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synced 2025-03-18 12:37:56 +05:00
2764 lines
67 KiB
2764 lines
67 KiB
#include <mystdlib.h>
#include "meshing.hpp"
#include <csg.hpp>
#include <opti.hpp>
namespace netgen
Combine two points to one.
Set new point into the center, if both are
inner points.
Connect inner point to boundary point, if one
point is inner point.
void MeshOptimize3d :: CombineImprove (Mesh & mesh,
int np = mesh.GetNP();
int ne = mesh.GetNE();
TABLE<ElementIndex, PointIndex::BASE> elementsonnode(np);
Array<ElementIndex> hasonepi, hasbothpi;
Array<double> oneperr;
Array<double> elerrs (ne);
PrintMessage (3, "CombineImprove");
(*testout) << "Start CombineImprove" << "\n";
// mesh.CalcSurfacesOfNode ();
const char * savetask = multithread.task;
multithread.task = "Combine Improve";
double totalbad = 0;
for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < ne; ei++)
if(mesh.GetDimension()==3 && mp.only3D_domain_nr && mp.only3D_domain_nr != mesh.VolumeElement(ei).GetIndex())
double elerr = CalcBad (mesh.Points(), mesh[ei], 0);
totalbad += elerr;
elerrs[ei] = elerr;
if (goal == OPT_QUALITY)
totalbad = CalcTotalBad (mesh.Points(), mesh.VolumeElements());
(*testout) << "Total badness = " << totalbad << endl;
PrintMessage (5, "Total badness = ", totalbad);
for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < ne; ei++)
if (!mesh[ei].IsDeleted())
for (int j = 0; j < mesh[ei].GetNP(); j++)
elementsonnode.Add (mesh[ei][j], ei);
INDEX_2_HASHTABLE<int> edgetested (np+1);
int cnt = 0;
for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < ne; ei++)
if(mesh.GetDimension()==3 && mp.only3D_domain_nr && mp.only3D_domain_nr != mesh.VolumeElement(ei).GetIndex())
if (multithread.terminate)
multithread.percent = 100.0 * (ei+1) / ne;
if (mesh.ElementType(ei) == FIXEDELEMENT)
for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
Element & elemi = mesh[ei];
if (elemi.IsDeleted()) continue;
static const int tetedges[6][2] =
{ { 0, 1 }, { 0, 2 }, { 0, 3 },
{ 1, 2 }, { 1, 3 }, { 2, 3 } };
PointIndex pi1 = elemi[tetedges[j][0]];
PointIndex pi2 = elemi[tetedges[j][1]];
if (pi2 < pi1) Swap (pi1, pi2);
INDEX_2 si2 (pi1, pi2);
if (edgetested.Used (si2)) continue;
edgetested.Set (si2, 1);
// hasonepoint.SetSize(0);
// hasbothpoints.SetSize(0);
FlatArray<ElementIndex> row1 = elementsonnode[pi1];
for (int k = 0; k < row1.Size(); k++)
Element & elem = mesh[row1[k]];
if (elem.IsDeleted()) continue;
if (elem[0] == pi2 || elem[1] == pi2 ||
elem[2] == pi2 || elem[3] == pi2)
hasbothpi.Append (row1[k]);
hasonepi.Append (row1[k]);
FlatArray<ElementIndex> row2 = elementsonnode[pi2];
for (int k = 0; k < row2.Size(); k++)
Element & elem = mesh[row2[k]];
if (elem.IsDeleted()) continue;
if (elem[0] == pi1 || elem[1] == pi1 ||
elem[2] == pi1 || elem[3] == pi1)
hasonepi.Append (row2[k]);
double bad1 = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < hasonepi.Size(); k++)
bad1 += elerrs[hasonepi[k]];
for (int k = 0; k < hasbothpi.Size(); k++)
bad1 += elerrs[hasbothpi[k]];
MeshPoint p1 = mesh[pi1];
MeshPoint p2 = mesh[pi2];
// if (mesh.PointType(pi2) != INNERPOINT)
if (p2.Type() != INNERPOINT)
MeshPoint pnew;
// if (mesh.PointType(pi1) != INNERPOINT)
if (p1.Type() != INNERPOINT)
pnew = p1;
pnew = Center (p1, p2);
mesh[pi1] = pnew;
mesh[pi2] = pnew;
oneperr.SetSize (hasonepi.Size());
double bad2 = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < hasonepi.Size(); k++)
const Element & elem = mesh[hasonepi[k]];
double err = CalcBad (mesh.Points(), elem, 0);
// CalcTetBadness (mesh[elem[0]], mesh[elem[1]],
// mesh[elem[2]], mesh[elem[3]], 0, mparam);
bad2 += err;
oneperr[k] = err;
mesh[pi1] = p1;
mesh[pi2] = p2;
// if (mesh.PointType(pi1) != INNERPOINT)
if (p1.Type() != INNERPOINT)
for (int k = 0; k < hasonepi.Size(); k++)
Element & elem = mesh[hasonepi[k]];
int l;
for (l = 0; l < 4; l++)
if (elem[l] == pi2)
elem[l] = pi1;
elem.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
if (!mesh.LegalTet(elem))
bad2 += 1e4;
if (l < 4)
elem.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
elem[l] = pi2;
if (bad2 / hasonepi.Size() <
bad1 / (hasonepi.Size()+hasbothpi.Size()))
mesh[pi1] = pnew;
FlatArray<ElementIndex> row = elementsonnode[pi2];
for (int k = 0; k < row.Size(); k++)
Element & elem = mesh[row[k]];
if (elem.IsDeleted()) continue;
elementsonnode.Add (pi1, row[k]);
for (int l = 0; l < elem.GetNP(); l++)
if (elem[l] == pi2)
elem[l] = pi1;
elem.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
if (!mesh.LegalTet (elem))
(*testout) << "illegal tet " << elementsonnode[pi2][k] << endl;
for (int k = 0; k < hasonepi.Size(); k++)
elerrs[hasonepi[k]] = oneperr[k];
for (int k = 0; k < hasbothpi.Size(); k++)
mesh[hasbothpi[k]].flags.illegal_valid = 0;
PrintMessage (5, cnt, " elements combined");
(*testout) << "CombineImprove done" << "\n";
totalbad = 0;
for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < mesh.GetNE(); ei++)
if(!(mesh.GetDimension()==3 && mp.only3D_domain_nr && mp.only3D_domain_nr != mesh.VolumeElement(ei).GetIndex()))
totalbad += CalcBad (mesh.Points(), mesh[ei], 0);
if (goal == OPT_QUALITY)
totalbad = CalcTotalBad (mesh.Points(), mesh.VolumeElements());
(*testout) << "Total badness = " << totalbad << endl;
int cntill = 0;
for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < ne; ei++)
if(!(mesh.GetDimension()==3 && mp.only3D_domain_nr && mp.only3D_domain_nr != mesh.VolumeElement(ei).GetIndex()))
if (!mesh.LegalTet (mesh[ei]))
PrintMessage (5, cntill, " illegal tets");
multithread.task = savetask;
Mesh improvement by edge splitting.
If mesh quality is improved by inserting a node into an inner edge,
the edge is split into two parts.
void MeshOptimize3d :: SplitImprove (Mesh & mesh,
double bad1, bad2, badmax, badlimit;
int cnt = 0;
int np = mesh.GetNP();
int ne = mesh.GetNE();
TABLE<ElementIndex,PointIndex::BASE> elementsonnode(np);
Array<ElementIndex> hasbothpoints;
BitArray origpoint(np+1), boundp(np+1); // big enough for 0 and 1-based
Array<double> elerrs(ne);
BitArray illegaltet(ne);
const char * savetask = multithread.task;
multithread.task = "Split Improve";
PrintMessage (3, "SplitImprove");
(*testout) << "start SplitImprove" << "\n";
Array<INDEX_3> locfaces;
INDEX_2_HASHTABLE<int> edgetested (np);
bad1 = 0;
badmax = 0;
for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < ne; ei++)
if(mp.only3D_domain_nr && mp.only3D_domain_nr != mesh.VolumeElement(ei).GetIndex())
elerrs[ei] = CalcBad (mesh.Points(), mesh[ei], 0);
bad1 += elerrs[ei];
if (elerrs[ei] > badmax) badmax = elerrs[ei];
PrintMessage (5, "badmax = ", badmax);
badlimit = 0.5 * badmax;
for (auto & el : mesh.SurfaceElements())
for (PointIndex pi : el.PNums())
boundp.Set (pi);
if (goal == OPT_QUALITY)
bad1 = CalcTotalBad (mesh.Points(), mesh.VolumeElements());
(*testout) << "Total badness = " << bad1 << endl;
for (ElementIndex ei : mesh.VolumeElements().Range())
for (PointIndex pi : mesh[ei].PNums())
elementsonnode.Add (pi, ei);
if (goal == OPT_QUALITY || goal == OPT_LEGAL)
int cntill = 0;
for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < ne; ei++)
// if (!LegalTet (volelements.Get(i)))
if (mesh[ei].flags.illegal)
illegaltet.Set (ei);
for (ElementIndex ei : mesh.VolumeElements().Range())
Element & elem = mesh[ei];
if(mp.only3D_domain_nr && mp.only3D_domain_nr != elem.GetIndex())
if (multithread.terminate)
multithread.percent = 100.0 * (ei+1) / ne;
bool ltestmode = 0;
if (elerrs[ei] < badlimit && !illegaltet.Test(ei)) continue;
if ((goal == OPT_LEGAL) &&
!illegaltet.Test(ei) &&
CalcBad (mesh.Points(), elem, 0) < 1e3)
if (ltestmode)
(*testout) << "test el " << ei << endl;
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
(*testout) << elem[j] << " ";
(*testout) << endl;
for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
static const int tetedges[6][2] =
{ { 0, 1 }, { 0, 2 }, { 0, 3 },
{ 1, 2 }, { 1, 3 }, { 2, 3 } };
PointIndex pi1 = elem[tetedges[j][0]];
PointIndex pi2 = elem[tetedges[j][1]];
if (pi2 < pi1) Swap (pi1, pi2);
if (pi2 >= elementsonnode.Size()+PointIndex::BASE) continue; // old number of points
if (!origpoint.Test(pi1) || !origpoint.Test(pi2))
INDEX_2 i2(pi1, pi2);
if (mesh.BoundaryEdge (pi1, pi2)) continue;
if (edgetested.Used (i2) && !illegaltet.Test(ei)) continue;
edgetested.Set (i2, 1);
hasbothpoints.SetSize (0);
for (int k = 1; k <= elementsonnode.EntrySize(pi1); k++)
ElementIndex elnr = elementsonnode.Get(pi1, k);
for (ElementIndex ei : elementsonnode[pi1])
Element & el = mesh[ei];
bool has1 = el.PNums().Contains(pi1);
bool has2 = el.PNums().Contains(pi2);
if (has1 && has2)
if (!hasbothpoints.Contains (ei))
hasbothpoints.Append (ei);
bad1 = 0;
for (ElementIndex ei : hasbothpoints)
bad1 += CalcBad (mesh.Points(), mesh[ei], 0);
bool puretet = 1;
for (ElementIndex ei : hasbothpoints)
if (mesh[ei].GetType() != TET)
puretet = 0;
if (!puretet) continue;
Point3d p1 = mesh[pi1];
Point3d p2 = mesh[pi2];
pnew = Center (p1, p2);
points.Elem(pi1) = pnew;
bad2 = 0;
for (k = 1; k <= hasbothpoints.Size(); k++)
bad2 += CalcBad (points,
volelements.Get(hasbothpoints.Get(k)), 0);
points.Elem(pi1) = p1;
points.Elem(pi2) = pnew;
for (k = 1; k <= hasbothpoints.Size(); k++)
bad2 += CalcBad (points,
volelements.Get(hasbothpoints.Get(k)), 0);
points.Elem(pi2) = p2;
locfaces.SetSize (0);
for (ElementIndex ei : hasbothpoints)
const Element & el = mesh[ei];
for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++)
if (el[l] == pi1 || el[l] == pi2)
INDEX_3 i3;
Element2d face(TRIG);
el.GetFace (l+1, face);
for (int kk = 1; kk <= 3; kk++)
i3.I(kk) = face.PNum(kk);
locfaces.Append (i3);
PointFunction1 pf (mesh.Points(), locfaces, mp, -1);
OptiParameters par;
par.maxit_linsearch = 50;
par.maxit_bfgs = 20;
Point3d pnew = Center (p1, p2);
Vector px(3);
px(0) = pnew.X();
px(1) = pnew.Y();
px(2) = pnew.Z();
if (elerrs[ei] > 0.1 * badmax)
BFGS (px, pf, par);
bad2 = pf.Func (px);
pnew.X() = px(0);
pnew.Y() = px(1);
pnew.Z() = px(2);
PointIndex hpinew = mesh.AddPoint (pnew);
// ptyps.Append (INNERPOINT);
for (int k = 0; k < hasbothpoints.Size(); k++)
Element & oldel = mesh[hasbothpoints[k]];
Element newel1 = oldel;
Element newel2 = oldel;
oldel.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
newel1.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
newel2.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++)
if (newel1[l] == pi2) newel1[l] = hpinew;
if (newel2[l] == pi1) newel2[l] = hpinew;
if (!mesh.LegalTet (oldel)) bad1 += 1e6;
if (!mesh.LegalTet (newel1)) bad2 += 1e6;
if (!mesh.LegalTet (newel2)) bad2 += 1e6;
// mesh.PointTypes().DeleteLast();
if (bad2 < bad1)
/* (bad1 > 1e4 && boundp.Test(pi1) && boundp.Test(pi2)) */
PointIndex pinew = mesh.AddPoint (pnew);
for (ElementIndex ei : hasbothpoints)
Element & oldel = mesh[ei];
Element newel = oldel;
newel.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
oldel.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++)
origpoint.Clear (oldel[l]);
if (oldel[l] == pi2) oldel[l] = pinew;
if (newel[l] == pi1) newel[l] = pinew;
mesh.AddVolumeElement (newel);
j = 10; // end j-loop
PrintMessage (5, cnt, " splits performed");
(*testout) << "Splitt - Improve done" << "\n";
if (goal == OPT_QUALITY)
bad1 = CalcTotalBad (mesh.Points(), mesh.VolumeElements());
(*testout) << "Total badness = " << bad1 << endl;
int cntill = 0;
ne = mesh.GetNE();
for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < ne; ei++)
if (!mesh.LegalTet (mesh[ei]))
// cout << cntill << " illegal tets" << endl;
multithread.task = savetask;
void MeshOptimize3d :: SwapImprove (Mesh & mesh, OPTIMIZEGOAL goal,
const BitArray * working_elements)
PointIndex pi3(0), pi4(0), pi5(0), pi6(0);
int cnt = 0;
Element el21(TET), el22(TET), el31(TET), el32(TET), el33(TET);
Element el1(TET), el2(TET), el3(TET), el4(TET);
Element el1b(TET), el2b(TET), el3b(TET), el4b(TET);
double bad1, bad2, bad3;
int np = mesh.GetNP();
int ne = mesh.GetNE();
// contains at least all elements at node
TABLE<ElementIndex,PointIndex::BASE> elementsonnode(np);
Array<ElementIndex> hasbothpoints;
PrintMessage (3, "SwapImprove ");
(*testout) << "\n" << "Start SwapImprove" << endl;
const char * savetask = multithread.task;
multithread.task = "Swap Improve";
// mesh.CalcSurfacesOfNode ();
INDEX_3_HASHTABLE<int> faces(mesh.GetNOpenElements()/3 + 2);
if (goal == OPT_CONFORM)
for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNOpenElements(); i++)
const Element2d & hel = mesh.OpenElement(i);
INDEX_3 face(hel[0], hel[1], hel[2]);
faces.Set (face, 1);
// Calculate total badness
if (goal == OPT_QUALITY)
bad1 = CalcTotalBad (mesh.Points(), mesh.VolumeElements());
(*testout) << "Total badness = " << bad1 << endl;
// find elements on node
for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < ne; ei++)
for (PointIndex pi : mesh[ei].PNums())
elementsonnode.Add (pi, ei);
for (int j = 0; j < mesh[ei].GetNP(); j++)
elementsonnode.Add (mesh[ei][j], ei);
// INDEX_2_HASHTABLE<int> edgeused(2 * ne + 5);
INDEX_2_CLOSED_HASHTABLE<int> edgeused(12 * ne + 5);
for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < ne; ei++)
if (multithread.terminate)
if (mp.only3D_domain_nr && mp.only3D_domain_nr != mesh.VolumeElement(ei).GetIndex())
multithread.percent = 100.0 * (ei+1) / ne;
if ((mesh.ElementType(ei)) == FIXEDELEMENT)
if(working_elements &&
ei < working_elements->Size() &&
if (mesh[ei].IsDeleted())
if ((goal == OPT_LEGAL) &&
mesh.LegalTet (mesh[ei]) &&
CalcBad (mesh.Points(), mesh[ei], 0) < 1e3)
// int onlybedges = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)
// loop over edges
const Element & elemi = mesh[ei];
if (elemi.IsDeleted()) continue;
int mattyp = elemi.GetIndex();
static const int tetedges[6][2] =
{ { 0, 1 }, { 0, 2 }, { 0, 3 },
{ 1, 2 }, { 1, 3 }, { 2, 3 } };
PointIndex pi1 = elemi[tetedges[j][0]];
PointIndex pi2 = elemi[tetedges[j][1]];
if (pi2 < pi1) Swap (pi1, pi2);
if (mesh.BoundaryEdge (pi1, pi2)) continue;
INDEX_2 i2 (pi1, pi2);
if (edgeused.Used(i2)) continue;
edgeused.Set (i2, 1);
hasbothpoints.SetSize (0);
for (int k = 0; k < elementsonnode[pi1].Size(); k++)
bool has1 = 0, has2 = 0;
ElementIndex elnr = elementsonnode[pi1][k];
const Element & elem = mesh[elnr];
if (elem.IsDeleted()) continue;
for (int l = 0; l < elem.GetNP(); l++)
if (elem[l] == pi1) has1 = 1;
if (elem[l] == pi2) has2 = 1;
if (has1 && has2)
{ // only once
if (hasbothpoints.Contains (elnr))
has1 = false;
if (has1)
hasbothpoints.Append (elnr);
bool puretet = true;
for (ElementIndex ei : hasbothpoints)
if (mesh[ei].GetType () != TET)
puretet = false;
if (!puretet) continue;
int nsuround = hasbothpoints.Size();
if ( nsuround == 3 )
Element & elem = mesh[hasbothpoints[0]];
for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++)
if (elem[l] != pi1 && elem[l] != pi2)
pi4 = pi3;
pi3 = elem[l];
el31[0] = pi1;
el31[1] = pi2;
el31[2] = pi3;
el31[3] = pi4;
el31.SetIndex (mattyp);
if (WrongOrientation (mesh.Points(), el31))
Swap (pi3, pi4);
el31[2] = pi3;
el31[3] = pi4;
pi5 = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) // JS, 201212
const Element & elemk = mesh[hasbothpoints[k]];
bool has1 = false;
for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++)
if (elemk[l] == pi4)
has1 = true;
if (has1)
for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++)
if (elemk[l] != pi1 && elemk[l] != pi2 && elemk[l] != pi4)
pi5 = elemk[l];
if (!pi5.IsValid())
throw NgException("Illegal state observed in SwapImprove");
el32[0] = pi1;
el32[1] = pi2;
el32[2] = pi4;
el32[3] = pi5;
el32.SetIndex (mattyp);
el33[0] = pi1;
el33[1] = pi2;
el33[2] = pi5;
el33[3] = pi3;
el33.SetIndex (mattyp);
elementsonnode.Add (pi4, hasbothpoints[1]);
elementsonnode.Add (pi3, hasbothpoints[2]);
bad1 = CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el31, 0) +
CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el32, 0) +
CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el33, 0);
el31.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
el32.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
el33.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
if (!mesh.LegalTet(el31) ||
!mesh.LegalTet(el32) ||
bad1 += 1e4;
el21[0] = pi3;
el21[1] = pi4;
el21[2] = pi5;
el21[3] = pi2;
el21.SetIndex (mattyp);
el22[0] = pi5;
el22[1] = pi4;
el22[2] = pi3;
el22[3] = pi1;
el22.SetIndex (mattyp);
bad2 = CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el21, 0) +
CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el22, 0);
el21.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
el22.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
if (!mesh.LegalTet(el21) ||
bad2 += 1e4;
if (goal == OPT_CONFORM && bad2 < 1e4)
INDEX_3 face(pi3, pi4, pi5);
if (faces.Used(face))
// (*testout) << "3->2 swap, could improve conformity, bad1 = " << bad1
// << ", bad2 = " << bad2 << endl;
if (bad2 < 1e4)
bad1 = 2 * bad2;
INDEX_2 hi1(pi3, pi4);
INDEX_2 hi2(pi3, pi5);
INDEX_2 hi3(pi4, pi5);
if (boundaryedges->Used (hi1) ||
boundaryedges->Used (hi2) ||
boundaryedges->Used (hi3) )
bad1 = 2 * bad2;
if (bad2 < bad1)
// (*mycout) << "3->2 " << flush;
// (*testout) << "3->2 conversion" << endl;
(*testout) << "3->2 swap, old els = " << endl
<< mesh[hasbothpoints[0]] << endl
<< mesh[hasbothpoints[1]] << endl
<< mesh[hasbothpoints[2]] << endl
<< "new els = " << endl
<< el21 << endl
<< el22 << endl;
el21.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
el22.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
mesh[hasbothpoints[0]] = el21;
mesh[hasbothpoints[1]] = el22;
for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++)
for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++)
for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++)
elementsonnode.Add (mesh[hasbothpoints[k]][l], hasbothpoints[k]);
if (nsuround == 4)
const Element & elem1 = mesh[hasbothpoints[0]];
for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++)
if (elem1[l] != pi1 && elem1[l] != pi2)
pi4 = pi3;
pi3 = elem1[l];
el1[0] = pi1; el1[1] = pi2;
el1[2] = pi3; el1[3] = pi4;
el1.SetIndex (mattyp);
if (WrongOrientation (mesh.Points(), el1))
Swap (pi3, pi4);
el1[2] = pi3;
el1[3] = pi4;
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
const Element & elem = mesh[hasbothpoints[k]];
bool has1 = elem.PNums().Contains(pi4);
if (has1)
for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++)
if (elem[l] != pi1 && elem[l] != pi2 && elem[l] != pi4)
pi5 = elem[l];
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
const Element & elem = mesh[hasbothpoints[k]];
bool has1 = elem.PNums().Contains(pi3);
if (has1)
for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++)
if (elem[l] != pi1 && elem[l] != pi2 && elem[l] != pi3)
pi6 = elem[l];
INDEX_2 i22(pi3, pi5);
INDEX_2 i23(pi4, pi6);
el1[0] = pi1; el1[1] = pi2;
el1[2] = pi3; el1[3] = pi4;
el1.SetIndex (mattyp);
el2[0] = pi1; el2[1] = pi2;
el2[2] = pi4; el2[3] = pi5;
el2.SetIndex (mattyp);
el3[0] = pi1; el3[1] = pi2;
el3[2] = pi5; el3[3] = pi6;
el3.SetIndex (mattyp);
el4[0] = pi1; el4[1] = pi2;
el4[2] = pi6; el4[3] = pi3;
el4.SetIndex (mattyp);
// elementsonnode.Add (pi4, hasbothpoints.Elem(2));
// elementsonnode.Add (pi3, hasbothpoints.Elem(3));
bad1 = CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el1, 0) +
CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el2, 0) +
CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el3, 0) +
CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el4, 0);
el1.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
el2.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
el3.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
el4.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
if (goal != OPT_CONFORM)
if (!mesh.LegalTet(el1) ||
!mesh.LegalTet(el2) ||
!mesh.LegalTet(el3) ||
bad1 += 1e4;
el1[0] = pi3; el1[1] = pi5;
el1[2] = pi2; el1[3] = pi4;
el1.SetIndex (mattyp);
el2[0] = pi3; el2[1] = pi5;
el2[2] = pi4; el2[3] = pi1;
el2.SetIndex (mattyp);
el3[0] = pi3; el3[1] = pi5;
el3[2] = pi1; el3[3] = pi6;
el3.SetIndex (mattyp);
el4[0] = pi3; el4[1] = pi5;
el4[2] = pi6; el4[3] = pi2;
el4.SetIndex (mattyp);
bad2 = CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el1, 0) +
CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el2, 0) +
CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el3, 0) +
CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el4, 0);
el1.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
el2.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
el3.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
el4.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
if (goal != OPT_CONFORM)
if (!mesh.LegalTet(el1) ||
!mesh.LegalTet(el2) ||
!mesh.LegalTet(el3) ||
bad2 += 1e4;
el1b[0] = pi4; el1b[1] = pi6;
el1b[2] = pi3; el1b[3] = pi2;
el1b.SetIndex (mattyp);
el2b[0] = pi4; el2b[1] = pi6;
el2b[2] = pi2; el2b[3] = pi5;
el2b.SetIndex (mattyp);
el3b[0] = pi4; el3b[1] = pi6;
el3b[2] = pi5; el3b[3] = pi1;
el3b.SetIndex (mattyp);
el4b[0] = pi4; el4b[1] = pi6;
el4b[2] = pi1; el4b[3] = pi3;
el4b.SetIndex (mattyp);
bad3 = CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el1b, 0) +
CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el2b, 0) +
CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el3b, 0) +
CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el4b, 0);
el1b.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
el2b.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
el3b.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
el4b.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
if (goal != OPT_CONFORM)
if (!mesh.LegalTet(el1b) ||
!mesh.LegalTet(el2b) ||
!mesh.LegalTet(el3b) ||
bad3 += 1e4;
int swap2 = (bad2 < bad1) && (bad2 < bad3);
int swap3 = !swap2 && (bad3 < bad1);
if ( ((bad2 < 10 * bad1) ||
(bad2 < 1e6)) && mesh.BoundaryEdge (pi3, pi5))
swap2 = 1;
else if ( ((bad3 < 10 * bad1) ||
(bad3 < 1e6)) && mesh.BoundaryEdge (pi4, pi6))
swap3 = 1;
swap2 = 0;
bool swap2, swap3;
if (goal != OPT_CONFORM)
swap2 = (bad2 < bad1) && (bad2 < bad3);
swap3 = !swap2 && (bad3 < bad1);
if (mesh.BoundaryEdge (pi3, pi5)) bad2 /= 1e6;
if (mesh.BoundaryEdge (pi4, pi6)) bad3 /= 1e6;
swap2 = (bad2 < bad1) && (bad2 < bad3);
swap3 = !swap2 && (bad3 < bad1);
if (swap2 || swap3)
// (*mycout) << "4->4 " << flush;
// (*testout) << "4->4 conversion" << "\n";
(*testout) << "bad1 = " << bad1
<< " bad2 = " << bad2
<< " bad3 = " << bad3 << "\n";
(*testout) << "Points: " << pi1 << " " << pi2 << " " << pi3
<< " " << pi4 << " " << pi5 << " " << pi6 << "\n";
(*testout) << "Elements: "
<< hasbothpoints.Get(1) << " "
<< hasbothpoints.Get(2) << " "
<< hasbothpoints.Get(3) << " "
<< hasbothpoints.Get(4) << " " << "\n";
int i1, j1;
for (i1 = 1; i1 <= 4; i1++)
for (j1 = 1; j1 <= 4; j1++)
(*testout) << volelements.Get(hasbothpoints.Get(i1)).PNum(j1)
<< " ";
(*testout) << "\n";
if (swap2)
// (*mycout) << "bad1 = " << bad1 << " bad2 = " << bad2 << "\n";
(*testout) << "4->4 swap A, old els = " << endl
<< mesh[hasbothpoints[0]] << endl
<< mesh[hasbothpoints[1]] << endl
<< mesh[hasbothpoints[2]] << endl
<< mesh[hasbothpoints[3]] << endl
<< "new els = " << endl
<< el1 << endl
<< el2 << endl
<< el3 << endl
<< el4 << endl;
el1.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
el2.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
el3.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
el4.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
mesh[hasbothpoints[0]] = el1;
mesh[hasbothpoints[1]] = el2;
mesh[hasbothpoints[2]] = el3;
mesh[hasbothpoints[3]] = el4;
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++)
elementsonnode.Add (mesh[hasbothpoints[k]][l], hasbothpoints[k]);
else if (swap3)
// (*mycout) << "bad1 = " << bad1 << " bad3 = " << bad3 << "\n";
el1b.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
el2b.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
el3b.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
el4b.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
(*testout) << "4->4 swap A, old els = " << endl
<< mesh[hasbothpoints[0]] << endl
<< mesh[hasbothpoints[1]] << endl
<< mesh[hasbothpoints[2]] << endl
<< mesh[hasbothpoints[3]] << endl
<< "new els = " << endl
<< el1b << endl
<< el2b << endl
<< el3b << endl
<< el4b << endl;
mesh[hasbothpoints[0]] = el1b;
mesh[hasbothpoints[1]] = el2b;
mesh[hasbothpoints[2]] = el3b;
mesh[hasbothpoints[3]] = el4b;
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++)
elementsonnode.Add (mesh[hasbothpoints[k]][l], hasbothpoints[k]);
if (nsuround >= 5)
Element hel(TET);
ArrayMem<PointIndex, 50> suroundpts(nsuround);
ArrayMem<bool, 50> tetused(nsuround);
Element & elem = mesh[hasbothpoints[0]];
for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++)
if (elem[l] != pi1 && elem[l] != pi2)
pi4 = pi3;
pi3 = elem[l];
hel[0] = pi1;
hel[1] = pi2;
hel[2] = pi3;
hel[3] = pi4;
hel.SetIndex (mattyp);
if (WrongOrientation (mesh.Points(), hel))
Swap (pi3, pi4);
hel[2] = pi3;
hel[3] = pi4;
// suroundpts.SetSize (nsuround);
suroundpts = -17;
suroundpts[0] = pi3;
suroundpts[1] = pi4;
tetused = false;
tetused[0] = true;
for (int l = 2; l < nsuround; l++)
PointIndex oldpi = suroundpts[l-1];
PointIndex newpi;
for (int k = 0; k < nsuround && !newpi.IsValid(); k++)
if (!tetused[k])
const Element & nel = mesh[hasbothpoints[k]];
for (int k2 = 0; k2 < 4 && !newpi.IsValid(); k2++)
if (nel[k2] == oldpi)
newpi =
nel[0] + nel[1] + nel[2] + nel[3]
- pi1 - pi2 - oldpi;
tetused[k] = true;
suroundpts[l] = newpi;
bad1 = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < nsuround; k++)
hel[0] = pi1;
hel[1] = pi2;
hel[2] = suroundpts[k];
hel[3] = suroundpts[(k+1) % nsuround];
hel.SetIndex (mattyp);
bad1 += CalcBad (mesh.Points(), hel, 0);
// (*testout) << "nsuround = " << nsuround << " bad1 = " << bad1 << endl;
int bestl = -1;
int confface = -1;
int confedge = -1;
double badopt = bad1;
for (int l = 0; l < nsuround; l++)
bad2 = 0;
for (int k = l+1; k <= nsuround + l - 2; k++)
hel[0] = suroundpts[l];
hel[1] = suroundpts[k % nsuround];
hel[2] = suroundpts[(k+1) % nsuround];
hel[3] = pi2;
bad2 += CalcBad (mesh.Points(), hel, 0);
hel.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
if (!mesh.LegalTet(hel)) bad2 += 1e4;
hel[2] = suroundpts[k % nsuround];
hel[1] = suroundpts[(k+1) % nsuround];
hel[3] = pi1;
bad2 += CalcBad (mesh.Points(), hel, 0);
hel.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
if (!mesh.LegalTet(hel)) bad2 += 1e4;
// (*testout) << "bad2," << l << " = " << bad2 << endl;
if ( bad2 < badopt )
bestl = l;
badopt = bad2;
if (goal == OPT_CONFORM)
// (bad2 <= 100 * bad1 || bad2 <= 1e6))
bool nottoobad =
(bad2 <= bad1) ||
(bad2 <= 100 * bad1 && bad2 <= 1e18) ||
(bad2 <= 1e8);
for (int k = l+1; k <= nsuround + l - 2; k++)
INDEX_3 hi3(suroundpts[l],
suroundpts[k % nsuround],
suroundpts[(k+1) % nsuround]);
if (faces.Used(hi3))
// (*testout) << "could improve face conformity, bad1 = " << bad1
// << ", bad 2 = " << bad2 << ", nottoobad = " << nottoobad << endl;
if (nottoobad)
confface = l;
for (int k = l+2; k <= nsuround+l-2; k++)
if (mesh.BoundaryEdge (suroundpts[l],
suroundpts[k % nsuround]))
*testout << "could improve edge conformity, bad1 = " << bad1
<< ", bad 2 = " << bad2 << ", nottoobad = " << nottoobad << endl;
if (nottoobad)
confedge = l;
if (confedge != -1)
bestl = confedge;
if (confface != -1)
bestl = confface;
if (bestl != -1)
// (*mycout) << nsuround << "->" << 2 * (nsuround-2) << " " << flush;
for (int k = bestl+1; k <= nsuround + bestl - 2; k++)
int k1;
hel[0] = suroundpts[bestl];
hel[1] = suroundpts[k % nsuround];
hel[2] = suroundpts[(k+1) % nsuround];
hel[3] = pi2;
hel.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
(*testout) << nsuround << "-swap, new el,top = "
<< hel << endl;
mesh.AddVolumeElement (hel);
for (k1 = 0; k1 < 4; k1++)
elementsonnode.Add (hel[k1], mesh.GetNE()-1);
hel[2] = suroundpts[k % nsuround];
hel[1] = suroundpts[(k+1) % nsuround];
hel[3] = pi1;
(*testout) << nsuround << "-swap, new el,bot = "
<< hel << endl;
mesh.AddVolumeElement (hel);
for (k1 = 0; k1 < 4; k1++)
elementsonnode.Add (hel[k1], mesh.GetNE()-1);
for (int k = 0; k < nsuround; k++)
Element & rel = mesh[hasbothpoints[k]];
(*testout) << nsuround << "-swap, old el = "
<< rel << endl;
for (int k1 = 0; k1 < 4; k1++)
if (onlybedges)
(*testout) << "bad tet: "
<< volelements.Get(i)[0]
<< volelements.Get(i)[1]
<< volelements.Get(i)[2]
<< volelements.Get(i)[3] << "\n";
if (!mesh.LegalTet (volelements.Get(i)))
cerr << "Illegal tet" << "\n";
// (*mycout) << endl;
cout << "edgeused: ";
PrintMessage (5, cnt, " swaps performed");
mesh.Compress ();
if (goal == OPT_QUALITY)
bad1 = CalcTotalBad (mesh.Points(), mesh.VolumeElements());
// (*testout) << "Total badness = " << bad1 << endl;
for (i = 1; i <= GetNE(); i++)
if (volelements.Get(i)[0])
if (!mesh.LegalTet (volelements.Get(i)))
cout << "detected illegal tet, 2" << endl;
(*testout) << "detected illegal tet1: " << i << endl;
multithread.task = savetask;
void MeshOptimize3d :: SwapImproveSurface (Mesh & mesh, OPTIMIZEGOAL goal,
const BitArray * working_elements,
const Array< Array<int,PointIndex::BASE>* > * idmaps)
Array< Array<int,PointIndex::BASE>* > locidmaps;
const Array< Array<int,PointIndex::BASE>* > * used_idmaps;
used_idmaps = idmaps;
used_idmaps = &locidmaps;
for(int i=1; i<=mesh.GetIdentifications().GetMaxNr(); i++)
if(mesh.GetIdentifications().GetType(i) == Identifications::PERIODIC)
locidmaps.Append(new Array<int,PointIndex::BASE>);
PointIndex pi1, pi2, pi3, pi4, pi5, pi6;
PointIndex pi1other, pi2other;
int cnt = 0;
//double bad1, bad2, bad3, sbad;
double bad1, sbad;
double h;
int np = mesh.GetNP();
int ne = mesh.GetNE();
int nse = mesh.GetNSE();
int mattype, othermattype;
// contains at least all elements at node
TABLE<ElementIndex,PointIndex::BASE> elementsonnode(np);
TABLE<SurfaceElementIndex,PointIndex::BASE> surfaceelementsonnode(np);
TABLE<int,PointIndex::BASE> surfaceindicesonnode(np);
Array<ElementIndex> hasbothpoints;
Array<ElementIndex> hasbothpointsother;
PrintMessage (3, "SwapImproveSurface ");
(*testout) << "\n" << "Start SwapImproveSurface" << endl;
const char * savetask = multithread.task;
multithread.task = "Swap Improve Surface";
// find elements on node
for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < ne; ei++)
for (int j = 0; j < mesh[ei].GetNP(); j++)
elementsonnode.Add (mesh[ei][j], ei);
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei = 0; sei < nse; sei++)
for(int j=0; j<mesh[sei].GetNP(); j++)
surfaceelementsonnode.Add(mesh[sei][j], sei);
bool periodic;
int idnum(-1);
// INDEX_2_HASHTABLE<int> edgeused(2 * ne + 5);
INDEX_2_CLOSED_HASHTABLE<int> edgeused(12 * ne + 5);
for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < ne; ei++)
if (multithread.terminate)
multithread.percent = 100.0 * (ei+1) / ne;
if (mesh.ElementType(ei) == FIXEDELEMENT)
if(working_elements &&
ei < working_elements->Size() &&
if (mesh[ei].IsDeleted())
if ((goal == OPT_LEGAL) &&
mesh.LegalTet (mesh[ei]) &&
CalcBad (mesh.Points(), mesh[ei], 0) < 1e3)
const Element & elemi = mesh[ei];
//Element elemi = mesh[ei];
if (elemi.IsDeleted()) continue;
mattype = elemi.GetIndex();
bool swapped = false;
for (int j = 0; !swapped && j < 6; j++)
// loop over edges
static const int tetedges[6][2] =
{ { 0, 1 }, { 0, 2 }, { 0, 3 },
{ 1, 2 }, { 1, 3 }, { 2, 3 } };
pi1 = elemi[tetedges[j][0]];
pi2 = elemi[tetedges[j][1]];
if (pi2 < pi1)
Swap (pi1, pi2);
bool found = false;
for(int k=0; !found && k<used_idmaps->Size(); k++)
if(pi2 < (*used_idmaps)[k]->Size() + PointIndex::BASE)
pi1other = (*(*used_idmaps)[k])[pi1];
pi2other = (*(*used_idmaps)[k])[pi2];
found = (pi1other != 0 && pi2other != 0 && pi1other != pi1 && pi2other != pi2);
idnum = k;
periodic = true;
periodic = false;
pi1other = pi1; pi2other = pi2;
if (!mesh.BoundaryEdge (pi1, pi2) ||
mesh.IsSegment(pi1, pi2)) continue;
othermattype = -1;
INDEX_2 i2 (pi1, pi2);
if (edgeused.Used(i2)) continue;
edgeused.Set (i2, 1);
i2.I1() = pi1other;
i2.I2() = pi2other;
hasbothpoints.SetSize (0);
hasbothpointsother.SetSize (0);
for (int k = 0; k < elementsonnode[pi1].Size(); k++)
bool has1 = false, has2 = false;
ElementIndex elnr = elementsonnode[pi1][k];
const Element & elem = mesh[elnr];
if (elem.IsDeleted()) continue;
for (int l = 0; l < elem.GetNP(); l++)
if (elem[l] == pi1) has1 = true;
if (elem[l] == pi2) has2 = true;
if (has1 && has2)
if(othermattype == -1 && elem.GetIndex() != mattype)
othermattype = elem.GetIndex();
if(elem.GetIndex() == mattype)
// only once
for (int l = 0; l < hasbothpoints.Size(); l++)
if (hasbothpoints[l] == elnr)
has1 = 0;
if (has1)
hasbothpoints.Append (elnr);
else if(elem.GetIndex() == othermattype)
// only once
for (int l = 0; l < hasbothpointsother.Size(); l++)
if (hasbothpointsother[l] == elnr)
has1 = 0;
if (has1)
hasbothpointsother.Append (elnr);
cout << "problem with domain indices" << endl;
(*testout) << "problem: mattype = " << mattype << ", othermattype = " << othermattype
<< " elem " << elem << " mt " << elem.GetIndex() << endl
<< " pi1 " << pi1 << " pi2 " << pi2 << endl;
(*testout) << "hasbothpoints:" << endl;
for(int ii=0; ii < hasbothpoints.Size(); ii++)
(*testout) << mesh[hasbothpoints[ii]] << endl;
(*testout) << "hasbothpointsother:" << endl;
for(int ii=0; ii < hasbothpointsother.Size(); ii++)
(*testout) << mesh[hasbothpointsother[ii]] << endl;
if(hasbothpointsother.Size() > 0 && periodic)
throw NgException("SwapImproveSurface: Assumption about interface/periodicity wrong!");
for (int k = 0; k < elementsonnode[pi1other].Size(); k++)
bool has1 = false, has2 = false;
ElementIndex elnr = elementsonnode[pi1other][k];
const Element & elem = mesh[elnr];
if (elem.IsDeleted()) continue;
for (int l = 0; l < elem.GetNP(); l++)
if (elem[l] == pi1other) has1 = true;
if (elem[l] == pi2other) has2 = true;
if (has1 && has2)
if(othermattype == -1)
othermattype = elem.GetIndex();
// only once
for (int l = 0; l < hasbothpointsother.Size(); l++)
if (hasbothpointsother[l] == elnr)
has1 = 0;
if (has1)
hasbothpointsother.Append (elnr);
//for(k=0; k<hasbothpoints.Size(); k++)
// (*testout) << "hasbothpoints["<<k<<"]: " << mesh[hasbothpoints[k]] << endl;
SurfaceElementIndex sel1=-1,sel2=-1;
SurfaceElementIndex sel1other=-1,sel2other=-1;
for(int k = 0; k < surfaceelementsonnode[pi1].Size(); k++)
bool has1 = false, has2 = false;
SurfaceElementIndex elnr = surfaceelementsonnode[pi1][k];
const Element2d & elem = mesh[elnr];
if (elem.IsDeleted()) continue;
for (int l = 0; l < elem.GetNP(); l++)
if (elem[l] == pi1) has1 = true;
if (elem[l] == pi2) has2 = true;
if(has1 && has2 && elnr != sel2)
sel1 = sel2;
sel2 = elnr;
for(int k = 0; k < surfaceelementsonnode[pi1other].Size(); k++)
bool has1 = false, has2 = false;
SurfaceElementIndex elnr = surfaceelementsonnode[pi1other][k];
const Element2d & elem = mesh[elnr];
if (elem.IsDeleted()) continue;
for (int l = 0; l < elem.GetNP(); l++)
if (elem[l] == pi1other) has1 = true;
if (elem[l] == pi2other) has2 = true;
if(has1 && has2 && elnr != sel2other)
sel1other = sel2other;
sel2other = elnr;
sel1other = sel1; sel2other = sel2;
//(*testout) << "sel1 " << sel1 << " sel2 " << sel2 << " el " << mesh[sel1] << " resp. " << mesh[sel2] << endl;
PointIndex sp1(0), sp2(0);
PointIndex sp1other, sp2other;
for(int l=0; l<mesh[sel1].GetNP(); l++)
if(mesh[sel1][l] != pi1 && mesh[sel1][l] != pi2)
sp1 = mesh[sel1][l];
for(int l=0; l<mesh[sel2].GetNP(); l++)
if(mesh[sel2][l] != pi1 && mesh[sel2][l] != pi2)
sp2 = mesh[sel2][l];
sp1other = (*(*used_idmaps)[idnum])[sp1];
sp2other = (*(*used_idmaps)[idnum])[sp2];
bool change = false;
for(int l=0; !change && l<mesh[sel1other].GetNP(); l++)
change = (sp2other == mesh[sel1other][l]);
SurfaceElementIndex aux = sel1other;
sel1other = sel2other;
sel2other = aux;
sp1other = sp1; sp2other = sp2;
Vec<3> v1 = mesh[sp1]-mesh[pi1],
v2 = mesh[sp2]-mesh[pi1],
v3 = mesh[sp1]-mesh[pi2],
v4 = mesh[sp2]-mesh[pi2];
double vol = 0.5*(Cross(v1,v2).Length() + Cross(v3,v4).Length());
h = sqrt(vol);
h = 0;
sbad = CalcTriangleBadness (mesh[pi1],mesh[pi2],mesh[sp1],0,0) +
CalcTriangleBadness (mesh[pi2],mesh[pi1],mesh[sp2],0,0);
bool puretet = true;
for (int k = 0; puretet && k < hasbothpoints.Size(); k++)
if (mesh[hasbothpoints[k]].GetType () != TET)
puretet = false;
for (int k = 0; puretet && k < hasbothpointsother.Size(); k++)
if (mesh[hasbothpointsother[k]].GetType () != TET)
puretet = false;
if (!puretet)
int nsuround = hasbothpoints.Size();
int nsuroundother = hasbothpointsother.Size();
Array < int > outerpoints(nsuround+1);
outerpoints[0] = sp1;
for(int i=0; i<nsuround; i++)
bool done = false;
for(int jj=i; !done && jj<hasbothpoints.Size(); jj++)
for(int k=0; !done && k<4; k++)
if(mesh[hasbothpoints[jj]][k] == outerpoints[i])
done = true;
for(int l=0; l<4; l++)
if(mesh[hasbothpoints[jj]][l] != pi1 &&
mesh[hasbothpoints[jj]][l] != pi2 &&
mesh[hasbothpoints[jj]][l] != outerpoints[i])
outerpoints[i+1] = mesh[hasbothpoints[jj]][l];
ElementIndex aux = hasbothpoints[i];
hasbothpoints[i] = hasbothpoints[jj];
hasbothpoints[jj] = aux;
if(outerpoints[nsuround] != sp2)
cerr << "OJE OJE OJE" << endl;
(*testout) << "OJE OJE OJE" << endl;
(*testout) << "hasbothpoints: " << endl;
for(int ii=0; ii < hasbothpoints.Size(); ii++)
(*testout) << mesh[hasbothpoints[ii]] << endl;
for(int jj=0; jj<mesh[hasbothpoints[ii]].GetNP(); jj++)
if(mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[hasbothpoints[ii]][jj]][0] > 0)
(*testout) << mesh[hasbothpoints[ii]][jj] << " between "
<< mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[hasbothpoints[ii]][jj]][0] << " and "
<< mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[hasbothpoints[ii]][jj]][1] << endl;
(*testout) << "outerpoints: " << outerpoints << endl;
(*testout) << "sel1 " << mesh[sel1] << endl
<< "sel2 " << mesh[sel2] << endl;
for(int ii=0; ii<3; ii++)
if(mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[sel1][ii]][0] > 0)
(*testout) << mesh[sel1][ii] << " between "
<< mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[sel1][ii]][0] << " and "
<< mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[sel1][ii]][1] << endl;
if(mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[sel2][ii]][0] > 0)
(*testout) << mesh[sel2][ii] << " between "
<< mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[sel2][ii]][0] << " and "
<< mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[sel2][ii]][1] << endl;
Array < int > outerpointsother;
if(nsuroundother > 0)
outerpointsother[0] = sp2other;
for(int i=0; i<nsuroundother; i++)
bool done = false;
for(int jj=i; !done && jj<hasbothpointsother.Size(); jj++)
for(int k=0; !done && k<4; k++)
if(mesh[hasbothpointsother[jj]][k] == outerpointsother[i])
done = true;
for(int l=0; l<4; l++)
if(mesh[hasbothpointsother[jj]][l] != pi1other &&
mesh[hasbothpointsother[jj]][l] != pi2other &&
mesh[hasbothpointsother[jj]][l] != outerpointsother[i])
outerpointsother[i+1] = mesh[hasbothpointsother[jj]][l];
ElementIndex aux = hasbothpointsother[i];
hasbothpointsother[i] = hasbothpointsother[jj];
hasbothpointsother[jj] = aux;
if(nsuroundother > 0 && outerpointsother[nsuroundother] != sp1other)
cerr << "OJE OJE OJE (other)" << endl;
(*testout) << "OJE OJE OJE (other)" << endl;
(*testout) << "pi1 " << pi1 << " pi2 " << pi2 << " sp1 " << sp1 << " sp2 " << sp2 << endl;
(*testout) << "hasbothpoints: " << endl;
for(int ii=0; ii < hasbothpoints.Size(); ii++)
(*testout) << mesh[hasbothpoints[ii]] << endl;
for(int jj=0; jj<mesh[hasbothpoints[ii]].GetNP(); jj++)
if(mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[hasbothpoints[ii]][jj]][0] > 0)
(*testout) << mesh[hasbothpoints[ii]][jj] << " between "
<< mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[hasbothpoints[ii]][jj]][0] << " and "
<< mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[hasbothpoints[ii]][jj]][1] << endl;
(*testout) << "outerpoints: " << outerpoints << endl;
(*testout) << "sel1 " << mesh[sel1] << endl
<< "sel2 " << mesh[sel2] << endl;
for(int ii=0; ii<3; ii++)
if(mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[sel1][ii]][0] > 0)
(*testout) << mesh[sel1][ii] << " between "
<< mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[sel1][ii]][0] << " and "
<< mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[sel1][ii]][1] << endl;
if(mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[sel2][ii]][0] > 0)
(*testout) << mesh[sel2][ii] << " between "
<< mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[sel2][ii]][0] << " and "
<< mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[sel2][ii]][1] << endl;
(*testout) << "pi1other " << pi1other << " pi2other " << pi2other << " sp1other " << sp1other << " sp2other " << sp2other << endl;
(*testout) << "hasbothpointsother: " << endl;
for(int ii=0; ii < hasbothpointsother.Size(); ii++)
(*testout) << mesh[hasbothpointsother[ii]] << endl;
for(int jj=0; jj<mesh[hasbothpointsother[ii]].GetNP(); jj++)
if(mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[hasbothpointsother[ii]][jj]][0] > 0)
(*testout) << mesh[hasbothpointsother[ii]][jj] << " between "
<< mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[hasbothpointsother[ii]][jj]][0] << " and "
<< mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[hasbothpointsother[ii]][jj]][1] << endl;
(*testout) << "outerpoints: " << outerpointsother << endl;
(*testout) << "sel1other " << mesh[sel1other] << endl
<< "sel2other " << mesh[sel2other] << endl;
for(int ii=0; ii<3; ii++)
if(mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[sel1other][ii]][0] > 0)
(*testout) << mesh[sel1other][ii] << " between "
<< mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[sel1other][ii]][0] << " and "
<< mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[sel1other][ii]][1] << endl;
if(mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[sel2other][ii]][0] > 0)
(*testout) << mesh[sel2other][ii] << " between "
<< mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[sel2other][ii]][0] << " and "
<< mesh.mlbetweennodes[mesh[sel2other][ii]][1] << endl;
for(int i=0; i<hasbothpoints.Size(); i++)
bad1 += CalcBad(mesh.Points(), mesh[hasbothpoints[i]],h);
for(int i=0; i<hasbothpointsother.Size(); i++)
bad1 += CalcBad(mesh.Points(), mesh[hasbothpointsother[i]],h);
bad1 /= double(hasbothpoints.Size() + hasbothpointsother.Size());
int startpoints,startpointsother;
if(outerpoints.Size() == 3)
startpoints = 1;
else if(outerpoints.Size() == 4)
startpoints = 2;
startpoints = outerpoints.Size();
if(outerpointsother.Size() == 3)
startpointsother = 1;
else if(outerpointsother.Size() == 4)
startpointsother = 2;
startpointsother = outerpointsother.Size();
Array < Array < Element* > * > newelts(startpoints);
Array < Array < Element* > * > neweltsother(startpointsother);
double minbad = 1e50, minbadother = 1e50, currbad;
int minpos = -1, minposother = -1;
//(*testout) << "pi1 " << pi1 << " pi2 " << pi2 << " outerpoints " << outerpoints << endl;
for(int i=0; i<startpoints; i++)
newelts[i] = new Array <Element*>(2*(nsuround-1));
for(int jj=0; jj<nsuround-1; jj++)
(*newelts[i])[2*jj] = new Element(TET);
(*newelts[i])[2*jj+1] = new Element(TET);
Element & newel1 = *((*newelts[i])[2*jj]);
Element & newel2 = *((*newelts[i])[2*jj+1]);
newel1[0] = pi1;
newel1[1] = outerpoints[i];
newel1[2] = outerpoints[(i+jj+1)%outerpoints.Size()];
newel1[3] = outerpoints[(i+jj+2)%outerpoints.Size()];
newel2[0] = pi2;
newel2[1] = outerpoints[i];
newel2[2] = outerpoints[(i+jj+2)%outerpoints.Size()];
newel2[3] = outerpoints[(i+jj+1)%outerpoints.Size()];
//(*testout) << "j " << j << " newel1 " << newel1[0] << " "<< newel1[1] << " "<< newel1[2] << " "<< newel1[3] << endl
// << " newel2 " << newel2[0] << " "<< newel2[1] << " "<< newel2[2] << " "<< newel2[3] << endl;
bool wrongorientation = true;
for(int jj = 0; wrongorientation && jj<newelts[i]->Size(); jj++)
wrongorientation = wrongorientation && WrongOrientation(mesh.Points(), *(*newelts[i])[jj]);
currbad = 0;
for(int jj=0; jj<newelts[i]->Size(); jj++)
// not two new faces on same surface
Array<int> face_index;
for(int k = 0; k<surfaceindicesonnode[(*(*newelts[i])[jj])[0]].Size(); k++)
for(int k=1; k<4; k++)
for(int l=0; l<face_index.Size(); l++)
if(face_index[l] != -1 &&
face_index[l] = -1;
for(int k=0; k<face_index.Size(); k++)
if(face_index[k] != -1)
currbad += 1e12;
currbad += CalcBad(mesh.Points(),*(*newelts[i])[jj],h);
//currbad /= double(newelts[i]->Size());
if(currbad < minbad)
minbad = currbad;
minpos = i;
if(startpointsother == 0)
minbadother = 0;
for(int i=0; i<startpointsother; i++)
neweltsother[i] = new Array <Element*>(2*(nsuroundother));
for(int jj=0; jj<nsuroundother; jj++)
(*neweltsother[i])[2*jj] = new Element(TET);
(*neweltsother[i])[2*jj+1] = new Element(TET);
Element & newel1 = *((*neweltsother[i])[2*jj]);
Element & newel2 = *((*neweltsother[i])[2*jj+1]);
newel1[0] = pi1other;
newel1[1] = outerpointsother[i];
newel1[2] = outerpointsother[(i+jj+1)%outerpointsother.Size()];
newel1[3] = outerpointsother[(i+jj+2)%outerpointsother.Size()];
newel2[0] = pi2other;
newel2[1] = outerpointsother[i];
newel2[2] = outerpointsother[(i+jj+2)%outerpointsother.Size()];
newel2[3] = outerpointsother[(i+jj+1)%outerpointsother.Size()];
//(*testout) << "j " << j << " newel1 " << newel1[0] << " "<< newel1[1] << " "<< newel1[2] << " "<< newel1[3] << endl
// << " newel2 " << newel2[0] << " "<< newel2[1] << " "<< newel2[2] << " "<< newel2[3] << endl;
bool wrongorientation = true;
for(int jj = 0; wrongorientation && jj<neweltsother[i]->Size(); jj++)
wrongorientation = wrongorientation && WrongOrientation(mesh.Points(), *(*neweltsother[i])[jj]);
currbad = 0;
for(int jj=0; jj<neweltsother[i]->Size(); jj++)
currbad += CalcBad(mesh.Points(),*(*neweltsother[i])[jj],h);
//currbad /= double(neweltsother[i]->Size());
if(currbad < minbadother)
minbadother = currbad;
minposother = i;
//(*testout) << "minbad " << minbad << " bad1 " << bad1 << endl;
double sbadnew = CalcTriangleBadness (mesh[pi1],mesh[sp2],mesh[sp1],0,0) +
CalcTriangleBadness (mesh[pi2],mesh[sp1],mesh[sp2],0,0);
int denom = newelts[minpos]->Size();
if(minposother >= 0)
denom += neweltsother[minposother]->Size();
if((minbad+minbadother)/double(denom) < bad1 &&
sbadnew < sbad)
swapped = true;
int start1 = -1;
for(int l=0; l<3; l++)
if(mesh[sel1][l] == pi1)
start1 = l;
if(mesh[sel1][(start1+1)%3] == pi2)
mesh[sel1][0] = pi1;
mesh[sel1][1] = sp2;
mesh[sel1][2] = sp1;
mesh[sel2][0] = pi2;
mesh[sel2][1] = sp1;
mesh[sel2][2] = sp2;
mesh[sel1][0] = pi2;
mesh[sel1][1] = sp2;
mesh[sel1][2] = sp1;
mesh[sel2][0] = pi1;
mesh[sel2][1] = sp1;
mesh[sel2][2] = sp2;
//(*testout) << "changed surface element " << sel1 << " to " << mesh[sel1] << ", " << sel2 << " to " << mesh[sel2] << endl;
for(int l=0; l<3; l++)
start1 = -1;
for(int l=0; l<3; l++)
if(mesh[sel1other][l] == pi1other)
start1 = l;
//(*testout) << "changed surface elements " << mesh[sel1other] << " and " << mesh[sel2other] << endl;
if(mesh[sel1other][(start1+1)%3] == pi2other)
mesh[sel1other][0] = pi1other;
mesh[sel1other][1] = sp2other;
mesh[sel1other][2] = sp1other;
mesh[sel2other][0] = pi2other;
mesh[sel2other][1] = sp1other;
mesh[sel2other][2] = sp2other;
//(*testout) << " with rule 1" << endl;
mesh[sel1other][0] = pi2other;
mesh[sel1other][1] = sp2other;
mesh[sel1other][2] = sp1other;
mesh[sel2other][0] = pi1other;
mesh[sel2other][1] = sp1other;
mesh[sel2other][2] = sp2other;
//(*testout) << " with rule 2" << endl;
//(*testout) << " to " << mesh[sel1other] << " and " << mesh[sel2other] << endl;
//(*testout) << " and surface element " << sel1other << " to " << mesh[sel1other] << ", " << sel2other << " to " << mesh[sel2other] << endl;
for(int l=0; l<3; l++)
for(int i=0; i<hasbothpoints.Size(); i++)
mesh[hasbothpoints[i]] = *(*newelts[minpos])[i];
for(int l=0; l<4; l++)
for(int i=hasbothpoints.Size(); i<(*newelts[minpos]).Size(); i++)
ElementIndex ni = mesh.AddVolumeElement(*(*newelts[minpos])[i]);
for(int l=0; l<4; l++)
if(hasbothpointsother.Size() > 0)
for(int i=0; i<hasbothpointsother.Size(); i++)
mesh[hasbothpointsother[i]] = *(*neweltsother[minposother])[i];
for(int l=0; l<4; l++)
for(int i=hasbothpointsother.Size(); i<(*neweltsother[minposother]).Size(); i++)
ElementIndex ni = mesh.AddVolumeElement(*(*neweltsother[minposother])[i]);
for(int l=0; l<4; l++)
for(int i=0; i<newelts.Size(); i++)
for(int jj=0; jj<newelts[i]->Size(); jj++)
delete (*newelts[i])[jj];
delete newelts[i];
for(int i=0; i<neweltsother.Size(); i++)
for(int jj=0; jj<neweltsother[i]->Size(); jj++)
delete (*neweltsother[i])[jj];
delete neweltsother[i];
PrintMessage (5, cnt, " swaps performed");
for(int i=0; i<locidmaps.Size(); i++)
delete locidmaps[i];
mesh.Compress ();
multithread.task = savetask;
2 -> 3 conversion
void MeshOptimize3d :: SwapImprove2 (Mesh & mesh, OPTIMIZEGOAL goal)
PointIndex pi1(0), pi2(0), pi3(0), pi4(0), pi5(0);
Element el21(TET), el22(TET), el31(TET), el32(TET), el33(TET);
int cnt = 0;
double bad1, bad2;
int np = mesh.GetNP();
int ne = mesh.GetNE();
int nse = mesh.GetNSE();
if (goal == OPT_CONFORM) return;
// contains at least all elements at node
TABLE<ElementIndex, PointIndex::BASE> elementsonnode(np);
TABLE<SurfaceElementIndex, PointIndex::BASE> belementsonnode(np);
PrintMessage (3, "SwapImprove2 ");
(*testout) << "\n" << "Start SwapImprove2" << "\n";
// TestOk();
CalcSurfacesOfNode ();
for (i = 1; i <= GetNE(); i++)
if (volelements.Get(i)[0])
if (!mesh.LegalTet (volelements.Get(i)))
cout << "detected illegal tet, 1" << endl;
(*testout) << "detected illegal tet1: " << i << endl;
// Calculate total badness
bad1 = CalcTotalBad (mesh.Points(), mesh.VolumeElements());
(*testout) << "Total badness = " << bad1 << endl;
// cout << "tot bad = " << bad1 << endl;
// find elements on node
for (ElementIndex ei = 0; ei < ne; ei++)
for (int j = 0; j < mesh[ei].GetNP(); j++)
elementsonnode.Add (mesh[ei][j], ei);
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei = 0; sei < nse; sei++)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
belementsonnode.Add (mesh[sei][j], sei);
for (ElementIndex eli1 = 0; eli1 < ne; eli1++)
if (multithread.terminate)
if (mesh.ElementType (eli1) == FIXEDELEMENT)
if (mesh[eli1].GetType() != TET)
if ((goal == OPT_LEGAL) &&
mesh.LegalTet (mesh[eli1]) &&
CalcBad (mesh.Points(), mesh[eli1], 0) < 1e3)
if(mesh.GetDimension()==3 && mp.only3D_domain_nr && mp.only3D_domain_nr != mesh.VolumeElement(eli1).GetIndex())
// cout << "eli = " << eli1 << endl;
// (*testout) << "swapimp2, eli = " << eli1 << "; el = " << mesh[eli1] << endl;
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
// loop over faces
Element & elem = mesh[eli1];
// if (elem[0] < PointIndex::BASE) continue;
if (elem.IsDeleted()) continue;
int mattyp = elem.GetIndex();
switch (j)
case 0:
pi1 = elem.PNum(1); pi2 = elem.PNum(2);
pi3 = elem.PNum(3); pi4 = elem.PNum(4);
case 1:
pi1 = elem.PNum(1); pi2 = elem.PNum(4);
pi3 = elem.PNum(2); pi4 = elem.PNum(3);
case 2:
pi1 = elem.PNum(1); pi2 = elem.PNum(3);
pi3 = elem.PNum(4); pi4 = elem.PNum(2);
case 3:
pi1 = elem.PNum(2); pi2 = elem.PNum(4);
pi3 = elem.PNum(3); pi4 = elem.PNum(1);
bool bface = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < belementsonnode[pi1].Size(); k++)
const Element2d & bel =
bool bface1 = 1;
for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++)
if (bel[l] != pi1 && bel[l] != pi2 && bel[l] != pi3)
bface1 = 0;
if (bface1)
bface = 1;
if (bface) continue;
FlatArray<ElementIndex> row = elementsonnode[pi1];
for (int k = 0; k < row.Size(); k++)
ElementIndex eli2 = row[k];
// cout << "\rei1 = " << eli1 << ", pi1 = " << pi1 << ", k = " << k << ", ei2 = " << eli2
// << ", getne = " << mesh.GetNE();
if ( eli1 != eli2 )
Element & elem2 = mesh[eli2];
if (elem2.IsDeleted()) continue;
if (elem2.GetType() != TET)
int comnodes=0;
for (int l = 1; l <= 4; l++)
if (elem2.PNum(l) == pi1 || elem2.PNum(l) == pi2 ||
elem2.PNum(l) == pi3)
pi5 = elem2.PNum(l);
if (comnodes == 3)
bad1 = CalcBad (mesh.Points(), elem, 0) +
CalcBad (mesh.Points(), elem2, 0);
if (!mesh.LegalTet(elem) ||
bad1 += 1e4;
el31.PNum(1) = pi1;
el31.PNum(2) = pi2;
el31.PNum(3) = pi5;
el31.PNum(4) = pi4;
el31.SetIndex (mattyp);
el32.PNum(1) = pi2;
el32.PNum(2) = pi3;
el32.PNum(3) = pi5;
el32.PNum(4) = pi4;
el32.SetIndex (mattyp);
el33.PNum(1) = pi3;
el33.PNum(2) = pi1;
el33.PNum(3) = pi5;
el33.PNum(4) = pi4;
el33.SetIndex (mattyp);
bad2 = CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el31, 0) +
CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el32, 0) +
CalcBad (mesh.Points(), el33, 0);
el31.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
el32.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
el33.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
if (!mesh.LegalTet(el31) ||
!mesh.LegalTet(el32) ||
bad2 += 1e4;
bool do_swap = (bad2 < bad1);
if ( ((bad2 < 1e6) || (bad2 < 10 * bad1)) &&
mesh.BoundaryEdge (pi4, pi5))
do_swap = 1;
if (do_swap)
// cout << "do swap, eli1 = " << eli1 << "; eli2 = " << eli2 << endl;
// (*mycout) << "2->3 " << flush;
el31.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
el32.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
el33.flags.illegal_valid = 0;
mesh[eli1] = el31;
mesh[eli2] = el32;
ElementIndex neli =
mesh.AddVolumeElement (el33);
if (!LegalTet(el31) || !LegalTet(el32) ||
cout << "Swap to illegal tets !!!" << endl;
// cout << "neli = " << neli << endl;
for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++)
elementsonnode.Add (el31[l], eli1);
elementsonnode.Add (el32[l], eli2);
elementsonnode.Add (el33[l], neli);
PrintMessage (5, cnt, " swaps performed");
CalcSurfacesOfNode ();
for (i = 1; i <= GetNE(); i++)
if (volelements.Get(i).PNum(1))
if (!LegalTet (volelements.Get(i)))
cout << "detected illegal tet, 2" << endl;
(*testout) << "detected illegal tet2: " << i << endl;
bad1 = CalcTotalBad (mesh.Points(), mesh.VolumeElements());
(*testout) << "Total badness = " << bad1 << endl;
(*testout) << "swapimprove2 done" << "\n";
// (*mycout) << "Vol = " << CalcVolume (points, volelements) << "\n";
void Mesh :: SwapImprove2 (OPTIMIZEGOAL goal)
int i, j;
int eli1, eli2;
int mattyp;
Element el31(4), el32(4), el33(4);
double bad1, bad2;
INDEX_3_HASHTABLE<INDEX_2> elsonface (GetNE());
(*mycout) << "SwapImprove2 " << endl;
(*testout) << "\n" << "Start SwapImprove2" << "\n";
// Calculate total badness
if (goal == OPT_QUALITY)
double bad1 = CalcTotalBad (points, volelements);
(*testout) << "Total badness = " << bad1 << endl;
// find elements on node
Element2d face;
for (i = 1; i <= GetNE(); i++)
if ( (i > eltyps.Size()) || (eltyps.Get(i) != FIXEDELEMENT) )
const Element & el = VolumeElement(i);
if (!el.PNum(1)) continue;
for (j = 1; j <= 4; j++)
el.GetFace (j, face);
INDEX_3 i3 (face.PNum(1), face.PNum(2), face.PNum(3));
int bnr, posnr;
if (!elsonface.PositionCreate (i3, bnr, posnr))
INDEX_2 i2;
elsonface.GetData (bnr, posnr, i3, i2);
i2.I2() = i;
elsonface.SetData (bnr, posnr, i3, i2);
INDEX_2 i2 (i, 0);
elsonface.SetData (bnr, posnr, i3, i2);
// if (elsonface.Used (i3))
// {
// INDEX_2 i2 = elsonface.Get(i3);
// i2.I2() = i;
// elsonface.Set (i3, i2);
// }
// else
// {
// INDEX_2 i2 (i, 0);
// elsonface.Set (i3, i2);
// }
BitArray original(GetNE());
for (i = 1; i <= GetNSE(); i++)
const Element2d & sface = SurfaceElement(i);
INDEX_3 i3 (sface.PNum(1), sface.PNum(2), sface.PNum(3));
INDEX_2 i2(0,0);
elsonface.Set (i3, i2);
for (i = 1; i <= elsonface.GetNBags(); i++)
for (j = 1; j <= elsonface.GetBagSize(i); j++)
INDEX_3 i3;
INDEX_2 i2;
elsonface.GetData (i, j, i3, i2);
int eli1 = i2.I1();
int eli2 = i2.I2();
if (eli1 && eli2 && original.Test(eli1) && original.Test(eli2) )
Element & elem = volelements.Elem(eli1);
Element & elem2 = volelements.Elem(eli2);
int pi1 = i3.I1();
int pi2 = i3.I2();
int pi3 = i3.I3();
int pi4 = elem.PNum(1) + elem.PNum(2) + elem.PNum(3) + elem.PNum(4) - pi1 - pi2 - pi3;
int pi5 = elem2.PNum(1) + elem2.PNum(2) + elem2.PNum(3) + elem2.PNum(4) - pi1 - pi2 - pi3;
el31.PNum(1) = pi1;
el31.PNum(2) = pi2;
el31.PNum(3) = pi3;
el31.PNum(4) = pi4;
el31.SetIndex (mattyp);
if (WrongOrientation (points, el31))
swap (pi1, pi2);
bad1 = CalcBad (points, elem, 0) +
CalcBad (points, elem2, 0);
// if (!LegalTet(elem) || !LegalTet(elem2))
// bad1 += 1e4;
el31.PNum(1) = pi1;
el31.PNum(2) = pi2;
el31.PNum(3) = pi5;
el31.PNum(4) = pi4;
el31.SetIndex (mattyp);
el32.PNum(1) = pi2;
el32.PNum(2) = pi3;
el32.PNum(3) = pi5;
el32.PNum(4) = pi4;
el32.SetIndex (mattyp);
el33.PNum(1) = pi3;
el33.PNum(2) = pi1;
el33.PNum(3) = pi5;
el33.PNum(4) = pi4;
el33.SetIndex (mattyp);
bad2 = CalcBad (points, el31, 0) +
CalcBad (points, el32, 0) +
CalcBad (points, el33, 0);
// if (!LegalTet(el31) || !LegalTet(el32) ||
// !LegalTet(el33))
// bad2 += 1e4;
int swap = (bad2 < bad1);
INDEX_2 hi2b(pi4, pi5);
if ( ((bad2 < 1e6) || (bad2 < 10 * bad1)) &&
boundaryedges->Used (hi2b) )
swap = 1;
if (swap)
(*mycout) << "2->3 " << flush;
volelements.Elem(eli1) = el31;
volelements.Elem(eli2) = el32;
volelements.Append (el33);
original.Clear (eli1);
original.Clear (eli2);
(*mycout) << endl;
if (goal == OPT_QUALITY)
bad1 = CalcTotalBad (points, volelements);
(*testout) << "Total badness = " << bad1 << endl;
// FindOpenElements ();
(*testout) << "swapimprove2 done" << "\n";