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Copyright (C) 1996-2002 Brian Paul and Ben Bederson
Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Greg Couch
See the LICENSE file for copyright details.
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<title>Togl, a Tk OpenGL widget</title>
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<h1 align="center">Togl — a Tk OpenGL widget</h1>
<h3 align="center">Copyright © 1996-2009 Brian Paul, Ben Bederson, and Greg Couch</h3>
<li><a href="#intro">Introduction</a>
<li><a href="download.html">Download/Installation</a>
<li><a href="using.html">Using the togl widget</a>
<li><a href="tclapi.html">Tcl API</a>
<li><a href="capi.html">C API</a>
<li><a href="upgrading.html">Upgrading to version 2</a>
<li><a href="faq.html">Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)</a>
<li><a href="#mailing">Mailing List</a>
<li><a href="#bugs">Reporting Bugs</a>
<li><a href="#contrib">Contributors</a>
<h2><a name="intro">Introduction</a></h2>
Togl is a <a href="http://www.tcl.tk/">Tk</a> widget for
<a href="http://www.opengl.org/">OpenGL</a> rendering.
Togl was originally based on OGLTK, written by Benjamin Bederson at
the University of New Mexico.
Togl's main features are:
<li>unifies Microsoft Windows, X11 (Linux/IRIX/...), and Mac OS X Aqua support
<li>support for requesting stencil, accumulation, alpha buffers, <i>etc</i>.
<li>multiple OpenGL drawing windows
<li>simple stereo rendering support
<li>simple, portable font support
<li>color-index mode support including color allocation functions
<li>overlay plane support
<li>OpenGL extension testing from Tcl
<li>Tcl Extension Architecture (TEA) 3 compliant
Togl does almost no OpenGL drawing itself,
instead it manages OpenGL drawing by calling various Tcl commands
(<i>a.k.a.</i>, callback functions).
Those commands can be C functions that call OpenGL (in)directly
or another Tcl package
(<i>e.g.</i>, <a href="http://www.tcl3d.org/">Tcl3D</a>).
Togl is copyrighted by
<a href="http://www.mesa3d.org/brianp/home.html">Brian Paul</a>
<a href="http://www.cs.umd.edu/~bederson/">Benjamin Bederson</a>
(bedersonATcsDOTumdDOTedu), and
<a href="http://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/chimera/">Greg Couch</a>
See the LICENSE file for details.
The <a href="http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/togl/">
Togl project</a> and
<a href="http://togl.sourceforge.net">home page</a> are
hosted by <a href="http://www.sourceforge.net">SourceForge</a>.
<h2><a name="mailing">Mailing list</a></h2>
See the <a href="http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/togl/">
Togl project at SourceForge</a> for mailing list information.
<h2><a name="bugs">Reporting Bugs</a></h2>
There is a bug database on the
<a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/togl/">Togl Project Page</a>.
You may also discuss bugs on the mailing list.
It may be worth upgrading your graphics driver and retesting
before reporting a bug,
as, historically,
many Togl "bugs" have been fixed by a graphics driver upgrade,
especially on Microsoft Windows.
When reporting bugs please provide as much information as possible.
Such as the version of Togl, which operating system
(<i>e,g.</i>, Microsoft Windows, Red Hat Linux, Mac OS X, <i>etc.</i>),
the version of the operating system,
and the version of the graphics driver.
Also, it's very helpful to us if you can provide an example program
which demonstrates the problem.
<h2><a name="contrib">Contributors</a></h2>
Several people have contributed new features to Togl. Among them are:
<li>Ramon Ramsan — overlay plane support
<li>Miguel A. De Riera Pasenau — more overlay functions, X11 functions
and EPS output
<li>Peter Dern and Elmar Gerwalin — Togl_TimerFunc and related code
<li>Robert Casto — Microsoft Windows NT port
<li>Geza Groma — Microsoft Windows 95/NT patches
<li>Ben Evans — SGI stereo support
<li>Paul Thiessen — Macintosh support
<li>Jonas Beskow — Tcl/Tk stubs support
<li>Paul Kienzle — TEA debugging and patches
<li>Greg Couch — version 1.7, 2.0, 2.1
Many others have contributed bug fixes. Thanks for your contributions!
Last edited on 4 February 2009 by Greg Couch.
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