#include <mystdlib.h> #include "meshing.hpp" namespace netgen { double minother; double minwithoutother; MeshingStat3d :: MeshingStat3d () { cntsucc = cnttrials = cntelem = qualclass = 0; vol0 = h = 1; problemindex = 1; } Meshing3 :: Meshing3 (const string & rulefilename) { tolfak = 1; LoadRules (rulefilename.c_str(), NULL); adfront = new AdFront3; problems.SetSize (rules.Size()); foundmap.SetSize (rules.Size()); canuse.SetSize (rules.Size()); ruleused.SetSize (rules.Size()); for (int i = 1; i <= rules.Size(); i++) { problems.Elem(i) = new char[255]; foundmap.Elem(i) = 0; canuse.Elem(i) = 0; ruleused.Elem(i) = 0; } } Meshing3 :: Meshing3 (const char ** rulep) { tolfak = 1; LoadRules (NULL, rulep); adfront = new AdFront3; problems.SetSize (rules.Size()); foundmap.SetSize (rules.Size()); canuse.SetSize (rules.Size()); ruleused.SetSize (rules.Size()); for (int i = 0; i < rules.Size(); i++) { problems[i] = new char[255]; foundmap[i] = 0; canuse[i] = 0; ruleused[i] = 0; } } Meshing3 :: ~Meshing3 () { delete adfront; for (int i = 0; i < rules.Size(); i++) { delete [] problems[i]; delete rules[i]; } } /* // was war das ???? static double CalcLocH (const NgArray<Point3d> & locpoints, const NgArray<MiniElement2d> & locfaces, double h) { return h; int i, j; double hi, h1, d, dn, sum, weight, wi; Point3d p0, pc; Vec3d n, v1, v2; p0.X() = p0.Y() = p0.Z() = 0; for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { p0.X() += locpoints.Get(locfaces.Get(1).PNum(j)).X(); p0.Y() += locpoints.Get(locfaces.Get(1).PNum(j)).Y(); p0.Z() += locpoints.Get(locfaces.Get(1).PNum(j)).Z(); } p0.X() /= 3; p0.Y() /= 3; p0.Z() /= 3; v1 = locpoints.Get(locfaces.Get(1).PNum(2)) - locpoints.Get(locfaces.Get(1).PNum(1)); v2 = locpoints.Get(locfaces.Get(1).PNum(3)) - locpoints.Get(locfaces.Get(1).PNum(1)); h1 = v1.Length(); n = Cross (v2, v1); n /= n.Length(); sum = 0; weight = 0; for(int i = 1; i <= locfaces.Size(); i++) { pc.X() = pc.Y() = pc.Z() = 0; for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { pc.X() += locpoints.Get(locfaces.Get(i).PNum(j)).X(); pc.Y() += locpoints.Get(locfaces.Get(i).PNum(j)).Y(); pc.Z() += locpoints.Get(locfaces.Get(i).PNum(j)).Z(); } pc.X() /= 3; pc.Y() /= 3; pc.Z() /= 3; d = Dist (p0, pc); dn = n * (pc - p0); hi = Dist (locpoints.Get(locfaces.Get(i).PNum(1)), locpoints.Get(locfaces.Get(i).PNum(2))); if (dn > -0.2 * h1) { wi = 1 / (h1 + d); wi *= wi; } else wi = 0; sum += hi * wi; weight += wi; } return sum/weight; } */ PointIndex Meshing3 :: AddPoint (const Point3d & p, PointIndex globind) { return adfront -> AddPoint (p, globind); } void Meshing3 :: AddBoundaryElement (const Element2d & elem) { MiniElement2d mini(elem.GetNP()); for (int j = 0; j < elem.GetNP(); j++) mini[j] = elem[j]; adfront -> AddFace(mini); } void Meshing3 :: AddBoundaryElement (const MiniElement2d & elem) { adfront -> AddFace(elem); } int Meshing3 :: AddConnectedPair (const INDEX_2 & apair) { return adfront -> AddConnectedPair (apair); } MESHING3_RESULT Meshing3 :: GenerateMesh (Mesh & mesh, const MeshingParameters & mp) { static Timer t("Meshing3::GenerateMesh"); RegionTimer reg(t); // static Timer meshing3_timer_a("Meshing3::GenerateMesh a", 2); // static Timer meshing3_timer_b("Meshing3::GenerateMesh b", 2); // static Timer meshing3_timer_c("Meshing3::GenerateMesh c", 1); // static Timer meshing3_timer_d("Meshing3::GenerateMesh d", 2); // static int meshing3_timer = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Meshing3::GenerateMesh"); // static int meshing3_timer_a = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Meshing3::GenerateMesh a"); // static int meshing3_timer_b = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Meshing3::GenerateMesh b"); // static int meshing3_timer_c = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Meshing3::GenerateMesh c"); // static int meshing3_timer_d = NgProfiler::CreateTimer ("Meshing3::GenerateMesh d"); // NgProfiler::RegionTimer reg (meshing3_timer); NgArray<Point3d, PointIndex::BASE> locpoints; // local points NgArray<MiniElement2d> locfaces; // local faces NgArray<PointIndex, PointIndex::BASE> pindex; // mapping from local to front point numbering NgArray<int, PointIndex::BASE> allowpoint; // point is allowed ? NgArray<INDEX> findex; // mapping from local to front face numbering //INDEX_2_HASHTABLE<int> connectedpairs(100); // connecgted pairs for prism meshing NgArray<Point3d, PointIndex::BASE> plainpoints; // points in reference coordinates NgArray<int> delpoints, delfaces; // points and lines to be deleted NgArray<Element> locelements; // new generated elements int j, oldnp, oldnf; int found; referencetransform trans; int rotind; Point3d inp; float err; INDEX locfacesplit; //index for faces in outer area bool loktestmode = false; int uselocalh = mp.uselocalh; // int giveuptol = mp.giveuptol; // MeshingStat3d stat; // statistics int plotstat_oldne = -1; // for star-shaped domain meshing NgArray<MeshPoint, PointIndex::BASE> grouppoints; NgArray<MiniElement2d> groupfaces; NgArray<PointIndex, PointIndex::BASE> grouppindex; NgArray<INDEX> groupfindex; float minerr; int hasfound; double tetvol; // int giveup = 0; NgArray<Point3d> tempnewpoints; NgArray<MiniElement2d> tempnewfaces; NgArray<int> tempdelfaces; NgArray<Element> templocelements; stat.h = mp.maxh; adfront->SetStartFront (mp.baseelnp); found = 0; stat.vol0 = adfront -> Volume(); tetvol = 0; stat.qualclass = 1; while (1) { if (multithread.terminate) throw NgException ("Meshing stopped"); // break if advancing front is empty if (!mp.baseelnp && adfront->Empty()) break; // break, if advancing front has no elements with // mp.baseelnp nodes if (mp.baseelnp && adfront->Empty (mp.baseelnp)) break; locpoints.SetSize(0); locfaces.SetSize(0); locelements.SetSize(0); pindex.SetSize(0); findex.SetSize(0); INDEX_2_HASHTABLE<int> connectedpairs(100); // connected pairs for prism meshing // select base-element (will be locface[1]) // and get local environment of radius (safety * h) int baseelem = adfront -> SelectBaseElement (); if (mp.baseelnp && adfront->GetFace (baseelem).GetNP() != mp.baseelnp) { adfront->IncrementClass (baseelem); continue; } const MiniElement2d & bel = adfront->GetFace (baseelem); const Point<3> p1 = adfront->GetPoint (bel[0]); const Point<3> p2 = adfront->GetPoint (bel[1]); const Point<3> p3 = adfront->GetPoint (bel[2]); Point<3> pmid = Center (p1, p2, p3); double his = (Dist (p1, p2) + Dist(p1, p3) + Dist(p2, p3)) / 3; double hshould = mesh.GetH (pmid); if (adfront->GetFace (baseelem).GetNP() == 4) hshould = max2 (his, hshould); double hmax = (his > hshould) ? his : hshould; // qualclass should come from baseelem !!!!! double hinner = hmax * (1 + stat.qualclass); double houter = hmax * (1 + 2 * stat.qualclass); // meshing3_timer_a.Start(); stat.qualclass = adfront -> GetLocals (baseelem, locpoints, locfaces, pindex, findex, connectedpairs, houter, hinner, locfacesplit); // meshing3_timer_a.Stop(); // (*testout) << "locfaces = " << endl << locfaces << endl; //loktestmode = 1; testmode = loktestmode; //changed // loktestmode = testmode = (adfront->GetFace (baseelem).GetNP() == 4) && (rules.Size() == 5); loktestmode = stat.qualclass > 5; if (loktestmode) { (*testout) << "baseel = " << baseelem << ", ind = " << findex.Get(1) << endl; int pi1 = pindex[locfaces[0].PNum(1)]; int pi2 = pindex[locfaces[0].PNum(2)]; int pi3 = pindex[locfaces[0].PNum(3)]; (*testout) << "pi = " << pi1 << ", " << pi2 << ", " << pi3 << endl; } if (testmode) { (*testout) << "baseelem = " << baseelem << " qualclass = " << stat.qualclass << endl; (*testout) << "locpoints = " << endl << locpoints << endl; (*testout) << "connected = " << endl << connectedpairs << endl; } // loch = CalcLocH (locpoints, locfaces, h); stat.nff = adfront->GetNF(); stat.vol = adfront->Volume(); if (stat.vol < 0) break; oldnp = locpoints.Size(); oldnf = locfaces.Size(); allowpoint.SetSize(locpoints.Size()); if (uselocalh && stat.qualclass <= 3) for(int i = 1; i <= allowpoint.Size(); i++) { allowpoint.Elem(i) = (mesh.GetH (locpoints.Get(i)) > 0.4 * hshould / mp.sloppy) ? 2 : 1; } else allowpoint = 2; if (stat.qualclass >= mp.starshapeclass && mp.baseelnp != 4) { // NgProfiler::RegionTimer reg1 (meshing3_timer_b); // star-shaped domain removing grouppoints.SetSize (0); groupfaces.SetSize (0); grouppindex.SetSize (0); groupfindex.SetSize (0); adfront -> GetGroup (findex[0], grouppoints, groupfaces, grouppindex, groupfindex); bool onlytri = 1; for (auto i : groupfaces.Range()) if (groupfaces[i].GetNP() != 3) onlytri = 0; if (onlytri && groupfaces.Size() <= 20 + 2*stat.qualclass && FindInnerPoint (grouppoints, groupfaces, inp)) { (*testout) << "inner point found" << endl; for(int i = 1; i <= groupfaces.Size(); i++) adfront -> DeleteFace (groupfindex.Get(i)); for(int i = 1; i <= groupfaces.Size(); i++) for (j = 1; j <= locfaces.Size(); j++) if (findex.Get(j) == groupfindex.Get(i)) delfaces.Append (j); delfaces.SetSize (0); INDEX npi; Element newel(TET); npi = mesh.AddPoint (inp); newel.SetNP(4); newel.PNum(4) = npi; for(int i = 1; i <= groupfaces.Size(); i++) { for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { newel.PNum(j) = adfront->GetGlobalIndex (grouppindex.Get(groupfaces.Get(i).PNum(j))); } mesh.AddVolumeElement (newel); } continue; } } found = 0; hasfound = 0; minerr = 1e6; // int optother = 0; /* for(int i = 1; i <= locfaces.Size(); i++) { (*testout) << "Face " << i << ": "; for (j = 1; j <= locfaces.Get(i).GetNP(); j++) (*testout) << pindex.Get(locfaces.Get(i).PNum(j)) << " "; (*testout) << endl; } for(int i = 1; i <= locpoints.Size(); i++) { (*testout) << "p" << i << ", gi = " << pindex.Get(i) << " = " << locpoints.Get(i) << endl; } */ minother = 1e10; minwithoutother = 1e10; bool impossible = 1; for (rotind = 1; rotind <= locfaces[0].GetNP(); rotind++) { // set transformatino to reference coordinates if (locfaces[0].GetNP() == 3) { trans.Set (locpoints[locfaces[0].PNumMod(1+rotind)], locpoints[locfaces[0].PNumMod(2+rotind)], locpoints[locfaces[0].PNumMod(3+rotind)], hshould); } else { trans.Set (locpoints[locfaces[0].PNumMod(1+rotind)], locpoints[locfaces[0].PNumMod(2+rotind)], locpoints[locfaces[0].PNumMod(4+rotind)], hshould); } // trans.ToPlain (locpoints, plainpoints); plainpoints.SetSize (locpoints.Size()); for (auto i : locpoints.Range()) trans.ToPlain (locpoints[i], plainpoints[i]); for (auto i : allowpoint.Range()) if (plainpoints[i].Z() > 0) allowpoint[i] = false; stat.cnttrials++; if (stat.cnttrials % 100 == 0) { (*testout) << "\n"; for(int i = 1; i <= canuse.Size(); i++) { (*testout) << foundmap.Get(i) << "/" << canuse.Get(i) << "/" << ruleused.Get(i) << " map/can/use rule " << rules.Get(i)->Name() << "\n"; } (*testout) << endl; } // NgProfiler::StartTimer (meshing3_timer_c); // meshing3_timer_c.Start(); found = ApplyRules (plainpoints, allowpoint, locfaces, locfacesplit, connectedpairs, locelements, delfaces, stat.qualclass, mp.sloppy, rotind, err); if (found >= 0) impossible = 0; if (found < 0) found = 0; // meshing3_timer_c.Stop(); // NgProfiler::StopTimer (meshing3_timer_c); if (!found) loktestmode = 0; // NgProfiler::RegionTimer reg2 (meshing3_timer_d); if (loktestmode) { (*testout) << "plainpoints = " << endl << plainpoints << endl; (*testout) << "Applyrules found " << found << endl; } if (found) stat.cntsucc++; locpoints.SetSize (plainpoints.Size()); for (int i = oldnp+1; i <= plainpoints.Size(); i++) trans.FromPlain (plainpoints.Elem(i), locpoints.Elem(i)); // avoid meshing from large to small mesh-size if (uselocalh && found && stat.qualclass <= 3) { for (int i = 1; i <= locelements.Size(); i++) { Point3d pmin = locpoints[locelements.Get(i).PNum(1)]; Point3d pmax = pmin; for (j = 2; j <= 4; j++) { const Point3d & hp = locpoints[locelements.Get(i).PNum(j)]; pmin.SetToMin (hp); pmax.SetToMax (hp); } if (mesh.GetMinH (pmin, pmax) < 0.4 * hshould / mp.sloppy) found = 0; } } if (found) { for (int i = 1; i <= locelements.Size(); i++) for (int j = 1; j <= 4; j++) { const Point3d & hp = locpoints[locelements.Get(i).PNum(j)]; if (Dist (hp, pmid) > hinner) found = 0; } } if (found) ruleused.Elem(found)++; // plotstat->Plot(stat); if (stat.cntelem != plotstat_oldne) { plotstat_oldne = stat.cntelem; PrintMessageCR (5, "El: ", stat.cntelem, // << " trials: " << stat.cnttrials " faces: ", stat.nff, " vol = ", float(100 * stat.vol / stat.vol0)); multithread.percent = 100 - 100.0 * stat.vol / stat.vol0; } if (found && (!hasfound || err < minerr) ) { if (testmode) { (*testout) << "found is active, 3" << endl; for(int i = 1; i <= plainpoints.Size(); i++) { (*testout) << "p"; if (i <= pindex.Size()) (*testout) << pindex.Get(i) << ": "; else (*testout) << "new: "; (*testout) << plainpoints.Get(i) << endl; } } hasfound = found; minerr = err; tempnewpoints.SetSize (0); for(int i = oldnp+1; i <= locpoints.Size(); i++) tempnewpoints.Append (locpoints.Get(i)); tempnewfaces.SetSize (0); for(int i = oldnf+1; i <= locfaces.Size(); i++) tempnewfaces.Append (locfaces.Get(i)); tempdelfaces.SetSize (0); for(int i = 1; i <= delfaces.Size(); i++) tempdelfaces.Append (delfaces.Get(i)); templocelements.SetSize (0); for(int i = 1; i <= locelements.Size(); i++) templocelements.Append (locelements.Get(i)); /* optother = strcmp (problems[found], "other") == 0; */ } locpoints.SetSize (oldnp); locfaces.SetSize (oldnf); delfaces.SetSize (0); locelements.SetSize (0); } if (hasfound) { /* if (optother) (*testout) << "Other is optimal" << endl; if (minother < minwithoutother) { (*testout) << "Other is better, " << minother << " less " << minwithoutother << endl; } */ for(int i = 1; i <= tempnewpoints.Size(); i++) locpoints.Append (tempnewpoints.Get(i)); for(int i = 1; i <= tempnewfaces.Size(); i++) locfaces.Append (tempnewfaces.Get(i)); for(int i = 1; i <= tempdelfaces.Size(); i++) delfaces.Append (tempdelfaces.Get(i)); for(int i = 1; i <= templocelements.Size(); i++) locelements.Append (templocelements.Get(i)); if (loktestmode) { (*testout) << "apply rule" << endl; for(int i = 1; i <= locpoints.Size(); i++) { (*testout) << "p"; if (i <= pindex.Size()) (*testout) << pindex.Get(i) << ": "; else (*testout) << "new: "; (*testout) << locpoints.Get(i) << endl; } } pindex.SetSize(locpoints.Size()); for (int i = oldnp+1; i <= locpoints.Size(); i++) { PointIndex globind = mesh.AddPoint (locpoints.Get(i)); pindex.Elem(i) = adfront -> AddPoint (locpoints.Get(i), globind); } for (int i = 1; i <= locelements.Size(); i++) { Point3d * hp1, * hp2, * hp3, * hp4; hp1 = &locpoints[locelements.Get(i).PNum(1)]; hp2 = &locpoints[locelements.Get(i).PNum(2)]; hp3 = &locpoints[locelements.Get(i).PNum(3)]; hp4 = &locpoints[locelements.Get(i).PNum(4)]; tetvol += (1.0 / 6.0) * ( Cross ( *hp2 - *hp1, *hp3 - *hp1) * (*hp4 - *hp1) ); for (j = 1; j <= locelements.Get(i).NP(); j++) locelements.Elem(i).PNum(j) = adfront -> GetGlobalIndex (pindex[locelements.Get(i).PNum(j)]); mesh.AddVolumeElement (locelements.Get(i)); stat.cntelem++; } for(int i = oldnf+1; i <= locfaces.Size(); i++) { for (j = 1; j <= locfaces.Get(i).GetNP(); j++) locfaces.Elem(i).PNum(j) = pindex[locfaces.Get(i).PNum(j)]; // (*testout) << "add face " << locfaces.Get(i) << endl; adfront->AddFace (locfaces.Get(i)); } for(int i = 1; i <= delfaces.Size(); i++) adfront->DeleteFace (findex.Get(delfaces.Get(i))); } else { adfront->IncrementClass (findex.Get(1)); if (impossible && mp.check_impossible) { (*testout) << "skip face since it is impossible" << endl; for (j = 0; j < 100; j++) adfront->IncrementClass (findex.Get(1)); } } locelements.SetSize (0); delpoints.SetSize(0); delfaces.SetSize(0); if (stat.qualclass >= mp.giveuptol) break; } PrintMessage (5, ""); // line feed after statistics for(int i = 1; i <= ruleused.Size(); i++) (*testout) << setw(4) << ruleused.Get(i) << " times used rule " << rules.Get(i) -> Name() << endl; if (!mp.baseelnp && adfront->Empty()) return MESHING3_OK; if (mp.baseelnp && adfront->Empty (mp.baseelnp)) return MESHING3_OK; if (stat.vol < -1e-15) return MESHING3_NEGVOL; return MESHING3_NEGVOL; } enum blocktyp { BLOCKUNDEF, BLOCKINNER, BLOCKBOUND, BLOCKOUTER }; void Meshing3 :: BlockFill (Mesh & mesh, double gh) { static Timer t("Mesing3::BlockFill"); RegionTimer reg(t); PrintMessage (3, "Block-filling called (obsolete) "); int i, j(0), i1, i2, i3, j1, j2, j3; int n1, n2, n3, n, min1, min2, min3, max1, max2, max3; int changed, filled; double xmin(0), xmax(0), ymin(0), ymax(0), zmin(0), zmax(0); double xminb, xmaxb, yminb, ymaxb, zminb, zmaxb; //double rad = 0.7 * gh; for(int i = 1; i <= adfront->GetNP(); i++) { const Point3d & p = adfront->GetPoint(PointIndex(i)); if (i == 1) { xmin = xmax = p.X(); ymin = ymax = p.Y(); zmin = zmax = p.Z(); } else { if (p.X() < xmin) xmin = p.X(); if (p.X() > xmax) xmax = p.X(); if (p.Y() < ymin) ymin = p.Y(); if (p.Y() > ymax) ymax = p.Y(); if (p.Z() < zmin) zmin = p.Z(); if (p.Z() > zmax) zmax = p.Z(); } } xmin -= 5 * gh; ymin -= 5 * gh; zmin -= 5 * gh; n1 = int ((xmax-xmin) / gh + 5); n2 = int ((ymax-ymin) / gh + 5); n3 = int ((zmax-zmin) / gh + 5); n = n1 * n2 * n3; PrintMessage (5, "n1 = ", n1, " n2 = ", n2, " n3 = ", n3); NgArray<blocktyp> inner(n); NgArray<PointIndex> pointnr(n); NgArray<int> frontpointnr(n); // initialize inner to 1 for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) inner.Elem(i) = BLOCKUNDEF; // set blocks cutting surfaces to 0 for(int i = 1; i <= adfront->GetNF(); i++) { const MiniElement2d & el = adfront->GetFace(i); xminb = xmax; xmaxb = xmin; yminb = ymax; ymaxb = ymin; zminb = zmax; zmaxb = zmin; for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { const Point3d & p = adfront->GetPoint (el.PNum(j)); if (p.X() < xminb) xminb = p.X(); if (p.X() > xmaxb) xmaxb = p.X(); if (p.Y() < yminb) yminb = p.Y(); if (p.Y() > ymaxb) ymaxb = p.Y(); if (p.Z() < zminb) zminb = p.Z(); if (p.Z() > zmaxb) zmaxb = p.Z(); } double filldist = 0.2; // globflags.GetNumFlag ("filldist", 0.4); xminb -= filldist * gh; xmaxb += filldist * gh; yminb -= filldist * gh; ymaxb += filldist * gh; zminb -= filldist * gh; zmaxb += filldist * gh; min1 = int ((xminb - xmin) / gh) + 1; max1 = int ((xmaxb - xmin) / gh) + 1; min2 = int ((yminb - ymin) / gh) + 1; max2 = int ((ymaxb - ymin) / gh) + 1; min3 = int ((zminb - zmin) / gh) + 1; max3 = int ((zmaxb - zmin) / gh) + 1; for (i1 = min1; i1 <= max1; i1++) for (i2 = min2; i2 <= max2; i2++) for (i3 = min3; i3 <= max3; i3++) inner.Elem(i3 + (i2-1) * n3 + (i1-1) * n2 * n3) = BLOCKBOUND; } while (1) { int undefi = 0; Point3d undefp; for (i1 = 1; i1 <= n1 && !undefi; i1++) for (i2 = 1; i2 <= n2 && !undefi; i2++) for (i3 = 1; i3 <= n3 && !undefi; i3++) { i = i3 + (i2-1) * n3 + (i1-1) * n2 * n3; if (inner.Elem(i) == BLOCKUNDEF) { undefi = i; undefp.X() = xmin + (i1-0.5) * gh; undefp.Y() = ymin + (i2-0.5) * gh; undefp.Z() = zmin + (i3-0.5) * gh; } } if (!undefi) break; // PrintMessage (5, "Test point: ", undefp); if (adfront -> Inside (undefp)) { // (*mycout) << "inner" << endl; inner.Elem(undefi) = BLOCKINNER; } else { // (*mycout) << "outer" << endl; inner.Elem(undefi) = BLOCKOUTER; } do { changed = 0; for (i1 = 1; i1 <= n1; i1++) for (i2 = 1; i2 <= n2; i2++) for (i3 = 1; i3 <= n3; i3++) { i = i3 + (i2-1) * n3 + (i1-1) * n2 * n3; for (int k = 1; k <= 3; k++) { switch (k) { case 1: j = i + n2 * n3; break; case 2: j = i + n3; break; case 3: j = i + 1; break; } if (j > n1 * n2 * n3) continue; if (inner.Elem(i) == BLOCKOUTER && inner.Elem(j) == BLOCKUNDEF) { changed = 1; inner.Elem(j) = BLOCKOUTER; } if (inner.Elem(j) == BLOCKOUTER && inner.Elem(i) == BLOCKUNDEF) { changed = 1; inner.Elem(i) = BLOCKOUTER; } if (inner.Elem(i) == BLOCKINNER && inner.Elem(j) == BLOCKUNDEF) { changed = 1; inner.Elem(j) = BLOCKINNER; } if (inner.Elem(j) == BLOCKINNER && inner.Elem(i) == BLOCKUNDEF) { changed = 1; inner.Elem(i) = BLOCKINNER; } } } } while (changed); } filled = 0; for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) if (inner.Elem(i) == BLOCKINNER) { filled++; } PrintMessage (5, "Filled blocks: ", filled); for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { pointnr.Elem(i) = 0; frontpointnr.Elem(i) = 0; } for (i1 = 1; i1 <= n1-1; i1++) for (i2 = 1; i2 <= n2-1; i2++) for (i3 = 1; i3 <= n3-1; i3++) { i = i3 + (i2-1) * n3 + (i1-1) * n2 * n3; if (inner.Elem(i) == BLOCKINNER) { for (j1 = i1; j1 <= i1+1; j1++) for (j2 = i2; j2 <= i2+1; j2++) for (j3 = i3; j3 <= i3+1; j3++) { j = j3 + (j2-1) * n3 + (j1-1) * n2 * n3; if (pointnr.Get(j) == 0) { Point3d hp(xmin + (j1-1) * gh, ymin + (j2-1) * gh, zmin + (j3-1) * gh); pointnr.Elem(j) = mesh.AddPoint (hp); frontpointnr.Elem(j) = AddPoint (hp, pointnr.Elem(j)); } } } } for (i1 = 2; i1 <= n1-1; i1++) for (i2 = 2; i2 <= n2-1; i2++) for (i3 = 2; i3 <= n3-1; i3++) { i = i3 + (i2-1) * n3 + (i1-1) * n2 * n3; if (inner.Elem(i) == BLOCKINNER) { int pn[9]; pn[1] = pointnr.Get(i); pn[2] = pointnr.Get(i+1); pn[3] = pointnr.Get(i+n3); pn[4] = pointnr.Get(i+n3+1); pn[5] = pointnr.Get(i+n2*n3); pn[6] = pointnr.Get(i+n2*n3+1); pn[7] = pointnr.Get(i+n2*n3+n3); pn[8] = pointnr.Get(i+n2*n3+n3+1); static int elind[][4] = { { 1, 8, 2, 4 }, { 1, 8, 4, 3 }, { 1, 8, 3, 7 }, { 1, 8, 7, 5 }, { 1, 8, 5, 6 }, { 1, 8, 6, 2 } }; for (j = 1; j <= 6; j++) { Element el(4); for (int k = 1; k <= 4; k++) el.PNum(k) = pn[elind[j-1][k-1]]; mesh.AddVolumeElement (el); } } } for (i1 = 2; i1 <= n1-1; i1++) for (i2 = 2; i2 <= n2-1; i2++) for (i3 = 2; i3 <= n3-1; i3++) { i = i3 + (i2-1) * n3 + (i1-1) * n2 * n3; if (inner.Elem(i) == BLOCKINNER) { int pi1(0), pi2(0), pi3(0), pi4(0); int pn1 = frontpointnr.Get(i); int pn2 = frontpointnr.Get(i+1); int pn3 = frontpointnr.Get(i+n3); int pn4 = frontpointnr.Get(i+n3+1); int pn5 = frontpointnr.Get(i+n2*n3); int pn6 = frontpointnr.Get(i+n2*n3+1); int pn7 = frontpointnr.Get(i+n2*n3+n3); int pn8 = frontpointnr.Get(i+n2*n3+n3+1); for (int k = 1; k <= 6; k++) { switch (k) { case 1: // j3 = i3+1 j = i + 1; pi1 = pn2; pi2 = pn6; pi3 = pn4; pi4 = pn8; break; case 2: // j3 = i3-1 j = i - 1; pi1 = pn1; pi2 = pn3; pi3 = pn5; pi4 = pn7; break; case 3: // j2 = i2+1 j = i + n3; pi1 = pn3; pi2 = pn4; pi3 = pn7; pi4 = pn8; break; case 4: // j2 = i2-1 j = i - n3; pi1 = pn1; pi2 = pn5; pi3 = pn2; pi4 = pn6; break; case 5: // j1 = i1+1 j = i + n3*n2; pi1 = pn5; pi2 = pn7; pi3 = pn6; pi4 = pn8; break; case 6: // j1 = i1-1 j = i - n3*n2; pi1 = pn1; pi2 = pn2; pi3 = pn3; pi4 = pn4; break; } if (inner.Get(j) == BLOCKBOUND) { MiniElement2d face; face.PNum(1) = pi4; face.PNum(2) = pi1; face.PNum(3) = pi3; AddBoundaryElement (face); face.PNum(1) = pi1; face.PNum(2) = pi4; face.PNum(3) = pi2; AddBoundaryElement (face); } } } } } /* static const AdFront3 * locadfront; static int TestInner (const Point3d & p) { return locadfront->Inside (p); } static int TestSameSide (const Point3d & p1, const Point3d & p2) { return locadfront->SameSide (p1, p2); } */ void Meshing3 :: BlockFillLocalH (Mesh & mesh, const MeshingParameters & mp) { static Timer t("Mesing3::BlockFillLocalH"); RegionTimer reg(t); double filldist = mp.filldist; // (*testout) << "blockfill local h" << endl; // (*testout) << "rel filldist = " << filldist << endl; PrintMessage (3, "blockfill local h"); NgArray<Point<3> > npoints; adfront -> CreateTrees(); Box<3> bbox ( Box<3>::EMPTY_BOX ); double maxh = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= adfront->GetNF(); i++) { const MiniElement2d & el = adfront->GetFace(i); for (int j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { const Point3d & p1 = adfront->GetPoint (el.PNumMod(j)); const Point3d & p2 = adfront->GetPoint (el.PNumMod(j+1)); double hi = Dist (p1, p2); if (hi > maxh) maxh = hi; bbox.Add (p1); } } Point3d mpmin = bbox.PMin(); Point3d mpmax = bbox.PMax(); Point3d mpc = Center (mpmin, mpmax); double d = max3(mpmax.X()-mpmin.X(), mpmax.Y()-mpmin.Y(), mpmax.Z()-mpmin.Z()) / 2; mpmin = mpc - Vec3d (d, d, d); mpmax = mpc + Vec3d (d, d, d); Box3d meshbox (mpmin, mpmax); LocalH loch2 (mpmin, mpmax, 1); if (mp.maxh < maxh) maxh = mp.maxh; bool changed; do { mesh.LocalHFunction().ClearFlags(); for (int i = 1; i <= adfront->GetNF(); i++) { const MiniElement2d & el = adfront->GetFace(i); Box<3> bbox (adfront->GetPoint (el[0])); bbox.Add (adfront->GetPoint (el[1])); bbox.Add (adfront->GetPoint (el[2])); double filld = filldist * bbox.Diam(); bbox.Increase (filld); mesh.LocalHFunction().CutBoundary (bbox); // .PMin(), bbox.PMax()); } // locadfront = adfront; mesh.LocalHFunction().FindInnerBoxes (adfront, NULL); npoints.SetSize(0); mesh.LocalHFunction().GetInnerPoints (npoints); changed = false; for (int i = 1; i <= npoints.Size(); i++) { if (mesh.LocalHFunction().GetH(npoints.Get(i)) > 1.5 * maxh) { mesh.LocalHFunction().SetH (npoints.Get(i), maxh); changed = true; } } } while (changed); if (debugparam.slowchecks) (*testout) << "Blockfill with points: " << endl; for (int i = 1; i <= npoints.Size(); i++) { if (meshbox.IsIn (npoints.Get(i))) { PointIndex gpnum = mesh.AddPoint (npoints.Get(i)); adfront->AddPoint (npoints.Get(i), gpnum); if (debugparam.slowchecks) { (*testout) << npoints.Get(i) << endl; if (!adfront->Inside(npoints.Get(i))) { cout << "add outside point" << endl; (*testout) << "outside" << endl; } } } } // find outer points loch2.ClearFlags(); for (int i = 1; i <= adfront->GetNF(); i++) { const MiniElement2d & el = adfront->GetFace(i); Point3d pmin = adfront->GetPoint (el.PNum(1)); Point3d pmax = pmin; for (int j = 2; j <= 3; j++) { const Point3d & p = adfront->GetPoint (el.PNum(j)); pmin.SetToMin (p); pmax.SetToMax (p); } loch2.SetH (Center (pmin, pmax), Dist (pmin, pmax)); } for (int i = 1; i <= adfront->GetNF(); i++) { const MiniElement2d & el = adfront->GetFace(i); Point3d pmin = adfront->GetPoint (el.PNum(1)); Point3d pmax = pmin; for (int j = 2; j <= 3; j++) { const Point3d & p = adfront->GetPoint (el.PNum(j)); pmin.SetToMin (p); pmax.SetToMax (p); } double filld = filldist * Dist (pmin, pmax); pmin = pmin - Vec3d (filld, filld, filld); pmax = pmax + Vec3d (filld, filld, filld); // loch2.CutBoundary (pmin, pmax); loch2.CutBoundary (Box<3> (pmin, pmax)); // pmin, pmax); } // locadfront = adfront; loch2.FindInnerBoxes (adfront, NULL); npoints.SetSize(0); loch2.GetOuterPoints (npoints); for (int i = 1; i <= npoints.Size(); i++) { if (meshbox.IsIn (npoints.Get(i))) { PointIndex gpnum = mesh.AddPoint (npoints.Get(i)); adfront->AddPoint (npoints.Get(i), gpnum); } } } }