#include #include "meshing.hpp" #ifdef SOLIDGEOM #include #endif #include namespace netgen { /* Combine two points to one. Set new point into the center, if both are inner points. Connect inner point to boundary point, if one point is inner point. */ void MeshOptimize3d :: CombineImprove (Mesh & mesh, OPTIMIZEGOAL goal) { int np = mesh.GetNP(); int ne = mesh.GetNE(); TABLE elementsonnode(np); Array hasonepi, hasbothpi; Array oneperr; Array elerrs (ne); PrintMessage (3, "CombineImprove"); (*testout) << "Start CombineImprove" << "\n"; // mesh.CalcSurfacesOfNode (); const char * savetask = multithread.task; multithread.task = "Combine Improve"; double totalbad = 0; for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < ne; ei++) { double elerr = CalcBad (mesh.Points(), mesh[ei], 0); totalbad += elerr; elerrs[ei] = elerr; } if (goal == OPT_QUALITY) { totalbad = CalcTotalBad (mesh.Points(), mesh.VolumeElements()); (*testout) << "Total badness = " << totalbad << endl; PrintMessage (5, "Total badness = ", totalbad); } for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < ne; ei++) if (!mesh[ei].IsDeleted()) for (int j = 0; j < mesh[ei].GetNP(); j++) elementsonnode.Add (mesh[ei][j], ei); INDEX_2_HASHTABLE edgetested (np+1); int cnt = 0; for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < ne; ei++) { if (multithread.terminate) break; multithread.percent = 100.0 * (ei+1) / ne; if (mesh.ElementType(ei) == FIXEDELEMENT) continue; for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) { Element & elemi = mesh[ei]; if (elemi.IsDeleted()) continue; static const int tetedges[6][2] = { { 0, 1 }, { 0, 2 }, { 0, 3 }, { 1, 2 }, { 1, 3 }, { 2, 3 } }; PointIndex pi1 = elemi[tetedges[j][0]]; PointIndex pi2 = elemi[tetedges[j][1]]; if (pi2 < pi1) Swap (pi1, pi2); INDEX_2 si2 (pi1, pi2); si2.Sort(); if (edgetested.Used (si2)) continue; edgetested.Set (si2, 1); // hasonepoint.SetSize(0); // hasbothpoints.SetSize(0); hasonepi.SetSize(0); hasbothpi.SetSize(0); FlatArray row1 = elementsonnode[pi1]; for (int k = 0; k < row1.Size(); k++) { Element & elem = mesh[row1[k]]; if (elem.IsDeleted()) continue; if (elem[0] == pi2 || elem[1] == pi2 || elem[2] == pi2 || elem[3] == pi2) { hasbothpi.Append (row1[k]); } else { hasonepi.Append (row1[k]); } } FlatArray row2 = elementsonnode[pi2]; for (int k = 0; k < row2.Size(); k++) { Element & elem = mesh[row2[k]]; if (elem.IsDeleted()) continue; if (elem[0] == pi1 || elem[1] == pi1 || elem[2] == pi1 || elem[3] == pi1) ; else { hasonepi.Append (row2[k]); } } double bad1 = 0; for (int k = 0; k < hasonepi.Size(); k++) bad1 += elerrs[hasonepi[k]]; for (int k = 0; k < hasbothpi.Size(); k++) bad1 += elerrs[hasbothpi[k]]; MeshPoint p1 = mesh[pi1]; MeshPoint p2 = mesh[pi2]; // if (mesh.PointType(pi2) != INNERPOINT) if (p2.Type() != INNERPOINT) continue; MeshPoint pnew; // if (mesh.PointType(pi1) != INNERPOINT) if (p1.Type() != INNERPOINT) pnew = p1; else pnew = Center (p1, p2); mesh[pi1] = pnew; mesh[pi2] = pnew; oneperr.SetSize (hasonepi.Size()); double bad2 = 0; for (int k = 0; k < hasonepi.Size(); k++) { const Element & elem = mesh[hasonepi[k]]; double err = CalcTetBadness (mesh[elem[0]], mesh[elem[1]], mesh[elem[2]], mesh[elem[3]], 0, mparam); bad2 += err; oneperr[k] = err; } mesh[pi1] = p1; mesh[pi2] = p2; // if (mesh.PointType(pi1) != INNERPOINT) if (p1.Type() != INNERPOINT) { for (int k = 0; k < hasonepi.Size(); k++) { Element & elem = mesh[hasonepi[k]]; int l; for (l = 0; l < 4; l++) if (elem[l] == pi2) { elem[l] = pi1; break; } elem.flags.illegal_valid = 0; if (!mesh.LegalTet(elem)) bad2 += 1e4; if (l < 4) { elem.flags.illegal_valid = 0; elem[l] = pi2; } } } if (bad2 / hasonepi.Size() < bad1 / (hasonepi.Size()+hasbothpi.Size())) { mesh[pi1] = pnew; cnt++; FlatArray row = elementsonnode[pi2]; for (int k = 0; k < row.Size(); k++) { Element & elem = mesh[row[k]]; if (elem.IsDeleted()) continue; elementsonnode.Add (pi1, row[k]); for (int l = 0; l < elem.GetNP(); l++) if (elem[l] == pi2) elem[l] = pi1; elem.flags.illegal_valid = 0; if (!mesh.LegalTet (elem)) (*testout) << "illegal tet " << elementsonnode[pi2][k] << endl; } for (int k = 0; k < hasonepi.Size(); k++) elerrs[hasonepi[k]] = oneperr[k]; for (int k = 0; k < hasbothpi.Size(); k++) { mesh[hasbothpi[k]].flags.illegal_valid = 0; mesh[hasbothpi[k]].Delete(); } } } } mesh.Compress(); mesh.MarkIllegalElements(); PrintMessage (5, cnt, " elements combined"); (*testout) << "CombineImprove done" << "\n"; totalbad = 0; for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < mesh.GetNE(); ei++) totalbad += CalcBad (mesh.Points(), mesh[ei], 0); if (goal == OPT_QUALITY) { totalbad = CalcTotalBad (mesh.Points(), mesh.VolumeElements()); (*testout) << "Total badness = " << totalbad << endl; int cntill = 0; for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < ne; ei++) if (!mesh.LegalTet (mesh[ei])) cntill++; PrintMessage (5, cntill, " illegal tets"); } multithread.task = savetask; } /* Mesh improvement by edge splitting. If mesh quality is improved by inserting a node into an inner edge, the edge is split into two parts. */ void MeshOptimize3d :: SplitImprove (Mesh & mesh, OPTIMIZEGOAL goal) { int j, k, l; Point3d p1, p2, pnew; ElementIndex ei; SurfaceElementIndex sei; PointIndex pi1, pi2; double bad1, bad2, badmax, badlimit; int cnt = 0; int np = mesh.GetNP(); int ne = mesh.GetNE(); TABLE elementsonnode(np); Array hasbothpoints; BitArray origpoint(np), boundp(np); origpoint.Set(); Array elerrs(ne); BitArray illegaltet(ne); illegaltet.Clear(); const char * savetask = multithread.task; multithread.task = "Split Improve"; PrintMessage (3, "SplitImprove"); (*testout) << "start SplitImprove" << "\n"; Array locfaces; INDEX_2_HASHTABLE edgetested (np); bad1 = 0; badmax = 0; for (ei = 0; ei < ne; ei++) { elerrs[ei] = CalcBad (mesh.Points(), mesh[ei], 0); bad1 += elerrs[ei]; if (elerrs[ei] > badmax) badmax = elerrs[ei]; } PrintMessage (5, "badmax = ", badmax); badlimit = 0.5 * badmax; boundp.Clear(); for (sei = 0; sei < mesh.GetNSE(); sei++) for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) boundp.Set (mesh[sei][j]); if (goal == OPT_QUALITY) { bad1 = CalcTotalBad (mesh.Points(), mesh.VolumeElements()); (*testout) << "Total badness = " << bad1 << endl; } for (ei = 0; ei < ne; ei++) for (j = 0; j < mesh[ei].GetNP(); j++) elementsonnode.Add (mesh[ei][j], ei); mesh.MarkIllegalElements(); if (goal == OPT_QUALITY || goal == OPT_LEGAL) { int cntill = 0; for (ei = 0; ei < ne; ei++) { // if (!LegalTet (volelements.Get(i))) if (mesh[ei].flags.illegal) { cntill++; illegaltet.Set (ei+1); } } // (*mycout) << cntill << " illegal tets" << endl; } for (ei = 0; ei < ne; ei++) { if (multithread.terminate) break; multithread.percent = 100.0 * (ei+1) / ne; bool ltestmode = 0; if (elerrs[ei] < badlimit && !illegaltet.Test(ei+1)) continue; if ((goal == OPT_LEGAL) && !illegaltet.Test(ei+1) && CalcBad (mesh.Points(), mesh[ei], 0) < 1e3) continue; Element & elem = mesh[ei]; if (ltestmode) { (*testout) << "test el " << ei << endl; for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) (*testout) << elem[j] << " "; (*testout) << endl; } for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) { static const int tetedges[6][2] = { { 0, 1 }, { 0, 2 }, { 0, 3 }, { 1, 2 }, { 1, 3 }, { 2, 3 } }; pi1 = elem[tetedges[j][0]]; pi2 = elem[tetedges[j][1]]; if (pi2 < pi1) Swap (pi1, pi2); if (pi2 > elementsonnode.Size()) continue; if (!origpoint.Test(pi1) || !origpoint.Test(pi2)) continue; INDEX_2 i2(pi1, pi2); i2.Sort(); if (mesh.BoundaryEdge (pi1, pi2)) continue; if (edgetested.Used (i2) && !illegaltet.Test(ei+1)) continue; edgetested.Set (i2, 1); hasbothpoints.SetSize (0); for (k = 1; k <= elementsonnode.EntrySize(pi1); k++) { bool has1 = 0, has2 = 0; ElementIndex elnr = elementsonnode.Get(pi1, k); Element & el = mesh[elnr]; for (l = 0; l < el.GetNP(); l++) { if (el[l] == pi1) has1 = 1; if (el[l] == pi2) has2 = 1; } if (has1 && has2) { // only once for (l = 0; l < hasbothpoints.Size(); l++) if (hasbothpoints[l] == elnr) has1 = 0; if (has1) hasbothpoints.Append (elnr); } } bad1 = 0; for (k = 0; k < hasbothpoints.Size(); k++) bad1 += CalcBad (mesh.Points(), mesh[hasbothpoints[k]], 0); bool puretet = 1; for (k = 0; k < hasbothpoints.Size(); k++) if (mesh[hasbothpoints[k]].GetType() != TET) puretet = 0; if (!puretet) continue; p1 = mesh[pi1]; p2 = mesh[pi2]; /* pnew = Center (p1, p2); points.Elem(pi1) = pnew; bad2 = 0; for (k = 1; k <= hasbothpoints.Size(); k++) bad2 += CalcBad (points, volelements.Get(hasbothpoints.Get(k)), 0); points.Elem(pi1) = p1; points.Elem(pi2) = pnew; for (k = 1; k <= hasbothpoints.Size(); k++) bad2 += CalcBad (points, volelements.Get(hasbothpoints.Get(k)), 0); points.Elem(pi2) = p2; */ locfaces.SetSize (0); for (k = 0; k < hasbothpoints.Size(); k++) { const Element & el = mesh[hasbothpoints[k]]; for (l = 0; l < 4; l++) if (el[l] == pi1 || el[l] == pi2) { INDEX_3 i3; Element2d face; el.GetFace (l+1, face); for (int kk = 1; kk <= 3; kk++) i3.I(kk) = face.PNum(kk); locfaces.Append (i3); } } PointFunction1 pf (mesh.Points(), locfaces, -1); OptiParameters par; par.maxit_linsearch = 50; par.maxit_bfgs = 20; pnew = Center (p1, p2); Vector px(3); px(0) = pnew.X(); px(1) = pnew.Y(); px(2) = pnew.Z(); if (elerrs[ei] > 0.1 * badmax) BFGS (px, pf, par); bad2 = pf.Func (px); pnew.X() = px(0); pnew.Y() = px(1); pnew.Z() = px(2); int hpinew = mesh.AddPoint (pnew); // ptyps.Append (INNERPOINT); for (k = 0; k < hasbothpoints.Size(); k++) { Element & oldel = mesh[hasbothpoints[k]]; Element newel1 = oldel; Element newel2 = oldel; oldel.flags.illegal_valid = 0; newel1.flags.illegal_valid = 0; newel2.flags.illegal_valid = 0; for (l = 0; l < 4; l++) { if (newel1[l] == pi2) newel1[l] = hpinew; if (newel2[l] == pi1) newel2[l] = hpinew; } if (!mesh.LegalTet (oldel)) bad1 += 1e6; if (!mesh.LegalTet (newel1)) bad2 += 1e6; if (!mesh.LegalTet (newel2)) bad2 += 1e6; } // mesh.PointTypes().DeleteLast(); mesh.Points().DeleteLast(); if (bad2 < bad1) /* (bad1 > 1e4 && boundp.Test(pi1) && boundp.Test(pi2)) */ { cnt++; PointIndex pinew = mesh.AddPoint (pnew); for (k = 0; k < hasbothpoints.Size(); k++) { Element & oldel = mesh[hasbothpoints[k]]; Element newel = oldel; newel.flags.illegal_valid = 0; oldel.flags.illegal_valid = 0; for (l = 0; l < 4; l++) { origpoint.Clear (oldel[l]); if (oldel[l] == pi2) oldel[l] = pinew; if (newel[l] == pi1) newel[l] = pinew; } mesh.AddVolumeElement (newel); } j = 10; } } } mesh.Compress(); PrintMessage (5, cnt, " splits performed"); (*testout) << "Splitt - Improve done" << "\n"; if (goal == OPT_QUALITY) { bad1 = CalcTotalBad (mesh.Points(), mesh.VolumeElements()); (*testout) << "Total badness = " << bad1 << endl; int cntill = 0; ne = mesh.GetNE(); for (ei = 0; ei < ne; ei++) { if (!mesh.LegalTet (mesh[ei])) cntill++; } // cout << cntill << " illegal tets" << endl; } multithread.task = savetask; } void MeshOptimize3d :: SwapImprove (Mesh & mesh, OPTIMIZEGOAL goal, const BitArray * working_elements) { PointIndex pi1(0), pi2(0), pi3(0), pi4(0), pi5(0), pi6(0); int cnt = 0; Element el21(TET), el22(TET), el31(TET), el32(TET), el33(TET); Element el1(TET), el2(TET), el3(TET), el4(TET); Element el1b(TET), el2b(TET), el3b(TET), el4b(TET); double bad1, bad2, bad3; int np = mesh.GetNP(); int ne = mesh.GetNE(); // contains at least all elements at node TABLE elementsonnode(np); Array hasbothpoints; PrintMessage (3, "SwapImprove "); (*testout) << "\n" << "Start SwapImprove" << endl; const char * savetask = multithread.task; multithread.task = "Swap Improve"; // mesh.CalcSurfacesOfNode (); INDEX_3_HASHTABLE faces(mesh.GetNOpenElements()/3 + 2); if (goal == OPT_CONFORM) { for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNOpenElements(); i++) { const Element2d & hel = mesh.OpenElement(i); INDEX_3 face(hel[0], hel[1], hel[2]); face.Sort(); faces.Set (face, 1); } } // Calculate total badness if (goal == OPT_QUALITY) { bad1 = CalcTotalBad (mesh.Points(), mesh.VolumeElements()); (*testout) << "Total badness = " << bad1 << endl; } // find elements on node for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < ne; ei++) for (int j = 0; j < mesh[ei].GetNP(); j++) elementsonnode.Add (mesh[ei][j], ei); // INDEX_2_HASHTABLE edgeused(2 * ne + 5); INDEX_2_CLOSED_HASHTABLE edgeused(12 * ne + 5); for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < ne; ei++) { if (multithread.terminate) break; multithread.percent = 100.0 * (ei+1) / ne; if ((mesh.ElementType(ei)) == FIXEDELEMENT) continue; if(working_elements && ei < working_elements->Size() && !working_elements->Test(ei)) continue; if (mesh[ei].IsDeleted()) continue; if ((goal == OPT_LEGAL) && mesh.LegalTet (mesh[ei]) && CalcBad (mesh.Points(), mesh[ei], 0) < 1e3) continue; // int onlybedges = 1; for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) { // loop over edges const Element & elemi = mesh[ei]; if (elemi.IsDeleted()) continue; // (*testout) << "check element " << elemi << endl; int mattyp = elemi.GetIndex(); static const int tetedges[6][2] = { { 0, 1 }, { 0, 2 }, { 0, 3 }, { 1, 2 }, { 1, 3 }, { 2, 3 } }; pi1 = elemi[tetedges[j][0]]; pi2 = elemi[tetedges[j][1]]; if (pi2 < pi1) Swap (pi1, pi2); if (mesh.BoundaryEdge (pi1, pi2)) continue; INDEX_2 i2 (pi1, pi2); i2.Sort(); if (edgeused.Used(i2)) continue; edgeused.Set (i2, 1); hasbothpoints.SetSize (0); for (int k = 0; k < elementsonnode[pi1].Size(); k++) { bool has1 = 0, has2 = 0; ElementIndex elnr = elementsonnode[pi1][k]; const Element & elem = mesh[elnr]; if (elem.IsDeleted()) continue; for (int l = 0; l < elem.GetNP(); l++) { if (elem[l] == pi1) has1 = 1; if (elem[l] == pi2) has2 = 1; } if (has1 && has2) { // only once for (int l = 0; l < hasbothpoints.Size(); l++) if (hasbothpoints[l] == elnr) has1 = 0; if (has1) hasbothpoints.Append (elnr); } } bool puretet = 1; for (int k = 0; k < hasbothpoints.Size(); k++) if (mesh[hasbothpoints[k]].GetType () != TET) puretet = 0; if (!puretet) continue; int nsuround = hasbothpoints.Size(); if ( nsuround == 3 ) { Element & elem = mesh[hasbothpoints[0]]; for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++) if (elem[l] != pi1 && elem[l] != pi2) { pi4 = pi3; pi3 = elem[l]; } el31[0] = pi1; el31[1] = pi2; el31[2] = pi3; el31[3] = pi4; el31.SetIndex (mattyp); if (WrongOrientation (mesh.Points(), el31)) { Swap (pi3, pi4); el31[2] = pi3; el31[3] = pi4; } pi5 = 0; for (int k = 1; k < 3; k++) { const Element & elemk = mesh[hasbothpoints[k]]; bool has1 = 0; for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++) if (elemk[l] == pi4) has1 = 1; if (has1) { for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++) if (elemk[l] != pi1 && elemk[l] != pi2 && elemk[l] != pi4) pi5 = elemk[l]; } } if(pi5 == 0) throw NgException("Illegal state observed in SwapImprove"); el32[0] = pi1; el32[1] = pi2; el32[2] = pi4; el32[3] = pi5; el32.SetIndex (mattyp); el33[0] = pi1; el33[1] = pi2; el33[2] = pi5; el33[3] = pi3; el33.SetIndex (mattyp); elementsonnode.Add (pi4, hasbothpoints[1]); elementsonnode.Add (pi3, hasbothpoints[2]); bad1 = CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el31, 0) + CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el32, 0) + CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el33, 0); el31.flags.illegal_valid = 0; el32.flags.illegal_valid = 0; el33.flags.illegal_valid = 0; if (!mesh.LegalTet(el31) || !mesh.LegalTet(el32) || !mesh.LegalTet(el33)) bad1 += 1e4; el21[0] = pi3; el21[1] = pi4; el21[2] = pi5; el21[3] = pi2; el21.SetIndex (mattyp); el22[0] = pi5; el22[1] = pi4; el22[2] = pi3; el22[3] = pi1; el22.SetIndex (mattyp); bad2 = CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el21, 0) + CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el22, 0); el21.flags.illegal_valid = 0; el22.flags.illegal_valid = 0; if (!mesh.LegalTet(el21) || !mesh.LegalTet(el22)) bad2 += 1e4; if (goal == OPT_CONFORM && bad2 < 1e4) { INDEX_3 face(pi3, pi4, pi5); face.Sort(); if (faces.Used(face)) { // (*testout) << "3->2 swap, could improve conformity, bad1 = " << bad1 // << ", bad2 = " << bad2 << endl; if (bad2 < 1e4) bad1 = 2 * bad2; } /* else { INDEX_2 hi1(pi3, pi4); hi1.Sort(); INDEX_2 hi2(pi3, pi5); hi2.Sort(); INDEX_2 hi3(pi4, pi5); hi3.Sort(); if (boundaryedges->Used (hi1) || boundaryedges->Used (hi2) || boundaryedges->Used (hi3) ) bad1 = 2 * bad2; } */ } if (bad2 < bad1) { // (*mycout) << "3->2 " << flush; // (*testout) << "3->2 conversion" << endl; cnt++; /* (*testout) << "3->2 swap, old els = " << endl << mesh[hasbothpoints[0]] << endl << mesh[hasbothpoints[1]] << endl << mesh[hasbothpoints[2]] << endl << "new els = " << endl << el21 << endl << el22 << endl; */ el21.flags.illegal_valid = 0; el22.flags.illegal_valid = 0; mesh[hasbothpoints[0]] = el21; mesh[hasbothpoints[1]] = el22; for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++) mesh[hasbothpoints[2]][l] = 0; mesh[hasbothpoints[2]].Delete(); for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++) for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++) elementsonnode.Add (mesh[hasbothpoints[k]][l], hasbothpoints[k]); } } if (nsuround == 4) { const Element & elem1 = mesh[hasbothpoints[0]]; for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++) if (elem1[l] != pi1 && elem1[l] != pi2) { pi4 = pi3; pi3 = elem1[l]; } el1[0] = pi1; el1[1] = pi2; el1[2] = pi3; el1[3] = pi4; el1.SetIndex (mattyp); if (WrongOrientation (mesh.Points(), el1)) { Swap (pi3, pi4); el1[2] = pi3; el1[3] = pi4; } pi5 = 0; for (int k = 1; k < 4; k++) { const Element & elem = mesh[hasbothpoints[k]]; bool has1 = 0; for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++) if (elem[l] == pi4) has1 = 1; if (has1) { for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++) if (elem[l] != pi1 && elem[l] != pi2 && elem[l] != pi4) pi5 = elem[l]; } } pi6 = 0; for (int k = 1; k < 4; k++) { const Element & elem = mesh[hasbothpoints[k]]; bool has1 = 0; for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++) if (elem[l] == pi3) has1 = 1; if (has1) { for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++) if (elem[l] != pi1 && elem[l] != pi2 && elem[l] != pi3) pi6 = elem[l]; } } /* INDEX_2 i22(pi3, pi5); i22.Sort(); INDEX_2 i23(pi4, pi6); i23.Sort(); */ el1[0] = pi1; el1[1] = pi2; el1[2] = pi3; el1[3] = pi4; el1.SetIndex (mattyp); el2[0] = pi1; el2[1] = pi2; el2[2] = pi4; el2[3] = pi5; el2.SetIndex (mattyp); el3[0] = pi1; el3[1] = pi2; el3[2] = pi5; el3[3] = pi6; el3.SetIndex (mattyp); el4[0] = pi1; el4[1] = pi2; el4[2] = pi6; el4[3] = pi3; el4.SetIndex (mattyp); // elementsonnode.Add (pi4, hasbothpoints.Elem(2)); // elementsonnode.Add (pi3, hasbothpoints.Elem(3)); bad1 = CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el1, 0) + CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el2, 0) + CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el3, 0) + CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el4, 0); el1.flags.illegal_valid = 0; el2.flags.illegal_valid = 0; el3.flags.illegal_valid = 0; el4.flags.illegal_valid = 0; if (goal != OPT_CONFORM) { if (!mesh.LegalTet(el1) || !mesh.LegalTet(el2) || !mesh.LegalTet(el3) || !mesh.LegalTet(el4)) bad1 += 1e4; } el1[0] = pi3; el1[1] = pi5; el1[2] = pi2; el1[3] = pi4; el1.SetIndex (mattyp); el2[0] = pi3; el2[1] = pi5; el2[2] = pi4; el2[3] = pi1; el2.SetIndex (mattyp); el3[0] = pi3; el3[1] = pi5; el3[2] = pi1; el3[3] = pi6; el3.SetIndex (mattyp); el4[0] = pi3; el4[1] = pi5; el4[2] = pi6; el4[3] = pi2; el4.SetIndex (mattyp); bad2 = CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el1, 0) + CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el2, 0) + CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el3, 0) + CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el4, 0); el1.flags.illegal_valid = 0; el2.flags.illegal_valid = 0; el3.flags.illegal_valid = 0; el4.flags.illegal_valid = 0; if (goal != OPT_CONFORM) { if (!mesh.LegalTet(el1) || !mesh.LegalTet(el2) || !mesh.LegalTet(el3) || !mesh.LegalTet(el4)) bad2 += 1e4; } el1b[0] = pi4; el1b[1] = pi6; el1b[2] = pi3; el1b[3] = pi2; el1b.SetIndex (mattyp); el2b[0] = pi4; el2b[1] = pi6; el2b[2] = pi2; el2b[3] = pi5; el2b.SetIndex (mattyp); el3b[0] = pi4; el3b[1] = pi6; el3b[2] = pi5; el3b[3] = pi1; el3b.SetIndex (mattyp); el4b[0] = pi4; el4b[1] = pi6; el4b[2] = pi1; el4b[3] = pi3; el4b.SetIndex (mattyp); bad3 = CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el1b, 0) + CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el2b, 0) + CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el3b, 0) + CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el4b, 0); el1b.flags.illegal_valid = 0; el2b.flags.illegal_valid = 0; el3b.flags.illegal_valid = 0; el4b.flags.illegal_valid = 0; if (goal != OPT_CONFORM) { if (!mesh.LegalTet(el1b) || !mesh.LegalTet(el2b) || !mesh.LegalTet(el3b) || !mesh.LegalTet(el4b)) bad3 += 1e4; } /* int swap2 = (bad2 < bad1) && (bad2 < bad3); int swap3 = !swap2 && (bad3 < bad1); if ( ((bad2 < 10 * bad1) || (bad2 < 1e6)) && mesh.BoundaryEdge (pi3, pi5)) swap2 = 1; else if ( ((bad3 < 10 * bad1) || (bad3 < 1e6)) && mesh.BoundaryEdge (pi4, pi6)) { swap3 = 1; swap2 = 0; } */ bool swap2, swap3; if (goal != OPT_CONFORM) { swap2 = (bad2 < bad1) && (bad2 < bad3); swap3 = !swap2 && (bad3 < bad1); } else { if (mesh.BoundaryEdge (pi3, pi5)) bad2 /= 1e6; if (mesh.BoundaryEdge (pi4, pi6)) bad3 /= 1e6; swap2 = (bad2 < bad1) && (bad2 < bad3); swap3 = !swap2 && (bad3 < bad1); } if (swap2 || swap3) { // (*mycout) << "4->4 " << flush; cnt++; // (*testout) << "4->4 conversion" << "\n"; /* (*testout) << "bad1 = " << bad1 << " bad2 = " << bad2 << " bad3 = " << bad3 << "\n"; (*testout) << "Points: " << pi1 << " " << pi2 << " " << pi3 << " " << pi4 << " " << pi5 << " " << pi6 << "\n"; (*testout) << "Elements: " << hasbothpoints.Get(1) << " " << hasbothpoints.Get(2) << " " << hasbothpoints.Get(3) << " " << hasbothpoints.Get(4) << " " << "\n"; */ /* { int i1, j1; for (i1 = 1; i1 <= 4; i1++) { for (j1 = 1; j1 <= 4; j1++) (*testout) << volelements.Get(hasbothpoints.Get(i1)).PNum(j1) << " "; (*testout) << "\n"; } } */ } if (swap2) { // (*mycout) << "bad1 = " << bad1 << " bad2 = " << bad2 << "\n"; /* (*testout) << "4->4 swap A, old els = " << endl << mesh[hasbothpoints[0]] << endl << mesh[hasbothpoints[1]] << endl << mesh[hasbothpoints[2]] << endl << mesh[hasbothpoints[3]] << endl << "new els = " << endl << el1 << endl << el2 << endl << el3 << endl << el4 << endl; */ el1.flags.illegal_valid = 0; el2.flags.illegal_valid = 0; el3.flags.illegal_valid = 0; el4.flags.illegal_valid = 0; mesh[hasbothpoints[0]] = el1; mesh[hasbothpoints[1]] = el2; mesh[hasbothpoints[2]] = el3; mesh[hasbothpoints[3]] = el4; for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++) elementsonnode.Add (mesh[hasbothpoints[k]][l], hasbothpoints[k]); } else if (swap3) { // (*mycout) << "bad1 = " << bad1 << " bad3 = " << bad3 << "\n"; el1b.flags.illegal_valid = 0; el2b.flags.illegal_valid = 0; el3b.flags.illegal_valid = 0; el4b.flags.illegal_valid = 0; /* (*testout) << "4->4 swap A, old els = " << endl << mesh[hasbothpoints[0]] << endl << mesh[hasbothpoints[1]] << endl << mesh[hasbothpoints[2]] << endl << mesh[hasbothpoints[3]] << endl << "new els = " << endl << el1b << endl << el2b << endl << el3b << endl << el4b << endl; */ mesh[hasbothpoints[0]] = el1b; mesh[hasbothpoints[1]] = el2b; mesh[hasbothpoints[2]] = el3b; mesh[hasbothpoints[3]] = el4b; for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++) elementsonnode.Add (mesh[hasbothpoints[k]][l], hasbothpoints[k]); } } if (nsuround >= 5) { Element hel(TET); ArrayMem suroundpts(nsuround); ArrayMem tetused(nsuround); Element & elem = mesh[hasbothpoints[0]]; for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++) if (elem[l] != pi1 && elem[l] != pi2) { pi4 = pi3; pi3 = elem[l]; } hel[0] = pi1; hel[1] = pi2; hel[2] = pi3; hel[3] = pi4; hel.SetIndex (mattyp); if (WrongOrientation (mesh.Points(), hel)) { Swap (pi3, pi4); hel[2] = pi3; hel[3] = pi4; } // suroundpts.SetSize (nsuround); suroundpts[0] = pi3; suroundpts[1] = pi4; tetused = 0; tetused[0] = 1; for (int l = 2; l < nsuround; l++) { int oldpi = suroundpts[l-1]; int newpi = 0; for (int k = 0; k < nsuround && !newpi; k++) if (!tetused[k]) { const Element & nel = mesh[hasbothpoints[k]]; for (int k2 = 0; k2 < 4 && !newpi; k2++) if (nel[k2] == oldpi) { newpi = nel[0] + nel[1] + nel[2] + nel[3] - pi1 - pi2 - oldpi; tetused[k] = 1; suroundpts[l] = newpi; } } } bad1 = 0; for (int k = 0; k < nsuround; k++) { hel[0] = pi1; hel[1] = pi2; hel[2] = suroundpts[k]; hel[3] = suroundpts[(k+1) % nsuround]; hel.SetIndex (mattyp); bad1 += CalcBad (mesh.Points(), hel, 0); } // (*testout) << "nsuround = " << nsuround << " bad1 = " << bad1 << endl; int bestl = -1; int confface = -1; int confedge = -1; double badopt = bad1; for (int l = 0; l < nsuround; l++) { bad2 = 0; for (int k = l+1; k <= nsuround + l - 2; k++) { hel[0] = suroundpts[l]; hel[1] = suroundpts[k % nsuround]; hel[2] = suroundpts[(k+1) % nsuround]; hel[3] = pi2; bad2 += CalcBad (mesh.Points(), hel, 0); hel.flags.illegal_valid = 0; if (!mesh.LegalTet(hel)) bad2 += 1e4; hel[2] = suroundpts[k % nsuround]; hel[1] = suroundpts[(k+1) % nsuround]; hel[3] = pi1; bad2 += CalcBad (mesh.Points(), hel, 0); hel.flags.illegal_valid = 0; if (!mesh.LegalTet(hel)) bad2 += 1e4; } // (*testout) << "bad2," << l << " = " << bad2 << endl; if ( bad2 < badopt ) { bestl = l; badopt = bad2; } if (goal == OPT_CONFORM) // (bad2 <= 100 * bad1 || bad2 <= 1e6)) { bool nottoobad = (bad2 <= bad1) || (bad2 <= 100 * bad1 && bad2 <= 1e18) || (bad2 <= 1e8); for (int k = l+1; k <= nsuround + l - 2; k++) { INDEX_3 hi3(suroundpts[l], suroundpts[k % nsuround], suroundpts[(k+1) % nsuround]); hi3.Sort(); if (faces.Used(hi3)) { // (*testout) << "could improve face conformity, bad1 = " << bad1 // << ", bad 2 = " << bad2 << ", nottoobad = " << nottoobad << endl; if (nottoobad) confface = l; } } for (int k = l+2; k <= nsuround+l-2; k++) { if (mesh.BoundaryEdge (suroundpts[l], suroundpts[k % nsuround])) { /* *testout << "could improve edge conformity, bad1 = " << bad1 << ", bad 2 = " << bad2 << ", nottoobad = " << nottoobad << endl; */ if (nottoobad) confedge = l; } } } } if (confedge != -1) bestl = confedge; if (confface != -1) bestl = confface; if (bestl != -1) { // (*mycout) << nsuround << "->" << 2 * (nsuround-2) << " " << flush; cnt++; for (int k = bestl+1; k <= nsuround + bestl - 2; k++) { int k1; hel[0] = suroundpts[bestl]; hel[1] = suroundpts[k % nsuround]; hel[2] = suroundpts[(k+1) % nsuround]; hel[3] = pi2; hel.flags.illegal_valid = 0; /* (*testout) << nsuround << "-swap, new el,top = " << hel << endl; */ mesh.AddVolumeElement (hel); for (k1 = 0; k1 < 4; k1++) elementsonnode.Add (hel[k1], mesh.GetNE()-1); hel[2] = suroundpts[k % nsuround]; hel[1] = suroundpts[(k+1) % nsuround]; hel[3] = pi1; /* (*testout) << nsuround << "-swap, new el,bot = " << hel << endl; */ mesh.AddVolumeElement (hel); for (k1 = 0; k1 < 4; k1++) elementsonnode.Add (hel[k1], mesh.GetNE()-1); } for (int k = 0; k < nsuround; k++) { Element & rel = mesh[hasbothpoints[k]]; /* (*testout) << nsuround << "-swap, old el = " << rel << endl; */ rel.Delete(); for (int k1 = 0; k1 < 4; k1++) rel[k1] = 0; } } } } /* if (onlybedges) { (*testout) << "bad tet: " << volelements.Get(i)[0] << volelements.Get(i)[1] << volelements.Get(i)[2] << volelements.Get(i)[3] << "\n"; if (!mesh.LegalTet (volelements.Get(i))) cerr << "Illegal tet" << "\n"; } */ } // (*mycout) << endl; /* cout << "edgeused: "; edgeused.PrintMemInfo(cout); */ PrintMessage (5, cnt, " swaps performed"); mesh.Compress (); /* if (goal == OPT_QUALITY) { bad1 = CalcTotalBad (mesh.Points(), mesh.VolumeElements()); // (*testout) << "Total badness = " << bad1 << endl; } */ /* for (i = 1; i <= GetNE(); i++) if (volelements.Get(i)[0]) if (!mesh.LegalTet (volelements.Get(i))) { cout << "detected illegal tet, 2" << endl; (*testout) << "detected illegal tet1: " << i << endl; } */ multithread.task = savetask; } void MeshOptimize3d :: SwapImproveSurface (Mesh & mesh, OPTIMIZEGOAL goal, const BitArray * working_elements, const Array< Array* > * idmaps) { Array< Array* > locidmaps; const Array< Array* > * used_idmaps; if(idmaps) used_idmaps = idmaps; else { used_idmaps = &locidmaps; for(int i=1; i<=mesh.GetIdentifications().GetMaxNr(); i++) { if(mesh.GetIdentifications().GetType(i) == Identifications::PERIODIC) { locidmaps.Append(new Array); mesh.GetIdentifications().GetMap(i,*locidmaps.Last(),true); } } } PointIndex pi1, pi2, pi3, pi4, pi5, pi6; PointIndex pi1other, pi2other; int cnt = 0; //double bad1, bad2, bad3, sbad; double bad1, sbad; double h; int np = mesh.GetNP(); int ne = mesh.GetNE(); int nse = mesh.GetNSE(); int mattype, othermattype; // contains at least all elements at node TABLE elementsonnode(np); TABLE surfaceelementsonnode(np); TABLE surfaceindicesonnode(np); Array hasbothpoints; Array hasbothpointsother; PrintMessage (3, "SwapImproveSurface "); (*testout) << "\n" << "Start SwapImproveSurface" << endl; const char * savetask = multithread.task; multithread.task = "Swap Improve Surface"; // find elements on node for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < ne; ei++) for (int j = 0; j < mesh[ei].GetNP(); j++) elementsonnode.Add (mesh[ei][j], ei); for (SurfaceElementIndex sei = 0; sei < nse; sei++) for(int j=0; j edgeused(2 * ne + 5); INDEX_2_CLOSED_HASHTABLE edgeused(12 * ne + 5); for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < ne; ei++) { if (multithread.terminate) break; multithread.percent = 100.0 * (ei+1) / ne; if (mesh.ElementType(ei) == FIXEDELEMENT) continue; if(working_elements && ei < working_elements->Size() && !working_elements->Test(ei)) continue; if (mesh[ei].IsDeleted()) continue; if ((goal == OPT_LEGAL) && mesh.LegalTet (mesh[ei]) && CalcBad (mesh.Points(), mesh[ei], 0) < 1e3) continue; const Element & elemi = mesh[ei]; //Element elemi = mesh[ei]; if (elemi.IsDeleted()) continue; mattype = elemi.GetIndex(); bool swapped = false; for (int j = 0; !swapped && j < 6; j++) { // loop over edges static const int tetedges[6][2] = { { 0, 1 }, { 0, 2 }, { 0, 3 }, { 1, 2 }, { 1, 3 }, { 2, 3 } }; pi1 = elemi[tetedges[j][0]]; pi2 = elemi[tetedges[j][1]]; if (pi2 < pi1) Swap (pi1, pi2); bool found = false; for(int k=0; !found && kSize(); k++) { if(pi2 < (*used_idmaps)[k]->Size() + PointIndex::BASE) { pi1other = (*(*used_idmaps)[k])[pi1]; pi2other = (*(*used_idmaps)[k])[pi2]; found = (pi1other != 0 && pi2other != 0 && pi1other != pi1 && pi2other != pi2); if(found) idnum = k; } } if(found) periodic = true; else { periodic = false; pi1other = pi1; pi2other = pi2; } if (!mesh.BoundaryEdge (pi1, pi2) || mesh.IsSegment(pi1, pi2)) continue; othermattype = -1; INDEX_2 i2 (pi1, pi2); i2.Sort(); if (edgeused.Used(i2)) continue; edgeused.Set (i2, 1); if(periodic) { i2.I1() = pi1other; i2.I2() = pi2other; i2.Sort(); edgeused.Set(i2,1); } hasbothpoints.SetSize (0); hasbothpointsother.SetSize (0); for (int k = 0; k < elementsonnode[pi1].Size(); k++) { bool has1 = false, has2 = false; ElementIndex elnr = elementsonnode[pi1][k]; const Element & elem = mesh[elnr]; if (elem.IsDeleted()) continue; for (int l = 0; l < elem.GetNP(); l++) { if (elem[l] == pi1) has1 = true; if (elem[l] == pi2) has2 = true; } if (has1 && has2) { if(othermattype == -1 && elem.GetIndex() != mattype) othermattype = elem.GetIndex(); if(elem.GetIndex() == mattype) { // only once for (int l = 0; l < hasbothpoints.Size(); l++) if (hasbothpoints[l] == elnr) has1 = 0; if (has1) hasbothpoints.Append (elnr); } else if(elem.GetIndex() == othermattype) { // only once for (int l = 0; l < hasbothpointsother.Size(); l++) if (hasbothpointsother[l] == elnr) has1 = 0; if (has1) hasbothpointsother.Append (elnr); } else { cout << "problem with domain indices" << endl; (*testout) << "problem: mattype = " << mattype << ", othermattype = " << othermattype << " elem " << elem << " mt " << elem.GetIndex() << endl << " pi1 " << pi1 << " pi2 " << pi2 << endl; (*testout) << "hasbothpoints:" << endl; for(int ii=0; ii < hasbothpoints.Size(); ii++) (*testout) << mesh[hasbothpoints[ii]] << endl; (*testout) << "hasbothpointsother:" << endl; for(int ii=0; ii < hasbothpointsother.Size(); ii++) (*testout) << mesh[hasbothpointsother[ii]] << endl; } } } if(hasbothpointsother.Size() > 0 && periodic) throw NgException("SwapImproveSurface: Assumption about interface/periodicity wrong!"); if(periodic) { for (int k = 0; k < elementsonnode[pi1other].Size(); k++) { bool has1 = false, has2 = false; ElementIndex elnr = elementsonnode[pi1other][k]; const Element & elem = mesh[elnr]; if (elem.IsDeleted()) continue; for (int l = 0; l < elem.GetNP(); l++) { if (elem[l] == pi1other) has1 = true; if (elem[l] == pi2other) has2 = true; } if (has1 && has2) { if(othermattype == -1) othermattype = elem.GetIndex(); // only once for (int l = 0; l < hasbothpointsother.Size(); l++) if (hasbothpointsother[l] == elnr) has1 = 0; if (has1) hasbothpointsother.Append (elnr); } } } //for(k=0; k v1 = mesh[sp1]-mesh[pi1], v2 = mesh[sp2]-mesh[pi1], v3 = mesh[sp1]-mesh[pi2], v4 = mesh[sp2]-mesh[pi2]; double vol = 0.5*(Cross(v1,v2).Length() + Cross(v3,v4).Length()); h = sqrt(vol); h = 0; sbad = CalcTriangleBadness (mesh[pi1],mesh[pi2],mesh[sp1],0,0) + CalcTriangleBadness (mesh[pi2],mesh[pi1],mesh[sp2],0,0); bool puretet = true; for (int k = 0; puretet && k < hasbothpoints.Size(); k++) if (mesh[hasbothpoints[k]].GetType () != TET) puretet = false; for (int k = 0; puretet && k < hasbothpointsother.Size(); k++) if (mesh[hasbothpointsother[k]].GetType () != TET) puretet = false; if (!puretet) continue; int nsuround = hasbothpoints.Size(); int nsuroundother = hasbothpointsother.Size(); Array < int > outerpoints(nsuround+1); outerpoints[0] = sp1; for(int i=0; i 0) (*testout) << mesh[hasbothpoints[ii]][jj] << " between " << mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[hasbothpoints[ii]][jj]][0] << " and " << mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[hasbothpoints[ii]][jj]][1] << endl; } (*testout) << "outerpoints: " << outerpoints << endl; (*testout) << "sel1 " << mesh[sel1] << endl << "sel2 " << mesh[sel2] << endl; for(int ii=0; ii<3; ii++) { if(mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[sel1][ii]][0] > 0) (*testout) << mesh[sel1][ii] << " between " << mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[sel1][ii]][0] << " and " << mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[sel1][ii]][1] << endl; if(mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[sel2][ii]][0] > 0) (*testout) << mesh[sel2][ii] << " between " << mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[sel2][ii]][0] << " and " << mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[sel2][ii]][1] << endl; } } Array < int > outerpointsother; if(nsuroundother > 0) { outerpointsother.SetSize(nsuroundother+1); outerpointsother[0] = sp2other; } for(int i=0; i 0 && outerpointsother[nsuroundother] != sp1other) { cerr << "OJE OJE OJE (other)" << endl; (*testout) << "OJE OJE OJE (other)" << endl; (*testout) << "pi1 " << pi1 << " pi2 " << pi2 << " sp1 " << sp1 << " sp2 " << sp2 << endl; (*testout) << "hasbothpoints: " << endl; for(int ii=0; ii < hasbothpoints.Size(); ii++) { (*testout) << mesh[hasbothpoints[ii]] << endl; for(int jj=0; jj 0) (*testout) << mesh[hasbothpoints[ii]][jj] << " between " << mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[hasbothpoints[ii]][jj]][0] << " and " << mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[hasbothpoints[ii]][jj]][1] << endl; } (*testout) << "outerpoints: " << outerpoints << endl; (*testout) << "sel1 " << mesh[sel1] << endl << "sel2 " << mesh[sel2] << endl; for(int ii=0; ii<3; ii++) { if(mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[sel1][ii]][0] > 0) (*testout) << mesh[sel1][ii] << " between " << mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[sel1][ii]][0] << " and " << mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[sel1][ii]][1] << endl; if(mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[sel2][ii]][0] > 0) (*testout) << mesh[sel2][ii] << " between " << mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[sel2][ii]][0] << " and " << mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[sel2][ii]][1] << endl; } (*testout) << "pi1other " << pi1other << " pi2other " << pi2other << " sp1other " << sp1other << " sp2other " << sp2other << endl; (*testout) << "hasbothpointsother: " << endl; for(int ii=0; ii < hasbothpointsother.Size(); ii++) { (*testout) << mesh[hasbothpointsother[ii]] << endl; for(int jj=0; jj 0) (*testout) << mesh[hasbothpointsother[ii]][jj] << " between " << mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[hasbothpointsother[ii]][jj]][0] << " and " << mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[hasbothpointsother[ii]][jj]][1] << endl; } (*testout) << "outerpoints: " << outerpointsother << endl; (*testout) << "sel1other " << mesh[sel1other] << endl << "sel2other " << mesh[sel2other] << endl; for(int ii=0; ii<3; ii++) { if(mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[sel1other][ii]][0] > 0) (*testout) << mesh[sel1other][ii] << " between " << mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[sel1other][ii]][0] << " and " << mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[sel1other][ii]][1] << endl; if(mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[sel2other][ii]][0] > 0) (*testout) << mesh[sel2other][ii] << " between " << mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[sel2other][ii]][0] << " and " << mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[sel2other][ii]][1] << endl; } } bad1=0; for(int i=0; i * > newelts(startpoints); Array < Array < Element* > * > neweltsother(startpointsother); double minbad = 1e50, minbadother = 1e50, currbad; int minpos = -1, minposother = -1; //(*testout) << "pi1 " << pi1 << " pi2 " << pi2 << " outerpoints " << outerpoints << endl; for(int i=0; i(2*(nsuround-1)); for(int jj=0; jjSize(); jj++) wrongorientation = wrongorientation && WrongOrientation(mesh.Points(), *(*newelts[i])[jj]); currbad = 0; for(int jj=0; jjSize(); jj++) { if(wrongorientation) Swap((*(*newelts[i])[jj])[2],(*(*newelts[i])[jj])[3]); // not two new faces on same surface Array face_index; for(int k = 0; kSize()); if(currbad < minbad) { minbad = currbad; minpos = i; } } if(startpointsother == 0) minbadother = 0; for(int i=0; i(2*(nsuroundother)); for(int jj=0; jjSize(); jj++) wrongorientation = wrongorientation && WrongOrientation(mesh.Points(), *(*neweltsother[i])[jj]); currbad = 0; for(int jj=0; jjSize(); jj++) { if(wrongorientation) Swap((*(*neweltsother[i])[jj])[2],(*(*neweltsother[i])[jj])[3]); currbad += CalcBad(mesh.Points(),*(*neweltsother[i])[jj],h); } //currbad /= double(neweltsother[i]->Size()); if(currbad < minbadother) { minbadother = currbad; minposother = i; } } //(*testout) << "minbad " << minbad << " bad1 " << bad1 << endl; double sbadnew = CalcTriangleBadness (mesh[pi1],mesh[sp2],mesh[sp1],0,0) + CalcTriangleBadness (mesh[pi2],mesh[sp1],mesh[sp2],0,0); int denom = newelts[minpos]->Size(); if(minposother >= 0) denom += neweltsother[minposother]->Size(); if((minbad+minbadother)/double(denom) < bad1 && sbadnew < sbad) { cnt++; swapped = true; int start1 = -1; for(int l=0; l<3; l++) if(mesh[sel1][l] == pi1) start1 = l; if(mesh[sel1][(start1+1)%3] == pi2) { mesh[sel1][0] = pi1; mesh[sel1][1] = sp2; mesh[sel1][2] = sp1; mesh[sel2][0] = pi2; mesh[sel2][1] = sp1; mesh[sel2][2] = sp2; } else { mesh[sel1][0] = pi2; mesh[sel1][1] = sp2; mesh[sel1][2] = sp1; mesh[sel2][0] = pi1; mesh[sel2][1] = sp1; mesh[sel2][2] = sp2; } //(*testout) << "changed surface element " << sel1 << " to " << mesh[sel1] << ", " << sel2 << " to " << mesh[sel2] << endl; for(int l=0; l<3; l++) { surfaceelementsonnode.Add(mesh[sel1][l],sel1); surfaceelementsonnode.Add(mesh[sel2][l],sel2); } if(periodic) { start1 = -1; for(int l=0; l<3; l++) if(mesh[sel1other][l] == pi1other) start1 = l; //(*testout) << "changed surface elements " << mesh[sel1other] << " and " << mesh[sel2other] << endl; if(mesh[sel1other][(start1+1)%3] == pi2other) { mesh[sel1other][0] = pi1other; mesh[sel1other][1] = sp2other; mesh[sel1other][2] = sp1other; mesh[sel2other][0] = pi2other; mesh[sel2other][1] = sp1other; mesh[sel2other][2] = sp2other; //(*testout) << " with rule 1" << endl; } else { mesh[sel1other][0] = pi2other; mesh[sel1other][1] = sp2other; mesh[sel1other][2] = sp1other; mesh[sel2other][0] = pi1other; mesh[sel2other][1] = sp1other; mesh[sel2other][2] = sp2other; //(*testout) << " with rule 2" << endl; } //(*testout) << " to " << mesh[sel1other] << " and " << mesh[sel2other] << endl; //(*testout) << " and surface element " << sel1other << " to " << mesh[sel1other] << ", " << sel2other << " to " << mesh[sel2other] << endl; for(int l=0; l<3; l++) { surfaceelementsonnode.Add(mesh[sel1other][l],sel1other); surfaceelementsonnode.Add(mesh[sel2other][l],sel2other); } } for(int i=0; i 0) { for(int i=0; iSize(); jj++) delete (*newelts[i])[jj]; delete newelts[i]; } for(int i=0; iSize(); jj++) delete (*neweltsother[i])[jj]; delete neweltsother[i]; } } } PrintMessage (5, cnt, " swaps performed"); for(int i=0; i 3 conversion */ void MeshOptimize3d :: SwapImprove2 (Mesh & mesh, OPTIMIZEGOAL goal) { PointIndex pi1(0), pi2(0), pi3(0), pi4(0), pi5(0); Element el21(TET), el22(TET), el31(TET), el32(TET), el33(TET); int cnt = 0; double bad1, bad2; int np = mesh.GetNP(); int ne = mesh.GetNE(); int nse = mesh.GetNSE(); if (goal == OPT_CONFORM) return; // contains at least all elements at node TABLE elementsonnode(np); TABLE belementsonnode(np); PrintMessage (3, "SwapImprove2 "); (*testout) << "\n" << "Start SwapImprove2" << "\n"; // TestOk(); /* CalcSurfacesOfNode (); for (i = 1; i <= GetNE(); i++) if (volelements.Get(i)[0]) if (!mesh.LegalTet (volelements.Get(i))) { cout << "detected illegal tet, 1" << endl; (*testout) << "detected illegal tet1: " << i << endl; } */ // Calculate total badness bad1 = CalcTotalBad (mesh.Points(), mesh.VolumeElements()); (*testout) << "Total badness = " << bad1 << endl; // cout << "tot bad = " << bad1 << endl; // find elements on node for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < ne; ei++) for (int j = 0; j < mesh[ei].GetNP(); j++) elementsonnode.Add (mesh[ei][j], ei); for (SurfaceElementIndex sei = 0; sei < nse; sei++) for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) belementsonnode.Add (mesh[sei][j], sei); for (ElementIndex eli1 = 0; eli1 < ne; eli1++) { if (multithread.terminate) break; if (mesh.ElementType (eli1) == FIXEDELEMENT) continue; if (mesh[eli1].GetType() != TET) continue; if ((goal == OPT_LEGAL) && mesh.LegalTet (mesh[eli1]) && CalcBad (mesh.Points(), mesh[eli1], 0) < 1e3) continue; // cout << "eli = " << eli1 << endl; // (*testout) << "swapimp2, eli = " << eli1 << "; el = " << mesh[eli1] << endl; for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { // loop over faces Element & elem = mesh[eli1]; // if (elem[0] < PointIndex::BASE) continue; if (elem.IsDeleted()) continue; int mattyp = elem.GetIndex(); switch (j) { case 0: pi1 = elem.PNum(1); pi2 = elem.PNum(2); pi3 = elem.PNum(3); pi4 = elem.PNum(4); break; case 1: pi1 = elem.PNum(1); pi2 = elem.PNum(4); pi3 = elem.PNum(2); pi4 = elem.PNum(3); break; case 2: pi1 = elem.PNum(1); pi2 = elem.PNum(3); pi3 = elem.PNum(4); pi4 = elem.PNum(2); break; case 3: pi1 = elem.PNum(2); pi2 = elem.PNum(4); pi3 = elem.PNum(3); pi4 = elem.PNum(1); break; } bool bface = 0; for (int k = 0; k < belementsonnode[pi1].Size(); k++) { const Element2d & bel = mesh[belementsonnode[pi1][k]]; bool bface1 = 1; for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++) if (bel[l] != pi1 && bel[l] != pi2 && bel[l] != pi3) { bface1 = 0; break; } if (bface1) { bface = 1; break; } } if (bface) continue; FlatArray row = elementsonnode[pi1]; for (int k = 0; k < row.Size(); k++) { ElementIndex eli2 = row[k]; // cout << "\rei1 = " << eli1 << ", pi1 = " << pi1 << ", k = " << k << ", ei2 = " << eli2 // << ", getne = " << mesh.GetNE(); if ( eli1 != eli2 ) { Element & elem2 = mesh[eli2]; if (elem2.IsDeleted()) continue; if (elem2.GetType() != TET) continue; int comnodes=0; for (int l = 1; l <= 4; l++) if (elem2.PNum(l) == pi1 || elem2.PNum(l) == pi2 || elem2.PNum(l) == pi3) { comnodes++; } else { pi5 = elem2.PNum(l); } if (comnodes == 3) { bad1 = CalcBad (mesh.Points(), elem, 0) + CalcBad (mesh.Points(), elem2, 0); if (!mesh.LegalTet(elem) || !mesh.LegalTet(elem2)) bad1 += 1e4; el31.PNum(1) = pi1; el31.PNum(2) = pi2; el31.PNum(3) = pi5; el31.PNum(4) = pi4; el31.SetIndex (mattyp); el32.PNum(1) = pi2; el32.PNum(2) = pi3; el32.PNum(3) = pi5; el32.PNum(4) = pi4; el32.SetIndex (mattyp); el33.PNum(1) = pi3; el33.PNum(2) = pi1; el33.PNum(3) = pi5; el33.PNum(4) = pi4; el33.SetIndex (mattyp); bad2 = CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el31, 0) + CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el32, 0) + CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el33, 0); el31.flags.illegal_valid = 0; el32.flags.illegal_valid = 0; el33.flags.illegal_valid = 0; if (!mesh.LegalTet(el31) || !mesh.LegalTet(el32) || !mesh.LegalTet(el33)) bad2 += 1e4; bool do_swap = (bad2 < bad1); if ( ((bad2 < 1e6) || (bad2 < 10 * bad1)) && mesh.BoundaryEdge (pi4, pi5)) do_swap = 1; if (do_swap) { // cout << "do swap, eli1 = " << eli1 << "; eli2 = " << eli2 << endl; // (*mycout) << "2->3 " << flush; cnt++; el31.flags.illegal_valid = 0; el32.flags.illegal_valid = 0; el33.flags.illegal_valid = 0; mesh[eli1] = el31; mesh[eli2] = el32; ElementIndex neli = mesh.AddVolumeElement (el33); /* if (!LegalTet(el31) || !LegalTet(el32) || !LegalTet(el33)) { cout << "Swap to illegal tets !!!" << endl; } */ // cout << "neli = " << neli << endl; for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++) { elementsonnode.Add (el31[l], eli1); elementsonnode.Add (el32[l], eli2); elementsonnode.Add (el33[l], neli); } break; } } } } } } PrintMessage (5, cnt, " swaps performed"); /* CalcSurfacesOfNode (); for (i = 1; i <= GetNE(); i++) if (volelements.Get(i).PNum(1)) if (!LegalTet (volelements.Get(i))) { cout << "detected illegal tet, 2" << endl; (*testout) << "detected illegal tet2: " << i << endl; } */ bad1 = CalcTotalBad (mesh.Points(), mesh.VolumeElements()); (*testout) << "Total badness = " << bad1 << endl; (*testout) << "swapimprove2 done" << "\n"; // (*mycout) << "Vol = " << CalcVolume (points, volelements) << "\n"; } /* void Mesh :: SwapImprove2 (OPTIMIZEGOAL goal) { int i, j; int eli1, eli2; int mattyp; Element el31(4), el32(4), el33(4); double bad1, bad2; INDEX_3_HASHTABLE elsonface (GetNE()); (*mycout) << "SwapImprove2 " << endl; (*testout) << "\n" << "Start SwapImprove2" << "\n"; // Calculate total badness if (goal == OPT_QUALITY) { double bad1 = CalcTotalBad (points, volelements); (*testout) << "Total badness = " << bad1 << endl; } // find elements on node Element2d face; for (i = 1; i <= GetNE(); i++) if ( (i > eltyps.Size()) || (eltyps.Get(i) != FIXEDELEMENT) ) { const Element & el = VolumeElement(i); if (!el.PNum(1)) continue; for (j = 1; j <= 4; j++) { el.GetFace (j, face); INDEX_3 i3 (face.PNum(1), face.PNum(2), face.PNum(3)); i3.Sort(); int bnr, posnr; if (!elsonface.PositionCreate (i3, bnr, posnr)) { INDEX_2 i2; elsonface.GetData (bnr, posnr, i3, i2); i2.I2() = i; elsonface.SetData (bnr, posnr, i3, i2); } else { INDEX_2 i2 (i, 0); elsonface.SetData (bnr, posnr, i3, i2); } // if (elsonface.Used (i3)) // { // INDEX_2 i2 = elsonface.Get(i3); // i2.I2() = i; // elsonface.Set (i3, i2); // } // else // { // INDEX_2 i2 (i, 0); // elsonface.Set (i3, i2); // } } } BitArray original(GetNE()); original.Set(); for (i = 1; i <= GetNSE(); i++) { const Element2d & sface = SurfaceElement(i); INDEX_3 i3 (sface.PNum(1), sface.PNum(2), sface.PNum(3)); i3.Sort(); INDEX_2 i2(0,0); elsonface.Set (i3, i2); } for (i = 1; i <= elsonface.GetNBags(); i++) for (j = 1; j <= elsonface.GetBagSize(i); j++) { INDEX_3 i3; INDEX_2 i2; elsonface.GetData (i, j, i3, i2); int eli1 = i2.I1(); int eli2 = i2.I2(); if (eli1 && eli2 && original.Test(eli1) && original.Test(eli2) ) { Element & elem = volelements.Elem(eli1); Element & elem2 = volelements.Elem(eli2); int pi1 = i3.I1(); int pi2 = i3.I2(); int pi3 = i3.I3(); int pi4 = elem.PNum(1) + elem.PNum(2) + elem.PNum(3) + elem.PNum(4) - pi1 - pi2 - pi3; int pi5 = elem2.PNum(1) + elem2.PNum(2) + elem2.PNum(3) + elem2.PNum(4) - pi1 - pi2 - pi3; el31.PNum(1) = pi1; el31.PNum(2) = pi2; el31.PNum(3) = pi3; el31.PNum(4) = pi4; el31.SetIndex (mattyp); if (WrongOrientation (points, el31)) swap (pi1, pi2); bad1 = CalcBad (points, elem, 0) + CalcBad (points, elem2, 0); // if (!LegalTet(elem) || !LegalTet(elem2)) // bad1 += 1e4; el31.PNum(1) = pi1; el31.PNum(2) = pi2; el31.PNum(3) = pi5; el31.PNum(4) = pi4; el31.SetIndex (mattyp); el32.PNum(1) = pi2; el32.PNum(2) = pi3; el32.PNum(3) = pi5; el32.PNum(4) = pi4; el32.SetIndex (mattyp); el33.PNum(1) = pi3; el33.PNum(2) = pi1; el33.PNum(3) = pi5; el33.PNum(4) = pi4; el33.SetIndex (mattyp); bad2 = CalcBad (points, el31, 0) + CalcBad (points, el32, 0) + CalcBad (points, el33, 0); // if (!LegalTet(el31) || !LegalTet(el32) || // !LegalTet(el33)) // bad2 += 1e4; int swap = (bad2 < bad1); INDEX_2 hi2b(pi4, pi5); hi2b.Sort(); if ( ((bad2 < 1e6) || (bad2 < 10 * bad1)) && boundaryedges->Used (hi2b) ) swap = 1; if (swap) { (*mycout) << "2->3 " << flush; volelements.Elem(eli1) = el31; volelements.Elem(eli2) = el32; volelements.Append (el33); original.Clear (eli1); original.Clear (eli2); } } } (*mycout) << endl; if (goal == OPT_QUALITY) { bad1 = CalcTotalBad (points, volelements); (*testout) << "Total badness = " << bad1 << endl; } // FindOpenElements (); (*testout) << "swapimprove2 done" << "\n"; } */ }