/* File:   hashtable.hpp                                                  */
/* Author: Joachim Schoeberl                                              */
/* Date:   01. Jun. 95                                                    */

#include <string>
#include <tuple>

#include "mpi_wrapper.hpp"
#include "ngcore_api.hpp"
#include "table.hpp"
#include "utils.hpp"

namespace ngcore

  template <int K> 
  class MakeTupleFromInt
    template <typename I>
    auto operator()(I & i)
    { return tuple_cat(MakeTupleFromInt<K-1> ()(i), std::tie(i[K-1])); }
  template <> 
  class MakeTupleFromInt<1>
    template <typename I>
    auto operator()(I & i) { return std::tie(i[0]); }

  /// N integers
  template <int N, typename T = int>
  class INT
    /// data
    T i[(N>0)?N:1];


    /// init all
      for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) { i[j] = ai1; }

    /// init i[0], i[1]
    NETGEN_INLINE INT (T ai1, T ai2)
    { i[0] = ai1; i[1] = ai2; }

    /// init i[0], i[1], i[2]
    NETGEN_INLINE INT (T ai1, T ai2, T ai3)
    { i[0] = ai1; i[1] = ai2; i[2] = ai3; }

    /// init i[0], i[1], i[2]
    NETGEN_INLINE INT (T ai1, T ai2, T ai3, T ai4)
    { i[0] = ai1; i[1] = ai2; i[2] = ai3; i[3] = ai4; }

    /// init i[0], i[1], i[2]
    NETGEN_INLINE INT (T ai1, T ai2, T ai3, T ai4, T ai5)
    { i[0] = ai1; i[1] = ai2; i[2] = ai3; i[3] = ai4; i[4] = ai5;}

    /// init i[0], i[1], i[2]
    NETGEN_INLINE INT (T ai1, T ai2, T ai3, T ai4, T ai5, T ai6, T ai7, T ai8, T ai9)
    { i[0] = ai1; i[1] = ai2; i[2] = ai3; i[3] = ai4; i[4] = ai5; i[5] = ai6; i[6] = ai7; i[7] = ai8; i[8] = ai9; }

    void DoArchive(Archive& ar)
      ar.Do(i, N);

    template <int N2, typename T2>
    NETGEN_INLINE INT (const INT<N2,T2> & in2)
      if (N2 <= N)
          for (int j = 0; j < N2; j++)
            i[j] = in2[j];
          for (int j = N2; j < N; j++)
            i[j] = 0;
          for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
            i[j] = in2[j];

    template <typename T2>
    NETGEN_INLINE INT (const BaseArrayObject<T2> & ao)
      for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
        i[j] = ao.Spec()[j];
    NETGEN_INLINE size_t Size() const { return N; }
    /// all ints equal ?
    NETGEN_INLINE bool operator== (const INT & in2) const
      for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) 
	if (i[j] != in2.i[j]) return 0;
      return 1; 

    /// any ints unequal ?
    NETGEN_INLINE bool operator!= (const INT & in2) const
      for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
        if (i[j] != in2.i[j]) return 1;
      return 0;

    /// sort integers
    NETGEN_INLINE INT & Sort () & 
      for (int k = 0; k < N; k++)
	for (int l = k+1; l < N; l++)
	  if (i[k] > i[l]) 
	    Swap (i[k], i[l]);
      return *this;

    NETGEN_INLINE INT Sort () &&
      for (int k = 0; k < N; k++)
	for (int l = k+1; l < N; l++)
	  if (i[k] > i[l]) 
	    Swap (i[k], i[l]);
      return *this;

    /// access
    NETGEN_INLINE T & operator[] (int j)
    { return i[j]; }

    /// access
    NETGEN_INLINE const T & operator[] (int j) const
    { return i[j]; }

    template <size_t J>
    T get() const { return i[J]; }
    operator FlatArray<T> () { return FlatArray<T> (N, &i[0]); } 

    NETGEN_INLINE INT<N,T> & operator= (T value)
      for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
	i[j] = value;
      return *this;

    template <typename T2>
    NETGEN_INLINE INT<N,T> & operator= (INT<N,T2> v2)
      for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
	i[j] = v2[j];
      return *this;

    template <typename... Ts>
    operator std::tuple<Ts...> ()
      return MakeTupleFromInt<N>()(*this);

  /// sort 2 integers
  template <>
  NETGEN_INLINE INT<2> & INT<2>::Sort () & 
    if (i[0] > i[1]) Swap (i[0], i[1]);
    return *this;

  template <>
  NETGEN_INLINE INT<2> INT<2>::Sort () &&
    if (i[0] > i[1]) Swap (i[0], i[1]);
    return *this;

  /// sort 3 integers
  template <>
  NETGEN_INLINE INT<3> INT<3>::Sort () &&
    if (i[0] > i[1]) Swap (i[0], i[1]);
    if (i[1] > i[2]) Swap (i[1], i[2]);
    if (i[0] > i[1]) Swap (i[0], i[1]);
    return *this;

  /// Print integers
  template <int N, typename T>
  inline ostream & operator<<(ostream  & s, const INT<N,T> & i2)
    for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
      s << (int) i2[j] << " ";
    return s;
  template <int N, typename T>
  auto begin(const INT<N,T> & ind)
    return AOWrapperIterator<INT<N,T>> (ind, 0);

  template <int N, typename T>
  auto end(const INT<N,T> & ind)
    return AOWrapperIterator<INT<N,T>> (ind, N);    

  template <int N, typename TI>
  NETGEN_INLINE size_t HashValue (const INT<N,TI> & ind, size_t size)
    INT<N,size_t> lind = ind;    
    size_t sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
      sum += lind[i];
    return sum % size;

  /// hash value of 1 int
  template <typename TI>
  NETGEN_INLINE size_t HashValue (const INT<1,TI> & ind, size_t size) 
    return ind[0] % size;

  /// hash value of 2 int
  template <typename TI>  
  NETGEN_INLINE size_t HashValue (const INT<2,TI> & ind, size_t size) 
    INT<2,size_t> lind = ind;
    return (113*lind[0]+lind[1]) % size;

  /// hash value of 3 int
  template <typename TI>    
  NETGEN_INLINE size_t HashValue (const INT<3,TI> & ind, size_t size) 
    INT<3,size_t> lind = ind;
    return (113*lind[0]+59*lind[1]+lind[2]) % size;

  NETGEN_INLINE size_t HashValue (size_t ind, size_t size)
    return ind%size;
  NETGEN_INLINE size_t HashValue (int ind, size_t size)
    return size_t(ind)%size;

  template <int N, typename TI>
  NETGEN_INLINE size_t HashValue2 (const INT<N,TI> & ind, size_t mask)
    INT<N,size_t> lind = ind;    
    size_t sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
      sum += lind[i];
    return sum & mask;

  /// hash value of 1 int
  template <typename TI>
  NETGEN_INLINE size_t HashValue2 (const INT<1,TI> & ind, size_t mask) 
    return ind[0] & mask;

  /// hash value of 2 int
  template <typename TI>  
  NETGEN_INLINE size_t HashValue2 (const INT<2,TI> & ind, size_t mask) 
    INT<2,size_t> lind = ind;
    return (113*lind[0]+lind[1]) & mask;

  /// hash value of 3 int
  template <typename TI>    
  NETGEN_INLINE size_t HashValue2 (const INT<3,TI> & ind, size_t mask) 
    INT<3,size_t> lind = ind;
    return (113*lind[0]+59*lind[1]+lind[2]) & mask;

  NETGEN_INLINE size_t HashValue2 (size_t ind, size_t mask)
    return ind & mask;
  NETGEN_INLINE size_t HashValue2 (int ind, size_t mask)
    return size_t(ind) & mask;

  // using ngstd::max;

  template <int D, typename T>
  NETGEN_INLINE T Max (const INT<D,T> & i)
    if (D == 0) return 0;
    T m = i[0];
    for (int j = 1; j < D; j++)
      if (i[j] > m) m = i[j];
    return m;

  template <int D, typename T>
  NETGEN_INLINE T Min (const INT<D,T> & i)
    if (D == 0) return 0;
    T m = i[0];
    for (int j = 1; j < D; j++)
      if (i[j] < m) m = i[j];
    return m;

  template <int D, typename T>
    INT<D,T> tmp;
    for (int i = 0; i < D; i++)
      tmp[i] = std::max(i1[i], i2[i]);
    return tmp;

  template <int D, typename T>
  NETGEN_INLINE INT<D,T> operator+ (INT<D,T> i1, INT<D,T> i2)
    INT<D,T> tmp;
    for (int i = 0; i < D; i++)
      tmp[i] = i1[i]+i2[i];
    return tmp;

     A hash-table.
     Generic identifiers are mapped to the generic type T.
     An open hashtable. The table is implemented by a DynamicTable.
     Identifiers must provide a HashValue method.
  template <class T_HASH, class T>
  class HashTable
    DynamicTable<T_HASH> hash;
    DynamicTable<T> cont;
    DynamicTable<std::pair<T_HASH,T>> table;
    /// Constructs a hashtable of size bags.
    NETGEN_INLINE HashTable (int size)
    // : hash(size), cont(size)
      : table(size)
    { ; }
    NETGEN_INLINE ~HashTable () { ; }

    /// Sets identifier ahash to value acont
    void Set (const T_HASH & ahash, const T & acont)
      int bnr = HashValue (ahash, Size());
      int pos = CheckPosition (bnr, ahash);
      if (pos != -1)
	// cont.Set (bnr, pos, acont);
        table[bnr][pos].second = acont;
	  // hash.Add (bnr, ahash);
	  // cont.Add (bnr, acont);
          table.Add (bnr, std::make_pair(ahash, acont));

    /// get value of identifier ahash, exception if unused
    const T & Get (const T_HASH & ahash) const
      int bnr = HashValue (ahash, Size());
      int pos = Position (bnr, ahash);
      // return cont.Get (bnr, pos);
      return table.Get (bnr, pos).second;

    /// get value of identifier ahash, exception if unused
    const T & Get (int bnr, int pos) const
      // return cont.Get (bnr, pos);
      return table.Get (bnr, pos).second;

    /// is identifier used ?
    bool Used (const T_HASH & ahash) const
      // return (CheckPosition (HashValue (ahash, hash.Size()), ahash) != -1);
      return (CheckPosition (HashValue (ahash, table.Size()), ahash) != -1);

    /// is identifier used ?
    bool Used (const T_HASH & ahash, int & bnr, int & pos) const
      // bnr = HashValue (ahash, hash.Size());
      bnr = HashValue (ahash, Size());
      pos = CheckPosition (bnr, ahash);
      return (pos != -1);

    /// number of hash entries
    size_t Size () const
      // return hash.Size();
      return table.Size();

    /// size of hash entry
    size_t EntrySize (int bnr) const
      // return hash[bnr].Size();
      return table[bnr].Size();

    /// get identifier and value of entry bnr, position colnr
    void GetData (int bnr, int colnr, T_HASH & ahash, T & acont) const
      // ahash = hash[bnr][colnr];
      // acont = cont[bnr][colnr];
      ahash = table[bnr][colnr].first;
      acont = table[bnr][colnr].second;

    /// set identifier and value of entry bnr, position colnr
    void SetData (int bnr, int colnr, const T_HASH & ahash, const T & acont)
      // hash[bnr][colnr] = ahash;
      // cont[bnr][colnr] = acont;
      table[bnr][colnr] = std::make_pair(ahash, acont);

    /// returns position of index. returns -1 on unused
    int CheckPosition (int bnr, const T_HASH & ind) const
      for (int i = 0; i < hash[bnr].Size(); i++)
	if (hash[bnr][i] == ind)
	  return i;
      for (int i = 0; i < table[bnr].Size(); i++)
	if (table[bnr][i].first == ind)
	  return i;
      return -1;

    /// returns position of index. exception on unused
    int Position (int bnr, const T_HASH & ind) const
      for (int i = 0; i < table[bnr].Size(); i++)
	if (table[bnr][i].first == ind)
	  return i;
      throw Exception ("Ask for unsused hash-value");

    T & operator[] (T_HASH ahash)
      int bnr, pos;
      if (Used (ahash, bnr, pos))
        return table[bnr][pos].second;
	  // hash.Add (bnr, ahash);
	  // cont.Add (bnr, T(0));
          table.Add (bnr, std::make_pair(ahash, T(0)));
          // return cont[bnr][cont[bnr].Size()-1];
          return table[bnr][table[bnr].Size()-1].second;

    const T & operator[] (T_HASH ahash) const
      return Get(ahash);

    class Iterator
      const HashTable & ht;
      int bnr;
      int pos;
      Iterator (const HashTable & aht, int abnr, int apos)
        : ht(aht), bnr(abnr), pos(apos) { ; }
      std::pair<T_HASH,T> operator* () const
        T_HASH hash; 
        T data;
        ht.GetData (bnr, pos, hash, data);
        return std::pair<T_HASH,T> (hash, data);

      Iterator & operator++() 
        if (pos == ht.EntrySize(bnr))
            pos = 0;
            for ( ; bnr < ht.Size(); bnr++)
              if (ht.EntrySize(bnr) != 0) break;
        return *this;
      bool operator!= (const Iterator & it2) { return bnr != it2.bnr || pos != it2.pos; }

    Iterator begin () const 
      int i = 0;
      for ( ; i < Size(); i++)
        if (EntrySize(i) != 0) break;
      return Iterator(*this, i,0); 
    Iterator end () const { return Iterator(*this, Size(),0); }

  inline size_t RoundUp2 (size_t i)
    size_t res = 1;
    while (res < i) res *= 2; // hope it will never be too large 
    return res; 

     A closed hash-table.
     All information is stored in one fixed array.
     The array should be allocated with the double size of the expected number of entries.
  template <class T_HASH, class T>
  class ClosedHashTable
    size_t size;
    size_t mask;
    size_t used = 0;
    Array<T_HASH> hash;
    Array<T> cont;
    T_HASH invalid = -1;
    ClosedHashTable (size_t asize = 128)
      : size(RoundUp2(asize)), hash(size), cont(size)
      mask = size-1;
      hash = T_HASH(invalid);

    ClosedHashTable (ClosedHashTable && ht2) = default;

    /// allocate on local heap
    ClosedHashTable (size_t asize, LocalHeap & lh)
      : size(RoundUp2(asize)), mask(size-1), hash(size, lh), cont(size, lh)
      hash = T_HASH(invalid);

    ClosedHashTable & operator= (ClosedHashTable && ht2) = default;

    size_t Size() const
      return size;

    /// is position used
    bool UsedPos (size_t pos) const
      return ! (hash[pos] == invalid); 

    /// number of used elements
    size_t UsedElements () const
      return used;
      size_t cnt = 0;
      for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
	if (hash[i] != invalid)
      return cnt;

    size_t Position (const T_HASH ind) const
      size_t i = HashValue2(ind, mask);
      while (1)
	  if (hash[i] == ind) return i;
	  if (hash[i] == invalid) return size_t(-1);
	  if (i >= size) i = 0;

    void DoubleSize()
      ClosedHashTable tmp(2*Size());
      for (auto both : *this)
        tmp[both.first] = both.second;
      *this = std::move(tmp);
    // returns true if new position is created
    bool PositionCreate (const T_HASH ind, size_t & apos)
      if (UsedElements()*2 > Size()) DoubleSize();
      size_t i = HashValue2 (ind, mask);

      while (1)
	  if (hash[i] == invalid)
	      hash[i] = ind; 
	      apos = i;
	      return true;
	  if (hash[i] == ind) 
	      apos = i; 
	      return false; 
	  if (i >= size) i = 0;

    void Set (const T_HASH & ahash, const T & acont)
      size_t pos;
      PositionCreate (ahash, pos);
      hash[pos] = ahash;
      cont[pos] = acont;

    const T & Get (const T_HASH & ahash) const
      size_t pos = Position (ahash);
      if (pos == size_t(-1))
        throw Exception (std::string("illegal key: ") + ToString(ahash) );
      return cont[pos];

    bool Used (const T_HASH & ahash) const
      return (Position (ahash) != size_t(-1));

    void SetData (size_t pos, const T_HASH & ahash, const T & acont)
      hash[pos] = ahash;
      cont[pos] = acont;

    void GetData (size_t pos, T_HASH & ahash, T & acont) const
      ahash = hash[pos];
      acont = cont[pos];
    void SetData (size_t pos, const T & acont)
      cont[pos] = acont;

    void GetData (size_t pos, T & acont) const
      acont = cont[pos];

    T GetData (size_t pos) const
      return cont[pos];

    std::pair<T_HASH,T> GetBoth (size_t pos) const
      return std::pair<T_HASH,T> (hash[pos], cont[pos]);

    const T & operator[] (T_HASH key) const { return Get(key); }
    T & operator[] (T_HASH key)
      size_t pos;
      PositionCreate(key, pos);
      return cont[pos];
    void SetSize (size_t asize)
      size = asize;

      // for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
      // hash[i] = invalid;
      hash = T_HASH(invalid);

    void Delete (T_HASH key)
      size_t pos = Position(key);
      if (pos == size_t(-1)) return;
      hash[pos] = invalid; used--;
      while (1)
          size_t nextpos = pos+1;
          if (nextpos == size) nextpos = 0;
          if (hash[nextpos] == invalid) break;
          auto key = hash[nextpos];
          auto val = cont[nextpos];
          hash[pos] = invalid; used--;
          Set (key, val);
          pos = nextpos;
    class Iterator
      const ClosedHashTable & tab;
      size_t nr;
      Iterator (const ClosedHashTable & _tab, size_t _nr)
        : tab(_tab), nr(_nr)
        while (nr < tab.Size() && !tab.UsedPos(nr)) nr++;
      Iterator & operator++()
        while (nr < tab.Size() && !tab.UsedPos(nr)) nr++;
        return *this;
      bool operator!= (const Iterator & it2) { return nr != it2.nr; }
      auto operator* () const
        T_HASH hash;
        T val;
        tab.GetData(nr, hash,val);
        return std::make_pair(hash,val);

    Iterator begin() const { return Iterator(*this, 0); }
    Iterator end() const { return Iterator(*this, Size()); } 

  template <class T_HASH, class T>  
  ostream & operator<< (ostream & ost,
                        const ClosedHashTable<T_HASH,T> & tab)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < tab.Size(); i++)
      if (tab.UsedPos(i))
          T_HASH key;
          T val;
          tab.GetData (i, key, val);
          ost << key << ": " << val << ", ";
    return ost;

  template <typename TI>
  NETGEN_INLINE size_t HashValue (const INT<3,TI> ind)
    INT<3,size_t> lind = ind;
    return 113*lind[0]+59*lind[1]+lind[2];

  template <typename TI>  
  NETGEN_INLINE size_t HashValue (const INT<2,TI> ind)
    INT<2,size_t> lind = ind;
    return 113*lind[0]+lind[1];

  template <typename TI>  
  NETGEN_INLINE size_t HashValue (const INT<1,TI> ind)
    return ind[0];

  template <typename TKEY, typename T>
  class ParallelHashTable
    class ClosedHT
      Array<TKEY> keys;
      Array<T> values;
      size_t used;
      ClosedHT(size_t asize = 256) : keys(asize), values(asize), used(0)
        keys = TKEY(-1);

      size_t Size () const { return keys.Size(); }
      size_t Used () const { return used; }

      ClosedHT & operator= (ClosedHT&&) = default;

      void Resize()
        ClosedHT tmp(keys.Size()*2);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < keys.Size(); i++)
          if (keys[i] != TKEY(-1))
              TKEY hkey = keys[i];
              T hval = values[i];
              size_t hhash = HashValue(hkey);
              size_t hhash2 = hhash / 256;
              tmp.DoSave(hkey, [hval] (T & v) { v = hval; }, hhash2);
        (*this) = std::move(tmp);
      template <typename TFUNC>
      auto Do (TKEY key, TFUNC func, size_t hash)
        if (used > keys.Size()/2)
        return DoSave (key, func, hash);
      template <typename TFUNC>
      auto DoSave (TKEY key, TFUNC func, size_t hash)
        size_t pos = hash & (keys.Size()-1);
        while (1)
            if (keys[pos] == key)
            if (keys[pos] == TKEY(-1))
                keys[pos] = key;
                values[pos] = T(0);
            if (pos == keys.Size()) pos = 0;
        return func(values[pos]);
      T Get (TKEY key, size_t hash)
        size_t pos = hash & (keys.Size()-1);
        while (1)
            if (keys[pos] == key)
              return values[pos];
            if (keys[pos] == TKEY(-1))
              throw Exception ("ParallelHashTable::Get of unused key");
            if (pos == keys.Size()) pos = 0;

      size_t GetCosts (TKEY key, size_t hash)
        size_t pos = hash & (keys.Size()-1);
        size_t costs = 1;
        while (1)
            if (keys[pos] == key)
              return costs;
            if (keys[pos] == TKEY(-1))
              throw Exception ("ParallelHashTable::Get of unused key");
            if (pos == keys.Size()) pos = 0;

      template <typename TFUNC>
      void Iterate (TFUNC func) const
        for (size_t i = 0; i < keys.Size(); i++)
          if (keys[i] != TKEY(-1))
            func(keys[i], values[i]);
      void Print (ostream & ost) const
        for (size_t i = 0; i < keys.Size(); i++)
          if (keys[i] != TKEY(-1))
            ost << keys[i] << ": " << values[i] << ", ";

    Array<ClosedHT> hts;
    class alignas(64) MyMutex64 : public MyMutex { };
    Array<MyMutex64> locks;

    ParallelHashTable() : hts(256), locks(256) { ; }
    size_t NumBuckets() const { return hts.Size(); }
    auto & Bucket(size_t nr) { return hts[nr]; }
    size_t BucketSize(size_t nr) const { return hts[nr].Size(); }
    size_t Used (size_t nr) const { return hts[nr].Used(); } 
    size_t Used() const
      size_t used = 0;
      for (auto & ht : hts)
        used += ht.Used();
      return used;
    template <typename TFUNC>
    auto Do (TKEY key, TFUNC func)
      size_t hash = HashValue(key);
      size_t hash1 = hash % 256;
      size_t hash2 = hash / 256;
      // locks[hash1].lock();
      // hts[hash1].Do (key, func, hash2);
      // locks[hash1].unlock();
      MyLock lock(locks[hash1]);
      return hts[hash1].Do (key, func, hash2);
    T Get (TKEY key)
      size_t hash = HashValue(key);
      size_t hash1 = hash % 256;
      size_t hash2 = hash / 256;
      return hts[hash1].Get (key, hash2);

    auto GetCosts (TKEY key)
      size_t hash = HashValue(key);
      size_t hash1 = hash % 256;
      size_t hash2 = hash / 256;
      return hts[hash1].GetCosts (key, hash2);

    template <typename TFUNC>
    void Iterate(TFUNC func) const
      for (auto & bucket : hts)

    template <typename TFUNC>
    void Iterate(size_t nr, TFUNC func) const

    template <typename FUNC>
    void IterateParallel (FUNC func)
      Array<size_t> base(NumBuckets());
      size_t sum = 0;
      for (size_t i = 0; i < NumBuckets(); i++)
          base[i] = sum;
          sum += Used(i); 
                  [&] (size_t nr)
                    size_t cnt = base[nr];
                            [&cnt, func] (TKEY key, T val)
                              func(cnt, key, val);


    void Print (ostream & ost) const
      for (size_t i : Range(hts))
        if (hts[i].Used() > 0)
            ost << i << ": ";

  template <typename TKEY, typename T>
  inline ostream & operator<< (ostream & ost, const ParallelHashTable<TKEY,T> & ht)
    return ost;

  template <int N, typename T>
  Archive & operator & (Archive & archive, INT<N,T> & mi)
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
      archive & mi[i];
    return archive;
} // namespace ngcore

namespace ngcore {
  template<int S, typename T>
  class MPI_typetrait<ngcore::INT<S, T> >
    /// gets the MPI datatype
    static MPI_Datatype MPIType () 
      static MPI_Datatype MPI_T = 0;
      if (!MPI_T)
	  MPI_Type_contiguous ( S, MPI_typetrait<T>::MPIType(), &MPI_T);
	  MPI_Type_commit ( &MPI_T );
      return MPI_T;

namespace std
  // structured binding support
  template <auto N, typename T>
  struct tuple_size<ngcore::INT<N,T>> : std::integral_constant<std::size_t, N> {};
  template<size_t N, auto M, typename T> struct tuple_element<N,ngcore::INT<M,T>> { using type = T; };
