#include <mystdlib.h> #include "meshing.hpp" // not yet working .... namespace netgen { class DelaunayTrig { PointIndex pnums[3]; Point<3> c; double r; double rad2; public: DelaunayTrig () { ; } DelaunayTrig (int p1, int p2, int p3) { pnums[0] = p1; pnums[1] = p2; pnums[2] = p3; } PointIndex & operator[] (int j) { return pnums[j]; } const PointIndex & operator[] (int j) const { return pnums[j]; } void CalcCenter (Mesh & mesh) { Point<3> p1 = mesh[pnums[0]]; Point<3> p2 = mesh[pnums[1]]; Point<3> p3 = mesh[pnums[2]]; Vec<3> v1 = p2-p1; Vec<3> v2 = p3-p1; Mat<2,2> mat, inv; mat(0,0) = v1*v1; mat(0,1) = v1*v2; mat(1,0) = v2*v1; mat(1,1) = v2*v2; Vec<2> rhs, sol; rhs(0) = 0.5 * v1*v1; rhs(1) = 0.5 * v2*v2; CalcInverse (mat, inv); sol = inv * rhs; c = p1 + sol(0) * v1 + sol(1) * v2; rad2 = Dist2(c, p1); r = sqrt(rad2); } Point<3> Center() const { return c; } double Radius2() const { return rad2; } Box<3> BoundingBox() const { return Box<3> (c-Vec<3>(r,r,0.1), c+Vec<3>(r,r,0.1)); } }; ostream & operator<< (ostream & ost, DelaunayTrig trig) { ost << trig[0] << "-" << trig[1] << "-" << trig[2] << endl; return ost; } void Meshing2 :: BlockFillLocalH (Mesh & mesh, const MeshingParameters & mp) { static int timer = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Meshing2::BlockFill"); static int timer1 = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Meshing2::BlockFill 1"); static int timer2 = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Meshing2::BlockFill 2"); static int timer3 = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Meshing2::BlockFill 3"); static int timer4 = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Meshing2::BlockFill 4"); NgProfiler::RegionTimer reg (timer); NgProfiler::StartTimer (timer1); double filldist = mp.filldist; cout << "blockfill local h" << endl; cout << "rel filldist = " << filldist << endl; PrintMessage (3, "blockfill local h"); NgArray<Point<3> > npoints; // adfront -> CreateTrees(); Box<3> bbox ( Box<3>::EMPTY_BOX ); double maxh = 0; for (int i = 0; i < adfront.GetNFL(); i++) { const FrontLine & line = adfront.GetLine (i); const Point<3> & p1 = adfront.GetPoint(line.L().I1()); const Point<3> & p2 = adfront.GetPoint(line.L().I2()); maxh = max (maxh, Dist (p1, p2)); bbox.Add (p1); bbox.Add (p2); } cout << "bbox = " << bbox << endl; // Point<3> mpc = bbox.Center(); bbox.Increase (bbox.Diam()/2); Box<3> meshbox = bbox; NgProfiler::StopTimer (timer1); NgProfiler::StartTimer (timer2); LocalH loch2 (bbox, 1, 2); if (mp.maxh < maxh) maxh = mp.maxh; bool changed; do { mesh.LocalHFunction().ClearFlags(); for (int i = 0; i < adfront.GetNFL(); i++) { const FrontLine & line = adfront.GetLine(i); Box<3> bbox (adfront.GetPoint (line.L().I1())); bbox.Add (adfront.GetPoint (line.L().I2())); double filld = filldist * bbox.Diam(); bbox.Increase (filld); mesh.LocalHFunction().CutBoundary (bbox); } mesh.LocalHFunction().FindInnerBoxes (&adfront, NULL); npoints.SetSize(0); mesh.LocalHFunction().GetInnerPoints (npoints); changed = false; for (int i = 0; i < npoints.Size(); i++) { if (mesh.LocalHFunction().GetH(npoints[i]) > 1.2 * maxh) { mesh.LocalHFunction().SetH (npoints[i], maxh); changed = true; } } } while (changed); NgProfiler::StopTimer (timer2); NgProfiler::StartTimer (timer3); if (debugparam.slowchecks) (*testout) << "Blockfill with points: " << endl; *testout << "loch = " << mesh.LocalHFunction() << endl; *testout << "npoints = " << endl << npoints << endl; for (int i = 1; i <= npoints.Size(); i++) { if (meshbox.IsIn (npoints.Get(i))) { PointIndex gpnum = mesh.AddPoint (npoints.Get(i)); adfront.AddPoint (npoints.Get(i), gpnum); if (debugparam.slowchecks) { (*testout) << npoints.Get(i) << endl; Point<2> p2d (npoints.Get(i)(0), npoints.Get(i)(1)); if (!adfront.Inside(p2d)) { cout << "add outside point" << endl; (*testout) << "outside" << endl; } } } } NgProfiler::StopTimer (timer3); NgProfiler::StartTimer (timer4); // find outer points loch2.ClearFlags(); for (int i = 0; i < adfront.GetNFL(); i++) { const FrontLine & line = adfront.GetLine(i); Box<3> bbox (adfront.GetPoint (line.L().I1())); bbox.Add (adfront.GetPoint (line.L().I2())); loch2.SetH (bbox.Center(), bbox.Diam()); } for (int i = 0; i < adfront.GetNFL(); i++) { const FrontLine & line = adfront.GetLine(i); Box<3> bbox (adfront.GetPoint (line.L().I1())); bbox.Add (adfront.GetPoint (line.L().I2())); bbox.Increase (filldist * bbox.Diam()); loch2.CutBoundary (bbox); } loch2.FindInnerBoxes (&adfront, NULL); // outer points : smooth mesh-grading npoints.SetSize(0); loch2.GetOuterPoints (npoints); for (int i = 1; i <= npoints.Size(); i++) { if (meshbox.IsIn (npoints.Get(i))) { PointIndex gpnum = mesh.AddPoint (npoints.Get(i)); adfront.AddPoint (npoints.Get(i), gpnum); } } NgProfiler::StopTimer (timer4); } void Meshing2 :: Delaunay (Mesh & mesh, int domainnr, const MeshingParameters & mp) { static int timer = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Meshing2::Delaunay - total"); static int timerstart = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Meshing2::Delaunay - start"); static int timerfinish = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Meshing2::Delaunay - finish"); static int timer1 = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Meshing2::Delaunay - incremental"); static int timer1a = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Meshing2::Delaunay - incremental a"); static int timer1b = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Meshing2::Delaunay - incremental b"); static int timer1c = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Meshing2::Delaunay - incremental c"); static int timer1d = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Meshing2::Delaunay - incremental d"); NgProfiler::RegionTimer reg (timer); cout << "2D Delaunay meshing (in progress)" << endl; BlockFillLocalH (mesh, mp); NgProfiler::StartTimer (timerstart); // do the delaunay // face bounding box: Box<3> bbox (Box<3>::EMPTY_BOX); for (int i = 0; i < adfront.GetNFL(); i++) { const FrontLine & line = adfront.GetLine(i); bbox.Add (Point<3> (adfront.GetPoint (line.L()[0]))); bbox.Add (Point<3> (adfront.GetPoint (line.L()[1]))); } for (int i = 0; i < mesh.LockedPoints().Size(); i++) bbox.Add (mesh.Point (mesh.LockedPoints()[i])); cout << "bbox = " << bbox << endl; // external point Vec<3> vdiag = bbox.PMax()-bbox.PMin(); auto old_points = mesh.Points().Range(); DelaunayTrig startel; startel[0] = mesh.AddPoint (bbox.PMin() + Vec<3> (-8*vdiag(0), -8*vdiag(1), 0)); startel[1] = mesh.AddPoint (bbox.PMin() + Vec<3> (+8*vdiag(0), -8*vdiag(1), 0)); startel[2] = mesh.AddPoint (bbox.PMin() + Vec<3> (0, 8*vdiag(1), 0)); Box<3> hbox; hbox.Set (mesh[startel[0]]); hbox.Add (mesh[startel[1]]); hbox.Add (mesh[startel[2]]); Point<3> hp = mesh[startel[0]]; hp(2) = 1; hbox.Add (hp); hp(2) = -1; hbox.Add (hp); BoxTree<3> searchtree(hbox); NgArray<DelaunayTrig> tempels; startel.CalcCenter (mesh); tempels.Append (startel); searchtree.Insert(startel.BoundingBox(), 0); NgArray<int> closeels; NgArray<int> intersecting; NgArray<INDEX_2> edges; // reorder points NgArray<PointIndex, PointIndex::BASE, PointIndex> mixed(old_points.Size()); int prims[] = { 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37 }; int prim; { int i = 0; while (old_points.Size() % prims[i] == 0) i++; prim = prims[i]; } for (PointIndex pi : old_points) mixed[pi] = PointIndex ( (prim * pi) % old_points.Size() + PointIndex::BASE ); NgProfiler::StopTimer (timerstart); NgProfiler::StartTimer (timer1); for (PointIndex i1 : old_points) { PointIndex i = mixed[i1]; NgProfiler::StartTimer (timer1a); Point<3> newp = mesh[i]; intersecting.SetSize(0); edges.SetSize(0); searchtree.GetIntersecting (newp, newp, closeels); // for (int jj = 0; jj < closeels.Size(); jj++) // for (int j = 0; j < tempels.Size(); j++) for (int j : closeels) { if (tempels[j][0] < 0) continue; Point<3> c = tempels[j].Center(); double r2 = tempels[j].Radius2(); bool inside = Dist2(mesh[i], c) < r2; if (inside) intersecting.Append (j); } NgProfiler::StopTimer (timer1a); NgProfiler::StartTimer (timer1b); // find outer edges for (auto j : intersecting) { const DelaunayTrig & trig = tempels[j]; for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { int p1 = trig[k]; int p2 = trig[(k+1)%3]; INDEX_2 edge(p1,p2); edge.Sort(); bool found = false; for (int l = 0; l < edges.Size(); l++) if (edges[l] == edge) { edges.Delete(l); found = true; break; } if (!found) edges.Append (edge); } } NgProfiler::StopTimer (timer1b); NgProfiler::StartTimer (timer1c); /* for (int j = intersecting.Size()-1; j >= 0; j--) tempels.Delete (intersecting[j]); */ for (int j : intersecting) { searchtree.DeleteElement (j); tempels[j][0] = -1; tempels[j][1] = -1; tempels[j][2] = -1; } NgProfiler::StopTimer (timer1c); NgProfiler::StartTimer (timer1d); for (auto edge : edges) { DelaunayTrig trig (edge[0], edge[1], i); trig.CalcCenter (mesh); tempels.Append (trig); searchtree.Insert(trig.BoundingBox(), tempels.Size()-1); } NgProfiler::StopTimer (timer1d); } NgProfiler::StopTimer (timer1); NgProfiler::StartTimer (timerfinish); for (DelaunayTrig & trig : tempels) { if (trig[0] < 0) continue; Point<3> c = Center (mesh[trig[0]], mesh[trig[1]], mesh[trig[2]]); if (!adfront.Inside (Point<2> (c(0),c(1)))) continue; Vec<3> n = Cross (mesh[trig[1]]-mesh[trig[0]], mesh[trig[2]]-mesh[trig[0]]); if (n(2) < 0) Swap (trig[1], trig[2]); Element2d el(trig[0], trig[1], trig[2]); el.SetIndex (domainnr); mesh.AddSurfaceElement (el); } for (PointIndex pi : mesh.Points().Range()) *testout << pi << ": " << mesh[pi].Type() << endl; NgProfiler::StopTimer (timerfinish); } }