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#include "boundarylayer.hpp"
#include <core/array.hpp>
namespace netgen
struct Intersection_
bool is_intersecting = false;
double lam0 = -1, lam1 = -1;
Point<3> p;
double bary[3];
operator bool() const { return is_intersecting; }
struct GrowthVectorLimiter
typedef std::array<Point<3>, 2> Seg;
typedef std::array<Point<3>, 3> Trig;
BoundaryLayerTool& tool;
const BoundaryLayerParameters& params;
Mesh& mesh;
double height;
Array<double, PointIndex> limits;
FlatArray<Vec<3>, PointIndex> growthvectors;
BitArray changed_domains;
unique_ptr<BoxTree<3>> tree;
Array<PointIndex, PointIndex> map_from;
Table<SurfaceElementIndex, PointIndex> p2sel;
GrowthVectorLimiter(BoundaryLayerTool& tool_)
: tool(tool_), params(tool_.params), mesh(tool_.mesh), height(tool_.total_height), growthvectors(tool_.growthvectors), map_from(mesh.Points().Size())
changed_domains = tool.domains;
if (!params.outside)
map_from = tool.mapfrom;
p2sel = ngcore::CreateSortedTable<SurfaceElementIndex, PointIndex>(
[&] (auto& table, SurfaceElementIndex ei) {
for (PointIndex pi : tool.new_sels[ei].PNums())
table.Add(pi, ei);
auto SurfaceElementsRange () { return Range(tool.nse + tool.new_sels.Size()); }
void WriteErrorMesh (string name)
if (!debugparam.write_mesh_on_error)
Mesh out_mesh;
out_mesh = mesh;
for (auto [pi, data] : tool.growth_vector_map)
auto [gw, height] = data;
out_mesh[pi] += limits[pi] * height * (*gw);
const auto& Get (SurfaceElementIndex sei)
if (sei < tool.nse)
return mesh[sei];
return tool.new_sels[sei - tool.nse];
std::pair<double, double> GetMinMaxLimit (SurfaceElementIndex sei)
const auto& sel = Get(sei);
double min_limit = GetLimit(sel[0]);
double max_limit = min_limit;
for (auto i : IntRange(1, sel.GetNP()))
auto limit = GetLimit(sel[i]);
min_limit = min(min_limit, limit);
max_limit = max(max_limit, limit);
return {min_limit, max_limit};
double GetLimit (PointIndex pi)
if (pi <= tool.np)
return limits[pi];
return limits[map_from[pi]];
bool SetLimit (PointIndex pi, double new_limit)
double& limit = (pi <= tool.np) ? limits[pi] : limits[map_from[pi]];
if (limit <= new_limit)
return false;
limit = new_limit;
return true;
bool ScaleLimit (PointIndex pi, double factor)
double& limit = (pi <= tool.np) ? limits[pi] : limits[map_from[pi]];
return SetLimit(pi, limit * factor);
Vec<3> GetVector (PointIndex pi_to, double shift = 1., bool apply_limit = false)
auto [gw, height] = tool.growth_vector_map[pi_to];
if (apply_limit)
shift *= GetLimit(pi_to);
return shift * height * (*gw);
Point<3> GetPoint (PointIndex pi_to, double shift = 1., bool apply_limit = false)
if (pi_to <= tool.np || tool.growth_vector_map.count(pi_to) == 0)
return mesh[pi_to];
return mesh[pi_to] + GetVector(pi_to, shift, apply_limit);
Point<3> GetMappedPoint (PointIndex pi_from, double shift = 1., bool apply_limit = false)
auto pi_to = tool.mapto[pi_from].Last();
return GetPoint(pi_to, shift, apply_limit);
Seg GetMappedSeg (PointIndex pi_from, double shift = 1.)
return {mesh[pi_from], GetMappedPoint(pi_from, shift)};
Seg GetSeg (PointIndex pi_to, double shift = 1., bool apply_limit = false)
return {GetPoint(pi_to, 0), GetPoint(pi_to, shift, apply_limit)};
Trig GetTrig (SurfaceElementIndex sei, double shift = 0.0, bool apply_limit = false)
auto sel = Get(sei);
Trig trig;
for (auto i : Range(3))
trig[i] = GetPoint(sel[i], shift, apply_limit);
return trig;
Trig GetMappedTrig (SurfaceElementIndex sei, double shift = 0.0)
auto sel = Get(sei);
Trig trig;
for (auto i : Range(3))
trig[i] = GetMappedPoint(sel[i], shift);
return trig;
Trig GetSideTrig (SurfaceElementIndex sei, int index, double shift = 0.0, bool grow_first_vertex = true)
auto trig = GetMappedTrig(sei, 0.0);
auto sel = Get(sei);
auto index1 = (index + 1) % 3;
if (!grow_first_vertex)
index1 = (index + 2) % 3;
trig[index] = GetMappedPoint(sel[index1], shift, true);
return trig;
array<Trig, 4> GetSideTrigs (SurfaceElementIndex sei, int i0, double shift = 0.0)
auto trig = GetMappedTrig(sei, 0.0);
array<Trig, 4> trigs{trig, trig, trig, trig};
auto sel = Get(sei);
auto i1 = (i0 + 1) % 3;
auto i2 = (i0 + 2) % 3;
auto p1 = GetMappedPoint(sel[i1], shift, true);
auto p2 = GetMappedPoint(sel[i2], shift, true);
// create four trigs to span the quad from i1,i2 and their shifted points
// i1, i2, shifted i1
trigs[0][i0] = p1;
// i1, i2, shifted i2
trigs[1][i0] = p2;
// i1, shifted i1, shifted i2
trigs[2][i0] = p1;
trigs[2][i2] = p2;
// i2, shifted i1, shifted i2
trigs[2][i0] = p2;
trigs[2][i1] = p1;
return trigs;
static constexpr double INTERSECTION_SAFETY = .9;
bool LimitGrowthVector (PointIndex pi_to, SurfaceElementIndex sei, double trig_shift, double seg_shift, bool check_prism_sides = false)
auto pi_from = map_from[pi_to];
if (!pi_from.IsValid())
return false;
for (auto pi : Get(sei).PNums())
if (pi == pi_from)
return false;
if (map_from[pi] == pi_from)
return false;
if (check_prism_sides || trig_shift > .0)
auto [trig_min_limit, trig_max_limit] = GetMinMaxLimit(sei);
if (GetLimit(pi_to) < trig_min_limit)
return false;
auto getTrigs = [&] (double scaling = 1.0) -> ArrayMem<Trig, 3> {
ArrayMem<Trig, 12> trigs;
if (check_prism_sides)
for (auto i : Range(3))
for (auto trig : GetSideTrigs(sei, i, scaling * trig_shift))
trigs.Append(GetTrig(sei, scaling * trig_shift, true));
return trigs;
if (!check_prism_sides)
// If the growth vectors of all points are pointing in the same direction,
// an intersection means, we also have an intersection with a prism side face
// this is an extra check and handled later
auto seg = GetSeg(pi_to, 1.0, false);
auto gw = seg[1] - seg[0];
bool have_same_growth_direction = true;
for (auto pi : Get(sei).PNums())
auto p_seg = GetSeg(pi, 1.0, false);
auto p_gw = p_seg[1] - p_seg[0];
have_same_growth_direction &= (gw * p_gw) > 0;
if (have_same_growth_direction)
return false;
double scaling = 1.0;
while (true)
bool have_intersection = false;
auto seg = GetSeg(pi_to, scaling * seg_shift, true);
for (auto trig : getTrigs(scaling))
have_intersection |= isIntersectingTrig(seg, trig);
if (!have_intersection)
scaling *= 0.9;
if (scaling == 1.0)
return false;
double new_limit = scaling * max(GetLimit(pi_to), trig_max_limit);
SetLimit(pi_to, new_limit);
for (auto pi : Get(sei).PNums())
SetLimit(pi, new_limit);
return true;
auto seg = GetSeg(pi_to, seg_shift, false);
auto trig = GetTrig(sei, 0.0);
auto intersection = isIntersectingTrig(seg, trig);
// checking with original surface elements -> allow only half the distance
auto new_seg_limit = 0.40 * intersection.lam0 * seg_shift;
if (intersection && new_seg_limit < GetLimit(pi_from))
return SetLimit(pi_from, new_seg_limit);
return false;
void EqualizeLimits (double factor = .5)
static Timer t("GrowthVectorLimiter::EqualizeLimits");
PrintMessage(5, "GrowthVectorLimiter - equalize limits");
RegionTimer reg(t);
if (factor == 0.0)
for (PointIndex pi : IntRange(tool.np, mesh.GetNP()))
auto pi_from = map_from[pi];
std::set<PointIndex> pis;
for (auto sei : p2sel[pi])
for (auto pi_ : tool.new_sels[sei].PNums())
ArrayMem<double, 20> limits;
for (auto pi1 : pis)
auto limit = GetLimit(pi1);
if (limit > 0.0)
if (limits.Size() == 0)
double average = 0.0;
for (auto l : limits)
average += l;
average /= limits.Size();
SetLimit(pi, factor * average + (1.0 - factor) * GetLimit(pi));
void LimitSelfIntersection (double safety = 1.4)
static Timer t("GrowthVectorLimiter::LimitSelfIntersection");
PrintMessage(5, "GrowthVectorLimiter - self intersection");
RegionTimer reg(t);
// check for self-intersection within new elements (prisms/hexes)
auto isIntersecting = [&] (SurfaceElementIndex sei, double shift) {
// checks if surface element is self intersecting when growing with factor
// shift
// ignore new surface elements, side trigs are only built
// from original surface elements
if (sei >= tool.nse)
return false;
const auto sel = Get(sei);
auto np = sel.GetNP();
for (auto i : Range(np))
if (sel[i] > tool.np)
return false;
if (tool.mapto[sel[i]].Size() == 0)
return false;
for (auto i : Range(np))
auto seg = GetMappedSeg(sel[i], shift * limits[sel[i]]);
for (auto fi : Range(np - 2))
for (auto side : {true, false})
auto trig = GetSideTrig(sei, i + fi, 1.0, side);
if (isIntersectingPlane(seg, trig))
return true;
return false;
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei : mesh.SurfaceElements().Range())
auto sel = mesh[sei];
if (!tool.moved_surfaces[sel.GetIndex()])
if (sel.GetNP() == 4)
const auto& fd = mesh.GetFaceDescriptor(sel.GetIndex());
auto np = sel.GetNP();
double shift = 1.0;
const double step_factor = 0.9;
while (isIntersecting(sei, shift * safety))
shift *= step_factor;
double max_limit = 0;
for (auto i : Range(np))
max_limit = max(max_limit, limits[sel[i]]);
for (auto i : Range(np))
if (max_limit == limits[sel[i]])
ScaleLimit(sel[i], step_factor);
// if (max_limit < 0.01) break;
// checks if a segment is intersecting a plane, spanned by three points, lam
// will be set s.t. p_intersect = seg[0] + lam * (seg[1]-seg[0])
Intersection_ isIntersectingPlane (const Seg& seg,
const Trig& trig)
auto t1 = trig[1] - trig[0];
auto t2 = trig[2] - trig[0];
auto n = Cross(t1, t2);
auto v0n = (seg[0] - trig[0]) * n;
auto v1n = (seg[1] - trig[0]) * n;
Intersection_ intersection;
intersection.lam0 = -v0n / (v1n - v0n);
intersection.p = seg[0] + intersection.lam0 * (seg[1] - seg[0]);
intersection.is_intersecting = (v0n * v1n < 0) && (intersection.lam0 > -1e-8) && (intersection.lam0 < 1 + 1e-8);
return intersection;
Intersection_ isIntersectingTrig (const Seg& seg, const Trig& trig)
auto intersection = isIntersectingPlane(seg, trig);
if (!intersection)
return intersection;
auto p = seg[0] + intersection.lam0 * (seg[1] - seg[0]) - trig[0];
Vec3d col1 = trig[1] - trig[0];
Vec3d col2 = trig[2] - trig[0];
Vec3d col3 = Cross(col1, col2);
Vec3d rhs = p;
Vec3d bary;
SolveLinearSystem(col1, col2, col3, rhs, bary);
intersection.lam1 = 0;
double eps = 1e-4;
if (bary.X() >= -eps && bary.Y() >= -eps && bary.X() + bary.Y() <= 1 + eps)
intersection.bary[0] = bary.X();
intersection.bary[1] = bary.Y();
intersection.bary[2] = 1.0 - bary.X() - bary.Y();
intersection.is_intersecting = false;
return intersection;
Intersection_ isIntersectingTrig (PointIndex pi_from, PointIndex pi_to, SurfaceElementIndex sei, double shift = 0.0)
return isIntersectingTrig(GetSeg(pi_from, pi_to), GetTrig(sei, shift));
void BuildSearchTree (double trig_shift)
static Timer t("BuildSearchTree");
RegionTimer rt(t);
Box<3> bbox(Box<3>::EMPTY_BOX);
for (PointIndex pi : mesh.Points().Range())
bbox.Add(GetPoint(pi, 1.1));
tree = make_unique<BoxTree<3>>(bbox);
for (auto sei : SurfaceElementsRange())
const auto& sel = Get(sei);
auto sel_index = sel.GetIndex();
Box<3> box(Box<3>::EMPTY_BOX);
for (auto pi : sel.PNums())
box.Add(GetPoint(pi, 0.));
box.Add(GetPoint(pi, trig_shift * GetLimit(pi)));
tree->Insert(box, sei);
template <typename TFunc>
void FindTreeIntersections (double trig_shift, double seg_shift, TFunc f, BitArray* relevant_points = nullptr)
static Timer t("GrowthVectorLimiter::FindTreeIntersections");
RegionTimer rt(t);
auto np_new = mesh.Points().Size();
int counter = 0;
for (auto i : IntRange(tool.np, np_new))
PointIndex pi_to = i + PointIndex::BASE;
PointIndex pi_from = map_from[pi_to];
if (!pi_from.IsValid())
throw Exception("Point not mapped");
if (relevant_points && !relevant_points->Test(pi_to) && !relevant_points->Test(pi_from))
Box<3> box(Box<3>::EMPTY_BOX);
auto seg = GetSeg(pi_to, seg_shift);
box.Add(GetPoint(pi_to, 0));
box.Add(GetPoint(pi_to, GetLimit(pi_from)));
tree->GetFirstIntersecting(box.PMin(), box.PMax(), [&] (SurfaceElementIndex sei) {
const auto& sel = Get(sei);
if (sel.PNums().Contains(pi_from))
return false;
if (sel.PNums().Contains(pi_to))
return false;
f(pi_to, sei);
return false;
void FixIntersectingSurfaceTrigs ()
static Timer t("GrowthVectorLimiter::FixIntersectingSurfaceTrigs");
RegionTimer reg(t);
// check if surface trigs are intersecting each other
bool changed = true;
while (changed)
changed = false;
Point3d pmin, pmax;
mesh.GetBox(pmin, pmax);
BoxTree<3, SurfaceElementIndex> setree(pmin, pmax);
for (auto sei : SurfaceElementsRange())
const Element2d& tri = Get(sei);
Box<3> box(Box<3>::EMPTY_BOX);
for (PointIndex pi : tri.PNums())
box.Add(GetPoint(pi, 1.0, true));
box.Increase(1e-3 * box.Diam());
setree.Insert(box, sei);
for (auto sei : SurfaceElementsRange())
const Element2d& tri = Get(sei);
Box<3> box(Box<3>::EMPTY_BOX);
for (PointIndex pi : tri.PNums())
box.Add(GetPoint(pi, 1.0, true));
setree.GetFirstIntersecting(box.PMin(), box.PMax(), [&] (size_t sej) {
const Element2d& tri2 = Get(sej);
if (mesh[tri[0]].GetLayer() != mesh[tri2[0]].GetLayer())
return false;
netgen::Point<3> tri1_points[3], tri2_points[3];
const netgen::Point<3>*trip1[3], *trip2[3];
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
trip1[k] = &tri1_points[k];
trip2[k] = &tri2_points[k];
auto set_points = [&] () {
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
tri1_points[k] = GetPoint(tri[k], 1.0, true);
tri2_points[k] = GetPoint(tri2[k], 1.0, true);
int counter = 0;
while (IntersectTriangleTriangle(&trip1[0], &trip2[0]))
changed = true;
PointIndex pi_max_limit = PointIndex::INVALID;
for (PointIndex pi :
{tri[0], tri[1], tri[2], tri2[0], tri2[1], tri2[2]})
if (pi > tool.np && (!pi_max_limit.IsValid() || GetLimit(pi) > GetLimit(pi_max_limit)))
pi_max_limit = map_from[pi];
if (!pi_max_limit.IsValid())
ScaleLimit(pi_max_limit, 0.9);
if (GetLimit(pi_max_limit) < 1e-10)
WriteErrorMesh("error_blayer_self_intersection_pi" + ToString(pi_max_limit) + ".vol.gz");
throw NgException("Stop meshing in boundary layer thickness limitation: overlapping regions detected at elements " + ToString(tri) + " and " + ToString(tri2));
if (debugparam.debugoutput && counter > 20)
cerr << "Limit intersecting surface elements: too many "
"limitation steps, sels: "
<< Get(sei) << '\t' << Get(sej) << endl;
for (auto si : {sei, sej})
auto sel = Get(si);
cerr << "Limits: ";
for (auto pi : sel.PNums())
cerr << GetLimit(pi) << ",\t";
cerr << endl;
for (auto pi : sel.PNums())
cerr << GetPoint(pi, 1.0, true) << "\t";
cerr << endl;
cerr << "pi_max_limit " << pi_max_limit << endl;
return false;
void LimitOriginalSurface (double safety)
static Timer t("GrowthVectorLimiter::LimitOriginalSurface");
RegionTimer reg(t);
PrintMessage(5, "GrowthVectorLimiter - original surface");
// limit to not intersect with other (original) surface elements
double trig_shift = 0;
double seg_shift = safety;
trig_shift, seg_shift, [&] (PointIndex pi_to, SurfaceElementIndex sei) {
if (sei >= tool.nse)
return; // ignore new surface elements in first pass
LimitGrowthVector(pi_to, sei, trig_shift, seg_shift);
void LimitBoundaryLayer (double safety = 1.1)
static Timer t("GrowthVectorLimiter::LimitBoundaryLayer");
PrintMessage(5, "GrowthVectorLimiter - boundary layer");
// now limit again with shifted surface elements
double trig_shift = safety;
double seg_shift = safety;
size_t limit_counter = 1;
BitArray relevant_points, relevant_points_next;
relevant_points.SetSize(mesh.Points().Size() + 1);
relevant_points_next.SetSize(mesh.Points().Size() + 1);
while (limit_counter)
RegionTimer reg(t);
size_t find_counter = 0;
limit_counter = 0;
trig_shift, seg_shift, [&] (PointIndex pi_to, SurfaceElementIndex sei) {
auto sel = Get(sei);
if (LimitGrowthVector(pi_to, sei, trig_shift, seg_shift))
for (auto pi : sel.PNums())
if (pi >= tool.np)
for (auto pi : sel.PNums())
if (pi >= tool.np)
if (tool.mapto[pi].Size() == 0)
if (LimitGrowthVector(pi_to, sei, trig_shift, seg_shift, true))
relevant_points = relevant_points_next;
void CheckLimits (int line)
auto check_point = [&] (PointIndex pi) {
if (limits[pi] < 1e-8)
WriteErrorMesh("error_blayer_intersection_pi" + ToString(pi) + ".vol.gz");
throw NgException(__FILE__ + ToString(line) + ": Stop meshing in boundary layer thickness limitation: overlapping regions detected at point " + ToString(pi));
for (auto pi : Range(growthvectors))
for (auto& [special_pi, special_point] : tool.special_boundary_points)
void Perform ()
limits = 1.0;
if (tool.special_boundary_points.size())
auto point_to_sel = tool.mesh.CreatePoint2SurfaceElementTable();
for (auto& [pi, special_point] : tool.special_boundary_points)
auto maxh = mesh.GetH(mesh[pi]);
auto new_limit = min(0.3 * maxh / tool.total_height, 1.0);
if (new_limit < 1.0)
limits[pi] = new_limit;
for (auto sei : point_to_sel[pi])
for (auto pi_ : Get(sei).PNums())
limits[pi_] = new_limit;
std::array safeties = {0.5, 1.1, 1.5, 1.5};
// No smoothing in the last pass, to avoid generating new intersections
std::array smoothing_factors = {0.8, 0.7, 0.5, 0.0};
for (auto i_pass : Range(safeties.size()))
PrintMessage(4, "GrowthVectorLimiter pass ", i_pass);
double safety = safeties[i_pass];
// intersect segment with original surface elements
// intersect prisms with themself
LimitSelfIntersection(1.3 * safety);
// intesect segment with prism
for (auto i : Range(10))
if (i_pass == safeties.size() - 1)
for (auto i : Range(growthvectors))
growthvectors[i] *= limits[i];
for (auto& [special_pi, special_point] : tool.special_boundary_points)
for (auto& group : special_point.growth_groups)
group.growth_vector *= limits[special_pi];
} // namespace netgen