#include <Bnd_Box.hxx> #include <BRepBndLib.hxx> #include <BRep_TVertex.hxx> #include <BRepMesh_IncrementalMesh.hxx> #include <BRepTools.hxx> #include "occ_utils.hpp" #include "occgeom.hpp" namespace netgen { Point<3> occ2ng (const TopoDS_Shape& shape) { if(shape.ShapeType() != TopAbs_VERTEX) throw Exception("Try to convert non vertex to point!"); return occ2ng( BRep_Tool::Pnt(TopoDS::Vertex(shape)) ); } Transformation<3> occ2ng (const gp_Trsf & occ_trafo) { Transformation<3> trafo; auto v = occ_trafo.TranslationPart(); auto m = occ_trafo.VectorialPart(); auto & tv = trafo.GetVector(); auto & tm = trafo.GetMatrix(); for(auto i : Range(3)) { tv[i] = v.Coord(i+1); for(auto k : Range(3)) tm(i,k) = m(i+1,k+1); } return trafo; } Transformation<3> occ2ng (const gp_GTrsf & occ_trafo) { Transformation<3> trafo; auto v = occ_trafo.TranslationPart(); auto m = occ_trafo.VectorialPart(); auto & tv = trafo.GetVector(); auto & tm = trafo.GetMatrix(); for(auto i : Range(3)) { tv[i] = v.Coord(i+1); for(auto k : Range(3)) tm(i,k) = m(i+1,k+1); } return trafo; } Box<3> GetBoundingBox( const TopoDS_Shape & shape ) { Bnd_Box bb; #if OCC_VERSION_HEX < 0x070000 BRepBndLib::Add (shape, bb); #else BRepBndLib::Add (shape, bb, true); #endif return {occ2ng(bb.CornerMin()), occ2ng(bb.CornerMax())}; } Standard_Integer BuildTriangulation( const TopoDS_Shape & shape ) { BRepTools::Clean (shape); // double deflection = 0.01; // https://dev.opencascade.org/doc/overview/html/occt_user_guides__mesh.html // from Standard_Boolean meshing_imeshtools_parameters() IMeshTools_Parameters aMeshParams; aMeshParams.Deflection = 0.01; aMeshParams.Angle = 0.5; aMeshParams.Relative = Standard_False; aMeshParams.InParallel = Standard_True; aMeshParams.MinSize = Precision::Confusion(); aMeshParams.InternalVerticesMode = Standard_True; aMeshParams.ControlSurfaceDeflection = Standard_True; BRepMesh_IncrementalMesh aMesher (shape, aMeshParams); return aMesher.GetStatusFlags(); } }