#ifndef FILE_OCCGEOM #define FILE_OCCGEOM /* *************************************************************************/ /* File: occgeom.hpp */ /* Author: Robert Gaisbauer */ /* Date: 26. May 03 */ /* *************************************************************************/ #ifdef OCCGEOMETRY #include #include "BRep_Tool.hxx" #include "Geom_Curve.hxx" #include "Geom2d_Curve.hxx" #include "Geom_Surface.hxx" #include "GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnSurf.hxx" #include "GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnCurve.hxx" #include "BRepTools.hxx" #include "TopExp.hxx" #include "BRepBuilderAPI_MakeVertex.hxx" #include "BRepBuilderAPI_MakeShell.hxx" #include "BRepBuilderAPI_MakeSolid.hxx" #include "BRepOffsetAPI_Sewing.hxx" #include "BRepLProp_SLProps.hxx" #include "BRepAdaptor_Surface.hxx" #include "Poly_Triangulation.hxx" #include "Poly_Array1OfTriangle.hxx" #include "TColgp_Array1OfPnt2d.hxx" #include "Poly_Triangle.hxx" #include "GProp_GProps.hxx" #include "BRepGProp.hxx" #include "gp_Pnt.hxx" #include "TopoDS.hxx" #include "TopoDS_Solid.hxx" #include "TopExp_Explorer.hxx" #include "TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape.hxx" #include "TopoDS_Wire.hxx" #include "BRepTools_WireExplorer.hxx" #include "TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape.hxx" #include "BRepLProp_CLProps.hxx" #include "BRepAdaptor_Curve.hxx" #include "TopoDS_Shape.hxx" #include "TopoDS_Face.hxx" #include "IGESToBRep_Reader.hxx" #include "Interface_Static.hxx" #include "GeomAPI_ExtremaCurveCurve.hxx" #include "Standard_ErrorHandler.hxx" #include "Standard_Failure.hxx" #include "ShapeUpgrade_ShellSewing.hxx" #include "ShapeFix_Shape.hxx" #include "ShapeFix_Wireframe.hxx" #include "BRepMesh_IncrementalMesh.hxx" #include "BRepBndLib.hxx" #include "Bnd_Box.hxx" #include "ShapeAnalysis.hxx" #include "ShapeBuild_ReShape.hxx" #include "BOPAlgo_Builder.hxx" // Philippose - 29/01/2009 // OpenCascade XDE Support // Include support for OpenCascade XDE Features #include "TDocStd_Document.hxx" #include "Quantity_Color.hxx" #include "XCAFApp_Application.hxx" #include "XCAFDoc_ShapeTool.hxx" #include "XCAFDoc_Color.hxx" #include "XCAFDoc_ColorTool.hxx" #include "XCAFDoc_ColorType.hxx" #include "XCAFDoc_LayerTool.hxx" #include "XCAFDoc_DimTolTool.hxx" #include "XCAFDoc_MaterialTool.hxx" #include "XCAFDoc_DocumentTool.hxx" #include "TDF_Label.hxx" #include "TDF_LabelSequence.hxx" #include "STEPCAFControl_Reader.hxx" #include "STEPCAFControl_Writer.hxx" #include "IGESCAFControl_Reader.hxx" #include "IGESCAFControl_Writer.hxx" #include "IGESControl_Reader.hxx" #include "STEPControl_Reader.hxx" #include "IGESControl_Writer.hxx" #include "STEPControl_Writer.hxx" #include "StlAPI_Writer.hxx" #include "STEPControl_StepModelType.hxx" namespace netgen { #include "occmeshsurf.hpp" // extern DLL_HEADER MeshingParameters mparam; #define PROJECTION_TOLERANCE 1e-10 #define ENTITYISVISIBLE 1 #define ENTITYISHIGHLIGHTED 2 #define ENTITYISDRAWABLE 4 #define OCCGEOMETRYVISUALIZATIONNOCHANGE 0 #define OCCGEOMETRYVISUALIZATIONFULLCHANGE 1 // Compute transformation matrices and redraw #define OCCGEOMETRYVISUALIZATIONHALFCHANGE 2 // Redraw inline Point<3> occ2ng (const gp_Pnt & p) { return Point<3> (p.X(), p.Y(), p.Z()); } inline gp_Pnt ng2occ (const Point<3> & p) { return gp_Pnt(p(0), p(1), p(2)); } class EntityVisualizationCode { int code; public: EntityVisualizationCode() { code = ENTITYISVISIBLE + !ENTITYISHIGHLIGHTED + ENTITYISDRAWABLE;} int IsVisible () { return code & ENTITYISVISIBLE;} int IsHighlighted () { return code & ENTITYISHIGHLIGHTED;} int IsDrawable () { return code & ENTITYISDRAWABLE;} void Show () { code |= ENTITYISVISIBLE;} void Hide () { code &= ~ENTITYISVISIBLE;} void Highlight () { code |= ENTITYISHIGHLIGHTED;} void Lowlight () { code &= ~ENTITYISHIGHLIGHTED;} void SetDrawable () { code |= ENTITYISDRAWABLE;} void SetNotDrawable () { code &= ~ENTITYISDRAWABLE;} }; class Line { public: Point<3> p0, p1; double Dist (Line l); double Length () { return (p1-p0).Length(); } }; inline double Det3 (double a00, double a01, double a02, double a10, double a11, double a12, double a20, double a21, double a22) { return a00*a11*a22 + a01*a12*a20 + a10*a21*a02 - a20*a11*a02 - a10*a01*a22 - a21*a12*a00; } class DLL_HEADER OCCParameters { public: /// Factor for meshing close edges, moved to meshingparameters // double resthcloseedgefac = 2.; /// Enable / Disable detection of close edges // int resthcloseedgeenable = true; /// Minimum edge length to be used for dividing edges to mesh points double resthminedgelen = 0.001; /// Enable / Disable use of the minimum edge length (by default use 1e-4) int resthminedgelenenable = true; /*! Dump all the OpenCascade specific meshing parameters to console */ void Print (ostream & ost) const; }; class DLL_HEADER OCCGeometry : public NetgenGeometry { Point<3> center; OCCParameters occparam; public: static std::map global_shape_names; TopoDS_Shape shape; TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape fmap, emap, vmap, somap, shmap, wmap; NgArray fsingular, esingular, vsingular; Box<3> boundingbox; NgArray fnames, enames, snames; // Philippose - 29/01/2009 // OpenCascade XDE Support // XCAF Handle to make the face colours available to the rest of // the system Handle(XCAFDoc_ColorTool) face_colours; mutable int changed; mutable NgArray facemeshstatus; // Philippose - 15/01/2009 // Maximum mesh size for a given face // (Used to explicitly define mesh size limits on individual faces) NgArray face_maxh; // Philippose - 14/01/2010 // Boolean array to detect whether a face has been explicitly modified // by the user or not NgArray face_maxh_modified; // Philippose - 15/01/2009 // Indicates which faces have been selected by the user in geometry mode // (Currently handles only selection of one face at a time, but an array would // help to extend this to multiple faces) NgArray face_sel_status; NgArray fvispar, evispar, vvispar; double tolerance; bool fixsmalledges; bool fixspotstripfaces; bool sewfaces; bool makesolids; bool splitpartitions; OCCGeometry() { somap.Clear(); shmap.Clear(); fmap.Clear(); wmap.Clear(); emap.Clear(); vmap.Clear(); } OCCGeometry(const TopoDS_Shape& _shape); Mesh::GEOM_TYPE GetGeomType() const override { return Mesh::GEOM_OCC; } void SetOCCParameters(const OCCParameters& par) { occparam = par; } void Analyse(Mesh& mesh, const MeshingParameters& mparam) const override; void FindEdges(Mesh& mesh, const MeshingParameters& mparam) const override; void MeshSurface(Mesh& mesh, const MeshingParameters& mparam) const override; void FinalizeMesh(Mesh& mesh) const override; void Save (string filename) const override; void DoArchive(Archive& ar) override; PointGeomInfo ProjectPoint(int surfind, Point<3> & p) const override; void ProjectPointEdge (int surfind, int surfind2, Point<3> & p, EdgePointGeomInfo* gi = nullptr) const override; bool ProjectPointGI (int surfind, Point<3> & p, PointGeomInfo & gi) const override; Vec<3> GetNormal(int surfind, const Point<3> & p, const PointGeomInfo* gi) const override; bool CalcPointGeomInfo(int surfind, PointGeomInfo& gi, const Point<3> & p3) const override; void PointBetweenEdge(const Point<3> & p1, const Point<3> & p2, double secpoint, int surfi1, int surfi2, const EdgePointGeomInfo & ap1, const EdgePointGeomInfo & ap2, Point<3> & newp, EdgePointGeomInfo & newgi) const override; void PointBetween(const Point<3> & p1, const Point<3> & p2, double secpoint, int surfi, const PointGeomInfo & gi1, const PointGeomInfo & gi2, Point<3> & newp, PointGeomInfo & newgi) const override; void BuildFMap(); auto GetShape() const { return shape; } Box<3> GetBoundingBox() const { return boundingbox; } int NrSolids() const { return somap.Extent(); } // Philippose - 17/01/2009 // Total number of faces in the geometry int NrFaces() const { return fmap.Extent(); } void SetCenter() { center = boundingbox.Center(); } Point<3> Center() const { return center; } OCCSurface GetSurface (int surfi) { cout << "OCCGeometry::GetSurface using PLANESPACE" << endl; return OCCSurface (TopoDS::Face(fmap(surfi)), PLANESPACE); } void CalcBoundingBox (); void BuildVisualizationMesh (double deflection); void RecursiveTopologyTree (const TopoDS_Shape & sh, stringstream & str, TopAbs_ShapeEnum l, bool free, const char * lname); void GetTopologyTree (stringstream & str); void PrintNrShapes (); void CheckIrregularEntities (stringstream & str); void SewFaces(); void MakeSolid(); void HealGeometry(); void GlueGeometry(); // Philippose - 15/01/2009 // Sets the maximum mesh size for a given face // (Note: Local mesh size limited by the global max mesh size) void SetFaceMaxH(int facenr, double faceh, const MeshingParameters & mparam) { if((facenr> 0) && (facenr <= fmap.Extent())) { face_maxh[facenr-1] = min(mparam.maxh,faceh); // Philippose - 14/01/2010 // If the face maxh is greater than or equal to the // current global maximum, then identify the face as // not explicitly controlled by the user any more if(faceh >= mparam.maxh) { face_maxh_modified[facenr-1] = 0; } else { face_maxh_modified[facenr-1] = 1; } } } void SetFaceMaxH(size_t facenr, double faceh) { if(facenr >= fmap.Extent()) throw RangeException("OCCGeometry faces", facenr, 0, fmap.Extent()); face_maxh[facenr] = faceh; face_maxh_modified[facenr] = true; } // Philippose - 15/01/2009 // Returns the local mesh size of a given face double GetFaceMaxH(int facenr) { if((facenr> 0) && (facenr <= fmap.Extent())) { return face_maxh[facenr-1]; } else { return 0.0; } } // Philippose - 14/01/2010 // Returns the flag whether the given face // has a mesh size controlled by the user or not bool GetFaceMaxhModified(int facenr) { return face_maxh_modified[facenr-1]; } // Philippose - 17/01/2009 // Returns the index of the currently selected face int SelectedFace() { for(int i = 1; i <= fmap.Extent(); i++) { if(face_sel_status[i-1]) { return i; } } return 0; } // Philippose - 17/01/2009 // Sets the currently selected face void SetSelectedFace(int facenr) { face_sel_status = 0; if((facenr >= 1) && (facenr <= fmap.Extent())) { face_sel_status[facenr-1] = 1; } } void LowLightAll() { for (int i = 1; i <= fmap.Extent(); i++) fvispar[i-1].Lowlight(); for (int i = 1; i <= emap.Extent(); i++) evispar[i-1].Lowlight(); for (int i = 1; i <= vmap.Extent(); i++) vvispar[i-1].Lowlight(); } void GetUnmeshedFaceInfo (stringstream & str); void GetNotDrawableFaces (stringstream & str); bool ErrorInSurfaceMeshing (); // void WriteOCC_STL(char * filename); private: bool FastProject (int surfi, Point<3> & ap, double& u, double& v) const; }; void PrintContents (OCCGeometry * geom); DLL_HEADER OCCGeometry * LoadOCC_IGES (const char * filename); DLL_HEADER OCCGeometry * LoadOCC_STEP (const char * filename); DLL_HEADER OCCGeometry * LoadOCC_BREP (const char * filename); // Philippose - 31.09.2009 // External access to the mesh generation functions within the OCC // subsystem (Not sure if this is the best way to implement this....!!) DLL_HEADER extern void OCCSetLocalMeshSize(const OCCGeometry & geom, Mesh & mesh, const MeshingParameters & mparam, const OCCParameters& occparam); DLL_HEADER extern void OCCMeshSurface (const OCCGeometry & geom, Mesh & mesh, const MeshingParameters & mparam); DLL_HEADER extern void OCCOptimizeSurface (OCCGeometry & geom, Mesh & mesh, const MeshingParameters & mparam); DLL_HEADER extern void OCCFindEdges (const OCCGeometry & geom, Mesh & mesh, const MeshingParameters & mparam); } #endif #endif