mirror of
synced 2024-11-12 00:59:16 +05:00
Fix boundarynames from occgeo created with global bc map See merge request jschoeberl/netgen!421
1392 lines
48 KiB
1392 lines
48 KiB
#include <mystdlib.h>
#include <occgeom.hpp>
#include <meshing.hpp>
namespace netgen
#include "occmeshsurf.hpp"
#define TCL_OK 0
#define TCL_ERROR 1
#define DIVIDEEDGESECTIONS 10000 // better solution to come soon
#define VSMALL 1e-10
DLL_HEADER bool merge_solids = false;
// can you please explain what you intend to compute here (JS) !!!
double Line :: Dist (Line l)
Vec<3> n = p1-p0;
Vec<3> q = l.p1-l.p0;
double nq = n*q;
Point<3> p = p0 + 0.5*n;
double lambda = (p-l.p0)*n / (nq + VSMALL);
if (lambda >= 0 && lambda <= 1)
double d = (p-l.p0-lambda*q).Length();
// if (d < 1e-3) d = 1e99;
return d;
return 1e99;
double ComputeH (double kappa, const MeshingParameters & mparam)
kappa *= mparam.curvaturesafety;
double hret;
if (mparam.maxh * kappa < 1)
hret = mparam.maxh;
hret = 1 / (kappa + VSMALL);
if (mparam.maxh < hret)
hret = mparam.maxh;
return hret;
// return min(mparam.maxh, 1/kappa);
return (mparam.maxh*kappa < 1) ? mparam.maxh : 1/kappa;
void RestrictHTriangle (gp_Pnt2d & par0, gp_Pnt2d & par1, gp_Pnt2d & par2,
BRepLProp_SLProps * prop, BRepLProp_SLProps * prop2, Mesh & mesh, int depth, double h,
const MeshingParameters & mparam)
int ls = -1;
gp_Pnt pnt0,pnt1,pnt2;
prop->SetParameters (par0.X(), par0.Y());
pnt0 = prop->Value();
prop->SetParameters (par1.X(), par1.Y());
pnt1 = prop->Value();
prop->SetParameters (par2.X(), par2.Y());
pnt2 = prop->Value();
double aux;
double maxside = pnt0.Distance(pnt1);
ls = 2;
aux = pnt1.Distance(pnt2);
if(aux > maxside)
maxside = aux;
ls = 0;
aux = pnt2.Distance(pnt0);
if(aux > maxside)
maxside = aux;
ls = 1;
gp_Pnt2d parmid;
parmid.SetX( (par0.X()+par1.X()+par2.X()) / 3 );
parmid.SetY( (par0.Y()+par1.Y()+par2.Y()) / 3 );
if (depth%3 == 0)
double curvature = 0;
prop2->SetParameters (parmid.X(), parmid.Y());
if (!prop2->IsCurvatureDefined())
(*testout) << "curvature not defined!" << endl;
curvature = max(fabs(prop2->MinCurvature()),
prop2->SetParameters (par0.X(), par0.Y());
if (!prop2->IsCurvatureDefined())
(*testout) << "curvature not defined!" << endl;
curvature = max(curvature,max(fabs(prop2->MinCurvature()),
prop2->SetParameters (par1.X(), par1.Y());
if (!prop2->IsCurvatureDefined())
(*testout) << "curvature not defined!" << endl;
curvature = max(curvature,max(fabs(prop2->MinCurvature()),
prop2->SetParameters (par2.X(), par2.Y());
if (!prop2->IsCurvatureDefined())
(*testout) << "curvature not defined!" << endl;
curvature = max(curvature,max(fabs(prop2->MinCurvature()),
//(*testout) << "curvature " << curvature << endl;
if (curvature < 1e-3)
//(*testout) << "curvature too small (" << curvature << ")!" << endl;
// return war bis 10.2.05 auskommentiert
h = ComputeH (curvature+1e-10, mparam);
if(h < 1e-4*maxside)
// if (h > 30) return;
if (h < maxside && depth < 10)
//cout << "\r h " << h << flush;
gp_Pnt2d pm;
//cout << "h " << h << " maxside " << maxside << " depth " << depth << endl;
//cout << "par0 " << par0.X() << " " << par0.Y()
//<< " par1 " << par1.X() << " " << par1.Y()
// << " par2 " << par2.X() << " " << par2.Y()<< endl;
if(ls == 0)
pm.SetX(0.5*(par1.X()+par2.X())); pm.SetY(0.5*(par1.Y()+par2.Y()));
RestrictHTriangle(pm, par2, par0, prop, prop2, mesh, depth+1, h, mparam);
RestrictHTriangle(pm, par0, par1, prop, prop2, mesh, depth+1, h, mparam);
else if(ls == 1)
pm.SetX(0.5*(par0.X()+par2.X())); pm.SetY(0.5*(par0.Y()+par2.Y()));
RestrictHTriangle(pm, par1, par2, prop, prop2, mesh, depth+1, h, mparam);
RestrictHTriangle(pm, par0, par1, prop, prop2, mesh, depth+1, h, mparam);
else if(ls == 2)
pm.SetX(0.5*(par0.X()+par1.X())); pm.SetY(0.5*(par0.Y()+par1.Y()));
RestrictHTriangle(pm, par1, par2, prop, prop2, mesh, depth+1, h, mparam);
RestrictHTriangle(pm, par2, par0, prop, prop2, mesh, depth+1, h, mparam);
gp_Pnt pnt;
Point3d p3d;
prop->SetParameters (parmid.X(), parmid.Y());
pnt = prop->Value();
p3d = Point3d(pnt.X(), pnt.Y(), pnt.Z());
mesh.RestrictLocalH (p3d, h);
p3d = Point3d(pnt0.X(), pnt0.Y(), pnt0.Z());
mesh.RestrictLocalH (p3d, h);
p3d = Point3d(pnt1.X(), pnt1.Y(), pnt1.Z());
mesh.RestrictLocalH (p3d, h);
p3d = Point3d(pnt2.X(), pnt2.Y(), pnt2.Z());
mesh.RestrictLocalH (p3d, h);
//(*testout) << "p = " << p3d << ", h = " << h << ", maxside = " << maxside << endl;
void DivideEdge (TopoDS_Edge & edge, NgArray<MeshPoint> & ps,
Array<double> & params, Mesh & mesh,
const MeshingParameters & mparam)
double s0, s1;
int nsubedges = 1;
gp_Pnt pnt, oldpnt;
GProp_GProps system;
BRepGProp::LinearProperties(edge, system);
double L = system.Mass();
Handle(Geom_Curve) c = BRep_Tool::Curve(edge, s0, s1);
double hvalue[DIVIDEEDGESECTIONS+1];
hvalue[0] = 0;
pnt = c->Value(s0);
int tmpVal = (int)(DIVIDEEDGESECTIONS);
for (int i = 1; i <= tmpVal; i++)
oldpnt = pnt;
pnt = c->Value(s0+(i/double(DIVIDEEDGESECTIONS))*(s1-s0));
hvalue[i] = hvalue[i-1] +
1.0/mesh.GetH(Point3d(pnt.X(), pnt.Y(), pnt.Z()))*
//(*testout) << "mesh.GetH(Point3d(pnt.X(), pnt.Y(), pnt.Z())) " << mesh.GetH(Point3d(pnt.X(), pnt.Y(), pnt.Z()))
// << " pnt.Distance(oldpnt) " << pnt.Distance(oldpnt) << endl;
// nsubedges = int(ceil(hvalue[DIVIDEEDGESECTIONS]));
nsubedges = max (1, int(floor(hvalue[DIVIDEEDGESECTIONS]+0.5)));
int i = 1;
int i1 = 0;
if (hvalue[i1]/hvalue[DIVIDEEDGESECTIONS]*nsubedges >= i)
params[i] = s0+(i1/double(DIVIDEEDGESECTIONS))*(s1-s0);
pnt = c->Value(params[i]);
ps[i-1] = MeshPoint (Point3d(pnt.X(), pnt.Y(), pnt.Z()));
nsubedges = i;
cout << "divide edge: local h too small" << endl;
} while (i < nsubedges);
params[0] = s0;
params[nsubedges] = s1;
if (params[nsubedges] <= params[nsubedges-1])
cout << "CORRECTED" << endl;
ps.SetSize (nsubedges-2);
params.SetSize (nsubedges);
params[nsubedges] = s1;
void OCCFindEdges (const OCCGeometry & geom, Mesh & mesh, const MeshingParameters & mparam)
static Timer t("OCCFindEdges"); RegionTimer r(t);
static Timer tsearch("OCCFindEdges - search point");
const char * savetask = multithread.task;
multithread.task = "Edge meshing";
(*testout) << "edge meshing" << endl;
int nvertices = geom.vmap.Extent();
int nedges = geom.emap.Extent();
Array<Array<PointIndex>> alledgepnums(nedges);
Array<Array<double>> alledgeparams(nedges);
(*testout) << "nvertices = " << nvertices << endl;
(*testout) << "nedges = " << nedges << endl;
double eps = 1e-6 * geom.GetBoundingBox().Diam();
for (int i = 1; i <= nvertices; i++)
gp_Pnt pnt = BRep_Tool::Pnt (TopoDS::Vertex(geom.vmap(i)));
MeshPoint mp(occ2ng(pnt));
bool exists = false;
if (merge_solids)
for (PointIndex pi : mesh.Points().Range())
if (Dist2 (mesh[pi], Point<3>(mp)) < eps*eps)
exists = true;
if (!exists)
mesh.AddPoint (mp);
double maxh = OCCGeometry::global_shape_properties[TopoDS::Vertex(geom.vmap(i)).TShape()].maxh;
mesh.RestrictLocalH (occ2ng(pnt), maxh);
(*testout) << "different vertices = " << mesh.GetNP() << endl;
// int first_ep = mesh.GetNP()+1;
// PointIndex first_ep = mesh.Points().End();
PointIndex first_ep = *mesh.Points().Range().end();
auto vertexrange = mesh.Points().Range();
NgArray<int> face2solid[2];
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
face2solid[i].SetSize (geom.fmap.Extent());
face2solid[i] = 0;
int solidnr = 0;
for (TopExp_Explorer exp0(geom.shape, TopAbs_SOLID); exp0.More(); exp0.Next())
for (TopExp_Explorer exp1(exp0.Current(), TopAbs_FACE); exp1.More(); exp1.Next())
TopoDS_Face face = TopoDS::Face(exp1.Current());
int facenr = geom.fmap.FindIndex(face);
if(facenr < 1) continue;
if (face2solid[0][facenr-1] == 0)
face2solid[0][facenr-1] = solidnr;
face2solid[1][facenr-1] = solidnr;
int total = 0;
for (int i3 = 1; i3 <= geom.fmap.Extent(); i3++)
for (TopExp_Explorer exp2(geom.fmap(i3), TopAbs_WIRE); exp2.More(); exp2.Next())
for (TopExp_Explorer exp3(exp2.Current(), TopAbs_EDGE); exp3.More(); exp3.Next())
int facenr = 0;
// int edgenr = mesh.GetNSeg();
(*testout) << "faces = " << geom.fmap.Extent() << endl;
int curr = 0;
for (int i3 = 1; i3 <= geom.fmap.Extent(); i3++)
TopoDS_Face face = TopoDS::Face(geom.fmap(i3));
facenr = geom.fmap.FindIndex (face); // sollte doch immer == i3 sein ??? JS
int solidnr0 = face2solid[0][i3-1];
int solidnr1 = face2solid[1][i3-1];
/* auskommentiert am 3.3.05 von robert
for (exp2.Init (geom.somap(solidnr0), TopAbs_FACE); exp2.More(); exp2.Next())
TopoDS_Face face2 = TopoDS::Face(exp2.Current());
if (geom.fmap.FindIndex(face2) == facenr)
// if (face.Orientation() != face2.Orientation()) swap (solidnr0, solidnr1);
mesh.AddFaceDescriptor (FaceDescriptor(facenr, solidnr0, solidnr1, 0));
// Philippose - 06/07/2009
// Add the face colour to the mesh data
Quantity_Color face_colour;
&& (geom.face_colours->GetColor(face,XCAFDoc_ColorSurf,face_colour)))
auto it = OCCGeometry::global_shape_properties.find(face.TShape());
if (it != OCCGeometry::global_shape_properties.end() && it->second.col)
Vec<3> col = it->second.col.value_or(Vec<3>(0,1,0));
Handle(Geom_Surface) occface = BRep_Tool::Surface(face);
for (TopExp_Explorer exp2 (face, TopAbs_WIRE); exp2.More(); exp2.Next())
TopoDS_Shape wire = exp2.Current();
for (TopExp_Explorer exp3 (wire, TopAbs_EDGE); exp3.More(); exp3.Next())
(*testout) << "edge nr " << curr << endl;
multithread.percent = 100 * curr / double (total);
if (multithread.terminate) return;
TopoDS_Edge edge = TopoDS::Edge (exp3.Current());
if (BRep_Tool::Degenerated(edge))
//(*testout) << "ignoring degenerated edge" << endl;
if(geom.emap.FindIndex(edge) < 1) continue;
if (geom.vmap.FindIndex(TopExp::FirstVertex (edge)) ==
geom.vmap.FindIndex(TopExp::LastVertex (edge)))
GProp_GProps system;
BRepGProp::LinearProperties(edge, system);
if (system.Mass() < eps)
cout << "ignoring edge " << geom.emap.FindIndex (edge)
<< ". closed edge with length < " << eps << endl;
Handle(Geom2d_Curve) cof;
double s0, s1;
cof = BRep_Tool::CurveOnSurface (edge, face, s0, s1);
int geomedgenr = geom.emap.FindIndex(edge);
Array<PointIndex> pnums;
Array<double> params;
// check for identifications
bool copy_identified = false;
if (auto it = geom.identifications.find(edge.TShape()); it != geom.identifications.end())
for (auto & ids : it->second)
cout << "edge has identification with trafo " << ids.name << ", inv = " << ids.inverse << endl;
int otherind = geom.emap.FindIndex(ids.other);
Array<Segment> othersegs;
for (auto & seg : mesh.LineSegments())
if (seg.edgenr == otherind)
othersegs.Append (seg);
if (othersegs.Size())
cout << "other has already segs" << endl;
copy_identified = true;
Array<PointIndex> pnums_other;
pnums_other.Append (othersegs[0][0]);
for (auto & seg : othersegs)
pnums_other.Append (seg[1]);
auto inv = ids.trafo.CalcInverse();
// for (auto & pi : pnums)
for (auto oi : Range(pnums_other))
PointIndex piother = pnums_other[pnums_other.Size()-oi-1];
Point<3> pother = mesh[piother];
Point<3> p = inv(pother);
bool found = false;
PointIndex pi;
for (PointIndex piv : vertexrange)
if (Dist2 (mesh[piv], p) < eps*eps)
pi = piv;
found = true;
if (!found)
pi = mesh.AddPoint (p);
// params.Add ( find parameter p );
double s0, s1;
Handle(Geom_Curve) curve = BRep_Tool::Curve(edge, s0, s1);
GeomAPI_ProjectPointOnCurve proj(ng2occ(p), curve);
params.Append (proj.LowerDistanceParameter());
pnums.Append (pi);
mesh.GetIdentifications().Add (pi, piother, geomedgenr);
copy_identified = true;
if (!copy_identified)
if (alledgepnums[geomedgenr-1].Size())
pnums = alledgepnums[geomedgenr-1];
params = alledgeparams[geomedgenr-1];
NgArray <MeshPoint> mp;
DivideEdge (edge, mp, params, mesh, mparam);
if (!merge_solids)
pnums[0] = geom.vmap.FindIndex (TopExp::FirstVertex (edge)) + PointIndex::BASE-1;
pnums.Last() = geom.vmap.FindIndex (TopExp::LastVertex (edge)) + PointIndex::BASE-1;
Point<3> fp = occ2ng (BRep_Tool::Pnt (TopExp::FirstVertex (edge)));
Point<3> lp = occ2ng (BRep_Tool::Pnt (TopExp::LastVertex (edge)));
pnums[0] = PointIndex::INVALID;
pnums.Last() = PointIndex::INVALID;
for (PointIndex pi : vertexrange)
if (Dist2 (mesh[pi], fp) < eps*eps) pnums[0] = pi;
if (Dist2 (mesh[pi], lp) < eps*eps) pnums.Last() = pi;
for (size_t i = 1; i <= mp.Size(); i++)
bool exists = false;
// for (PointIndex j = first_ep; j < mesh.Points().End(); j++)
for (PointIndex j = first_ep; j < *mesh.Points().Range().end(); j++)
if ((mesh.Point(j)-Point<3>(mp[i-1])).Length() < eps)
exists = true;
pnums[i] = j;
if (!exists)
pnums[i] = mesh.AddPoint (mp[i-1]);
alledgepnums[geomedgenr-1] = pnums;
alledgeparams[geomedgenr-1] = params;
auto name = geom.enames.Size() ? geom.enames[geom.emap.FindIndex(edge)-1] : "";
if(name != "")
mesh.SetCD2Name(geomedgenr, name);
(*testout) << "NP = " << mesh.GetNP() << endl;
//(*testout) << pnums[pnums.Size()-1] << endl;
// for (size_t i = 1; i <= mp.Size()+1; i++)
for (size_t i = 1; i < pnums.Size(); i++)
// edgenr++;
Segment seg;
seg[0] = pnums[i-1];
seg[1] = pnums[i];
// seg.edgenr = edgenr;
seg.edgenr = geomedgenr;
seg.si = facenr;
seg.epgeominfo[0].dist = params[i-1];
seg.epgeominfo[1].dist = params[i];
seg.epgeominfo[0].edgenr = geomedgenr;
seg.epgeominfo[1].edgenr = geomedgenr;
double s0 = params[i-1];
double s1 = params[i];
double delta = s1-s0;
s0 += 1e-10*delta; // fixes normal-vector roundoff problem when endpoint is cone-tip
s1 -= 1e-10*delta;
gp_Pnt2d p2d1 = cof->Value(s0);
gp_Pnt2d p2d2 = cof->Value(s1);
seg.epgeominfo[0].u = p2d1.X();
seg.epgeominfo[0].v = p2d1.Y();
seg.epgeominfo[1].u = p2d2.X();
seg.epgeominfo[1].v = p2d2.Y();
if (occface->IsUPeriodic())
cout << "U Periodic" << endl;
if (fabs(seg.epgeominfo[1].u-seg.epgeominfo[0].u) >
seg.epgeominfo[0].u = p2d.X()+occface->UPeriod();
if (fabs(seg.epgeominfo[1].u-seg.epgeominfo[0].u) >
seg.epgeominfo[0].u = p2d.X()-occface->UPeriod();
if (occface->IsVPeriodic())
cout << "V Periodic" << endl;
if (fabs(seg.epgeominfo[1].v-seg.epgeominfo[0].v) >
seg.epgeominfo[0].v = p2d.Y()+occface->VPeriod();
if (fabs(seg.epgeominfo[1].v-seg.epgeominfo[0].v) >
seg.epgeominfo[0].v = p2d.Y()-occface->VPeriod();
if (edge.Orientation() == TopAbs_REVERSED)
swap (seg[0], seg[1]);
swap (seg.epgeominfo[0].dist, seg.epgeominfo[1].dist);
swap (seg.epgeominfo[0].u, seg.epgeominfo[1].u);
swap (seg.epgeominfo[0].v, seg.epgeominfo[1].v);
mesh.AddSegment (seg);
// for(i=1; i<=mesh.GetNSeg(); i++)
// (*testout) << "edge " << mesh.LineSegment(i).edgenr << " face " << mesh.LineSegment(i).si
// << " p1 " << mesh.LineSegment(i)[0] << " p2 " << mesh.LineSegment(i)[1] << endl;
// exit(10);
multithread.task = savetask;
void OCCMeshSurface (const OCCGeometry & geom, Mesh & mesh,
const MeshingParameters & mparam)
static Timer t("OCCMeshSurface"); RegionTimer r(t);
// int i, j, k;
// int changed;
const char * savetask = multithread.task;
multithread.task = "Surface meshing";
geom.facemeshstatus = 0;
int noldp = mesh.GetNP();
double starttime = GetTime();
NgArray<int, PointIndex::BASE> glob2loc(noldp);
//int projecttype = PARAMETERSPACE;
int projecttype = PARAMETERSPACE;
int notrys = 1;
int surfmesherror = 0;
for (int k = 1; k <= mesh.GetNFD(); k++)
if(1==0 && !geom.fvispar[k-1].IsDrawable())
(*testout) << "ignoring face " << k << endl;
cout << "ignoring face " << k << endl;
(*testout) << "mesh face " << k << endl;
multithread.percent = 100 * k / (mesh.GetNFD() + VSMALL);
geom.facemeshstatus[k-1] = -1;
FaceDescriptor & fd = mesh.GetFaceDescriptor(k);
int oldnf = mesh.GetNSE();
Box<3> bb = geom.GetBoundingBox();
// int projecttype = PLANESPACE;
// int projecttype = PARAMETERSPACE;
static Timer tinit("init");
Meshing2OCCSurfaces meshing(geom, TopoDS::Face(geom.fmap(k)), bb, projecttype, mparam);
static Timer tprint("print");
if (meshing.GetProjectionType() == PLANESPACE)
PrintMessage (2, "Face ", k, " / ", mesh.GetNFD(), " (plane space projection)");
PrintMessage (2, "Face ", k, " / ", mesh.GetNFD(), " (parameter space projection)");
if (surfmesherror)
cout << "Surface meshing error occurred before (in " << surfmesherror << " faces)" << endl;
// Meshing2OCCSurfaces meshing(f2, bb);
meshing.SetStartTime (starttime);
//(*testout) << "Face " << k << endl << endl;
if (meshing.GetProjectionType() == PLANESPACE)
static Timer t("MeshSurface: Find edges and points - Physical"); RegionTimer r(t);
int cntp = 0;
glob2loc = 0;
for (Segment & seg : mesh.LineSegments())
if (seg.si == k)
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
PointIndex pi = seg[j];
if (glob2loc[pi] == 0)
meshing.AddPoint (mesh.Point(pi), pi);
glob2loc[pi] = cntp;
for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNSeg(); i++)
Segment & seg = mesh.LineSegment(i);
for (Segment & seg : mesh.LineSegments())
if (seg.si == k)
PointGeomInfo gi0, gi1;
gi0.trignum = gi1.trignum = k;
gi0.u = seg.epgeominfo[0].u;
gi0.v = seg.epgeominfo[0].v;
gi1.u = seg.epgeominfo[1].u;
gi1.v = seg.epgeominfo[1].v;
meshing.AddBoundaryElement (glob2loc[seg[0]], glob2loc[seg[1]], gi0, gi1);
static Timer t("MeshSurface: Find edges and points - Parameter"); RegionTimer r(t);
int cntp = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNSeg(); i++)
if (mesh.LineSegment(i).si == k)
for (Segment & seg : mesh.LineSegments())
if (seg.si == k)
cntp += 2;
NgArray<PointGeomInfo> gis;
gis.SetAllocSize (cntp);
gis.SetSize (0);
for (int i = 1; i <= mesh.GetNSeg(); i++)
Segment & seg = mesh.LineSegment(i);
if (seg.si == k)
PointGeomInfo gi0, gi1;
gi0.trignum = gi1.trignum = k;
gi0.u = seg.epgeominfo[0].u;
gi0.v = seg.epgeominfo[0].v;
gi1.u = seg.epgeominfo[1].u;
gi1.v = seg.epgeominfo[1].v;
int locpnum[2] = {0, 0};
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
PointGeomInfo gi = (j == 0) ? gi0 : gi1;
int l;
for (l = 0; l < gis.Size() && locpnum[j] == 0; l++)
double dist = sqr (gis[l].u-gi.u)+sqr(gis[l].v-gi.v);
if (dist < 1e-10)
locpnum[j] = l+1;
if (locpnum[j] == 0)
PointIndex pi = seg[j];
meshing.AddPoint (mesh.Point(pi), pi);
gis.SetSize (gis.Size()+1);
gis[l] = gi;
locpnum[j] = l+1;
for (int l = 0; l < gis.Size(); l++)
double dist = sqr (gis[l].u-gi.u)+sqr(gis[l].v-gi.v);
if (dist < 1e-10)
locpnum[j] = l+1;
if (locpnum[j] == 0)
PointIndex pi = seg[j];
meshing.AddPoint (mesh.Point(pi), pi);
gis.Append (gi);
locpnum[j] = gis.Size();
meshing.AddBoundaryElement (locpnum[0], locpnum[1], gi0, gi1);
// Philippose - 15/01/2009
double maxh = min2(geom.face_maxh[k-1], OCCGeometry::global_shape_properties[TopoDS::Face(geom.fmap(k)).TShape()].maxh);
//double maxh = mparam.maxh;
// int noldpoints = mesh->GetNP();
int noldsurfel = mesh.GetNSE();
static Timer tsurfprop("surfprop");
GProp_GProps sprops;
// TODO: check overlap not correctly working here
MeshingParameters mparam_without_overlap = mparam;
mparam_without_overlap.checkoverlap = false;
try {
static Timer t("GenerateMesh"); RegionTimer reg(t);
res = meshing.GenerateMesh (mesh, mparam_without_overlap, maxh, k);
catch (SingularMatrixException)
// (*myerr) << "Singular Matrix" << endl;
catch (UVBoundsException)
// (*myerr) << "UV bounds exceeded" << endl;
projecttype = PARAMETERSPACE;
static Timer t1("rest of loop"); RegionTimer reg1(t1);
if (res != MESHING2_OK)
if (notrys == 1)
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei = noldsurfel; sei < mesh.GetNSE(); sei++)
cout << "retry Surface " << k << endl;
// projecttype*=-1;
projecttype = PLANESPACE;
geom.facemeshstatus[k-1] = -1;
PrintError ("Problem in Surface mesh generation");
// throw NgException ("Problem in Surface mesh generation");
geom.facemeshstatus[k-1] = 1;
notrys = 1;
for (SurfaceElementIndex sei = oldnf; sei < mesh.GetNSE(); sei++)
mesh[sei].SetIndex (k);
auto n_illegal_trigs = mesh.FindIllegalTrigs();
PrintMessage (3, n_illegal_trigs, " illegal triangles");
// ofstream problemfile("occmesh.rep");
// problemfile << "SURFACEMESHING" << endl << endl;
if (surfmesherror)
cout << "SURFACE MESHING ERROR OCCURRED IN " << surfmesherror << " FACES:" << endl;
for (int i = 1; i <= geom.fmap.Extent(); i++)
if (geom.facemeshstatus[i-1] == -1)
cout << "Face " << i << endl;
// problemfile << "problem with face " << i << endl;
// problemfile << "vertices: " << endl;
TopExp_Explorer exp0,exp1,exp2;
for ( exp0.Init(TopoDS::Face (geom.fmap(i)), TopAbs_WIRE); exp0.More(); exp0.Next() )
TopoDS_Wire wire = TopoDS::Wire(exp0.Current());
for ( exp1.Init(wire,TopAbs_EDGE); exp1.More(); exp1.Next() )
TopoDS_Edge edge = TopoDS::Edge(exp1.Current());
for ( exp2.Init(edge,TopAbs_VERTEX); exp2.More(); exp2.Next() )
TopoDS_Vertex vertex = TopoDS::Vertex(exp2.Current());
gp_Pnt point = BRep_Tool::Pnt(vertex);
// problemfile << point.X() << " " << point.Y() << " " << point.Z() << endl;
// problemfile << endl;
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "for more information open IGES/STEP Topology Explorer" << endl;
// problemfile.close();
throw NgException ("Problem in Surface mesh generation");
// problemfile << "OK" << endl << endl;
// problemfile.close();
for (int i = 0; i < mesh.GetNFD(); i++)
mesh.SetBCName (i, mesh.GetFaceDescriptor(i+1).GetBCName());
multithread.task = savetask;
void OCCOptimizeSurface(OCCGeometry & geom, Mesh & mesh,
const MeshingParameters & mparam)
const char * savetask = multithread.task;
multithread.task = "Optimizing surface";
static Timer timer_opt2d("Optimization 2D");
for (int k = 1; k <= mesh.GetNFD(); k++)
// if (k != 42) continue;
// if (k != 36) continue;
// (*testout) << "optimize face " << k << endl;
multithread.percent = 100 * k / (mesh.GetNFD() + VSMALL);
FaceDescriptor & fd = mesh.GetFaceDescriptor(k);
PrintMessage (1, "Optimize Surface ", k);
for (int i = 1; i <= mparam.optsteps2d; i++)
// (*testout) << "optstep " << i << endl;
if (multithread.terminate) return;
MeshOptimize2d meshopt(mesh);
meshopt.SetFaceIndex (k);
meshopt.SetImproveEdges (0);
meshopt.SetMetricWeight (mparam.elsizeweight);
meshopt.SetWriteStatus (0);
meshopt.EdgeSwapping (i > mparam.optsteps2d/2);
if (multithread.terminate) return;
MeshOptimize2d meshopt(mesh);
meshopt.SetFaceIndex (k);
meshopt.SetImproveEdges (0);
meshopt.SetMetricWeight (mparam.elsizeweight);
meshopt.SetWriteStatus (0);
meshopt.ImproveMesh (mparam);
MeshOptimize2d meshopt(mesh);
meshopt.SetFaceIndex (k);
meshopt.SetImproveEdges (0);
meshopt.SetMetricWeight (mparam.elsizeweight);
meshopt.SetWriteStatus (0);
meshopt.CombineImprove ();
if (multithread.terminate) return;
MeshOptimize2d meshopt(mesh);
meshopt.SetFaceIndex (k);
meshopt.SetImproveEdges (0);
meshopt.SetMetricWeight (mparam.elsizeweight);
meshopt.SetWriteStatus (0);
meshopt.ImproveMesh (mparam);
multithread.task = savetask;
void OCCSetLocalMeshSize(const OCCGeometry & geom, Mesh & mesh,
const MeshingParameters & mparam, const OCCParameters& occparam)
static Timer t1("OCCSetLocalMeshSize");
RegionTimer regt(t1);
mesh.SetGlobalH (mparam.maxh);
mesh.SetMinimalH (mparam.minh);
NgArray<double> maxhdom;
maxhdom.SetSize (geom.NrSolids());
maxhdom = mparam.maxh;
int dom = 0;
for (TopExp_Explorer e(geom.GetShape(), TopAbs_SOLID); e.More(); e.Next(), dom++)
maxhdom[dom] = min2(maxhdom[dom], OCCGeometry::global_shape_properties[e.Current().TShape()].maxh);
mesh.SetMaxHDomain (maxhdom);
Box<3> bb = geom.GetBoundingBox();
bb.Increase (bb.Diam()/10);
mesh.SetLocalH (bb.PMin(), bb.PMax(), 0.5);
if (mparam.uselocalh)
const char * savetask = multithread.task;
multithread.percent = 0;
mesh.SetLocalH (bb.PMin(), bb.PMax(), mparam.grading);
int nedges = geom.emap.Extent();
double mincurvelength = IGNORECURVELENGTH;
double maxedgelen = 0;
double minedgelen = 1e99;
mincurvelength = occparam.resthminedgelen;
if(mincurvelength < IGNORECURVELENGTH) mincurvelength = IGNORECURVELENGTH;
multithread.task = "Setting local mesh size (elements per edge)";
// Philippose - 23/01/2009
// Find all the parent faces of a given edge
// and limit the mesh size of the edge based on the
// mesh size limit of the face
TopTools_IndexedDataMapOfShapeListOfShape edge_face_map;
TopExp::MapShapesAndAncestors(geom.shape, TopAbs_EDGE, TopAbs_FACE, edge_face_map);
// setting elements per edge
for (int i = 1; i <= nedges && !multithread.terminate; i++)
TopoDS_Edge e = TopoDS::Edge (geom.emap(i));
multithread.percent = 100 * (i-1)/double(nedges);
if (BRep_Tool::Degenerated(e)) continue;
GProp_GProps system;
BRepGProp::LinearProperties(e, system);
double len = system.Mass();
if (len < mincurvelength)
(*testout) << "ignored" << endl;
double localh = len/mparam.segmentsperedge;
double s0, s1;
const TopTools_ListOfShape& parent_faces = edge_face_map.FindFromKey(e);
TopTools_ListIteratorOfListOfShape parent_face_list;
for(parent_face_list.Initialize(parent_faces); parent_face_list.More(); parent_face_list.Next())
TopoDS_Face parent_face = TopoDS::Face(parent_face_list.Value());
int face_index = geom.fmap.FindIndex(parent_face);
if(face_index >= 1) localh = min(localh,geom.face_maxh[face_index - 1]);
localh = min2(localh, OCCGeometry::global_shape_properties[parent_face.TShape()].maxh);
Handle(Geom_Curve) c = BRep_Tool::Curve(e, s0, s1);
localh = min2(localh, OCCGeometry::global_shape_properties[e.TShape()].maxh);
maxedgelen = max (maxedgelen, len);
minedgelen = min (minedgelen, len);
int maxj = max((int) ceil(len/localh), 2);
for (int j = 0; j <= maxj; j++)
gp_Pnt pnt = c->Value (s0+double(j)/maxj*(s1-s0));
mesh.RestrictLocalH (Point3d(pnt.X(), pnt.Y(), pnt.Z()), localh);
multithread.task = "Setting local mesh size (edge curvature)";
// setting edge curvature
int nsections = 20;
for (int i = 1; i <= nedges && !multithread.terminate; i++)
double maxcur = 0;
multithread.percent = 100 * (i-1)/double(nedges);
TopoDS_Edge edge = TopoDS::Edge (geom.emap(i));
if (BRep_Tool::Degenerated(edge)) continue;
double s0, s1;
Handle(Geom_Curve) c = BRep_Tool::Curve(edge, s0, s1);
BRepAdaptor_Curve brepc(edge);
BRepLProp_CLProps prop(brepc, 2, 1e-5);
for (int j = 1; j <= nsections; j++)
double s = s0 + j/(double) nsections * (s1-s0);
prop.SetParameter (s);
double curvature = 0;
curvature = prop.Curvature();
if(curvature> maxcur) maxcur = curvature;
if (curvature >= 1e99)
gp_Pnt pnt = c->Value (s);
mesh.RestrictLocalH (Point3d(pnt.X(), pnt.Y(), pnt.Z()), ComputeH (fabs(curvature), mparam));
multithread.task = "Setting local mesh size (face curvature)";
// setting face curvature
int nfaces = geom.fmap.Extent();
for (int i = 1; i <= nfaces && !multithread.terminate; i++)
multithread.percent = 100 * (i-1)/double(nfaces);
TopoDS_Face face = TopoDS::Face(geom.fmap(i));
TopLoc_Location loc;
Handle(Geom_Surface) surf = BRep_Tool::Surface (face);
Handle(Poly_Triangulation) triangulation = BRep_Tool::Triangulation (face, loc);
if (triangulation.IsNull())
BRepTools::Clean (geom.shape);
BRepMesh_IncrementalMesh (geom.shape, 0.01, true);
triangulation = BRep_Tool::Triangulation (face, loc);
BRepAdaptor_Surface sf(face, Standard_True);
// one prop for evaluating and one for derivatives
BRepLProp_SLProps prop(sf, 0, 1e-5);
BRepLProp_SLProps prop2(sf, 2, 1e-5);
int ntriangles = triangulation -> NbTriangles();
for (int j = 1; j <= ntriangles; j++)
gp_Pnt p[3];
gp_Pnt2d par[3];
for (int k = 1; k <=3; k++)
// int n = triangulation->Triangles()(j)(k);
// p[k-1] = triangulation->Nodes()(n).Transformed(loc);
// par[k-1] = triangulation->UVNodes()(n);
// fix for OCC7.6.0-dev
int n = triangulation->Triangle(j)(k);
p[k-1] = triangulation->Node(n).Transformed(loc);
par[k-1] = triangulation->UVNode(n);
//double maxside = 0;
//maxside = max (maxside, p[0].Distance(p[1]));
//maxside = max (maxside, p[0].Distance(p[2]));
//maxside = max (maxside, p[1].Distance(p[2]));
//cout << "\rFace " << i << " pos11 ntriangles " << ntriangles << " maxside " << maxside << flush;
RestrictHTriangle (par[0], par[1], par[2], &prop, &prop2, mesh, 0, 0, mparam);
//cout << "\rFace " << i << " pos12 ntriangles " << ntriangles << flush;
// setting close edges
if (mparam.closeedgefac.has_value())
multithread.task = "Setting local mesh size (close edges)";
int sections = 100;
NgArray<Line> lines(sections*nedges);
BoxTree<3> * searchtree =
new BoxTree<3> (bb.PMin(), bb.PMax());
BoxTree<3> searchtree(bb.PMin(), bb.PMax());
int nlines = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= nedges && !multithread.terminate; i++)
TopoDS_Edge edge = TopoDS::Edge (geom.emap(i));
if (BRep_Tool::Degenerated(edge)) continue;
double s0, s1;
Handle(Geom_Curve) c = BRep_Tool::Curve(edge, s0, s1);
BRepAdaptor_Curve brepc(edge);
BRepLProp_CLProps prop(brepc, 1, 1e-5);
prop.SetParameter (s0);
gp_Vec d0 = prop.D1().Normalized();
double s_start = s0;
int count = 0;
for (int j = 1; j <= sections; j++)
double s = s0 + (s1-s0)*(double)j/(double)sections;
prop.SetParameter (s);
gp_Vec d1 = prop.D1().Normalized();
double cosalpha = fabs(d0*d1);
if ((j == sections) || (cosalpha < cos(10.0/180.0*M_PI)))
gp_Pnt p0 = c->Value (s_start);
gp_Pnt p1 = c->Value (s);
lines[nlines].p0 = Point<3> (p0.X(), p0.Y(), p0.Z());
lines[nlines].p1 = Point<3> (p1.X(), p1.Y(), p1.Z());
Box3d box;
box.SetPoint (Point3d(lines[nlines].p0));
box.AddPoint (Point3d(lines[nlines].p1));
searchtree.Insert (box.PMin(), box.PMax(), nlines+1);
s_start = s;
d0 = d1;
NgArray<int> linenums;
for (int i = 0; i < nlines; i++)
multithread.percent = (100*i)/double(nlines);
Line & line = lines[i];
Box3d box;
box.SetPoint (Point3d(line.p0));
box.AddPoint (Point3d(line.p1));
double maxhline = max (mesh.GetH(box.PMin()),
double mindist = 1e99;
for (int j = 0; j < linenums.Size(); j++)
int num = linenums[j]-1;
if (i == num) continue;
if ((line.p0-lines[num].p0).Length2() < 1e-15) continue;
if ((line.p0-lines[num].p1).Length2() < 1e-15) continue;
if ((line.p1-lines[num].p0).Length2() < 1e-15) continue;
if ((line.p1-lines[num].p1).Length2() < 1e-15) continue;
mindist = min (mindist, line.Dist(lines[num]));
mindist /= (*mparam.closeedgefac + VSMALL);
if (mindist < 1e-3 * bb.Diam())
(*testout) << "extremely small local h: " << mindist
<< " --> setting to " << 1e-3 * bb.Diam() << endl;
(*testout) << "somewhere near " << line.p0 << " - " << line.p1 << endl;
mindist = 1e-3 * bb.Diam();
mesh.RestrictLocalHLine(line.p0, line.p1, mindist);
for (auto mspnt : mparam.meshsize_points)
mesh.RestrictLocalH(mspnt.pnt, mspnt.h);
multithread.task = savetask;
mesh.LoadLocalMeshSize (mparam.meshsizefilename);