#include <meshing.hpp> #include <core/register_archive.hpp> #include "stlgeom.hpp" namespace netgen { //globalen searchtree fuer gesamte geometry aktivieren int geomsearchtreeon = 0; int usechartnormal = 1; //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ void STLMeshing (STLGeometry & geom, Mesh & mesh, const MeshingParameters& mparam, const STLParameters& stlpar) { geom.Clear(); geom.BuildEdges(stlpar); geom.MakeAtlas(mesh, mparam, stlpar); if (multithread.terminate) { return; } geom.CalcFaceNums(); geom.AddFaceEdges(); geom.LinkEdges(stlpar); mesh.ClearFaceDescriptors(); for (int i = 1; i <= geom.GetNOFaces(); i++) mesh.AddFaceDescriptor (FaceDescriptor (i, 1, 0, 0)); } //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ //+++++++++++++++++++ STL GEOMETRY ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ STLGeometry :: STLGeometry() /* : edges(), edgesperpoint(), normals(), externaledges(), atlas(), chartmark(), lines(), outerchartspertrig(), vicinity(), markedtrigs(), markedsegs(), lineendpoints(), spiralpoints(), selectedmultiedge() */ { edgedata = make_unique<STLEdgeDataList>(*this); externaledges.SetSize(0); Clear(); meshchart = 0; // initialize all ?? JS if (geomsearchtreeon) searchtree = new BoxTree<3> (GetBoundingBox().PMin() - Vec3d(1,1,1), GetBoundingBox().PMax() + Vec3d(1,1,1)); else searchtree = NULL; status = STL_GOOD; statustext = "Good Geometry"; smoothedges = NULL; area = -1; } STLGeometry :: ~STLGeometry() { // for (auto p : atlas) delete p; // delete edgedata; } void STLGeometry :: Save (const filesystem::path & filename) const { string ext = ToLower(filename.extension()); if (ext == ".stl") { STLTopology::Save (filename); return; } else if (ext == ".stlb") { SaveBinary (filename,"Binary STL Geometry"); return; } else if (ext == ".stle") { SaveSTLE (filename); return; } throw Exception ("Unknown target format: " + filename.string()); } DLL_HEADER extern STLParameters stlparam; int STLGeometry :: GenerateMesh (shared_ptr<Mesh> & mesh, MeshingParameters & mparam) { STLParameters stlpar = stlparam; return STLMeshingDummy (this, mesh, mparam, stlpar); } Vec<3> STLGeometry :: GetNormal(int surfind, const Point<3> & p, const PointGeomInfo* gi) const { if(!gi) throw Exception("STLGeometry::GetNormal without PointGeomInfo called"); return GetChart(GetChartNr(gi->trignum)).GetNormal(); } bool STLGeometry :: CalcPointGeomInfo(int /*surfind*/, PointGeomInfo& gi, const Point<3> & p3) const { Point<3> hp = p3; SelectChartOfTriangle(gi.trignum); gi.trignum = Project (hp); if (gi.trignum) return true; return false; } bool STLGeometry :: ProjectPointGI (int surfind, Point<3> & p, PointGeomInfo & gi) const { static std::mutex mutex_project_whole_surface; int meshchart = GetChartNr(gi.trignum); const STLChart& chart = GetChart(meshchart); int trignum = chart.ProjectNormal(p); if(trignum==0) { // non-thread-safe implementation std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(mutex_project_whole_surface); PrintMessage(7,"project failed"); SelectChartOfTriangle (gi.trignum); // needed because ProjectOnWholeSurface uses meshchartnv (the normal vector of selected chart) trignum = ProjectOnWholeSurface(p); if(trignum==0) { PrintMessage(7, "project on whole surface failed"); return false; } } return true; } PointGeomInfo STLGeometry :: ProjectPoint (INDEX surfind, Point<3> & p) const { throw Exception("ProjectPoint without PointGeomInfo not implemented"); } void STLGeometry :: PointBetween (const Point<3> & p1, const Point<3> & p2, double secpoint, int surfi, const PointGeomInfo & gi1, const PointGeomInfo & gi2, Point<3> & newp, PointGeomInfo & newgi) const { newp = p1+secpoint*(p2-p1); /* (*testout) << "surf-between: p1 = " << p1 << ", p2 = " << p2 << ", gi = " << gi1 << " - " << gi2 << endl; */ if (gi1.trignum > 0) { // ((STLGeometry&)geom).SelectChartOfTriangle (gi1.trignum); Point<3> np1 = newp; Point<3> np2 = newp; auto ngi1 = gi1; auto ngi2 = gi2; // SelectChartOfTriangle (gi1.trignum); int tn1 = ProjectPointGI (surfi, np1, ngi1); // SelectChartOfTriangle (gi2.trignum); int tn2 = ProjectPointGI (surfi, np2, ngi2); newgi.trignum = tn1; //urspruengliche version newp = np1; //urspruengliche version if (!newgi.trignum) { newgi.trignum = tn2; newp = np2; } if (!newgi.trignum) newgi.trignum = gi1.trignum; } else { // (*testout) << "WARNING: PointBetween got geominfo = 0" << endl; newp = p1+secpoint*(p2-p1); newgi.trignum = 0; } } void STLGeometry :: PointBetweenEdge (const Point<3> & p1, const Point<3> & p2, double secpoint, int surfi1, int surfi2, const EdgePointGeomInfo & gi1, const EdgePointGeomInfo & gi2, Point<3> & newp, EdgePointGeomInfo & newgi) const { /* (*testout) << "edge-between: p1 = " << p1 << ", p2 = " << p2 << ", gi1,2 = " << gi1 << ", " << gi2 << endl; */ /* newp = Center (p1, p2); ((STLGeometry&)geom).SelectChartOfTriangle (gi1.trignum); newgi.trignum = geom.Project (newp); */ int hi; newgi.dist = (1.0-secpoint) * gi1.dist + secpoint*gi2.dist; newgi.edgenr = gi1.edgenr; /* (*testout) << "p1 = " << p1 << ", p2 = " << p2 << endl; (*testout) << "refedge: " << gi1.edgenr << " d1 = " << gi1.dist << ", d2 = " << gi2.dist << endl; */ newp = GetLine (gi1.edgenr)->GetPointInDist (GetPoints(), newgi.dist, hi); // (*testout) << "newp = " << newp << endl; } void STLGeometry :: STLInfo(double* data) { data[0] = GetNT(); Box<3> b = GetBoundingBox(); data[1] = b.PMin()(0); data[2] = b.PMax()(0); data[3] = b.PMin()(1); data[4] = b.PMax()(1); data[5] = b.PMin()(2); data[6] = b.PMax()(2); int i; int cons = 1; for (i = 1; i <= GetNT(); i++) { if (NONeighbourTrigs(i) != 3) {cons = 0;} } data[7] = cons; } void STLGeometry :: MarkNonSmoothNormals(const STLParameters& stlparam) { PrintFnStart("Mark Non-Smooth Normals"); int i,j; markedtrigs.SetSize(GetNT()); for (i = 1; i <= GetNT(); i++) { SetMarkedTrig(i, 0); } double dirtyangle = stlparam.yangle/180.*M_PI; int cnt = 0; STLPointId lp1,lp2; for (i = 1; i <= GetNT(); i++) { for (j = 1; j <= NONeighbourTrigs(i); j++) { if (GetAngle(i, NeighbourTrig(i,j)) > dirtyangle) { GetTriangle(i).GetNeighbourPoints(GetTriangle(NeighbourTrig(i,j)), lp1, lp2); if (!IsEdge(lp1,lp2)) { if (!IsMarkedTrig(i)) {SetMarkedTrig(i,1); cnt++;} } } } } PrintMessage(5,"marked ",cnt," non-smooth trig-normals"); } void STLGeometry :: SmoothNormals(const STLParameters& stlparam) { multithread.terminate = 0; // UseExternalEdges(); BuildEdges(stlparam); DenseMatrix m(3), hm(3); Vector rhs(3), sol(3), hv(3), hv2(3); Vec<3> ri; double wnb = stldoctor.smoothnormalsweight; // neighbour normal weight double wgeom = 1-wnb; // geometry normal weight // minimize // wgeom sum_T \sum ri \| ri^T (n - n_geom) \|^2 // + wnb sum_SE \| ri x (n - n_nb) \|^2 int i, j, k, l; int nt = GetNT(); PushStatusF("Smooth Normals"); //int testmode; for (i = 1; i <= nt; i++) { SetThreadPercent( 100.0 * (double)i / (double)nt); const STLTriangle & trig = GetTriangle (i); m = 0; rhs = 0; // normal of geometry: Vec<3> ngeom = trig.GeomNormal(points); ngeom.Normalize(); for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { int pi1 = trig.PNumMod (j); int pi2 = trig.PNumMod (j+1); // edge vector ri = GetPoint (pi2) - GetPoint (pi1); for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) for (l = 0; l < 3; l++) hm.Elem(k+1, l+1) = wgeom * ri(k) * ri(l); for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) hv(k) = ngeom(k); hm.Mult (hv, hv2); /* if (testmode) (*testout) << "add vec " << hv2 << endl << " add m " << hm << endl; */ rhs.Add (1, hv2); m += hm; int nbt = 0; STLPointId fp1,fp2; for (k = 1; k <= NONeighbourTrigs(i); k++) { trig.GetNeighbourPoints(GetTriangle(NeighbourTrig(i, k)),fp1,fp2); if (fp1 == pi1 && fp2 == pi2) { nbt = NeighbourTrig(i, k); } } if (!nbt) { cerr << "ERROR: stlgeom::Smoothnormals, nbt = 0" << endl; } // smoothed normal Vec<3> nnb = GetTriangle(nbt).Normal(); // neighbour normal nnb.Normalize(); if (!IsEdge(pi1,pi2)) { double lr2 = ri * ri; for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { for (l = 0; l < k; l++) { hm.Elem(k+1, l+1) = -wnb * ri(k) * ri(l); hm.Elem(l+1, k+1) = -wnb * ri(k) * ri(l); } hm.Elem(k+1, k+1) = wnb * (lr2 - ri(k) * ri(k)); } for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) hv(k) = nnb(k); hm.Mult (hv, hv2); /* if (testmode) (*testout) << "add nb vec " << hv2 << endl << " add nb m " << hm << endl; */ rhs.Add (1, hv2); m += hm; } } m.Solve (rhs, sol); Vec3d newn(sol(0), sol(1), sol(2)); newn /= (newn.Length() + 1e-24); GetTriangle(i).SetNormal(newn); // setnormal (sol); } /* for (i = 1; i <= nt; i++) SetMarkedTrig(i, 0); int crloop; for (crloop = 1; crloop <= 3; crloop++) { // find critical: NgArray<INDEX_2> critpairs; for (i = 1; i <= nt; i++) { const STLTriangle & trig = GetTriangle (i); Vec3d ngeom = GetTriangleNormal (i); // trig.Normal(points); ngeom /= (ngeom.Length() + 1e-24); for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { int pi1 = trig.PNumMod (j); int pi2 = trig.PNumMod (j+1); int nbt = 0; int fp1,fp2; for (k = 1; k <= NONeighbourTrigs(i); k++) { trig.GetNeighbourPoints(GetTriangle(NeighbourTrig(i, k)),fp1,fp2); if (fp1 == pi1 && fp2 == pi2) { nbt = NeighbourTrig(i, k); } } if (!nbt) { cerr << "ERROR: stlgeom::Smoothnormals, nbt = 0" << endl; } Vec3d nnb = GetTriangleNormal(nbt); // neighbour normal nnb /= (nnb.Length() + 1e-24); if (!IsEdge(pi1,pi2)) { if (Angle (nnb, ngeom) > 150 * M_PI/180) { SetMarkedTrig(i, 1); SetMarkedTrig(nbt, 1); critpairs.Append (INDEX_2 (i, nbt)); } } } } if (!critpairs.Size()) { break; } if (critpairs.Size()) { NgArray<int> friends; double area1 = 0, area2 = 0; for (i = 1; i <= critpairs.Size(); i++) { int tnr1 = critpairs.Get(i).I1(); int tnr2 = critpairs.Get(i).I2(); (*testout) << "t1 = " << tnr1 << ", t2 = " << tnr2 << " angle = " << Angle (GetTriangleNormal (tnr1), GetTriangleNormal (tnr2)) << endl; // who has more friends ? int side; area1 = 0; area2 = 0; for (side = 1; side <= 2; side++) { friends.SetSize (0); friends.Append ( (side == 1) ? tnr1 : tnr2); for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { int fsize = friends.Size(); for (k = 1; k <= fsize; k++) { int testtnr = friends.Get(k); Vec3d ntt = GetTriangleNormal(testtnr); ntt /= (ntt.Length() + 1e-24); for (l = 1; l <= NONeighbourTrigs(testtnr); l++) { int testnbnr = NeighbourTrig(testtnr, l); Vec3d nbt = GetTriangleNormal(testnbnr); nbt /= (nbt.Length() + 1e-24); if (Angle (nbt, ntt) < 15 * M_PI/180) { int ii; int found = 0; for (ii = 1; ii <= friends.Size(); ii++) { if (friends.Get(ii) == testnbnr) { found = 1; break; } } if (!found) friends.Append (testnbnr); } } } } // compute area: for (k = 1; k <= friends.Size(); k++) { double area = GetTriangle (friends.Get(k)).Area(points); if (side == 1) area1 += area; else area2 += area; } } (*testout) << "area1 = " << area1 << " area2 = " << area2 << endl; if (area1 < 0.1 * area2) { Vec3d n = GetTriangleNormal (tnr1); n *= -1; SetTriangleNormal(tnr1, n); } if (area2 < 0.1 * area1) { Vec3d n = GetTriangleNormal (tnr2); n *= -1; SetTriangleNormal(tnr2, n); } } } } */ calcedgedataanglesnew = 1; PopStatus(); } int STLGeometry :: AddEdge(int ap1, int ap2) { STLEdge e(ap1,ap2); e.SetLeftTrig(GetLeftTrig(ap1,ap2)); e.SetRightTrig(GetRightTrig(ap1,ap2)); edges.Append(e); return edges.Size(); } void STLGeometry :: STLDoctorConfirmEdge() { StoreEdgeData(); if (GetSelectTrig() >= 1 && GetSelectTrig() <= GetNT() && GetNodeOfSelTrig()) { if (stldoctor.selectmode == 1) { int ap1 = GetTriangle(GetSelectTrig()).PNum(GetNodeOfSelTrig()); int ap2 = GetTriangle(GetSelectTrig()).PNumMod(GetNodeOfSelTrig()+1); edgedata->Elem(edgedata->GetEdgeNum(ap1,ap2)).SetStatus (ED_CONFIRMED); } else if (stldoctor.selectmode == 3 || stldoctor.selectmode == 4) { int i; for (i = 1; i <= selectedmultiedge.Size(); i++) { int ap1 = selectedmultiedge.Get(i).i1; int ap2 = selectedmultiedge.Get(i).i2; edgedata->Elem(edgedata->GetEdgeNum(ap1,ap2)).SetStatus (ED_CONFIRMED); } } } } void STLGeometry :: STLDoctorCandidateEdge() { StoreEdgeData(); if (GetSelectTrig() >= 1 && GetSelectTrig() <= GetNT() && GetNodeOfSelTrig()) { if (stldoctor.selectmode == 1) { int ap1 = GetTriangle(GetSelectTrig()).PNum(GetNodeOfSelTrig()); int ap2 = GetTriangle(GetSelectTrig()).PNumMod(GetNodeOfSelTrig()+1); edgedata->Elem(edgedata->GetEdgeNum(ap1,ap2)).SetStatus (ED_CANDIDATE); } else if (stldoctor.selectmode == 3 || stldoctor.selectmode == 4) { int i; for (i = 1; i <= selectedmultiedge.Size(); i++) { int ap1 = selectedmultiedge.Get(i).i1; int ap2 = selectedmultiedge.Get(i).i2; edgedata->Elem(edgedata->GetEdgeNum(ap1,ap2)).SetStatus (ED_CANDIDATE); } } } } void STLGeometry :: STLDoctorExcludeEdge() { StoreEdgeData(); if (GetSelectTrig() >= 1 && GetSelectTrig() <= GetNT() && GetNodeOfSelTrig()) { if (stldoctor.selectmode == 1) { int ap1 = GetTriangle(GetSelectTrig()).PNum(GetNodeOfSelTrig()); int ap2 = GetTriangle(GetSelectTrig()).PNumMod(GetNodeOfSelTrig()+1); edgedata->Elem(edgedata->GetEdgeNum(ap1,ap2)).SetStatus(ED_EXCLUDED); } else if (stldoctor.selectmode == 3 || stldoctor.selectmode == 4) { int i; for (i = 1; i <= selectedmultiedge.Size(); i++) { int ap1 = selectedmultiedge.Get(i).i1; int ap2 = selectedmultiedge.Get(i).i2; edgedata->Elem(edgedata->GetEdgeNum(ap1,ap2)).SetStatus(ED_EXCLUDED); } } } } void STLGeometry :: STLDoctorUndefinedEdge() { StoreEdgeData(); if (GetSelectTrig() >= 1 && GetSelectTrig() <= GetNT() && GetNodeOfSelTrig()) { if (stldoctor.selectmode == 1) { int ap1 = GetTriangle(GetSelectTrig()).PNum(GetNodeOfSelTrig()); int ap2 = GetTriangle(GetSelectTrig()).PNumMod(GetNodeOfSelTrig()+1); edgedata->Elem(edgedata->GetEdgeNum(ap1,ap2)).SetStatus(ED_UNDEFINED); } else if (stldoctor.selectmode == 3 || stldoctor.selectmode == 4) { int i; for (i = 1; i <= selectedmultiedge.Size(); i++) { int ap1 = selectedmultiedge.Get(i).i1; int ap2 = selectedmultiedge.Get(i).i2; edgedata->Elem(edgedata->GetEdgeNum(ap1,ap2)).SetStatus(ED_UNDEFINED); } } } } void STLGeometry :: STLDoctorSetAllUndefinedEdges() { edgedata->ResetAll(); } void STLGeometry :: STLDoctorEraseCandidateEdges() { StoreEdgeData(); edgedata->ChangeStatus(ED_CANDIDATE, ED_UNDEFINED); } void STLGeometry :: STLDoctorConfirmCandidateEdges() { StoreEdgeData(); edgedata->ChangeStatus(ED_CANDIDATE, ED_CONFIRMED); } void STLGeometry :: STLDoctorConfirmedToCandidateEdges() { StoreEdgeData(); edgedata->ChangeStatus(ED_CONFIRMED, ED_CANDIDATE); } void STLGeometry :: STLDoctorDirtyEdgesToCandidates() { StoreEdgeData(); } void STLGeometry :: STLDoctorLongLinesToCandidates() { StoreEdgeData(); } twoint STLGeometry :: GetNearestSelectedDefinedEdge() { Point<3> pestimate = Center(GetTriangle(GetSelectTrig()).center, GetPoint(GetTriangle(GetSelectTrig()).PNum(GetNodeOfSelTrig()))); //Point3d pestimate = GetTriangle(GetSelectTrig()).center; int i, j, en; NgArray<int> vic; GetVicinity(GetSelectTrig(),4,vic); twoint fedg; fedg.i1 = 0; fedg.i2 = 0; double mindist = 1E50; double dist; Point<3> p; for (i = 1; i <= vic.Size(); i++) { const STLTriangle& t = GetTriangle(vic.Get(i)); for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { en = edgedata->GetEdgeNum(t.PNum(j),t.PNumMod(j+1)); if (edgedata->Get(en).GetStatus() != ED_UNDEFINED) { p = pestimate; dist = GetDistFromLine(GetPoint(t.PNum(j)),GetPoint(t.PNumMod(j+1)),p); if (dist < mindist) { mindist = dist; fedg.i1 = t.PNum(j); fedg.i2 = t.PNumMod(j+1); } } } } return fedg; } void STLGeometry :: BuildSelectedMultiEdge(twoint ep) { if (edgedata->Size() == 0 || !GetEPPSize()) { return; } selectedmultiedge.SetSize(0); int tenum = GetTopEdgeNum (ep.i1, ep.i2); if (edgedata->Get(tenum).GetStatus() == ED_UNDEFINED) { twoint epnew = GetNearestSelectedDefinedEdge(); if (epnew.i1) { ep = epnew; tenum = GetTopEdgeNum (ep.i1, ep.i2); } } selectedmultiedge.Append(twoint(ep)); if (edgedata->Get(tenum).GetStatus() == ED_UNDEFINED) { return; } edgedata->BuildLineWithEdge(ep.i1,ep.i2,selectedmultiedge); } void STLGeometry :: BuildSelectedEdge(twoint ep) { if (edgedata->Size() == 0 || !GetEPPSize()) { return; } selectedmultiedge.SetSize(0); selectedmultiedge.Append(twoint(ep)); } void STLGeometry :: BuildSelectedCluster(twoint ep) { if (edgedata->Size() == 0 || !GetEPPSize()) { return; } selectedmultiedge.SetSize(0); int tenum = GetTopEdgeNum (ep.i1, ep.i2); if (edgedata->Get(tenum).GetStatus() == ED_UNDEFINED) { twoint epnew = GetNearestSelectedDefinedEdge(); if (epnew.i1) { ep = epnew; tenum = GetTopEdgeNum (ep.i1, ep.i2); } } selectedmultiedge.Append(twoint(ep)); if (edgedata->Get(tenum).GetStatus() == ED_UNDEFINED) { return; } edgedata->BuildClusterWithEdge(ep.i1,ep.i2,selectedmultiedge); } void STLGeometry :: ImportEdges() { StoreEdgeData(); PrintMessage(5, "import edges from file 'edges.ng'"); ifstream fin("edges.ng"); int ne; fin >> ne; NgArray<Point<3> > eps; int i; Point<3> p; for (i = 1; i <= 2*ne; i++) { fin >> p(0); fin >> p(1); fin >> p(2); eps.Append(p); } AddEdges(eps); } void STLGeometry :: AddEdges(const NgArray<Point<3> >& eps) { int i; int ne = eps.Size()/2; NgArray<int> epsi; Box<3> bb = GetBoundingBox(); bb.Increase(1); Point3dTree ptree (bb.PMin(), bb.PMax()); NgArray<int> pintersect; double gtol = GetBoundingBox().Diam()/1.E10; Point<3> p; for (i = 1; i <= GetNP(); i++) { p = GetPoint(i); ptree.Insert (p, i); } int error = 0; for (i = 1; i <= 2*ne; i++) { p = eps.Get(i); Point3d pmin = p - Vec3d (gtol, gtol, gtol); Point3d pmax = p + Vec3d (gtol, gtol, gtol); ptree.GetIntersecting (pmin, pmax, pintersect); if (pintersect.Size() > 1) { PrintError("Found too much points in epsilon-dist"); error = 1; } else if (pintersect.Size() == 0) { error = 1; PrintError("edgepoint does not exist!"); PrintMessage(5,"p=",Point3d(eps.Get(i))); } else { epsi.Append(pintersect.Get(1)); } } if (error) return; int en; for (i = 1; i <= ne; i++) { if (epsi.Get(2*i-1) == epsi.Get(2*i)) {PrintError("Edge with zero length!");} else { en = edgedata->GetEdgeNum(epsi.Get(2*i-1),epsi.Get(2*i)); edgedata->Elem(en).SetStatus (ED_CONFIRMED); } } } void STLGeometry :: ImportExternalEdges(const char * filename) { //AVL edges!!!!!! ifstream inf (filename); char ch; //int cnt = 0; int records, units, i, j; PrintFnStart("Import edges from ",filename); const int flen=30; char filter[flen+1]; filter[flen] = 0; char buf[20]; NgArray<Point3d> importpoints; NgArray<int> importlines; NgArray<int> importpnums; while (inf.good()) { inf.get(ch); // (*testout) << cnt << ": " << ch << endl; for (i = 0; i < flen; i++) filter[i] = filter[i+1]; filter[flen-1] = ch; // (*testout) << filter << endl; if (strcmp (filter+flen-7, "RECORDS") == 0) { inf.get(ch); // '=' inf >> records; } if (strcmp (filter+flen-5, "UNITS") == 0) { inf.get(ch); // '=' inf >> units; } if (strcmp (filter+flen-17, "EDGE NODE NUMBERS") == 0) { int nodenr; importlines.SetSize (units); for (i = 1; i <= units; i++) { inf >> nodenr; importlines.Elem(i) = nodenr; // (*testout) << nodenr << endl; } } if (strcmp (filter+flen-23, "EDGE POINT COORD IN DIR") == 0) { int coord; inf >> coord; importpoints.SetSize (units); inf >> ch; inf.putback (ch); for (i = 1; i <= units; i++) { for (j = 0; j < 12; j++) inf.get (buf[j]); buf[12] = 0; importpoints.Elem(i).X(coord) = 1000 * atof (buf); } } } /* (*testout) << "lines: " << endl; for (i = 1; i <= importlines.Size(); i++) (*testout) << importlines.Get(i) << endl; (*testout) << "points: " << endl; for (i = 1; i <= importpoints.Size(); i++) (*testout) << importpoints.Get(i) << endl; */ importpnums.SetSize (importpoints.Size()); Box3d bb (GetBoundingBox().PMin() + Vec3d (-1,-1,-1), GetBoundingBox().PMax() + Vec3d (1, 1, 1)); Point3dTree ptree (bb.PMin(), bb.PMax()); PrintMessage(7,"stl - bb: ",bb.PMin(), " - ", bb.PMax()); Box3d ebb; ebb.SetPoint (importpoints.Get(1)); for (i = 1; i <= importpoints.Size(); i++) ebb.AddPoint (importpoints.Get(i)); PrintMessage(7,"edgep - bb: ", ebb.PMin(), " - ", ebb.PMax()); NgArray<int> pintersect; double gtol = GetBoundingBox().Diam()/1.E6; for (i = 1; i <= GetNP(); i++) { Point3d p = GetPoint(i); // (*testout) << "stlpt: " << p << endl; ptree.Insert (p, i); } for (i = 1; i <= importpoints.Size(); i++) { Point3d p = importpoints.Get(i); Point3d pmin = p - Vec3d (gtol, gtol, gtol); Point3d pmax = p + Vec3d (gtol, gtol, gtol); ptree.GetIntersecting (pmin, pmax, pintersect); if (pintersect.Size() > 1) { importpnums.Elem(i) = 0; PrintError("Found too many points in epsilon-dist"); } else if (pintersect.Size() == 0) { importpnums.Elem(i) = 0; PrintError("Edgepoint does not exist!"); } else { importpnums.Elem(i) = pintersect.Get(1); } } // if (!error) { PrintMessage(7,"found all edge points in stl file"); StoreEdgeData(); int oldp = 0; for (i = 1; i <= importlines.Size(); i++) { int newp = importlines.Get(i); if (!importpnums.Get(abs(newp))) newp = 0; if (oldp && newp) { int en = edgedata->GetEdgeNum(importpnums.Get(oldp), importpnums.Get(abs(newp))); edgedata->Elem(en).SetStatus (ED_CONFIRMED); } if (newp < 0) oldp = 0; else oldp = newp; } } } void STLGeometry :: ExportEdges() { PrintFnStart("Save edges to file 'edges.ng'"); ofstream fout("edges.ng"); fout.precision(16); int n = edgedata->GetNConfEdges(); fout << n << endl; int i; for (i = 1; i <= edgedata->Size(); i++) { if (edgedata->Get(i).GetStatus() == ED_CONFIRMED) { const STLTopEdge & e = edgedata->Get(i); fout << GetPoint(e.PNum(1))(0) << " " << GetPoint(e.PNum(1))(1) << " " << GetPoint(e.PNum(1))(2) << endl; fout << GetPoint(e.PNum(2))(0) << " " << GetPoint(e.PNum(2))(1) << " " << GetPoint(e.PNum(2))(2) << endl; } } } void STLGeometry :: LoadEdgeData(const filesystem::path & filename) { StoreEdgeData(); PrintFnStart("Load edges from file '", filename, "'"); ifstream fin(filename); edgedata->Read(fin); // calcedgedataanglesnew = 1; } void STLGeometry :: SaveEdgeData(const filesystem::path & filename) { PrintFnStart("save edges to file '", filename, "'"); ofstream fout(filename); edgedata->Write(fout); } /* void STLGeometry :: SaveExternalEdges() { ofstream fout("externaledgesp3.ng"); fout.precision(16); int n = NOExternalEdges(); fout << n << endl; int i; for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { twoint e = GetExternalEdge(i); fout << GetPoint(e.i1)(0) << " " << GetPoint(e.i1)(1) << " " << GetPoint(e.i1)(2) << endl; fout << GetPoint(e.i2)(0) << " " << GetPoint(e.i2)(1) << " " << GetPoint(e.i2)(2) << endl; } } */ void STLGeometry :: StoreExternalEdges() { storedexternaledges.SetSize(0); undoexternaledges = 1; int i; for (i = 1; i <= externaledges.Size(); i++) { storedexternaledges.Append(externaledges.Get(i)); } } void STLGeometry :: UndoExternalEdges() { if (!undoexternaledges) { PrintMessage(1, "undo not further possible!"); return; } RestoreExternalEdges(); undoexternaledges = 0; } void STLGeometry :: RestoreExternalEdges() { externaledges.SetSize(0); int i; for (i = 1; i <= storedexternaledges.Size(); i++) { externaledges.Append(storedexternaledges.Get(i)); } } void STLGeometry :: AddExternalEdgeAtSelected() { StoreExternalEdges(); if (GetSelectTrig() >= 1 && GetSelectTrig() <= GetNT()) { int ap1 = GetTriangle(GetSelectTrig()).PNum(GetNodeOfSelTrig()); int ap2 = GetTriangle(GetSelectTrig()).PNumMod(GetNodeOfSelTrig()+1); if (!IsExternalEdge(ap1,ap2)) {AddExternalEdge(ap1,ap2);} } } void STLGeometry :: AddClosedLinesToExternalEdges() { StoreExternalEdges(); int i, j; for (i = 1; i <= GetNLines(); i++) { STLLine* l = GetLine(i); if (l->StartP() == l->EndP()) { for (j = 1; j < l->NP(); j++) { int ap1 = l->PNum(j); int ap2 = l->PNum(j+1); if (!IsExternalEdge(ap1,ap2)) {AddExternalEdge(ap1,ap2);} } } } } void STLGeometry :: AddLongLinesToExternalEdges() { StoreExternalEdges(); double diamfact = stldoctor.dirtytrigfact; double diam = GetBoundingBox().Diam(); int i, j; for (i = 1; i <= GetNLines(); i++) { STLLine* l = GetLine(i); if (l->GetLength(points) >= diamfact*diam) { for (j = 1; j < l->NP(); j++) { int ap1 = l->PNum(j); int ap2 = l->PNum(j+1); if (!IsExternalEdge(ap1,ap2)) {AddExternalEdge(ap1,ap2);} } } } } void STLGeometry :: AddAllNotSingleLinesToExternalEdges() { StoreExternalEdges(); int i, j; for (i = 1; i <= GetNLines(); i++) { STLLine* l = GetLine(i); if (GetNEPP(l->StartP()) > 1 || GetNEPP(l->EndP()) > 1) { for (j = 1; j < l->NP(); j++) { int ap1 = l->PNum(j); int ap2 = l->PNum(j+1); if (!IsExternalEdge(ap1,ap2)) {AddExternalEdge(ap1,ap2);} } } } } void STLGeometry :: DeleteDirtyExternalEdges() { //delete single triangle edges and single edge-lines in clusters" StoreExternalEdges(); int i, j; for (i = 1; i <= GetNLines(); i++) { STLLine* l = GetLine(i); if (l->NP() <= 3 || (l->StartP() == l->EndP() && l->NP() == 4)) { for (j = 1; j < l->NP(); j++) { int ap1 = l->PNum(j); int ap2 = l->PNum(j+1); if (IsExternalEdge(ap1,ap2)) {DeleteExternalEdge(ap1,ap2);} } } } } void STLGeometry :: AddExternalEdgesFromGeomLine() { StoreExternalEdges(); if (GetSelectTrig() >= 1 && GetSelectTrig() <= GetNT()) { int ap1 = GetTriangle(GetSelectTrig()).PNum(GetNodeOfSelTrig()); int ap2 = GetTriangle(GetSelectTrig()).PNumMod(GetNodeOfSelTrig()+1); if (IsEdge(ap1,ap2)) { int edgenum = IsEdgeNum(ap1,ap2); if (!IsExternalEdge(ap1,ap2)) {AddExternalEdge(ap1,ap2);} int noend = 1; int startp = ap1; int laste = edgenum; int np1, np2; while (noend) { if (GetNEPP(startp) == 2) { if (GetEdgePP(startp,1) != laste) {laste = GetEdgePP(startp,1);} else {laste = GetEdgePP(startp,2);} np1 = GetEdge(laste).PNum(1); np2 = GetEdge(laste).PNum(2); if (!IsExternalEdge(np1, np2)) {AddExternalEdge(np1, np2);} else {noend = 0;} if (np1 != startp) {startp = np1;} else {startp = np2;} } else {noend = 0;} } startp = ap2; laste = edgenum; noend = 1; while (noend) { if (GetNEPP(startp) == 2) { if (GetEdgePP(startp,1) != laste) {laste = GetEdgePP(startp,1);} else {laste = GetEdgePP(startp,2);} np1 = GetEdge(laste).PNum(1); np2 = GetEdge(laste).PNum(2); if (!IsExternalEdge(np1, np2)) {AddExternalEdge(np1, np2);} else {noend = 0;} if (np1 != startp) {startp = np1;} else {startp = np2;} } else {noend = 0;} } } } } void STLGeometry :: ClearEdges() { edgesfound = 0; edges.SetSize(0); //edgedata->SetSize(0); // externaledges.SetSize(0); edgesperpoint.SetSize(0); undoexternaledges = 0; } void STLGeometry :: STLDoctorBuildEdges(const STLParameters& stlparam) { // if (!trigsconverted) {return;} ClearEdges(); meshlines.SetSize(0); FindEdgesFromAngles(stlparam); } void STLGeometry :: DeleteExternalEdgeAtSelected() { StoreExternalEdges(); if (GetSelectTrig() >= 1 && GetSelectTrig() <= GetNT()) { int ap1 = GetTriangle(GetSelectTrig()).PNum(GetNodeOfSelTrig()); int ap2 = GetTriangle(GetSelectTrig()).PNumMod(GetNodeOfSelTrig()+1); if (IsExternalEdge(ap1,ap2)) {DeleteExternalEdge(ap1,ap2);} } } void STLGeometry :: DeleteExternalEdgeInVicinity() { StoreExternalEdges(); if (!stldoctor.showvicinity || vicinity.Size() != GetNT()) {return;} int i, j, ap1, ap2; for (i = 1; i <= GetNT(); i++) { if (vicinity.Elem(i)) { for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { ap1 = GetTriangle(i).PNum(j); ap2 = GetTriangle(i).PNumMod(j+1); if (IsExternalEdge(ap1,ap2)) { DeleteExternalEdge(ap1,ap2); } } } } } void STLGeometry :: BuildExternalEdgesFromEdges() { StoreExternalEdges(); if (GetNE() == 0) {PrintWarning("Edges possibly not generated!");} int i; externaledges.SetSize(0); for (i = 1; i <= GetNE(); i++) { STLEdge e = GetEdge(i); AddExternalEdge(e.PNum(1), e.PNum(2)); } } void STLGeometry :: AddExternalEdge(int ap1, int ap2) { externaledges.Append(twoint(ap1,ap2)); } void STLGeometry :: DeleteExternalEdge(int ap1, int ap2) { int i; int found = 0; for (i = 1; i <= NOExternalEdges(); i++) { if ((GetExternalEdge(i).i1 == ap1 && GetExternalEdge(i).i2 == ap2) || (GetExternalEdge(i).i1 == ap2 && GetExternalEdge(i).i2 == ap1)) {found = 1;}; if (found && i < NOExternalEdges()) { externaledges.Elem(i) = externaledges.Get(i+1); } } if (!found) {PrintWarning("edge not found");} else { externaledges.SetSize(externaledges.Size()-1); } } int STLGeometry :: IsExternalEdge(int ap1, int ap2) { int i; for (i = 1; i <= NOExternalEdges(); i++) { if ((GetExternalEdge(i).i1 == ap1 && GetExternalEdge(i).i2 == ap2) || (GetExternalEdge(i).i1 == ap2 && GetExternalEdge(i).i2 == ap1)) {return 1;}; } return 0; } void STLGeometry :: DestroyDirtyTrigs() { PrintFnStart("Destroy dirty triangles"); PrintMessage(5,"original number of triangles=", GetNT()); //destroy every triangle with other than 3 neighbours; int changed = 1; int i, j, k; while (changed) { changed = 0; Clear(); for (i = 1; i <= GetNT(); i++) { int dirty = NONeighbourTrigs(i) < 3; for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { int pnum = GetTriangle(i).PNum(j); /* if (pnum == 1546) { // for (k = 1; k <= NOTrigsPerPoint(pnum); k++) } */ if (NOTrigsPerPoint(pnum) <= 2) dirty = 1; } int pi1 = GetTriangle(i).PNum(1); int pi2 = GetTriangle(i).PNum(2); int pi3 = GetTriangle(i).PNum(3); if (pi1 == pi2 || pi1 == pi3 || pi2 == pi3) { PrintMessage(5,"triangle with Volume 0: ", i, " nodes: ", pi1, ", ", pi2, ", ", pi3); dirty = 1; } if (dirty) { for (k = i+1; k <= GetNT(); k++) { trias[k-1] = trias[k]; // readtrias: not longer permanent, JS // readtrias.Elem(k-1) = readtrias.Get(k); } int size = GetNT(); trias.SetSize(size-1); // readtrias.SetSize(size-1); changed = 1; break; } } } FindNeighbourTrigs(); PrintMessage(5,"final number of triangles=", GetNT()); } void STLGeometry :: CalcNormalsFromGeometry() { int i; for (i = 1; i <= GetNT(); i++) { const STLTriangle & tr = GetTriangle(i); const Point3d& ap1 = GetPoint(tr.PNum(1)); const Point3d& ap2 = GetPoint(tr.PNum(2)); const Point3d& ap3 = GetPoint(tr.PNum(3)); Vec3d normal = Cross (ap2-ap1, ap3-ap1); if (normal.Length() != 0) { normal /= (normal.Length()); } GetTriangle(i).SetNormal(normal); } PrintMessage(5,"Normals calculated from geometry!!!"); calcedgedataanglesnew = 1; } void STLGeometry :: SetSelectTrig(int trig) { stldoctor.selecttrig = trig; } int STLGeometry :: GetSelectTrig() const { return stldoctor.selecttrig; } void STLGeometry :: SetNodeOfSelTrig(int n) { stldoctor.nodeofseltrig = n; } int STLGeometry :: GetNodeOfSelTrig() const { return stldoctor.nodeofseltrig; } void STLGeometry :: MoveSelectedPointToMiddle() { if (GetSelectTrig() >= 1 && GetSelectTrig() <= GetNT()) { int p = GetTriangle(GetSelectTrig()).PNum(GetNodeOfSelTrig()); Point<3> pm(0.,0.,0.); //Middlevector; Point<3> p0(0.,0.,0.); PrintMessage(5,"original point=", Point3d(GetPoint(p))); int i; int cnt = 0; for (i = 1; i <= trigsperpoint.EntrySize(p); i++) { const STLTriangle& tr = GetTriangle(trigsperpoint.Get(p,i)); int j; for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { if (tr.PNum(j) != p) { cnt++; pm(0) += GetPoint(tr.PNum(j))(0); pm(1) += GetPoint(tr.PNum(j))(1); pm(2) += GetPoint(tr.PNum(j))(2); } } } Point<3> origp = GetPoint(p); double fact = 0.2; SetPoint(p, p0 + fact*(1./(double)cnt)*(pm-p0)+(1.-fact)*(origp-p0)); PrintMessage(5,"middle point=", Point3d (GetPoint(p))); PrintMessage(5,"moved point ", Point3d (p)); } } void STLGeometry :: PrintSelectInfo() { //int trig = GetSelectTrig(); //int p = GetTriangle(trig).PNum(GetNodeOfSelTrig()); PrintMessage(1,"touch triangle ", GetSelectTrig() , ", local node ", GetNodeOfSelTrig() , " (=", int(GetTriangle(GetSelectTrig()).PNum(GetNodeOfSelTrig())), ")"); if (AtlasMade() && GetSelectTrig() >= 1 && GetSelectTrig() <= GetNT()) { PrintMessage(1," chartnum=", int(GetChartNr(GetSelectTrig()))); /* PointBetween(Center(Center(GetPoint(GetTriangle(270).PNum(1)), GetPoint(GetTriangle(270).PNum(2))), GetPoint(GetTriangle(270).PNum(3))),270, Center(Center(GetPoint(GetTriangle(trig).PNum(1)), GetPoint(GetTriangle(trig).PNum(2))), GetPoint(GetTriangle(trig).PNum(3))),trig); */ //PointBetween(Point3d(5.7818, 7.52768, 4.14879),260,Point3d(6.80292, 6.55392, 4.70184),233); } } void STLGeometry :: ShowSelectedTrigChartnum() { int st = GetSelectTrig(); if (st >= 1 && st <= GetNT() && AtlasMade()) PrintMessage(1,"selected trig ", st, " has chartnumber ", int(GetChartNr(st))); } void STLGeometry :: ShowSelectedTrigCoords() { int st = GetSelectTrig(); /* //testing!!!! NgArray<int> trigs; GetSortedTrianglesAroundPoint(GetTriangle(st).PNum(GetNodeOfSelTrig()),st,trigs); */ if (st >= 1 && st <= GetNT()) { PrintMessage(1, "coordinates of selected trig ", st, ":"); PrintMessage(1, " p1 = ", int(GetTriangle(st).PNum(1)), " = ", Point3d (GetPoint(GetTriangle(st).PNum(1)))); PrintMessage(1, " p2 = ", int(GetTriangle(st).PNum(2)), " = ", Point3d (GetPoint(GetTriangle(st).PNum(2)))); PrintMessage(1, " p3 = ", int(GetTriangle(st).PNum(3)), " = ", Point3d (GetPoint(GetTriangle(st).PNum(3)))); } } void STLGeometry :: LoadMarkedTrigs() { PrintFnStart("load marked trigs from file 'markedtrigs.ng'"); ifstream fin("markedtrigs.ng"); int n; fin >> n; if (n != GetNT() || n == 0) {PrintError("Not a suitable marked-trig-file!"); return;} int i, m; for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { fin >> m; SetMarkedTrig(i, m); } fin >> n; if (n != 0) { Point<3> ap1, ap2; for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { fin >> ap1(0); fin >> ap1(1); fin >> ap1(2); fin >> ap2(0); fin >> ap2(1); fin >> ap2(2); AddMarkedSeg(ap1,ap2); } } } void STLGeometry :: SaveMarkedTrigs() { PrintFnStart("save marked trigs to file 'markedtrigs.ng'"); ofstream fout("markedtrigs.ng"); int n = GetNT(); fout << n << endl; int i; for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { fout << IsMarkedTrig(i) << "\n"; } n = GetNMarkedSegs(); fout << n << endl; Point<3> ap1,ap2; for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) { GetMarkedSeg(i,ap1,ap2); fout << ap1(0) << " " << ap1(1) << " " << ap1(2) << " "; fout << ap2(0) << " " << ap2(1) << " " << ap2(2) << " " << "\n"; } } void STLGeometry :: NeighbourAnglesOfSelectedTrig() { int st = GetSelectTrig(); if (st >= 1 && st <= GetNT()) { int i; PrintMessage(1,"Angle to triangle ", st, ":"); for (i = 1; i <= NONeighbourTrigs(st); i++) { PrintMessage(1," triangle ", int(NeighbourTrig(st,i)), ": angle = ", 180./M_PI*GetAngle(st, NeighbourTrig(st,i)), "°", ", calculated = ", 180./M_PI*Angle(GetTriangle(st).GeomNormal(points), GetTriangle(NeighbourTrig(st,i)).GeomNormal(points)), "°"); } } } void STLGeometry :: GetVicinity(int starttrig, int size, NgArray<int>& vic) { if (starttrig == 0 || starttrig > GetNT()) {return;} NgArray<int> vicarray; vicarray.SetSize(GetNT()); int i; for (i = 1; i <= vicarray.Size(); i++) { vicarray.Elem(i) = 0; } vicarray.Elem(starttrig) = 1; int j = 0,k; NgArray <int> list1; list1.SetSize(0); NgArray <int> list2; list2.SetSize(0); list1.Append(starttrig); while (j < size) { j++; for (i = 1; i <= list1.Size(); i++) { for (k = 1; k <= NONeighbourTrigs(i); k++) { int nbtrig = NeighbourTrig(list1.Get(i),k); if (nbtrig && vicarray.Get(nbtrig) == 0) { list2.Append(nbtrig); vicarray.Elem(nbtrig) = 1; } } } list1.SetSize(0); for (i = 1; i <= list2.Size(); i++) { list1.Append(list2.Get(i)); } list2.SetSize(0); } vic.SetSize(0); for (i = 1; i <= vicarray.Size(); i++) { if (vicarray.Get(i)) {vic.Append(i);} } } void STLGeometry :: CalcVicinity(int starttrig) { if (starttrig == 0 || starttrig > GetNT()) {return;} vicinity.SetSize(GetNT()); if (!stldoctor.showvicinity) {return;} int i; for (i = 1; i <= vicinity.Size(); i++) { vicinity.Elem(i) = 0; } vicinity.Elem(starttrig) = 1; int j = 0,k; NgArray <int> list1; list1.SetSize(0); NgArray <int> list2; list2.SetSize(0); list1.Append(starttrig); // int cnt = 1; while (j < stldoctor.vicinity) { j++; for (i = 1; i <= list1.Size(); i++) { for (k = 1; k <= NONeighbourTrigs(i); k++) { int nbtrig = NeighbourTrig(list1.Get(i),k); if (nbtrig && vicinity.Get(nbtrig) == 0) { list2.Append(nbtrig); vicinity.Elem(nbtrig) = 1; //cnt++; } } } list1.SetSize(0); for (i = 1; i <= list2.Size(); i++) { list1.Append(list2.Get(i)); } list2.SetSize(0); } } int STLGeometry :: Vicinity(int trig) const { if (trig <= vicinity.Size() && trig >=1) { return vicinity.Get(trig); } else {PrintSysError("In STLGeometry::Vicinity");} return 0; } void STLGeometry :: InitMarkedTrigs() { markedtrigs.SetSize(GetNT()); int i; for (i = 1; i <= GetNT(); i++) { SetMarkedTrig(i, 0); } } void STLGeometry :: MarkDirtyTrigs(const STLParameters& stlparam) { PrintFnStart("mark dirty trigs"); int i,j; markedtrigs.SetSize(GetNT()); for (i = 1; i <= GetNT(); i++) { SetMarkedTrig(i, 0); } int found; double dirtyangle = stlparam.yangle/2./180.*M_PI; int cnt = 0; for (i = 1; i <= GetNT(); i++) { found = 0; for (j = 1; j <= NONeighbourTrigs(i); j++) { if (GetAngle(i, NeighbourTrig(i,j)) > dirtyangle) { found++; } } if (found && GetTriangle(i).MinHeight(points) < stldoctor.dirtytrigfact*GetTriangle(i).MaxLength(points)) { SetMarkedTrig(i, 1); cnt++; } /* else if (found == 3) { SetMarkedTrig(i, 1); cnt++; } */ } PrintMessage(1, "marked ", cnt, " dirty trigs"); } void STLGeometry :: MarkTopErrorTrigs() { int cnt = 0; markedtrigs.SetSize(GetNT()); for (int i = 1; i <= GetNT(); i++) { const STLTriangle & trig = GetTriangle(i); SetMarkedTrig(i, trig.flags.toperror); if (trig.flags.toperror) cnt++; } PrintMessage(1,"marked ", cnt, " inconsistent triangles"); } double STLGeometry :: CalcTrigBadness(int i) { int j; double maxbadness = 0; STLPointId ap1, ap2; for (j = 1; j <= NONeighbourTrigs(i); j++) { GetTriangle(i).GetNeighbourPoints(GetTriangle(NeighbourTrig(i,j)), ap1, ap2); if (!IsEdge(ap1,ap2) && GetGeomAngle(i, NeighbourTrig(i,j)) > maxbadness) { maxbadness = GetGeomAngle(i, NeighbourTrig(i,j)); } } return maxbadness; } void STLGeometry :: GeomSmoothRevertedTrigs(const STLParameters& stlparam) { //double revertedangle = stldoctor.smoothangle/180.*M_PI; double fact = stldoctor.dirtytrigfact; MarkRevertedTrigs(stlparam); int i, j, k, l, p; for (i = 1; i <= GetNT(); i++) { if (IsMarkedTrig(i)) { for (j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { double origbadness = CalcTrigBadness(i); p = GetTriangle(i).PNum(j); Point<3> pm(0.,0.,0.); //Middlevector; Point<3> p0(0.,0.,0.); int cnt = 0; for (k = 1; k <= trigsperpoint.EntrySize(p); k++) { const STLTriangle& tr = GetTriangle(trigsperpoint.Get(p,k)); for (l = 1; l <= 3; l++) { if (tr.PNum(l) != p) { cnt++; pm(0) += GetPoint(tr.PNum(l))(0); pm(1) += GetPoint(tr.PNum(l))(1); pm(2) += GetPoint(tr.PNum(l))(2); } } } Point3d origp = GetPoint(p); Point3d newp = p0 + fact*(1./(double)cnt)*(pm-p0)+(1.-fact)*(origp-p0); SetPoint(p, newp); if (CalcTrigBadness(i) > 0.9*origbadness) {SetPoint(p,origp); PrintDot('f');} else {PrintDot('s');} } } } MarkRevertedTrigs(stlparam); } void STLGeometry :: MarkRevertedTrigs(const STLParameters& stlparam) { int i,j; if (edgesperpoint.Size() != GetNP()) {BuildEdges(stlparam);} PrintFnStart("mark reverted trigs"); InitMarkedTrigs(); int found; double revertedangle = stldoctor.smoothangle/180.*M_PI; int cnt = 0; STLPointId ap1, ap2; for (i = 1; i <= GetNT(); i++) { found = 0; for (j = 1; j <= NONeighbourTrigs(i); j++) { GetTriangle(i).GetNeighbourPoints(GetTriangle(NeighbourTrig(i,j)), ap1, ap2); if (!IsEdge(ap1,ap2)) { if (GetGeomAngle(i, NeighbourTrig(i,j)) > revertedangle) { found = 1; break; } } } if (found) { SetMarkedTrig(i, 1); cnt++; } } PrintMessage(5, "found ", cnt, " reverted trigs"); } void STLGeometry :: SmoothDirtyTrigs(const STLParameters& stlparam) { PrintFnStart("smooth dirty trigs"); MarkDirtyTrigs(stlparam); int i,j; int changed = 1; STLPointId ap1, ap2; while (changed) { changed = 0; for (i = 1; i <= GetNT(); i++) { if (IsMarkedTrig(i)) { int foundtrig = 0; double maxlen = 0; // JS: darf normalvector nicht ueber kurze Seite erben maxlen = GetTriangle(i).MaxLength(GetPoints()) / 2.1; //JG: bei flachem dreieck auch kurze Seite for (j = 1; j <= NONeighbourTrigs(i); j++) { if (!IsMarkedTrig(NeighbourTrig(i,j))) { GetTriangle(i).GetNeighbourPoints(GetTriangle(NeighbourTrig(i,j)),ap1,ap2); if (Dist(GetPoint(ap1),GetPoint(ap2)) >= maxlen) { foundtrig = NeighbourTrig(i,j); maxlen = Dist(GetPoint(ap1),GetPoint(ap2)); } } } if (foundtrig) { GetTriangle(i).SetNormal(GetTriangle(foundtrig).Normal()); changed = 1; SetMarkedTrig(i,0); } } } } calcedgedataanglesnew = 1; MarkDirtyTrigs(stlparam); int cnt = 0; for (i = 1; i <= GetNT(); i++) { if (IsMarkedTrig(i)) {cnt++;} } PrintMessage(5,"NO marked dirty trigs=", cnt); } int STLGeometry :: IsMarkedTrig(int trig) const { if (trig <= markedtrigs.Size() && trig >=1) { return markedtrigs.Get(trig); } else {PrintSysError("In STLGeometry::IsMarkedTrig");} return 0; } void STLGeometry :: SetMarkedTrig(int trig, int num) { if (trig <= markedtrigs.Size() && trig >=1) { markedtrigs.Elem(trig) = num; } else {PrintSysError("In STLGeometry::SetMarkedTrig");} } void STLGeometry :: Clear() { PrintFnStart("Clear"); surfacemeshed = 0; surfaceoptimized = 0; volumemeshed = 0; selectedmultiedge.SetSize(0); meshlines.SetSize(0); // neighbourtrigs.SetSize(0); outerchartspertrig.SetSize(0); atlas.SetSize(0); ClearMarkedSegs(); ClearSpiralPoints(); ClearLineEndPoints(); SetSelectTrig(0); SetNodeOfSelTrig(1); facecnt = 0; SetThreadPercent(100.); ClearEdges(); } double STLGeometry :: Area() { if (area >= 0) return area; area = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= GetNT(); i++) area += GetTriangle(i).Area(points); return area; } double STLGeometry :: GetAngle(int t1, int t2) { return Angle(GetTriangle(t1).Normal(),GetTriangle(t2).Normal()); } double STLGeometry :: GetGeomAngle(int t1, int t2) { Vec3d n1 = GetTriangle(t1).GeomNormal(points); Vec3d n2 = GetTriangle(t2).GeomNormal(points); return Angle(n1,n2); } void STLGeometry :: InitSTLGeometry(const NgArray<STLReadTriangle> & readtrias) { PrintFnStart("Init STL Geometry"); STLTopology::InitSTLGeometry(readtrias); int i, k; //const double geometry_tol_fact = 1E8; //distances lower than max_box_size/tol are ignored int np = GetNP(); PrintMessage(5,"NO points= ", GetNP()); normals.SetSize(GetNP()); NgArray<int> normal_cnt(GetNP()); // counts number of added normals in a point for (i = 1; i <= np; i++) { normal_cnt.Elem(i) = 0; normals.Elem(i) = Vec3d (0,0,0); } for(i = 1; i <= GetNT(); i++) { // STLReadTriangle t = GetReadTriangle(i); // STLTriangle st; Vec<3> n = GetTriangle(i).Normal (); for (k = 1; k <= 3; k++) { int pi = GetTriangle(i).PNum(k); normal_cnt.Elem(pi)++; SetNormal(pi, GetNormal(pi) + n); } } //normalize the normals for (i = 1; i <= GetNP(); i++) { SetNormal(i,1./(double)normal_cnt.Get(i)*GetNormal(i)); } trigsconverted = 1; vicinity.SetSize(GetNT()); markedtrigs.SetSize(GetNT()); for (i = 1; i <= GetNT(); i++) { markedtrigs.Elem(i) = 0; vicinity.Elem(i) = 1; } ha_points.SetSize(GetNP()); for (i = 1; i <= GetNP(); i++) ha_points.Elem(i) = 0; calcedgedataanglesnew = 0; edgedatastored = 0; edgedata->Clear(); if (GetStatus() == STL_ERROR) return; CalcEdgeData(); CalcEdgeDataAngles(); ClearLineEndPoints(); CheckGeometryOverlapping(); } void STLGeometry :: TopologyChanged() { calcedgedataanglesnew = 1; } int STLGeometry :: CheckGeometryOverlapping() { PrintMessageCR(3,"Check overlapping geometry ..."); Box<3> geombox = GetBoundingBox(); Point<3> pmin = geombox.PMin(); Point<3> pmax = geombox.PMax(); BoxTree<3> setree(pmin, pmax); int oltrigs = 0; markedtrigs.SetSize(GetNT()); for (int i = 1; i <= GetNT(); i++) SetMarkedTrig(i, 0); for (int i = 1; i <= GetNT(); i++) { const STLTriangle & tri = GetTriangle(i); Point<3> tpmin = tri.box.PMin(); Point<3> tpmax = tri.box.PMax(); Vec<3> diag = tpmax - tpmin; tpmax = tpmax + 0.001 * diag; tpmin = tpmin - 0.001 * diag; setree.Insert (tpmin, tpmax, i); } { mutex inters_mutex; ParallelFor( 1, GetNT()+1, [&] (int first, int next) { NgArray<int> inters; for (int i=first; i<next; i++) { const STLTriangle & tri = GetTriangle(i); Point<3> tpmin = tri.box.PMin(); Point<3> tpmax = tri.box.PMax(); setree.GetIntersecting (tpmin, tpmax, inters); for (int j = 1; j <= inters.Size(); j++) { const STLTriangle & tri2 = GetTriangle(inters.Get(j)); const Point<3> *trip1[3], *trip2[3]; Point<3> hptri1[3], hptri2[3]; /* for (k = 1; k <= 3; k++) { trip1[k-1] = &GetPoint (tri.PNum(k)); trip2[k-1] = &GetPoint (tri2.PNum(k)); } */ for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { hptri1[k] = GetPoint (tri[k]); hptri2[k] = GetPoint (tri2[k]); trip1[k] = &hptri1[k]; trip2[k] = &hptri2[k]; } if (IntersectTriangleTriangle (&trip1[0], &trip2[0])) { lock_guard<mutex> guard(inters_mutex); { oltrigs++; PrintMessage(5,"Intersecting Triangles: trig ",i," with ",inters.Get(j),"!"); SetMarkedTrig(i, 1); SetMarkedTrig(inters.Get(j), 1); } } } } }); } PrintMessage(3,"Check overlapping geometry ... ", oltrigs, " triangles overlap"); return oltrigs; } /* void STLGeometry :: InitSTLGeometry() { STLTopology::InitSTLGeometry(); int i, j, k; const double geometry_tol_fact = 1E8; //distances lower than max_box_size/tol are ignored trias.SetSize(0); points.SetSize(0); normals.SetSize(0); NgArray<int> normal_cnt; // counts number of added normals in a point Box3d bb (GetBoundingBox().PMin() + Vec3d (-1,-1,-1), GetBoundingBox().PMax() + Vec3d (1, 1, 1)); Point3dTree pointtree (bb.PMin(), bb.PMax()); NgArray<int> pintersect; double gtol = GetBoundingBox().CalcDiam()/geometry_tol_fact; for(i = 1; i <= GetReadNT(); i++) { //if (i%500==499) {(*mycout) << (double)i/(double)GetReadNT()*100. << "%" << endl;} STLReadTriangle t = GetReadTriangle(i); STLTriangle st; Vec3d n = t.normal; for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) { Point3d p = t.pts[k]; Point3d pmin = p - Vec3d (gtol, gtol, gtol); Point3d pmax = p + Vec3d (gtol, gtol, gtol); pointtree.GetIntersecting (pmin, pmax, pintersect); if (pintersect.Size() > 1) (*mycout) << "found too much " << char(7) << endl; int foundpos = 0; if (pintersect.Size()) foundpos = pintersect.Get(1); if (foundpos) { normal_cnt[foundpos]++; SetNormal(foundpos,GetNormal(foundpos)+n); // (*testout) << "found p " << p << endl; } else { foundpos = AddPoint(p); AddNormal(n); normal_cnt.Append(1); pointtree.Insert (p, foundpos); } //(*mycout) << "foundpos=" << foundpos << endl; st.pts[k] = foundpos; } if ( (st.pts[0] == st.pts[1]) || (st.pts[0] == st.pts[2]) || (st.pts[1] == st.pts[2]) ) { (*mycout) << "ERROR: STL Triangle degenerated" << endl; } else { // do not add ? js AddTriangle(st); } //(*mycout) << "TRIG" << i << " = " << st << endl; } //normal the normals for (i = 1; i <= GetNP(); i++) { SetNormal(i,1./(double)normal_cnt[i]*GetNormal(i)); } trigsconverted = 1; vicinity.SetSize(GetNT()); markedtrigs.SetSize(GetNT()); for (i = 1; i <= GetNT(); i++) { markedtrigs.Elem(i) = 0; vicinity.Elem(i) = 1; } ha_points.SetSize(GetNP()); for (i = 1; i <= GetNP(); i++) ha_points.Elem(i) = 0; calcedgedataanglesnew = 0; edgedatastored = 0; edgedata->Clear(); CalcEdgeData(); CalcEdgeDataAngles(); ClearLineEndPoints(); (*mycout) << "done" << endl; } */ void STLGeometry :: SetLineEndPoint(int pn) { if (pn <1 || pn > lineendpoints.Size()) {PrintSysError("Illegal pnum in SetLineEndPoint!!!"); return; } lineendpoints.Elem(pn) = 1; } int STLGeometry :: IsLineEndPoint(int pn) { // return 0; if (pn <1 || pn > lineendpoints.Size()) {PrintSysError("Illegal pnum in IsLineEndPoint!!!"); return 0;} return lineendpoints.Get(pn); } void STLGeometry :: ClearLineEndPoints() { lineendpoints.SetSize(GetNP()); int i; for (i = 1; i <= GetNP(); i++) { lineendpoints.Elem(i) = 0; } } int STLGeometry :: IsEdge(int ap1, int ap2) { int i,j; for (i = 1; i <= GetNEPP(ap1); i++) { for (j = 1; j <= GetNEPP(ap2); j++) { if (GetEdgePP(ap1,i) == GetEdgePP(ap2,j)) {return 1;} } } return 0; } int STLGeometry :: IsEdgeNum(int ap1, int ap2) { int i,j; for (i = 1; i <= GetNEPP(ap1); i++) { for (j = 1; j <= GetNEPP(ap2); j++) { if (GetEdgePP(ap1,i) == GetEdgePP(ap2,j)) {return GetEdgePP(ap1,i);} } } return 0; } void STLGeometry :: BuildEdges(const STLParameters& stlparam) { //PrintFnStart("build edges"); edges.SetSize(0); meshlines.SetSize(0); FindEdgesFromAngles(stlparam); } void STLGeometry :: UseExternalEdges() { for (int i = 1; i <= NOExternalEdges(); i++) AddEdge(GetExternalEdge(i).i1,GetExternalEdge(i).i2); //BuildEdgesPerPointy(); } void STLGeometry :: UndoEdgeChange() { if (edgedatastored) { RestoreEdgeData(); } else { PrintWarning("no edge undo possible"); } } void STLGeometry :: StoreEdgeData() { // edgedata_store = *edgedata; edgedata->Store(); edgedatastored = 1; // put stlgeom-edgedata to stltopology edgedata /* int i; for (i = 1; i <= GetNTE(); i++) { const STLTopEdge & topedge = GetTopEdge (i); int ednum = edgedata->GetEdgeNum (topedge.PNum(1), topedge.PNum(2)); topedges.Elem(i).SetStatus (edgedata->Get (ednum).status); } */ } void STLGeometry :: RestoreEdgeData() { // *edgedata = edgedata_store; edgedata->Restore(); edgedatastored=0; } void STLGeometry :: CalcEdgeData() { PushStatus("Calc Edge Data"); STLPointId np1, np2; int ecnt = 0; edgedata->SetSize(GetNT()/2*3); for (int i = 1; i <= GetNT(); i++) { SetThreadPercent((double)i/(double)GetNT()*100.); const STLTriangle & t1 = GetTriangle(i); for (int j = 1; j <= NONeighbourTrigs(i); j++) { int nbti = NeighbourTrig(i,j); if (nbti > i) { const STLTriangle & t2 = GetTriangle(nbti); if (t1.IsNeighbourFrom(t2)) { ecnt++; if (ecnt > edgedata->Size()) {PrintError("In Calc edge data, illegal geometry");} t1.GetNeighbourPoints(t2,np1,np2); /* ang = GetAngle(i,nbti); if (ang < -M_PI) {ang += 2*M_PI;}*/ // edgedata->Add(STLEdgeData(0, np1, np2, i, nbti),ecnt); edgedata->Elem(ecnt).SetStatus(ED_UNDEFINED); // edgedata->Elem(ecnt).top = this; // edgedata->Elem(ecnt).topedgenr = GetTopEdgeNum (np1, np2); } } } } //BuildEdgesPerPoint(); PopStatus(); } void STLGeometry :: CalcEdgeDataAngles() { PrintMessageCR (5,"calc edge data angles ... "); for (int i = 1; i <= GetNTE(); i++) { STLTopEdge & edge = GetTopEdge (i); double cosang = edge.TrigNum(2) == 0 ? 1. : GetTriangle(edge.TrigNum(1)).Normal() * GetTriangle(edge.TrigNum(2)).Normal(); edge.SetCosAngle (cosang); } for (int i = 1; i <= edgedata->Size(); i++) { /* const STLEdgeData& e = edgedata->Get(i); ang = GetAngle(e.lt,e.rt); if (ang < -M_PI) {ang += 2*M_PI;} edgedata->Elem(i).angle = fabs(ang); */ } PrintMessage (5,"calc edge data angles ... done"); } void STLGeometry :: FindEdgesFromAngles(const STLParameters& stlparam) { // PrintFnStart("find edges from angles"); double min_edge_angle = stlparam.yangle/180.*M_PI; double cont_min_edge_angle = stlparam.contyangle/180.*M_PI; double cos_min_edge_angle = cos (min_edge_angle); double cos_cont_min_edge_angle = cos (cont_min_edge_angle); if (calcedgedataanglesnew) {CalcEdgeDataAngles(); calcedgedataanglesnew = 0;} for (int i = 1; i <= edgedata->Size(); i++) { STLTopEdge & sed = edgedata->Elem(i); if(sed.TrigNum(2) == 0) sed.SetStatus(ED_CONFIRMED); if (sed.GetStatus() == ED_CANDIDATE || sed.GetStatus() == ED_UNDEFINED) { if (sed.CosAngle() <= cos_min_edge_angle) { sed.SetStatus (ED_CANDIDATE); } else { sed.SetStatus(ED_UNDEFINED); } } } if (stlparam.contyangle < stlparam.yangle) { int changed = 1; [[maybe_unused]] int its = 0; while (changed && stlparam.contyangle < stlparam.yangle) { its++; //(*mycout) << "." << flush; changed = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= edgedata->Size(); i++) { STLTopEdge & sed = edgedata->Elem(i); if (sed.CosAngle() <= cos_cont_min_edge_angle && sed.GetStatus() == ED_UNDEFINED && (edgedata->GetNConfCandEPP(sed.PNum(1)) == 1 || edgedata->GetNConfCandEPP(sed.PNum(2)) == 1)) { changed = 1; sed.SetStatus (ED_CANDIDATE); } } } } int confcand = 0; if (edgedata->GetNConfEdges() == 0) { confcand = 1; } for (int i = 1; i <= edgedata->Size(); i++) { STLTopEdge & sed = edgedata->Elem(i); if (sed.GetStatus() == ED_CONFIRMED || (sed.GetStatus() == ED_CANDIDATE && confcand)) { STLEdge se(sed.PNum(1),sed.PNum(2)); se.SetLeftTrig(sed.TrigNum(1)); se.SetRightTrig(sed.TrigNum(2)); AddEdge(se); } } BuildEdgesPerPoint(); //(*mycout) << "its for continued angle = " << its << endl; PrintMessage(5,"built ", GetNE(), " edges with yellow angle = ", stlparam.yangle, " degree"); } /* void STLGeometry :: FindEdgesFromAngles() { double yangle = stlparam.yangle; char * savetask = multithread.task; multithread.task = "find edges"; const double min_edge_angle = yangle/180.*M_PI; int np1, np2; double ang; int i; //(*mycout) << "area=" << Area() << endl; for (i = 1; i <= GetNT(); i++) { multithread.percent = (double)i/(double)GetReadNT()*100.; const STLTriangle & t1 = GetTriangle(i); //NeighbourTrigs(nt,i); for (int j = 1; j <= NONeighbourTrigs(i); j++) { int nbti = NeighbourTrig(i,j); if (nbti > i) { const STLTriangle & t2 = GetTriangle(nbti); if (t1.IsNeighbourFrom(t2)) { ang = GetAngle(i,nbti); if (ang < -M_PI*0.5) {ang += 2*M_PI;} t1.GetNeighbourPoints(t2,np1,np2); if (fabs(ang) >= min_edge_angle) { STLEdge se(np1,np2); se.SetLeftTrig(i); se.SetRightTrig(nbti); AddEdge(se); } } } } } (*mycout) << "added " << GetNE() << " edges" << endl; //BuildEdgesPerPoint(); multithread.percent = 100.; multithread.task = savetask; } */ void STLGeometry :: BuildEdgesPerPoint() { //cout << "*** build edges per point" << endl; edgesperpoint.SetSize(GetNP()); //add edges to points for (int i = 1; i <= GetNE(); i++) { //(*mycout) << "EDGE " << GetEdge(i).PNum(1) << " - " << GetEdge(i).PNum(2) << endl; for (int j = 1; j <= 2; j++) { AddEdgePP(GetEdge(i).PNum(j),i); } } } void STLGeometry :: AddFaceEdges() { PrintFnStart("Add starting edges for faces"); //für Kugel eine STLLine hinzufügen (Vorteil: verfeinerbar, unabhängig von Auflösung der Geometrie!!!): //Grenze von 1. gefundener chart NgArray<int> edgecnt; NgArray<int> chartindex; edgecnt.SetSize(GetNOFaces()); chartindex.SetSize(GetNOFaces()); for (int i = 1; i <= GetNOFaces(); i++) { edgecnt.Elem(i) = 0; chartindex.Elem(i) = 0; } for (int i = 1; i <= GetNT(); i++) { int fn = GetTriangle(i).GetFaceNum(); if (!chartindex.Get(fn)) {chartindex.Elem(fn) = GetChartNr(i);} for (int j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { edgecnt.Elem(fn) += GetNEPP(GetTriangle(i).PNum(j)); } } for (int i = 1; i <= GetNOFaces(); i++) { if (!edgecnt.Get(i)) {PrintMessage(5,"Face", i, " has no edge!");} } int changed = 0; STLPointId ap1, ap2; for (int i = 1; i <= GetNOFaces(); i++) { if (!edgecnt.Get(i)) { const STLChart& c = GetChart(chartindex.Get(i)); // bool foundone = false; int longest_ap1 = -1, longest_ap2 = -1; double maxlen = -1; for (int j = 1; j <= c.GetNChartT(); j++) { const STLTriangle& t1 = GetTriangle(c.GetChartTrig1(j)); for (int k = 1; k <= 3; k++) { int nt = NeighbourTrig(c.GetChartTrig1(j),k); if (GetChartNr(nt) != chartindex.Get(i)) { t1.GetNeighbourPoints(GetTriangle(nt),ap1,ap2); // AddEdge(ap1,ap2); double len = Dist(GetPoint(ap1), GetPoint(ap2)); if (len > maxlen) { maxlen = len; longest_ap1 = ap1; longest_ap2 = ap2; } changed = 1; } } } if (maxlen > 0) AddEdge(longest_ap1,longest_ap2); } } if (changed) BuildEdgesPerPoint(); } void STLGeometry :: LinkEdges(const STLParameters& stlparam) { PushStatusF("Link Edges"); PrintMessage(5,"have now ", GetNE(), " edges with yellow angle = ", stlparam.yangle, " degree"); int i; lines.SetSize(0); int starte(0); int edgecnt = 0; int found; int rev(0); //indicates, that edge is inserted reverse //worked edges NgArray<int> we(GetNE()); //setlineendpoints; wenn 180°, dann keine endpunkte //nur punkte mit 2 edges kommen in frage, da bei mehr oder weniger punkten ohnehin ein meshpoint hinkommt Vec3d v1,v2; double cos_eca = cos(stlparam.edgecornerangle/180.*M_PI); int ecnt = 0; int lp1, lp2; if (stlparam.edgecornerangle < 180) { for (i = 1; i <= GetNP(); i++) { if (GetNEPP(i) == 2) { if (GetEdge(GetEdgePP(i,1)).PNum(2) == GetEdge(GetEdgePP(i,2)).PNum(1) || GetEdge(GetEdgePP(i,1)).PNum(1) == GetEdge(GetEdgePP(i,2)).PNum(2)) { lp1 = 1; lp2 = 2; } else { lp1 = 2; lp2 = 1; } v1 = Vec3d(GetPoint(GetEdge(GetEdgePP(i,1)).PNum(1)), GetPoint(GetEdge(GetEdgePP(i,1)).PNum(2))); v2 = Vec3d(GetPoint(GetEdge(GetEdgePP(i,2)).PNum(lp1)), GetPoint(GetEdge(GetEdgePP(i,2)).PNum(lp2))); if ((v1*v2)/sqrt(v1.Length2()*v2.Length2()) < cos_eca) { //(*testout) << "add edgepoint " << i << endl; SetLineEndPoint(i); ecnt++; } } } } PrintMessage(5, "added ", ecnt, " mesh_points due to edge corner angle (", stlparam.edgecornerangle, " degree)"); for (i = 1; i <= GetNE(); i++) {we.Elem(i) = 0;} while(edgecnt < GetNE()) { SetThreadPercent((double)edgecnt/(double)GetNE()*100.); STLLine* line = new STLLine(this); //find start edge int j = 1; found = 0; //try second time, if only rings are left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! int second = 0; //find a starting edge at point with 1 or more than 2 edges or at lineendpoint while (!found && j<=GetNE()) { if (!we.Get(j)) { if (GetNEPP(GetEdge(j).PNum(1)) != 2 || IsLineEndPoint(GetEdge(j).PNum(1))) { starte = j; found = 1; rev = 0; } else if (GetNEPP(GetEdge(j).PNum(2)) != 2 || IsLineEndPoint(GetEdge(j).PNum(2))) { starte = j; found = 1; rev = 1; } else if (second) { starte = j; found = 1; rev = 0; //0 or 1 are possible } } j++; if (!second && j == GetNE()) {second = 1; j = 1;} } if (!found) {PrintSysError("No starting edge found, edgecnt=", edgecnt, ", GETNE=", GetNE());} line->AddPoint(GetEdge(starte).PNum(1+rev)); line->AddPoint(GetEdge(starte).PNum(2-rev)); if (!rev) { line->AddLeftTrig(GetEdge(starte).LeftTrig()); line->AddRightTrig(GetEdge(starte).RightTrig()); } else { line->AddLeftTrig(GetEdge(starte).RightTrig()); line->AddRightTrig(GetEdge(starte).LeftTrig()); } edgecnt++; we.Elem(starte) = 1; //add segments to line as long as segments other than starting edge are found or lineendpoint is reached found = 1; int other; while(found) { found = 0; int fp = GetEdge(starte).PNum(2-rev); if (GetNEPP(fp) == 2 && !IsLineEndPoint(fp)) { //find the "other" edge of point fp other = 0; if (GetEdgePP(fp,1) == starte) {other = 1;} starte = GetEdgePP(fp,1+other); //falls ring -> aufhoeren !!!!!!!!!!! if (!we.Elem(starte)) { found = 1; rev = 0; if (GetEdge(starte).PNum(2) == fp) {rev = 1;} else if (GetEdge(starte).PNum(1) != fp) {PrintSysError("In Link Edges!");} line->AddPoint(GetEdge(starte).PNum(2-rev)); if (!rev) { line->AddLeftTrig(GetEdge(starte).LeftTrig()); line->AddRightTrig(GetEdge(starte).RightTrig()); } else { line->AddLeftTrig(GetEdge(starte).RightTrig()); line->AddRightTrig(GetEdge(starte).LeftTrig()); } edgecnt++; we.Elem(starte) = 1; } } } AddLine(line); } PrintMessage(5,"number of lines generated = ", GetNLines()); //check, which lines must have at least one midpoint INDEX_2_HASHTABLE<int> lineht(GetNLines()+1); for (i = 1; i <= GetNLines(); i++) { if (GetLine(i)->StartP() == GetLine(i)->EndP()) { GetLine(i)->DoSplit(); } } for (i = 1; i <= GetNLines(); i++) { INDEX_2 lineep (GetLine(i)->StartP(),GetLine(i)->EndP()); lineep.Sort(); if (lineht.Used (lineep)) { GetLine(i)->DoSplit(); int other = lineht.Get(lineep); GetLine(other)->DoSplit(); } else { lineht.Set (lineep, i); } } for (i = 1; i <= GetNLines(); i++) { STLLine* line = GetLine(i); for (int ii = 1; ii <= line->GetNS(); ii++) { int ap1, ap2; line->GetSeg(ii,ap1,ap2); // (*mycout) << "SEG " << p1 << " - " << p2 << endl; } } PopStatus(); } int STLGeometry :: GetNOBodys() { int markedtrigs1 = 0; int starttrig = 1; int i, k, nnt; int bodycnt = 0; NgArray<int> bodynum(GetNT()); for (i = 1; i <= GetNT(); i++) bodynum.Elem(i)=0; while (markedtrigs1 < GetNT()) { for (i = starttrig; i <= GetNT(); i++) { if (!bodynum.Get(i)) { starttrig = i; break; } } //add all triangles around starttriangle, which is reachable without going over an edge NgArray<int> todolist; NgArray<int> nextlist; bodycnt++; markedtrigs1++; bodynum.Elem(starttrig) = bodycnt; todolist.Append(starttrig); while(todolist.Size()) { for (i = 1; i <= todolist.Size(); i++) { //const STLTriangle& tt = GetTriangle(todolist.Get(i)); for (k = 1; k <= NONeighbourTrigs(todolist.Get(i)); k++) { nnt = NeighbourTrig(todolist.Get(i),k); if (!bodynum.Get(nnt)) { nextlist.Append(nnt); bodynum.Elem(nnt) = bodycnt; markedtrigs1++; } } } todolist.SetSize(0); for (i = 1; i <= nextlist.Size(); i++) { todolist.Append(nextlist.Get(i)); } nextlist.SetSize(0); } } PrintMessage(3, "Geometry has ", bodycnt, " separated bodys"); return bodycnt; } void STLGeometry :: CalcFaceNums() { int markedtrigs1 = 0; int starttrig(0); int laststarttrig = 1; int i, k, nnt; facecnt = 0; for (i = 1; i <= GetNT(); i++) GetTriangle(i).SetFaceNum(0); while (markedtrigs1 < GetNT()) { for (i = laststarttrig; i <= GetNT(); i++) { if (!GetTriangle(i).GetFaceNum()) { starttrig = i; laststarttrig = i; break; } } //add all triangles around starttriangle, which is reachable without going over an edge NgArray<int> todolist; NgArray<int> nextlist; facecnt++; markedtrigs1++; GetTriangle(starttrig).SetFaceNum(facecnt); todolist.Append(starttrig); STLPointId ap1, ap2; while(todolist.Size()) { for (i = 1; i <= todolist.Size(); i++) { const STLTriangle& tt = GetTriangle(todolist.Get(i)); for (k = 1; k <= NONeighbourTrigs(todolist.Get(i)); k++) { nnt = NeighbourTrig(todolist.Get(i),k); STLTriangle& nt = GetTriangle(nnt); if (!nt.GetFaceNum()) { tt.GetNeighbourPoints(nt,ap1,ap2); if (!IsEdge(ap1,ap2)) { nextlist.Append(nnt); nt.SetFaceNum(facecnt); markedtrigs1++; } } } } todolist.SetSize(0); for (i = 1; i <= nextlist.Size(); i++) { todolist.Append(nextlist.Get(i)); } nextlist.SetSize(0); } } GetNOBodys(); PrintMessage(3,"generated ", facecnt, " faces"); } void STLGeometry :: ClearSpiralPoints() { spiralpoints.SetSize(GetNP()); int i; for (i = 1; i <= spiralpoints.Size(); i++) { spiralpoints.Elem(i) = 0; } } void STLGeometry :: BuildSmoothEdges () { if (smoothedges) delete smoothedges; smoothedges = new INDEX_2_HASHTABLE<int> (GetNE()/10 + 1); // Jack: Ok ? // UseExternalEdges(); PushStatusF("Build Smooth Edges"); int nt = GetNT(); Vec3d ng1, ng2; for (int i = 1; i <= nt; i++) { if (multithread.terminate) {PopStatus();return;} SetThreadPercent(100.0 * (double)i / (double)nt); const STLTriangle & trig = GetTriangle (i); ng1 = trig.GeomNormal(points); ng1 /= (ng1.Length() + 1e-24); for (int j = 1; j <= NONeighbourTrigs(i); j++) { int nbt = NeighbourTrig (i, j); ng2 = GetTriangle(nbt).GeomNormal(points); ng2 /= (ng2.Length() + 1e-24); STLPointId pi1, pi2; trig.GetNeighbourPoints(GetTriangle(nbt), pi1, pi2); if (!IsEdge(pi1,pi2)) { if (ng1 * ng2 < 0) { PrintMessage(7,"smoothedge found"); INDEX_2 i2(pi1, pi2); i2.Sort(); smoothedges->Set (i2, 1); } } } } PopStatus(); } bool STLGeometry :: IsSmoothEdge (int pi1, int pi2) const { if (!smoothedges) return false; INDEX_2 i2(pi1, pi2); i2.Sort(); return smoothedges->Used (i2); } /* //function is not used now int IsInArray(int n, const NgArray<int>& ia) { int i; for (i = 1; i <= ia.Size(); i++) { if (ia.Get(i) == n) {return 1;} } return 0; } */ void STLGeometry :: AddConeAndSpiralEdges(const STLParameters& stlparam) { PrintMessage(5,"have now ", GetNE(), " edges with yellow angle = ", stlparam.yangle, " degree"); PrintFnStart("AddConeAndSpiralEdges"); // int i,j,k,n; // int changed = 0; //check edges, where inner chart and no outer chart come together without an edge STLPointId np1, np2; int cnt = 0; for (ChartId i = 1; i <= GetNOCharts(); i++) { STLChart& chart = GetChart(i); for (int j = 1; j <= chart.GetNChartT(); j++) { STLTrigId t = chart.GetChartTrig1(j); const STLTriangle& tt = GetTriangle(t); for (int k = 1; k <= NONeighbourTrigs(t); k++) { STLTrigId nt = NeighbourTrig(t,k); if (GetChartNr(nt) != i && !TrigIsInOC(nt,i)) { tt.GetNeighbourPoints(GetTriangle(nt),np1,np2); if (!IsEdge(np1,np2)) { STLEdge se(np1,np2); se.SetLeftTrig(t); se.SetRightTrig(nt); int edgenum = AddEdge(se); AddEdgePP(np1,edgenum); AddEdgePP(np2,edgenum); //changed = 1; PrintWarning("Found a spiral like structure: chart=", int(i), ", trig=", int(t), ", p1=", int(np1), ", p2=", int(np2)); cnt++; } } } } } PrintMessage(5, "found ", cnt, " spiral like structures"); PrintMessage(5, "added ", cnt, " edges due to spiral like structures"); cnt = 0; int edgecnt = 0; Array<STLTrigId> trigsaroundp; NgArray<int> chartpointchecked(GetNP()); //gets number of chart, if in this chart already checked chartpointchecked = 0; int onoc, notonoc, tpp, pn; STLPointId ap1, ap2; int tn1, tn2, l, problem; if (!stldoctor.conecheck) {PrintWarning("++++++++++++ \ncone checking deactivated by user!!!!!\n+++++++++++++++"); return ;} PushStatus("Find Critical Points"); int addedges = 0; for (ChartId i = 1; i <= GetNOCharts(); i++) { SetThreadPercent((double)i/(double)GetNOCharts()*100.); if (multithread.terminate) {PopStatus();return;} STLChart& chart = GetChart(i); for (int j = 1; j <= chart.GetNChartT(); j++) { STLTrigId t = chart.GetChartTrig1(j); const STLTriangle& tt = GetTriangle(t); for (int k = 1; k <= 3; k++) { pn = tt.PNum(k); if (chartpointchecked.Get(pn) == i) {continue;} int checkpoint = 0; for (int n = 1; n <= trigsperpoint.EntrySize(pn); n++) { if (trigsperpoint.Get(pn,n) != t && GetChartNr(trigsperpoint.Get(pn,n)) != i && !TrigIsInOC(trigsperpoint.Get(pn,n),i)) {checkpoint = 1;}; } if (checkpoint) { chartpointchecked.Elem(pn) = i; int worked = 0; int spworked = 0; GetSortedTrianglesAroundPoint(pn,t,trigsaroundp); trigsaroundp.Append(t); problem = 0; for (int l = 2; l <= trigsaroundp.Size()-1; l++) { tn1 = trigsaroundp[l-2]; tn2 = trigsaroundp[l-1]; const STLTriangle& t1 = GetTriangle(tn1); const STLTriangle& t2 = GetTriangle(tn2); t1.GetNeighbourPoints(t2, ap1, ap2); if (IsEdge(ap1,ap2)) break; if (GetChartNr(tn2) != i && !TrigIsInOC(tn2,i)) {problem = 1;} } if (problem) { for (int l = 2; l <= trigsaroundp.Size()-1; l++) { tn1 = trigsaroundp[l-2]; tn2 = trigsaroundp[l-1]; const STLTriangle& t1 = GetTriangle(tn1); const STLTriangle& t2 = GetTriangle(tn2); t1.GetNeighbourPoints(t2, ap1, ap2); if (IsEdge(ap1,ap2)) break; if ((GetChartNr(tn1) == i && GetChartNr(tn2) != i && TrigIsInOC(tn2,i)) || (GetChartNr(tn2) == i && GetChartNr(tn1) != i && TrigIsInOC(tn1,i))) { if (addedges || !GetNEPP(pn)) { STLEdge se(ap1,ap2); se.SetLeftTrig(tn1); se.SetRightTrig(tn2); int edgenum = AddEdge(se); AddEdgePP(ap1,edgenum); AddEdgePP(ap2,edgenum); edgecnt++; } if (!addedges && !GetSpiralPoint(pn)) { SetSpiralPoint(pn); spworked = 1; } worked = 1; } } } //backwards: problem = 0; for (int l = trigsaroundp.Size()-1; l >= 2; l--) { tn1 = trigsaroundp[l]; tn2 = trigsaroundp[l-1]; const STLTriangle& t1 = GetTriangle(tn1); const STLTriangle& t2 = GetTriangle(tn2); t1.GetNeighbourPoints(t2, ap1, ap2); if (IsEdge(ap1,ap2)) break; if (GetChartNr(tn2) != i && !TrigIsInOC(tn2,i)) {problem = 1;} } if (problem) for (int l = trigsaroundp.Size()-1; l >= 2; l--) { tn1 = trigsaroundp[l]; tn2 = trigsaroundp[l-1]; const STLTriangle& t1 = GetTriangle(tn1); const STLTriangle& t2 = GetTriangle(tn2); t1.GetNeighbourPoints(t2, ap1, ap2); if (IsEdge(ap1,ap2)) break; if ((GetChartNr(tn1) == i && GetChartNr(tn2) != i && TrigIsInOC(tn2,i)) || (GetChartNr(tn2) == i && GetChartNr(tn1) != i && TrigIsInOC(tn1,i))) { if (addedges || !GetNEPP(pn)) { STLEdge se(ap1,ap2); se.SetLeftTrig(tn1); se.SetRightTrig(tn2); int edgenum = AddEdge(se); AddEdgePP(ap1,edgenum); AddEdgePP(ap2,edgenum); edgecnt++; } if (!addedges && !GetSpiralPoint(pn)) { SetSpiralPoint(pn); spworked = 1; //if (GetNEPP(pn) == 0) {(*mycout) << "ERROR: spiralpoint with no edge found!" << endl;} } worked = 1; } } if (worked) { //(*testout) << "set edgepoint due to spirals: pn=" << i << endl; SetLineEndPoint(pn); } if (spworked) { /* (*mycout) << "Warning: Critical Point " << tt.PNum(k) << "( chart " << i << ", trig " << t << ") has been neutralized!!!" << endl; */ cnt++; } // markedpoints.Elem(tt.PNum(k)) = 1; } } } } PrintMessage(5, "found ", cnt, " critical points!"); PrintMessage(5, "added ", edgecnt, " edges due to critical points!"); PopStatus(); //search points where inner chart and outer chart and "no chart" trig come together at edge-point PrintMessage(7,"search for special chart points"); for (ChartId i = 1; i <= GetNOCharts(); i++) { STLChart& chart = GetChart(i); for (int j = 1; j <= chart.GetNChartT(); j++) { STLTrigId t = chart.GetChartTrig1(j); const STLTriangle& tt = GetTriangle(t); for (int k = 1; k <= 3; k++) { pn = tt.PNum(k); if (GetNEPP(pn) == 2) { onoc = 0; notonoc = 0; for (int n = 1; n <= trigsperpoint.EntrySize(pn); n++) { tpp = trigsperpoint.Get(pn,n); if (tpp != t && GetChartNr(tpp) != i) { if (TrigIsInOC(tpp,i)) {onoc = 1;} if (!TrigIsInOC(tpp,i)) {notonoc = 1;} } } if (onoc && notonoc && !IsLineEndPoint(pn)) { GetSortedTrianglesAroundPoint(pn,t,trigsaroundp); int here = 1; //we start on this side of edge, !here = there int thereOC = 0; int thereNotOC = 0; for (l = 2; l <= trigsaroundp.Size(); l++) { GetTriangle(trigsaroundp[l-2]). GetNeighbourPoints(GetTriangle(trigsaroundp[l-1]), ap1, ap2); if (IsEdge(ap1,ap2)) {here = (here+1)%2;} if (!here && TrigIsInOC(trigsaroundp[l-1],i)) {thereOC = 1;} if (!here && !TrigIsInOC(trigsaroundp[l-1],i)) {thereNotOC = 1;} } if (thereOC && thereNotOC) { //(*mycout) << "Special OCICnotC - point " << pn << " found!" << endl; //(*testout) << "set edgepoint due to spirals: pn=" << i << endl; SetLineEndPoint(pn); } } } } } } PrintMessage(5,"have now ", GetNE(), " edges with yellow angle = ", stlparam.yangle, " degree"); } //get trigs at a point, started with starttrig, then every left void STLGeometry :: GetSortedTrianglesAroundPoint(STLPointId p, STLTrigId starttrig, Array<STLTrigId>& trigs) { STLTrigId acttrig = starttrig; trigs.SetAllocSize(trigsperpoint.EntrySize(p)); trigs.SetSize(0); trigs.Append(acttrig); int locindex1(0), locindex2(0); //(*mycout) << "trigs around point " << p << endl; int end = 0; while (!end) { const STLTriangle& at = GetTriangle(acttrig); for (int i = 1; i <= trigsperpoint.EntrySize(p); i++) { STLTrigId t = trigsperpoint.Get(p,i); const STLTriangle& nt = GetTriangle(t); if (at.IsNeighbourFrom(nt)) { STLPointId ap1, ap2; at.GetNeighbourPoints(nt, ap1, ap2); if (ap2 == p) {Swap(ap1,ap2);} if (ap1 != p) {PrintSysError("In GetSortedTrianglesAroundPoint!!!");} for (int j = 1; j <= 3; j++) { if (at.PNum(j) == ap1) {locindex1 = j;}; if (at.PNum(j) == ap2) {locindex2 = j;}; } if ((locindex2+1)%3+1 == locindex1) { if (t != starttrig) { trigs.Append(t); // (*mycout) << "trig " << t << endl; acttrig = t; } else { end = 1; } break; } } } } } /* int STLGeometry :: NeighbourTrig(int trig, int nr) const { return neighbourtrigs.Get(trig,nr); } */ void STLGeometry :: SmoothGeometry () { int i, j, k; double maxerr0, maxerr; for (i = 1; i <= GetNP(); i++) { if (GetNEPP(i)) continue; maxerr0 = 0; for (j = 1; j <= NOTrigsPerPoint(i); j++) { int tnum = TrigPerPoint(i, j); double err = Angle (GetTriangle(tnum).Normal (), GetTriangle(tnum).GeomNormal(GetPoints())); if (err > maxerr0) maxerr0 = err; } Point3d pi = GetPoint (i); if (maxerr0 < 1.1) continue; // about 60 degree maxerr0 /= 2; // should be at least halfen for (k = 1; k <= NOTrigsPerPoint(i); k++) { const STLTriangle & trig = GetTriangle (TrigPerPoint (i, k)); Point3d c = Center(GetPoint (trig.PNum(1)), GetPoint (trig.PNum(2)), GetPoint (trig.PNum(3))); Point3d np = pi + 0.1 * (c - pi); SetPoint (i, np); maxerr = 0; for (j = 1; j <= NOTrigsPerPoint(i); j++) { int tnum = TrigPerPoint(i, j); double err = Angle (GetTriangle(tnum).Normal (), GetTriangle(tnum).GeomNormal(GetPoints())); if (err > maxerr) maxerr = err; } if (maxerr < maxerr0) { pi = np; } } SetPoint (i, pi); } } void STLGeometry :: WriteChartToFile( ChartId chartnumber, filesystem::path filename ) { PrintMessage(1,"write chart ", int(chartnumber), " to ", filename); Array<int> trignums; if (chartnumber >= 1 && chartnumber <= GetNOCharts()) { const STLChart& chart = GetChart(chartnumber); for (int j = 1; j <= chart.GetNChartT(); j++) trignums.Append(chart.GetChartTrig1(j)); for (int j = 1; j <= chart.GetNOuterT(); j++) trignums.Append(chart.GetOuterTrig1(j)); QuickSort(trignums); STLGeometry geo; NgArray<STLReadTriangle> readtrigs; const auto & first_trig = GetTriangle(chart.GetChartTrig1(1)); auto normal = first_trig.Normal(); Box<3> box{Box<3>::EMPTY_BOX}; for(auto j : trignums) { const auto& trig = GetTriangle(j); Point<3> pts[3]; for(auto k : Range(3)) { pts[k] = GetPoint(trig[k]); box.Add(pts[k]); } // Vec3d normal = Cross( pts[1]-pts[0], pts[2]-pts[0] ); readtrigs.Append(STLReadTriangle(pts, trig.Normal())); } auto dist = box.PMax() - box.PMin(); auto extra_point = GetPoint(first_trig[0]) - dist.Length()*normal; NgArray<int> acttrigs(GetNT()); acttrigs = -1; for (int j = 1; j <= chart.GetNT(); j++) acttrigs.Elem(chart.GetTrig1(j)) = chartnumber; for (int j = 1; j <= chart.GetNT(); j++) { auto t = chart.GetTrig1(j); const auto & tt = GetTriangle(t); for (int k = 1; k <= 3; k++) { int nt = NeighbourTrig(t,k); if (acttrigs.Get(nt) != chartnumber) { STLPointId np1, np2; tt.GetNeighbourPoints(GetTriangle(nt),np1,np2); Point<3> pts[3]; pts[0] = GetPoint(np2); pts[1] = GetPoint(np1); pts[2] = extra_point; Vec3d normal = -Cross( pts[2]-pts[0], pts[1]-pts[0] ); readtrigs.Append(STLReadTriangle(pts, normal)); } } } geo.InitSTLGeometry(readtrigs); geo.Save(filename); } } class STLGeometryRegister : public GeometryRegister { public: virtual NetgenGeometry * Load (const filesystem::path & filename) const; }; NetgenGeometry * STLGeometryRegister :: Load (const filesystem::path & filename) const { string ext = ToLower(filename.extension()); if (ext == ".stl") { PrintMessage (1, "Load STL geometry file ", filename); ifstream infile(filename); STLGeometry * hgeom = STLGeometry :: Load (infile); hgeom -> edgesfound = 0; return hgeom; } else if (ext == ".stlb") { PrintMessage (1, "Load STL binary geometry file ", filename); ifstream infile(filename); STLGeometry * hgeom = STLGeometry :: LoadBinary (infile); hgeom -> edgesfound = 0; return hgeom; } else if (ext == ".nao") { PrintMessage (1, "Load naomi (F. Kickinger) geometry file ", filename); ifstream infile(filename); STLGeometry * hgeom = STLGeometry :: LoadNaomi (infile); hgeom -> edgesfound = 0; return hgeom; } return NULL; } class STLInit { public: STLInit() { geometryregister.Append (new STLGeometryRegister); } }; STLInit stlinit; static RegisterClassForArchive<STLGeometry, std::tuple<NetgenGeometry, STLTopology>> stlgeo; }