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synced 2025-03-18 12:37:56 +05:00
609 lines
12 KiB
609 lines
12 KiB
#include <mystdlib.h>
#include "meshing.hpp"
#ifdef WIN32
#define COMMASIGN ':'
#define COMMASIGN ','
namespace netgen
void LoadMatrixLine (istream & ist, DenseMatrix & m, int line)
char ch;
int pnum;
float f;
ist >> ch;
while (ch != '}')
ist.putback (ch);
ist >> f;
ist >> ch;
ist >> pnum;
if (ch == 'x' || ch == 'X')
m.Elem(line, 2 * pnum - 1) = f;
if (ch == 'y' || ch == 'Y')
m.Elem(line, 2 * pnum) = f;
ist >> ch;
if (ch == COMMASIGN)
ist >> ch;
void netrule :: LoadRule (istream & ist)
char buf[256];
char ch;
Point<2> p;
INDEX_2 lin;
int i, j;
DenseMatrix tempoldutonewu(20, 20), tempoldutofreearea(20, 20),
tempoldutofreearealimit(20, 20);
tempoldutonewu = 0;
tempoldutofreearea = 0;
tempoldutofreearealimit = 0;
noldp = 0;
noldl = 0;
ist.get (buf, sizeof(buf), '"');
ist.get (ch);
ist.get (buf, sizeof(buf), '"');
ist.get (ch);
// if(name != NULL)
delete [] name;
name = new char[strlen (buf) + 1];
strcpy (name, buf);
//(*testout) << "name " << name << endl;
// (*mycout) << "Rule " << name << " found." << endl;
ist >> buf;
//(*testout) << "buf " << buf << endl;
if (strcmp (buf, "quality") == 0)
ist >> quality;
else if (strcmp (buf, "mappoints") == 0)
ist >> ch;
while (ch == '(')
ist >> p[0];
ist >> ch; // ','
ist >> p[1];
ist >> ch; // ')'
points.Append (p);
tolerances.SetSize (noldp);
tolerances.Elem(noldp).f1 = 1.0;
tolerances.Elem(noldp).f2 = 0;
tolerances.Elem(noldp).f3 = 1.0;
ist >> ch;
while (ch != ';')
if (ch == '{')
ist >> tolerances.Elem(noldp).f1;
ist >> ch; // ','
ist >> tolerances.Elem(noldp).f2;
ist >> ch; // ','
ist >> tolerances.Elem(noldp).f3;
ist >> ch; // '}'
else if (ch == 'd')
// delpoints.Append (noldp);
ist >> ch; // 'e'
ist >> ch; // 'l'
ist >> ch;
ist >> ch;
ist.putback (ch);
else if (strcmp (buf, "maplines") == 0)
ist >> ch;
while (ch == '(')
ist >> lin.I1();
ist >> ch; // ','
ist >> lin.I2();
ist >> ch; // ')'
//(*testout) << "read line " << lin.I1() << " " << lin.I2() << endl;
lines.Append (lin);
linevecs.Append (points.Get(lin.I2()) - points.Get(lin.I1()));
linetolerances.SetSize (noldl);
linetolerances.Elem(noldl).f1 = 0;
linetolerances.Elem(noldl).f2 = 0;
linetolerances.Elem(noldl).f3 = 0;
//(*testout) << "mapl1" << endl;
ist >> ch;
while (ch != ';')
//(*testout) << "working on character \""<<ch<<"\""<< endl;
if (ch == '{')
ist >> linetolerances.Elem(noldl).f1;
ist >> ch; // ','
ist >> linetolerances.Elem(noldl).f2;
ist >> ch; // ','
ist >> linetolerances.Elem(noldl).f3;
ist >> ch; // '}'
else if (ch == 'd')
dellines.Append (noldl);
ist >> ch; // 'e'
ist >> ch; // 'l'
//(*testout) << "read del" << endl;
ist >> ch;
//(*testout) << "read character \""<<ch<<"\""<< endl;
ist >> ch;
//(*testout) << "read next character \""<<ch<<"\""<< endl;
ist.putback (ch);
else if (strcmp (buf, "newpoints") == 0)
ist >> ch;
while (ch == '(')
ist >> p[0];
ist >> ch; // ','
ist >> p[1];
ist >> ch; // ')'
points.Append (p);
ist >> ch;
while (ch != ';')
if (ch == '{')
LoadMatrixLine (ist, tempoldutonewu,
2 * (points.Size()-noldp) - 1);
ist >> ch; // '{'
LoadMatrixLine (ist, tempoldutonewu,
2 * (points.Size()-noldp));
ist >> ch;
ist >> ch;
ist.putback (ch);
else if (strcmp (buf, "newlines") == 0)
ist >> ch;
while (ch == '(')
ist >> lin.I1();
ist >> ch; // ','
ist >> lin.I2();
ist >> ch; // ')'
lines.Append (lin);
linevecs.Append (points.Get(lin.I2()) - points.Get(lin.I1()));
ist >> ch;
while (ch != ';')
ist >> ch;
ist >> ch;
ist.putback (ch);
else if (strcmp (buf, "freearea") == 0)
ist >> ch;
while (ch == '(')
ist >> p[0];
ist >> ch; // ','
ist >> p[1];
ist >> ch; // ')'
freezone.Append (p);
freezonelimit.Append (p);
ist >> ch;
while (ch != ';')
if (ch == '{')
LoadMatrixLine (ist, tempoldutofreearea,
2 * freezone.Size() - 1);
ist >> ch; // '{'
LoadMatrixLine (ist, tempoldutofreearea,
2 * freezone.Size());
ist >> ch;
ist >> ch;
for (i = 1; i <= tempoldutofreearealimit.Height(); i++)
for (j = 1; j <= tempoldutofreearealimit.Width(); j++)
tempoldutofreearealimit.Elem(i,j) =
ist.putback (ch);
else if (strcmp (buf, "freearea2") == 0)
ist >> ch;
int freepi = 0;
tempoldutofreearealimit = 0;
while (ch == '(')
ist >> p[0];
ist >> ch; // ','
ist >> p[1];
ist >> ch; // ')'
freezonelimit.Elem(freepi) = p;
ist >> ch;
while (ch != ';')
if (ch == '{')
LoadMatrixLine (ist, tempoldutofreearealimit,
2 * freepi - 1);
ist >> ch; // '{'
LoadMatrixLine (ist, tempoldutofreearealimit,
2 * freepi);
ist >> ch;
ist >> ch;
ist.putback (ch);
else if (strcmp (buf, "elements") == 0)
ist >> ch;
while (ch == '(')
elements.Append (Element2d(TRIG));
ist >> elements.Last().PNum(1);
ist >> ch; // ','
if (ch == COMMASIGN)
ist >> elements.Last().PNum(2);
ist >> ch; // ','
if (ch == COMMASIGN)
ist >> elements.Last().PNum(3);
ist >> ch; // ','
if (ch == COMMASIGN)
elements.Last().SetType (QUAD);
ist >> elements.Last().PNum(4);
ist >> ch; // ','
// const Element2d & el = elements.Last();
orientations.Append (threeint(el.PNum(1), el.PNum(2), el.PNum(3)));
orientations.Append (threeint(el.PNum(2), el.PNum(3), el.PNum(4)));
orientations.Append (threeint(el.PNum(3), el.PNum(4), el.PNum(1)));
orientations.Append (threeint(el.PNum(4), el.PNum(1), el.PNum(2)));
ist >> ch;
while (ch != ';')
ist >> ch;
ist >> ch;
ist.putback (ch);
else if (strcmp (buf, "orientations") == 0)
ist >> ch;
while (ch == '(')
// threeint a = threeint();
orientations.Append (threeint());
ist >> orientations.Last().i1;
ist >> ch; // ','
ist >> orientations.Last().i2;
ist >> ch; // ','
ist >> orientations.Last().i3;
ist >> ch; // ','
ist >> ch;
while (ch != ';')
ist >> ch;
ist >> ch;
ist.putback (ch);
else if (strcmp (buf, "endrule") != 0)
PrintSysError ("Parser error, unknown token ", buf);
while (!ist.eof() && strcmp (buf, "endrule") != 0);
oldutonewu.SetSize (2 * (points.Size() - noldp), 2 * noldp);
oldutofreearea.SetSize (2 * freezone.Size(), 2 * noldp);
oldutofreearealimit.SetSize (2 * freezone.Size(), 2 * noldp);
for (i = 1; i <= oldutonewu.Height(); i++)
for (j = 1; j <= oldutonewu.Width(); j++)
oldutonewu.Elem(i, j) = tempoldutonewu.Elem(i, j);
for (i = 1; i <= oldutofreearea.Height(); i++)
for (j = 1; j <= oldutofreearea.Width(); j++)
oldutofreearea.Elem(i, j) = tempoldutofreearea.Elem(i, j);
for (i = 1; i <= oldutofreearea.Height(); i++)
for (j = 1; j <= oldutofreearea.Width(); j++)
oldutofreearealimit.Elem(i, j) = tempoldutofreearealimit.Elem(i, j);
freesetinequ.SetSize (freezone.Size());
char ok;
int minn;
NgArray<int> pnearness (noldp);
for (i = 1; i <= pnearness.Size(); i++)
pnearness.Elem(i) = 1000;
for (j = 1; j <= 2; j++)
pnearness.Elem(GetPointNr (1, j)) = 0;
ok = 1;
for (i = 1; i <= noldl; i++)
minn = 1000;
for (j = 1; j <= 2; j++)
minn = min2 (minn, pnearness.Get(GetPointNr (i, j)));
for (j = 1; j <= 2; j++)
if (pnearness.Get(GetPointNr (i, j)) > minn+1)
ok = 0;
pnearness.Elem(GetPointNr (i, j)) = minn+1;
while (!ok);
lnearness.SetSize (noldl);
for (i = 1; i <= noldl; i++)
lnearness.Elem(i) = 0;
for (j = 1; j <= 2; j++)
lnearness.Elem(i) += pnearness.Get(GetPointNr (i, j));
oldutofreearea_i.SetSize (10);
freezone_i.SetSize (10);
for (i = 0; i < oldutofreearea_i.Size(); i++)
double lam1 = 1.0/(i+1);
oldutofreearea_i[i] = new DenseMatrix (oldutofreearea.Height(), oldutofreearea.Width());
DenseMatrix & mati = *oldutofreearea_i[i];
for (j = 0; j < oldutofreearea.Height(); j++)
for (int k = 0; k < oldutofreearea.Width(); k++)
mati(j,k) = lam1 * oldutofreearea(j,k) + (1 - lam1) * oldutofreearealimit(j,k);
freezone_i[i] = new NgArray<Point<2>> (freezone.Size());
auto& fzi = *freezone_i[i];
for (int j = 0; j < freezone.Size(); j++)
fzi[j] = freezonelimit[j] + lam1 * (freezone[j] - freezonelimit[j]);
extern const char * triarules[];
extern const char * quadrules[];
void Meshing2 :: LoadRules (const char * filename, bool quad)
char buf[256];
istream * ist;
//char *tr1 = NULL;
string tr1;
ifstream ist (filename);
if (!ist.good())
cerr << "Rule description file " << filename << " not found" << endl;
exit (1);
if (filename)
// (*mycout) << "rule-filename = " << filename << endl;
ist = new ifstream (filename);
/* connect tetrules to one string */
const char ** hcp;
// if (!mparam.quad)
if (!quad)
hcp = triarules;
PrintMessage (3, "load internal triangle rules");
hcp = quadrules;
PrintMessage (3, "load internal quad rules");
// LoadRules ("rules/quad.rls");
size_t len = 0;
while (*hcp)
// (*testout) << "POS2 *hcp " << *hcp << endl;
len += strlen (*hcp);
//tr1 = new char[len+1];
//tr1[0] = 0;
// if (!mparam.quad)
if (!quad)
hcp = triarules;
hcp = quadrules;
//char * tt1 = tr1;
while (*hcp)
//strcat (tt1, *hcp);
//tt1 += strlen (*hcp);
#ifdef WIN32
// VC++ 2005 workaround
for(string::size_type i=0; i<tr1.size(); i++)
if(tr1[i] == ',')
tr1[i] = ':';
ist = new istringstream (tr1);
if (!ist->good())
cerr << "Rule description file " << filename << " not found" << endl;
delete ist;
exit (1);
Timer t("Parsing rules");
while (!ist->eof())
buf[0] = 0;
(*ist) >> buf;
if (strcmp (buf, "rule") == 0)
//(*testout) << "found rule" << endl;
netrule * rule = new netrule;
//(*testout) << "fr1" << endl;
rule -> LoadRule(*ist);
//(*testout) << "fr2" << endl;
rules.Append (rule);
//(*testout) << "loop" << endl;
//(*testout) << "POS3" << endl;
delete ist;
//delete [] tr1;