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namespace netgen
extern double CalcTotalBad (const Mesh::T_POINTS & points,
const Array<Element, ElementIndex> & elements,
const MeshingParameters & mp);
class MeshOptimize3d
Mesh & mesh;
const MeshingParameters & mp;
double min_badness = 0;
bool HasBadElement(FlatArray<ElementIndex> els);
bool HasIllegalElement(FlatArray<ElementIndex> els);
bool NeedsOptimization(FlatArray<ElementIndex> els);
MeshOptimize3d (Mesh & m, const MeshingParameters & amp, OPTIMIZEGOAL agoal = OPT_QUALITY) :
mesh(m), mp(amp), goal(agoal) { ; }
void SetGoal(OPTIMIZEGOAL agoal) { goal = agoal; }
void SetMinBadness(double badness) { min_badness = badness; }
tuple<double, double, int> UpdateBadness();
double CombineImproveEdge (
Table<ElementIndex, PointIndex> & elements_of_point,
PointIndex pi0, PointIndex pi1,
FlatArray<bool, PointIndex> is_point_removed, bool check_only=false);
void CombineImprove ();
void SplitImprove ();
double SplitImproveEdge (Table<ElementIndex,PointIndex> & elementsonnode, NgArray<INDEX_3> &locfaces, double badmax, PointIndex pi1, PointIndex pi2, PointIndex ptmp, bool check_only=false);
void SplitImprove2 ();
double SplitImprove2Element (ElementIndex ei, const Table<ElementIndex, PointIndex> & elements_of_point, bool check_only);
double SwapImproveEdge (const NgBitArray * working_elements, Table<ElementIndex,PointIndex> & elementsonnode, INDEX_3_HASHTABLE<int> & faces, PointIndex pi1, PointIndex pi2, bool check_only=false);
void SwapImprove (const NgBitArray * working_elements = NULL);
void SwapImproveSurface (const NgBitArray * working_elements = NULL,
const NgArray< NgArray<int,PointIndex::BASE>* > * idmaps = NULL);
void SwapImprove2 ();
double SwapImprove2 (ElementIndex eli1, int face, Table<ElementIndex, PointIndex> & elementsonnode, TABLE<SurfaceElementIndex, PointIndex::BASE> & belementsonnode, bool check_only=false );
void ImproveMesh() { mesh.ImproveMesh(mp, goal); }
CalcBad (const Mesh::T_POINTS & points, const Element & elem, double h)
if (elem.GetType() == TET)
return CalcTetBadness (points[elem[0]], points[elem[1]],
points[elem[2]], points[elem[3]], h, mp);
return 0;
double CalcTotalBad (const Mesh::T_POINTS & points,
const Array<Element, ElementIndex> & elements)
return netgen::CalcTotalBad (points, elements, mp);
double GetLegalPenalty()
return goal == OPT_LEGAL ? 1e15 : 1e6;
inline double
CalcBad (const Mesh::T_POINTS & points, const Element & elem, double h, const MeshingParameters & mp)
if (elem.GetType() == TET)
return CalcTetBadness (points[elem[0]], points[elem[1]],
points[elem[2]], points[elem[3]], h, mp);
return 0;
extern int WrongOrientation (const Mesh::T_POINTS & points, const Element & el);
/* Functional depending of inner point inside triangular surface */
class MinFunctionSum : public MinFunction
NgArray<MinFunction*> functions;
virtual double Func (const Vector & x) const;
virtual void Grad (const Vector & x, Vector & g) const;
virtual double FuncGrad (const Vector & x, Vector & g) const;
virtual double FuncDeriv (const Vector & x, const Vector & dir, double & deriv) const;
virtual double GradStopping (const Vector & x) const;
void AddFunction(MinFunction & fun);
const MinFunction & Function(int i) const;
MinFunction & Function(int i);
class PointFunction1 : public MinFunction
Mesh::T_POINTS & points;
const NgArray<INDEX_3> & faces;
const MeshingParameters & mp;
double h;
PointFunction1 (Mesh::T_POINTS & apoints,
const NgArray<INDEX_3> & afaces,
const MeshingParameters & amp,
double ah);
virtual double Func (const Vector & x) const;
virtual double FuncDeriv (const Vector & x, const Vector & dir, double & deriv) const;
virtual double FuncGrad (const Vector & x, Vector & g) const;
virtual double GradStopping (const Vector & x) const;
class JacobianPointFunction : public MinFunction
Mesh::T_POINTS & points;
const Array<Element, ElementIndex> & elements;
TABLE<INDEX> elementsonpoint;
PointIndex actpind;
bool onplane;
Vec<3> nv;
JacobianPointFunction (Mesh::T_POINTS & apoints,
const Array<Element, ElementIndex> & aelements);
virtual ~JacobianPointFunction () { ; }
virtual void SetPointIndex (PointIndex aactpind);
virtual double Func (const Vector & x) const;
virtual double FuncGrad (const Vector & x, Vector & g) const;
virtual double FuncDeriv (const Vector & x, const Vector & dir, double & deriv) const;
inline void SetNV(const Vec<3> & anv) {nv = anv; onplane = true;}
inline void UnSetNV(void) {onplane = false;}
} // namespace netgen