from netgen.meshing import * def ReadGmsh(filename): if not filename.endswith(".msh"): filename += ".msh" meshdim = 1 with open(filename, 'r') as f: while f.readline().split()[0] != "$Elements": pass nelem = int(f.readline()) for i in range(nelem): line = f.readline() eltype = int(line.split()[1]) if eltype > 1 and eltype != 15: meshdim = 2 if eltype > 3 and eltype != 15: meshdim = 3 break f = open(filename, 'r') mesh = Mesh(dim=meshdim) pointmap = {} facedescriptormap = {} namemap = { 0 : "default" } materialmap = {} bbcmap = {} segm = 1 trig = 2 quad = 3 tet = 4 hex = 5 prism = 6 pyramid = 7 segm3 = 8 # 2nd order line trig6 = 9 # 2nd order trig tet10 = 11 # 2nd order tet point = 15 quad8 = 16 # 2nd order quad hex20 = 17 # 2nd order hex prism15 = 18 # 2nd order prism pyramid13 = 19 # 2nd order pyramid segms = [segm, segm3] trigs = [trig, trig6] quads = [quad, quad8] tets = [tet, tet10] hexes = [hex, hex20] prisms = [prism, prism15] pyramids = [pyramid, pyramid13] elem0d = [point] elem1d = segms elem2d = trigs + quads elem3d = tets + hexes + prisms + pyramids num_nodes_map = { segm : 2, trig : 3, quad : 4, tet : 4, hex : 8, prism : 6, pyramid : 5, segm3 : 3, trig6 : 6, tet10 : 10, point : 1, quad8 : 8, hex20 : 20, prism15 : 18, pyramid13 : 19 } while True: line = f.readline() if line == "": break if line.split()[0] == "$PhysicalNames": print('WARNING: Physical groups detected - Be sure to define them for every geometrical entity.') numnames = int(f.readline()) for i in range(numnames): f.readline line = f.readline() namemap[int(line.split()[1])] = line.split()[2][1:-1] if line.split()[0] == "$Nodes": num = int(f.readline().split()[0]) for i in range(num): line = f.readline() nodenum, x, y, z = line.split()[0:4] pnum = mesh.Add(MeshPoint(Pnt(float(x), float(y), float(z)))) pointmap[int(nodenum)] = pnum if line.split()[0] == "$Elements": num = int(f.readline().split()[0]) for i in range(num): line = f.readline().split() elmnum = int(line[0]) elmtype = int(line[1]) numtags = int(line[2]) # the first tag is the physical group nr, the second tag is the group nr of the dim tags = [int(line[3 + k]) for k in range(numtags)] if elmtype not in num_nodes_map: raise Exception("element type", elmtype, "not implemented") num_nodes = num_nodes_map[elmtype] nodenums = line[3 + numtags:3 + numtags + num_nodes] nodenums2 = [pointmap[int(nn)] for nn in nodenums] if elmtype in elem1d: if meshdim == 3: if tags[1] in bbcmap: index = bbcmap[tags[1]] else: index = len(bbcmap) + 1 if len(namemap): mesh.SetCD2Name(index, namemap[tags[0]]) else: mesh.SetCD2Name(index, "line" + str(tags[1])) bbcmap[tags[1]] = index elif meshdim == 2: if tags[1] in facedescriptormap.keys(): index = facedescriptormap[tags[1]] else: index = len(facedescriptormap) + 1 fd = FaceDescriptor(bc=index) if len(namemap): fd.bcname = namemap[tags[0]] else: fd.bcname = 'line' + str(tags[1]) mesh.SetBCName(index - 1, fd.bcname) mesh.Add(fd) facedescriptormap[tags[1]] = index else: if tags[1] in materialmap: index = materialmap[tags[1]] else: index = len(materialmap) + 1 if len(namemap): mesh.SetMaterial(index, namemap[tags[0]]) else: mesh.SetMaterial(index, "line" + str(tags[1])) materialmap[tags[1]] = index mesh.Add(Element1D(index=index, vertices=nodenums2)) if elmtype in elem2d: # 2d elements if meshdim == 3: if tags[1] in facedescriptormap.keys(): index = facedescriptormap[tags[1]] else: index = len(facedescriptormap) + 1 fd = FaceDescriptor(bc=index) if len(namemap): fd.bcname = namemap[tags[0]] else: fd.bcname = "surf" + str(tags[1]) mesh.SetBCName(index - 1, fd.bcname) mesh.Add(fd) facedescriptormap[tags[1]] = index else: if tags[1] in materialmap: index = materialmap[tags[1]] else: index = len(materialmap) + 1 if len(namemap): mesh.SetMaterial(index, namemap[tags[0]]) else: mesh.SetMaterial(index, "surf" + str(tags[1])) materialmap[tags[1]] = index if elmtype in trigs: ordering = [i for i in range(3)] if elmtype == trig6: ordering += [4,5,3] if elmtype in quads: ordering = [i for i in range(4)] if elmtype == quad8: ordering += [4, 6, 7, 5] mesh.Add(Element2D(index, [nodenums2[i] for i in ordering])) if elmtype in elem3d: # volume elements if tags[1] in materialmap: index = materialmap[tags[1]] else: index = len(materialmap) + 1 if len(namemap): mesh.SetMaterial(index, namemap[tags[0]]) else: mesh.SetMaterial(index, "vol" + str(tags[1])) materialmap[tags[1]] = index nodenums2 = [pointmap[int(nn)] for nn in nodenums] if elmtype in tets: ordering = [0,1,2,3] if elmtype == tet10: ordering += [4,6,7,5,9,8] elif elmtype in hexes: ordering = [0,1,5,4,3,2,6,7] if elmtype == hex20: ordering += [8,16,10,12,13,19,15,14,9,11,18,17] elif elmtype in prisms: ordering = [0,2,1,3,5,4] if elmtype == prism15: ordering += [7,6,9,8,11,10,13,12,14] elif elmtype in pyramids: ordering = [3,2,1,0,4] if elmtype == pyramid13: ordering += [10,5,6,8,12,11,9,7] mesh.Add(Element3D(index, [nodenums2[i] for i in ordering])) return mesh