1,bp::arg("vertices"))), "create volume element" ) .def("__repr__", &ToString) .add_property("index", &Element::GetIndex, &Element::SetIndex) .add_property("vertices", FunctionPointer ([](const Element & self) -> bp::list { bp::list li; for (int i = 0; i < self.GetNV(); i++) li.append (self[i]); return li; })) ; bp::class_("Element2D") .def("__init__", bp::make_constructor (FunctionPointer ([](int index, bp::list vertices) { Element2d * tmp = new Element2d(TRIG); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) (*tmp)[i] = bp::extract(vertices[i]); tmp->SetIndex(index); return tmp; }), bp::default_call_policies(), // need it to use arguments (bp::arg("index")=1,bp::arg("vertices"))), "create surface element" ) .add_property("index", &Element2d::GetIndex, &Element2d::SetIndex) .add_property("vertices", FunctionPointer([](const Element2d & self) -> bp::list { bp::list li; for (int i = 0; i < self.GetNV(); i++) li.append(self[i]); return li; })) ; bp::class_("Element1D") .def("__init__", bp::make_constructor (FunctionPointer ([](bp::list vertices, bp::list surfaces, int index) { Segment * tmp = new Segment; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) (*tmp)[i] = bp::extract(vertices[i]); tmp -> si = index; if (len(surfaces)) { tmp->surfnr1 = bp::extract(surfaces[0]); tmp->surfnr2 = bp::extract(surfaces[1]); } return tmp; }), bp::default_call_policies(), (bp::arg("vertices"), bp::arg("surfaces")=bp::list(), bp::arg("index")=1 )), "create segment element" ) .def("__repr__", &ToString) .add_property("vertices", FunctionPointer ([](const Segment & self) -> bp::list { bp::list li; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) li.append (self[i]); return li; })) .add_property("surfaces", FunctionPointer ([](const Segment & self) -> bp::list { bp::list li; li.append (self.surfnr1); li.append (self.surfnr2); return li; })) ; bp::class_("FaceDescriptor") .def(bp::init()) .def("__init__", bp::make_constructor (FunctionPointer ([](int surfnr, int domin, int domout, int bc) { auto fd = new FaceDescriptor(); fd->SetSurfNr(surfnr); fd->SetDomainIn(domin); fd->SetDomainOut(domout); fd->SetBCProperty(bc); return fd; }), bp::default_call_policies(), // need it to use arguments (bp::arg("surfnr")=1, bp::arg("domin")=1, bp::arg("domout")=0, bp::arg("bc")=0 )), "create facedescriptor") .def("__str__", &ToString) .def("__repr__", &ToString) .add_property("surfnr", &FaceDescriptor::SurfNr, &FaceDescriptor::SetSurfNr) .add_property("domin", &FaceDescriptor::DomainIn, &FaceDescriptor::SetDomainIn) .add_property("domout", &FaceDescriptor::DomainOut, &FaceDescriptor::SetDomainOut) .add_property("bc", &FaceDescriptor::BCProperty, &FaceDescriptor::SetBCProperty) .add_property("bcname", FunctionPointer ([](FaceDescriptor & self) -> string { return self.GetBCName(); })) ; ExportArray(); ExportArray(); ExportArray(); ExportArray(); ExportArray(); ; bp::class_,boost::noncopyable>("Mesh", bp::no_init) .def(bp::init<>("create empty mesh")) .def("__str__", &ToString) .def("Load", FunctionPointer ([](Mesh & self, const string & filename) { istream * infile; if (filename.find(".vol.gz") != string::npos) infile = new igzstream (filename.c_str()); else infile = new ifstream (filename.c_str()); // ifstream input(filename); self.Load(*infile); for (int i = 0; i < geometryregister.Size(); i++) { NetgenGeometry * hgeom = geometryregister[i]->LoadFromMeshFile (*infile); if (hgeom) { ng_geometry.reset (hgeom); break; } } })) // static_cast(&Mesh::Load)) .def("Save", static_cast(&Mesh::Save)) .add_property("dim", &Mesh::GetDimension, &Mesh::SetDimension) .def("Elements3D", static_cast&(Mesh::*)()> (&Mesh::VolumeElements), bp::return_value_policy()) .def("Elements2D", static_cast&(Mesh::*)()> (&Mesh::SurfaceElements), bp::return_value_policy()) .def("Elements1D", static_cast&(Mesh::*)()> (&Mesh::LineSegments), bp::return_value_policy()) .def("Points", static_cast (&Mesh::Points), bp::return_value_policy()) .def("FaceDescriptor", static_cast (&Mesh::GetFaceDescriptor), bp::return_value_policy()) .def("__getitem__", FunctionPointer ([](const Mesh & self, PointIndex pi) { return self[pi]; })) .def ("Add", FunctionPointer ([](Mesh & self, MeshPoint p) { return self.AddPoint (Point3d(p)); })) .def ("Add", FunctionPointer ([](Mesh & self, const Element & el) { return self.AddVolumeElement (el); })) .def ("Add", FunctionPointer ([](Mesh & self, const Element2d & el) { return self.AddSurfaceElement (el); })) .def ("Add", FunctionPointer ([](Mesh & self, const Segment & el) { return self.AddSegment (el); })) .def ("Add", FunctionPointer ([](Mesh & self, const FaceDescriptor & fd) { return self.AddFaceDescriptor (fd); })) .def ("SetBCName", &Mesh::SetBCName) .def ("GetBCName", FunctionPointer([](Mesh & self, int bc)->string { return self.GetBCName(bc); })) .def ("SetMaterial", &Mesh::SetMaterial) .def ("GetMaterial", FunctionPointer([](Mesh & self, int domnr) { return string(self.GetMaterial(domnr)); })) .def ("GenerateVolumeMesh", FunctionPointer ([](Mesh & self) { cout << "generate vol mesh" << endl; MeshingParameters mp; MeshVolume (mp, self); OptimizeVolume (mp, self); })) .def ("Refine", FunctionPointer ([](Mesh & self) { self.GetGeometry()->GetRefinement().Refine(self); })) .def ("BoundaryLayer", FunctionPointer ([](Mesh & self, int bc, bp::list thicknesses, int volnr, bp::list materials) { int n = bp::len(thicknesses); BoundaryLayerParameters blp; for (int i = 1; i <= self.GetNFD(); i++) if (self.GetFaceDescriptor(i).BCProperty() == bc) blp.surfid.Append (i); cout << "add layer at surfaces: " << blp.surfid << endl; blp.prismlayers = n; blp.growthfactor = 1.0; // find max domain nr int maxind = 0; for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < self.GetNE(); ei++) maxind = max (maxind, self[ei].GetIndex()); cout << "maxind = " << maxind << endl; for ( int i=0; i(thicknesses[i])()) ; blp.new_matnrs.Append( maxind+1+i ); self.SetMaterial (maxind+1+i, bp::extract(materials[i])().c_str()); } blp.bulk_matnr = volnr; GenerateBoundaryLayer (self, blp); } )) .def ("BoundaryLayer", FunctionPointer ([](Mesh & self, int bc, double thickness, int volnr, string material) { BoundaryLayerParameters blp; for (int i = 1; i <= self.GetNFD(); i++) if (self.GetFaceDescriptor(i).BCProperty() == bc) blp.surfid.Append (i); cout << "add layer at surfaces: " << blp.surfid << endl; blp.prismlayers = 1; blp.hfirst = thickness; blp.growthfactor = 1.0; // find max domain nr int maxind = 0; for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < self.GetNE(); ei++) maxind = max (maxind, self[ei].GetIndex()); cout << "maxind = " << maxind << endl; self.SetMaterial (maxind+1, material.c_str()); blp.new_matnr = maxind+1; blp.bulk_matnr = volnr; GenerateBoundaryLayer (self, blp); } )) ; typedef MeshingParameters MP; bp::class_ ("MeshingParameters", bp::init<>()) .def("__init__", bp::make_constructor (FunctionPointer ([](double maxh) { auto tmp = new MeshingParameters; tmp->maxh = maxh; return tmp; }), bp::default_call_policies(), // need it to use arguments (bp::arg("maxh")=1000)), "create meshing parameters" ) .def("__str__", &ToString) .add_property("maxh", FunctionPointer ([](const MP & mp ) { return mp.maxh; }), FunctionPointer ([](MP & mp, double maxh) { return mp.maxh = maxh; })) ; bp::def("SetTestoutFile", FunctionPointer ([] (const string & filename) { delete testout; testout = new ofstream (filename); })); bp::def("SetMessageImportance", FunctionPointer ([] (int importance) { int old = printmessage_importance; printmessage_importance = importance; return old; })); } BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(libmesh) { ExportNetgenMeshing(); } #endif