#ifndef NETGEN_CORE_SYMBOLTABLE_HPP #define NETGEN_CORE_SYMBOLTABLE_HPP #include <ostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include "exception.hpp" #include "ngcore_api.hpp" namespace ngcore { /** A symbol table. The symboltable provides a mapping from string identifiers to the generic type T. The strings are copied. Complexity by name access is linear, by index is constant. */ template <class T> class SymbolTable { std::vector<std::string> names; std::vector<T> data; public: using value_type = T; using reference = typename std::vector<T>::reference; using const_reference = typename std::vector<T>::const_reference; /// Creates a symboltable SymbolTable () = default; SymbolTable (const SymbolTable<T> &) = default; SymbolTable (SymbolTable<T> &&) noexcept = default; ~SymbolTable() = default; SymbolTable& operator=(const SymbolTable<T>&) = default; SymbolTable& operator=(SymbolTable<T>&&) = default; template<typename ARCHIVE> auto DoArchive(ARCHIVE& ar) -> typename std::enable_if_t<ARCHIVE::template is_archivable<T>, void> { ar & names & data; } /// INDEX of symbol name, throws exception if unused size_t Index (const std::string & name) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) if (names[i] == name) return i; throw RangeException("SymbolTable", name); } /// Index of symbol name, returns -1 if unused int CheckIndex (const std::string & name) const { for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) if (names[i] == name) return i; return -1; } /// number of identifiers size_t Size() const { return data.size(); } /// Returns reference to element. exception for unused identifier reference operator[] (const std::string & name) { return data[Index (name)]; } const_reference operator[] (const std::string & name) const { return data[Index (name)]; } /// Returns reference to i-th element, range check only in debug build reference operator[] (size_t i) { NETGEN_CHECK_RANGE(i, 0, data.size()); return data[i]; } /// Returns const reference to i-th element, range check only in debug build const_reference operator[] (size_t i) const { NETGEN_CHECK_RANGE(i, 0, data.size()); return data[i]; } /// Returns name of i-th element, range check only in debug build const std::string & GetName (size_t i) const { NETGEN_CHECK_RANGE(i, 0, names.size()); return names[i]; } /// Associates el to the string name, overrides if name is used void Set (const std::string & name, const T & el) { int i = CheckIndex (name); if (i >= 0) data[i] = el; else { data.push_back(el); names.push_back(name); } } bool Used (const std::string & name) const { return CheckIndex(name) >= 0; } /// Deletes symboltable inline void DeleteAll () { names.clear(); data.clear(); } // Adds all elements from other symboltable SymbolTable<T>& Update(const SymbolTable<T>& tbl2) { for (size_t i = 0; i < tbl2.Size(); i++) Set (tbl2.GetName(i), tbl2[i]); return *this; } }; template <typename T> std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream & ost, const SymbolTable<T> & st) { for (int i = 0; i < st.Size(); i++) ost << st.GetName(i) << " : " << st[i] << std::endl; return ost; } } // namespace ngcore #endif // NETGEN_CORE_SYMBOLTABLE_HPP