if { $tcl_platform(os) eq "Linux" && [tk scaling] > 1.5 } { # On some Linux systems, the scaling setting is only applied after # overwriting some default font settings. # This is a workaround to scale up fonts on high resolution displays. font create ngFont -family Helvetica option add *font ngFont ttk::style configure "." -font ngFont } # netgen menus: menu .ngmenu -tearoff 0 -relief raised -bd 2 . configure -menu .ngmenu .ngmenu add cascade -label "File" -menu .ngmenu.file -underline 0 .ngmenu add cascade -label "Geometry" -menu .ngmenu.geometry -underline 0 .ngmenu add cascade -label "Mesh" -menu .ngmenu.mesh -underline 0 .ngmenu add cascade -label "View" -menu .ngmenu.view -underline 0 .ngmenu add cascade -label "Refinement" -menu .ngmenu.meshsize -underline 5 if { $userlevel == 3} { .ngmenu add cascade -label "Special" -menu .ngmenu.special -underline 3 } .ngmenu add cascade -label "Help" -menu .ngmenu.help -underline 0 ##################################################### # # # Menu File # # # ##################################################### menu .ngmenu.file .ngmenu.file add command -label "Load Geometry..." -accelerator "<l><g>" \ -command { set types { {"All Geometry types" { .stl .stlb .step .stp .geo .in2d .igs .iges .brep .sat} } {"IGES Geometry" {.igs .iges} } {"BREP OpenCascade Geometry" {.brep} } {"STL Geometry" {.stl} } {"Binary STL Geometry" {.stlb} } {"STEP Geometry" {.step .stp} } {"Geometry file" {.geo} } {"2D Geometry" {.in2d } } } set ACISavailable [Ng_ACISCommand isACISavailable] if {$ACISavailable == "yes" } { lappend types {"ACIS Geometry" {.sat} } } if {[catch { set file [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types -initialdir $dirname -typevariable loadgeomtypevar] }]} { set file [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types -initialdir $dirname] } if {$file != ""} { AddRecentFile $file Ng_LoadGeometry $file Ng_ParseGeometry # if { [Ng_STLInfo status]=="ERROR" } { # tk_messageBox -message "STL ERROR: \n [Ng_STLInfo statustext]" -type ok # } set selectvisual geometry Ng_SetVisParameters redraw wm title . [concat "$progname - " $file] set dirname [file dirname $file] set basefilename [file tail [file rootname $file]] if { $hasocc == "yes" } { rebuildoccdialog } } } .ngmenu.file add command -label "Save Geometry..." \ -command { set occgeometryloaded [Ng_OCCCommand isoccgeometryloaded] puts $occgeometryloaded if {$occgeometryloaded == 1 } { set types { {"IGES Geometry file" {.igs} } {"STEP Geometry file" {.stp} } {"STL Geometry file" {.stl} } {"STL BIN Geometry file" {.stlb} } } } { set types { {"STL Geometry file" {.stl} } {"STL BIN Geometry file" {.stlb} } } } set ACISavailable [Ng_ACISCommand isACISavailable] puts $ACISavailable if {$ACISavailable == "yes" } { lappend types {"ACIS Geometry" {.sat} } } set file [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes $types -initialdir $dirname -initialfile $basefilename ] if {$file != ""} { Ng_SaveGeometry $file } } .ngmenu.file add cascade -label "Recent Files" -menu .ngmenu.file.recent menu .ngmenu.file.recent -tearoff 0 proc AddRecentFile { filename } { global progname global dirname catch { [.ngmenu.file.recent delete $filename] } .ngmenu.file.recent insert 0 command -label $filename \ -command "AddRecentFile {$filename}; Ng_LoadGeometry {$filename}; Ng_ParseGeometry; set selectvisual geometry; Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw; wm title . [concat \" $progname - $filename \"]; set dirname {[file dirname $filename]}; set basefilename {[file tail [file rootname $filename]]}; rebuildoccdialog;" if { [.ngmenu.file.recent index last] >= 6 } { .ngmenu.file.recent delete last } saveinifile; } loadinifile; .ngmenu.file add separator .ngmenu.file add command -label "Load Mesh..." -accelerator "<l><m>" \ -command { set types { {"Mesh file" {.vol .vol.gz} } } set file [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types -defaultextension ".vol"] if {$file != ""} { AddRecentMeshFile $file; Ng_LoadMesh $file; set selectvisual mesh Ng_SetVisParameters redraw Ng_ReadStatus; # Ng_MeshSizeFromSurfaceMesh wm title . [concat "$progname - " $file] set dirname [file dirname $file] set basefilename [file tail [file rootname $file]] } } # astrid .ngmenu.file add cascade -label "Recent Meshes" -menu .ngmenu.file.recentmesh menu .ngmenu.file.recentmesh proc AddRecentMeshFile { filename } { global progname global dirname catch { [.ngmenu.file.recentmesh delete $filename] } .ngmenu.file.recentmesh insert 0 command -label $filename \ -command "AddRecentMeshFile {$filename}; Ng_LoadMesh {$filename}; set selectvisual mesh; Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw; wm title . [concat \" $progname - $filename \"]; set dirname {[file dirname $filename]}; set basefilename {[file tail [file rootname $filename]]}; rebuildoccdialog;" if { [.ngmenu.file.recentmesh index last] >= 6 } { .ngmenu.file.recentmesh delete last } savemeshinifile; } loadmeshinifile; # astrid ende .ngmenu.file add command -label "Save Mesh..." -accelerator "<s><m>" \ -command { set types { {"Mesh file" {.vol .vol.gz} } } set file [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes $types -defaultextension ".vol.gz" -initialfile $basefilename -initialdir $dirname ] if {$file != ""} { Ng_SaveMesh $file } AddRecentMeshFile $file; } .ngmenu.file add command -label "Merge Mesh..." \ -command { set types { {"Mesh file" {.vol} } } set file [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types -defaultextension ".vol"] if {$file != ""} { Ng_MergeMesh $file; set selectvisual mesh Ng_SetVisParameters redraw Ng_ReadStatus; } } .ngmenu.file add command -label "Import Mesh..." \ -command { set types { {"Neutral format" {.mesh .emt} } {"Surface mesh format" {.surf} } {"Universal format" {.unv} } {"Olaf format" {.emt} } {"TET format" {.tet} } {"Pro/ENGINEER neutral format" {.fnf} } } set file [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types ] if {$file != ""} { Ng_ImportMesh $file set selectvisual mesh Ng_SetVisParameters redraw Ng_ReadStatus; } } set meshexportformats [Ng_GetExportFormats] .ngmenu.file add command -label "Export Mesh..." \ -command { # global meshexportformats foreach exportformat $meshexportformats { if { [lindex $exportformat 0] == $exportfiletype } { set extension [lindex $exportformat 1] } } if { $exportfiletype == "Elmer Format"} { set file [file nativename [tk_chooseDirectory -title "Elmer Mesh Export - Select Directory"]] } elseif { $exportfiletype == "OpenFOAM 1.5+ Format"} { set file [file nativename [tk_chooseDirectory -title "OpenFOAM 1.5+ Mesh Export - Select Case Directory"]] } elseif { $exportfiletype == "OpenFOAM 1.5+ Compressed"} { set file [file nativename [tk_chooseDirectory -title "OpenFOAM 1.5+ Mesh Export - Select Case Directory"]] } else { # set file [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes "{ \"$exportfiletype\" {$extension} }" ] # set file [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes "{ \"$exportfiletype\" {*}}" ] set file [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes $meshexportformats -typevariable exportfiletype] puts "type = $exportfiletype" puts "filename = $file" } if {$file != ""} { Ng_ExportMesh $file $exportfiletype } } .ngmenu.file add cascade -label "Export Filetype" -menu .ngmenu.file.filetype menu .ngmenu.file.filetype foreach exportformat $meshexportformats { .ngmenu.file.filetype add radio -label [lindex $exportformat 0] -variable exportfiletype -command { .ngmenu.file invoke "Export Mesh..." } } .ngmenu.file add separator .ngmenu.file add command -label "Save Solution..." \ -command { set types { {"Solution File" {.sol} } {"VTK File" {.vtk} } } set file [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes $types ] if {$file != ""} { Ng_SaveSolution $file } } #-defaultextension ".sol" ] .ngmenu.file add command -label "Import Solution..." \ -command { set types { {"Solution File" {.sol} } } set file [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types -defaultextension ".sol" ] if {$file != ""} { Ng_ImportSolution $file set selectvisual solution Ng_SetVisParameters redraw } } set demostarttime [clock clicks -millisecond] set stopdemo 0 proc demoredraw { } { global demostarttime global stopdemo set curtime [clock clicks -millisecond] set result [ Ng_DemoSetTime [expr $curtime - $demostarttime] ] redraw global videoactive if { $videoactive == 1 } { puts "addframe" Ng_VideoClip .ndraw addframe } if { $result == 0 && $stopdemo == 0 } { after 1 { demoredraw } } } .ngmenu.file add command -label "Show Demo..." \ -command { set types { {"Demo File" {.dem} } } set file [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types -defaultextension ".dem" ] if {$file != ""} { Ng_ShowDemo $file set demostarttime [clock clicks -millisecond] set stopdemo 0 demoredraw } } .ngmenu.file add separator .ngmenu.file add command -label "Snapshot..." \ -command { set types { {"JPG file" {.jpg} } {"GIF file" {.gif} } {"PPM file" {.ppm} } } set file [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes $types] # -defaultextension ".ppm"] if {$file != ""} { Ng_SnapShot .ndraw $file } } .ngmenu.file add cascade -label "Video clip" -menu .ngmenu.file.video menu .ngmenu.file.video set videoactive 0 .ngmenu.file.video add command -label "start..." \ -command { set types { {"MPG file" {.mpg} } } set file [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes $types] if {$file != ""} { Ng_VideoClip .ndraw init $file global videoactive set videoactive 1 } } .ngmenu.file.video add command -label "add frame..." \ -command {Ng_VideoClip .ndraw addframe } .ngmenu.file.video add command -label "one cycle" \ -command { set visoptions.redrawperiodic 1 for { set j 0 } { $j < 100 } { incr j } { puts "j = $j" Ng_Vis_Set time [expr (1000 * $j / 100)] redraw Ng_VideoClip .ndraw addframe after 200 } } .ngmenu.file.video add command -label "finalize..." \ -command { Ng_VideoClip .ndraw finalize global videoactive set videoactive 0 } .ngmenu.file add command -label "Save Options" \ -command { saveoptions } .ngmenu.file add separator ## herbert tcl load menu # .ngmenu.file add command -label "Run tests ..." \ \# -command { runtestdialog } ## # .ngmenu.file add separator .ngmenu.file add command -label "Quit" -accelerator "<q>" \ -command { puts "Thank you for using $progname"; if { [catch { unload libngsolve[info sharedlibextension] ngsolve } result ] } { # puts "cannot unload ngsolve" # puts "error: $result" } after cancel { timer2 } Ng_Exit; destroy . } # exit ##################################################### # # # Menu Mesh # # # ##################################################### menu .ngmenu.mesh .ngmenu.mesh add command -label "Generate Mesh" -accelerator "<g><m>" \ -command { set selectvisual mesh Ng_SetVisParameters Ng_GenerateMesh ${meshoptions.firststep} ${meshoptions.laststep} Ng_ReadStatus redraw } .ngmenu.mesh add command -label "Stop Meshing" \ -command { Ng_StopMeshing } .ngmenu.mesh add command -label "Meshing Options..." \ -command meshingoptionsdialog .ngmenu.mesh add separator .ngmenu.mesh add command -label "Delete Mesh" \ -command { Ng_New mesh; Ng_ReadStatus; redraw } .ngmenu.mesh add command -label "Delete Vol Mesh" \ -command { Ng_DeleteVolMesh; Ng_ReadStatus; redraw } .ngmenu.mesh add command -label "Mesh Info" \ -command { set dim [Ng_MeshInfo dim] set np [Ng_MeshInfo np] set ne [Ng_MeshInfo ne] set nse [Ng_MeshInfo nse] set nseg [Ng_MeshInfo nseg] set bbox [Ng_MeshInfo bbox] tk_messageBox -message "Dimension: $dim\nPoints: $np\nElements: $ne\nSurface Els: $nse\nSegments: $nseg\nxmin [lindex $bbox 0] xmax [lindex $bbox 1]\nymin [lindex $bbox 2] ymax [lindex $bbox 3]\nzmin [lindex $bbox 4] zmax [lindex $bbox 5]" } .ngmenu.mesh add command -label "Mesh Quality" \ -command { set inplanemin 0 set inplanemax 0 set betplanemin 0 set betplanemax 0 Ng_MeshQuality inplanemin inplanemax betplanemin betplanemax puts "Triangle angles : $inplanemin - $inplanemax" puts "Tet angles : $betplanemin - $betplanemax" tk_messageBox -message "Triangle angles : $inplanemin - $inplanemax \n Tet angles : $betplanemin - $betplanemax" } # .ngmenu.mesh add command -label "Quality Plot" \ # -command { qualityviewdialog 1 } .ngmenu.mesh add command -label "Check Surface Mesh" \ -command { Ng_CheckSurfaceMesh } .ngmenu.mesh add command -label "Check Volume Mesh" \ -command { Ng_CheckVolumeMesh } .ngmenu.mesh add command -label "Edit Boundary Conditions..." \ -command { bcpropdialog } if { $userlevel == 3 } { .ngmenu.mesh add command -label "Mesh Doctor..." \ -command { meshdoctordialog } } .ngmenu.mesh add command -label "METIS Mesh Partitioning..." \ -command { METISdialog } .ngmenu.mesh add separator .ngmenu.mesh add command -label "Analyze Geometry" \ -command { Ng_GenerateMesh ag ag; Ng_ReadStatus; redraw } .ngmenu.mesh add command -label "Mesh Edges" \ -command { Ng_GenerateMesh me me; Ng_ReadStatus; redraw } .ngmenu.mesh add command -label "Mesh Surface" \ -command { set selectvisual mesh; Ng_SetVisParameters; \ Ng_GenerateMesh ms ms; Ng_ReadStatus; redraw } .ngmenu.mesh add command -label "Optimize Surface" \ -command { Ng_GenerateMesh os os cmsmSm; redraw } .ngmenu.mesh add cascade -label "Surface Optim. Step" -menu .ngmenu.mesh.surfoptstep menu .ngmenu.mesh.surfoptstep .ngmenu.mesh.surfoptstep add command -label "Mesh Smoothing" \ -command { Ng_GenerateMesh os os m; redraw} .ngmenu.mesh.surfoptstep add command -label "Edge swapping (topologic)" \ -command { Ng_GenerateMesh os os s; redraw} .ngmenu.mesh.surfoptstep add command -label "Edge swapping (metric)" \ -command { Ng_GenerateMesh os os S; redraw} .ngmenu.mesh.surfoptstep add command -label "Combine points" \ -command { Ng_GenerateMesh os os c; redraw} .ngmenu.mesh add separator .ngmenu.mesh add command -label "Mesh Volume" \ -command { Ng_GenerateMesh mv mv; Ng_ReadStatus } .ngmenu.mesh add command -label "Optimize Volume" \ -command { Ng_GenerateMesh ov ov; Ng_ReadStatus } .ngmenu.mesh add command -label "Smooth Opt Volume" \ -command { Ng_GenerateMesh ov ov m; Ng_ReadStatus } .ngmenu.mesh add command -label "Smooth Opt Volume Jacobian" \ -command { Ng_GenerateMesh ov ov j; Ng_ReadStatus } ##################################################### # # # Menu Geometry # # # ##################################################### menu .ngmenu.geometry ##################################################### # # # Menu View # # # ##################################################### menu .ngmenu.view .ngmenu.view add command -label "Zoom all" \ -command { Ng_ZoomAll; redraw } .ngmenu.view add command -label "Center" \ -command { Ng_Center; redraw } .ngmenu.view add command -label "x-y plane" \ -command { Ng_StandardRotation xy; redraw } .ngmenu.view add command -label "y-x plane" \ -command { Ng_StandardRotation yx; redraw } .ngmenu.view add command -label "x-z plane" \ -command { Ng_StandardRotation xz; redraw } .ngmenu.view add command -label "z-x plane" \ -command { Ng_StandardRotation zx; redraw } .ngmenu.view add command -label "y-z plane" \ -command { Ng_StandardRotation yz; redraw } .ngmenu.view add command -label "z-y plane" \ -command { Ng_StandardRotation zy; redraw } .ngmenu.view add command -label "Viewing Options..." \ -command { viewingoptionsdialog; redraw } .ngmenu.view add command -label "Clipping Plane..." \ -command { clippingdialog; redraw } .ngmenu.view add command -label "Solution Data..." \ -command { visual_dialog; redraw } .ngmenu.view add checkbutton -variable viewqualityplot \ -label "Quality Plot" \ -command { qualityviewdialog $viewqualityplot } .ngmenu.view add checkbutton -variable memuseplot \ -label "Memory Usage" \ -command { memusedialog $memuseplot } ##################################################### # # # Menu Refinement # # # ##################################################### # # Mesh size menu # menu .ngmenu.meshsize .ngmenu.meshsize add command -label "Refine uniform" \ -command { Ng_Refine; Ng_HighOrder ${options.elementorder}; Ng_ReadStatus; redraw } .ngmenu.meshsize add command -label "Second Order" \ -command { Ng_SecondOrder; Ng_ReadStatus; redraw } .ngmenu.meshsize add command -label "Validate Second Order" \ -command { Ng_ValidateSecondOrder; Ng_ReadStatus; redraw } .ngmenu.meshsize add command -label "High Order" \ -command { Ng_HighOrder ${options.elementorder}; Ng_ReadStatus; redraw } .ngmenu.meshsize add separator .ngmenu.meshsize add command -label "Refinement Dialog..." \ -command { refinementdialog } .ngmenu.meshsize add command -label "Load Meshsize..." \ -command { set types { {"Meshsize file" {.msz} } } set file [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types] if {$file != ""} { Ng_LoadMeshSize $file; } } .ngmenu.meshsize add command -label "MS from Surf Mesh" \ -command { Ng_MeshSizeFromSurfaceMesh } if { $userlevel == 3 } { .ngmenu.meshsize add command -label "Singular point ms" \ -command { Ng_SingularPointMS; } .ngmenu.meshsize add command -label "Singular edge ms" \ -command { Ng_SingularEdgeMS; } .ngmenu.meshsize add separator set bisectfilename ""; .ngmenu.meshsize add command -label "Bisection" \ -command { Ng_ReadStatus; set oldnp 0; set newnp $status_np; # Ng_BisectCopyMesh; # Ng_Split2Tets; Ng_ReadStatus; while { $oldnp < $newnp } { # if { $level == 0 } { # Ng_ExportMesh feppmesh.vol fepp; # } { # Ng_ExportMesh feppmesh$level feppml # } set level [expr $level+1] if { $bisectfilename == ""} { Ng_Bisect; } else { Ng_Bisect $bisectfilename; } # Ng_HighOrder ${options.elementorder} "noparallel" # Ng_Split2Tets; Ng_ReadStatus; redraw; if { $bisectfilename == ""} { set oldnp $newnp; set newnp $status_np; puts "oldnp $oldnp newnp $newnp"; } else { set oldnp $newnp; } } } # -command { Ng_Bisect; Ng_ReadStatus; redraw } # -command { exec netgen abc >outfile 2>errfile; Ng_ReadStatus; redraw } } .ngmenu.meshsize add command -label "Load Refinement Info..." \ -command { set types { {"Refinement info" {.refine} }} set bisectfilename [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types] } .ngmenu.meshsize add command -label "Z-Refinement" \ -command { Ng_ZRefinement 2; Ng_ReadStatus; redraw } # .ngmenu.meshsize add command -label "hp-Refinement" \ \# -command { Ng_HPRefinement 4; Ng_ReadStatus; redraw } .ngmenu.meshsize add cascade -label "hp-Refinement" -menu .ngmenu.meshsize.hpref menu .ngmenu.meshsize.hpref .ngmenu.meshsize.hpref add command -label "1 Level" \ -command { Ng_HPRefinement 1; Ng_ReadStatus; redraw } .ngmenu.meshsize.hpref add command -label "2 Levels" \ -command { Ng_HPRefinement 2; Ng_ReadStatus; redraw } .ngmenu.meshsize.hpref add command -label "3 Levels" \ -command { Ng_HPRefinement 3; Ng_ReadStatus; redraw } .ngmenu.meshsize.hpref add command -label "4 Levels" \ -command { Ng_HPRefinement 4; Ng_ReadStatus; redraw } .ngmenu.meshsize.hpref add command -label "5 Levels" \ -command { Ng_HPRefinement 5; Ng_ReadStatus; redraw } .ngmenu.meshsize.hpref add command -label "6 Levels" \ -command { Ng_HPRefinement 6; Ng_ReadStatus; redraw } .ngmenu.meshsize.hpref add command -label "7 Levels" \ -command { Ng_HPRefinement 7; Ng_ReadStatus; redraw } .ngmenu.meshsize.hpref add command -label "8 Levels" \ -command { Ng_HPRefinement 8; Ng_ReadStatus; redraw } .ngmenu.meshsize.hpref add command -label "9 Levels" \ -command { Ng_HPRefinement 9; Ng_ReadStatus; redraw } .ngmenu.meshsize.hpref add command -label "10 Levels" \ -command { Ng_HPRefinement 10; Ng_ReadStatus; redraw } .ngmenu.meshsize add command -label "Split to Tets" \ -command { Ng_Split2Tets; Ng_ReadStatus; redraw } ##################################################### # # # Menu Special # # # ##################################################### menu .ngmenu.special .ngmenu.special add command -label "Prismatic Boundary Layer" \ -command { Ng_GenerateBoundaryLayer; redraw } .ngmenu.special add command -label "Insert virtual boundary layer" \ -command { Ng_InsertVirtualBL; redraw } .ngmenu.special add command -label "Cut off and combine with other" \ -command { set types { {"Mesh file" {.vol} } } set file [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types] if {$file != ""} { Ng_CutOffAndCombine $file; } redraw } .ngmenu.special add command -label "Helmholtz Mesh grading" \ -command { Ng_HelmholtzMesh; } .ngmenu.special add cascade -label "Colour-based boundary conditions" -menu .ngmenu.special.colbndcond menu .ngmenu.special.colbndcond .ngmenu.special.colbndcond add command -label "Inspect Colours in mesh" \ -command { currmeshcoloursdialog } .ngmenu.special.colbndcond add separator .ngmenu.special.colbndcond add command -label "Automatic Assignment" \ -command { Ng_AutoColourBcProps auto; redraw } .ngmenu.special.colbndcond add separator set ocffile [file join ${ngdir} netgen.ocf]; .ngmenu.special.colbndcond add command -label "Select Colour Profile file" \ -command { set types { {"Colour Profile file" {.ocf} } } set ocffile [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types] if {$ocffile == ""} { set ocffile [file join ${ngdir} netgen.ocf]; } } .ngmenu.special.colbndcond add command -label "Profile based Assignment" \ -command { Ng_AutoColourBcProps profile ${ocffile}; redraw } # menu .mbar.stl.menu # .mbar.stl.menu add command -label "STL options" \ # -command { stloptionsdialog; } #.mbar.stl.menu add command -label "STL Doctor" \ # -command { stldoctordialog; } ##################################################### # # # Menu Help # # # ##################################################### menu .ngmenu.help # .ngmenu.help add command -label "Ng Help..." \ \# -command { help_main } # .ngmenu.view add checkbutton -variable showsensitivehelp \ # -label "Sensitive Help" \ # -command { sensitivehelpdialog $showsensitivehelp } .ngmenu.view add checkbutton -label "Help Line" -variable showhelpline \ -command { if { $showhelpline == 1} { pack .helpline -before .statbar -side bottom -fill x -padx 3p } { pack forget .helpline } } .ngmenu.help add command -label "About..." \ -command { tk_messageBox -message "This is NETGEN \nmainly written by \nJoachim Schoeberl \nthanks to \nRobert Gaisbauer, Johannes Gerstmayr, Philippose Rajan" } # tk_menuBar .mbar .mbar.file .mbar.mesh .mbar.test .mbar.help # focus .mbar ##################################################### # # # Button bar # # # ##################################################### ttk::frame .bubar # -relief raised #-relief raised -bd 2 pack .bubar -side top -fill x ttk::button .bubar.testb -text "Test" -command { Ng_SaveGeometry } ttk::button .bubar.surfm -text "Generate Mesh" -command \ { .ngmenu.mesh invoke "Generate Mesh"; # set selectvisual mesh; # Ng_SetVisParameters; # Ng_GenerateMesh ${meshoptions.firststep} ${meshoptions.laststep} # redraw } ttk::button .bubar.stopm -text "Stop" -command \ { # Ng_StopMeshing; set multithread_terminate 1; set stopdemo 1; } ttk::button .bubar.exitb -text "Quit" \ -command { set ans [tk_messageBox -title "Quit Netgen?" -message "Do you really want to quit Netgen?" -type yesno -default "no" -icon question] if { $ans == "yes" } { .ngmenu.file invoke "Quit"; } } pack .bubar.exitb .bubar.surfm .bubar.stopm -side left #button .bubar.scan -text "Scan" \ # -command { Ng_ParseGeometry; set selectvisual geometry; Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } ttk::button .bubar.zoomall -text "Zoom All" \ -command { Ng_ZoomAll; redraw } ttk::button .bubar.center -text "Center" \ -command { Ng_Center; redraw } # tk_optionMenu .bubar.modesel drawmode "rotate" "move " "zoom " # tixOptionMenu .bubar.modesel \ # -options { # label.width 0 # label.anchor e # menubutton.width 6 # } \ # -variable drawmode # .bubar.modesel add command rotate -label Rotate # .bubar.modesel add command move -label Move # .bubar.modesel add command zoom -label Zoom ttk::menubutton .bubar.modesel -menu .bubar.modesel.menu -text "" -width 6 menu .bubar.modesel.menu -tearoff 0 .bubar.modesel.menu add command -label "Rotate" -command "set drawmode \"rotate\" ;.bubar.modesel configure -text \"Rotate\"" .bubar.modesel.menu add command -label "Move" -command "set drawmode \"move\" ;.bubar.modesel configure -text \"Move\"" .bubar.modesel.menu add command -label "Zoom" -command "set drawmode \"zoom\" ;.bubar.modesel configure -text \"Zoom\"" .bubar.modesel.menu invoke "Rotate" set viewvals { geometry specpoints mesh solution} if { $userlevel == 3} { set viewvals { geometry mesh specpoints surfmeshing modelview solution} } set viewvallabs(cross) "Cross" set viewvallabs(geometry) "Geometry" set viewvallabs(mesh) "Mesh" set viewvallabs(specpoints) "Edges" set viewvallabs(surfmeshing) "Mesh Gen" set viewvallabs(modelview) "Modeller" set viewvallabs(solution) "Solution" # tixOptionMenu .bubar.selview \ # -options { # label.width 0 # label.anchor e # menubutton.width 10 # } \ # foreach viewv $viewvals { # .bubar.selview add command $viewv -label $viewvallabs($viewv) # } # .bubar.selview config -variable selectvisual # .bubar.selview config -command { Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw } # pack .bubar.modesel -side right # pack forget .bubar.modesel pack .bubar.center .bubar.zoomall -side right # pack .bubar.selview -side right .ngmenu.view add checkbutton -variable viewrotatebutton \ -label "Enable LeftButton Selection" \ -command { if { $viewrotatebutton } { pack .bubar.modesel -side right } { pack forget .bubar.modesel } } menu .bubar.selviewmenu ttk::menubutton .bubar.selview1 -menu .bubar.selviewmenu -text "Geometry" foreach viewv $viewvals { .bubar.selviewmenu add command -label $viewvallabs($viewv) -command \ ".bubar.selview1 configure -text \"$viewvallabs($viewv)\" ; set selectvisual $viewv ; Ng_SetVisParameters; redraw" } pack .bubar.selview1 -side right # .bubar.selviewmenu invoke $viewvallabs($selectvisual) trace add variable selectvisual write selvis_monitor proc selvis_monitor { name args } { global selectvisual viewvallabs .bubar.selviewmenu invoke $viewvallabs($selectvisual) } # set selectvisual solution ##################################################### # # # Status bar # # # ##################################################### ttk::label .helpline -text "None" pack forget .helpline -side bottom -fill x ttk::frame .statbar -relief flat # -bd 2 pack .statbar -side bottom -fill x ttk::label .statbar.ptslabel -text " Points: " ttk::label .statbar.ptsval -textvariable status_np ttk::label .statbar.elslabel -text " Elements: " ttk::label .statbar.elsval -textvariable status_ne ttk::label .statbar.selslabel -text " Surf Elements: " ttk::label .statbar.selsval -textvariable status_nse # label .statbar.memlabel -text " Mem: " # label .statbar.memval -textvariable mem_moveable ttk::label .statbar.task -textvariable status_task pack .statbar.ptslabel .statbar.ptsval -side left -ipady 3p pack .statbar.elslabel .statbar.elsval -side left -ipady 3p pack .statbar.selslabel .statbar.selsval -side left -ipady 3p # if { $userlevel == 3 } { # pack .statbar.memlabel .statbar.memval -side left -ipady 3p # } #tixMeter .statbar.per -value 0 -text 0% ttk::progressbar .statbar.per -value 0 -maximum 1 #.statbar.per configure -fillcolor blue pack .statbar.per -side right pack .statbar.task -side right -ipady 4 set qualbaraxis(0) 0 set qualbar(0) 0 set qualbarnull(0) 0 proc timer2 { } { global status_np global status_ne global status_nse global multithread_running global multithread_redraw global status_working global status_task global status_percent global status_tetqualclasses Ng_ReadStatus if { $multithread_redraw == 1 } { # non-blocking redraw set multithread_redraw 0; redraw; global videoactive if { $videoactive == 1 } { puts "addframe" Ng_VideoClip .ndraw addframe } } if { $multithread_redraw == 2 } { # blocking redraw redraw; set multithread_redraw 0; global videoactive if { $videoactive == 1 } { puts "addframe" Ng_VideoClip .ndraw addframe } after 1 { timer2 } return } # global mem_moveable # set mem_moveable [Ng_MemInfo moveable] .statbar.per configure -value [expr $status_percent/100] # -text [format %2.1f [expr 0.1*int(10*$status_percent)]]% if { $multithread_running } { pack .statbar.per -side right -before .statbar.task -padx 6 } { pack forget .statbar.per } # tet quality if {[winfo exists .qualityview_dlg] == 1} { global qualbar global qualbarnull global qualbaraxis set maxval 0 for {set i 0} {$i < 20} {incr i} { if {[lindex $status_tetqualclasses $i] > $maxval} { set maxval [lindex $status_tetqualclasses $i] } } set ubound 1 while { $ubound < $maxval } { set ubound [expr {10 * $ubound}] } if { $ubound/5 > $maxval } { set ubound [expr $ubound/5] } if { $ubound/2 > $maxval } { set ubound [expr $ubound/2] } for {set i 1} {$i <= 5} {incr i} { # global qualbaraxis($i) set value [expr { $i * $ubound / 5 }] .qualityview_dlg.c dchars $qualbaraxis($i) 0 end .qualityview_dlg.c insert $qualbaraxis($i) end $value } for {set i 0} {$i < 20} {incr i} { set x1 [expr {100 + ($i*15) + 2}] set x2 [expr {$x1+10}] set nbrs [lindex $status_tetqualclasses $i] set y [expr (249 - (200 * $nbrs / $ubound ) )] # global qualbar($i) .qualityview_dlg.c coords $qualbar($i) $x1 250 $x2 $y # global qualbarnull($i) if { $nbrs == 0 } { .qualityview_dlg.c itemconfigure $qualbarnull($i) -text 0 } { .qualityview_dlg.c itemconfigure $qualbarnull($i) -text "" } } } if {[winfo exists .memuse_dlg] == 1} { global memmark set usemb [Ng_MemInfo usedmb] for {set i 0} {$i < [string length $usemb] } {incr i} { if { [string index $usemb $i] == 0 } { .memuse_dlg.c coords $memmark($i) [expr 50+$i] 68 [expr 50+$i] 70 } { .memuse_dlg.c coords $memmark($i) [expr 50+$i] 50 [expr 50+$i] 70 } } } after 10 { timer2 } } # after 1000 { timer2 } timer2 proc bgerror { error } { global errorInfo userlevel if { $userlevel == 3} { puts "ERROR: $error" puts "errinfo: $errorInfo" } tk_messageBox -title "Error Message" -message $error -type ok } proc smh2 { menuitem } { if {[catch {$menuitem entrycget active -label} name]} { set name " " } show_menu_help $name update idletasks } bind .ngmenu <<MenuSelect>> { smh2 %W } bind .ngmenu.file <<MenuSelect>> { smh2 %W } bind .ngmenu.geometry <<MenuSelect>> { smh2 %W } bind .ngmenu.mesh <<MenuSelect>> { smh2 %W } bind .ngmenu.view <<MenuSelect>> { smh2 %W } bind .ngmenu.meshsize <<MenuSelect>> { smh2 %W } bind .ngmenu.special <<MenuSelect>> { smh2 %W } bind .ngmenu.help <<MenuSelect>> { smh2 %W } # command bindings bind . <q> { .ngmenu.file invoke "Quit" } bind . <l><g> { .ngmenu.file invoke "Load Geometry..." } ; bind . <l><m> { .ngmenu.file invoke "Load Mesh..." } ; bind . <s><m> { .ngmenu.file invoke "Save Mesh..." } ; bind . <r><f> { .ngmenu.file activate "Recent Files" } ; bind . <n><p> { newprimitivedialog } ; # bind . <e><p> { editprimitivedialog } bind . <e><s> { newsoliddialog } bind . <g><m> { .ngmenu.mesh invoke "Generate Mesh" } ;