#include <mystdlib.h> #include <myadt.hpp> #include <linalg.hpp> #include <gprim.hpp> #include <meshing.hpp> #include "stlgeom.hpp" namespace netgen { static void STLFindEdges (STLGeometry & geom, Mesh & mesh, const MeshingParameters& mparam, const STLParameters& stlparam) { double h = mparam.maxh; // mark edge points: //int ngp = geom.GetNP(); geom.RestrictLocalH(mesh, h, stlparam, mparam); PushStatusF("Mesh Lines"); NgArray<STLLine*> meshlines; NgArray<Point3d> meshpoints; PrintMessage(3,"Mesh Lines"); /* cout << geom.GetNLines() << " lines" << endl; double totnp = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= geom.GetNLines(); i++) totnp += geom.GetLine(i)->NP(); cout << "avg np per line " << totnp/geom.GetNLines() << endl; */ for (int i = 1; i <= geom.GetNLines(); i++) { meshlines.Append(geom.GetLine(i)->Mesh(geom.GetPoints(), meshpoints, h, mesh)); SetThreadPercent(100.0 * (double)i/(double)geom.GetNLines()); } geom.meshpoints.SetSize(0); //testing geom.meshlines.SetSize(0); //testing for (int i = 1; i <= meshpoints.Size(); i++) { geom.meshpoints.Append(meshpoints.Get(i)); //testing mesh.AddPoint(meshpoints.Get(i)); } //(++++++++++++++testing for (int i = 1; i <= geom.GetNLines(); i++) { geom.meshlines.Append(meshlines.Get(i)); } //++++++++++++++testing) PrintMessage(7,"feed with edges"); for (int i = 1; i <= meshlines.Size(); i++) { STLLine* line = meshlines.Get(i); (*testout) << "store line " << i << endl; for (int j = 1; j <= line->GetNS(); j++) { int p1, p2; line->GetSeg(j, p1, p2); int trig1, trig2, trig1b, trig2b; if (p1 == p2) cout << "Add Segment, p1 == p2 == " << p1 << endl; // Test auf geschlossener Rand mit 2 Segmenten if ((j == 2) && (line->GetNS() == 2)) { int oldp1, oldp2; line->GetSeg (1, oldp1, oldp2); if (oldp1 == p2 && oldp2 == p1) { PrintMessage(7,"MESSAGE: don't use second segment"); continue; } } //mesh point number //p1 = geom2meshnum.Get(p1); // for unmeshed lines!!! //p2 = geom2meshnum.Get(p2); // for unmeshed lines!!! //left and right trigs trig1 = line->GetLeftTrig(j); trig2 = line->GetRightTrig(j); trig1b = line->GetLeftTrig(j+1); trig2b = line->GetRightTrig(j+1); (*testout) << "j = " << j << ", p1 = " << p1 << ", p2 = " << p2 << endl; (*testout) << "segm-trigs: " << "trig1 = " << trig1 << ", trig1b = " << trig1b << ", trig2 = " << trig2 << ", trig2b = " << trig2b << endl; if (trig1 <= 0 || trig2 < 0 || trig1b <= 0 || trig2b < 0) { cout << "negative trigs, " << ", trig1 = " << trig1 << ", trig1b = " << trig1b << ", trig2 = " << trig2 << ", trig2b = " << trig2b << endl; } /* (*testout) << " trigs p1: " << trig1 << " - " << trig2 << endl; (*testout) << " trigs p2: " << trig1b << " - " << trig2b << endl; (*testout) << " charts p1: " << geom.GetChartNr(trig1) << " - " << geom.GetChartNr(trig2) << endl; (*testout) << " charts p2: " << geom.GetChartNr(trig1b) << " - " << geom.GetChartNr(trig2b) << endl; */ Point3d hp, hp2; Segment seg; seg[0] = p1 + PointIndex::BASE-1; seg[1] = p2 + PointIndex::BASE-1; seg.si = geom.GetTriangle(trig1).GetFaceNum(); seg.edgenr = i; seg.epgeominfo[0].edgenr = i; seg.epgeominfo[0].dist = line->GetDist(j); seg.epgeominfo[1].edgenr = i; seg.epgeominfo[1].dist = line->GetDist(j+1); /* (*testout) << "seg = " << "edgenr " << seg.epgeominfo[0].edgenr << " dist " << seg.epgeominfo[0].dist << " edgenr " << seg.epgeominfo[1].edgenr << " dist " << seg.epgeominfo[1].dist << endl; */ seg.geominfo[0].trignum = trig1; seg.geominfo[1].trignum = trig1b; /* geom.SelectChartOfTriangle (trig1); hp = hp2 = mesh.Point (seg[0]); seg.geominfo[0].trignum = geom.Project (hp); (*testout) << "hp = " << hp2 << ", hp proj = " << hp << ", trignum = " << seg.geominfo[0].trignum << endl; if (Dist (hp, hp2) > 1e-5 || seg.geominfo[0].trignum == 0) { (*testout) << "PROBLEM" << endl; } geom.SelectChartOfTriangle (trig1b); hp = hp2 = mesh.Point (seg[1]); seg.geominfo[1].trignum = geom.Project (hp); (*testout) << "hp = " << hp2 << ", hp proj = " << hp << ", trignum = " << seg.geominfo[1].trignum << endl; if (Dist (hp, hp2) > 1e-5 || seg.geominfo[1].trignum == 0) { (*testout) << "PROBLEM" << endl; } */ if (Dist (mesh.Point(seg[0]), mesh.Point(seg[1])) < 1e-10) { (*testout) << "ERROR: Line segment of length 0" << endl; (*testout) << "pi1, 2 = " << seg[0] << ", " << seg[1] << endl; (*testout) << "p1, 2 = " << mesh.Point(seg[0]) << ", " << mesh.Point(seg[1]) << endl; throw NgException ("Line segment of length 0"); } mesh.AddSegment (seg); if(trig2 != 0) { Segment seg2; seg2[0] = p2 + PointIndex::BASE-1;; seg2[1] = p1 + PointIndex::BASE-1;; seg2.si = geom.GetTriangle(trig2).GetFaceNum(); seg2.edgenr = i; seg2.epgeominfo[0].edgenr = i; seg2.epgeominfo[0].dist = line->GetDist(j+1); seg2.epgeominfo[1].edgenr = i; seg2.epgeominfo[1].dist = line->GetDist(j); /* (*testout) << "seg = " << "edgenr " << seg2.epgeominfo[0].edgenr << " dist " << seg2.epgeominfo[0].dist << " edgenr " << seg2.epgeominfo[1].edgenr << " dist " << seg2.epgeominfo[1].dist << endl; */ seg2.geominfo[0].trignum = trig2b; seg2.geominfo[1].trignum = trig2; /* geom.SelectChartOfTriangle (trig2); hp = hp2 = mesh.Point (seg[0]); seg2.geominfo[0].trignum = geom.Project (hp); (*testout) << "hp = " << hp2 << ", hp proj = " << hp << ", trignum = " << seg.geominfo[0].trignum << endl; if (Dist (hp, hp2) > 1e-5 || seg2.geominfo[0].trignum == 0) { (*testout) << "Get GeomInfo PROBLEM" << endl; } geom.SelectChartOfTriangle (trig2b); hp = hp2 = mesh.Point (seg[1]); seg2.geominfo[1].trignum = geom.Project (hp); (*testout) << "hp = " << hp2 << ", hp proj = " << hp << ", trignum = " << seg.geominfo[1].trignum << endl; if (Dist (hp, hp2) > 1e-5 || seg2.geominfo[1].trignum == 0) { (*testout) << "Get GeomInfo PROBLEM" << endl; } */ mesh.AddSegment (seg2); } } } PopStatus(); } void STLSurfaceMeshing1 (STLGeometry & geom, class Mesh & mesh, const MeshingParameters& mparam, int retrynr, const STLParameters& stlparam); int STLSurfaceMeshing (STLGeometry & geom, class Mesh & mesh, const MeshingParameters& mparam, const STLParameters& stlparam) { PrintFnStart("Do Surface Meshing"); geom.PrepareSurfaceMeshing(); if (mesh.GetNSeg() == 0) STLFindEdges (geom, mesh, mparam, stlparam); int nopen; int outercnt = 20; for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNSeg(); i++) { const Segment & seg = mesh.LineSegment (i); if (seg.geominfo[0].trignum <= 0 || seg.geominfo[1].trignum <= 0) (*testout) << "Problem with segment " << i << ": " << seg << endl; } do { outercnt--; if (outercnt <= 0) return MESHING3_OUTERSTEPSEXCEEDED; if (multithread.terminate) return MESHING3_TERMINATE; mesh.FindOpenSegments(); nopen = mesh.GetNOpenSegments(); if (nopen) { int trialcnt = 0; while (nopen && trialcnt <= 5) { if (multithread.terminate) { return MESHING3_TERMINATE; } trialcnt++; STLSurfaceMeshing1 (geom, mesh, mparam, trialcnt, stlparam); mesh.FindOpenSegments(); nopen = mesh.GetNOpenSegments(); auto n_illegal_trigs = mesh.FindIllegalTrigs(); PrintMessage (3, n_illegal_trigs, " illegal triangles"); if (nopen) { geom.ClearMarkedSegs(); for (int i = 1; i <= nopen; i++) { const Segment & seg = mesh.GetOpenSegment (i); geom.AddMarkedSeg(mesh.Point(seg[0]),mesh.Point(seg[1])); } geom.InitMarkedTrigs(); for (int i = 1; i <= nopen; i++) { const Segment & seg = mesh.GetOpenSegment (i); geom.SetMarkedTrig(seg.geominfo[0].trignum,1); geom.SetMarkedTrig(seg.geominfo[1].trignum,1); } MeshOptimize2d optmesh(mesh); optmesh.SetFaceIndex (0); optmesh.SetImproveEdges (0); optmesh.SetMetricWeight (0); mesh.CalcSurfacesOfNode(); optmesh.EdgeSwapping (0); optmesh.ImproveMesh (mparam); } mesh.Compress(); mesh.FindOpenSegments(); nopen = mesh.GetNOpenSegments(); if (trialcnt <= 5 && nopen) { mesh.RemoveOneLayerSurfaceElements(); if (trialcnt >= 4) { mesh.FindOpenSegments(); mesh.RemoveOneLayerSurfaceElements(); mesh.FindOpenSegments (); nopen = mesh.GetNOpenSegments(); } } } if (multithread.terminate) return MESHING3_TERMINATE; if (nopen) { PrintMessage(3,"Meshing failed, trying to refine"); mesh.FindOpenSegments (); nopen = mesh.GetNOpenSegments(); mesh.FindOpenSegments (); mesh.RemoveOneLayerSurfaceElements(); mesh.FindOpenSegments (); mesh.RemoveOneLayerSurfaceElements(); // Open edge-segments will be refined ! INDEX_2_HASHTABLE<int> openseght (nopen+1); for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNOpenSegments(); i++) { const Segment & seg = mesh.GetOpenSegment (i); INDEX_2 i2(seg[0], seg[1]); i2.Sort(); openseght.Set (i2, 1); } mesh.FindOpenSegments (); mesh.RemoveOneLayerSurfaceElements(); mesh.FindOpenSegments (); mesh.RemoveOneLayerSurfaceElements(); INDEX_2_HASHTABLE<int> newpht(100); int nsegold = mesh.GetNSeg(); for (int i = 1; i <= nsegold; i++) { Segment seg = mesh.LineSegment(i); INDEX_2 i2(seg[0], seg[1]); i2.Sort(); if (openseght.Used (i2)) { // segment will be split PrintMessage(7,"Split segment ", int(seg[0]), "-", int(seg[1])); Segment nseg1, nseg2; EdgePointGeomInfo newgi; const EdgePointGeomInfo & gi1 = seg.epgeominfo[0]; const EdgePointGeomInfo & gi2 = seg.epgeominfo[1]; newgi.dist = 0.5 * (gi1.dist + gi2.dist); newgi.edgenr = gi1.edgenr; int hi; Point3d newp; int newpi; if (!newpht.Used (i2)) { newp = geom.GetLine (gi1.edgenr)-> GetPointInDist (geom.GetPoints(), newgi.dist, hi); newpi = mesh.AddPoint (newp); newpht.Set (i2, newpi); } else { newpi = newpht.Get (i2); newp = mesh.Point (newpi); } nseg1 = seg; nseg2 = seg; nseg1[1] = newpi; nseg1.epgeominfo[1] = newgi; nseg2[0] = newpi; nseg2.epgeominfo[0] = newgi; mesh.LineSegment(i) = nseg1; mesh.AddSegment (nseg2); mesh.RestrictLocalH (Center (mesh.Point(nseg1[0]), mesh.Point(nseg1[1])), Dist (mesh.Point(nseg1[0]), mesh.Point(nseg1[1]))); mesh.RestrictLocalH (Center (mesh.Point(nseg2[0]), mesh.Point(nseg2[1])), Dist (mesh.Point(nseg2[0]), mesh.Point(nseg2[1]))); } } } nopen = -1; } else { PrintMessage(5,"mesh is closed, verifying ..."); // no open elements, check wrong elements (intersecting..) PrintMessage(5,"check overlapping"); // mesh.FindOpenElements(); // would leed to locked points mesh.CheckOverlappingBoundary(); // if(mesh.CheckOverlappingBoundary()) ; // return MESHING3_BADSURFACEMESH; geom.InitMarkedTrigs(); for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNSE(); i++) if (mesh.SurfaceElement(i).BadElement()) { int trig = mesh.SurfaceElement(i).PNum(1); geom.SetMarkedTrig(trig,1); PrintMessage(7, "overlapping element, will be removed"); } NgArray<Point3d> refpts; NgArray<double> refh; // was commented: for (SurfaceElementIndex sei = 0; sei < mesh.GetNSE(); sei++) if (mesh[sei].BadElement()) { for (int j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { refpts.Append (mesh.Point (mesh[sei].PNum(j))); refh.Append (mesh.GetH (refpts.Last()) / 2); } mesh.Delete(sei); } // delete wrong oriented element for (SurfaceElementIndex sei = 0; sei < mesh.GetNSE(); sei++) { const Element2d & el = mesh[sei]; if (el.IsDeleted()) continue; if (!el.PNum(1).IsValid()) continue; Vec3d n = Cross (Vec3d (mesh.Point(el.PNum(1)), mesh.Point(el.PNum(2))), Vec3d (mesh.Point(el.PNum(1)), mesh.Point(el.PNum(3)))); Vec3d ng = geom.GetTriangle(el.GeomInfoPi(1).trignum).Normal(); if (n * ng < 0) { refpts.Append (mesh.Point (mesh[sei].PNum(1))); refh.Append (mesh.GetH (refpts.Last()) / 2); mesh.Delete(sei); } } // end comments for (int i = 1; i <= refpts.Size(); i++) mesh.RestrictLocalH (refpts.Get(i), refh.Get(i)); mesh.RemoveOneLayerSurfaceElements(); // Open edge-segments will be refined ! INDEX_2_HASHTABLE<int> openseght (nopen+1); for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNOpenSegments(); i++) { const Segment & seg = mesh.GetOpenSegment (i); INDEX_2 i2(seg[0], seg[1]); i2.Sort(); openseght.Set (i2, 1); } mesh.FindOpenSegments (); mesh.RemoveOneLayerSurfaceElements(); mesh.FindOpenSegments (); int nsegold = mesh.GetNSeg(); INDEX_2_HASHTABLE<int> newpht(100); for (int i = 1; i <= nsegold; i++) { Segment seg = mesh.LineSegment(i); INDEX_2 i2(seg[0], seg[1]); i2.Sort(); if (openseght.Used (i2)) { // segment will be split PrintMessage(7,"Split segment ", int(seg[0]), "-", int(seg[1])); Segment nseg1, nseg2; EdgePointGeomInfo newgi; const EdgePointGeomInfo & gi1 = seg.epgeominfo[0]; const EdgePointGeomInfo & gi2 = seg.epgeominfo[1]; newgi.dist = 0.5 * (gi1.dist + gi2.dist); newgi.edgenr = gi1.edgenr; int hi; Point3d newp; int newpi; if (!newpht.Used (i2)) { newp = geom.GetLine (gi1.edgenr)-> GetPointInDist (geom.GetPoints(), newgi.dist, hi); newpi = mesh.AddPoint (newp); newpht.Set (i2, newpi); } else { newpi = newpht.Get (i2); newp = mesh.Point (newpi); } nseg1 = seg; nseg2 = seg; nseg1[1] = newpi; nseg1.epgeominfo[1] = newgi; nseg2[0] = newpi; nseg2.epgeominfo[0] = newgi; mesh.LineSegment(i) = nseg1; mesh.AddSegment (nseg2); mesh.RestrictLocalH (Center (mesh.Point(nseg1[0]), mesh.Point(nseg1[1])), Dist (mesh.Point(nseg1[0]), mesh.Point(nseg1[1]))); mesh.RestrictLocalH (Center (mesh.Point(nseg2[0]), mesh.Point(nseg2[1])), Dist (mesh.Point(nseg2[0]), mesh.Point(nseg2[1]))); } } mesh.Compress(); mesh.FindOpenSegments (); nopen = mesh.GetNOpenSegments(); /* if (!nopen) { // mesh is still ok void STLSurfaceOptimization (STLGeometry & geom, class Mesh & mesh, MeshingParameters & mparam) } */ } } while (nopen); if(mesh.CheckOverlappingBoundary()) return MESHING3_BADSURFACEMESH; mesh.Compress(); mesh.CalcSurfacesOfNode(); return MESHING3_OK; } void STLSurfaceMeshing1 (STLGeometry & geom, Mesh & mesh, const MeshingParameters& mparam, int retrynr, const STLParameters& stlparam) { static int timer1 = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("STL surface meshing1"); static int timer1a = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("STL surface meshing1a"); static int timer1b = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("STL surface meshing1b"); static int timer1c = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("STL surface meshing1c"); static int timer1d = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("STL surface meshing1d"); double h = mparam.maxh; mesh.FindOpenSegments(); NgArray<int> spiralps(0); spiralps.SetSize(0); for (int i = 1; i <= geom.GetNP(); i++) if (geom.GetSpiralPoint(i)) spiralps.Append(i); PrintMessage(7,"NO spiralpoints = ", spiralps.Size()); //int spfound; /* NgArray<int> meshsp(mesh.GetNP()); meshsp = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNP(); i++) for (int j = 1; j <= spiralps.Size(); j++) if (Dist2(geom.GetPoint(spiralps.Get(j)), mesh.Point(i)) < 1e-20) meshsp.Elem(i) = spiralps.Get(j); NgArray<PointIndex> imeshsp; for (int i = 1; i <= meshsp.Size(); i++) if (meshsp.Elem(i)) imeshsp.Append(i); */ NgArray<PointIndex> imeshsp; NgArray<int> ispiral_point; for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNP(); i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= spiralps.Size(); j++) if (Dist2(geom.GetPoint(spiralps.Get(j)), mesh.Point(i)) < 1e-20) { imeshsp.Append(i); ispiral_point.Append(spiralps.Get(j)); break; } } double starttime = GetTime (); mesh.SurfaceArea().ReCalc(); // int oldnp = mesh.GetNP(); NgArray<int,PointIndex::BASE> compress(mesh.GetNP()); compress = 0; NgArray<PointIndex> icompress; NgArray<int, 1> opensegsperface(mesh.GetNFD()); opensegsperface = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNOpenSegments(); i++) opensegsperface[mesh.GetOpenSegment(i).si]++; TABLE<int, 1> opensegments(mesh.GetNFD()); for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNOpenSegments(); i++) { const Segment & seg = mesh.GetOpenSegment (i); if (seg.si < 1 || seg.si > mesh.GetNFD()) cerr << "segment index " << seg.si << " out of range [1, " << mesh.GetNFD() << "]" << endl; opensegments.Add (seg.si, i); } for (int fnr = 1; fnr <= mesh.GetNFD(); fnr++) { if (!opensegsperface[fnr]) continue; if (multithread.terminate) return; NgProfiler::StartTimer (timer1); NgProfiler::StartTimer (timer1a); PrintMessage(5,"Meshing surface ", fnr, "/", mesh.GetNFD()); MeshingSTLSurface meshing (geom, mparam); meshing.SetStartTime (starttime); // compress = 0; icompress.SetSize(0); int cntused = 0; for (int i = 0; i < imeshsp.Size(); i++) { compress[imeshsp[i]] = ++cntused; icompress.Append(imeshsp[i]); } NgProfiler::StopTimer (timer1a); NgProfiler::StartTimer (timer1b); /* for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNOpenSegments(); i++) { const Segment & seg = mesh.GetOpenSegment (i); if (seg.si == fnr) for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) if (compress[seg[j]] == 0) { compress[seg[j]] = ++cntused; icompress.Append(seg[j]); } } */ NgFlatArray<int> segs = opensegments[fnr]; for (int hi = 0; hi < segs.Size(); hi++) { int i = segs[hi]; const Segment & seg = mesh.GetOpenSegment (i); for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) if (compress[seg[j]] == 0) { compress[seg[j]] = ++cntused; icompress.Append(seg[j]); } } NgProfiler::StopTimer (timer1b); NgProfiler::StartTimer (timer1c); for (int hi = 0; hi < icompress.Size(); hi++) { PointIndex pi = icompress[hi]; /* // int sppointnum = meshsp.Get(i); int sppointnum = 0; if (hi < ispiral_point.Size()) sppointnum = ispiral_point[hi]; if (sppointnum) { */ if (hi < ispiral_point.Size()) { int sppointnum = ispiral_point[hi]; MultiPointGeomInfo mgi; int ntrigs = geom.NOTrigsPerPoint(sppointnum); for (int j = 0; j < ntrigs; j++) { PointGeomInfo gi; gi.trignum = geom.TrigPerPoint(sppointnum, j+1); mgi.AddPointGeomInfo (gi); } // Einfuegen von ConePoint: Point bekommt alle // Dreiecke (werden dann intern kopiert) // Ein Segment zum ConePoint muss vorhanden sein !!! // meshing.AddPoint (mesh.Point(i), i, &mgi); meshing.AddPoint (mesh[pi], pi, &mgi); } else meshing.AddPoint (mesh[pi], pi); } NgProfiler::StopTimer (timer1c); NgProfiler::StartTimer (timer1d); /* for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNOpenSegments(); i++) { const Segment & seg = mesh.GetOpenSegment (i); if (seg.si == fnr) meshing.AddBoundaryElement (compress[seg[0]], compress[seg[1]], seg.geominfo[0], seg.geominfo[1]); } */ // NgFlatArray<int> segs = opensegments[fnr]; for (int hi = 0; hi < segs.Size(); hi++) { int i = segs[hi]; const Segment & seg = mesh.GetOpenSegment (i); meshing.AddBoundaryElement (compress[seg[0]], compress[seg[1]], seg.geominfo[0], seg.geominfo[1]); } NgProfiler::StopTimer (timer1d); NgProfiler::StopTimer (timer1); PrintMessage(3,"start meshing, trialcnt = ", retrynr); meshing.GenerateMesh (mesh, mparam, h, fnr); for (int i = 0; i < icompress.Size(); i++) compress[icompress[i]] = 0; mparam.Render(); } // NgProfiler::Print(stdout); mesh.CalcSurfacesOfNode(); } void STLSurfaceOptimization (STLGeometry & geom, Mesh & mesh, const MeshingParameters & mparam) { PrintFnStart("optimize STL Surface"); MeshOptimize2d optmesh(mesh); optmesh.SetFaceIndex (0); optmesh.SetImproveEdges (0); optmesh.SetMetricWeight (mparam.elsizeweight); PrintMessage(5,"optimize string = ", mparam.optimize2d, " elsizew = ", mparam.elsizeweight); for (int i = 1; i <= mparam.optsteps2d; i++) for (size_t j = 1; j <= mparam.optimize2d.length(); j++) { if (multithread.terminate) break; //(*testout) << "optimize, before, step = " << meshparam.optimize2d[j-1] << mesh.Point (3679) << endl; mesh.CalcSurfacesOfNode(); switch (mparam.optimize2d[j-1]) { case 's': { optmesh.EdgeSwapping(0); break; } case 'S': { optmesh.EdgeSwapping(1); break; } case 'm': { optmesh.ImproveMesh(mparam); break; } case 'c': { optmesh.CombineImprove(); break; } } // while(mesh.CheckOverlappingBoundary()) // { // for(const auto & el : mesh.SurfaceElements()) // { // if(el.BadElement()) // { // cout << "Restrict localh at el nr " << el << endl; // for(const auto& p : el.PNums()) // { // const auto& pnt = mesh[p]; // mesh.RestrictLocalH(pnt, 0.5*mesh.GetH(pnt)); // } // } // } // optmesh.SplitImprove(); // } //(*testout) << "optimize, after, step = " << meshparam.optimize2d[j-1] << mesh.Point (3679) << endl; } geom.surfaceoptimized = 1; mesh.Compress(); mesh.CalcSurfacesOfNode(); } MeshingSTLSurface :: MeshingSTLSurface (STLGeometry & ageom, const MeshingParameters & mp) : Meshing2(ageom, mp, ageom.GetBoundingBox()), geom(ageom) { ; } void MeshingSTLSurface :: DefineTransformation (const Point<3> & p1, const Point<3> & p2, const PointGeomInfo * geominfo, const PointGeomInfo * geominfo2) { transformationtrig = geominfo[0].trignum; geom.DefineTangentialPlane(p1, p2, transformationtrig); } void MeshingSTLSurface :: TransformToPlain (const Point<3> & locpoint, const MultiPointGeomInfo & gi, Point<2> & plainpoint, double h, int & zone) { int trigs[10000]; if (gi.GetNPGI() >= 9999) { PrintError("In Transform to plane: increase size of trigs!!!"); } for (int i = 1; i <= gi.GetNPGI(); i++) trigs[i-1] = gi.GetPGI(i).trignum; trigs[gi.GetNPGI()] = 0; // int trig = gi.trignum; // (*testout) << "locpoint = " << locpoint; geom.ToPlane (locpoint, trigs, plainpoint, h, zone, 1); // geom.ToPlane (locpoint, NULL, plainpoint, h, zone, 1); /* (*testout) << " plainpoint = " << plainpoint << " h = " << h << endl; */ } /* int MeshingSTLSurface :: ComputeLineGeoInfo (const Point3d & p1, const Point3d & p2, int & geoinfosize, void *& geoinfo) { static int geomtrig[2] = { 0, 0 }; Point3d hp; hp = p1; geomtrig[0] = geom.Project (hp); hp = p2; geomtrig[1] = geom.Project (hp); geoinfosize = sizeof (geomtrig); geoinfo = &geomtrig; if (geomtrig[0] == 0) { return 1; } return 0; } */ int MeshingSTLSurface :: ComputePointGeomInfo (const Point3d & p, PointGeomInfo & gi) { // compute triangle of point, // if non-unique: 0 Point<3> hp = p; gi.trignum = geom.Project (hp); if (!gi.trignum) { return 1; } return 0; } int MeshingSTLSurface :: ChooseChartPointGeomInfo (const MultiPointGeomInfo & mpgi, PointGeomInfo & pgi) { for (int i = 1; i <= mpgi.GetNPGI(); i++) if (geom.TrigIsInOC (mpgi.GetPGI(i).trignum, geom.meshchart)) { pgi = mpgi.GetPGI(i); return 0; } /* for (i = 0; i < mpgi.cnt; i++) { // (*testout) << "d" << endl; if (geom.TrigIsInOC (mpgi.mgi[i].trignum, geom.meshchart)) { pgi = mpgi.mgi[i]; return 0; } } */ PrintMessage(7,"INFORM: no gi on chart"); pgi.trignum = 1; return 1; } int MeshingSTLSurface :: IsLineVertexOnChart (const Point3d & p1, const Point3d & p2, int endpoint, const PointGeomInfo & gi) { int lineendtrig = gi.trignum; return geom.TrigIsInOC (lineendtrig, geom.meshchart); // Vec3d baselinenormal = geom.meshtrignv; // Vec3d linenormal = geom.GetTriangleNormal (lineendtrig); // return ( (baselinenormal * linenormal) > cos (30 * (M_PI/180)) ); } void MeshingSTLSurface :: GetChartBoundary (NgArray<Point<2>> & points, NgArray<Point<3>> & points3d, NgArray<INDEX_2> & lines, double h) const { points.SetSize (0); points3d.SetSize (0); lines.SetSize (0); geom.GetMeshChartBoundary (points, points3d, lines, h); } int MeshingSTLSurface :: TransformFromPlain (const Point<2> & plainpoint, Point<3> & locpoint, PointGeomInfo & gi, double h) { //return 0, wenn alles OK Point<3> hp3d; int res = geom.FromPlane (plainpoint, hp3d, h); locpoint = hp3d; ComputePointGeomInfo (locpoint, gi); return res; } int MeshingSTLSurface :: BelongsToActiveChart (const Point3d & p, const PointGeomInfo & gi) { return (geom.TrigIsInOC(gi.trignum, geom.meshchart) != 0); } double MeshingSTLSurface :: CalcLocalH (const Point<3> & p, double gh) const { return gh; } double MeshingSTLSurface :: Area () const { return geom.Area(); } }