functions = [ ("int", "MPI_Init", "int*", "char***"), ("int", "MPI_Initialized", "int*"), ("int", "MPI_Finalize"), ("int", "MPI_Barrier", "MPI_Comm"), ("int", "MPI_Comm_free", "MPI_Comm*"), ("int", "MPI_Comm_rank", "MPI_Comm", "int*"), ("int", "MPI_Comm_size", "MPI_Comm", "int*"), ("int", "MPI_Type_commit", "MPI_Datatype*"), ("int", "MPI_Waitall", "int", "MPI_Request*", "MPI_Status*"), ("int", "MPI_Waitany", "int", "MPI_Request*", "int*", "MPI_Status*"), ("int", "MPI_Wait", "MPI_Request*", "MPI_Status*"), ("int", "MPI_Send", "void*", "int", "MPI_Datatype", "int", "int", "MPI_Comm"), ("int", "MPI_Probe", "int", "int", "MPI_Comm", "MPI_Status*"), ("int", "MPI_Recv", "void*", "int", "MPI_Datatype", "int", "int", "MPI_Comm", "MPI_Status*"), ("int", "MPI_Get_count", "MPI_Status*", "MPI_Datatype", "int*"), ("int", "MPI_Bcast", "void*", "int", "MPI_Datatype", "int", "MPI_Comm"), ("int", "MPI_Comm_group", "MPI_Comm", "MPI_Group*"), ("int", "MPI_Group_incl", "MPI_Group", "int", "int*", "MPI_Group*"), ("int", "MPI_Comm_create_group", "MPI_Comm", "MPI_Group", "int", "MPI_Comm*"), ("int", "MPI_Get_processor_name", "char*", "int*"), ] constants = [ ("MPI_Comm", "MPI_COMM_WORLD"), ("MPI_Status*", "MPI_STATUS_IGNORE"), ("MPI_Status*", "MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE"), ("MPI_Datatype", "MPI_INT"), ("MPI_Datatype", "MPI_SHORT"), ("MPI_Datatype", "MPI_CHAR"), ("MPI_Datatype", "MPI_UINT64_T"), ("MPI_Datatype", "MPI_DOUBLE"), ("MPI_Datatype", "MPI_C_BOOL"), ("void*", "MPI_IN_PLACE"), ("int", "MPI_MAX_PROCESSOR_NAME"), ] def get_args(f): return ["NG_"+a if a.startswith("MPI_") else a for a in f[2:]] def generate_declarations(): code = "" for f in functions: ret = f[0] name = f[1] args = ", ".join(get_args(f)) code += f"NGCORE_API extern {ret} (*NG_{name})({args});\n" for typ, name in constants: if typ.startswith("MPI_"): typ = "NG_" + typ code += f"NGCORE_API extern {typ} NG_{name};\n" with open("ng_mpi_generated_declarations.hpp", "w") as f: f.write(code) def generate_dummy_init(): code = "" for f in functions: ret = f[0] name = f[1] args = ", ".join(get_args(f)) code += f"decltype(NG_{name}) NG_{name} = []({args})->{ret} {{ throw no_mpi(); }};\n" for typ, name in constants: if typ.startswith("MPI_"): typ = "NG_" + typ code += f"{typ} NG_{name} = 0;\n" with open("ng_mpi_generated_dummy_init.hpp", "w") as f: f.write(code) def generate_init(): code = "" for f in functions: ret = f[0] name = f[1] args = get_args(f) in_args ='' call_args = '' for i, a in enumerate(args): if i > 0: in_args += ', ' call_args += ', ' in_args += a + f" arg{i}" call_args += f" ng2mpi(arg{i})" code += f"NG_{name} = []({in_args})->{ret} {{ return {name}({call_args}); }};\n" for _, name in constants: code += f"NG_{name} = mpi2ng({name});\n" with open("ng_mpi_generated_init.hpp", "w") as f: f.write(code) if __name__ == "__main__": generate_declarations() generate_dummy_init() generate_init()