README.txt: Togl This is a Togl 2.X binary distribution for both users and developers. It is specific to a particular operating system (e.g., Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, etc.). Since the C ABI should be same for all compilers on the same system, using Togl via the Tcl interface should work regardless of which compiler Tcl was compiled with. The files are named: ToglTOGL_VERSION-TCL_VERSION-OS.SUFFIX For example, TOGL_VERSION=2.0, TCL_VERSION=8.4, OS=Linux, and SUFFIX=.tar.gz gives: Togl2.0-8.4-Linux.tar.gz Togl is also available at: You can get any release of Togl from the file distributions link at the above URL. A copy of the online documentation is in the doc directory. For users: Only the lib/Togl2.X directory (and its contents) need to be installed in your Tcl library. Execute the following Tcl script to find the directories Tcl looks for packages in: puts $tcl_libPath and then copy the lib/Togl2.X directory into one of those directories. For developers: The lib/Togl2.X directory (and its contents) is all that needs to be redistributed in your application distribution. If you wish to link with Togl, then you will need the include files and a link library for your compiler. The compilers used are (OS- WINDOWING_SYSTEM): MacOSX: gcc 4.0.1, Mac OS X 10.4, ppc/i386 Linux: gcc 3.3.6, Red Hat 7.1, i386 Linux64: gcc 4.2.3 -Wl,--hash-style=both, Red Hat Server 5.1, x86_64 Windows: Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003, Windows XP SP2, i386 File hierarchy: README.txt this file bin/ unused (empty) lib/ Togl2.X/ Tcl package (place on Tcl's autopath) LICENSE redistribution license pkgIndex.tcl Tcl package index Togl2X.dll Windows Tcl package binary Toglstub2X.a Windows gcc/mingw link library Toglstub2X.lib Windows Visual Studio link library libToglstub2X.a UNIX (Linux, IRIX, etc.) link library include/ togl.h Main header file, includes others toglDecls.h API function declarations togl_ws.h Which windowing system togl was compiled with doc/ Documentation *.html Start with index.html The contents of the include and lib directories can be placed verbatim in the Tcl installataion hierarchy. Documentation is in the doc directory. Start with doc/index.html in your web browser.