Christopher Lackner 93de43456d dont ignore small edges per default, do not set from stl parameters
occresthminedgelen ignored restricting meshsize per segment length
on edges smaller than stl parameter resthminedgelen which was set
from the gui to 0.2. Disable this (can be used by giving
minedgelen parameter from python in meshing parameters)
2022-01-18 18:21:16 +01:00

731 lines
24 KiB

#include <mystdlib.h>
#include <meshing.hpp>
#include "occgeom.hpp"
#include "occmeshsurf.hpp"
#include <BRepAdaptor_Curve.hxx>
#include <BRepGProp.hxx>
#include <BRepLProp_CLProps.hxx>
#include <BRepLProp_SLProps.hxx>
#include <BRepMesh_IncrementalMesh.hxx>
#include <BRepTools.hxx>
#include <GProp_GProps.hxx>
#include <Quantity_Color.hxx>
#include <ShapeAnalysis.hxx>
#include <TopExp.hxx>
#include <TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape.hxx>
#include <TopoDS_Edge.hxx>
namespace netgen
#define TCL_OK 0
#define TCL_ERROR 1
#define DIVIDEEDGESECTIONS 10000 // better solution to come soon
#define VSMALL 1e-10
DLL_HEADER bool merge_solids = false;
// can you please explain what you intend to compute here (JS) !!!
double Line :: Dist (Line l)
Vec<3> n = p1-p0;
Vec<3> q = l.p1-l.p0;
double nq = n*q;
Point<3> p = p0 + 0.5*n;
double lambda = (p-l.p0)*n / (nq + VSMALL);
if (lambda >= 0 && lambda <= 1)
double d = (p-l.p0-lambda*q).Length();
// if (d < 1e-3) d = 1e99;
return d;
return 1e99;
double ComputeH (double kappa, const MeshingParameters & mparam)
kappa *= mparam.curvaturesafety;
double hret;
if (mparam.maxh * kappa < 1)
hret = mparam.maxh;
hret = 1 / (kappa + VSMALL);
if (mparam.maxh < hret)
hret = mparam.maxh;
return hret;
// return min(mparam.maxh, 1/kappa);
return (mparam.maxh*kappa < 1) ? mparam.maxh : 1/kappa;
void RestrictHTriangle (gp_Pnt2d & par0, gp_Pnt2d & par1, gp_Pnt2d & par2,
BRepLProp_SLProps * prop, BRepLProp_SLProps * prop2, Mesh & mesh, int depth, double h,
const MeshingParameters & mparam)
int ls = -1;
gp_Pnt pnt0,pnt1,pnt2;
prop->SetParameters (par0.X(), par0.Y());
pnt0 = prop->Value();
prop->SetParameters (par1.X(), par1.Y());
pnt1 = prop->Value();
prop->SetParameters (par2.X(), par2.Y());
pnt2 = prop->Value();
double aux;
double maxside = pnt0.Distance(pnt1);
ls = 2;
aux = pnt1.Distance(pnt2);
if(aux > maxside)
maxside = aux;
ls = 0;
aux = pnt2.Distance(pnt0);
if(aux > maxside)
maxside = aux;
ls = 1;
gp_Pnt2d parmid;
parmid.SetX( (par0.X()+par1.X()+par2.X()) / 3 );
parmid.SetY( (par0.Y()+par1.Y()+par2.Y()) / 3 );
if (depth%3 == 0)
double curvature = 0;
prop2->SetParameters (parmid.X(), parmid.Y());
if (!prop2->IsCurvatureDefined())
(*testout) << "curvature not defined!" << endl;
curvature = max(fabs(prop2->MinCurvature()),
prop2->SetParameters (par0.X(), par0.Y());
if (!prop2->IsCurvatureDefined())
(*testout) << "curvature not defined!" << endl;
curvature = max(curvature,max(fabs(prop2->MinCurvature()),
prop2->SetParameters (par1.X(), par1.Y());
if (!prop2->IsCurvatureDefined())
(*testout) << "curvature not defined!" << endl;
curvature = max(curvature,max(fabs(prop2->MinCurvature()),
prop2->SetParameters (par2.X(), par2.Y());
if (!prop2->IsCurvatureDefined())
(*testout) << "curvature not defined!" << endl;
curvature = max(curvature,max(fabs(prop2->MinCurvature()),
//(*testout) << "curvature " << curvature << endl;
if (curvature < 1e-3)
//(*testout) << "curvature too small (" << curvature << ")!" << endl;
// return war bis 10.2.05 auskommentiert
h = ComputeH (curvature+1e-10, mparam);
if(h < 1e-4*maxside)
// if (h > 30) return;
if (h < maxside && depth < 10)
//cout << "\r h " << h << flush;
gp_Pnt2d pm;
//cout << "h " << h << " maxside " << maxside << " depth " << depth << endl;
//cout << "par0 " << par0.X() << " " << par0.Y()
//<< " par1 " << par1.X() << " " << par1.Y()
// << " par2 " << par2.X() << " " << par2.Y()<< endl;
if(ls == 0)
pm.SetX(0.5*(par1.X()+par2.X())); pm.SetY(0.5*(par1.Y()+par2.Y()));
RestrictHTriangle(pm, par2, par0, prop, prop2, mesh, depth+1, h, mparam);
RestrictHTriangle(pm, par0, par1, prop, prop2, mesh, depth+1, h, mparam);
else if(ls == 1)
pm.SetX(0.5*(par0.X()+par2.X())); pm.SetY(0.5*(par0.Y()+par2.Y()));
RestrictHTriangle(pm, par1, par2, prop, prop2, mesh, depth+1, h, mparam);
RestrictHTriangle(pm, par0, par1, prop, prop2, mesh, depth+1, h, mparam);
else if(ls == 2)
pm.SetX(0.5*(par0.X()+par1.X())); pm.SetY(0.5*(par0.Y()+par1.Y()));
RestrictHTriangle(pm, par1, par2, prop, prop2, mesh, depth+1, h, mparam);
RestrictHTriangle(pm, par2, par0, prop, prop2, mesh, depth+1, h, mparam);
gp_Pnt pnt;
Point3d p3d;
prop->SetParameters (parmid.X(), parmid.Y());
pnt = prop->Value();
p3d = Point3d(pnt.X(), pnt.Y(), pnt.Z());
mesh.RestrictLocalH (p3d, h);
p3d = Point3d(pnt0.X(), pnt0.Y(), pnt0.Z());
mesh.RestrictLocalH (p3d, h);
p3d = Point3d(pnt1.X(), pnt1.Y(), pnt1.Z());
mesh.RestrictLocalH (p3d, h);
p3d = Point3d(pnt2.X(), pnt2.Y(), pnt2.Z());
mesh.RestrictLocalH (p3d, h);
//(*testout) << "p = " << p3d << ", h = " << h << ", maxside = " << maxside << endl;
bool OCCMeshFace (const OCCGeometry & geom, Mesh & mesh, FlatArray<int, PointIndex> glob2loc,
const MeshingParameters & mparam, int nr, int projecttype, bool delete_on_failure)
auto k = nr+1;
if(1==0 && !geom.fvispar[k-1].IsDrawable())
(*testout) << "ignoring face " << k << endl;
cout << "ignoring face " << k << endl;
return true;
// if(master_faces[k]!=k)
// continue;
(*testout) << "mesh face " << k << endl;
multithread.percent = 100 * k / (mesh.GetNFD() + VSMALL);
geom.facemeshstatus[k-1] = -1;
FaceDescriptor & fd = mesh.GetFaceDescriptor(k);
auto face = TopoDS::Face(geom.fmap(k));
auto fshape = face.TShape();
int oldnf = mesh.GetNSE();
Box<3> bb = geom.GetBoundingBox();
// int projecttype = PLANESPACE;
// int projecttype = PARAMETERSPACE;
static Timer tinit("init");
Meshing2OCCSurfaces meshing(geom, face, bb, projecttype, mparam);
static Timer tprint("print");
if (meshing.GetProjectionType() == PLANESPACE)
PrintMessage (2, "Face ", k, " / ", geom.GetNFaces(), " (plane space projection)");
PrintMessage (2, "Face ", k, " / ", geom.GetNFaces(), " (parameter space projection)");
// Meshing2OCCSurfaces meshing(f2, bb);
// meshing.SetStartTime (starttime);
//(*testout) << "Face " << k << endl << endl;
auto segments = geom.GetFace(k-1).GetBoundary(mesh);
if (meshing.GetProjectionType() == PLANESPACE)
static Timer t("MeshSurface: Find edges and points - Physical"); RegionTimer r(t);
int cntp = 0;
glob2loc = 0;
for (Segment & seg : segments)
// if ( == k)
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
PointIndex pi = seg[j];
if (glob2loc[pi] == 0)
meshing.AddPoint (mesh.Point(pi), pi);
glob2loc[pi] = cntp;
for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNSeg(); i++)
Segment & seg = mesh.LineSegment(i);
// for (Segment & seg : mesh.LineSegments())
for (Segment & seg : segments)
//if ( == k)
PointGeomInfo gi0, gi1;
gi0.trignum = gi1.trignum = k;
gi0.u = seg.epgeominfo[0].u;
gi0.v = seg.epgeominfo[0].v;
gi1.u = seg.epgeominfo[1].u;
gi1.v = seg.epgeominfo[1].v;
//if(orientation & 1)
meshing.AddBoundaryElement (glob2loc[seg[0]], glob2loc[seg[1]], gi0, gi1);
static Timer t("MeshSurface: Find edges and points - Parameter"); RegionTimer r(t);
Array<PointGeomInfo> gis(2*segments.Size());
gis.SetSize (0);
Box<2> uv_box(Box<2>::EMPTY_BOX);
for(auto & seg : segments)
for(auto i : Range(2))
uv_box.Add( {seg.epgeominfo[i].u, seg.epgeominfo[i].v } );
BoxTree<2> uv_tree(uv_box);
Array<int> found_points;
for(auto & seg : segments)
PointGeomInfo gi[2];
gi[0].trignum = gi[1].trignum = k;
gi[0].u = seg.epgeominfo[0].u;
gi[0].v = seg.epgeominfo[0].v;
gi[1].u = seg.epgeominfo[1].u;
gi[1].v = seg.epgeominfo[1].v;
int locpnum[2] = {0, 0};
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
Point<2> uv = {gi[j].u, gi[j].v};
uv_tree.GetIntersecting(uv, uv, found_points);
locpnum[j] = found_points[0];
PointIndex pi = seg[j];
meshing.AddPoint (mesh.Point(pi), pi);
gis.Append (gi[j]);
locpnum[j] = gis.Size();
uv_tree.Insert(uv, locpnum[j]);
meshing.AddBoundaryElement (locpnum[0], locpnum[1], gi[0], gi[1]);
// Philippose - 15/01/2009
double maxh = min2(geom.face_maxh[k-1], OCCGeometry::global_shape_properties[TopoDS::Face(geom.fmap(k)).TShape()].maxh);
//double maxh = mparam.maxh;
// int noldpoints = mesh->GetNP();
int noldsurfel = mesh.GetNSE();
static Timer tsurfprop("surfprop");
GProp_GProps sprops;
// TODO: check overlap not correctly working here
MeshingParameters mparam_without_overlap = mparam;
mparam_without_overlap.checkoverlap = false;
try {
static Timer t("GenerateMesh"); RegionTimer reg(t);
res = meshing.GenerateMesh (mesh, mparam_without_overlap, maxh, k);
catch (SingularMatrixException)
// (*myerr) << "Singular Matrix" << endl;
catch (UVBoundsException)
// (*myerr) << "UV bounds exceeded" << endl;
static Timer t1("rest of loop"); RegionTimer reg1(t1);
bool meshing_failed = res != MESHING2_OK;
if(meshing_failed && delete_on_failure)
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei = noldsurfel; sei < mesh.GetNSE(); sei++)
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei = oldnf; sei < mesh.GetNSE(); sei++)
mesh[sei].SetIndex (k);
auto n_illegal_trigs = mesh.FindIllegalTrigs();
PrintMessage (3, n_illegal_trigs, " illegal triangles");
return meshing_failed;
void OCCSetLocalMeshSize(const OCCGeometry & geom, Mesh & mesh,
const MeshingParameters & mparam, const OCCParameters& occparam)
static Timer t1("OCCSetLocalMeshSize");
RegionTimer regt(t1);
mesh.SetGlobalH (mparam.maxh);
mesh.SetMinimalH (mparam.minh);
NgArray<double> maxhdom;
maxhdom.SetSize (geom.NrSolids());
maxhdom = mparam.maxh;
int dom = 0;
for (TopExp_Explorer e(geom.GetShape(), TopAbs_SOLID); e.More(); e.Next(), dom++)
maxhdom[dom] = min2(maxhdom[dom], OCCGeometry::global_shape_properties[e.Current().TShape()].maxh);
mesh.SetMaxHDomain (maxhdom);
Box<3> bb = geom.GetBoundingBox();
bb.Increase (bb.Diam()/10);
mesh.SetLocalH (bb.PMin(), bb.PMax(), 0.5);
if (mparam.uselocalh)
const char * savetask = multithread.task;
multithread.percent = 0;
mesh.SetLocalH (bb.PMin(), bb.PMax(), mparam.grading);
int nedges = geom.emap.Extent();
double mincurvelength = IGNORECURVELENGTH;
double maxedgelen = 0;
double minedgelen = 1e99;
mincurvelength = occparam.resthminedgelen;
if(mincurvelength < IGNORECURVELENGTH) mincurvelength = IGNORECURVELENGTH;
multithread.task = "Setting local mesh size (elements per edge)";
// Philippose - 23/01/2009
// Find all the parent faces of a given edge
// and limit the mesh size of the edge based on the
// mesh size limit of the face
TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape edge_face_map;
TopExp::MapShapesAndAncestors(geom.shape, TopAbs_EDGE, TopAbs_FACE, edge_face_map);
// setting elements per edge
for (int i = 1; i <= nedges && !multithread.terminate; i++)
TopoDS_Edge e = TopoDS::Edge (geom.emap(i));
multithread.percent = 100 * (i-1)/double(nedges);
if (BRep_Tool::Degenerated(e)) continue;
GProp_GProps system;
BRepGProp::LinearProperties(e, system);
double len = system.Mass();
if (len < mincurvelength)
(*testout) << "ignored" << endl;
double localh = len/mparam.segmentsperedge;
double s0, s1;
const TopTools_ListOfShape& parent_faces = edge_face_map.FindFromKey(e);
TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape parent_face_list;
for(parent_face_list.Initialize(parent_faces); parent_face_list.More(); parent_face_list.Next())
TopoDS_Face parent_face = TopoDS::Face(parent_face_list.Value());
int face_index = geom.fmap.FindIndex(parent_face);
if(face_index >= 1) localh = min(localh,geom.face_maxh[face_index - 1]);
localh = min2(localh, OCCGeometry::global_shape_properties[parent_face.TShape()].maxh);
Handle(Geom_Curve) c = BRep_Tool::Curve(e, s0, s1);
localh = min2(localh, OCCGeometry::global_shape_properties[e.TShape()].maxh);
maxedgelen = max (maxedgelen, len);
minedgelen = min (minedgelen, len);
int maxj = max((int) ceil(len/localh), 2);
for (int j = 0; j <= maxj; j++)
gp_Pnt pnt = c->Value (s0+double(j)/maxj*(s1-s0));
mesh.RestrictLocalH (Point3d(pnt.X(), pnt.Y(), pnt.Z()), localh);
multithread.task = "Setting local mesh size (edge curvature)";
// setting edge curvature
int nsections = 20;
for (int i = 1; i <= nedges && !multithread.terminate; i++)
double maxcur = 0;
multithread.percent = 100 * (i-1)/double(nedges);
TopoDS_Edge edge = TopoDS::Edge (geom.emap(i));
if (BRep_Tool::Degenerated(edge)) continue;
double s0, s1;
Handle(Geom_Curve) c = BRep_Tool::Curve(edge, s0, s1);
BRepAdaptor_Curve brepc(edge);
BRepLProp_CLProps prop(brepc, 2, 1e-5);
for (int j = 1; j <= nsections; j++)
double s = s0 + j/(double) nsections * (s1-s0);
prop.SetParameter (s);
double curvature = 0;
curvature = prop.Curvature();
if(curvature> maxcur) maxcur = curvature;
if (curvature >= 1e99)
gp_Pnt pnt = c->Value (s);
mesh.RestrictLocalH (Point3d(pnt.X(), pnt.Y(), pnt.Z()), ComputeH (fabs(curvature), mparam));
multithread.task = "Setting local mesh size (face curvature)";
// setting face curvature
int nfaces = geom.fmap.Extent();
for (int i = 1; i <= nfaces && !multithread.terminate; i++)
multithread.percent = 100 * (i-1)/double(nfaces);
TopoDS_Face face = TopoDS::Face(geom.fmap(i));
TopLoc_Location loc;
Handle(Geom_Surface) surf = BRep_Tool::Surface (face);
Handle(Poly_Triangulation) triangulation = BRep_Tool::Triangulation (face, loc);
if (triangulation.IsNull())
BRepTools::Clean (geom.shape);
BRepMesh_IncrementalMesh (geom.shape, 0.01, true);
triangulation = BRep_Tool::Triangulation (face, loc);
BRepAdaptor_Surface sf(face, Standard_True);
// one prop for evaluating and one for derivatives
BRepLProp_SLProps prop(sf, 0, 1e-5);
BRepLProp_SLProps prop2(sf, 2, 1e-5);
int ntriangles = triangulation -> NbTriangles();
for (int j = 1; j <= ntriangles; j++)
gp_Pnt p[3];
gp_Pnt2d par[3];
for (int k = 1; k <=3; k++)
// int n = triangulation->Triangles()(j)(k);
// p[k-1] = triangulation->Nodes()(n).Transformed(loc);
// par[k-1] = triangulation->UVNodes()(n);
// fix for OCC7.6.0-dev
int n = triangulation->Triangle(j)(k);
p[k-1] = triangulation->Node(n).Transformed(loc);
par[k-1] = triangulation->UVNode(n);
//double maxside = 0;
//maxside = max (maxside, p[0].Distance(p[1]));
//maxside = max (maxside, p[0].Distance(p[2]));
//maxside = max (maxside, p[1].Distance(p[2]));
//cout << "\rFace " << i << " pos11 ntriangles " << ntriangles << " maxside " << maxside << flush;
RestrictHTriangle (par[0], par[1], par[2], &prop, &prop2, mesh, 0, 0, mparam);
//cout << "\rFace " << i << " pos12 ntriangles " << ntriangles << flush;
// setting close edges
if (mparam.closeedgefac.has_value())
multithread.task = "Setting local mesh size (close edges)";
int sections = 100;
NgArray<Line> lines(sections*nedges);
BoxTree<3> * searchtree =
new BoxTree<3> (bb.PMin(), bb.PMax());
BoxTree<3> searchtree(bb.PMin(), bb.PMax());
int nlines = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= nedges && !multithread.terminate; i++)
TopoDS_Edge edge = TopoDS::Edge (geom.emap(i));
if (BRep_Tool::Degenerated(edge)) continue;
double s0, s1;
Handle(Geom_Curve) c = BRep_Tool::Curve(edge, s0, s1);
BRepAdaptor_Curve brepc(edge);
BRepLProp_CLProps prop(brepc, 1, 1e-5);
prop.SetParameter (s0);
gp_Vec d0 = prop.D1().Normalized();
double s_start = s0;
int count = 0;
for (int j = 1; j <= sections; j++)
double s = s0 + (s1-s0)*(double)j/(double)sections;
prop.SetParameter (s);
gp_Vec d1 = prop.D1().Normalized();
double cosalpha = fabs(d0*d1);
if ((j == sections) || (cosalpha < cos(10.0/180.0*M_PI)))
gp_Pnt p0 = c->Value (s_start);
gp_Pnt p1 = c->Value (s);
lines[nlines].p0 = Point<3> (p0.X(), p0.Y(), p0.Z());
lines[nlines].p1 = Point<3> (p1.X(), p1.Y(), p1.Z());
Box3d box;
box.SetPoint (Point3d(lines[nlines].p0));
box.AddPoint (Point3d(lines[nlines].p1));
searchtree.Insert (box.PMin(), box.PMax(), nlines+1);
s_start = s;
d0 = d1;
NgArray<int> linenums;
for (int i = 0; i < nlines; i++)
multithread.percent = (100*i)/double(nlines);
Line & line = lines[i];
Box3d box;
box.SetPoint (Point3d(line.p0));
box.AddPoint (Point3d(line.p1));
double maxhline = max (mesh.GetH(box.PMin()),
double mindist = 1e99;
for (int j = 0; j < linenums.Size(); j++)
int num = linenums[j]-1;
if (i == num) continue;
if ((line.p0-lines[num].p0).Length2() < 1e-15) continue;
if ((line.p0-lines[num].p1).Length2() < 1e-15) continue;
if ((line.p1-lines[num].p0).Length2() < 1e-15) continue;
if ((line.p1-lines[num].p1).Length2() < 1e-15) continue;
mindist = min (mindist, line.Dist(lines[num]));
mindist /= (*mparam.closeedgefac + VSMALL);
if (mindist < 1e-3 * bb.Diam())
(*testout) << "extremely small local h: " << mindist
<< " --> setting to " << 1e-3 * bb.Diam() << endl;
(*testout) << "somewhere near " << line.p0 << " - " << line.p1 << endl;
mindist = 1e-3 * bb.Diam();
mesh.RestrictLocalHLine(line.p0, line.p1, mindist);
for (auto mspnt : mparam.meshsize_points)
mesh.RestrictLocalH(mspnt.pnt, mspnt.h);
multithread.task = savetask;
mesh.LoadLocalMeshSize (mparam.meshsizefilename);