#ifndef FILE_BASEGEOM #define FILE_BASEGEOM /**************************************************************************/ /* File: basegeom.hpp */ /* Author: Joachim Schoeberl */ /* Date: 23. Aug. 09 */ /**************************************************************************/ struct Tcl_Interp; namespace netgen { struct ShapeProperties { optional name; optional> col; double maxh = 1e99; double hpref = 0; // number of hp refinement levels (will be multiplied by factor later) int layer = 1; optional quad_dominated; void Merge(const ShapeProperties & prop2) { if (!name && prop2.name) name = prop2.name; if (!col && prop2.col) col = prop2.col; maxh = min2(maxh, prop2.maxh); hpref = max2(hpref, prop2.hpref); if(!quad_dominated.has_value()) quad_dominated = prop2.quad_dominated; layer = max(layer, prop2.layer); } string GetName() const { return name ? *name : "default"; } Vec<4> GetColor() { return col ? *col : Vec<4>{0., 1., 0., 1.}; } void DoArchive(Archive& ar) { ar & name & col & maxh & hpref & layer; } }; class GeometryShape; struct ShapeIdentification { GeometryShape * from; GeometryShape * to; Transformation<3> trafo; Identifications::ID_TYPE type; string name = ""; }; class DLL_HEADER GeometryShape { public: int nr = -1; int layer = 1; ShapeProperties properties; Array identifications; GeometryShape * primary; Transformation<3> primary_to_me; virtual ~GeometryShape() {} virtual size_t GetHash() const = 0; virtual bool IsMappedShape( const GeometryShape & other, const Transformation<3> & trafo, double tolerance ) const; }; class DLL_HEADER GeometryVertex : public GeometryShape { public: virtual Point<3> GetPoint() const = 0; virtual bool IsMappedShape( const GeometryShape & other, const Transformation<3> & trafo, double tolerance ) const override; }; class DLL_HEADER GeometryEdge : public GeometryShape { protected: GeometryVertex *start, *end; public: int domin=-1, domout=-1; GeometryEdge( GeometryVertex &start_, GeometryVertex &end_ ) : start(&start_), end(&end_) {} virtual const GeometryVertex& GetStartVertex() const { return *start; } virtual const GeometryVertex& GetEndVertex() const { return *end; } virtual GeometryVertex& GetStartVertex() { return *start; } virtual GeometryVertex& GetEndVertex() { return *end; } virtual double GetLength() const = 0; virtual Point<3> GetCenter() const = 0; virtual Point<3> GetPoint(double t) const = 0; // Calculate parameter step respecting edges sag value virtual double CalcStep(double t, double sag) const = 0; virtual void ProjectPoint(Point<3>& p, EdgePointGeomInfo* gi) const = 0; virtual void PointBetween(const Point<3>& p1, const Point<3>& p2, double secpoint, const EdgePointGeomInfo& gi1, const EdgePointGeomInfo& gi2, Point<3>& newp, EdgePointGeomInfo& newgi) const { newp = p1 + secpoint * (p2-p1); newgi = gi1; ProjectPoint(newp, &newgi); } virtual Vec<3> GetTangent(double t) const = 0; virtual bool IsMappedShape( const GeometryShape & other, const Transformation<3> & trafo, double tolerance ) const override; }; class DLL_HEADER GeometryFace : public GeometryShape { public: Array edges; int domin=-1, domout=-1; virtual Point<3> GetCenter() const = 0; virtual size_t GetNBoundaries() const = 0; virtual Array GetBoundary(const Mesh& mesh) const = 0; virtual PointGeomInfo Project(Point<3>& p) const = 0; // Project point using geo info. Fast if point is close to // parametrization in geo info. virtual bool ProjectPointGI(Point<3>& p, PointGeomInfo& gi) const =0; virtual bool CalcPointGeomInfo(const Point<3>& p, PointGeomInfo& gi) const { auto pnew = p; gi = Project(pnew); return (p-pnew).Length() < 1e-10 * GetBoundingBox().Diam() ; } virtual Point<3> GetPoint(const PointGeomInfo& gi) const = 0; virtual void CalcEdgePointGI(const GeometryEdge& edge, double t, EdgePointGeomInfo& egi) const = 0; virtual Box<3> GetBoundingBox() const = 0; // Get curvature in point from local coordinates in PointGeomInfo virtual double GetCurvature(const PointGeomInfo& gi) const = 0; virtual void RestrictH(Mesh& mesh, const MeshingParameters& mparam) const = 0; virtual Vec<3> GetNormal(const Point<3>& p, const PointGeomInfo* gi = nullptr) const = 0; virtual void PointBetween(const Point<3>& p1, const Point<3>& p2, double secpoint, const PointGeomInfo& gi1, const PointGeomInfo& gi2, Point<3>& newp, PointGeomInfo& newgi) const { newp = p1 + secpoint * (p2-p1); newgi.trignum = gi1.trignum; newgi.u = 0.5 * (gi1.u + gi1.u); newgi.v = 0.5 * (gi1.v + gi2.v); if(!ProjectPointGI(newp, newgi)) newgi = Project(newp); } virtual bool IsMappedShape( const GeometryShape & other, const Transformation<3> & trafo, double tolerance ) const override; virtual bool IsConnectingCloseSurfaces() const; protected: void RestrictHTrig(Mesh& mesh, const PointGeomInfo& gi0, const PointGeomInfo& gi1, const PointGeomInfo& gi2, const MeshingParameters& mparam, int depth = 0, double h = 0.) const; }; class DLL_HEADER GeometrySolid : public GeometryShape { }; class DLL_HEADER NetgenGeometry { unique_ptr ref; protected: Array> vertices; Array> edges; Array> faces; Array> solids; Array, double>> restricted_h; Box<3> bounding_box; int dimension = 3; std::map vertex_map; std::map edge_map; std::map face_map; std::map solid_map; public: NetgenGeometry() { ref = make_unique(*this); } virtual ~NetgenGeometry () { ; } size_t GetNVertices() const { return vertices.Size(); } size_t GetNEdges() const { return edges.Size(); } size_t GetNFaces() const { return faces.Size(); } const GeometryFace & GetFace(int i) const { return *faces[i]; } const GeometryEdge & GetEdge(int i) const { return *edges[i]; } const GeometryVertex & GetVertex(int i) const { return *vertices[i]; } virtual Array GetFaceVertices(const GeometryFace& face) const { return Array{}; } void Clear(); virtual int GenerateMesh (shared_ptr & mesh, MeshingParameters & mparam); void RestrictH(const Point<3>& pnt, double maxh) { restricted_h.Append({pnt, maxh}); } virtual const Refinement & GetRefinement () const { return *ref; } virtual void DoArchive(Archive&) { throw NgException("DoArchive not implemented for " + Demangle(typeid(*this).name())); } virtual Mesh::GEOM_TYPE GetGeomType() const { return Mesh::NO_GEOM; } virtual void ProcessIdentifications(); virtual void Analyse(Mesh& mesh, const MeshingParameters& mparam) const; virtual void FindEdges(Mesh& mesh, const MeshingParameters& mparam) const; virtual void MeshSurface(Mesh& mesh, const MeshingParameters& mparam) const; virtual bool MeshFace(Mesh& mesh, const MeshingParameters& mparam, int nr, FlatArray glob2loc) const; virtual void MapSurfaceMesh( Mesh & mesh, const GeometryFace & dst ) const; virtual void OptimizeSurface(Mesh& mesh, const MeshingParameters& mparam) const; virtual void FinalizeMesh(Mesh& mesh) const; virtual PointGeomInfo ProjectPoint (int surfind, Point<3> & p) const { if(surfind <= faces.Size() && surfind > 0) return faces[surfind-1]->Project(p); return PointGeomInfo(); } virtual void ProjectPointEdge (int surfind, int surfind2, Point<3> & p, EdgePointGeomInfo* gi = nullptr) const { if(gi && gi->edgenr < edges.Size()) edges[gi->edgenr]->ProjectPoint(p, gi); } virtual bool CalcPointGeomInfo(int surfind, PointGeomInfo& gi, const Point<3> & p3) const { return faces[surfind-1]->CalcPointGeomInfo(p3, gi); } virtual bool ProjectPointGI (int surfind, Point<3> & p, PointGeomInfo & gi) const { if(surfind > 0 && surfind <= faces.Size()) return faces[surfind-1]->ProjectPointGI(p, gi); return false; } virtual Vec<3> GetNormal(int surfind, const Point<3> & p, const PointGeomInfo* gi = nullptr) const { if(surfind > 0 && surfind <= faces.Size()) return faces[surfind-1]->GetNormal(p, gi); else return {0., 0., 0.}; } virtual void PointBetween (const Point<3> & p1, const Point<3> & p2, double secpoint, int surfi, const PointGeomInfo & gi1, const PointGeomInfo & gi2, Point<3> & newp, PointGeomInfo & newgi) const { if(faces.Size() >= surfi && surfi > 0) { faces[surfi-1]->PointBetween(p1, p2, secpoint, gi1, gi2, newp, newgi); return; } newp = p1 + secpoint * (p2-p1); } virtual void PointBetweenEdge(const Point<3> & p1, const Point<3> & p2, double secpoint, int surfi1, int surfi2, const EdgePointGeomInfo & ap1, const EdgePointGeomInfo & ap2, Point<3> & newp, EdgePointGeomInfo & newgi) const { if(ap1.edgenr < edges.Size() && ap1.edgenr >= 0) { edges[ap1.edgenr]->PointBetween(p1, p2, secpoint, ap1, ap2, newp, newgi); return; } newp = p1+secpoint*(p2-p1); } virtual Vec<3> GetTangent(const Point<3> & p, int surfi1, int surfi2, const EdgePointGeomInfo & egi) const { throw Exception("Base geometry get tangent called"); } virtual size_t GetEdgeIndex(const GeometryEdge& edge) const { for(auto i : Range(edges)) if(edge.GetHash() == edges[i]->GetHash()) return i; throw Exception("Couldn't find edge index"); } virtual void Save (const filesystem::path & filename) const; virtual void SaveToMeshFile (ostream & /* ost */) const { ; } }; class DLL_HEADER GeometryRegister { public: virtual ~GeometryRegister(); virtual NetgenGeometry * Load (const filesystem::path & filename) const = 0; virtual NetgenGeometry * LoadFromMeshFile (istream & /* ist */, string) const { return NULL; } virtual class VisualScene * GetVisualScene (const NetgenGeometry * /* geom */) const { return NULL; } virtual void SetParameters (Tcl_Interp * /* interp */) { ; } }; class DLL_HEADER GeometryRegisterArray : public NgArray { public: virtual ~GeometryRegisterArray() { DeleteAll(); } virtual shared_ptr LoadFromMeshFile (istream & ist) const; }; DLL_HEADER GeometryRegisterArray& FetchGeometryRegisterArray (); } #endif