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namespace netgen
DLL_HEADER extern void InsertVirtualBoundaryLayer (Mesh & mesh);
/// Create a typical prismatic boundary layer on the given
/// surfaces
class BoundaryLayerParameters
// parameters by Philippose ..
Array<int> surfid;
Array<double> heights;
map<string, string> new_mat;
BitArray domains;
bool outside = false; // set the boundary layer on the outside
bool grow_edges = false;
bool limit_growth_vectors = true;
double limit_safety = 0.3; // alloow only 30% of the growth vector length
bool sides_keep_surfaceindex = false;
bool keep_surfaceindex = false;
Array<size_t> project_boundaries;
DLL_HEADER void GenerateBoundaryLayer (Mesh & mesh,
const BoundaryLayerParameters & blp);
DLL_HEADER int /* new_domain_number */ GenerateBoundaryLayer2 (Mesh & mesh, int domain, const Array<double> & thicknesses, bool should_make_new_domain=true, const Array<int> & boundaries=Array<int>{});
class BoundaryLayerTool
BoundaryLayerTool(Mesh & mesh_, const BoundaryLayerParameters & params_);
void Perform();
Mesh & mesh;
MeshTopology & topo;
BoundaryLayerParameters params;
Array<Vec<3>, PointIndex> growthvectors;
Table<SurfaceElementIndex, PointIndex> p2sel;
BitArray domains, is_edge_moved, is_boundary_projected, is_boundary_moved;
Array<SegmentIndex> moved_segs;
int max_edge_nr, nfd_old, ndom_old;
Array<int> new_mat_nrs;
BitArray moved_surfaces;
int np, nseg, nse, ne;
double height;
bool have_single_segments;
Array<Segment> segments, new_segments;
Array<double> surfacefacs;
Array<int> si_map;
Array<double, PointIndex> limits;
// major steps called in Perform()
void CreateNewFaceDescriptors();
void CreateFaceDescriptorsSides();
void CalculateGrowthVectors();
Array<Array<pair<SegmentIndex, int>>, SegmentIndex> BuildSegMap();
BitArray ProjectGrowthVectorsOnSurface();
void InterpolateSurfaceGrowthVectors();
void InterpolateGrowthVectors();
void LimitGrowthVectorLengths();
void InsertNewElements(FlatArray<Array<pair<SegmentIndex, int>>, SegmentIndex> segmap, const BitArray & in_surface_direction);
void SetDomInOut();
void SetDomInOutSides();
void AddSegments();
void FixVolumeElements();
// utility functions
array<Point<3>, 2> GetMappedSeg( PointIndex pi );
ArrayMem<Point<3>, 4> GetFace( SurfaceElementIndex sei );
ArrayMem<Point<3>, 4> GetMappedFace( SurfaceElementIndex sei );
ArrayMem<Point<3>, 4> GetMappedFace( SurfaceElementIndex sei, int face );
Vec<3> getNormal(const Element2d & el)
auto v0 = mesh[el[0]];
return Cross(mesh[el[1]]-v0, mesh[el[2]]-v0).Normalize();
Vec<3> getEdgeTangent(PointIndex pi, int edgenr);
} // namespace netgen