#ifndef FILE_NGSTD_NgArrayCPP #define FILE_NGSTD_NgArrayCPP // necessary for SGI ???? /**************************************************************************/ /* File: array.cpp */ /* Author: Joachim Schoeberl */ /* Date: 01. Jun. 95 */ /**************************************************************************/ /* Abstract data type NgArray */ #include <mystdlib.h> #include <myadt.hpp> #include <assert.h> namespace netgen { //using namespace netgen; #ifdef NONE void BASE_Array :: ReSize (int minsize, int elementsize) { cout << "resize, minsize = " << minsize << endl; if (inc == -1) throw Exception ("Try to resize fixed size array"); void * p; int nsize = (inc) ? allocsize + inc : 2 * allocsize; if (nsize < minsize) nsize = minsize; if (data) { p = new char [nsize * elementsize]; int mins = (nsize < actsize) ? nsize : actsize; memcpy (p, data, mins * elementsize); delete [] static_cast<char*> (data); data = p; } else { data = new char[nsize * elementsize]; } allocsize = nsize; cout << "resize done" << endl; } void BASE_Array :: RangeCheck (int i) const { if (i < 0 || i >= actsize) throw ArrayRangeException (); } void BASE_Array :: CheckNonEmpty () const { if (!actsize) { throw Exception ("NgArray should not be empty"); // cerr << "NgArray souldn't be empty"; } } #endif } #endif // FILE_NGSTD_NgArrayCPP