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synced 2025-03-28 01:08:37 +05:00
442 lines
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442 lines
12 KiB
if { [catch { load liboccvis[info sharedlibextension] Ng_OCC } result ] } {
# puts "cannot load occ"
# puts "error: $result"
if { [catch { Ng_OCCCommand isoccgeometryloaded }] } {
# dummy
proc rebuildoccdialog { } { }
} {
puts "OCC module loaded"
set hasocc yes
.ngmenu.geometry add separator
.ngmenu.geometry add command -label "IGES/STEP Topology Explorer/Doctor..." \
-command { occdialog; }
# Philippose - 30/01/2009
# Add menu item for local face mesh size definition in the
# TCL Gui
.ngmenu.geometry add command -label "Edit Face Mesh Size..." \
-command { surfacemeshsizedialog }
# .ngmenu.geometry add command -label "OCC Construction" \
# -command { Ng_OCCConstruction; }
set entities [ ]
proc occdialogbuildtree {} {
global entities
set w .occ_dlg
set hlist [$w.mtre subwidget hlist]
set entities [Ng_GetOCCData getentities]
set nrentities [expr [llength $entities]]
if {$nrentities != 0} {
$hlist add Topology -itemtype text -text "Topology"
$hlist add Topology/CompSolids -itemtype text -text "Composite Solids" -data "Composite Solids"
$hlist add Topology/FreeSolids -itemtype text -text "Free Solids" -data "Free Solids"
$hlist add Topology/FreeShells -itemtype text -text "Free Shells" -data "Free Shells"
$hlist add Topology/FreeFaces -itemtype text -text "Free Faces" -data "Free Faces"
$hlist add Topology/FreeWires -itemtype text -text "Free Wires" -data "Free Wires"
$hlist add Topology/FreeEdges -itemtype text -text "Free Edges" -data "Free Edges"
$hlist add Topology/FreeVertices -itemtype text -text "Free Vertices" -data "Free Vertices"
# $hlist add SingularEntities -itemtype text -text "Entities marked as singular"
set i [expr 0]
while {$i < $nrentities} {
set entity [lindex $entities [expr $i]]
incr i 1
set entityname [lindex $entities [expr $i]]
$hlist add Topology/$entity -text $entityname -data $entityname
incr i 1
$w.mtre close Topology/$entity
$w.mtre autosetmode
$w.mtre open Topology
$w.mtre close Topology/CompSolids
$w.mtre close Topology/FreeSolids
$w.mtre close Topology/FreeShells
$w.mtre close Topology/FreeFaces
$w.mtre close Topology/FreeWires
$w.mtre close Topology/FreeEdges
$w.mtre close Topology/FreeVertices
set i [expr 0]
while {$i < $nrentities} {
set entity [lindex $entities [expr $i]]
$w.mtre close Topology/$entity
incr i 2
set faces [Ng_OCCCommand getunmeshedfaceinfo]
set nrfaces [expr [llength $faces]]
if {$nrfaces >= 2} {
$hlist add ErrorFaces -itemtype text -text "Faces with surface meshing error"
$w.mtre open ErrorFaces
set i [expr 0]
while {$i < $nrfaces} {
set entity [lindex $faces [expr $i]]
incr i 1
set entityname [lindex $faces [expr $i]]
$hlist add ErrorFaces/$entity -text $entityname -data $entityname
incr i 1
set faces [Ng_OCCCommand getnotdrawablefaces]
set nrfaces [expr [llength $faces]]
if {$nrfaces >= 2} {
$hlist add NotDrawableFaces -itemtype text -text "Faces impossible to visualize"
$w.mtre open NotDrawableFaces
set i [expr 0]
while {$i < $nrfaces} {
set entity [lindex $faces [expr $i]]
incr i 1
set entityname [lindex $faces [expr $i]]
$hlist add NotDrawableFaces/$entity -text $entityname -data $entityname
incr i 1
$w.mtre autosetmode
puts "done"
proc rebuildoccdialog {} {
if {[winfo exists .occ_dlg] == 1} {
[.occ_dlg.mtre subwidget hlist] delete all
proc checkoccloaded { } {
set isoccgeometryloaded [Ng_OCCCommand isoccgeometryloaded]
if {$isoccgeometryloaded == 0} {
puts "no IGES/STEP geometry loaded"
destroy .occ_dlg
#proc setocctolerance { } {
# set w .setocctolerance
proc selectentity { entityname } {
global entities
set nrentities [expr [llength $entities]]
set i [expr 0]
while {$i < $nrentities} {
set entitylength []
set entity2 [lindex $entities [expr $i]]
incr i 1
set entityname2 [lindex $entities [expr $i]]
incr i 1
set entityname2 [string range $entityname2 0 [expr [string length $entityname]-1]]
if {$entityname == $entityname2} {
set hlist [.occ_dlg.mtre subwidget hlist]
.occ_dlg.mtre open Topology
set slashpos [string last "/" $entity2]
set entity3 [string range $entity2 0 [expr $slashpos-1]]
while {$slashpos != -1} {
.occ_dlg.mtre open Topology/$entity3
set slashpos [string last "/" $entity3]
set entity3 [string range $entity3 0 [expr $slashpos-1]]
$hlist selection clear
$hlist see Topology/$entity2
$hlist selection set Topology/$entity2
proc occdialog { } {
uplevel 1 {
global entities
set selectvisual geometry
set w .occ_dlg
if {[winfo exists .occ_dlg] == 1} {
wm withdraw $w
wm deiconify $w
focus $w
} {
toplevel $w
tixTree $w.mtre -options { separator "/" }
pack $w.mtre -fill both -expand yes
set hlist [$w.mtre subwidget hlist]
$hlist configure -selectforeground black
$hlist configure -selectbackground grey
set solname {""}
bind $hlist <Double-1> {
set oldsolname {$solname}
set solname [[.occ_dlg.mtre subwidget hlist] info selection]
if {$solname != "" && $oldsolname != $solname } {
set seppos [string first "/" $solname]
set rootname [string range $solname 0 [expr $seppos-1]]
set entityname [[.occ_dlg.mtre subwidget hlist] info data $solname]
set spacepos [string first " " $entityname]
set entitytype [string range $entityname 0 [expr $spacepos-1]]
set helpstring [string range $entityname [expr $spacepos+1] [expr [string length $entityname]-1]]
set spacepos2 [string first " " $helpstring]
set entitynumber [string range $helpstring 0 [expr $spacepos2-1]]
if {$rootname == "Topology"} {
Ng_OCCCommand highlightentity $entitytype $entitynumber
set selectvisual geometry
} {
set brackpos [string first " (" $entityname]
if {$brackpos != -1} {
set entityname [string range $entityname 0 $brackpos]
selectentity $entityname
button $w.cl -text "Close" -command {
destroy .occ_dlg
button $w.show -text "Show" -command {
set solname [[.occ_dlg.mtre subwidget hlist] info selection]
set entityname [[.occ_dlg.mtre subwidget hlist] info data $solname]
set spacepos [string first " " $entityname]
set entitytype [string range $entityname 0 [expr $spacepos-1]]
set helpstring [string range $entityname [expr $spacepos+1] [expr [string length $entityname]-1]]
set spacepos2 [string first " " $helpstring]
set entitynumber [string range $helpstring 0 [expr $spacepos2-1]]
Ng_OCCCommand show $entitytype $entitynumber
set selectvisual geometry
# Ng_SetVisParameters
button $w.hide -text "Hide" -command {
set solname [[.occ_dlg.mtre subwidget hlist] info selection]
set entityname [[.occ_dlg.mtre subwidget hlist] info data $solname]
set spacepos [string first " " $entityname]
set entitytype [string range $entityname 0 [expr $spacepos-1]]
set helpstring [string range $entityname [expr $spacepos+1] [expr [string length $entityname]-1]]
set spacepos2 [string first " " $helpstring]
set entitynumber [string range $helpstring 0 [expr $spacepos2-1]]
Ng_OCCCommand hide $entitytype $entitynumber
set selectvisual geometry
# Ng_SetVisParameters
button $w.swaporientation -text "Swap orientation" -command {
set solname [[.occ_dlg.mtre subwidget hlist] info selection]
set entityname [[.occ_dlg.mtre subwidget hlist] info data $solname]
set spacepos [string first " " $entityname]
set entitytype [string range $entityname 0 [expr $spacepos-1]]
set helpstring [string range $entityname [expr $spacepos+1] [expr [string length $entityname]-1]]
set spacepos2 [string first " " $helpstring]
set entitynumber [string range $helpstring 0 [expr $spacepos2-1]]
Ng_OCCCommand swaporientation $entitytype $entitynumber
set selectvisual geometry
# Ng_SetVisParameters
[.occ_dlg.mtre subwidget hlist] delete all
button $w.marksingular -text "Mark/Unmark as singular" -command {
set solname [[.occ_dlg.mtre subwidget hlist] info selection]
set entityname [[.occ_dlg.mtre subwidget hlist] info data $solname]
set spacepos [string first " " $entityname]
if { $spacepos != 0 } {
set entitytype [string range $entityname 0 [expr $spacepos-1]]
set helpstring [string range $entityname [expr $spacepos+1] [expr [string length $entityname]-1]]
set spacepos2 [string first " " $helpstring]
if { $spacepos2 != 0 } {
set entitynumber [string range $helpstring 0 [expr $spacepos2-1]]
global ismarkedsingular
Ng_OCCCommand marksingular $entitytype $entitynumber
set hlist [$w.mtre subwidget hlist]
# $hlist entryconfigure $solname -text "hallo"
# set style1 [tixDisplayStyle imagetext -font 8x13]
set style1 [tixDisplayStyle imagetext -foreground black -background white -selectforeground white -selectbackground blue]
set style2 [tixDisplayStyle imagetext -foreground red -background white -selectforeground red -selectbackground blue]
if { $ismarkedsingular == 0 } {
$hlist entryconfigure $solname -style $style1
} {
$hlist entryconfigure $solname -style $style2
# set hlist [$w.mtre subwidget hlist]
# foreach solname2 $hlist {
# if { $ismarkedsingular == 0 } {
# $hlist entryconfigure $solname2 -style $style1
# } {
# $hlist entryconfigure $solname2 -style $style2
# }
# }
# $hlist add test -after $solname
# $hlist add SingularEntities/$entityname -text $entityname
# set selectvisual geometry
# Ng_SetVisParameters
# redraw
# [.occ_dlg.mtre subwidget hlist] delete all
# occdialogbuildtree
checkbutton $w.zoomtohighlightedentity -text "Zoom to highlighted entity" \
-variable occoptions.zoomtohighlightedentity \
-command {
if { ${occoptions.zoomtohighlightedentity} == 1} {
set selectvisual geometry
# Ng_SetVisParameters
Ng_OCCCommand redrawstatus 1
} {
Ng_OCCCommand redrawstatus 0
frame $w.healing -relief groove -borderwidth 3
button $w.healing.checkentities -text "Analyze geometry" -command {
set irregent [Ng_OCCCommand findsmallentities]
set w .occ_dlg
set hlist [$w.mtre subwidget hlist]
$hlist add ProblematicEntities -text "Problematic Entities"
$hlist delete offsprings ProblematicEntities
set nritems [expr [llength $irregent]]
set i [expr 0]
while {$i < $nritems} {
set entity [lindex $irregent [expr $i]]
incr i 1
set entityname [lindex $irregent [expr $i]]
$hlist add ProblematicEntities/$entity -text $entityname -data $entityname
incr i 1
$w.mtre open ProblematicEntities
$w.mtre autosetmode
tixControl $w.healing.tolerance -label "Healing tolerance: " -integer false \
-variable occoptions.tolerance -min 1e-9 -max 1e6 \
-options {
entry.width 6
label.width 25
label.anchor e
checkbutton $w.healing.fixsmalledges -text "Fix small edges" \
-variable occoptions.fixsmalledges
checkbutton $w.healing.fixspotstripfaces -text "Fix spot/strip faces" \
-variable occoptions.fixspotstripfaces
checkbutton $w.healing.sewfaces -text "Sew faces" \
-variable occoptions.sewfaces
checkbutton $w.healing.makesolids -text "Make solids" \
-variable occoptions.makesolids
checkbutton $w.healing.splitpartitions -text "Split partitions" \
-variable occoptions.splitpartitions
button $w.healing.heal -text "Heal geometry" -command {
.occ_dlg.healing.tolerance invoke
Ng_OCCCommand shapehealing
[.occ_dlg.mtre subwidget hlist] delete all
pack $w.healing.checkentities
pack $w.healing.tolerance $w.healing.fixsmalledges \
$w.healing.fixspotstripfaces $w.healing.sewfaces \
$w.healing.makesolids $w.healing.splitpartitions -anchor w
pack $w.healing.heal
pack $w.show $w.hide
pack $w.zoomtohighlightedentity -anchor w
# pack $w.checkentities
pack $w.swaporientation
pack $w.marksingular
pack $w.healing -fill x
pack $w.cl
wm withdraw $w
wm geom $w +100+100
wm deiconify $w
wm title $w "IGES/STEP Topology Explorer/Doctor"
focus .occ_dlg
} |